Dutton Verrill Paget Correspondence A



Business letters between publisher, author and agent. Group A

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@ttbffiugrt frittrurg Agrnr525-WEST 45tk STREET

Thc Follooing arc Afflialcd Orgaaizaliow:



| \f,fhile cvery cerc is takcn ofMSS..I Drawioga, ctc,, rcnt to us. wc dir-I cleio eny reponsibllity for locsI or damagc io trsnsit. or by fire.I c otherwisc.

crtl ,r


Messrs. E.' P. Dutton &681 stfth

$ew$r. John $iaerae.

Dear Bir, gacrae:

January 5, 19L8.

COrrAve rue,York Clty.

At the end of l.a.s cal1edwoul0on &e and eaid that e.s it was extr

write any more books for a couple o on8er,consJ.dertng the state of the bookrm.rket, a aa the eontractgI made wlth you f,or ttTHE 30OK or THlr IJ/ESr I],l"nII]Sn and t,TiffTR;iIL O3' ?HI CI,0v31[ Eo0frt provided cptlons for furtlrer books,reepeotlvely, f,or which I rae aleo his agent as provldedtherein, ln vlew of these things he aeked me if I woulda.ccept twenty-five d^ol.lare to oancel my a,geney clause as eon-cerned thoee two booke and the further booke in eaclr of theeontracts f or whieh optlons $ere profided.

f decllned his offer, rsaylng that if he d.ld. not writethe further booke I did not prof,lt by sald unwritten voI-u$es; if lie skrould, a.fter all, write them, I should wieh toearn the commiesione c3.earJ"y due to me by the provisionsspeelfleall.$ made ln tiiose contracts.

I was na.turally soueF/hat astoniehed to see in the fol-lowing Sundayre New York Times the announcement that verri}Isas preparlng to wrlte further books for you, foI3..owing thesI[est Indiesfr bookr on South Amerlea, Centra]. Aperiea andMexico. I rae aleo not a llttIe surpri.eed to receive thismorning from Verrill a contralt for tht next book of therC oven Hoof tr serles !

eek iI. Yeffil1fely doubtful if

Dutton & Co. 2.

I ca.lIed up Lir. Yerrill re the further voluraes io fol.-Iow the {West Indlestr and }re inforrned me that ti:ey ttdid not

eome under the option for further"'books provided for in thetTlest Ind.ies t eontract . r

I had to inform him very d.efinltely that I would notaccept that interpretation and should. lnsist that thosefurtkrer books be subjeet to my commiseionr &B governed bymy eigency clauee in the ngest Indlestt eontract.

So fair-rainded person eould dispute the matter par-tLcularly in view of L{r. Yeruil}ts dieingenuous proposi-tion to me re the payment of Se5.00 to eancel rny agencyclauses on both the exieting Dutton contraete(ttryest Indiesnand ttCloven Hoof r ) .

I feel confident that XoE, putting yourself in my shoes,will. agree that my attitude is a perfectly proper one, a.ndth4t you will not permit L{r. \rerril} to put through thlsclear evasion of his obligatlons to me.

Your s

P.S. fhe option clguse in the nlflest Indtesn contract reads:

Theof furtherIr{exi co , and


Author gives to the Publlshere the firet refusalvolunoes of a proposed seriee of sirnilar works onCentral. and South Ameriea.

nf 9tu1 Jr""^' I d//' HAl V ft-Mj fe, @"t'-;- 'i4''

/4tr, fu-,,M'>


@\t 'Sugrt ffiilrlrury Agnug


The Followias arc Afilialcd @gqntzatlou:



ffiI Drawings, etc.r scnt to us. we dla--I clalm any tepoosibtlity'for tossI or drmagc ln traasit. or by 8re.I or otherwigc.

I[es8rB. E.P.Dutton68'l- ?ifth AvenuerNew York.

Ifr. John ldacrae.

Dear J,1r . Macra.e:

I am delighted to be ab]-e to lnform Xotr, inreferenee to rny }etter of January 5rdcal"Led ln this morning and agrees to

re Ur. l{gqr-ilf , that heconcede lny rlght to

corlmlssion4Lbook cn r,IT. & E. SOlJIi{ ,$ii RICA$, for which hesigned a contract with you recently. .

Ile authorizes me to say that he vrlll be gladtf you will sqpp)-y me with a coiry of the contract.

Doubtless :fou wlil"l be good enougn tc nake anorr,e on your file copy of the ccntract, and. on the accountcanne,:+.ed 'ryith 'r,his book, that it comes to ycu through myAgenc3', subject to the Ageney clause in the contract for 'ITHEBOOK CI'T:Hf: 'IIEST I'frDIESo - and that any flrther advances orroyalties Lpon lt qhoutd be made to me for ]Jr. Verril} inacoo:rd.ance wlth said Agency clause.

?,,,r. verrllr of .t3r[?lll*x;r'J";"#";; rlf;"L:s:l:.r:l;f:ro'Arnerica, or.Mexico, shaIL, ?s provldecl in the contract f or''Tqe Sooi{ oT'frlI]x'i{Isr rt{Drrs", be eubJect to the generalAgency cLause in salC contract - snd +,Ttat the advan'ces anclroyalties <tue on any si:ch books shall be paiC throu& fay Agency.

amicabry sert' "al 3Tq"?ilr-ili*l +33Lll';,t':;;: t3 ",lSinrn"matter in the rvay he iras done.

BI{',/GB s'^".'furqr-

Jan. 1, ]918

R+: VerrlLI.


ilaamery 1S. tr918.

Tr. &. filrold SrGFtt& $rgrt Efr,&raly *SE:rsIr,

gg Be*t d$th Stwott&r Scrlk SI,ty.

Deer Ir. hggg r

I k*rr Ssur tr*t.tsr elt Serrarg lStU" sqg€#fit,&g n.&-t& pgf-r$E&r* tc llr, T*rs&trnf* rot*n# ot effir Sfts f,or tEva $@tt*ry#tsfe t$skp. ftr r€s*r$ Ia ths r*,t*Er ** qnt*a g:k*rt

tt tk ttsr *l*t* I**t alrt*,r,r*.s urs 6s!E!e, ! h#[ mt lsok{otr.r f,&e f*# cs.&rct &url,Iaqtio s# ttg m&rt** effi

ffi$ffi W6 lxsffi, rys F$ reeol.i*' *e h.Er*& tilgt tHao tbfte

sEs scel* t*w,@ ** t& ru4g*atl gnfsftoe frFffi tI yfi far EilBmOB ffi Ere EtsqE ImIffi. 'rfun th 6a#ioa w to a cdreet for th -m{# &ss* In th6 r*ri&* *q. fel}ffi -rc $IElrr or uB srsTffi rcoF, I .r.I}qaet* u3*s.rilEr '&rt ymr *cr*.ryc* ,goquse{t thnl }oek, d tstrd Sr. Yer-'-{trl ro. Ilfi tls o<rqtnaoG of l}eo6sr Sth ne dremr by o'e, d st3acdhg Er. TsrrflJ. rnd @rEGtrEs. it yonr neqnclt *d on tb lrrogrmptloaBrf Hs. &r"***,tr* E ws* 3rore * cagry af tkt tiffiSsa06. I fufi ao rn6ffi&t*rer t* e}l**4p t&*ir cm}ltat ;*tlmt th, *rrtclnst[oa of, trr. Wr*1,11.I t&f;* gura eomle he qstt$, w.*thla yur rl6ht. to wr*tt &rE 8 lrttorr BadtXfwu ar tht tt traqr t$gn** t*arr GhI?c book *riq ffiU tbr *atk m,IrfimEt *uf flm [ffir s']' ffi ffisc lwffi'' sl& Qsr pq et*,f;tait nrtE th f*f18& fbt ffi r'g!nll' Se *hoeLd h p*# thrcqrb pou. &eh eIsttor reqil* &hca Ea *ttrohrit to Ghs oontr*otr *d &f lCIr. Yarr,lll ftrtXe{to !*-ta s* tartficttssf &* tk *t'td'rtr m @& tba tska trlr th **-{eot anri srk H* fEr S.nstmsttoac. Ik rstcrr{t tnto tta oontnd ofEceub+r Sth" ffiilarlrt Strr -YGErtrlI teld nr 6ttr elc*l{ry *ht hs had grr-f dl hls crsl,#s*&t sil,th 1ren for ffium tookc.

Jlsl}itiag ysxr frrt*sr tnstl*str.ol.lr tlt tk 6&tt€r, I f,il*

F*ttffiF.}g 3Bqrr,

5r,,?qi,s,, ,,-. ,-. t.-t lt^r.{!. -,r \ j,]:lr:



@\t SsgPJ firlrrury Agrnrg25,WEST 45th STREETNEW YORK

C. PecEr

Tk Follaoiag arc ,4ftltatcd Organlzalbta:


Replylng to yours of tranuary llth re VerrilL anand the eontraet of Decem"ber 5th, 191?. of which you kgndlysent me a copy, I enclose a coBy of a letter whlch I have writ-ten to Verrtll which requeets him to provlde written instruct-ions which I can hand to you for your file.

