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NAME…………………………………………...…………….ADM. NO …………………….

CLASS………………………………………….. SIGNATURE…………………………..……




JULY 2021



Page 1 of 10 (Form 1 English)


(a) Imagine you are going to visit your aunt for three days when the school closes this term. Write a

packing list of all the items you will carry with you to her place (10mks)










































Page 2 of 10 (Form 1 English)

(b) Keep a diary of the key activities you are planning to engage in while there for the three days





























Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.

Ever wondered what the difference between abortion and murder is? Or should we ask what the two have in

common? Both involve cutting life short. In the case of abortion, it happens to be equally a precious life of

unborn baby that is ended.

In kenya, abortion is illegal except when the life of the pregnant woman is in danger. Violating this carries

the severe penalty of between 14 years and life imprisonment. The truth of the matter, though, is that many

illegal abortions are still taking place. How else can we explain the presence of the fetuses in polythene papers

dumped in city streets?

Many such abortions are unsafe. They are done using all manner of gruesome paraphernalia: wires,

knitting needles, sticks, herbs, chemicals, detergents and drugs. Many people perfoming them lack the

necessary skills and training. The environment in which they are done are usually unsafe and do not meet

minimum hygiene or health standards.

This sorry situation has led some to clamour for the legalization of abortion. They argue that as things

stand, it is adolescents and poor women who are forced to seek the services of the quacks. The financially-

endowed counterparts visit private clinics of qualified doctors for the same services. They therefore do not

suffer the consequences of a botched abortion; infertility,excessive bleeding, perforated internal organs such as

the bladder and intestines and, worst of all, death. The feeling is that legalization of abortion would make it safe

for all women.

But what reason, other than the legal one, would make a woman want to terminate a throbbing life within

her? Interruption of career and education, being too young to bring up a baby or being abandoned by the father

of the baby are often cited. Another reason is that the pregnancy is as a result of rape or incest. Whatever the

reason, the negative consequences of illegal abortion, safe or otherwise, far outweigh any benefits it is

purported to have. Apart from the physical effects of unsafe abortion already mentioned, there are physiological

ones. They include headache, accelerated heartbeat, dizziness, stomach upsets and disturbed sleep and

concentration. Eating disorders resulting in excessive weight gain or loss sometimes occur.

At the psychological level, a woman who has carried out an abortion usually suffers from debilitating

guilt. She feels that she has gone against a mother’s natural tendency. As a result of low-esteem, she feels

worthless and undeserving of even getting another baby. Depression may also set in, the victim may feel very

sad and cry for a long spell. She may lose interest in life and want to commit suicide. A mental illness called

psychosis cannot also be ruled out. The sufferer exhibits vey uncharacteristic behavior and is not able to

distinguish reality from fantasy.

There is also stigma at the social level. Not many people would proudly want to associate with one who

has induced illegal abortion. A man seeking a marriage partner is likely to give such a woman a wide berth.

In summary, though illegal abortion may appear to solve the immediate problem of the one seeking it

creates life-long complications.


(i) Provide an appropriate title for the passage 1mk



(ii) Under what circumstance can abortion be legalized 2mks





(iii) According to the passage, how can we tell that illegal abortions are still taking place 2mks





(iv) According to the first paragraph, is there a difference between murder and abortion? Support your

answer. 2mks





(v) Make note on the reasons that make people procure abortion. 5mks








(vi) Why is the public fighting to legalize abortion? 2mks





(vii) What is the psychological effect of abortion? 2mks








(viii) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage 4mks

(a) Tendency



(b) Exhibits



(c) Fantasy



(d) Financially-endowed




Read the following passage and fill each blank space with the most appropriate word.

Oral literature ________________ one way of maintaining cultural ____________________ and educating any

given society. __________________________ the various genres and sub-genres, our ___________________

character traits are reflected. The virtues and ______________________ are all brought to the surface as

______________________ means of self-reflection. This is because everyone in Africa is a

__________________of the society. It is, _____________________ important for the adult to

________________ the correct values to the ___________________ through this mode of communication.


Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow;


I am a woman

created in the image of God,

with dignity and virtues,

formed by the very hands of God,

given life by God’s breath.

I am a woman,

Mother of presidents and of workers,

Mother of housemaids and ministers,

Mother of kings and subordinates.

I am a woman,

Farmer, cook, housewife and neighbour,

I work from morning till late at night,

Sow and reap under a burning sun,

Go off with heavy burdens,

And return home to feed my family.

I am a woman,

The heart of the family,

I am loved, and yet oppressed,

Held in esteem, and still considered inferior,

Caressed, and yet beaten,

Indispensable, and yet overlooked.

I am a woman,

Lord, you created me and you know me,

You know me by my name,

You listen to me when the world refuses to understand me.

You know all my worries.

You see my tears and hear my sighs.

You are everything to me

With you, Lord, there is hope

In you I want always to put my trust

as a woman.


(i) Who is the persona in the poem? Give a reason for your answer 2mks




(ii) With illustrations, identify three styles that have created rhythm in the poem 6mks











(iii) Describe the rhyme scheme of the first two stanzas in the poem 2mks




(b) Provide a homophone to each of the words given. 5mks

Caught ___________________________________________________________

Allowed __________________________________________________________

Flu _____________________________________________________________

Bore _____________________________________________________________

Clime ____________________________________________________________

(c) Underline silent letters in the words below 5mks

Heir -

Fracas -

Interesting -

Sachet -

Button –


Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow


A long time ago, all animals lived together in peace and harmony. All of them, without any exception,

worked together for their common good. All of them, that is, except for the Hare who was lazy and

liked to sit back and enjoy life while the other animals were breaking their backs working on a

communal project.

What annoyed the animals was that when time came to share the produce or enjoy a party, Hare would be

first on the line. Hare had such a sweet tongue that he would always succeed in flattering and persuading

the other animals to give him the best part of what they had worked for. No animal could find it in him to

criticize Hare.

However, after many years of reaping where he did not sow, Hare became arrogant and started

thinking that he was like a king and that it was his right to be served by the other animals. “Bring me

green maize to roast,” he told Antelope one day as Antelope and Buffalo prepared to go to work on the

farm. “And don’t forget the arrowroots,” he told Antelope with a lot of disdain. “Make sure they are

not rotten.”

Antelope had had enough. With his friend Buffalo, he discussed the problem Hare posed. The two

agreed that they had to do something about it. They consulted Rhino, Warthog and Elephant. The

animals resolved to convene a meeting of all animals to discuss the matter further. However, since

they did not want Hare to attend, they declared that only horned animals were invited. Antelope was asked to give the other animals the notice for the meeting.

“Why is the meeting only for horned animals?” Hare indignantly demanded.

“Because we have learnt that Lion and Leopard are planning to eat us all,” Antelope replied. “Since it

is only the horned animals who can fight back we have decided to hold a closed-door meeting to


Hare did not believe this explanation. Intuitively, he knew that the animals were planning to discuss

him. He knew that the only way to forestall this was to attend the meeting. But what to do? Alas! He

had no horns! After a long and sleepless night in which Hare tossed and turned in bed racking his

brains on what to do, he came up with a brilliant plan.

Early the following day, before the third cock crow, before Buffalo had suckled her calf, Hare was in

the forest looking for a suitable piece of wood to carve himself some horns. He spent the entire day

locked up in his room, carving, polishing and oiling the wooden horns until they shone like the moon.

On the day of the meeting, hare went down to the river and used mud to stick the ‘horns’ onto his

head. With a lot of pride, he sauntered to the venue of the meeting.

The other animals were flabbergasted to see Hare swaggering down to the meeting place, a pair of

splendid horns stuck to his head. To speak the truth, Hare’s horns were the most resplendent they had

ever seen. They were confused. What could they do? They could not ask Hare to leave because he had

horns. Antelope came up with a solution. They would delay the commencement of the meeting for as

long as they could. So as a preliminary of the meeting, Antelope called several animals to entertain the

rest. Buffalo presented a dance. Cow narrated a story. Warthog sang. Rhino and Elephant recited a

poem. All this while, the sun was steadily making its way up the sky and getting hotter and hotter.

Before long the mud on Hare’s head dried up and began to crack.

“Please speed up the proceedings,” Hare pleaded in desperation.

“I have another meeting to attend.”

“Relax,” Antelope responded. “We have all the time the world. Furthermore, the animals think best

after they have been warmed up by this beautiful sunshine.”

Inevitably, the mud finally crumbled and Hare’s horns collapsed. He walked in shame knowing too

well that Antelope had outwitted him.


(i) What type of narrative is this? Give a reason. 2mks





(ii) What would you take to be the biggest mistake Hare made? 2mks









(iii) Prove that Hare is imaginative and creative 2mks







(iv) How did the animals plan to keep Hare away from the meeting? 1mk



(v) How did Antelope outwit Have? 2mks







(vi) Summarize the moral lesson of this narrative using a proverb 1mk



b. The teacher of English of Masomo Bora High School asked her form one students to read this narrative silently.

She noted that some of the students had bad reading habit. Identify the bad reading habits that were noted.












(a) Identify the type of adverb used after identifying the adverb by underlining 3mks

(i) They stopped midway to buy food


(ii) They cook pancakes daily


(iii) He talked to the teacher politely.


(b) Fill in the spaces with the correct prepositions 3mks.

(i) Father complimented Sarah _______________________ her neat appearance

(ii) I have to be polite _______________________ everyone.

(iii) You shouldn’t be angry __________________her.

(c) Fill each of the gaps with the correct form of the adjectives given in brackets 3mk

(i) My dress is _________________________ than yours. (beautiful)

(ii) The form ones were ___________________ than the form fours during the talk. (attentive)

(iii) Deborah is the ___________________ of the three athletes (fast)

(d) Rewrite the given sentences as instructed in the brackets 3mks

(i) Peter worked hard to pass the examinations. (Rewrite in interrogative form)


(ii) What a lovely compound you have! (state the type of sentence)


(iii) The playfull puppy ran beside me. (correct the error)


(e) Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the word in brackets 3mks

(i) She was elected Chief Justice because she is the ______________________ judge on the bench.


(ii) The cat chased its tail _____________________ (frantic)

(iii) He will pay for his ________________________(cruel)

Page 10 of 10 (Form 1 English)




(a) Packing list 10mks

Format 4mks

(i) Title 1mk

(ii) Sub-titles – serial number ½ item ½ type ½

Quantity ½ Description ½

(iii) Frame ½

Content 4mks

At least 4 different items with atleast 2 types each (1x4mks)

Language (2mks)

(b) Appointment diary (10mks)

Format 4mks

(i) Title ½

(ii) Sub-titles – Day/date 1mk

Time 1mk

Event 1mk

(iii) Frame ½

Content 4mks

- Day/date column filled well 1mk

- Time column filled well 1mk

- Event column must have at least two activities for each day (check for the first two days and each day to

score 1mk x 2 =2mks.

Language 2mks


(i) Abortion and its effects

(any other appropriate title) 1mk

(ii) Abortion is illegal except when the life of the pregnant woman in danger. 2mks

(iii) The presence of the fetuses in polythene papers dumped in city streets 2mks

(iv) No. (1mk) Both involve cutting life short. In the case of abortion, it happens to be the equally precious

life of unborn baby that is ended. (1 mk)

(v) – Interrruption of career and education

- Being too young to bring up a baby.

- Being abandoned by the father of the baby.

- pregnancy as a result of rape

- Pregnancy as a result of incest.

(each point 1mk)must be in point form if not deduct ½ mk from the total

(vi) The feeling is that legalization of abortion would make it safe for all women. 2mks

Page 1 of 3 (Form 1 English M/s)

(vii) – At the psychological level, a woman who carried out an abortion usually suffers from debilitating


- She feels that she has gone against a mother’s natural tendency. As a result of low-esteem, she feels

worthless and undeserving of even getting another baby.

- Depression may also set in; the victim may feel very sad and cry for a long spell. She may lose interest

and want to commit suicide.

- A mental illness called psychosis cannot also be ruled out. They suffer exhibits very uncharacteristic

behavior and are not able to distinguish reality from fantasy.

(any two point)

(viii) 4mks

(a) Tendency – inclination / habit

(b) Exhibits – shows

(c) Fantasy – imagination

(d) Financially-endowed – wealthy/rich












(a) i) A woman 1mk - I am a woman 1mk

(Must illustrate to score)

ii. Rhyme- workers, ministers

Repetition – I am a woman (any other repetition)

Alliteration – feed my family

Consonance - …put my trust

Assonance – you know me by my

(any other three well illustrated style 3 x 2 mks = 6mks

iii. abcbd aeef – irregular rhyme scheme

(must leave a gap to show two stanzas).

(b) i. cot

ii. aloud

iii. flew

iv. boar

v. climb

(c) i. heir

ii. fracas

iii. interesting

iv. sachet

v. button

(must underline to score)

Page 2 of 3 (Form 1 English M/s)


(a) Narrative

(i) Trickster narrative 1mk – Antelope outwitted Hare by delaying the start of the meeting which led to Hare’s

horns collapsing as a result of the mud drying up and cracking.1mk

(must identify and illustrate)

(ii) Hare becoming arrogant and starting to think that he was like a king (1mk) and that he had a right to be

served by the other animals.(1mk)

(iii) Hare is imaginative and creative as he is able to look for a suitable piece of wood to curve himself some

horns.(1mk) He goes ahead to even polish and oil the wooden horns (1mk)

(iv) They declared that only horned animals were invited (1mk)

(v) Antelope outwitted Hare by delaying the commencement of the meeting for as long as he could (1mk). He

decided that as a preliminary to the meeting, several animals would entertain the rest.(1mk)

(vi) Hard work pays.

(any other relevant proverb stated (1 mk)

(b) i. Lip reading / using a ruler beneath the words.

ii. moving the head from side to side

iii. Pointing at the words or sentences when reading

iv.Vocalization of words

v. Sub-vocalization

vi. Regression (Regressive eye movement)

(any 5 x 1=5mks)


(a) i. midway – place

ii. daily – frequency

iii. politely – manner

(must identify by underlining to score)

(b) i. for

ii. to

iii. at

(c) i. more beautiful

ii. more attentive

iii. fastest

(d) i. Did Peter work hard to pass the examinations?

ii. Exclamatory sentence

iii. The playful puppy ran beside me.

