Dish of the_day


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Every time Dad cooks dinnerYou have to make an enormous fuss.Encouraged by Mum Who says that he won’t do it againUnless you say it’s the most wonderful,Delicious,remarkable,fantastic,scrumptious,Taste-bud popping,delectable feast,You’ve ever clapped your teeth onWhenever you swallow a mouthfulHe hovers over you asking:“ís it alright what do you think of it?No really, tell me the truth!”

If you actually did tell him the truth,That it’s OK or even ‘not bad’He’d probably hit the roofSo instead you say:‘Wonderful,delicious,remarkable,fantastic,Scrumptious taste-bud popping…..’And he smiles,A kind of proud but trying not to be big-headedSmile and goes:‘Can’t you think of anything else to say?’Until your mate (who doesn’t know how weird your dad is)And who hasn’t noticed your mum kicking him under the table and doing her goldfish face,which means:”Keep your trap shut!”Says:‘Ít’s very nice,Mr.Bishop.But it is onlyscrambled eggs.’

Lindsey Marrae