It is so abund.antly clear that theee books eontracted. forDeeember 5th are al"so provided for by the optiono in the Gorl-tract for the book of the $W:ES? I$DIIESII, that I feel sure thatI ean count upon you to Bee to it that our rights in thie matterare protected.

I anu, of course, perfectly riLLing to endeavor to obtainrrltten inetructione from Hr. Verri1l, who has already put on:ecord his ultimate agreement wlih rqlr view ofl the matter by pay-Lng me our rnlnlmum commLssion of $25 in advance and on aceountlf further commissi.ons under this nelr contract.

r underetood from you on the telephone that wkren you andlr. VerrllL entered into this new contract you understood, from.im that I had released h8ar from hls obLigaiions to me in regard.o it, clearly provided for in the contract for the book of itrewEsT rrdDrE8rt. since r dld not know of the existence of th$.eontract or anything in regard to It whaterrer untlL aome weeksfter i.t was signed, any such understanding between Btr. VerrlLlnd. rayself wae quite imposslble. $d I thlgk you wi1l not


Henor,n Pecr



Iqr. John

De::r Mr.



Telcplata:905 BRYANT

Januafy i5, 191.8.

E. P. Dtrttor: & Co.,68L 31fth Avenue,

$ew York City.Macrae.


\f,fhile evcry carc ir taken ofMSS..Drawiags.ctc.. aent to ue. wc dlr-clrim any reponeibillty for lorsor drmagc in treasit. or by 6te.or oth.rwla..


Messrs. 3. F. Iutton & Co. 2.

mlsunrl.erstand rae if I potnt out that it was certa-inIy due to meto get direct from me my view of the rnatter before this nevr con-tract wae eornpleted, exciuding me from it. I think that wouldhave been qdvisabLe'as much with a view to your orn protectiona.e mine - 4otr* I naturally look, ln a ea.se so elLar as this,to any puldish6f-to whom I have intiodueed an author, and be-tween whom I have made careful provision for further bookg,whieh are so unequivocaLl,y stated to be eubject to our literaryagency elause.


3or instance you now ask me to obtain written instruetionsfrom I,[r. Verrill conflrming his hraving come round. to uy way ofl.ookli:g at the matter, &$ proved by hie payment, to me of, $2Scomnnissiononaccount.IfsuchwritterrWisnecessaryfrom MI. Veml11 to you, merely confirming what is already pro-vide{ for in the original contract eoveri.ng the new contract,surely it wae equally Recessary to obtain from ue written eon-firmation of the aLleged releaee (which f never gave or irad achanee of glving) of Mr. Verrill from hig obligations to me inregard, to ihe new booke for which options were provid.ed in theorlginal contract.

I know I ean wr lte th$s frankl;n to you without fear of mis-underetanding and if you can take tfune to thtnk of the matterfronn my point of vlew, Iou will realize horry very important 1tls to me to feel tha.t whlLe I do m$ utrypstr &B a literary agent,to guard the interests both of pubJ"isher and author, and to seeto the proBer carrying out of the nutual obllgatlone, I aleohave a right to expeet +"hat pub3"ishere will d"o their utmost toguard my intereets when they are so clearly provided for a.e inthe prEE-ent lnsta.nce.

If ldr. Yerrll-I d.oes :iot srlte the latter I have aeked for,it would seem to me abundantly sufflcient that you should writeto hira and ptt it on record that you agree with him (*s shown byhia payment to me of $25 commleslon on account ) that the booksprovided for in the contract dated Decer,ber 5th do most eertaln-}y come unddr the provisions made for thern in the contract forthe book of the rW:EST IifDIIStt, and. that einee, through an over-sight, the new contract was signed uithout my agency clause, a3-Ifuture payments on the books fpovirled for in'ttre contraet dated.

Syraeuse []rrri,ersirr l itl;;:

' aP '

Me'ssrs. X, P. Dutton & Co. 3.

December 5th wil"1 be paid by your firm through my agency aceord-1ngly.

I much regret to have to trouble yo-u in the matter and tohave to write a.t, thlp Length, but t tefr, that a very clear prin-ciple is at etake,+W I can rely upon you to set right a rnis-take which was nna,d.e eertainly through no fauLt of mine.

I a.u, as ever,

Very sincerely yours,


-Iar-ii,lelTr 1.$r, lSlS.

&., Ilyatt Yerrill, FstrrtB6 Breatell Hotel,* *u*J'ffi"f,-ffit}:

Svracuse UniVersity LibrarY

D6nr E{?. YerrlLI: ,

!.8, I'astrs,e hsie e$nt rae a copy' of ttre eo,ntraotbetween youreelf end rnrtton re t},re vol,umes (1 i tll$nfi#:R$ A3{BH"{';?rffE S*u$i .4}rfifircA'ti {2} {silt}t$rss m .yHsrit:8s ,soufll rr{E8I-**16; {3} '}:iENI,3f +R }ISXI#G f-gIt?f;IpASLY*r cn whlc}r I hane seeeLv-ed our rul.nimui:r conrierylar: of '#25 oir the f,iret vo}ene ou acootntof 10f of the arlv*,,ce.sr"id reyalties due unrler tliie *o*traet, ar,ldrhl*h. iis you re?e gosd enou&h u}tiuately to a,gree, ei,i&e un€erthe provlelonb of the eo*tf,act for the Lssk of tlre * ?[SST I:IDIE$if,.hteh S&?a, IArtton optleno gn thase firther'boa}cs. wliieii pptio*erere alaa eubJect,i,ri our eSBnSJr elanse at the foot of the egn-+.r&,et.

!fF. !daer''e polnts out that thia new eontraot errbodyin6 ,theacoeptanoe gf fJreee pptlons by thm, on dho temia :aentLoaed lnsush new eonttra.ct date$ tr)eognber $, 1917' Brofldee tha.t pagraentaf tlre *dvauess aud ro3r,*ltles eh+ulrl be raa,de to you - sirich Gorr-fltets with t&e lnetruetl.ons l"n the oontract for ttra o*ok of tkerWffST SFDIB$i. rhleh provldee tlrs.t'arnounts dLLe ln cosaecttsg ritlr.oon8raets lf and r-trcu made for the f,rrture Erooke, c}lall be pal,dto the Paget Uterary Agency.

' *e also paiats out *hat wl:.11* you have e.gree*l lrlth ere andhave lxitd to se sus rntrnir,rus f2& eomffileeisn ort aossunt of furth,encomunibelons under the new pontraet, he ou*ht to recelve a letter'from you to ue duly stered bJr you*-*hi.eh t c*u forrerd. to hlm forttieir fl],e, refardlffi the fa"t tbat preu hare agreed that the co*tract of E*eesbs Sth ls subJest to our coumlselono, and. that

&,f fi3rett T6#t3.trr#Eq. * &*!

thcr*f,o"e the-rffi t|ge --a*a parme$&c r*hotrr t n* pai.d thr*u6k u*a* alres# pretl&ed -i"-'t*r".ofi*iiffii"i.ip . boo&-or r&e n*ssrlssEssr'r fhl* *ttl sat--tbui* rtii"H ;ishi-ina-.rrfi6 &he trecantracta lnto liarnory,


__I- *ar **Tfl"U"f.coFg-gf .thle t*tter- t* ,,r: Fs"c!r$L&* exda&alr be,i&rsarlv*o3lrfiq- t] ]rfi-;ed Ub*r rsfti,r,r: r]r-ru r.er,*erto me ritJr veurl o,H. ;;; ;idd?,*;-;d;'rr - or Errto sc a *bortretter rhi.eh r earl ira.rid m"{o''iffifr;rffi ys$r a'6aatur€ ,*}re* ttas he regull:e* Jlrlr.r Fl$oatuf



"fttil t&arkeg


:Slneerely yorffsr

/ ti;-

Sv-^grctcUse r ,..,_ t ,Dlv*,. ,.-, sli:

"'.,f:,..- a-i;,


d*nuerY ts&. lBL&.

R. Itrrel{ Pagrt, Saq.,fhc l'a<et LttrrerY AStn€Er.

:]i-i?e*t 46tk Strccto$*v tssr* #*. tr.

[13r dea,r Hr. $*g$t:

x t**v* ysur ffitee ff $aaeary 3&&r rapAof"*tr&riiF

rt tk rcfsvfiilIoa ts Hr* d. ry'*tt T*rs*trl, wd t& *elttrst

E{essd k*Srcgll knu; ABI sHrs*IY.€t ffi I$*etrber Sth, I csrtr

sf whtrsxE xretr ke.?e x{w le yaur pes*$eatm. I fiE Eedd6nS

&, e@F:f eS }'*Bi' Lwtt*r t* &.b. YerrlI'l, es Fffi. *a Grytr

sx3eLBs**,. 3!*,e t}llesmi, *f s*i{r 3.e&**rr ef #x,xlrrnry L*tb

$*:.1 h* *tte*&*{ ** *.i;t' e*arrtreo t ef iiotueml**x &th*ti

ses tefu},3,Y ;r*uro.


Syracuse iJnrversiry l-rbrart

@\t,lflugrt pttrrurg Agrnrg25,WEST 45th STREET

Thc Follooing arc Afilialed Organizatlors:



llfhile every care is taLcn ofMSS..Drawings, ctc,, rcnt to us. wc dii-cteim any rcsponsibllity fos locaor d.mage in transit. or by fire.