(e) i. Incorruptible

ii. frantically

iii. cruelty.

Page 3 of 3 (Form 1 English M/s)

NAME…………………………………………...…………….ADM. NO …………………….

CLASS………………………………………….. SIGNATURE…………………………..……




JULY 2021

TIME: 21/2 HRS



This paper has 3 sections



SECTION C has 3 questions, each 20 marks, answer any TWO questions in this section.



A 1-18 40

B 19 20

C 20







Page 1 of 8 (Form 1 Home science)


Answer all questions in this section in the space Provided

1. Mention three ways of caring for leather shoes (3mks)





2. State two points to note when selecting dressmaker’s pins (2mks)




3. Mention two ways in which home science is related to geography (2mks)



4. Identify two activities that are only carried out during the special cleaning of the living room (2mks)



5. Mention two ways in which medicine may be abused (2mks)



6. Define the following terms as used in cookery (2mks)

a. Simmering ______________________________________________________________________


b. Basting ________________________________________________________________________


7. List four functions that are carried out by a swing-needle machine (2mks)





8. Give two disadvantages of the corridor kitchen plan arrangement (2mks)



9. In each case, give two examples of the following categories of stitches (3mks)

a. Temporary stitches _________________________________________________________

b. Neatening stitches __________________________________________________________

Page 2 of 8 (Form 1 Home science)

c. Decorative stitches __________________________________________________________

10. Give two points on care of measuring and weighing equipment (2mks)



11. Give two reasons for buffing polished floors (2mks)



12. Mention two causes of food poisoning (2mks)



13. Give three reasons why cotton is not suitable for making neck ties (3mks)





14. Identify three characteristics that make aluminium suitable for making kitchen utensils (3mks)





15. State three advantages of baking foods (3mks)





16. State two precautions to take when handling a foreign body in the eye (2mks)



17. Name two classes of artificial fibres. In each case, give one example (2mks)



18. Explain why frozen foods should be thawed completely before cooking (1mk)



Page 3 of 8 (Form 1 Home science)


Answer question 19 in the space provided.

19. You have been left at home to carry out some tasks.

a. Describe how to lauder your white cotton handkerchief 10mks

b. Outline the procedure to follow when cleaning terrazzo cement floor in the kitchen 10mks































Page 4 of 8 (Form 1 Home science)



































Page 5 of 8 (Form 1 Home science)


Answer any TWO questions in this section in the space provided.

20. (a) State six points to note when choosing clothes for a full figure 6mks

(b) Outline six points to observe when using a sewing machine 6mks

(c). Explain four points on care of kitchen equipment made of plain wood 8mks

21. (a) Outline six rules to observe when using a refrigerator 6mks

(b) State six points to note when choosing brooms and brushes 6mks

(c) Explain four instructions on use of medicine 8mks

22. (a) State six points on prevention of drowning in children 6mks

(b) Outline six rules to observe when frying foods 6mks

(c) Explain four reasons that make maisonette a suitable choice for a family house 8mks






















Page 6 of 8 (Form 1 Home science)



































Page 7 of 8 F1 Home Science



































Page 8 of 8 (Form 1 Home science)


FORM ONE JULY 2021 HOMESCIENCE (MARKING SCHEME) 1. Mention three ways of caring for leather shoes

- Dry under shade

- Repair of torn

- Stuff the shoes to maintain shape

- Store in a dry airy place

- Apply appropriate polish 2x1=2mks

2. State two points to note when selecting dressmaker’s pins

- Buy assorted lengths

- Should be made of stainless steel

- Should have big heads

- Should be fine and sharp 2x1=2mks

3. Mention two ways in which home science is related to geography 2mks

- Choosing a suitable site for a family house

- Production of textile fibres

4. Identify two activities that are only carried out during the special cleaning of the living room

- Laundering curtains

- Cleaning carpets

- Cleaning and polishing ornaments 2x1 =2mks

5. Mention two ways in which medicine may be abused

- Borrowing medicine

- Taking medicine longer than the doctor’s advice

- Using medicine for other reasons other than treatment 2x1=2

6.Define the following terms as used in cookery 2mks a. Simmering – cooking food gently at a point just below the boiling point

b. Basting – moistening meat and other foods with fat or dripping juice during roasting to keep it

moistened and

to add flavor.

7. List four functions that are carried out by a swing-needle 2mks

- Embroidery

- Making buttonholes

- Piping

- Blind hemming

- Finishing edges

- Attaching buttons

- Darning

- Ruffling 4x ½ = 2mks

8. Give two disadvantages of the corridor kitchen plan arrangement 2mks

- Maintenance of cleanliness may be difficultu

- There is time and energy loss due to too much movement

- Food contamination may occur due to high traffic 2x1=2mks

9. In each case, give two examples of the following categories of stitches 3mks

a. Temporary stitches - even tacking

-long and short tacking

-Diagonal tacking /basting

-Thread marking

-Tailor’s tacking

Page 1of 5 (Form 1 Home science M/s) b. Neatening stitches – buttonhole stitch




-loop stitch/blanket stitch

c. Decorative stitches –chain stitch

-satin stitch

-stem stitch

-french stitch

-shell edging

-pin stitch

6x ½ = 3 mks

10. Give two points on care of measuring weighingequipment

- Use them correctly to obtain accurateproportions

- Avoid overloading the weighing balance to avoid spoiling the weighing mechanism


11. Give two reasons for buffing polished floors

- To make it shine - To remove excess excess polish


12. Mention two causes of food poisoning 2mks

- Chemical contamination

- Bacterial contamination

- Natural poisoning

13. Give three reasons why cotton is not suitable for making neck ties 3mks

- It gets dirty readily

- It lacks luster

- It shrinks

- It creases easily

14. Identify three characteristics that make aluminum suitable for making kitchen utensils 3mks

- It is a good conductor of heat

- It is malleable

- It is hardwearing

- It is light in weight

- It is rustles

- It is easy to clean 3x1=3mks

15. State three advantages of baking foods 3mks

- It does not require constant attention

- Baked foods are light and easy to digest

- Baking saves on fuel since several dishes can be cooked at the same time


16. State two precautions to take when handling a foreign body in the eye 2mks

- Do not rub the affected eye

- Do not attempt to remove a foreign object if it is firmly stuck on the pupil or iris

17. Name two classes of artificial fibres. In each case, give one example 2mks

- Regenaredfibres – viscose rayon,acetate rayon

- Synthetic fibr – nylon, polyester, acrylonitrile, elastofibres

4x ½ =2mks

18. Explain why froze foods should be thawed completely before cooking 1mk

- To ensure that heat penetrates the food adequately thus killing any bacteria present.

Page 2of 5 (Form 1 Home science M/s)



19. You have been left at home to carry out some tasks.

a. Describe how to lauder your white cotton handkerchief

- Collect the cleaning equipment and material required

- Steep in cold salty water

- Rinse off the salty water

- Wash the handkerchief in hot soapy water using friction method

- Rinse thoroughly in clean hot water to remove soap and dirt

- Finally rinse in cold water to freshen the fiber

- Dry in the sun

- Use a hot iron to press while slightly damp

- Air, fold and store appropriately

- Clean the equipment used and store appropriately ½ x 20 = 10mks

b. Outline the procedure to follow when cleaning terrazzo cement floor in the kitchen

- Collect the equipment and materials required

- Remove light furniture

- Sweep the floor and dispose of the dirt

- Dust the skirting board

- Use warm soapy water and a hard scrubbing brush to scrub the floor

- Start from the furthest corner of the room

- Scrub the skirting board and the floor a small section at a time

- Use circular motions to ensure that no part is left unscrubbed

- Wipe with a clean cloth or a mop wrung out of warm water

- Continue cleaning and wiping. Overlap the sections to ensure all parts are cleaned

- Dry thoroughly with a floor cloth or a dry mop

- Rearrange the furniture

- Clean the equipment used and store appropriately

½ x 20 = 10mks


20a. State six points to note when choosing clothes for a full figure Avoid bright colours

- Avoid clothes made of one colour from shoulder to hem

- Avoid large patterned fabric

- Never wear tight fitting clothes

- Avoid wearing belts as they break the long line

- Jewelry should be limited

- Vertical lines can be worn

- Avoid clothes made of fluffy or bulky fabric

6 x 1 = 6mks

b. Outline six points to observer when using a sewing machine

- Use correct tension for the work

- Thread the machine correctly

- Place the machine in a well-lit room

- Make sure the machine is dusted and wiped

- Use the correct size of stitches for the fabric being stitched

- Test the machine stitch on a double piece of fabric similar to the one being stitched

- Guide the work through the machine runs

- Place work correctly on the machine

6 x 1 = 6mks

Page 3 of 5 (Form 1 Home science M/s)

c. Explain four points on care of kitchen equipment made of plain wood

- Remove food stains as soon as they are formed to avoid using harsh methods when fixed.

- Avoid using harsh abrasives as they roughen the surface

- Hot water should be avoided as it causes discolouration and warping of wood. It also softens the


- Avoid exposure to direct heat or sun as it can cause the wood to warp

- Always scrub in the direction of grains using a soft brush to avoid roughening the wood


21. a. Outline six rules to observe when using a refrigerator

- Avoid overloading it with foods

- Always keep the refrigerator clean

- Place the refrigerator in a cool area

- Ensure adequate circulation of air around the condenserby not pushing it against the wall.

- Avoid storing hot foods in the refrigerator

- Defrost to improve efficiency - Store foods in their correct compartments

- Cover foods before storing them

- Open the door only when necessary

- Regulate the refrigerator to the correct temperature 6x1=6mks

b. State six points to note when choosing brooms and brushes

- Buy them for the right purpose

- The bristles should be closely and firmly fixed onto the head

- The bristles should be soft or hard and pliable dependency on the purpose you intend the brush for.

- The handle should be smooth and of comfortable length.

- The broom should be light in weight

- The one end of the handle should be firmly fixed into the head

- The head should be smooth and curved at the edges to avoid damaging the furniture

- The wooden parts should be appropriately finished for easy cleaning

- Materials used should be durable for the brush to last long


c. Explain four instructions on use of medicine

- Dosage-the recommended amount of medicine to be taken at any one time

- Frequency-the intervals at which the medicine should be taken before it is discontinued.

- Storage-it gives instructions on how the medicine is to be stored

- Instructions for use – advises on how to use the medicine for example shaking before use, corking

tightly before storage

- Caution – one is advised for example in case of medicine that cause drowsiness, not to drive, drink



22. a) State six points on prevention of drowning in children

- Drain pools around the house

- Never leave small children unattended in the house

- Water stored in buckets and other containers should be tightly covered

- Ensure water taps are turned off

- Keep the bathroom locked

- Leave the bathtub uplugged

- Ensure that any manhole near the house are covered

- School going children should be cautioned against playing near dams, rivers or pools of water



Page 4 of 5 (Form 1 Home science M/s)

b. Outline six rules to observe when frying foods

- Prepare the food to be fried correctly

- Good quality fat should be used for frying

- For deep fat frying, fill two thirds of the pan with oil to void overflowing

- Heat fat to the right temperature before putting food

- Coat all foods to be deep fried unless it is starchy

- The pan for frying should be strong

- Lower the food gently into the hot fat

- Avoid overloading the fryer

- Avoid having boiling water near the frying pan

- Drain any surplus fat or oil on absorbent paper before sewing

- Cool the fat or oil used for deep frying before straining


c. Explain four reasons that make maisonette a suitable choice for a family house

- Land is utilized more economically because some rooms are put up above others

- They are fairly safe from break-ins because several units are built together.

- Building materials are utilized more economically because the units share common walls

- Semi detached maisonettes are more private than attached ones because they share one common


4 x 2 = 8mks

Page 4 of 5 (Form 1 Home science M/s)

NAME…………………………………………...…………….ADM. NO …………………….

CLASS………………………………………….. SIGNATURE…………………………..……




JULY 2021




1. Write your name, admission number and class in the space provided.

2. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.

3. This paper consist of three sections A, B and C.

4. Answer all the questions in section A and B

5. Answer any two questions in section C

Page 1 of 9 (Form 1 Agriculture)


Answer all questions in this section

1. State two horticultural farming methods in Kenya (1mk)



2. List four requirements that make shifting cultivation practicable (2mks)





3. List four effects of HIV/AIDS and ill-health on agriculture (2mks)





4. State four aspects of rainfall that a farmer should consider when deciding on what crop to grow (2mks)





5. Name two farm tools and equipment’s a farmer would require when transplanting cabbage seedlings (1mk)



6. List four conditions when land clearing is necessary (2 mks)





7. Name four implements used in primary cultivation (2mks)





8. Give four farming practices that help to achieve minimum tillage. (2mks)





9. Name three types of water sources (1 ½ mks)




Page 2 of 9 (Form 1 Agriculture)

10. Differentiate between a weir and a dam (2mks)





11. List four characteristics of clean water (2mks)





12. State three advantages of drip irrigation (1 ½ mks)




13. List four agricultural activities that pollute water sources (2mks)





14. State four characteristics of plants used as green manure (2mks)





15. Explain the meaning of the following terms as used to identify animals (3mks)

(i) Steer - _________________________________________________________________________________


(ii) Gilt ___________________________________________________________________________________


(iii) Layer _________________________________________________________________________________


(iv) Ewe __________________________________________________________________________________


(v) Kid ___________________________________________________________________________________


(vi) Kindling _______________________________________________________________________________


16. Define opportunity cost (1mk)



Page 3 of 9 (Form 1 Agriculture)

17. State six pieces of information contained in a field operations record (3mks)









18. Name the breed of livestock with the following characteristics (3mks)

(i) Highest milk producing dairy cattle ________________________________________

(ii) Sheep breed resistant to foot rot disease ____________________________________

(iii) Pig breed with erect ears and dished snout __________________________________

(iv) Goat breed with two white stripes running from the eye to the nose, whole body brown

__________________________ __________________________________

(v) Rabbit breed that is white with one or more of the following being black; ears, nose, paws and tail


(vi) Camel breed with two humps __________________________________________

19. State the functional differences between the following tools and equipment (4mks)

(i) Cross-cut saw and rip-saw _________________________________________________________________


(ii) Milking bucket and milk churn _____________________________________________________________


20. Name two biotic factors that affect agriculture positively (1mk)



Answer all questions in this section.

