Dealing With Difficult People - Janet P. Schmidt


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Courageous Conversations


for the CIPHI Manitoba Branch

Facilitated by:

Janet P. Schmidt

Courageous Conversations


Identify one particular challenging situation at work where you had to

deal with a ‘difficult person’. Could be with a colleague, person who reports to you, someone who you report to or

a member of the public.

Courageous Conversations

Case Study Reflection #1

1. What was it about their behaviour that made them difficult?

2. Why do you think they were behaving in this way?

3. How did you respond?

Courageous Conversations

CASE STUDY Reflection #2

Imagine that the other person is sitting in your place. How would they answer the following question:

• What did you do in the conversation that was not helpful?

Courageous Conversations

• Who started this situation?

• Who has more organizational power?

• For those of you with less organizational power, does power effect impact?

Courageous Conversations

Courageous Conversations

Is it possible that we both see each other as the difficult person and are both waiting for the

other person to change?

If so, how effective is this strategy?

Courageous Conversations

Mapping the Relationship

Gather information

Disruption of Expectations



Courageous Conversations






Meaning Making

Words – 7%

Tone – 38%

Body Language – 55%

TOTAL -100%

Courageous Conversations

Utube Clips:

The Surprise Dinner

The Convenience Store

Courageous Conversations

Courageous Conversations

How we make meaning….

Edward Muzio on

The Ladder of Inference Creates Bad Judgement

Courageous Conversations

Courageous Conversations

Meaning Making…

We are meaning making people. We are constantly creating stories about the

motivations and intentions of other people (and they are doing the same). We quickly believe our stories to be true and repeat them in our heads and to our closest colleagues, not to mention our friends and family members.

Courageous Conversations

The Problem….

All too often we analyze the situation, carefully considering why they are behaving in that way. Ultimately we come up with some theory that we believe to be true and often our own actions make it true.

The Reality: What you believe will greatly impact what you do about the situation.

Courageous Conversations

• George Zimmerman – self appointed neighbourhood watch captain, focused on law and order

• Trayvon Martins – walking home with a hoody

Courageous Conversations

Why People Are Difficult?

1. They feel threatened in some way.

2. They lack communication skills to have a constructive conversation, including waiting to talk about something when they are angry.

3. They are having a difficult time in life.

What other reasons would you add to why

you are sometimes difficult?

Courageous Conversations

A question that opens the possibilities…..

Why would a reasonable, rational person do this?

Albeit it imperfect….

Courageous Conversations

Courageous Conversations

Four Frequent Strategies…

1) hope it goes away or

2) trust that they will figure it out.

The Problem: It often doesn’t resolve itself, and they interpret your silence as endorsement/ agreement.

Courageous Conversations


3) Wait until you are frustrated and then talk to the person.

The Problem: Your frustration will invariably impact your delivery. The end result is that you will come across stronger than you think and people will be hurt, embarrassed, defensive, etc. and will either shut down (flight) or power up (fight).

Courageous Conversations


4) Give them subtle messages like look away when they are doing something displeasing or not be as friendly, so they can self correct.

The Problem: Often people don’t know what they are doing that needs to change and will interpret your distancing as disrespectful or that you don’t care about them.

Courageous Conversations

Three Steps to Creating a Culture

When someone is not meeting your expectations and you stay silent….

• The first time you give consent

• The second time you give permission

• The third time you have lowered the standard.

Courageous Conversations

Beliefs about Conflict

Others typically respond to me in the way I invite them to the table. The kind of

space I create for others is the way they will show up to me.

Courageous Conversations

Elements of Effective Engagement with Difficult People

1. Caring/Compassion/Support (being kind)

2. Honesty/Clarity (being clear)

(Their perception not yours)

Courageous Conversations

So simple and yet so difficult when we feel disrespected!

Courageous Conversations

Balancing the Head and the Heart

Courageous Conversations

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion of one’s


Courageous Conversations

Anais Nin

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion of one’s



Up Coming Website:

Courageous Conversations

“The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has been


George Bernard Shaw
