Dynamic and Engaging Presentations Mickey Saloma Director of Recruitment & Retention SMU Lyle...


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Dynamic and Engaging Presentations

Mickey SalomaDirector of Recruitment & RetentionSMU Lyle School of EngineeringTACAC Professional Development Chair

• 86.1% of presenters say presentation skills affect their career & income!

• 23% of people rate public speaking as their greatest fear

• 27% of people rate death as their greatest fear

What Not To Do!!!

Cram your slides with numerous text bullet points and multiple fonts.

Sound as if you’re reciting your presentation from memory.

Never, ever make eye contact with anyone in the audience.

Rely on technology!

What NOT To Do!!!

Before we get started. . . Presentations are as unique as the individuals giving them.

Who are you talking to? What’s the point?

Presentations are only as good as the presenter.

Learn to use/give presentations in Prezi or other different mediums.

Assemble your StoryWhat are you going to say?

Basics (year founded, majors, traditions, dates and deadlines, etc.)

About the Location


Personal Stories/Narratives

Assemble your StoryWhat is going to make an impact?

Remember: According to the College Board, the average number of applications a student submits is somewhere between 5-8.

What is unique – what makes your school different?

Why should the audience care?

Put it all together

Information – Large to small presentation

How will you open?

Engaging your audience Ask questions Giveaways

Create smooth transition points

Let pictures tell the story

Let student experiences tell the story

The Finishing Touches



To podium or not to podium


Body Language

Confidence & Authority

Killer Ending

Use the ending to get what you want!

Do not allow the last few seconds of a good presentation to just tail away.

The very best finish is the one that gives the audience something to do.

Make your call to action something like “apply today”, “visit campus again” or “holler if you have any questions”.