21. The diagram below illustrates a feature observed after digging soil several meters deep.

Page 4 of 9 (Form 1 Agriculture)

(a) Identify the structure. (1mk)


(b) Name the parts of the diagram labelled A, B and C (3mks)

A ___________________________________________________________________

B ____________________________________________________________________

C _____________________________________________________________________

(c) State two characteristics of parts labelled A (1mk)




22. The diagram below shows a certain tertiary operation.



(a) Identify the tertiary operation carried out (1mk)


(b) Name the part labelled A and B (2mks)

A __________________________________________________________________

B __________________________________________________________________

(c) Give two reasons for carrying out the practice when growing irish potatoes (2mks)




23. The diagram below shows a compost pit

(a) Name the materials added in parts A,C and D (3mks)

A ________________________________________________________________

C __________________________________________________________________

D __________________________________________________________________

Page 5 of 9 (Form 1 Agriculture)

(b) Give the function of materials in parts B and E

B _______________________________________________________________________

E _______________________________________________________________________

24. Study the diagrams of workshop tools shown below

(a) Identify tools labelled E and F 2mks

E __________________________________________________________

F __________________________________________________________

(b) State the functional advantage of tool E over F 1mk



(c) State two maintenance practices done on the tools above 2mks




Answer ANY TWO QUESTIONS from this section

25. a) Explain five roles of agriculture in the economy 5mks

















Page 6 of 9 (Form 1 Agriculture)

b) Outline eight uses of farm records. (8mks)























c) State seven characteristics of Dairy cattle breeds (7mks)
















Page 7 of 9 (Form 1 Agriculture)

26. a) Explain the water treatment process (12mks)
















b) Describe four reasons for preparing a seedbed 4mks













c) Give four reasons for carrying out maintenance practices on farm tools and equipment. (4 mks)











Page 8 of 9 (Form 1 Agriculture)

27. a) Describe the physical agents of weathering (8mks)

















b) State and explain five tools and equipment’s a farmer would assemble in preparation for milking (5mks)













c) Explain seven importances of organic matter in the soil (7 mks)











Page 9 of 9 (Form 1 Agriculture)



Answer all questions in this section

1. State two horticultural farming methods in Kenya 1mk

- Floriculture

- Olericulture

- pomoculture

2. List four requirements that make shifting cultivation practicable 2mks

- Land is anbundant

- Population is sparse

- No. of livestock per unit is low

- Land is communally owned.

3. List four effects of HIV/AIDS and ill-health on agriculture 2mks

- Shortage of labour

- Increasing cost of living

- Low living standard

- Low food supply

- Wastage of resources by government and NGO’s

4. State four aspects of rainfall that a farmer should consider when deciding on what crop to grow 2mks

- Rainfall reliability

- Amount of rainfall

- Rainfall distribution

- Rainfall intensity

5. Name two farm tools and equipment a farmer would require when transplanting cabbage seedlings 1mk

- Garden trowel

- Wheel barrow

- Watering can

6. List four conditions where land clearing is necessary

- When opening up a virgin land

- When a stalk growing crop was previously planted.

- Where the interval between primary and secondary cultivation is long

- Where land was left fallow for a long time

7. Name four implements used in primary cultivation 2mks

- Jembe

- Fork-jembe

- Disc plough

- Mould board plough

- Chisel plough

8. Give four farming practices that help to achieve minimum tillage. 2mks

- Application of herbicides

- Mulching

- Timing cultivation

- Restricted cultivation

- Cover cropping

- Uprooting / slashing weeds

Page 1 of 6 (Form 1 Agriculture M/s)

9. Name three types of water sources 1 ½ mks

- Surface water sources

- Underground

- rain

10. Differentiate between a weir and a dam 2mks

A weir is a barrier constructed to raise the water level in a river to facilitate pumping while a dam is a barrier

constructed across a river to collect and store water.

11. List four characteristics of clean water 2mks

- Free from diseases causing micro-organisms

- Free from chemical impurities

- Free from smells and bad taste

- Free from sediments / solid particles

12. State three advantages of drip irrigation 1 ½ mks

- Little amount of water used

- Water under low pressure can be used

- Discourages fungal diseases

- Discourages growth of weeds between the rows

13. List four agricultural activities that pollute water sources 2mks

- Use of excess inorganic fertilizers

- Use of excess pesticides

- Poor cultivation practices (over cultivation/overgrazing/cultivation along river banks)

14. State four characteristics of plants used as green manure 2mks

- Highly vegetative

- Fast growth rate

- High nitrogen content (leguminous)

- Capable of rotting quickly

- Hardy/ capable of growing in poor conditions.

15. Explain the meaning of the following terms as used identify animals 3mks

- Steer – Young castrated male cattle

- Gilt – A young female pig from weaning to first parturiton

- Layer – a bird kept for eggs production

- Ewe – Mature female sheep

- Kid – Young one of goats

- Kindling – Young one of a rabbit

16. Define opportunity cost 1mk

Value of the foregone alternative

17. State six pieces of information contained in a field operations record 3mks

- Season

- Field number

- Crop grown

- Ploughing date

- Seed rate / ha

- Fertilizer at planting (type, amount)

- Output

- Harvest date

- Yield per ha/ method used

- Remarks

18. Name the breed of livestock with the following characteristics 3mks

(i) Highest milk producing dairy animal – fresian

(ii) Sheep breed resistant to foot rot disease – Rommey Marsh

Page 2 of 6 (Form 1 Agriculture M/s)

(iii) Pig breed with erect ears and dished snout – large white

(iv) Goat breed with two white stripes running form the eye to the nose, whole body is brown in

colour – toggenburg

(v) Rabbit breed that is white with one or more of the following parts being black; ears, nose, paws and

tail – California white

(vi) Camel breed with two humps – Bactrian.

19. State the functional differences between the following tools and equipment 4mks

(i) Cross-cut saw and rip-saw

Cross cut saw – used for cutting wood across the grain

Rip saw - used for cutting along the grains of wood

(ii) Milking bucket and milk churn

Milking bucket – used for holding milk as milking takes place

Milking churn – used for holding milk in transit and storage

20. Name two biotic factors that affect agriculture positively 1mk

- Pollinators

- Decomposers

- Predators

- Nitrogen fixing bacteria


Answer all questions in this section.

21. The diagram below illustrates a feature observed after digging soil several meters deep.

a. Identify the structure. 1mk

- soil profile

b. Name the parts of the diagram labelled A, B and C 3mks

A – Top soil / horizon A/zone A

B – sub soil/horizon B/ Zone B

C substratum/weathered rocks/horizon C/zone C

c. State two characteristics of parts labelled A 1mk

- Most living organism found here

- Dark in colour due to presence of humus

- Most plant nutrients present

- Soil well aerated

- Most plant roots found here

Page 3 of 6 (Form 1 Agriculture M/s)

22. The diagram below shows a certain tertiary operation.



a. Identify the tertiary operation carried out 1mk


b. Name part labelled A and B 2mks

A – Ridge

B - furrow

c. Give two reasons for carrying out the practice when growing irish potatoes 2mks

- Promote tuner expansion

- Easy harvesting

- Conserves soil and water

- Facilitates drainage

23. The diagram below shows a compost pit

a) Name the materials added in parts A,C and D 3mks

A - top soil

C - manure

D – grass,loaves, kitchen refuse etc

b) Give the function of materials in parts B and E

B – supplement potassium and phosphorous

E – form a foundation

24. Study the diagrams of workshop tools shown below

a. Identify tools labelled E and F 2mks

E – adjustable spanner

F – ring spanner

b. State the functional advantage of tool E over F 1mk

Tool E can be used for tightening or loosening more than two sizes of nuts and bolts

c. State the maintenance practices done on the tools above 2mks

Applying oil for long storage

Proper storage

Page 4 of 6 (Form 1 Agriculture M/s)


Answer ANY TWO QUESTIONS from this section

25. a) Explain five roles of agriculture in the economy 5mks

- food supply

- source of employment

- provision of raw materials for industries

- provisionof market for industrial goods

b) Outline eight uses of farm records. 8mks

- compare performance of different enterprices

- show history of the farm

- guide in planning and budgeting

- help detect losses and theft

- assessment of income tax

- determine value of farm

- easy to share profit and losses in partnership

- help in settling dispute

- shows whether farm is making profits or losses

- support labour information when paying terminal dues

c) State seven characteristics of Dairy cattle breeds 7mks

- wedge / triangular shaped bodies

- straight topline

- well set apart hind quarters

- large and well developed udders

- prominent milk veins

- bodies are bean and carry little flesh

- large stomach capacity

- doale with mild temperament

26. a) Explain the water treatment process 12mks

- filtration at intake – passed through a serves of sieves to remove large particles

- softening – mixed with soda ash to soften it and alum to coagulate the solid particles

- coagulation and sedimentation – solid particles settle down, its and open tank which allows fresh air to

remove bad smells, water retained for 36 hours to kill Bilhazia worms.

- Filtration – passed into a filtration tank to remove remaining solid particles

- Chlorination – chlorine added to kill micro-organisms

- Storage – water stored before distribution .

b) Describe four reasons for preparing a seedbed 4mks

- To kill weeds

- Incorporate manure

- Destroy different stages of crop pests

- Aerate the soil

- Encourage root penetration

- Make subsequent operations possible

- Encourage water infiltration

c) Give four reasons for carrying out maintenance practices on farm tools and equipment.

- To avoid injury to the farmer

- To increase efficiency

- To prevent damage on the tool

- To increase durability of the too.

Page 5 of 6 (Form 1 Agriculture M/s)

27. a) Describe the physical agents of weathering 8mks

Wind – strong winds blow and carry materials which hit against each other making surfaces of the materials to

break off into smaller fragments.

Moving ice – move rocks and other

Rain – raindrops hit the ground with force that erodes soil surface

Temperature – high temperatures causes rocks to expand and contract at low temperatures and eventually


into pieces

b) State and explain five tools and equipment a farmer would assemble in preparation for milking 5mks

- Milking bucket – for holding milk during milking

- Milking churn – for storage of the milk after milking

- Rope – for tying the animal’s leg

- Stool – for the milkman to sit on during milking

- Strip cup – to check mastitis before milking

c) Explain seven importance of organic matter in the soil 7mks

- Increases water holding capacity

- Improves soil fertility

- Provides food and shelter for microorganisms

- Improves soil structure

- Buffers soil PH

- Reduces toxicity of plant’s poisons

- Gives the soil a dark colour hence moderates soil temperature.

Page 6 of 6 (Form 1 Agriculture M/s)

NAME……………………………………………………………………………………… ADM. NO……………………….

CLASSE…………………………………… CANDIDATE’S SIGN……………………………. DATE………………………



JULY 2021




1. This paper consists of FOUR sections

2. Attempt ALL the questions in the spaces provided



1 42

2 10

3 10


Page 1 of 5 (F1. French)


A. Answer in French full sentences (10mks)

i) Comment t’appelles – tu?


ii) Comment ç va?


iii) Qu’ elle est ta nationalité?


iv) Comment s’appelle ton école?


v) Où habites tu?


B. Translate the following words in French. (5mks)

a) Friend


b) Goodbye


c) Mrs.


d) Teacher


e) Girls


C. Conjugate the verbs in brackets in the present tense. (10mks)

i) Je ___________________________________ (manger) le diner.

ii) Maman et moi __________________________________ (aller) à l’eglise.

iii) Nous ______________________________________________ (predre) les livres

iv) Mes cousins ___________________________________ (faire) la devoir.

v) Vous _______________________________________ (lire) les livres?

vi) Elle _______________________________________ (s’appeler) Madame Kiboko.

vii) Paul et pierre ________________________________ (parler) français.

viii) Vous ___________________________________ (s’appeler) Monsieur Kim?

ix) Tu ___________________________________ (avoir) un chien.

x) Les étudiants ____________________________________ (aller) à l’école.

Page 2 of 5 (F1. French)

D. Rewrite the sentences below beginning with the subject indicated. (5mks)

Example: Ma mère s’appelle Marie

Je __________________________

Je m’appelle Sylvie.

a) Il habite en Italie.

Nous __________________________________________________________________________________

b) Jean et Jacques vont aux Philipines.

Tu ________________________________________________________________________________________

c) Le professeur a une voiture noire.

Les parents de Paul ______________________________________________________________________

d) Il est là

Nous __________________________________________________________________

e) Tue s un garcon

Je _____________________________________________________________________________________________

E. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions à, à la, au, à l’, aux or en (7mks)

a) Filbert travaille ___________________________________________ Ouganda.

b) Tu habites _______________________________________ Paris?

c) Excuses moi monsieur, vous habitez _________________________________________ France?

d) Ma mère travaille ______________________________________________Djibouti.

e) Les Chrétiens vont ___________________________________________ église.

f) Nous vivons ____________________________________ Arusha __________________________Tanzanie.

F. Quelle heure est-il? (5points)

EX: 15h01 – Il est quinze heures un.

a) 00h00 ___________________________________________________________

b) 19h 40 __________________________________________________________

c) 10h 28 __________________________________________________________

d) O8h 15 __________________________________________________________

e) 12h 18 __________________________________________________________

Page 3 of 5 (F1. French)


Je m’appelle Edwardo Diego. Je suis né en décembre 1971. J’habite à lyon en France. Je suis marié

avec quatre enfants. Je travaille comme chauffeur dans la compagnie TOTAL Mon nombre de

téléphone est 78 55 21.

