Data scientist enablement dse 400 week 5 roadmap


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Data Scientist EnablementDSE 400 - Fast Track to Data Science

Week 5 Roadmap

Advanced Center of ExcellenceModern Renaissance CorporationIn Collaboration with SONO team and others

Content of this document is under Creative Commons Licence CC BY 4.0

AgendaYou can always find the latest version of this document at

Week 5 OverviewDiscussions Learning PathActivities AssignmentSubmissionReferencesCitation

“The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see.” – John Tukey

Discussions:Data is not … wisdom - discussion around Tim-Berners Lee’s insight. Optional Q&A.

Learning plan: Read Why data visualization matters Watch Designing Data Visualizations etc.


Try Visualization tools. Work on time series example via spreadsheets and visualization tools

Assignment 5:Data Visualization Tools - A Comparative Study. You will finalize this study and submit.

DSE 400 - Week 5 at a glance

Discussion: “Data is not Information. Information is not Knowledge. Knowledge is not Understanding. Understanding is not Wisdom”. This quote is attributed to Tim-Berners Lee, the inventor of World Wide Web. What are your thoughts on this key insight?

We will have just one Discussion each week going forward in order to let give everyone sufficient time for other learning activities.

If you already have access to SONO > DSE 400, you will be required to participate in the discussions. Otherwise please request access to SONO by writing to Mr. Eric Kmeic <> There will also be an Optional Q&A.

Please do not create additional threads in weekly KCs. There are other places on SONO where you can create threads, KCs and share your knowledge

Social Engagement on SONO - Week 5


<Practice> Examine the Axiis visualization showing Browser Market Share. Figure out how Chrome did in July 2009. Did it fare better than Safari and Opera combined?

<Practice> Check out Visualization of the Day at Data Science Central. Could you have presented this in a better way? Explore the alternative ways of representing this.

<Practice> Using your favorite Spreadsheet tool, build Time Series Graph for the dataset below. #P is the number of patents registered by a fictional corporation Avion Zenith Unlimited.

<Optional> <Practice> Upload the above dataset into the cloud-based Visualization tool, IBM Many Eyes and display the time series. Try other datasets already uploaded with different visualizations.

<Optional> <Practice> Download Data Visuaization tool Tableau Public and play with the above Avion Zenith dataset. Explore the tool further and use your own examples. <Optional> <Practice> Download and practice R visualization examples illustrated by Winston Chang in his webcast, Introduction to Data Visualization with R and ggplot2.

<Optional> <Research> Review the current/recent issue of R-Journal at and pick an article that interests you. Write a short synopsis in a readble format and share it with rest of the group.


Assignment 5 - Submission Required

Please complete the Comparative Study of Data Visualization Tools - you had been researching about and working on since Week 1. You can either submit it as individual assignment or collaborate with others in your Academy depending on your choice and convenience. For your research, you may use Analyst’s Research, published magazines/periodicals, blogs, newspaper articles, whitepapers and corporate sites. Please stay away from using proprietary or confidential information.

You can build it either as a presentation (no more than 12 slides) or as a survey paper (no more than 5 pages). Summarize your recommendation with relevant numbers and ratings.

Submission Recommended Deadline: Saturday, 11:59 PM your local time. If you can’t submit your assignment in time, please complete it and turn it in ASAP. While there is no penalty for late submission, it will help you focus on next week’s lessons if you turn in assignments in time.

Mail Assignment 5 to <> Submit a single PDF document showing your Comparative Study Use this naming convention: DSE 400 - Assignment 5 - Your Full Name for your document. No document links should be sent. Just one single PDF document, please. Only PDF format is recommended. You have to resubmit in PDF format if you send it in any other format. Please add DSE 400 > Assignment 5 in the subject line.


Content that appears as is on this document only, is under Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0 This license may not necessarily apply to other material referenced here in this document.

Content from IBM, Tableau Software, O’Reilly Media and R-Journal is excluded from the above Creative Commons License.

For More Information

Week 5 discussions take place during this week on SONO. There is also an active Q&A session for everyone's benefit.

<Mentoring On Demand> You may reach out to Ms. Rachel Fleming <> if you have any difficulties with the assignments or looking for more challenging activities. We also have a formal MentorConnect program which is being lead by Mr. Vishal Kumar, who himself is a mentor, motivator, writer and Big Data Evangelist. If you need a mentor or someone to help you accelerate along the DSE program, you may reach out to Vishal <>

We welcome questions, thoughts and suggestions. Post these on SONO in the right forum/discussion or write to us at <>

You can always find the latest version of this document and other roadmaps at


Born as Maria Sklodowska in Warsaw, Poland in 1867, Madame Curie conducted pioneering research into Radioactivity. She discovered Polonium (named after her native country of Poland) and Radium, along with her husband Pierre Curie. Her method of research and revolutionary techniques lead to fundamental shift in scientific understanding of the atom.

Madame Curie throughout her life actively promoted the use of radium to alleviate suffering. During World War I, assisted by her daughter, Irene, she personally devoted herself to this remedial work. She was the first woman to win a Nobel prize. The only person to win Nobel prizes in multiple sciences - Physics in 1903 and Chemistry in 1911.

Thank You
