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---- The present certificate is property of A CERT European Organization for Certification SA and shall be returned immediately upon request.

Page 1 of 2 ICS-BIO3C-D2.6/06/060519

Product Certification

Certificate No: 307-4

DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE to the operator according to Article 79 of A CERT ORGANIC STANDARD, equivalent to Regulations (EC) No 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007, Article 33(3) 1. Document number: 20191124EG00270DE 2. Name and address of operator: Ihab Mohamed Farouk/ Daily Fresh Farm Cairo – Alex., Desert road, Regwa, Behiera governorate, 11742, Egypt 3. Name, address and code number of control body: A CERT European Organization for Certification SA 2 Tilou str., 54638 Thessaloniki, GREECE Main activity: Producer EG-BIO-171 4. Product groups/activity: - Plant and plant products: See Annex I 5. defined as: Organic 6. Validity period: Plant products from 24/11/2019 to 09/11/2020 7. Date of control(s): 20/11/2019 8. This document has been issued in accordance with Article 79 of A CERT ORGANIC STANDARD, equivalent to Regulations (EC) No 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008. The declared operator has submitted his activities under control, and meets the requirements laid down in A CERT ORGANIC STANDARD. Date, place: 24/11/2019, Thessaloniki Signature on behalf of the issuing control body: Athanasios Gkolfinopoulos General Manager


The present certificate is property of A CERT European Organization for Certification SA and shall be returned immediately upon request.

Page 2 of 2 ICS-BIO3C-D2.6/06/060519

Product Certification

Certificate No: 307-4

Annex I to documentary evidence number: 20191124EG00270DE Unit Location Products Total Area (ha) Status Ihab Mohamed Farouk/ Daily Fresh Farm Cairo – Alex., Desert road, Regwa,

Behiera governorate, Egypt Sweet potatoes 21.41 (Stored products) Organic