Janu.a3.v i6, I ?18 .

ji;essrs. g. P. Iuiton & Co.,6i;1 Fifih Avenue,

"rew York City.i,,lr " 'iolin $a.cr ae


Iea.r j..,rr . l,-aci"ae:

?his to give ]rou foruia.J warning tha"t, f cler.imcyouJ obligation to pay throu.gh the Paget Litera.ry Agenc;"' a.11ruonies vrliatsoever due or accruing du-e uncler the terns of tlieconi,raci aa.ted Iecenber 5, I91?, between A.- 1I. Verrill and E.P. Iuttoti {c Co., for ihree volumes on Scuth Afierica a.nd }tex-ico.

i,iy cla.iri to the ,r;ay:rrent of these monies through rny a.gen-cy is based upon cia.uees in tlie ccntraot. of Jui.y 12, 1.916,bettreer: I. P. jjurton €c Co. r and A. H. 1,Ierrill for rTHX B00I; CIf'??lx' lVliST Iilil)IEst' .

ltre f ollovring are tkre tvro cla.rr,seg uponwhich i 'ba.se theclairn a-b ove ii:entloned :

n?he Auth.or gives io the Fubl-i.gkrers the first refuserlof fr-irthe.r'vclu,nies of a plol)osed series of sirnil.ar wcri,rs onlIexir:o, a.nd Central and Sout,}i Atierica..

the Author tiereby a.iithorlzes and empowers his Agen'i;s,The Paget Litera.ry Ageney, of 25 West 45tii Streetlii lde$r [orkcity, to collec'r, and rqcei.ve afl. sums of rnoney paya.ble to theAutlior rinrier the terms a.nd conditione of .this a.greenient a-ndunder the terms and conditions of fulure agreements for fur-ther rrol.umes, 3.F provideri. above, and d-ecla.re.q tha.t Ti:e pagetLitera.r:y AgenCy t s receiS:i slia"l1 be a good a"nd va.]:d d-ischa.rgeto all per$ons paying such rrlonies to ihem. the Author qlsohereby a.utllorizes anc-l empcrvc&s tire Publ ishers to trea"t with

, ,'t Lf essre I E. P. Dutton & co . 2.

The Faget literary Agency on his beha.Lf in aLl. matters con-cerning thie agreer:ent, and slickr further a€reefiients in anyway wliatsoever . rr

r inay further ir:rf ofln Jrou" tha.t r ha.ve r:eceived from ],T.iier:'t]l $25 in arJ.vance a.nd on accouni of ri,y la,fi eowdission,anrl I embocly in this ldter, as foliows, t}:.e copy of thestateiiient riellvered to L{r. yerr"i3.1, and a.cceptecl by him, ineonnec'cior wlth ihe payrrent of said $zb on a.ccount of ourl,Qfl eownission.

since you ha.ve already palci $soo to lJ,r. verrill. in ad-yance and on account of royalties under the contract of }ec-enber 5th :'eferreei to a.bove, I have eharged I,1r. yerri]l repccount with a.IuT!i:q, #25 to make up our tUfoil 10f; comrrris-sicn on the sa.iri $500.Your.".rrfu%lHlltTRiilztT

Bece iverl fr om

a/e royaltiess er ies

copY 03 s?AT}ji,slf?ianuary ?, 1918.

A. Hyatt Verril1., Esq.

3.P. nutton & Co. a.dvance on

?,nd volume Of ,tgloven iloof r:i; \/,rir;.iiSts i a, ,qa,;,, . ,..:

Our ryinimum eonrnrission $

On afe our lOfi corniiission on a.rtrva"nce a.nd

royaltles of the bo.ok on IT. & g. South

America", a.$ per contract t3ook of Weet

lnq].es tr

Our eheck handed to you today

s125, CJo


25. O0

?5 .00

125 .0C' $ 1e5 . 00

@.tie Paget ?f;itewry flgenw25 WEST 45th STREET

yp YoRKHenoln Pecrr

Thc Folloulng arc ,/ftltated Oryanizations:




Telephonc:905 BRYANT


I,,lessrs. S-. 3. Iutton 8: Co.,681 * Sth Ave,,New York.

Ilr. Jonn lll.creo.nj1€B.I ir-r. IleCl'ee,

I have just : ron v er-T1i- r vrho writesas f o1l-ovrs:

"A$ to t1',e -8coi,- of the lliest lr-dies, 1am vo'ilIing to 1ea",..e {;i:e cre{- e of pr-h1 rcr ticn a rC rry'' ce tcilr. llacrae's jt:-dgment provid-ed. t.e is r,rrl I r-r.5. t o I f t-et'e tohls eor;trect as: to tire la;rr.rent of tl'e sercord instel-li:rent of{:2SO.OOC rihic}r i,ies to bb leid wit}rin six nor ths o:1 ti-e C-eteuhen Illi v;as deillered.

It As I hr.ve connted- or, tlils ir' n;r l-.lersit wor,l-cl- serior.sl;r inconrrenlence ne 1f d"ele-yed r:rti1 r.elitSoptember. If therefore il::. .r-aerp-e tt ir:.],s 1t best to r.':itl:-1ro1d. puhJ ieetlor, tr-ltil ti..at d.ate I s1'€.13 e:.1 ect n]: T,a:'r,rertjust the sa.rie. hs fa:: ers the ei:erges 1r. tb.e che.pter or.rDanish iYest frrd-ies c"re corcerr-ed f wil-l El r-d"lJ,' nc-ke tl:err:,brit 1t r,;i1l not be uecestrs.t:lr to revirite th-e chapter bttin each ca,se w?'lcr:e th.e iel-ar,i.s r-f'e rr:--r'el:reC. to es .lJar ish,sribstrtute ( "Acr-riired 'b]r iinlluU State s b;r pt:rc;t,ase Ieeen-t,er 1916" ). flowever if iir. i;a.cra.e lreiere erd. r'rill ser,one tj:e proof oi +-he hooir refe:"rirf to ttre-lerish. i"estf adles ( or a t;rpevrritter, coy)v of l.ire litj ) I vril I rer.rri t ethe po:'t ion.g rerlui::ing altere"tior:. "

F ebrue::3r I , 191? .

Yerrril ll


\\ E. ?. Dtitton.,}

!ebniary iJ , 1,rl-". lage ?-.

!?11i i'o11 1et ne het.:r fron ;r6f ir regerdto t.n6,s/, erd I hope ;161; 1"ill 1;e €'ooc er',or:.g1-'. to let re 13\rea eirecl: jor hir:l a,.s :'€(11i€sted..

ilolirrg' tliat thisr ,.',111 riot be inconver.ient'Ian

ljinc erel 1r irot',1-S r


{vracuse [Jniversilv l,ibrarl,

E&re1lt nEglt' Esg*a8Ss F:&gst i.itarazg .&.gurr.cyt

*S so'r* ffit& $.txr+tlXa€ &r& Strt$.

d.Iirl,I eS. Igtr?.

Syracuse Uniu*.uiru 1,,,r.,,

Apil*.l e*n +npacfsfiIy rtth rafarcret

8?rltl otr tlF Gtra*w*t 8o0f,.'?



ts &ir.



'€-r. ffiEl t}gt *h m*:r F€Ist *a ?Si* rsBsp

'&* s**1@$*." tE tr!*fg s&sl$s*&r h** *i*tw**t al ts

* trtpgm*Iw *s s$'br qt&ari *8,@r*ag t$, s{'sdry rc

*r A**t*ry ***tf aal t{* Eftle ** thr pr*e3ror:'Strf.tr$r*&lffifr th qul-

*.i{e *f -t{0 *It *itflEr sr ffi*u ry S{{try ** mm*pt alf tb uoalelrtft

rrtli rlo * is:m* eud Eit[ bt riFad io by u.s*sd*rsrf S€nslsr


.- :rl'"'-'


@be lPsget ?{;itemrp flgeWzs rilrsr 45th STREETNEW YORK

Tlrc Fonaotas atc /ffkatal O4aalzaltotu:




Telcplmac t905 BRYANT

Wbilc evcry carc is takeoof MSS,.Drawi$ss. etc., saDt to ns, wc dis.claim any resDoasibility for loss ordamage io traasit, or by 6re, orothcrwise,

Apri.L 24, 19L?.

'Sl: ,-lrli i gi'i;lr,., j.-,irt.,rt.v

Hessrs. E.P. Dutton, & Co.,681 I'ifth Avenue,New York Clty.I{r. John tr{acrae.

Dear illr. I'iacrae,

It has been very difflcult to keep ln touchwith Mr. A.H. Verrl1l - and I have only just recelved fromhim a letter dated April 5 in reply to one whlch I wrote himin December, referring to your.letter to me of December L4,eOneernlng the contraet f Or 6T;ij ?F.,,i.iL .il' -rr1 f;-,1)rrj'1,:l Hr0:'t.

