Comparison of Whole-Genome DNA Methylation Patterns in Whole Blood, Saliva, and Lymphoblastoid Cell...


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Comparison of Whole-Genome DNA Methylation Patternsin Whole Blood, Saliva, and Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines

Tara M. Thompson • Duaa Sharfi • Maria Lee •

Carolyn M. Yrigollen • Oksana Yu Naumova •

Elena L. Grigorenko

Received: 10 November 2012 / Accepted: 13 December 2012 / Published online: 27 December 2012

� Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012

Abstract Epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA meth-

ylation, that underlie neuropsychiatric conditions have

become a promising area of research. Most commonly used

DNA sources in such studies are peripheral (whole) blood

(WB), saliva (SL), and lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs);

thus, the question of the consistency of DNA methylation

patterns in those cells is of particular interest. To investi-

gate this question we performed comparative analyses of

methylation patterns in WB, SL, and LCLs derived from

the same individuals, using Illumina HumanMethylation27

BeadChip arrays. Our results showed that DNA methyla-

tion patterns in SL are relatively consistent with those in

WB, whereas the patterns in LCLs are similarly distinct

from both WB and SL. The results indicated that due to

multiple random and directed changes in DNA methylation

throughout cell culturing, LCLs are not a reliable source of

DNA for epigenetic studies and should be used with

caution when investigating epigenetic mechanisms under-

lying biological processes.

Keywords Lymphoblastoid cell lines � Saliva � Whole

blood � DNA methylation � Methylation pattern


DNA methylation is a well-known mechanism of genes

activity regulation that provides valuable information on

development, typical functioning and disorders (Laird

2003), including neuropsychiatric conditions (Abdo-

lmaleky et al. 2004, 2008; Feng and Fan 2009; Hsieh and

Elisch 2010; Mill et al. 2008; Nohesara et al. 2011).

Studies have provided evidence that individuals with neu-

ropsychiatric disorders can be distinguished by epigenetic

encoding disturbances found in both the brain and sec-

ondary tissues (Abdolmaleky et al. 2008; Feng and Fan

2009; Hsieh and Elisch 2010; Iwamoto et al. 2004; Mill

et al. 2008). Among those ‘‘secondary tissues,’’ peripheral

blood (whole blood, WB), saliva (SL), and lymphoblastoid

cell lines (LCLs) are most commonly used as sources of

Edited by John K. Hewitt.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of thisarticle (doi:10.1007/s10519-012-9579-1) contains supplementarymaterial, which is available to authorized users.

T. M. Thompson � D. Sharfi � M. Lee � C. M. Yrigollen �O. Y. Naumova � E. L. Grigorenko

Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

D. Sharfi

University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA

C. M. Yrigollen

University of California, Davis, CA, USA

O. Y. Naumova

Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy

of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. L. Grigorenko

Moscow State University for Psychology and Education,

Moscow, Russian Federation

E. L. Grigorenko

Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

E. L. Grigorenko (&)

Child Study Center, Department of Psychology, Department

of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale University, 230 South

Frontage Road, New Haven, CT 06519-1124, USA



Behav Genet (2013) 43:168–176

DOI 10.1007/s10519-012-9579-1

genomic DNA in epigenetic research (Hu et al. 2006;

Kaminsky et al. 2009; Nguyen et al. 2010; Nohesara et al.

2011; Sapienza et al. 2011; Tierling et al. 2011). Conse-

quently, the question of the consistency of the methylation

profiles derived from these cells and tissues is of particular

interest. One study has reported that, at least in the context

of investigating genomic sex effects on DNA methylation,

SL DNA has shown a pattern of methylation consistent

with WB DNA (Liu et al. 2010). Yet, the degree of con-

vergence between patterns of methylation for LCLs and

WB or SL might be different as random DNA methylation

pattern changes may be observed in LCLs when compared

to the original B-lymphocytes from which they originated

(Brennan et al. 2009; Grafodatskaya et al. 2010).