Read the passage above and use it to fill the information in the card below.

NOM: __________________________________________________________________________

PRENOM: _____________________________________________________________________

AGE: _________________________________________________________________________

NATIONALITÉ: ________________________________________________________________

NUMERO DE TÉLÉPHONE ___________________________________________________

ETAT CIVIL: (tick correctly)




NOMBE D’ENFANTS: _________________________________________________________

PROFESSION: _________________________________________________________________

VILLE: _________________________________________________________________________

EMPLOYEUR: ________________________________________________________________

Page 4 of 5 (F1. French)


Write a dialogue between you and your francophone friend talking about your school. (1page)


































Page 5 of 5 (F1. French)





JULY 2021


A. i) Je m’appelle…

ii) Je vais bien/ç ava bien

iii) Je suis Kenyan(e)

i) Mon école s’appelle

ii) J’habite à _______________________________

B. Ami/Au revoir/Madame/professeur/enseigneur filles

C. mange/allons/prenons/font/lisez s’sppelle/parlent/vous appeles/as/vont/

D. Nous habitons en italie

Tu vas aux philipines

Ils on une voiture

Nous sommes là

Je suis un garcon

E. en/à/en/à/àl/à/en

F. a) il est minuit

b) dix-neuf heures quarante

c) dix heures vigt huit

d) huit heures quinze

e) douze heures dix-huit




50 ans


78 55 21 Marié

4 enfants




Page 1 of 1 F1. French M/S

NAME ______________________________________________________________________

SCHOOL ____________________________ADM. NO. ______________CLASS __________

SIGNATURE ___________________________ DATE ________________________________



JULY 2021

2 ½ HOUR



(a) Write your name, admission number and class in the space provided.

(b) This paper consists of three sections A, B and C

(c) Answer all the questions in section A, three questions from section B and two questions from

section C.

(d) Answers must be written in the spaces provided after question 24

Page 1 of 8 F1 History


Attempt all Questions

1. Identify two branches of history. (2mks)

2. Give two sources of information in history and Government. (2mks)

3. State two ways in which early people obtained food. (2mks)

4. State two disadvantages of using caves as shelters by early human beings during the Stone Age period.


5. Identify the method used to plant cereal crops when early agriculture began. (1mk)

6. Give two ways in which agrarian revolution in England affected life’s of small scale farmers (2mks)

7. Identify one area in Africa where agriculture began. (1mk)

8. Give two inventions that led to agrarian revolution in Britain. (2mks)

9. State two ways in which the Akamba interacted with the Agikuyu in the pre-colonial period. (2mks)

10. Give one community in Kenya that had a centralized government during the pre-colonial period


11. What was the main reason for the migration of the Eastern Bantu from Shungwaya during the pre-

colonial period? (1mk)

12. What was the main economic activity of the Cushites in the pre-colonial period (1mk)

13. Give two evidences which show that Chinese traders reached the Kenyan Coast before 1500 AD.


14. Name one group that rivaled the Portuguese for the control of Kenyan coast in the 16th C. (1mks)

15. State the main economic activity of the Akamba during the pre-colonial period (1mk)

16. Identify one National symbol. (1mk)

17. State one way of becoming a citizen in Kenya. (1mk)


Attempt three questions

18. a) Give three physical characteristics of the Homo erectus. (3mks)

b) Explain six cultural practices of Homo sapiens during the new stone-age period. (12mks)

19. a) Highlight five changes which marked the Agrarian Revolution in Britain. (5mks)

b) Explain five effects of the Agrarian Revolution in the United States of America. (10mks)

20. a) Give five reasons which influenced the migration of the Abagusii into Kenya during the

pre-colonial period. (5mks)

b) Discuss five effects of migration and settlement of the plain Nilotes during the pre-colonial period


21. a) State three reasons for the coming of the Portuguese to the Kenyan Coast in the 15th century.


b) Explain six effects of the Portuguese rule on the East African coast. (12mks)

Page 2 of 8 F1 History


Attempt two questions

22. a) Give three conditions that a person should meet to qualify to be a Kenyan citizen by birth. (3mks)

b) Explain six social rights of an individual in Kenya. (12mks)

23. a) State three importance of national integration. (3mks)

b) Explain six factors that promote national unity. (12mks)

24. a) Give five peaceful methods of resolving conflicts in Kenya. (5mks)

b) Explain five effects of conflicts. (10mks)

Page 3 of 8 F1 History






































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Page 8 of 8 F1 History



JULY 2021

2 ½ HOUR




Attempt all Questions

1. Identify two branches of history. (2mks)

- Political history

- Social history

- Economic history

2. Give two sources of information in history and Government. (2mks)

- Oral tradition

- Anthropology

- Generic/Botany/Zoology/Biology

- Written records

- Paleontology

- Linguistics

- Geology

- electronics

3. State two ways in which early people obtained food. (2mks)

- Hunting

- Gathering

- Growing crops/farming

- Livestock keeping/rearing animals

- fishing

4. State two disadvantages of using caves as shelters by early human beings during the stone age



- They collapse over them

- Wild creatures could bite them/animals

- Human enemies could easily attack them.

- The cares were exposed to cold/wind/floods

5. Identify the method used to plant cereal crops when early agriculture began. (1mk)

- The broadcasting method.;

6. Give two ways in which agrarian revolution in England affected life’s of small scale farmers


- They became landless/displaced from their farms

- They migrated to towns in search for jobs.

- Some became poor industrial labourers

- Some migrated to foreign lands/emigration.

Page 1 of 5 (F1 History M/s)

7. Identify one area in Africa where agriculture began. (1mk)

Along the Nile Valley in Egypt.

8. Give two inventions that led to agrarian revolution in Britain. (2mks)

- The seed drill

- The horse-drawn hoe

- Selective breeding of livestock

- Introduction of fertilizers

- Mechanical thresher

9. State two ways in which the Akamba interacted with the Agikuyu in the pre-colonial period.


- Through trade

- Through intermarriage

- Through wars and conflicts over ownership of land, animals

10. Give one community in Kenya that had a centralized government during the pre-colonial period


- Abawanga/Wanga

11. What was the main reason for the migration of the Eastern Bantu from Shungwaya during the pre-

colonial period. (1mk)

Due to attacts by the Galla

12. What was the main economic activity of the Cushites in the pre-colonial period (1mk)

Pastoralism/livestock keeping

13. Give two evidences which show that Chinese traders reached the Kenyan Coast before 1500 AD.


- Remains of Chinese

- Fragments of Chinese pottery

- Information in the Periplus of the Eritrea Sea

14. Name one group that rivaled the Portuguese for the control of Kenyan coast in the 16th C. (1mks)

- Egyptians

- Turks

- Arabs (Omani)

- Persians

- The British

- Dutch

- French

15. State the main economic activity of the Akamba during the pre-colonial period (1mk)

Livestock keeping

16. Identify one National symbol. (1mk)

- Coat of arms

- The national Anthem

- Public Seal

- National flag

17. State one way of becoming a citizen in Kenya. (1mk)

-By Birth

- By registration

Page 2 of 5 (F1 History M/s)


Attempt three questions

18. a) Give three physical characteristics of the Homo erectus. (3mks)

- Had upright posture/bipedal

- Had protruding jaws

- Was about 5 feet tall/1.5 metres

- Had deep set eyes/Had deep eye socket

- Had hairy body.

b) Explain six cultural practices of Homo sapiens during the new stone-age period. (12mks)

- Made microlithic tools which were small and more efficient than the earlier tools.

- Lived in rock shelters/caves to protect themselves from harsh weather/wild animals

- Decorated shelters with animal painting/hunting scenes.

- Began to domesticate animals/plants in order to ensure regular food supply.

- Developed speech which made communication easier

- Develop government by setting up rules/laws

- Developed religion as evidence by the practice of burying the dead with their possessions

- They practiced simple art craft work/pottery/basketry/weaving.

- They started a settled way of life where they established villages.

- They wore variety of garments/clothing

- They decorated their bodies with red ochre/wore ornaments

19. a) Highlight five changes which marked the Agrarian Revolution in Britain. (5mks)

- Fallows were abolished

- Inter-cropping was introduced

- The use of iron hoes/ploughs/seed drills/threshers.

- Introduction of crop rotation

- The use of machines/machinery in farming/harvesting/harrows

- Land enclosure system was introduced/fencing

- The Royal Agriculture Society was established

- Selective breeding/cross breeding

- Use of fertilizers

- Use of pesticides/fungicides

b) Explain five effects of the Agrarian Revolution in the United States of America. (10mks)

- The invention of new farm machines enable farmers to put more land under cultivation

- It enhanced agricultural research/scientific inventions which resulted into better crop

varieties/animal breeds.

- There was improved transport/infrastructure which speeded up the movement of farm produce

- The use of machines on farms replaced human labour

- There was an increase in food production which stimulated population growth.

- It led to the expansion of agricultural related industries which processed/packaged/preserved farm

produce (agro-based industries)

- Increased food production led to expansion to trading activities

- Use of fertilizers/hybrid seeds increased food production led to urbanization

- Many parts of U.S.A. were opened up for farming and settlement

20. a) Give five reasons which influenced the migration of the Abagusii into Kenya during the

pre-colonial period. (5mks)

- Due to population pressure/increase in population

- Natural calamities/drought/famine

Page 3 of 5 (F1 History M/s)

- Due to external attacks

- Due to internal fights/wrangles

- Due to outbreaks of diseases

- Due to spirit of adventure

- To search for fertile land

b) Discuss five effects of migration and settlement of the plain Nilotes during the pre-colonial

period (10mks)

- They exchanged/traded goods/services with the neighbouring communities so as to get what they


- They adopted cultural practices of the community they interacted with.

- They displaced some of the communities they came into contact with

- They absorbed/assimilated some communities leading to extinction of the absorbed

- Some of their military tactics were adopted by the neighbouring communities who used them for


- They intermarried with their neighbouring communities thus improving their relations

- Some of them adopted farming skills from their Bantu neighbours hence became farmers.

- There was conflict/insecurity as they competed over scarce resources

- They influenced some neighbouring communities to adopt they social/political/religious


- Led to increased population in the region where they settled.

21. a) State three reasons for the coming of the Portuguese to the Kenyan Coast in the 15th century.


- They wanted to find a sea route to India

- They wanted to spread Christianity/reduce the Muslim influence

- They wanted to take part in the coastal trade

- To control strategic points on the East African coast from other European rivals e.g. Turks/to act as

a supply basis for their sailing vessels/to control the East African coast

- Due to the desire for exploration/adventure

- Look for legendary Prester John

- Presence of natural harbour

b) Explain six effects of the Portuguese rule on the East African coast. (12mks)

- The Portuguese built Fort Jesus for defense purpose which later became a tourist attraction

- Their harsh and cruel manner of suppressing rebellions led to loss of lives.

- They introduced new food crops which are staple foods for many Kenyans

- Constant rebellions against the Portuguese rule interfered with the trading activities leading to its


- The coastal towns that resisted Portuguese rule were destroyed and left in ruins.

- They educated the coastal people on how to use animal manure in farming and thus increasing

crop yields

- Some words borrowed from Portugues language were used to enrich Kiswahili language.

- The Portuguese imposed heavy taxation which impoverished the coastal people.

- Fostered good relations between the East Africa coast and India.


Attempt two questions

22. a) Give three conditions that a person should meet to qualify to be a Kenyan citizen by birth.


- If the father or the mother of a person is a Kenyan Citizen

- A child found in Kenya who is/appears to be less than eight years of age and whose nationality and

parents are not known.

Page 4 of 5 (F1 History M/s)

- A former Kenyan citizen by birth who reapplies to regain Kenyan citizenship.

b) Explain six social rights of an individual in Kenya. (12mks)

- The right to health care services which are of a reasonable standards.

- The right to housing facilities which are accessible and adequate

- The right to have adequate food which is of acceptable quality.

- The right to regular supply of water which is clean and safe

- The right to appropriate social security to persons who are unable to support themselves and their


- The right to accessible formal education in order to promote literacy

- The right to embrace culture/language/religious choice regardless of his/her background

- The right to clean environment/sanitation which is free from pollution

23. a) State three importance of national integration. (3mks)

- It develops national unity.

- Promotes peaceful co-existence of different tribes and races

- National integration enables a country to develop a sense of national direction

- Accurate communication achieved as a nation increases efforts of national integration.

b) Explain six factors that promote national unity. (12mks)

- The constitution

- One government

- Presidency

- Education

- National language

- National activities

- Mass media

- Economic growth

- National symbols

- National philosophies

- Intermarriages

NB: Every point should be well explained

24. a) Give five peaceful methods of resolving conflicts in Kenya. (5mks)

- Mediation

- Negotiation

- Litigation/court ruling

- arbitration

- conciliation/re-conciliation

b) Explain five effects of conflicts. (10mks)

- Massive displacements of people. They became refugees

- Fear and insecurity due to anarchy

- Loss of lives as people are killed

- Destruction of property e.g. farms and buildings

- Starvation due to crops destruction and disruption of agriculture activities

- People became poor due to economic decline

- Human suffering and misery becomes widespread.

