Drupal-CiviCRM: out of the box



The Free Software Foundation designated CiviCRM in April as its recommendation for a "fully featured donor and contact management system for nonprofits". The FSF reinforced it's announcement by adopting CiviCRM for its own use. CiviCRM is also used by Amnesty International, Creative Commons, the Wikimedia Foundation and thousands of smaller organizations around the world. But wait, this is DrupalCamp - what's this have to do with us!?! CiviCRM is designed to be paired with a CMS and 68% of current CiviCRM installations are Drupal. Together the two can build a comprehensive web application for Non-Profits.

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Drupal and CiviCRMOut of the Box

Drupal and CiviCRMOut of the Box

Shawn Duncan

FatherShawn on g.d.o



CiviCRM Features

Contacts & Activities

Contacts and Activities are core feature of CiviCRM

Typical address book data.Track activities and interactions with contacts.Define your own activities.


Record contributions received in the office.

Receive contributions online:



Google Checkout


Define your own event types.Add custom fields to track extra information.Create as many different Event Information and Registration pages as you need.Automatically generate registration confirmations / receipts.Search for participants by event, event type, participant role, etc.iCal export and fees support.


Target mailings by including or excluding any number of CiviCRM groups, or previous mailing recipientsPersonalize your messages using mail-merge tokens.Track when recipients open your message.Track click-throughs.Manage bounces and unsubscribe requests.


Configure any number of membership types or levels for one or more organizations and/or chapters of an organization.Customize membership statuses and rules.Create customized web pages for self-service membership signup and renewal.Search and list memberships by date, type, status, contact info including name and address.


Relative date ranges

Bar and Pie Charts

Print (from HTML) and PDF formatsCSV


Add report results (contacts) to a group.

Integration Features:Built-In

Drupal User - CiviCRM Contact linkage

New User Registers Email=

Link to existing Contact

Create new Contact &




Drupal User - CiviCRM Contact linkage

Existing user logs in

Linked to

Create new Contact &




Drupal User - CiviCRM Contact

Synchronize Users-to-Contacts:

Integration Features:Optional Modules

CiviCRM OG Sync

Synchronization is "one-way" - FROM Organic Groups TO CiviCRM Groups.

Creates 2 CiviCRM groups for existing each Organic Group:

A normal group containing a contact record for each corresponding Organic Group user member.

An ACL group containing the contact record of the "administrator" of the corresponding Organic Group.

CiviGroup Roles Sync: Sync Drupal Roles to

Define a relationship between a Drupal role and a CiviCRM group.

Syncs on login

Add role to user, contact added to group.

Add contact to group, role added to user.

CiviMember Roles Sync

Synchronize CiviCRM Contacts with Membership Status to a specified Drupal Role both automatically and manually.

Sync interval is configurable.

Can sync multiple membership types with one Drupal role.

Overview of Configuration and Customization

Q&A and/or Advanced Configuration as time