Here, we present the results of a comparison between

whole genome methylation profiles of WB, LCLs, and SL

samples derived from the same individuals. The aims of this

study were twofold: (1) to establish the degree of differences/

similarities in the DNA methylation patterns in the tissues

most commonly used in epigenetic studies; and (2) to explore

the scope of epigenetic alterations occurring in LCLs.

Materials and methods

Sample collection and processing

WB and SL samples were derived from 14 healthy indi-

viduals (ten females and four males ranging in age from 7

to 61 years old) from an indigenous Slavic population of

Northern Russia. Informed consent was obtained from all

participants who donated biological samples. Two vials of

saliva were collected from each individual using BD vac-

utainers containing ACD (BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ) and

Oragene-DNA collection kits (DNAgenotek, Ontario,

Canada), respectively.

LCLs were established by transforming lymphocytes

with the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) according to standard

procedures (Neitzel 1986); these were cultured for

4 weeks, then cryopreserved prior to DNA extraction.

Genomic DNA was extracted from WB samples using the

FlexiGene DNA Kit, according to the manufacturer’s

protocol (Qiagen, Mississauga, ON); from LCLs using

phenol–chloroform and ethanol precipitation; and from SL

following the Oragene Laboratory protocol.

DNA methylation analysis

Analysis of DNA methylation profiles in the three sets of

tissues from the same individuals was performed using

Infinium HumanMethylation27 BeadChip assay (Illumina,

San Diego, CA), which contains 27,578 CpG targets cov-

ering 14,495 genes. Bisulfite treatment, whole genome

amplification, labeling, hybridization and scanning were

performed at the Yale Center for Genomic Analysis http://

The methylation data generated by the array were ana-

lyzed using the Illumina GenomeStudio software package.

The methylation status of each CpG site was measured as

the ratio of signal from methylated probe to the sum of both

methylated and unmethylated signals (b value, ranges from

0, unmethylated, to 1, fully methylated). All CpG sites with

a detection p value C0.001 were removed from later

analyses; the p values were obtained using a background

model in the Genome Studio. Three technical replicates

were run across different BeadChips; pairwise comparison

of these replicates showed consistent and highly repro-

ducible methylation level measurements (r2 varied between

0.98 and 0.99); on average 27,566 ± 12 probes showed no

significant (p B 0.01) differences in b values.

Differential methylation analysis

The Illumina methylation data were processed and ana-

lyzed using the Methylation Module v1.8 of the Illumina

GenomeStudio. For comparison of whole-genome meth-

ylation profiles across the samples, correlations and hier-

archical clustering were used; the results of the analysis are

provided in the form of a dendrogram. To prevent vari-

ability among samples within a tissue set related to gender,

CpG sites localized on sex chromosomes were excluded,

leaving 26,273 sites to be analyzed.

Differential methylation analysis between sets of sam-

ples representing three tissues was performed based on

differences in the mean beta value (Avgb) of each CpG

site, or Delta Avgb (Db). To account for multiple testing,

the Illumina Custom Error Model with the False Discovery

Rate (FDR) corrections was applied; we ran 1000 permu-

tations and included FDR up to 20 %. Targets showing

significant intergroup differences in methylation levels (the

methylation Difference Score, DiffScore [|30|, p \ 0.001)

more than 0.2 were considered to be differentially meth-

ylated (Grafodatskaya et al. 2010).

Functional annotation of differentially methylated

genes (DMEGs)

To identify common biological processes and pathways,

molecular functions, and cellular components for genes

that showed differential methylation in the tissues ana-

lyzed, we applied the Database for Annotation, Visualiza-

tion and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) bioinformatics

software (Dennis et al. 2003; Huang et al. 2008). For this

analysis the default (medium stringency) setting of the

DAVID analysis tool was used, which compares the

enrichment of gene ontology (GO) with the list of

Behav Genet (2013) 43:168–176 169


differentially methylated genes (DMEGs) using Fisher’s

exact test. Annotation clusters with enrichment scores[1.3

(p \ 0.05) were included in the analysis. GO terms with

FDRs \20 % were used to avoid reporting false positives

and to reduce the large number of associations identified by

DAVID in the functional annotation charts. The p values

and the Benjamini corrections of the scores from the tool

were used as inclusion criteria in the trimming of the

clusters to overrepresented term lists.