Page 5 F1 History



¼ + (1/5 x 6/1)

(1/4 x 5/1) – (1/2 x 1/3)

= ¼ + 6/5 = 5 + 24

20 5/4 – 1/6 15-2


= 29/20


= 29/20 x 12/13 = 87/65

= 122/65




2. Let r = 0.031212

100r = 3.121212

9900r = 312.1212

- 3.1212


r = 309 = 103

9900 3300





3. 30 = 2 x 3 x 5

12 = 2 x 2 x 3

LCM = 22 x 3 x 5 = 60

The other number = 420 x 6


= 42





A = 1800 - 1100 = 700

B = 1800 – (280 + 700) = 820

1800 – 820 = 980

C = 1800 – (700 + 820) = 280





121/1 - Form 1 Mathematics Paper 1 1 of 8

5. Let the number be x

x – 3 + ⅓x 2 = x + 1


3 (x – 3) + 4x 2 = x + 1





3(x – 3) + 4x)2 = 12x + 12

(3x– 9) + 4x 2 = 12x + 12

6x – 18 + 8x = 12x + 12

14x – 18 = 12x + 12

2x = 30

x = 15


6. 9xy3(2x + 3) B2

7. Let the sausage be x

Egg be y

3x + y =69

2x + 2y = 81

y = (69 – 3x)

2x + 2(69 – 3x) = 81

2x + 138 – 6x = 81

-4x = -57

x = 14.25/=

y = 69 – 3(14.25)

= 26.25/=




8. 3𝑥+4






3(3𝑥 + 4) + 6(𝑥 + 1) + 4(2𝑥 + 8)


9𝑥 + 12 + 6𝑥 + 6 + 8𝑥 + 32


28x +50





9. Let the MP of the generator be x

After increase by 15%

100% = x

115% = 115/100 x X = 1.15x

New 100% = 1.15x

80% = 80/100 x 1.15x = 0.92x

Change = (x – 0.92x) = 0.08x

% change = 0.08x x 100%

x = 8%

121/1 - Form 1 Mathematics Paper 1 2 of 8

10. √83.22 𝑥 102 + (5.101 x 10-1)2

= 9.1225 x 10 + 26.020 x 100-1

= 91.225 + 0.26020

= 91.4852

M1, M1






Commission = 50,000 – 35,000

= 15,000

R/100 x 750,000 = 15000

R = 15,000 x 100 = 2%


Sales = 98/100 x 10,000,000

= 980,000

2/100 x 980,000 = 19,600/=





12. Present ages

Father = 3x

Son = x

In five years time

(3x + 5) + (x + 5) = 70

3x + 5 + x + 5 = 70

4x + 10 = 70

4x = 60

x = 15

Father = 45yrs

Son = 15yrs




13. 1764 5184

2 882 2 2592

2 441 2 1296

3 147 2 648

3 49 2 324

7 7 2 81

3 27

3 9

3 3

1764 = 22 x 32 x 72

5184 = 26 x 34

= 22 x 32 x 72 = 22 x 32 x 72

√26 𝑥 34 23 x 32




121/1 - Form 1 Mathematics Paper 1 3 of 8

= 72 = 49 = 61/8

23 8




nx = 360

2x + 120 = 180


2x = 60

x = 30

30n = 360

n = 360 = 12


Sum of interior angles

(150 x 12) = 18000




15. 9/14 x 100% = 64.29%

65/100 x 10% = 65%

33/50 x 100% = 66%

62%, 9/14, 0.65, 33/50




16. a) 789.00

a) 790,000






Are of A = (½ x 3 x 1)cm2 = 1.5cm2

B = ½ x 2(3 + 1.5)cm2 = 4.5cm2

C ½ x (1 x 1.5)cm2 = 0.75cm2

D ½ x 3(2.5 + 2)cm2 = 6.75cm2

E = (1/2 x 1 x 2)cm2 = 1cm2

Total Area = 15cm2

1cm = 80m

1cm2 = 6400m2

15cm2 = 15cm2 x 6400m2

= 96,000m2

1ha = 10,000m2

9.6ha = 96,000m2







121/1 - Form 1 Mathematics Paper 1 4 of 8

(c) Total land = 9.6ha

Roddze 3.2ha

Pathway 6.4ha

Each plot = 0.05ha

No of plots = 6.4ha


Price per plot = 500,000

Total proceed from plots

= 6.4ha x 500,000


= 64,000,000/=









Ksh. 0.7 x 100 = Ksh. 70

5000 x 0.7

= Є3500

Є3500 - Є 1325 = 2175

Є 1= Ksh. 1000

Є 2175 = (2175 x 100)

Ksh. 217500

1Us$ = Ksh. 70

= Ksh. 217,500

Us$ = 217,500 = 3107.142857


Balance 3107.142857 – 760

= $ 2347.142857

2347.142857 x 70

Ksh. 164,300


M1 M1










Girls = 3/5 of the population

Boys 2/5 of the population

Let the population be x

Girls = 3/5x

Boys = 2/5x

History – boys = ½ x 2/5x

Girls = 2/3 x 3/5x

History = 1/5x + 2/5x = 3/5x

Geography = (x – 3/5x) x ¼


121/1 - Form 1 Mathematics Paper 1 5 of 8

= (2/5 x ¼ )x = x/10

Remaining population = 120



120 = x – (x/10 + 3/5x)

120 = x – (x + 6x)


x = 7/10x = 3/10x = 120

x = 120 x 10


40 x 10 = 400

Population = 400 students

Boys = 2/5 x 400

= 160

Girls taking History = 2/3 x 3/5x = 2/5 x 400

= 160




M1 M1


M1 M1






(i) Volume = 135m2 x 0.15m

= 20.25m3

(ii) 1m3 = 2500kg

20.25m3 = 2500kg x 20.25m3

= 50625kg

(i) 1/10 x 50625kg

= 5062.5kg

No of bags of cement

5062.5kg = 101.25 = 102bags


Mass of sand used = 5/10 x 5062.5kg = 25312.5kg

1 tonne = 1000kg

7 tonnes = 7000kg

No of lorries purchased = 25312.5kg = 3.62 lorries








M1 , M1

M1, A1


121/1 - Form 1 Mathematics Paper 1 6 of 8




40km and 500

38 km and 2700





22. (a) 10.10a.m

(b) 10.30


20 = 20Min.

(c) 10.40a.m – 10.30a.m = 10 Min.

(d) 11.20a.m

(e) 11.20a.m – 10.10a.m – 1hr 10 min

70 = 70km x 6/7hrs


= 60km/hr

(f) 4.30p.m

90 min.



6.20 p.m = 6.20p.m











23. 4x – y = 6 - (1)

3x – 2y = - (2)

From each (1)

y = 4x – 6

In equation (2)

3x – 2(4x – 6) = 2

3x – 8x – 12 = 2

-5x = 14

x = -2.8

y = 4(-2.8) – 6

y = -11.2 – 6

y = -17.2




24. (a) 22 x 14 x 14 cm2 - 22 x 7 x 7 cm2

7 2 7 2

= 308cm2 77cm2

=( 308 – 77) = 231cm2

(b) 22 x 14 x 2 cm2 + 22 x 7 x 2cm2 + 22 x 7cm2

7 2 7 2 7

=(44cm + 22cm + 22cm)


M1 M1

B1 B1


M1 M1 M1



121/1 - Form 1 Mathematics Paper 1 7 of 8

NAME ……………………………………………………………ADM. NO. ………………………………

CLASS…………………………………………………… CANDIDATE’S SIGN……………………......……





JULY 2021



Page 1 of 5 (F1. Drawing & Design)

1. (a) Distinguish between technical drawing and artistic drawing? (2 mks)

(b) State two career opportunities available after studying drawing and design? (2 mk)

2. (a) State three aims of technical drawing (3 mks)

(b) Define the term designers (1 mk)

3. using a circle of radius 25mm, show the following (6 mks)

(i) Sector

(ii) Segment

(iii) Chord

(iv) quadrant

(v) Circumference

(vi) Tangent

4. (a) Construct a rhomboid WXYZ when given WX = 78mm, XY = 45mm and angle WXY = 1050

(3 mks)

Page 2 of 5 (F1. Drawing & Design)

(b) Construct a square PQRS when given diagonal PR = 67mm. State the length of its sides (3 mks)

5. (a) Construct a plain scale in which 30mm represent 10mm to read up to 50mm. Show a reading of

23mm. (4 mks)

(b) The figure below show two views of a block drawn in first angle projection. Sketch the block in two

point perspective when the block is below the horizon (6 mks)

Page 3 of 5 (F1. Drawing & Design)

6. The figure below shows a pictorial view of a cast block. Sketch the orthographic views of the block in

3rd angle projection (10 mks)

7. The object shown below is in first projection. From the view make two point perspective drawings

when the horizon is above the objects. (15 mks)

Page 4 of 5 (F1. Drawing & Design)

8. The following figures show three views in first angle projection of shaped block. Using instruments and

plain drawing paper, make an isometric drawing of the block in full size. (15 mks)

Page 5 of 5 (F1. Drawing & Design)





JULY 2021

1. (a) The technical drawing is a form of representation of objects that follows a set of international

standard while artistic drawing is the free representation of feelings, action and ideas (2 mks)

(b) (i) Architecture

(ii) Technical drawing /drawing and design trainer (2 x 1 mks)

2. (a) Accuracy



Speed (3 x 1 mks)

(b) Original of the ideas especially one who creates forms, structures and patterns as for works of art or

Machines. (1 mk)

3. .

Page 1 of 4 (F1. Drawing & Design M/s)


5. (a) R.F = drawing 30 = 3: 1 = 3/1

Actual 10

Ratio = 30 : 10 scale length 3/1 x 50 = 150mm

Page 2 of 4 (F1. Drawing & Design M/s)



Page 3 of 4 (F1. Drawing & Design M/s)



Page 4 of 4 (F1. Drawing & Design M/s)

NAME…………………………………………...…………….ADM. NO …………………….

CLASS………………………………………….. SIGNATURE…………………………..……




JULY 2021




Answer all questions in the spaces provided


Page 1of 5 (Form 1 Business Studies)

1. List down 4 reasons why people start business 4mks







2. List down 4 disciplines that make up business studies 4mks







3. Highlight any four characteristics of goods 4mks







4. Indicate whether each of the following resources are renewable or non-renewable 4mks

Resource Classification

a. Solar energy

b. Natural gas

c. Wood

d. Gold

5. Outline four factors that an entrepreneur should consider before setting up a manufacturing business 4 mks







6. Highlight four benefits of using electronic filling system 4mks







Page 2 of 5 (Form 1 Business Studies)

7. Outline four benefits to a trader who operates a small scale retail outlet 4 mks






8. Outline four types of business activities 4mks






9. Outline four benefits of entrepreneurship to the government 4 mks






10. State four advantages of indirect production 4mks






11. Outline four factors that should be considered when selecting office equipment 4mks






12. The following are descriptions of documents used in home trade. In the spaces provided below write the name

of each document described 4mks

Statement Document

a. A statement seeking information on availability

of products and their prices

b. A document showing products and quantity


c. A document describing items for sale and their

current prices

d. A document sent to a specific buyer detailing the

availability of products and their prices

13. Mention four external factors that may adversely affect the operations of a business 4mks






Page 3of 5 (Form 1 Business Studies)

14. State four services offered by wholesalers to retailers 4mks






15. State four reasons why an organization may opt to use to an enclosed office layout instead of an open office

layout 4mks






16. State any four factors that may limit an individual’s ability to satisfy his basic human wants. 4mks






17. Highlight four disadvantages of using a cheque as a means of payment 4mks






18. List four functions of an entrepreneur as a factor of production 4mks






19. Outline four advantages of division of labour 4mks






20. State four ways in which office documents can be reproduced 4mks






Page 4 of 5 (Form 1 Business Studies)

21. Outline four types of factors of production and their rewards 4mks






22. State four disadvantages of supermarket 4mks






23. Outlie four characteristics of economic resources 4mks






24. Classify each of the following activity in its appropriate level of production 4mks

a. Harvesting maize _______________________________________________

b. Oil refining _______________________________________________

c. Advertising ____________________________________________________

d. Fishing ____________________________________________________

25. State any four uses of a business plan 4mks






Page 5 of 5 (Form 1 Business Studies)



1. List down 4 reasons why people start business 4mks

To create employement

To provide essential goods and services

To be your own boss

To earn profit

To utilize extra time at their disposal

To make use of locally available raw materials

2. List down 4 discipline that make up business studies 4mks




Office practice


3. Highlight any four characteristics of goods 4mks

they are tangible

can be stored

Quality can be standardized

Can change possession/separable from the producers

Can be seen

Can change value over time

4. Indicate whether each of the following resources are renewable or non-renewable 4mks

Resource Classification

a. Solar energy

b. Natural gas

c. Wood

d. Gold


Non renewable


Non renewable

5. Outline four factors that an entrepreneur should consider before setting up a manufacturing business

Potential demand for the goods and services

Source of raw materials

Security in the area

Existing infrastructure

Auxiliary services

Legal requirement

Opportunity for growth

Political stability

Services of labour


Social – cultural environment

Page 1 of 5 (Form 1 Business Studies M/s)

6. Highlight four benefits of using electronic filing system 4mks

Easy access

Reproduction in labour cost

Less storage facilities

Update with ease

Environmental friendly

Use of network

Less time taken

It is safe and more secure

7. Outline four benefits to a trader who operates a small scale retail outlet

Needs little amount of capital to start run/operate

Offers personal attention to customers

His business is flexible

He requires few legal formalities

Does not share profits

He is his own boss

8. Outline four types of business activities 4mks


Processing of raw materials



Distribution of goods


Provision of services

9. Outline four benefits of entrepreneurship to the government

Creation of employment

Reducing rural-urban migration

Improving infrastructure

Saving on imports

Promotion people’s standards of living

Raising people’s standards of living

10. State four advantages of indirect production 4mks

Creation of employment

Sale of surplus goods leading to earning income

Governmental obtains revenue

Improvement of living standard standards

Offers a variety of products

Development of advanced technology /increased production at low cost

Maximum utilization of a country’s economic resources.