Verrill wrltes: rTell };lr. ]l{aerae I wl}} trseevery effort to have tl:e manuscrlpt reach him by June 1, butI fear it will be impossible to obtain lllustra.tions. I donot thlnk this makes any difference however, and am personal-ly of the opinlon that lllustratlons, especially photographs,detract from a boye bcok of thls sort.r

I w1I} dellver the manuscript to you assoon as it reaches me - further, if, Mr, YerriII should by anycha.nee send the manuscript to you d.irect, I should be greatlyobliged i.f you wlI1 notlf,y me.

Sincerely yours,


I .g'I{ew Yarh ileb. 23rd. 1922

Mr. Jo?m Maerae,E.P.Dutton. Co,6Bl FLftl.L Aue.i,leut YorT; CLty. lvracuse I rnrversity Llbrarv

near Mr.Macrae:

I haue just reoeLued, Aour letter deted.Feb. 78th., but rdtLch, fsee bA the postmark wi$ not +taLled untL| tlw 21,st" I regret t?wt ya?r

dld, not see fLt to re-tiA to 7nA preuLous l.etter.wr!,tten Ln JanuarUr*s

Ln t\?fr,t case tt'e uh,67e unfortrtnate mLeund,erstandLng nL$tt \ta,oe been

cleared, up.

lfow as io tlw TRAIL 0f IllE RElALUru1llfSfS, Although I real.ly consLder

thqt Vour TwJd up of, the payment {or thLs on tha grou.nds tlwd

LJlastro,ti,ons upre,not f,urnLsWd, Ls quLbbLLng, stLJl.,a,e Vol.t i,nsLst upon

tlt'Lsrl an eendLng Aou photagraptts oi Venezuelcn seenes rnentLoned, Ln tho

story. I[te;oaason I say f Tooh uporl thLs as so'neu)iint ltetty,Ls because

t\rc orLgi,7uq7- ztrtdersiancli,ng Lxt,s thnt f ttns to furnLsh, pttotos whLclt, wcuid,

Ferue &'s o, gu,Ld,e to tlLe artLst illustratL!-Lg t\w baohs,and, as t?te pLctures

sup.oJLed, usLth, the ctWr aoLu,nes u.ere not usedrand as gou Jong ago gaoe

up tt?E Ldea of, usLng p?wtoe as Lllastratlans, such ,;?wtos tollJ be.of,

no rea| ua\ue Ln eonnect'Lon vtLtl't tVw boo\t. Eotreuer, t1Lo,i Ls t?trt,t, X

an sendlng tlw pLctares und,er separate cover so you cannot eay f h,aue

not fuJfLJled thp eontract to tlta Jet,ter.]fozts o's regcrd,s ffB South Amerlean book: LeauLng. asLd,e alJ rtruesti,ons

of, nyttchasLng t\w rcLnfieTsrr 6t uou )ut Lt and, aLr guestlon of, th,e

eon)etertcy of, the reacters oy the uali,d,Lty of, tTteLr crLtLei,srnsrzottlch Ilong ago tooh u-,wlttt, yor-t, r am perf,ectly toLll.Lng to tal."e t?Le t{s oy

t7'e booi; ancl reprLte Lt w?wre need,ed and, to mabe d,nu eorreetl,)rls#### of, staternents tohLetr, *re not correct. Eut f slw,Jl certaLnJy requlrean undertcitlng lfron aau t?wt Ln th.a,t eese f a;rz Lnf,orwed, of, tha nffies


of qny pq,rty or pa,rtLes who take aaceptLon to my strs,ternents Ln

t?w usork. If, Ls Q,n i,mpossLbJe si,tuctLon f*r an a,utkor to h,aue \ti,s

statenents d,ubbed erroneoas or ljfrrse bg an qrss4ymous crltLerYou eay tltat iI got uerA a,cri,monLous ouer th,e matter, flwre uore but

twc natters Ln tlw r-tsTwJe con,trouersA wttLch.aud,e me acrLnonlous arLA if,Aou ar anyona el.se \wd been Lrz,ny plaee yoa or t?w!/ lcouJd \rr*ue been f,arrflore acrlrnorlLott,s tiw,n, myself,, ITpse ttyc natters w-re,f,Lrstt-t?w f,actt?La,t you, used, Uour erLt+ci,sms of tltLs boah 6s a, basLs f,or ref,usLt"t,g to

fdff,l your obJ!,gat,Lons regardLng thn TRAIL serLe€, And saeor?d:- thp

faet t?l/*,t UOu q,ecepted ttlr erLtLeLsrns of, q,not?wr wLthout gLui,ng ne

, t71,e /?,a:ii,e of nJ erLt,Le* Ang cr|tLc ar reuLer;er wfuo L* aifrci,d to use

h,Ls natna is,to rny nLnd,,urutrfrrthy oi consi,CeratLon;

I{ow I thlnk we ttnc\eretand, each other and, Lf, you wts\t, I shall be uerA

glad to talh tTtLs dtol.e matter ouer i,n persoT?, if gou ea,n, appaunt a

t,Lrne bef,ore you Je*ue, 1thorwi,se Lt Ls weraly necessd,ra;or you towrbte ifle c, JLne agreeLng to *zy stLpulati,ons encl to serrcl tne t?w clwek

f,or $175, d.we orl t?w rRArL oF fiIE RTrLlurrlllr,srs. 07t eourse i,t isund,erstood th/l,t Lf f undertaka to rewrLtd th,i,s boo?t ss statedrand, i,fAou keep to you" a,greenents to sertd, tiw e?wcir and do ruot subwlt my

wark to an&,*o.us eri,ti,esr.f wi,ll do t?,]fi at?,wr uoJunes of the So.:.tth

AmerLean ffiffi., fn f,a,ct,the contracts wlll renaLn as Lrr ttwLr ori,gf,ns.J. Syracuse Univsl5;s1 Librarifo rm. -" r uvsr

I tntst t?tilt r Twue rnad,a euerytTtLng elecr and, that our forma! eordi,aJreLatLons ttay be resum,ed; f rratst conf,ess fuotreoery that, l,n, a-tJ r?t! o,v;)arieneeLn wrLtL:og I ?wue neuer ltart any dLff,LcultA rslth a .*.tblLsh,er ?t,Lt?tertot"and t7t8 entLre u,nfortunpte a/latr couLrt reac),Lly izaue been aaclded, ha,d,

aou not, Twld up ttw,!r*,Ll booh baca*se of, any Lwpasse regardLng theo the r book,



Eoweuer2 f am wfuJlln,g to ,Iet bggorues be bygones and, tc put t7w South

Awerilean. book Ln proper eha.pe Lf you are raLllLng to do goar part,AgaLn expressLrtg nV regrets f,or tlw lntu u,rl.,tf6q,s6ntness an"rJ ?wplrry

tho,t Vou, wlll s,ppreeLq,te tTze f,aet tTwt f hnue wt Vau $tore t?wrz Twift$d!2 I renaLn,2

tiLneerely Uou?s. -/

s..v"acrrsu {JniversjtJr

L i brar.y




$etsrs*I$ S9" 1$S*.

sI* r a. Eralt YB rrltrl IFo 0, Bor l8trUa{llso?r E(.tu,aro Stet toutsew Tsrlq C !,t Y.

Dear Hrr gcrrr[tr,l*

I b*v{ *$ail'" #-1; "{-ry:oi *arsf 1*.$urtg thtf }ooB ron**, ad tffi;";;i;;";-*t"-"etiilt fi.-ru. ,anusiriBt -tc l'"ecPoBrtbtr's f g lta l,'til;;lffil--r.*iil&"pid.-*ii e*ryauce 11 6Uee *a tlis urxtr$arlFt" .touh*yC 6g**r{Lttf iti*ilt ferp-sqrtungpfq'a! ever *ht ,st$ss*t I ryQ-s*fffiH ffi[-ffi;[*.' hat{rtr erap**i- * pn?llaher te orrcr * b66* *9.fsSL 3fiuiiri-fil;ffi=xffib[il- *i ]]i ro;rlrted,t o r*E ]x vcsn S]tr4*gt4t:.Pi*_'+*Yq* ' Y '*";d;eft*"ds no gdCr *rlil they ito n*t !Ee&{ t&€ @ $ssr*rtbt#$c aui* tkrlpht fon pu,t;i-iii;;.--r'h ili;i E", tb.el 1r vot {,atlrs rs,tgt€ -I8*rT' s: mt ;ia'jr*eh im "tu : I ;,1*[ #ffi I' ii i if n i'ol "ffiil'riiiril-;;ffi il"Js lr ro" wlsh lt, to'ooualt sith trs ln Psrtoiro

?ar coutrsateg rrlth as to 0o oertain rpes_*fts tbII'6E tbrottghyoar :gUrtr garola PefEt. Slc89 coutraeta &16 oa lllE. -.ilfta:t EoilFi ieot iie ;it L ;;-tJ*6-s.* elr tblase' vqu Y€T-o 1"9-:l1jt-lly-:^Eodsr;st !"r; otnrod yo$rrnll,tioaa to tbe eBd of ih* raiaDP'Tll3olt.t'grffirTiS"}il*;n,ii{r' w11trw* lg lts E*. Ebe pgg}t- f,* a$r. thst.tqS*,sa*tk *mrfisaa niwd* Vor*u*- 6*s; *'a&net ue -plrlrttht& uni tI it i* txF;;;;d ili ;;e; omt'gpoa *u&ertoig tc aegs tt 1* trot1 eox*rffit '- E*u{Eil*rgcsle a*.i uniipeiert qr[ter te rrrttc & $antoe 6# tkr** leokq dsnl"*H;-;il['siith *rmr,*,snr".g,qL.*,* sB ssrth*{t* ar& Es*tsF' tfF 1fdJitu'*w rteal -voir- A+UT:ffi ssr*tli6r8 as$ f+*ts&*x $*&6 of ssutkAmeltca.ABdvoiffiIrtexlgo.1{Ewerg-qu1toeasoltohavg.'the!ef"fa"toolrs to.soutn Aueriss. It was a Eood. uadertakLag, an'd I had.