We examined whole genome methylation patterns in three

types of biological samples—whole blood (WB), saliva (SL)

and lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs), which are widely used

as a source of genomic DNA in epigenetic studies, and per-

formed a comparative DNA methylation analysis across

these three tissues derived from the same 14 individuals.

Global methylation levels of DNA from three sets of samples

(SLs, LCLs and WBs) were carried out using the Illumina

Infinium HumanMethylation27 BeadChip.

The resulting methylation data were analyzed by means

of pairwise comparison of genome-wide DNA-methylation

profiles across WB, SL and LCLs samples, and differential

methylation analysis between groups of samples corre-

sponding to different tissues. The analysis was performed

based on 26,273 Illumina targets, which had passed

detection quality filtering for differential methylation

analysis and were localized on autosomes. To assess the

DNA methylation differences between different tissues in

GO terms we performed functional annotation of genes,

which showed differential methylation in pairwise com-

parisons across the three sets of samples, WB, SL and


Comparison of global DNA methylation profiles

To assess the main differences in the genome-wide DNA-

methylation of the three studied sets of samples, WB, SL

and LCLs, we performed Euclidean hierarchical clustering

analysis of the Illumina methylation data. The results of the

analysis are represented in a dendrogram (Fig. 1), which

leads to the following observations. First, the source of

Fig. 1 Euclidean hierarchical clustering of 14 individuals based on

the pair-wise comparison of the whole genome methylation profiles in

WB, SL and LCLs. The dendrogram shows a clear separation of the

samples from the different tissues into three distinct clusters, those

containing samples from SL, whole blood (WB), and LCLs, marked

as clusters I, II, and III, respectively

170 Behav Genet (2013) 43:168–176


DNA is the main factor in sample differentiation: the

dendrogram shows a clear separation of WB, LCLs, and SL

into three distinct clusters, marked in the figure by Roman

numerals. Second, according to the distances between

samples within a cluster, WB samples (Fig. 1; cluster II)

show minimal interindividual variability with the highest

correlations (r2 = 0.992 ± 0.002) between individual

methylation profiles compared to SL and LCLs. Whereas

SL and LCLs (Fig. 1; clusters I and III) are characterized

by average and distinctively high interindividual variability

of their methylation profiles; r2 = 0.980 ± 0.019 and

0.955 ± 0.018, respectively. Third, the methylation pro-

files of DNA from SL and WB show a greater similarity in

the comparison across all three groups, whereas LCLs

cluster maximally remotely from the two others. The last

observation on the distance of LCLs from SL and WB was

confirmed by correlation analysis between methylation

levels across these three tissues. The correlation coefficient

for SL compared to WB (r2 = 0.967) was much higher

than those for LCLs compared to WB, and LCLs compared

Fig. 2 The distributions of the

methylation levels (Avgb) of

26,273 CpG sites contained in

the Illumina Infinium27 array

that had passed detection quality

filtering and were localized on

autosomes, in three groups of

DNA samples derived from

blood (a), saliva (b) and

lymphoblastoid cell lines (c)

Behav Genet (2013) 43:168–176 171


to SL (r2 = 0.880 and 0.844, respectively). These corre-

lations across WB, SL, and LCLs as groups of samples are

consistent with the data on the correlations between the

cell/tissue types within individuals (Online Resource,

Table S1).

Comparison of the distributions of the methylation

levels across the three sets, SL, WB and LCLs, showed that

hypo and hypermethylation patterns are especially different

between these three cell types. Specifically, the methyla-

tion profiles of LCLs are characterized by a lower fre-

quency of CpG sites with high methylation levels, as well

as unmethylated CpG sites compared to WB and SL

(Fig. 2). This analysis shows that LCLs differ predomi-

nantly in areas of up and down regulated genes.