11. Outline four factors that should be considered when selecting office equipment 4mks

Nature of work to be done

Cost of the equipment

Size of the firm


The staff/morale/training required

Availability of complementary resources

Availability of space


Page 2 of 5 (Form 1 Business Studies M/s)

12. The following are descriptions of documents used in home trade. In the spaces provided below write the name

of each document described 4mks

Statement Document

a. A statement seeking information on availability

of products and their prices

Letter of inquiry

b. A document showing products and quantity



c. A document describing items for sale and their

current prices

Price list/price current

A document sent to a specific buyer detailing the

avaialabity of products and their prices


13. Mention four external factors that may adevesely affect the operations of a business 4mks

Lack of raw materials /unreliable suppliers

Unfavourable government policies

Low demand/small market

Stiff /unfair competition

Political unrest

Lack of support by the society/beliefs that do not support the business

Economic recession

Poor technology

Harsh climate

14. State four services offered by whole salers to retailers 4mks

Avails a variety of goods

Advise the retailers on how to use the goods on behalf of the customers

Assist retailers by transporting goods near them hence reducing transport cost

Offer credit facilities hence act as source of funding

Grade, blend, pack and brand good on behalf of retailers

Promotes product on behalf of retailers

15. State four reasons why an organization may opt to use to an enclosed office layout instead of an open office

layout 4mks

Enclosed office layout ensures privacy

Efficiency of each worker is high due to little disturbance

In enhances motivation of staff and hence increases self-esteem.

There is an element of responsibility in the use of resources and any misuse can be easily determined.

Provides security to employees valuables and other items.

Lighting, heating and air conditioning can be controlled according to the needs of the accupants

16. State any four factors that may limit an individual’s ability to satisfy his basic human wants. 4mks

They are insatiable /endless/unlimited

Some are universal

They are competitive

They require resources which are scares

They are habitual

They are recurrent/repetitive

Page 3 of 5 (Form 1 Business Studies M/s)

17. Highlight four disadvantages of using a cheque as a means of payment 4mks

Cheques can be dishonoured

One must have a bank account

May take few days to be cleared i.e. one has to wait

Are not universally acceptable

Not appropriate for small amounts

18. List four functions of an entrepreneur as a factor of production 4mks

Comes up with business ideas

Setting up and starting business

Provides capital for the business

Organizes and pays other factors of production

Takes risks by inventing the business

Makes decisions affecting a business

19. Outline four advantages of division of labour 4mks

Promotes efficiency in production

Reduces fatigue due to repetition

Saves time / work is done faster

High quality products

More chances of invention and innovation

Greater use of machines

20. State four ways in which office documents can be reproduced 4mks


Carbon copying

Ink/spirit duplication

Offset lithography

Stencil duplication



21. Outline four types of factors of production and their rewards 4mks

Land – rents /rates

Labour – salaries and wages

Capital – interest/royalties

Entrepreneurship - profit

22. State four disadvantages of supermarket 4mks

They don’t offer goods on credit to customers

They are located in urban areas therefore do not serve people in rural areas

They require large capital to establish

Customers may over spend due to impulse buying

Shop lifting/theft from the supermarket is a common problem

There is no personal contact between the owner and the customer.

23. Outline four characteristics of economic resources 4mks

Scares in supply

Have monetary value

Unevenly distributed

Have utility

Have alternative uses

Can change ownership

Can be combined

Can be complementary

Page 4 of 5 (Form 1 Business Studies M/s)

24. Classify each of the following activity in its appropriate level of production 4mks

a. Harvesting maize - primary

b. Oil refining - secondary

c. Advertising - tertiary

d. Fishing - primary

25. State any four uses of a business plan 4mks

To avoid mistakes

To identify strength and weakness in a business

Can be a requirement by financiers

To determine the finances required

Used to allocate resources

Acts as a motivating factor to employees

Helps the business to adapt to any changes that may occur.

Page 5 of 5 (Form 1 Business Studies M/s)

NAME…………………………………………...…………….ADM. NO …………………….

CLASS………………………………………….. SIGNATURE…………………………..……




JULY 2021




This paper has six questions. Answer any five

Page 1 of 8 (Form 1 CRE)

1. (a) According to the Genesis stories of creation, outline seven teachings about human beings 7mks

(b) Identify four effects of sin on Adam and Eve, according to the story of the fall of man 8mks

(c) Give five ways through which the church is bringing back Christians who have fallen from faith


2. (a) Explain four characteristics of a covenant demonstrated in the covenant between God and Abraham


(b) Identify seven similarities between the jewish and the traditional African practice of circumcision.


(c) Give lessons that Christians learn about God from the call of Abraham 5 mks

3. (a) Explain the commandments which King Ahab and Queen Jezebel broke according to the

story of Naboth’s vineyard 6mks

(b) Give the kinds of punishments that prophet Elijah prophesied to king Ahab and queen Jezebel

according to the book of 1st kings 21:14-29 8mks

(c) Give reasons why killing is condemned in tradition African communities 6 mks

4. (a) Give reasons why the Israelites demanded for a king 8 mks

(b) State the achievements of Solomon as the king of Israel 6 mks

(c) Identify the causes of the power struggle in the church of Kenya today 6 mks

5. (a) Name six places where sacrifices are carried out in traditional African communities 6 mks

(b) Give seven reasons why sacrifices are made in traditional African communities 7 mks

(c) State seven roles of ancestors in traditional African communities 7 mks

6. (a) What changes have taken place in the rite of initiation in Kenya today? 8 mks

(b) Identify moral values taught to the youth during initiation into adulthood in traditional African

communities 6 mks

(c) Give reasons why female circumcision is being discouraged in Kenya today 6 mks

Page 2 of 8 (Form 1 CRE)



















































Page 3 of 8 (Form 1 CRE)



















































Page 4 of 8 (Form 1 CRE)



















































Page 5 of 8 (Form 1 CRE)



















































Page 6 of 8 (Form 1 CRE)



















































Page 7 of 8 (Form 1 CRE)



















































Page 8 of 8 (Form 1 CRE)

NAME: ………………………………………………………………………………… ADM. NUMMER…………………………...

KLASSE………………………………………………………DATE…………………………………. SIGN…………………………

SCHOOL …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



JULI 2021















Page 1 of 7 (F1. GERMAN)


Insert the most appropriate personal pronoun in the spaces provided. (ich, du, er, sie,

Sie, wir) (5pkt)

a) _____________________________________ bin Macharia.

b) __________________________________________heiβt James

c) Kommst _______________________________aus Makononi.

d) Herr Okello, kommen __________________________________aus Nairobi.

e) Ich und Moraa spielen fuβball. ___________________________________lieben fuβball spielen.


Complete the following sentences using the correct form of verb in brackets.

1. Was ______________________________du gewöhlich zum frühstück? (nehmen)

2. Herr Ondari ______________________sein Auto über die Brücke. (fahren).

3. Mein Bruder________________________mir viel Geld. (geben).

4. Du _______________________________immet zeitongen in der Bibliothek. (lessen)

5. Der Schüler ___________________________in der klasse. (schlafen)

6. _____________________________du deiner mutter beim kochen? (helfen).

7. Kigen und Kinyua, _________________________ihr heute Marathon. Nein, nur

Kigen____________________. (laufen)

8. Er __________________________________immer liebensfilme zu Hause (sehen)

9. Du _______________________________Deutsch aber dein Lehrer __________________________ auch

Italienlsch. (sprechen).

10. Er_______________________________leider keinen fisch aber er Erinkt viel Alkohol. (essen).

11. Die flanze _________________________________________sehr schnell. (wachsen).

12. Die Kinder _____________________________________sich heute im park. _______________________Okello sie

dort? (treffen).


Complete the spaces below with most appropriate possessive article

Ich bin Nanjeko ______________________________Familie besteht aus sechs mitglieder. ________________Vater

heiβt Nasimiyu. Ich habe vier Geschwister.

____________________________Geschwister sind alle noch in der Grundschule. Sie gehen in die Kamusinga

Primarschule. ________________________Schule liegt in der Gegend von Bungoma.

_________________________Bruder Eugene hat nu rein Hobby. ____________________Hobby ist Gitarre spielen.

___________________________ Schwester Angela hat viele Hobby. _______________________Hobbys sind essen,

schlafen und chatten Wir sind sehr gut Kinder und respektieren ___________________Eltern.

Page 2 of 7(F1. GERMAN)


Schreib die folgeden Nummer auf Deutsch

1. 88 __________________________________________________________________________________

2. 1245 _______________________________________________________________________________

3. The 31st ___________________________________________________________________________

4. 1995 (year) ______________________________________________________________________

5. 888 _______________________________________________________________________________


Formulate questions so that the underlined word is the answer.

a) Unsere lehrerin wohnt in der schule.

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________

b) Die schüler beginnen morgen ein Examen.


c) Sein Deutsch Lehrer ist vierzig Jahre alt.


d) Er kommt heute nicht, denn er ist krank.


e) Das Auto fàhrt nach Nairobi.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

f) Der president kommt aus Kiambu.


g) Viktoria studiert Medizin.


h) Vater spielt gern karten.



Formulate questions from the statements given below beginning with the verbs 1. Njeri wohnt in Nyeri.


2. Sie studieren Deutsch in der Universität.


3. Nyangosi geht heute nach Kisii.


Page 3 of 7 (F1. GERMAN)

4. David besucht seine freundin.


5. Wir sin dimmer spat.



Replace the underlined words with personal pronouns (er, sie, Sie, ihr, wir)

1. Many is 3 Jahre alt. _____________________________geht nicht in die schule.

2. Der Bruder heiβt Njoroge. _______________________________ist schüler au der Alliancce schule.

3. Her Odongo, haben _____________________________________Kinder?

4. Joan und Juliet, habt ____________________________________die Bücher?

5. Meine schwester und ich sind zwillinge. __________________________sind zwillinge schwestern.


Schreiben sie die Richtige sätze. Write the correct form of the sentences

1. Gehen/ins Theatre/gern/sie


2. Gehen/oft/du/in die stadt.


3. Spielen/ein Musikinstrument/du/?


4. Lernen/ihr/Deutsch.


5. Zeitungen/vater/lessen/sein/als/Romane.



Fill in the comparative form of the adjective in the brackets (5PKT)

a) Limonadensaft ist _________________________________als Orangensaft. (sauer)

b) Welcher wagen ist _________________________________, ein Audi ode rein Mercedes (teuer)

c) Der mau wald ist ___________________________________als der Nyandarua wald. (dunkel)

d) Der Mt. Everest ist viel ________________________________als der Mt. Kenia. (noch)

e) Ich esse gern orangen aber Erbeere esse ich noch___________________________. (gern)

Page 4 of 7 (F1. GERMAN)


Fill in the correct form of the adjective in the brackets in the superlative form. (5PKT)

a) Barcelona ist die _____________________________stadt in spanien. (schön)

b) Mama und papa sind die ______________________________Elten in der welt. (gut)

c) Die Hauptstraβe ist die ____________________________________straβe in der welt. (breit)

d) Der 21. Juni ist der ____________________________________Tag des Jahres. (lang).

e) Wo ist der _______________________________________Ort in der Erde (kalt).


Fill in the correct modal verb in the correct form in the spaces below.

a) Wangari studiert Medizin, denn sie ____________________________Ärtizin werden.

b) Kinder unter 18 Jahre ____________________________________nicht A;kohol trinken. Es ist ihnen

streng verboten.

c) Er ______________________________diese Aufgarbe nich Machen. Sie ist zu schwiezig.

d) Wir _______________________________unsere Eltern respektiezeng so sagt die Bibel.


Join the sentences using two conjuctions (denn, oder, sondernn aber, und).

a) In der Uni kann mann viel spaβ haben, ______________________________es viel freizeit gibt.

b) Die Lehrerin ist gut _________________________________manchmal kommt sie spat zur scjhule.

c) Ich Liebe meinen Job, _______________________________ich habe immer lange fenen.

d) Politik ist nicht für fraven __________________________________für manner.

e) Ich gehe zur party ________________________________esse viel chapatti.


Arrange the given elements to form a correct sentence.

1. toll/Nairobi/finden/wir


2. Kakamega/Onkel/mein/in/wohnen


3. Spanisch/in/du/Schule/deine/lernst/?


4. gehen/in/Universität/die/ihr


Page 5 of 7 (F1. GERMAN)


Read the passage carefully and answer the questions thereafter.

Klaus Oberdoster ist Schüler an Lindner Gymnasium. Das Gymnasium liegt in der Nähe von München

Jeden Tag geht Klaus um acht Uhr zur Schule und lernt dort viel in ihrer Schule gibt es viele Fächer

zum Beispiel Deutsh, Französisch, Italienisch, Chemie und Biologie. Ihr Lieblingsfach ist Deutsch. Sie

liebt Deutsch lernen. An der Schule sind viele Sportarten zum Beispiel Fuβball, Hockey und Tennis

aber sie treibt keinen Sport. Sie hat nur Hobbys. Ihre Hobbys sind Klavier spielen und Spazieren

gehen. Viele Lehrer arbeiten und Mathematik. In der Schule haben sie auch eine Bibliothek mit

vielen Büchern. Die Klassenzimmer. Es gibt sienundzwanzig Klassen in der Schule. Sie liebt alles in

ihrer Schule. Nur Srafen findet sie nicht gut.

Answer the following questions in full sentences.

a) An welches Schule lernt Klaus Oberdoster? (1pkt)


b) Wo ist das Gymnasium? (1pkt)


c) Wann geht Klaus zur schule? (1pkt)


d) Was ist Klaus lieblingafach? (2pt)


e) Treibt sie sport? (1pkt)


f) Was sind ihre Hobbys? (1pkt)


g) Welche fächer unterrichtet Herr Meier? (1pkt)


h) Wie viele klassen sind in der schule? (1pkt)


i) Was liebt sie nicht? (1pkt)


Page 6 of 7 (F1. GERMAN)


a) Write a composition about your family by replying to the given guide lines below in details.

Reply to each question in a separate paragraph.

- Wie heiβt du wo wohnt deine familie?

- Wie findest du deine familie. Beschreibe.

- Was Machen die familie mitglieder in dre freizeit?