"o" ry reaEon to bolleve that you would d.o what I fell $ur€ you werg

""putle of d.olag - wrlte tXlree bopks whlch would stahd for a-long

t lms est stand,arl End, lmportant book* on $outh Amqrics' EAg f,lrEt;;i;*;

-*;;.:;;-r"a.-- p"oi." f or publioat ion; and tf vou €xpec t us t o

proceed with the putLlcat ioa of YoJ.uue Oae and. it l* mado corrgctana rleht, then you must gi.ve ms somo guarantee that you will For-form the rest of tho work ln a workmanllka wayr

I axn speaklng pf$lnb and frim tb shouldEr' bscause n?othe r methocL e**t u""ornpf tsU what is now des 1r'abla: the sstt lameat of;;;i- r',-;;-;"-;;";-;;;; mr"e vour eon*act.

'7r.1 /1g.1t-.

RatthfullY Yoqrs'




P€brq,ary 1S. Ig&9.

Bf,. A. ESBtt Pernlltr,;81 0r Bof r,8ltEad,f,ron I rugro St st loa;Bss lort olty.DaBr Mr. Yenrlllr

I bau* yorr lCttEr or Peln*ar? Iettrr .tlxrctalltin rsl,etion t$ E*A #*&*e S$ xffi SEtsI-Sn'tr$EIffi$. EHs n*r$fls:rfFt

ii"sf t&*i taot''*{ fif'tril ihs *trInctsf,ttro*i ara flst hstrt. ,ir E

rrteri*rEt[ o!1r *sif,r+ttFs;' ,pofi s9]!* *o ftpir*ch x* *[t& l*e 4r*-cor$trr't ss* tfu *.L[u*tr**&i**r ,,1** ]l*s*.*Ilt *,f t.h* *Lt***x**t$Hr

trsn 6aa h*** raax s, #{tt&.1$.{t_uer tho $f***et.DeltHallg yoer*t

tulxw\ vra.-.r{sr! Il nlversrtv l_rbrary











ffew Tork Feb, l?t\l,Jg?a

Nr.John, iie1raetE.P.0utton Ca,681 FLf,th Aoe,l{ew Yorh CLtg.

Dear SLr:

fn gcur Zetter d,ated, Jane 8t71,, tg21 Vou state2 raf,errLnq to

t71E balanee of, $775, due on ItE fRaIL oF',t',t? frEvOLUIrL*rSISrt?wt'

gou wLll Wy t\w awount Ln Febntary t922,

f thlref,ore a4 tohLng tta Tlbertg of, renlitfi,Ln'g you of thLs f"n

order tfwt Lt naV not sJLp Uowr nlnti; As yau saw fi',t to wltlwld

t?w payment regord.less of tlw tenns o'f, t\w eorttraat ond aJso

arbLtrafr*fly dLsrqga,ritad, tfw e,lawee dtleh isrobi,d,es f,or arbLtratLorz

Ln ol,ae t*gre is oq d$f,$erenOe af, oplnlon bettnen out'?wr and,

pubJlstler, and, as I ?wue w,Lted patLerttly wi,tno*,ffitn*nd,Lng t\\frt

swahl, erbi,tratlon shouLA be oai.Ied, upont t ttl,st t\lilt' you can, at

l.east l*ep Aour wrLtten prornLse and, nake tlw puynent as a*au agrecd

tnv) ttn 7 l.*i.nn .)vracuse ufllversrlt i.lhral i" of Vour,'o?orL uoLLt,i,on)

If not,than f s?wl| be conpaTled,, mteb as f regret to Ao lot to

tahte otlwr wasures for.eolleatlng Lt: whLeh2 i,n aLew of, your

leiter and t?w fact that Aou o,ccepted, the Tta,nu,ecrLptt wLll not

be a d,Lff,Lcalt notter f Lm*gLneo

I f,eel sare horpuer,, t?t.rt you Twve ruo LntentLon of, repudlatLng Aour

wrLtten, statemert,ts arud, tlwt iltp cTtpch ',oiil bte f,orthao.rhi;rgg bef,ore

tfto end, of, th,Ls manth,,

P.0,Box 12LMadLson Sg.Sto,

1,."*"* ue6a trwTy'


l{aw Vork Jan,. 16t7'1, tgPA

jlr..Ioh,n McCrae,E, P, bt tton -E Co .681 FLfth Aue,CLty.

Dear aLr:

Fernlt ne to rernLrt"d, yoll thrl,t Lrz Aou,r letLer af June

SttL* tgEJ .t lou stated, tttfr,t you *ould p&A tlte fu,Jatzea af,

8175' d.ue on, fEE fRAiL 0F fEE Rg'f1LUff7i{fSfS orl th,e flrstoi Febru*.-y, LgeE arud, f sh*LJ t?wrefore e;cpect to receLce

t\Le anourut on" ti'ttr t date.

Y.ours uarg truJy2

P"0.Eox 1P,1i{adi,son Sg.Sta,


\Iracuse r,,.,nlversit!


JE[e S. lSAl.

Br. nr E$att ftrf,itl,Eotel Ba*&i'agtoarCrlttobal I Q. E,

Boe r Hr . Valr lltrI }r*rt fffir "arg d,i.ctnrtart lstt# *f Tay e$th (I r*tr sbout

tp e*trl tt rratbyl . Erlderttr-y fron ;roa$ rtrspglul yae fcel Ja*ttf r{[t* ffslie8 bsth d,trturb** un6 eugftr h+*l th* itrn*tlors prctat*,g fre$tr[tr.f rlan$&,i$t tt$,&rc G*!il$flt. Eut 3t *+il frmBsrn [n t]t* oaafi*het thtrr le *nstno; .t([r of tb* far0e f*an, *$* r*3r irr erc -lo*xi*trla[6 I tae6tar ttr rseai* gm o*!tc tt tkir **nahutrci* t** qrri,sksfBsttorr 1111 Dg urt6ed.

* r yO* ItitSw;sn.e sa tk ar;r*6f *ul.t uq t*1.!. yo{r t s+ II bBVr uad.B. th tGl*uttr* *f prbltrbla*t* tfrr 1l*hltS, rrkla tr*a r0ur l"atierc*f, e[A

x an lwllard ts s$*et {u*at ed to &rt &.*r{ld,oalln6 trttb m.Dr thta ta tbo tcrt *ay. Flrrther* ni islratls* tf msu**etefre! BBf orrtlsGil?*[ttr *qua]l.y {*finf*r* [r tha I tr hare Ec l.s*

s bool rotttra6 oEt to glrr prol)rf lnfo!tsBtloBilsooror tb8 lnfcrmttoa g[rcu lr uot qslrcstlr rnaagLy aSrpral,rcd ta othe! lugtauoelr

: I rtrll ftr** *Tel-rt*tb sB tltla rol,uslc of,-thf Erait utet*rf{fiB !tstl& 0tr {H$ SffiSLUflXSffi$t$. Shs'rstr*{or6p t 'e[sitr*d. hrury, sE s,n&r,Utd. It l,e too latc to h8"o thlc toot tEato fe; tbtr lretra bu,rtairo.tf t$s'nas*ror+1pt t,r np to tkq p*liilt.rd sf t&r t** irii*eins rt[*lrcrln tbc rcrterl !.t rtII tc aaocptcd aq{ trrat0 fo! oD the bettrr of tlrtoatteol rf,gnrill oa tho l,gtf, Ary of Droubc; 1919o .tt lhet tlss rtpaltl yEs 8laEioo. .tr yorr herr fol Srour fi]E 6[od, au0 rrrf,fl,olcut rll-soit lalloit to ltclltct thtrr lEsuuroltptr f[B!B tho 18tL iry Of Dooulcr,1919 raitl tue tC 6ay of Ssir l9?1, tr rlall! tn ItIr r&aEe!, feE grosila4l raf,ftal,cat lqareE! tBll tO B6€.Ft ihlr anutrsslpt aad, pay t[o rC-uala**g *l.tE.so, xrt,ll trttrsert f*&4. ,, ta** tl]r ltt*ut$ t'il**nil *tir:fgh*r ** vlor tl t&* f,aEt tb** trst'lrsfflttsilfl ** asr ficlitc**c toIt st B ltno rc late ln tM tnss thnt lt tr lugocolblo for pe to gietttil r-so* s***Xr f,or'rtftc SBII6 ae &ua *ratm fu* e 1rtop6$ rro5lr

lic t*st{ t&e* yon Lsvr f*tlti to oxrpDly rt rtth o* ,ato*Ialrellaar, rhlob k e pell of,nthrl oonllasl rrr Latc rl*$.ygu fgq.*Lcajub-ltshrn}-:qf tuuq" tHes ,IQek rr 9tr€t '*Utr1-;$a titet ttrut ii;; i., ti ons"h{"i{;x[It3J'8$**3un#$oflJ*"J$3i 3S6$fLIf,Io&$ Ff$Stiof$f ir*etfi gE$r51,rs !b*t ace0*f,tlA to tt&{}o*!tritr* *qt8ftti.6 ty f & thr*gh yffir 6$*!rt Feh.*t ia &u$ntt 131fu thoio *uag6 t* tulua*r. tr*t tr br r*lttc* an* fit-aiftr* tf yeg f*r our eppfsr&tr, - a8{ t,tr Bo6}pt*d,} - Bubli**tisr.fttr oor8rr the eto"GE Foot geriea.