Differential methylation analyses and functional

annotation of DMEGs

Data was then analyzed to detect differential methylation

patterns of DNA obtained from three groups of samples

corresponding to the three cell types. CpG sites showing

significant (p \ 0.001) intergroup differences of at least

1.2-fold change in methylation levels were considered to be

differentially methylated. The results of the pair-wise

comparison between sets of samples are presented in sup-

plementary materials (Online Resource, Table S2–S4). The

distribution of DMEGs across pairwise comparisons is

shown in Fig. 3.

The minimal number of differentially methylated sites

was found in the comparison of DNA from WB and SL: of

the 27,578 CpG sites initially analyzed, 488 sites showed a

significant difference in methylation level measurements

(Online Resource, Table S2; Fig. 3). These 488 CpG sites

are located on 431 genes, which represents *3 % of the

total number of genes (14,495) contained in the Illumina’s

array (Online Resource, Table S5). The majority of sites

(n = 370; *76 %) are downregulated in SL compared to

WB. The remaining sites were characterized by upregula-

tion (n = 118; * 24 %) in SL. This corresponds to the

results in Fig. 2, where blood showed more occurrences of

hypermethylated sites compared to SL.

Whereas several thousand differentially methylated

CpG sites were found in the comparisons of these two cell

types with LCLs, differential methylation analysis between

WB and LCLs groups revealed that 2,661 sites exhibited a

methylation level difference at the same level of signifi-

cance (Online Resource, Table S3; Fig. 3). These 2,661

CpG sites are located on 2,156 genes, which represent

*15 % of the total number of genes analyzed (Online

Resource, Table S5). As in the WB and SL analysis, a great

majority of the methylated sites (n = 2,545; *96 %) were

downregulated in LCLs compared to WB. Also evident in

Fig. 2 is that LCLs exhibited lower levels of hyperme-

thylated and hypomethylated sites when compared to WB

and SL. The remaining sites were characterized by

upregulation in LCLs (n = 116; *4 %). Similar differ-

ences in methylation levels were found in the comparison

between DNA from SL and LCLs: 2,513 sites (localized on

2,081 different genes) were found to be differentially

Fig. 3 Venn diagram representing the results of differential methyl-

ation analysis across WB, SL and LCLs. The numbers in the circlesrepresent both the number of differentially methylated genes detected

in each pair-wise comparison and the number of overlapping genes

across different comparisons

Table 1 Gene Ontology (GO) terms overrepresented in the list of genes, which showed differential methylation between DNA samples from SL

and WB

GO term Genes, count Genes (%) p value Fold enrichment Benjamini FDR

GO: 0005887—integral to plasma membrane 61 16.05 5.53E-10 2.33 0.0000 0.0000

GO: 0031226—intrinsic to plasma membrane 62 16.32 4.84E-10 2.31 0.0000 0.0000

GO: 0044459—plasma membrane part 87 22.89 1.92E-08 1.79 0.0000 0.0000

GO: 0005886—plasma membrane 121 31.84 1.49E-06 1.45 0.0001 0.0020

GO: 0006955—immune response 35 9.21 1.40E-05 2.25 0.0060 0.0237

GO: 0009611—response to wounding 30 7.89 8.91E-06 2.51 0.0077 0.0151

GO: 0044421—extracellular region part 40 10.53 1.37E-04 1.89 0.0084 0.1832

GO: 0004867—serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity 11 2.89 3.79E-05 5.33 0.0203 0.0552

GO: 0050878—regulation of body fluid levels 13 3.42 8.02E-05 4.09 0.0273 0.1354

There were annotated 381 of 431 DMEGs. The GO terms, for which the Benjamini corrections \ 0.05 and FDR \ 0.20, are listed

172 Behav Genet (2013) 43:168–176


Table 2 Functional annotation and clusters of genes that showed significant differences of their methylation levels in lymphoblastoid cell lines