- Welche Hobbys haben die familiemitglieder






























Page 7 of 7 (F1. GERMAN)





JULI 2021



1. Ich

2. Du, er

3. du

4. Sie

5. wir


6. nimmst

7. fährt

8. gibt

9. Liest

10. Schläft

11. Hilfst

12. Lauf

13. Läuf

14. Sieht

15. Sprichst

16. Spricht

17. Isst

18. wächst

19. treffen

20. trifft


21. Meine

22. Mein

23. Meine

24. meine

25. Ihre

26. mein

27. Sein

28. Mein

29. Ihre

30. Unsere

Page 1 of 3 (F1 GERMAN M/S)


31. Achtundachtzig 32. Eitausand zweihundert fünfundvierzig

33. Der einunddreiβigste

34. Neunzehnhundert fünfundvierzing.

35. Achthundertachtundachtzig.


36. Wer wohnt in der schule?

37. Wo wohnt unsere lehrerin?

38. Wann beginnen die schüler ein exam?

39. Wei alt ist sein Deutsch Lehrer?

40. Warum kommt er nicht?

41. Wohin fährt das Auto?

42. Was fährt nach Nairobi?

43. Woher kommt der President

44. Was studiert Viktoria?

45. Wer spielt gern karten.


46. Wohnt Nyeri?

47. Studieren sie Deutsch in der universität?

48. Geht Nyangosi hente nach Kisii?

49. Besucht david seine freundin.

50. Besucht David seine freundin.


51. Sie

52. er

53. Sie

54. ihr

55. wir


56. sie geht ins Theatre gern/sie gehen ins Theatre gern

57. Gehst du oft in die stadt?

58. Du spielst ein Musikinstrument

59. Lernt ihr Deutsch?

60. Vater liest seine zeitungen als Romane.


61. Saurer

62. teurer

63. dunkler

64. höher

Page 2 of 3 (F1 GERMAN M/S)

65. lieber


66. schönste

67. beste

68. breiteste

69. längste

70. kälteste

MODAL VERBEN 71. möcht

72. muss

73. dürfen

74. kann

75. sollen


77. aber

78. denn

79. sondern

80. und


1. Er lernt an lindner Gymnasium. (1pkt)

2. Es liegt in der Näha von München. (1pkt)

3. Sie geht um acht uhr zur schule. (1pkt)

4. Ihr lieblingsfach is Deutsch. (2pkt)

5. Sie treibt Keinen sport. (1pkt)

6. Ihre Hobbys sind Klarier spielen und spazieren gehen. (1pkt)

7. Er unterrichtet Deutsch und mathematik. (1pkt)

8. Siebenundzwanzig klassen. (1pkt)

9. Sie liebt nicht strafen. (1pkt)

Page 3 of 3 (F1 GERMAN

NAME ……………………………………………………………ADM. NO. ………………………………

CLASS…………………………………………………… CANDIDATE’S SIGN……………………......……







1. Explain the following terms as used in computer studies (4 marks)

(i) Data



(ii) Program



(iii) Data processing



(iv) Information



2. State any three functions of a computer (3 marks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




3. (a) State one reason why a computer needs to be connected to a stable power supply (2marks)




(b) Outline three reasons why it is important to first shut down the computer before turning it off (3 marks)





4. (a) Explain the term system Unit (1 mark) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


(b) List four devices located under the cover of the system unit (4 marks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..




(c) Give two differences between tower – style and desktop system units (2 marks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..




5. (a) List down three safety precautions one should observe when entering a computer laboratory (3 marks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..






(b). Name three main causes of fire in the computer laboratory and give the precautions that should be taken to guard against them (6 marks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..







6. A computer must go through the process of booting/ initialization before use

(a) Briefly explain the term “computer booting”. (1 mark)





(b) Explain what happens in the computer during the booting process (2 marks)







7. (a) What is a computer keyboard (1 mark)



(b) List five types of keys found on a computer keyboard, giving an example of each ( 4 marks)





(c) Name the keyboard keys that will help you: (2 marks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


8. (a) What type of memory is used to store the boot up program (the first program to be executed on switching

on a computer? ( 1 mark)





(b) Name the basic unit used to measure the processing speed of a computer (1 mark)



9. (a) What is a computer bus? ( 1mark)





(b) State the functions of each of the following computer bus (3 marks)

(i) Data bus



(ii) Address bus



(iii) Control bus



(c) A double – sided disk contains 40 tracks on each side. The tracks are divided into 9 sectors of 512 bytes each.

What is the total capacity of the disk in megabytes? ( 3marks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..






10. (a) State four functions of Read – Only Memory (ROM) (4 marks)







11. The diagram below shows as example of a secondary

(i) Identify the name of the devices (1 mark)



(ii) List down two advantages of this device over a floppy disk in storage ( 2 marks)




12. (a) What are pixels? (1 mark)




(b) What role do pixels play in screen display? (1 mark)




(c) Give two advantages of the higher number of pixels per square centimeter (2 marks)




13. Distinguish between impact and non-impact printers and give two examples of each (3marks)







14. George connected new multimedia speakers to his computer and tried to play his favorite music CD, but no

sound came out. Suggest two problems that might have occurred ( 2 marks)




15. Define the following term

Port (1 mark)




16. (a) What is warranty with reference to the purchase of computers (2 marks)




(b) Why is it important to carefully study a warranty before committing yourself by signing it? (1 mark)




17. (c) List down three issues to understand about warrants (3 marks)





(b) Small and large scale organizers are turning to the use of in- house developed software for the processing

activities rather than use of standard software

(i) What is in- house developed software? (1 mark)




(ii) Give two reasons that may be influencing these organizations for such a decision (2 marks)





(c) List two resources/ components that an operating system manages (2 marks)





18. What is an interrupt? (1 mark)




19. (a) Give three ways in which operating system are classified ( 3 marks)





(b) What is a deadlock in reference to operating systems? (1 mark)




(c) Identify three factors you would consider when choosing an operating system for use in a computer

( 3 marks)






20. (a) List and explain down the three parts of the windows Taskbar ( 3 marks)






(b) Give three uses of sub- directories or subfolders (3 marks)






21. The Hierarchical system represented below shows how a school organizes its files. Study it and answer the

questions below.

The F2 directory has the files: classlist.doc, Districts.xls, and the tribe.mdb. Write down the path of accessing the

Districts. xls file. (2 marks)




22. (a) Give two reasons why a new disk must be formatted before using it (2 marks)




(b) A Form four computer student is attempting to print a programming documentation.

The printer is not responding to the print command. Explain three possible causes for the anomaly. (3 marks)






23. (a) Explain the team Disk Defragmenter, and give two advantages of this feature ( 4 marks)










1. Explain the following terms as used in computer studies (4 marks)

(i) Data

A collection of raw facts, figures or instructions that do not have much meaning to the user

(ii) Program

A computer program is a set of related instructions which specify how data is to be processed

A set of instructions used to guide a computer through a process

(iii) Data processing

It is the process of collecting all terms of data together & converting them into information

(iv) Information

Data which has been refined summarized & manipulated in the way you want it, or into a more

meaningful form for decision- making

2. State any three functions of a computer (3 marks)

Accepting data Processing the data Producing information

3. (a) State one reason why a computer needs to be connected to a stable power supply (2mark)

To prevent damage to the computer’s secondary storage media

To avoid damage and loss of important data or information such as application software stored on the


Prevent loss of data/ information that had not been saved before the failure

(b) Outline three reasons why it is important to first shut down the computer before turning it off (3 marks)

To avoid damaging storage devices that may still be in use

To avoid damaging system and application files

To avoid loss of data and information

4. (a) Explain the term system Unit (1 mark) This is the casing that houses the internal components of the computer such as the CPU and storage

devices (b) List four devices located under the cover of the system unit (4 marks)

Central processing Unit (CPU) Motherboard Power supply unit Main memory Hard disk Disk drives Battery Buses nput/ output ports Video card Expansion slots

(c) Give two differences between tower – style and desktop system units (2 marks) Tower style system unit is designed to stand alone or to be placed on the floor, desktop units lie on the

desk with the monitor placed on top Tower style units have more space for expansion than the typical desktop unit

5. (a) List down three safety precautions one should observe when entering a computer laboratory (3 marks)

Avoid smoking or exposing computers to dust

Avoid carrying foods & drinks/ beverages to the computer room Avoid unnecessary movements as you may accidentally knock the peripheral devices Only authorized people should enter the computer room Computers users should be trained on how to use computers frequently Computer illiterates should not be allowed to operate the computers collect any waste papers which might be lying in the computer room & put them into the dustbin Shut the door of the computer room properly

(b). Name three main causes of fire in the computer laboratory and give the precautions that should be taken to guard against them (6 marks)

Inflammable chemical such as those used to clean the computer equipment Keep the chemicals away in store after use

Open wires/ cables - Ensure that all electrical wires are properly insulated - Ensure that the computer room has a gaseous fire extinguisher containing carbon dioxide in case of any accidents

Smoking –avoid smoking in the computer room

6. A computer must go through the process of booting/ initialization before use

(a) Briefly explain the term “computer booting”. (1 mark)

Booting refers to the starting up of a computer. It is the entire process that makes the computer

ready for use.

(b) Explain what happens in the computer during the booting process (2 marks)

When the power is switched on, internally, it first checks whether all the components are in

good working condition, i.e. the RAM, CMOS (BIOS), hard disk & floppy disk drive controllers,

and the keyboard. If no problem is found, it then loads the operating systems

7. (a) What is a computer keyboard (1 mark)

An input device that lets the user enter commands into the computer for execution by


(b) List five types of keys found on a computer keyboard, giving an example of each ( 4 marks)

Function/ command keys (F1- F12)

Alphanumeric Keys (A-Z, 0-9)

Numeric keypad (0-9)

Cursor movement and editing keys (PgUp, PgDn, Home, end, Arrow keys)

(Del, Backspace, and spacebar)

Special PC keys (Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Ins, Enter, Spacebar, Caps lock, Num lock, etc

(c) Name the keyboard keys that will help you: (2 marks) (i) Type the upper character in a key - SHIFT Key (ii) Execute a selected command - ENTER Key

8. (a) What type of memory is used to store the boot up program (the first program to be executed on

switching on a computer? ( 1 mark)

Read – only Memory (ROM)

(b) Name the basic unit used to measure the processing speed of a computer (1 mark)

Hertz (Hz)

9. (a) What is a computer bus? ( 1mark)

A communication path/ medium within the computer that connects the basic computer

components. It allows different elements or sections of the computer to communicate with each


A parallel collection of conditions that carry data & control signals from one element to another

(d) State the functions of each of the following computer bus (3 marks)

(iv) Data bus- carries data from the processor to memory during the write operations and from

memory to the processor during the read operations

(v) Address bus- it conveys addresses, i.e it carries the address of the memory location or device

to be acted on by the processor

(vi) Control bus- it carries the timing & control signals necessary to coordinate the activities of

the entire system

(c) A double – sided disk contains 40 tracks on each side. The tracks are divided into 9 sectors of 512 bytes each. What is the total capacity of the disk in megabytes? ( 3marks)

Total tracks = (40 x 2) = 80 Total sectors = (80 x 9) = 720 Total bytes (720 x 512) = 368, 640 bytes If 1 MB = 1,048, 576 bytes ? = 368, 640 bytes 368, 640 1,048, 576 = 0.352 MB

10. (a) State four functions of Read – Only Memory (ROM) (4 marks)

It stores Firmware (bootstrap instructions) - the essential files the computer uses while

booting/ starting up.

It stores the system data & instructions that are necessary for the normal functioning of the

computer hardware e.g. the Kernel / supervisor of the OS

It stores translation programs (code converters) used for converting a user’s program into

machine language

It stores special functions (facilities) peculiar to a given machine

It stores character generators for printers & Video displays

It stores instructions used in special – purpose computers & computerized fuel pumps

11. The diagram below shows as example of a secondary

(i) Identify the name of the devices (1 mark)

Flash Disk

(ii) List down two advantages of this device over a floppy disk in storage ( 2 marks)

Smaller in size than a floppy disk, hence, easily portable

Has a high data storage capacity compared to a floppy disk

Flash disks are more reliable than floppy disks

12. (a) What are pixels? (1 mark)

Pixels (picture elements) are dots on the screen that form characters and images

(b) What role do pixels play in screen display? (1 mark)

They determine the clarity of images on the screen

(c) Give two advantages of the higher number of pixels per square centimeter (2 marks)

Higher screen resolution

Displays of sharp & clear images

The screen is able to display a higher number of different images

13. Distiguish between impact and non-impact printers and give two examples of each (3marks)

Impact printers print by striking mechanism & are noisy, e.g Dot matrix, Daisy wheel, and Golf

Ball, drum and chain printer.

Non- impact printers print either by laser, ink or thermal transfer mechanism & are silent, e.g.

Laser, Inkjet, thermal printer, electrostatic and xerographic

14. George connected new multimedia speakers to his computer and tried to play his favorite music

CD, but no sound came out. Suggest two problems that might have occurred ( 2 marks)

Volume control was too low

Loose or improper connection to the sound card

Speakers not powered

Multimedia not supported

Lack of analogue cable connecting the optical drive to the motherboard or sound card

Sound card drivers not installed

15. Define the following term

Port (1 mark)

A special kind of socket found at the back of a computer used to connect an external peripheral

device such as a printer, monitor, mouse, scanner, modem, flash disk, etc to the interface cards

inside the computer

16. (a) What is warranty with reference to the purchase of computers (2 marks)

A warranty is an agreement between the buyer and the seller that spells out terms and conditions

of after selling a product in case of failure or malfunction.

A warranty is usually the duration in which your computer is supposed to work without any


(b) Why is it important to carefully study a warranty before committing yourself by signing it? (1 mark)

In order to negotiate on sensitive items like duration, after sales services etc.

17. (c) List down three issues to understand about warrants (3 marks)

Duration (scope of cover)

How comprehensive is the warranty- good warranty should cover all the parts of the Computer.

Liability agreement e.g. how long should the supplier take to repair a fault or replace the product,

and if he/ she delays, who bears the cost.

(b) Small and large scale organizers are turning to the use of in- house developed software for the

processing activities rather than use of standard software

(i) What is in- house developed software? (1 mark)

These are programs that are uniquely designed & written by the user or a software house under

contract, to meet the specific needs of a particular user or organization.