I eu d,eallag nttb thr firbrrot of you! 8orth.[scrlooil} boo[la s ropar**c lsltrt. I h*ra uCIthtrgl "H.t frtrunl8 f,rtetrrt ta yq-uttEt tralr untt ioat fal,rif ail,{ lqHerol* Bt thr fa*t tt*pt rb*n yos ftrrt



Es;. n. Sfelt Tfisttll*rr"**,*S


?.er[r l* *t ,"




. i.".

ry, *3O;e {.rniversrry

Librar i





Stffis 6. 194I.

Ur . .lr r Egla tt Ye rr 111 rEotrl traehLagtont

j.r. _i

Doc ! Hr r Y.!r 111r

I hr*ro yoa! "ary

d,t*turbeil trett* of, Uay Bgtf (I rar cbout;to 6*11 tt xrathyl . grtitrattrf fseu yoa! rle$polbl yoe f,cel J*rttfle{tq f,eoltae botb 0lsturbrd, etral angry s?ar tbe rltaatloa; ]robably frouyoa! ita4{llis1nt ttu arc 6o!!tot. Blt lt {s* haFpct la thir 6*rtrtbgt therE 1r arsthsr rtili 6f ttr€ fetrsc flsll tb.c ray yotr sr6 trearlagrani t luaglrrt tho.ooaoa yoE ooro to ttrtr corolBrlgao tba qulokcrlilttctr rtll hc neadct


&, f.Gr llrtvs I au l[altncd to rpral etrt$t aud. to I&t, tsrtfaa{ oa tlic avc,ratf iu,iteeltrg r*tL lrnr tbtr *r thr t*tt !re}r Ftrrt16t tro {Ell you that 3 tri*;* aa lalrtrtlon ef peBlilaflng say oottreotI [rrr as{q. ,lltt rtir*'Ilotutr aquallf dcftnllrr lr that I hart no ta-tratlor *f prrhtrtr ltg r'boot iotttns ort to glrr prop.! lnfaluatlorts thr prbllnl rhrn'f {lrcprrl the XBf,os*stloa Giivea it tot oolroati,u toee irstaulrr aM, lr ;rol8l,, *ppralrclt Ia etlret lstinasolr

x r!.11 fltrt Ccal rr,tb tbo thllil Tolrilc of tho Erall uoolrritmE EMIL oT !H,B DtrTolulllorlg88. $ht latrntsr&l t e}l,lvr6 baf e or, rltrtc i

f,til. It 1r too la{]r tO b8'.f tbir tocl aa{r fcr l&t* tgatrc berl[.r;.If tlc aaustoript 1r B$ ts thc attr0rr,{ ot tL. ttc ptrorCtag taltaartrn ttr* ltlictr f t r*tl bc **orp tr{ ar*d pai{ f,or ea ths }arlr o! theooatrael rISaiC eu thr lell Cry of mc*ibtt, Lgt9. .$ t that tllc rrprle tou lIeS.S0o Lr you L6?c for four ors g$ot lad r*ffloi_cat !t6-totr tal[64 tr Ao!,tver lb,lr a*acroltptr lraa tbo tgttr Ory of DlgrryLtlrI.ttN nrtll thr 6i {cf of Sfirrr }081r I rha11 la ltts te!tri[, fer 6os{aS l*fftoi,oat rrarop,r fall tc atcaFi ihlr usautoript *tl[ pe, tL{ rc-r*in*!S $l?S.Oon nati,l lcbluapgr IPEA. I tart tblr llbrlty troaurr lttt Ilgihlr tn rtor cf tba f,a6t t[at totl; lerurorlft li rss dcfttsl*O toat et a *lrt lt lsts ln tbe ,car tbat tt to tulror*eb[i f,or Es to gcttbr loot t6BAy fo! ttrr ooaiug artnoa ,aeloa i,r a, proFcr rayo

I rlro rotc tlst foB bsrc f*lIcd. to.EpDIt le rtth tb lllnt-ffi ill:';"'ti",1"ioiJr"il,rf;"io*#1,ffii:*F:t*Bx:$#$ts11"i.re*f;rgrtr'i*i;r;'ie*idi;,f g,#rn"ffi r"**timlt*if*';,ffi I"*'t*gJ5'""11-to tbat Bocostlrc i_o ttj$oulttnr rnbutrttcd by ,sE th!'s,gih ,ous c6rat Peb-rt

',tr.&rE[,rt 1916r thOfc lcrna!,n ire

".olrfi6a yot to Ut slttau aa{ rEt-

atl*:ril ty S.0[ fo! oE! eppdotil - e*O lf aoocSrtod.] - pntlf,oatiol.Ihlr totrrr fh6 c1o!6t troot gtlist.

I are rlcaltn6 rltb tlr rubJcl af yoil! Sorrth &sericaa toEtLa a rrparato l,rllrrr X hnvr upthlagi but f$iendlrrlatelrrt 1! t?!t3.^tEt yst ffi,rt trrcU f,airly ana rquamls at tbr faot thnt rbra roE rlltt


: Ir'.

W:** & r.llSratl Tt*itllr.,r.,8

.,lltlutAf,t*eAto,tpopd** $rs?qf*} ,* foE t&r prbl*o**t*rr qf, thr{r , -''l,bDoerrrlhtrlEr[:,r{FE*"eg{t*'r+6r*r feu bE[ a rprr dutaiti au* ip; '

t-etravr pErlro!! o!_procccalrg to tue aoccr.ari potui", -ooii*ifasthe lafglratlor atd, i,ats arcirrrly, antt r ifl,ig- tts uior.-fi-jl-qal,cts rnpo*rlltrr ar preartEs!., rli y*, er"-fi*d;H *irrcrrltf!r!?$r yoE tB!r8a_yffir atiraltrsn f,ra! llteretutt to othu raltr:: I-rf?.g ar*-r.*lTs"llv vou, ttrcrarnrc Dsr nffrrc{ y.!y aetcliai{I-lt tatb sr to ttr llt.!s!t qralltr are tba tr,lre ror {cilr.ry.

ttttr Iy rrtf IID{ !rga!{tr f st


5t S,yrapu*e Unire""rry

, t,Arurn

:.: .-.-:.'i: '




Cristobal, C. 2., 28thll92J., , 192

Nr:John Maerea* EeP.Dttttoru Co.618 FLlvh Aue,i{ew Yark {}t tUo

ivrar.ttse i ,nl rre.rqr-,r i.rniar.,Dear Mr.Mocrea:

f om naefl surprLsed, to Jeo,nl f,rom ErsoVerrt l.l tl1frt Vo& lw,ve

deeJf,&ed to Wll for tlw Jast boak of, tlze Irvll serlee ar

f,or ilw trtlrate storg on t\rc ground,e tlw,t tlwre trure mlr?vyk,errore vn,booh on Soutfl Amertea.

Yau Twoe neve? betore ryGde o,ny corrplaf,rzt abowt th,e Lai&er

boolt, nerely statlng thet ttlr nanuecrLpt ums tn bad elwie

an"d'had to':,be retgped. iloraooerrf d,eali,n,e to a,ocept any

sttolt, etatenent os vo errars and, itoJd, wterlal, rehnshed! Of

eou,rse tlwre nny be aome errars inA u, f Twue not been, to

Brazll lar a numbar of, years f rs,s obllged to tntet to the

Gooernnen, reporxs and oti1p,7 Jt,teroture f,or tne up*r;o-d,stenaterf,al on xld\b eouittry. Bttt as f,ar as Venezuela, t?Le Au,ta,rTae

Columbia and, tanarro, Gre aoncef'rteei tlzere Ls rlo ald retw,slng

ond ni,ghty f,ew e?rors. r und,erst;and tizat you base uoursaatement on Tn"Dtng rwd, clrc ffg reulewed,, t:{ you Twve so tweh

f,aLth l,n gour nreaLeztern rdty d,ont t you ?woe ?rLn or ner wrLle

Vour boohs and, no\ get ne to do Lt?I

Eormver2 tf f,or x?ie aahe of, arqntent,tlle ils f,a sJJ you ffiy


Cri,stobal,C.2., . ,192


of, tsofEs r eannob aee o,s Lt hns th,e leaet bearf,ng oru aTte qu,eatLon

of uh,e boohs ef ihg L'v"a|l ser{es o?" on tne plrate story. f?wse

are under &parate and, d,Leti,nct aont,rz,cts ond I iwuo neuer get

heard of, busLnees rnet?wds rfrtarebgt one aontract corald be uotded

because sane ofi,lwr aontrae* wd, ruot been fi,tied enttrelv to #te

eatlaf,aeaf"on of ail caneerrzed, Iou ndght Just, as tssllf re{vsz ao

{}&A your tai,lor i,d Vour ht,teher df,dnt t sut,t or Uoa mLght as weJl

and wLtfu egual.Ly goad rez,son, relltsz to pell a ray&Jfia on ane book

beeause s,ruot7,?Br d,i,d,nt& eel,l wajl" \Vftlt't.lSr: i rIl1 t,e!.iSit. . I ibial \,.

rf, you paret,st Ln yoar e.iw'o,ordtnary polni of, vlew and ref,use to

fiiJf,LrJ gowr pd?", of, the eontraev f,or t;he traLi boak arud, *f, yaa

eonttnue to h,old, {M plrote stora wf,t?wut settJ,ng f,|r 8Qi7t@2 I theJJ

eoneidar tlwt gou iw,oe abrogated the corutraev and u?wt J- g,m ct, perfeea

Tf,berig to dls;:ose of, attese books ef,serfi%re.