(LCLs) compared to WB and SL

Term LCLs versus WB LCLs versus SL





Benjamini FDR Cluster#




Benjamini FDR

Disulfide bond 1 (75.8) 2.11 9.96E-79 2.01E-78 1 (76.8) 2.14 1.26E-80 2.65E-80

Signal 2.02 3.54E-77 2.14E-76 2.05 3.08E-79 1.29E-78

Signal peptide 2.01 4.79E-75 2.14E-75 2.04 3.58E-77 1.66E-77

Glycoprotein 1.76 2.33E-64 1.89E-63 1.82 2.18E-71 1.38E-70

Glycosylation site: N-linked


– – – 1.80 6.99E-64 9.76E-64

Secreted 2 (59.0) 2.59 5.07E-79 2.05E-78 2 (53.4) 2.41 5.20E-62 4.37E-61

Signal 2.02 3.54E-77 2.14E-76 2.05 3.08E-79 1.29E-78

Signal peptide 2.01 4.79E-75 2.14E-75 2.04 3.58E-77 1.66E-77

GO: 0005576—extracellular region 1.97 8.99E-52 2.56E-51 1.89 1.13E-42 3.17E-42

GO: 0005615—extracellular space 2.46 1.05E-31 5.97E-31 2.32 1.12E-25 6.28E-25

GO: 0044421—extracellular region part 2.10 8.15E-28 6.96E-27 1.99 3.55E-22 4.99E-21

Glycoprotein 3 (48.8) 1.76 2.33E-64 1.89E-63 3 (27.9) 1.82 2.18E-71 1.38E-70

Glycosylation site: N-linked


1.73 3.44E-56 4.61E-56 1.80 6.99E-64 9.76E-64

Topological domain: cytoplasmic 1.49 1.30E-19 3.48E-19 1.78 1.14E-35 2.12E-35

GO: 0006952—defense response 4 (20.8) 2.64 3.05E-31 1.49E-31 5 (20.1) 2.64 1.88E-31 1.81E-31

GO: 0006954—inflammatory response 2.48 1.82E-12 2.66E-12 2.41 3.26E-11 4.71E-11

GO: 0009611—response to wounding 2.05 3.20E-11 6.25E-11 2.02 1.74E-10 5.02E-10

Cytokine 5 (15.8) 3.69 2.24E-18 3.17E-17 7 (9.9) 3.49 1.18E-15 2.73E-14

GO: 0005125—cytokine activity 3.36 1.72E-16 2.35E-16 3.07 1.50E-12 1.98E-12

hsa04060: cytokine–cytokine receptor


2.11 1.01E-07 1.38E-06 2.35 1.68E-10 1.17E-09

GO: 0031226—intrinsic to plasma


6 (15.1) 1.71 7.98E-16 9.09E-15 4 (22.6) 1.90 4.05E-24 3.42E-23

GO: 0005887—integral to plasma


1.71 6.87E-16 9.78E-15 1.89 4.04E-23 4.54E-22

GO: 0044459—plasma membrane part 1.46 4.69E-14 7.99E-13 1.57 7.11E-21 1.20E-19

GO: 0005886—plasma membrane 1.26 7.70E-10 1.53E-08 1.35 6.24E-17 1.23E-15

Topological domain: cytoplasmic 7 (12.2) 1.49 1.30E-19 3.48E-19 3 (27.9) 1.63 8.09E-31 1.88E-30

Membrane 1.25 1.13E-12 2.28E-11 1.30 6.76E-18 9.95E-17

GO: 0005886—plasma membrane 1.26 7.70E-10 1.53E-08 1.35 6.24E-17 1.23E-15

Transmembrane region 1.25 3.14E-08 9.85E-08 1.34 1.19E-15 3.87E-15

Transmembrane 1.25 2.49E-09 1.01E-07 1.34 5.12E-16 9.68E-15

Cell membrane 1.47 3.92E-11 1.11E-09 1.57 9.79E-16 2.06E-14

Topological domain: extracellular 1.65 3.06E-26 6.85E-26 – – –

GO: 0008544—epidermis development 8 (9.9) 2.85 3.04E-10 8.92E-10 9 (6.6) 2.41 4.80E-06 3.23E-05

