Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament Facilitating creative partnerships in...


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Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

Facilitating creative partnerships in biopharmaceutical research

Ottawa, November 30th , 2009

Diane Gosselin,VP Research and Business Development

Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

The current pharma R&D business model is increasingly unsatisfactory…

… and requires to rethink its operational mode and improve productivity

65.2 billion invested in R&D in 2008 Poor innovative product pipelines Increasing regulatory hurdles Disillusion from expectations of rapid translation from “genes to drugs”

A fostered co-creation of value between academic centers, biotech

companies and the pharmaceutical industry The possibility to finance creative pre-competitive research with

the potential to impact the whole life science sector A more flexible management of IP processes A better way to channel public funds on research agendas

responding to Industry and Regulators needs

Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

Our mission

To identify, finance and support innovative research

activities, primarily focusing on enabling technologies in

drug discovery, fulfilling the innovation needs of the

pharmaceutical industry

To create a collaborative ground between the academic

and private sectors based on trust, creativity and mutual


Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

Founding Partners

Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

A fully mutualized consortium unlike other existing initiatives

Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

Scope of the funding program

• Promote the development of innovative enabling technologies that can facilitate biopharmaceutical research

• Not intended to fund the development of specific molecules

• Must address the most important challenges of the bio-pharmaceutical industry

• Must generate clear deliverables with immediate applications in the drug discovery or development process

• Promote creativity and collaborations between public and private organizations (strongly encouraged, but not mandatory)

Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

Funding specifics

Amount and Duration $1,000,000 - $3,000,000/project (3 years)

Subject to milestone achievement and satisfactory follow-ups

3-5 projects funded per year


For each project a specific industrial advisory committee ensures that the end-products are well aligned with the needs of the biopharmaceutical research industry

Intellectual property IP belongs to the inventors and their respective institutions

A non exclusive end-user license option will be granted to the CQDM’s industrial sponsors for internal research purposes only

The owners of IP will maintain the right to exploit or to out-license to third parties

Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

2008-2009 competition

12 full applications

78 letters of intent

4 selected projects

3 funded projects

A total of $6.0M in funding Over 70 researchers from 4 universities

and 3 private organizations

Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

1. Identification of biomarkers for measurement of pancreatic beta cell mass, function and stratification of treatment response patients. Principal investigator Eustache Paramithiotis, Caprion Proteomics.Budget : $2.305M

2. Development of new vaccine antigens based on Virus-Like Particles (VLPs). Principal investigator: Louis-Philippe Vézina, Medicago. Budget: $1.775M

3. Multiparametric profiling of G protein-coupled receptor efficacy ligand using multiplexed biosensors: linking signalling signatures to therapeutic efficacy. Principal investigator: Michel Bouvier, Unviersity of Montreal.Budget : $1.827 M

2008-2009 funded projects

Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

1) Innovative technology platforms

2) Translational technologies

3) Cutting edge drug delivery technologies

Research agenda (2009-2010)

This year, priority will be given to the following enabling technologies:

Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

An innovative consortium

Benefits to Pharma companies Access to innovation aligned with the

needs of the industry Excellent leverage (>10 fold) for

R&D investment dollars Closer links with the academic and

the Biotech sectors Cooperative interactions with

competitors Closer interactions with government


Benefits to Biotech companies and to academic institutions Additional source of funding Access to specialized and dedicated resources Closer links with industrial colleagues Increased international competiveness

Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament

Corporate development

CQDM is planning to extend its activities through national and international collaborations

CQDM wishes to enter into bilateral agreements with similar organizations in the US and in Europe to finance joint research projects in drug discovery and development

Aligning international research resources with global pharma R&D agendas is likely to impact the productivity of drug discovery in the industry