Ft'naltg J woatd lL?oe $a staae t@,t tf, ttwre tev-e suc\l errors s,8

you etaLn Ln i;hn Soztth Amerlaarz boott tlwn the na"cl;er shouid, izaae

been bfougTox to ny evranttan f,or aorreciiai Jong ago. 70u wve Ttad

tke NS Ln gaur ?nnds for ten ruorr,t;hs and tn the onJa j.etter I'1waaha,ci f,rorn aau on th€ subjeca,uou nereig saf,d rlwt t?te ffs zms f,n M,d

shnpe a-nd, tlwo thta iwd, d,etoyed prlntLn,gt-not a wrd of, eomtrtlaLnru orarltLelsn about ttre booh itnerwt,s€:-orld thfr,t tes efter Aou ixn,d, hfr,d

Lt f,or slx months and nfrd nfrd, anple opportuntty to ha,aa Lt nreulewedt,


('ristobal, C.2.,D


ar otherwlse Pe$$ed uPatxc

It t?wref,ore o,ppears tolryne ti?fr,t Lt Ls nour varv loie in the

d,ay ao mahe gaek c ta,Lrrzs.

as f,ar as,iue ptrete st'ArY Ls corzcerneci ehe onlg eOntraci ar

sgreement we r&d, 1ffi,8 a, Verful unde"stsndlng ;but tiw l;|fr,il book t?4-

,j,Jr-r*Jr" Jr(ur!r)-or- u" ,on"r,*rlu' o,, twr,stect Lrzta any*rt*,ns

'but the agreemente eontq,Lned ilwreLn s,rLd, f wuld ea,Il no Vou?

attenlf"on Elwt t?tere Ls nothl,ng Lrt the tradl book controcYe dtleltprovLd,es f,ar nam paryertt af odaanees Ld sotna otker wori, Ls at

f;ault, Syt'acuse Linrversit) Librarr

f am quLte sure thfr,i I rwald be boflte oui in thls eontentLom by

arbttltors, by Jaw or by tfue Autlwrs Leogue, I om,and oJtg,ys

Iwee been, gulte wLltlng ta rw,he a,ny eorreetlans or ehanges tn, any

l{5, bttt yod eennat exgtect we to d,o 'i;ltLe unleas tV,e natfref ts auLled,

to mg aitentlon.

Yours very tru,lyt,4i;t

e*. &-**n-*d@ H OTEL DBO



>z-- 2:" 2* A^-.-"l-


rW g,k.,**f' Freff ffiM

q.,c-- A " ,/7/7


''')*#*-. *

4;@/ /?z ./rz.@ry ,4,*;r


&,qr#r *S. tgl?.

lsr. 3r, Ugs&t YeryE3.tr*Brx &r* Llp

lilftir i*-rorgl€ & gpth $treet,ilew Tcrlr St*S*

Ersr 36x.* *lx.**I"r

tr. b**"rc ths ***$*sse *UW,.*Slon fErym y*e urg**5Hg th ***,lne'of, fisee copies of rtffi S0Si: $f fUE flir$t IHB$:S.

Xa *ees e:lp&€r tn p*'. sl*t e*f €f &*q6 *ffis *ce r** #-*Gqiffilf,f fill coptms oi y6au. hocx.; ad i.t rioes eryiratleSl.Jr 8l6mrto n#ffit mst af tbe#asr f,rora fetrplc dre ehould be aefficf**fyirsts&?"6+*d i.e thF"trB&$F* *s *rrtur wr$ }gy gss, q*l$ae gf &* *deff+€'e thmi* bc {fiaI& Bro glad te Bc# orat * f,ew oop"ien ef Srerr &ss* t€SsF€r* sf, *$f,fisin'r.t lxportaaor la &hp rgsa* te€*e+; ard tr gmr SXSSxg*r*t* tk.as sa&r sffi thn i)*prre f,*w. t&s *{*}+* &tr}i I *}*I }*d*ltght*S tc, fsltrstr gcur dceirca ira th,io gwrtl**[er &f-tstr.. *# 'i;;];&art&rn *f, *h*'rcs *18 ssrtstx g*,eple tESLeklI.y e@pa*Id rfifi& thl;Her€ fldle$ sho welld reecllre s copy of tb b6k sd wdto u,* t'I*ttrr**+h *,m[$ be aared Ia eai*ag *.F B* eq$,kr*t*$* e*r'wl*r., I *qle l* ]erax"F *so gled t*, se*fr Er *epy te erre,h e p€rsffi* e* tf tkse 6r!* etr*rrsl rea$g"f,a uf *h*,pgf*g eCI$,lfisc$ee $i*e soE"3d *x* *@14 Lsftrsp* +]E {*,!*sf lrms he*k* X shoa3C ne gtr.ad ta heye.t;isl,r r*6G&. gg, gr*rfl*t *r t*tlm?E*r &.a ae.fsl"}a$*: i&e Garernor of fhsr* j6qri.*rs &elg** &r rryIy*hL€ tt pey f*F e r,€pg sf ;fsar ba:ii; aa{i I €.b ne} sf* bs*, k caa xqpwell es r.'tihqat tbe t&*ok; aa# if hm i,s not dr*^ff*.***ntlg [r&€*s$r* t*$rafr trngr &r g}te *es&, E *ae,uot scs h+!r *nd wk* Ee *n s*G3*W, *,n *tus *a.1#" Str* FeopS,e g+e *ire vtrry u:*€s:r-s sr*lr$* ts tryr{it6 6Ae}ri *d gt 'fr sat {,f *rgh s€X.+s ihet sB expeet ts E&F gffi' solr-sltgr ed our cx,Iletilosr

tr.q#Iff gorr rB&E ffirstcrd *y 16*rrgol** ea tffi* &*tr:rrf s rtfib Ed regnrEr,

S*ra*r*}'y 3rocratSyracuse University Libra_


Er. l. E8att Vernll},'

- [?,$-.3rest6'11, : .::

:-lftol.vpuue t fr?tb' $treetrlles. Y6rl{ C lty.

Dear ltr'. Vcrr'll.Ls '

I hn:re yor 1st68r of Dtoesbcr.l0thr 8d I en 6rle'mr1'tO d6i the eff,ael Of .ry l"ett"erron yenh.uflro1ty pla+ifi'r*te.pe.#i[ta] fft#l3r:, i, +-l s',yor.'*.9rr]6 raii€F6 6pr retter 3d- sq,-that

-i tiboe. pf,:oria''to' eoo16rat'e nlth $q1r a]*ft1..tht $t$-l€3s-1s' t* Btehremgrd the eeld of yorr !unk. ', '' i..' ', '''l :': i:

" : ' l.ii,.t'.: 't' " ,:ti,t.'l:' ':'l - - .' : .- r,,: If you:errtlld eho'r ria':ttiasa, ttle-tfildtpg of,'tEga b'ooics

ta t!s, eore*no*a Pf tlu q*rtFeq t?aat fus*i lelsqdr lrB*ild pscetu*a.Orf;i, *tr-r*lrc'rrlO ire oal;r brro g$*d to gt-e tha bsof"s.e.b you er:6gq9t.grtu*r, Eay dtrl6f4ept ls- thet ffi; givlrrg of tlmeo boots to thla llst+r ryani vilrin ie "ortlrLarc

d'ran arr adrrert-------------tatng:*t* rye'Iaft l,"fg ,.

thfgii,&rt: wa' nlgat t$$!ts :t{,,?&r} oag^ *,'I-r{tar io1tl*afw 'lha fg-httn t,,tins ir1*r uai. pr$ltehsdr. g,ltl ag ths' p*ies , 9$ -f,ol*inp f oI. F1ordsr. Ehls ooald-be dcna thro'.Uh ouh uiail o!'idel} departaeat. You

s*tt,re}5 ro$sintelprti, tho ptuport aud X&t*a[:sf'n3r !a!t.er to_Y-!*r:_

Sp err,'Anfueli,y eilgggpa ie the'expXolti.ng'of Uootrd**1t19 *t?h tbrsi"t-ix[i;'i# safr,*f; *mn*er;,roi tllde* lr':sia4$ry t9 !F'iiiiai}i**ile r#irctic*'"i tbese p&*tiLest, eu-vi Lry rt.rl1iim"t"n mliem 0f :arykin6,sau*y'for Et 3, snttiir'P,G$. ' f*r{tr aFdl

fi;:-v-;iu'ilo[}"-:ii*-&:,ili" re*a es ** . tnxnel utr tui,m*e' ; r*h' tefr ir,iiiii . *HiJ h.ffi ;ii,* ryli- ;u, n# * *c' fo iur!{+,. I,'rc

SlnccrcIy your$r

$easmbar s. 3B[?'