GO: 0030216—keratinocyte


4.40 3.32E-10 1.14E-09 3.58 5.81E-06 4.47E-05

GO: 0007398—ectoderm development 2.73 6.19E-10 2.42E-09 2.42 1.12E-06 6.49E-06

GO: 0009913—epidermal cell


4.17 5.74E-10 2.81E-09 3.41 8.19E-06 6.70E-05

Keratinization 5.84 2.68E-10 8.67E-09 4.90 6.57E-07 3.73E-05

GO: 0030855—epithelial cell


3.08 2.26E-09 1.33E-08 2.42 2.05E-04 2.75E-03

GO: 0031424—keratinization 4.80 6.87E-08 6.38E-07 3.96 1.08E-04 1.24E-03

IPR003267: small proline-rich 6.51 5.77E-07 1.57E-06 4.97 8.95E-04 1.38E-03

Behav Genet (2013) 43:168–176 173


methylated between these tissues, and most of them

(*79 %) were hypomethylated in DNA from LCLs

(Online Resource, Table S4, S5; Fig. 3).

Functional annotation of differentially methylated


The functional annotation of genes showed significant

enrichment of the lists of DMEGs in some of the GO terms.

Most of the genes differentially methylated in WB and SL

are involved in the regulation of the immune response and

body fluid levels, as well as genes belonging to the plasma

membrane functional group (Table 1). There was a high

concordance in GO terms overrepresented in the lists of

DMEGs in LCLs compared to WB and SL. These genes are

involved predominantly in the immune response, and the

control of cellular activity and signaling systems, specifi-

cally genes coding glycoproteins, cytokines, and their

receptors (Table 2).

The differences in methylation levels observed may be a

result of tissue specific regulation. We performed a func-

tional annotation of DMEGs, using the DAVID tissue

expression annotation tools. For the WB versus SL com-

parison, this assumption was confirmed; namely, the list of

DMEGs was overrepresented by genes known to be

expressed in white blood cells and the salivary gland

(Table 3). In contrast, the spectrum of GO terms for genes

differentially methylated in WB versus LCLs was wider

and included a number of tissues—from the cerebellum to

the uterus, as well as cultivated cells—bone marrow

CD105? endothelial cells and Burkitt’s lymphoma cell

lines (Table 3).


We compared DNA methylation profiles between WB, SL

and LCLs from the same individuals using cluster and

linear-regression analyses of the methylation profiles, and

analysis of DMEGs. The results showed that LCLs have

the most distinct methylation patterns compared to those in

WB and SL. These results are not surprising and are con-

sistent with published studies that warn researchers about

the methylation changes in LCLs due to cell culturing

(Brennan et al. 2009; Calıskan et al. 2011; Grafodatskaya

et al. 2010; Sun et al. 2010; Sugawara et al. 2011). In

contrast, WB and SL showed a relatively similar methyl-

ation pattern that is in line with a previous study (Liu et al.

2010). The DNA methylation differences found between

WB and SL might be explained in terms of tissue specific

methylation; thus most of the DMEGs are genes coding

membrane complexes and are involved in immune

Table 2 continued

Term LCLs versus WB LCLs versus SL





Benjamini FDR Cluster#




Benjamini FDR

GO: 0009617—response to bacterium 9 (8.9) 2.67 4.08E-09 2.59E-08 6 (10.2) 2.89 4.59E-11 1.11E--10