They are usually customized (tailored) to perform a specific job or solve only specific processing tasks in

one organization

(ii) Give two reasons that may be influencing these organizations for such a decision (2 marks)

The user gets well tested program, which he/ she is able to use with confidence

The program provides all the facilities required to solve a particular problem

The purchaser has direct control over the package, as he/ she is involved in its Production

The user is able to quickly implement the results obtained from the use of the package

They can easily be modified to meet specific user’s needs without involving expert programmers.

(c) List two resources/ components that an operating system manages (2 marks)


Memory (RAM)

Secondary storage devices

Input/ output devices

Communication devices

I/O & communication ports


18. What is an interrupt? (1 mark)

An interrupt is break from the normal sequential flow of instructions processing in a program

19. (a) Give three ways in which operating system are classified ( 3 marks)

The number of users

The number of tasks

Human computer interface

(b) What is a deadlock in reference to operating systems? (1 mark)

It is a situation in an OS when a particular task holds a needed resource and refuses to release it

for use by other tasks

(e) Identify three factors you would consider when choosing an operating system for use in a

computer ( 3 marks)

(i) Hardware configuration of the computer, e.g. RAM memory size, Hard disk capacity, type of


(ii) Basic design of the computer – It is an IBM compatible, or apple computer?

(iii) Hardware compatibility

(iv) User (type of work to be done), i.e. the applications intended for the computer

(v) User friendliness or human computer interface, i.e. it is command line based, Menu driven or

graphical user interface?

(vi) Availability in the Markey, e.g. Microsoft Windows based operating systems are very common

(vii) Portability

(viii) Cost- how expensive the OS is

(ix) Reliability, i.e. can it run without crashing (stop responding to commands)?

(x) The method of communicating with the computer, e.g. the number of peripherals

20. (a) List and explain down the three parts of the windows Taskbar ( 3 marks)

Start button - Provides access to the start menu

Task Manager - Displays buttons of currently running tasks

System tray - displays icons of applications that automatically start and run in the background

(b) Give three uses of sub- directories or subfolders (3 marks)

Used to store files that are not required currently until they are needed again Used to store the files of one program separately from the files of another program It allows each user to keep his/ her files separately, even if all the users are using the same systems.

21. The Hierarchical system represented below shows how a school organizes its files. Study it and answer

the questions below.

The F2 directory has the files: classlist.doc, Districts.xls, and the tribe.mdb. Write down the path of

accessing the Districts. xls file.

A:\SCHOOL\EXAMS\F2\Districts.xls (2 marks)

22. (a) Give two reasons why a new disk must be formatted before using it (2 marks)

To prepare a new disk so that files can be stored on it To create sectors & tracks for the storage of data To create/ prepare a new root directory and file allocation tables on the disk To remove/ delete any existing files or information stored on the disk, if it is no longer needed

(b) A Form four computer student is attempting to print a programming documentation.

The printer is not responding to the print command. Explain three possible causes for the anomaly. (3


The printer may not be installed. The printer may not have been set as the default printer. The data interface cable to the printer could be loose. Make sure it is firm at the ports. The printer could still be off. Switch it on, and it will start printing. The wrong printer could have been selected. Select the right printer in the print dialog box and

send the print job again. 23. (a) Explain the team Disk Defragmenter, and give two advantages of this feature ( 4 marks)

Disk defragmenter is a tool that is used to re- arrange scattered files & folders on a storage



Rearranges scattered folders & files on storage media Reduces the time by the read / write head to locate files or folders on the storage media - This

speed up access to files & folders, hence, makes files to open more quickly Consolidates related data close to each other, hence, frees space on the storage media

NAME……………………………………………………………....…………….ADM. NO …………………….

CLASS………………………………………………………….. SIGNATURE…………………………..……

NAME OF SCHOOL ………………………………………………………..DATE……………………………



JULY 2021




This paper consist of three sections A,B and C

Answer all the questions in the spaces provided



1-15 40 Marks

15-19 35 Marks

20-21 25 Marks

Page 1of 8 (Form 1 Biology)

1. Name the branch in biology involved in the study of 2mks

a. Inheritance and variation


b. Study of corona virus


2. State the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis 1mk


3. State why the following processes are essential in living organisms 3mks

a. Reproduction ___________________________________________________________

b. Excretion _______________________________________________________________

c. Irritability ______________________________________________________________

4. Suggest the biological tool that is most suitable for collecting each of the following organisms


a. Water flea


b. Millipedes under the rocks


c. A rat


d. A scorpion


5. Complete the table below on some organic compounds 5mks

Raw materials Products Process

Maltose 2 glucose molecules

Glucose and galactose Condensation

Glycerol and 3 fatty acids

Proteins Hydrolysis

6. The biological name of a house fly is MUSCA DOMESTICA

a. Identify two mistakes in the way the scientific name is written 2mks



b. Write the name in the correct manner following all the rules of Binomial nomenclature 1mk


Page 2of 8 (Form 1 Biology)

7. A form 1 student collected the hindleg of a grasshopper measuring 3cm. He illustrated the leg on a

paper. On measuring the length of the drawing, found that it was 12cm. calculate the magnification







8. Distinguish between 2mks

a. Ingestion and egestion



9. Differentiate between haemolysis and crenation 2mks



10. (a) State two adaptations of the ileum that increase its surface area for efficient functioning 2mks



(b) Explain how the following factors would affect energy requirements in man 2mks

i. Age_________________________________________________________________________


ii. Sex__________________________________________________________________


11. State the functions of the following parts of a microscope 3mks

a. Coarse adjustment knob ___________________________________________________


b. Eye piece lens ___________________________________________________________


c. Body tube _______________________________________________________________


12. The diagram below represent a cell organelle

Page 3of 8 (Form 1 Biology)

a. Identify the organelle 1mk


b. State two adaptations of the organelle to its functions 2mks



13. State the structure and the functional differences between the smooth and rough endoplasmic

reticulum 4mks

Smooth endoplasmic


Rough endoplasmic reticulum



14. Name the organelle that performs each of the following functions in a cell

i. Formation of lysosomes _______________________________________________ 1 mk

ii. Transport of cell secretions ____________________________________________ 1 mk

15. State the significance of the following microscopy procedures 2mks

a. Using a sharp razor to cut sections


b. Staining ________________________________________________________________


16. In an experiment to investigate a factor affecting photosynthesis, a leaf of a potted plant which had

been kept in dark overnight was covered with an aluminum foil as shown in the diagram below

The set up was kept in sunlight for 3 hours after which a food test was carried out on the leaf

a. Which factor was being investigated 1mk


b. What food test was carried out 1mk


c. i. State the results of the food test 2mks


ii. Explain the results in c (i) above 2mks



Page 4of 8 (Form 1 Biology)

d. give a reason why a potted plant was kept in darkness overnight 1mk


e. State 2 factors affecting photosynthesis 2mks



17. The chart below is a summary of photosynthesis. Study it and answer the questions that follow

a. What is the role of light during stage one of the above reaction 1mk


b. State the name given to the two stages of this reaction

i. Stage one _______________________________________________________ 1mk

ii. Stage two _______________________________________________________ 1mk

c. Where in the chloroplast does each of the two stages take place

i. Stage one reaction 1mk


ii. Stage two reaction 1mk


d. State 3 importance of the process of photosynthesis 3mks




18. a. Fill in the following table 8mks

Name Modification Function

Nerve cell

Bean shaped

Swim to reach and fertilize the

egg cell

Root hair cell

Page 5of 8 (Form 1 Biology)

b. State 3 differences between plant cell and animal cell (3mks)




19. Two potato cylinders of equal sizes A and B and the experiment set as shown in the diagram below. The potato cylinders were then lowered into beakers A and B respectively. Beaker A contained 25%

sucrose solution while beaker B contained distilled water.

a. Name the physical process being investigated 1mk


b. After 10 minutes the glass rod was tilted

i. By means of arrows along the thread, show the direction of the tilt 1mk


ii. Account for the results in b(i) above 3mks





c. Compare the textures of cylinders A and B (2mks)






20. An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of temperature on the activity of enzyme

pepsin. The table below shows a sample of the results obtained

Temperature (0C) 0 10 20 30 40 50

%age of enzyme action 5.0 22.5 45.0 75.0 92.5 50.0

Page 6of 8 (Form 1 Biology)

(a) Plot a graph of percentage enzyme action against temperature 6mks

(b) From the graph determine the optimum temperature for the activity of pepsin 1mk


(c) Account for the rate of enzyme activity

i. At 00c 2mks



(ii) Between 00c to 300 2mks



ii. Between 400c to 500c 2mks




(d) Name the substance used in this experiment 1mk


Page 7of 8 (Form 1 Biology)

(e) Name any other condition which should be kept constant during the experiment 1mk


21. a.How is the leaf adapted to its photosynthetic function 10mks









































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1. a) Genetics

b. Virology

2. Trap light energy used in photolysis

3. Characteristic of living organism importance

Reproduction -Ensures continuity of species

Excretion -Ensures that toxic metabolic wastes are eliminated

Irritability - Enables organisms avoid harmful environmental stimuli

4. biological tool 3mks

a. Fish net Reject fishing net

b. Pooter

c. Bait trap

d. A pair of forceps


Raw materials Products Process


Glucose + galactose

Glycerol + 3 fatty acids


2 glucose molecules



Amino acids





6. Species name is written in capital letters

(a) The two names are not underlined separately or italicized

(b) Musca domestica

7. Linear magnification = drawing length

Actual length

Magnification = 12cm

3cm if units missing don’t award this step


8. Egestion is elimation of undigested and indigestible matrial out of the body while ingestion is intake of

food into the body through the mouth.

9. Haemolysis: Bursting of red blood cells to release haemoglobin due to excessive intake of water by

osmosis from a hypotonic solution

Crenation: process by which the cell membrane and hence animal cells shrink due to loss of water to a

hypertonic solution by osmosis.

10. Villi and micro-villi to increase S.A for absorption

-Long to increase surface area for absorption and digestion

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11. Coarse adjustment knob – moves the body tube over longer distances to bring the image into rough


Eye piece lens

Body tube – holds the revolving nose piece/objective lenses in place

- Holds the eye piece (lens) in place

12. a) Mitochondrion (Rej. Mitochondria)

b) Inner membrane – greatly folded to form cristae which increases surface area for attachment of

respiratory enzymes

Has fluid-filled matrix with enzymes to speed up the rate of respiration

13. Structural – Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes on its membrane while smooth

endoplasmic reticulum lack the ribosomes

Functional – Rough E.R transport protein while S.E.R transport lipids

14. i) Golgi body

ii) Endoplasmic reticulum

15. a) To avoid distorting cut sections

b) To make cell structures more distint / to constrast cell structures

16. a) Light rej light intensity

b) test for starch

c) (i) The colour of iodine remained brown on the covered part. The colour of iodine turned blue

black on the uncovered part

ii The covered part never received light and hence no photosynthesis and starch was not formed.

Uncovered part received light and photosynthesis took place and starch formed.

d) T destarch

e) Light

Carbon (IV) oxide concentration



17. a) Photolysis – splitting of water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen atoms

b) i) Light stage

ii) Dark stage

c) i) Granum

ii) Stroma

d) - Regulation of atmosphere gases

- Form bases of most feeding relationship

- It is a form of nutrition in plants


Name Modification Function

Nerve cell Cell body have extensions called

axons and dendrites

Impulse transmission

Guard cell Bean shaped Enable opening and closing of stomata

Sperm cell Long tail Swim to reach and fertilize the egg cell

Root hair cell Has a projection To allow penetrate soil particles and

increase surface area for absorption

of water and mineral salts

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b. Differences between plant cell and animal cell plant cell animal cell

-Usually large -Often smaller

-Regular in shape -Irregular in shape

-Has a cell wall -Has no cell wall

-Cytoplasm and nucleus usually -The cytoplasm occupies most space in the cell with

located towards the periphany nucleus centrally placed

-Has no centriole -Has centriole

19. a) Osmosis

b) i) Arrows should show tilt downwards in cylinder B; and upwards incylinder A;

ii) 25% sucrose solution is hypertonic to the sap of the cells of the potato cylinders; cells of cylinder

A thus lose water by osmosis and become flaccid (plasmolysed) hence decrease in weight of the

cylinder A;

-Distilled water is hypotonic to the sap of the potato cylinder cells; the cells of cylinder B thus

draw in water by osmosis; increase in cytoplasm and become turgid; resulting to increase in weght

of cylinder B;

c) Cylinder A; soft / flabby

Cylinder B; Hard

20. (a) Graph attached

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(b) 400C ± 1 (c) (i) 00C – Enzyme action is low; due to low temperature that in activates enzymes;

(ii) 00C to 300c - as temperature increases rate of enzyme action increases; due to increase in kinetic

energy of enzyme (pepsin) and substrate molecules;

(iii) 400c to 500c - As temperature increases the rate of enzyme action decreases; temperatures rise

above optimum thus causing enzyme (pepsin) to be denatured;

(d) Protein

( e) PH of the mixture

-Concentration of enzymeAny one

-Substrate concentration

22. The leaf has a flat and broad laming to increase surface area for trapping sunlight energy needed

for photosynthesis

The leaf has numerous stomata openings through which carbon (IV) oxide diffuse into the photosynthetic cells

The leaf is thin to reduce the distance through which carbon (IV) oxide has to diffuse to the photosynthetic cells

The palisade mesophyll cells contain numerous chloroplasts which contain chlorophyll

molecules which trap sunlight energy for photosynthesis

The leas has guard cells with differentially thickened cell walls to permit bulging when they take in water resulting in stomatal opening/have chloroplasts for photosynthesis

The palisade mesophyll is located towards the upper surface for maximum obsorption of sunlight energy.

The existence of extensive veins that contain vascular bundles which conduct water and

mineral salts to photosynthetic cells and transport products of photosynthesis

The leaf has spongy mesophyll whose cells are loosely arranged to create large air spaces for easy circulation and diffusion of carbon (IV) oxide into the photosynthetic tissue

The leaf has transparent cuticle to allow light to penetrate to the photosynthetic cells / water proof to minimize water loss from the leaf.

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