S.1'racuse' t tniversrr), i_ j hrarr

to t3b tn*erqsste$., ,,r'

Wtth W vcry. klndst ry letter egain aE# eiveya$ u$frqtftsBsr tr,6

:- '

neggr$Fr ser,{ tirr hqpt,,tlflat trS',nlll lpskpe the iofounntion aeught [e tAG phoe of

. :.-.:.,. . ' .-r,.*s,' _. _ _.I,. :r*l




T{'glqe-Y@8".K CxqY


wrLLrALra'QITI rrf,.rr.. Iisc, lotii. i€i?

!e:r :f , :lc Cl" 4e :

i have liecej-veti- :rollr l.€'eiei l:6'gqriLint t]:e

Ques*,,1cn cf sendlng orit h{}cks ano I c6nnct s&j'ihat i

agfe€ Wlili ;r6ii. lThj-ie the go',relTica:tl cf tlie va.:'i r-iis

lSlantls a::e t1u1- i€r abl-e ta hrilr an1l, :l&i. for hcc,Ir-S yet

the.' gle:ti1r R bfeci-i t"€ l-ltt]-e cclillterr j-e€ end. I -lt;ck

prss?.ilied +,c then ti.qglifr.'-1j. re :-:lt,r'ts :-n a lre31i' trsefl.rl

&Rfi afilreclatJ":re l-etter. A$ fcr tiie heri.ds of tlie

the voi-:, r;ncfi '-v]:o ca$ ald t]:e e,iie c'f hr c}:F, for lt

Off,gn r..:grl,lpgg *:At pfrS.leC+,Lire n&3-qefiger"S 8$]i the

offl"cl&l-1., of the li-ner ici: lrforna'ii.n ::egir:"d"ing trclts

on the'1sl-anriu. &t 8rr; r:ite it seens tc ne tlla*" f,lie

ferry d.c:ller* ({,gg.c0 J.r: al-l-) re Yesentee b:.' tj:e txro}:s

woul G have ber;6 iseli icna ld r"n ar1're::i:-s:-ili , a*rf" cf

coillrtie ti:J-$ ls a iqai"ter tii8 t, is nup tc" y611 arr6 I ala\J

veli.r sorf:v- tha+, h ,r.r, * foris ta fu::tlier the sa]-es




XnwYoxex Crrr

l rt L L TALt J, Q Uf ^r

N, JR.,

Bear ffir. Mc0rae:


Deo. I4th. 1917

Donrt think for a mor*ent that ray 'usual-ly

placid. naturen has been disfuirbed . I have no doubt

that you are working in the best interests of a1leoncerned and I am eqr:ally free to acicrowledge

your superior jud.gement in regard to sales of the

book, heace my statement that in futrre I would

leave all such matters in your hand.s. Far be itfrom me to take issue with Duttons over sueh


By the nay, L* **rnt for ihe boyst book been

made as yet? I ask this as I have heard nothingfrom Faeet in regard to it. will you be able tofurnish any of the works on south Aneriea as r asked

in ay last letter, or the one bofore it?Eo,rs uu"! .truIy,



Nrqwll<rxex Cxqy


Tlo.. :^+'., .:C.ry..vv | -1.'tJ): | ;.,*/

D(F:' Ui. rUcC rae :

Ii '.?ou't_* r:e ii src*+,ceuL4, furnl$h re ?rLth an;, sg r,l:te

on Soii ti: Ano:;t-c i., .



t,- nc lf ;oi;::et'ent lroclr s

Yotirs t:"rti-;',

tw L L IA If .r, Q UIA| Ar,. 7R..





Dec. e0th. 1917

Dear }k. IdcCrae:

Yours of the 19th. received. I am sendirg

herewith a list' of the heads of the various S.S, lines

to whom the books shoul-d be sent,. I have already given

away my copies to three sf ihe lines, (United Fruit,Porto Rieo. and Quebec S.S,Cos. ) I regret that you


still adhere to the idea that to give books to these

men will not resuli in lncreaseci sales. As a matter of

faet I lolow that the three copies I $ave oiit have

already resulted in the sale of seven copies.

People are constantly asking the offiees ,when theyplirchase tickets, to reco,,,rrorrd books on the islandsand nran;r of the l-inesrmoreover, print names of books

which they recon"raend ontheir ad.rer*i^*r* literature.The offici.als eonsider that the sale of the books

is to their adlantag., *i increasing interest in the

wrL LrA?r J.Qllr rNr.r&..



NnrgYonx Crryr

E\lEtaYraool:f'wrrEr.BATEAND SEOV{ER

islarrds reached by iheir hoatsrand hence they do

all they ean to frrther their sales.

Moreover, these men are alL nersonal friends ofmine and are interested in ny work and the sar-e oftire booirs and I as sure you wilL find tnat the outJ.ay

is repafrd, iaany times over,

ffaen I l-ast sa"ov you ihe question of a second" boys'story was brought up. ?he ori"gir:al idea was tohaye a sequeL to tire cloven Fout end if this is iobe done at all it should. be done while Itn on theground this winter. 0an you not come to a decisionabout ti:is before I leavet I hope to get off on aship leaving here about Jen, ?th.

Yours very truly,


WT Ir Il rALf aL Q tlIN N r.7R.,


hsrsbc* lS-. tf;lt"


ry &6*r &. &,&**1,+

&*h Irffi #r y*r Lett*n sf Secm&er i,S.t*" yatr !a*.ter

cfr*,*r #h# i**& # s*#p *ffis*a*Er ka ra 8€ffi rar* **te *y *.*r*f-reari** #ftrl gura kr,rxiLg gfu re e eriSrr,Bo*te tr&*t &f t&*e s*,x:reftr ffi.gd**r S*h t&r ms of t$a ffia t* ek i*G 5#es *p *a br nrat*

&*k ss& f# tks aidfi +f, g€ryicB fr ffi *s*x €tr ffi q$,q $$rffi.i',':'Iqr *Earneet*r*c a$e b**xlg x** *t oroa ir tt* pXat**a @ tli** *,.k *t fia#,*

*l.Ssu *s resg fes prtnlt*gq t*e e*ffietlans €l: b* .,jbti** S E*nr,*l }Eo

cflfqg Eanr ehats t* Ur* hg*t oa gfileay.

5 s sef €se{ *e &s*s t $uB *rc pegr***rg ** mt} *tt* t*rses b*+&. ,:: \vracuse i_,rr;versity Libr,*,


#*."t rr flBr 1;iapu,t- $oe thifr# i$ s* tc m# tH* *€E*r

trl8a te & #u@Ip llryrdt** # -tildlss+ &a $e *c$d t!.€B *e Elqrrr &rpat r tr r*ilr k#rrr* # t* hffi ** w rEF{fiaEG.

Ep *}X, ffi*{*$ k{vs SfiI3 G*tI f,s}HssE"rl hilrir E* !E#UL fsE }&8&Bs|

g*vt .n* p*q1rf tr:rr*lwtr * for f,ffi*s,lrlgtIM.{*s f;s fi* t;*tb ple*wre Go *$lfig ffi }€s$r* r,* 8Ett**i

*u* s*t* khB rrg**€** f e


{rftn&t {erlri.ll,.,rsk pam*taXf,

elf!& t?ffi & e?*& ffirtit''ffi Effi ffi,t$*


*tam61y y*xr$,

New York Dec, IBth.IgI?

Dear i,{r. MeCrae I . iAs I rxrd.erstand that no copies of the '.ffest Indies book

have been sent to the heads of tire tws or tirree stearnship lines,

and as I eonsider tirat these Inen.are in an exceptional position

for fr.lrthering the sales, I have d.ecided to send ther* eopies at

my offit expense. I would thorefors retu,est that you wilJ. send

me three eopies of the book and send biLl for same to me at

youl^ earl le st convenience .

I am now plar:nirg to leave by January first so if you could

arrange to settle up the matter of the fiction books before that

tiue it wouLd be vory convenient for me.

I have completed a considerable nortion of the new bookrl-

all- of that relat,ing to Guiana, and feel sure itwill be eyen

better than the Book of 'v?est Indies.

I am enclosing herewith memorandr:m of errata whieh shoula beas

inserted in the'itest Ind.les book, elther a slip or as corre,;tion$

irr the next ed ition.ffould Srou have any objection to ray havirrg my mail seni to Dutt"on

durrirg my a'osei:ce as I shall have no iixed add.ress to which it ean

be fovrard-eeil

Yours vely truly,