Antimicrobial 4.19 2.82E-09 1.20E-07 4.60 5.17E-11 1.52E-09

GO: 0042742—defense response to


3.18 3.16E-08 2.48E-07 3.46 5.94E-10 2.00E-09

Antibiotic 4.21 4.99E-09 2.32E-07 4.32 3.15E-09 1.32E-07

GO: 0042330—taxis 10 (8.4) 3.05 1.62E-10 3.96E-10 7 (9.9) 3.13 3.54E-11 6.82E-11

GO: 0006935—chemotaxis 3.05 1.62E-10 3.96E-10 3.13 3.54E-11 6.82E-11

Chemotaxis 4.28 8.28E-10 2.85E-08 4.38 4.10E-10 1.55E-08

IPR000827: small chemokine, C–C

group, conserved site

6.91 1.16E-07 1.05E-07 7.04 4.35E-08 7.92E-08

IPR001811: small chemokine,


5.21 2.12E-07 3.85E-07 5.56 3.17E-08 2.88E-08

SM00199: SCY 5.07 1.07E-07 4.59E-07 5.24 1.54E-08 6.44E-08

GO: 0008009—chemokine activity 4.68 1.48E-07 1.22E-06 4.90 5.57E-08 1.47E-07

GO: 0042379—chemokine receptor


4.39 3.70E-07 5.06E-06 4.60 1.73E-07 6.86E-07

PIRSF001950: small inducible

chemokine, C/CC types

5.37 5.78E-06 1.17E-05 5.60 3.24E-06 6.44E-06

GO: 0007610—behavior 1.64 6.06E-04 1.29E-02 1.81 5.89E-06 4.25E-05

GO: 0007626—locomotory behavior 1.92 2.57E-04 4.65E-03 2.07 1.35E-05 1.24E-04

The top list of DAVID annotation clusters is presented

174 Behav Genet (2013) 43:168–176


response, as well as genes known to be expressed specifi-

cally in white blood cells and the salivary gland.

The distinctiveness of methylation patterns in LCLs

might be caused by a complex of factors, including the

mono-cellular nature of LCLs, which are composed only of

B-lymphocytes, and their modifications throughout the

culturing procedure. The compositional differences might

be a result in the differential regulation of genes involved

in the immune response, cellular activity and signaling

systems, as was found in LCLs. At the same time, the EBV

transformation of B-lymphocytes, preceding the cell cul-

turing, caused uncontrolled growth, proliferation and

abnormal cell signaling. DMEGs in LCLs were found to be

predominantly involved in the control of cellular activity

and signaling systems, specifically genes coding signal

peptides, such as cytokines and chemokines. This is con-

sistent with a study reporting that EBV-mediated trans-

formations rely extensively on interference with cytokine

signaling networks (Mosialos 2001). Additionally it was

found that the list of DMEGs in LCLs was enriched in

genes found to be expressed in other cultivated cells—bone

marrow CD105? endothelial cells and Burkitt’s lymphoma

Raji cell line; the latter, Burkitt’s lymphoma, is known to

be associated with EBV infection (Fujita et al. 2004; Ma-

eda et al. 2009). This finding provides further evidence that

cell culturing procedures are responsible for the specificity

of the methylation pattern in LCLs and its distance from

those in WB and SL cells.

Taken together, the results of the study suggest that due

to multiple random and directed changes of methylation

patterns, LCLs are not a reliable source of DNA for epi-

genetic studies, as opposed to peripheral blood and saliva.

As a result, LCLs should be used with particular caution to

identify the epigenetic mechanisms underlying biological

processes and their violations, due to disorders associated

with DNA methylation variants.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by Awards DC007665

as administered by the National Institute of Deafness and Commu-

nication Disorders, P50 HD052120 as administered by the Eunice

Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human

Development, and Grant R25HL088730 (BioSTEP) from NIH-

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Grantees undertaking such

projects are encouraged to freely express their professional judgment.

Therefore, this article does not necessarily reflect the position or

policies of the National Institutes of Health, and no official

endorsement should be inferred. The authors alone are responsible for

the content and writing of the article.


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WB versus SL

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WB versus LCLs

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Burkitt lymphoma (Raji) 1018 55.69 3.21E-09 1.10 3.13E-08

Tonsil 939 51.37 7.55E-05 1.07 3.68E-04

Tongue 386 21.12 5.35E-05 1.18 2.98E-04

Whole blood 479 26.20 5.37E-05 1.15 2.79E-04

BM-CD105? endothelial cells 427 23.36 4.08E-04 1.14 1.77E-03

Uterus 293 16.03 1.74E-03 1.17 6.17E-03

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