FF30x Overview Guide - Amazon S3Overview-2016.pdf · 2016-01-10 · workout guidelines above!...


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Week #1 // Goal: 3 Structured Workout Sessions If you DO NOT have access to a gym, here’s how to structure your 3x Week #1 workouts:

•! Perform 3x R8X sessions at home using a dumbbell or kettlebell (see video demonstration in member’s area). In terms of scheduling these sessions, it is IDEAL to rest 1 day between sessions to optimize your recovery from these workouts. So a Monday-Wednesday-Friday workout schedule would be ideal. Monday: R8X #1 Wednesday: R8X #2 Friday: R8X #3

•! Remember: these R8X workouts are SHORT but challenging. You

will be pushing yourself physically to reap the fat burn benefits.

•! You will need a pair of 20lb Dumbbells of Kettlebells and some floor space if you are performing R8X at home.

If DO have access to a gym, here’s how to structure your 3x Week #1 workouts:

•! Perform 2x R8X sessions at home (or at the gym) using a dumbbell or kettlebell (again, see the workout demonstration).

•! Perform 1x Big 5 Full Body Strength Session at the gym (see

workout demonstration video)

•! In terms of scheduling these workouts, it is ideal to rest 1-day between ALL WORKOUTS, so a Monday-Wednesday-Friday workout schedule would be ideal

Monday: R8X #1 Wednesday: Big 5 Strength Friday: R8X #2

Week #2 // Goal: 3 Workout Sessions + 1 “FREE” Workout* The main difference between Week #1 and Week #2 workouts is that we’ll be adding a “FREE WORKOUT” session in this second week. A FREE workout is basically a time to set aside 1 hour to perform activity you enjoy – be that biking, swimming, hiking, playing basketball, or walking. This is an intentionally unstructured exercise session, where you are ideally getting outside (weather permitting) and enjoying yourself. In terms of the “formal workouts,” if you DO NOT have access to a gym, here’s how to structure your 3x Week #2 workouts:

•! Perform 3x R8X sessions at home using a dumbbell or kettlebell. Again, it is IDEAL to rest 1 day between sessions to optimize your recovery from these workouts, so a Monday-Wednesday-Friday workout schedule would be ideal. Monday: R8X #1 Wednesday: R8X #2 Friday: R8X #3 Sat: FREE

If DO have access to a gym, here’s how to structure these 3x Week #2 workouts:

•! Perform 2x R8X sessions at home (or at the gym) using a dumbbell or kettlebell.

•! Perform 1x Big 5 Full Body Strength Session at the gym. Again, It’s

ideal to rest 1-day between workout. Here’s an ideal schedule:

Mon: R8X #1 Wed: Big 5 Friday: R8X #2 Sat/Sun: FREE

Week #3 // Goal: 4 Workout Sessions + 1 “FREE” Workout*

The main difference between Week #2 and Week #3 workouts is that we’ll be adding ONE MORE formal/structured workout to the mix. In total, you’ll be performing either:

•! 2x Big 5 + 1x R8X + 1x HIIT (explained below) + 1 FREE -or- •! 3x R8X + 1x HIIT session (explained below) + 1x FREE workout

If you DO NOT have access to a gym, here’s how to structure your 4x Week #3 workouts:

•! Perform 3x R8X sessions at home using a dumbbell or kettlebell.

•! New this week: You will also do 1x high intensity interval training cardio session (see handout underneath the R8X workout video in the member’s area for an explanation on interval training).

Mon: R8X #1 Wed: R8X #2 Friday: HIIT Sat: R8X #3: Sun: FREE

If DO have access to a gym, here’s how to structure these 4x Week #3 workouts:

•! As usual, you’ll be performing 1x R8X sessions at home (or at the gym) using a dumbbell or kettlebell. You’ll also be performing 2x Big 5 Strength Workouts at the gym.

•! New this week: You will also do 1x High Intensity Interval Training

cardio session (see handout underneath the R8X workout video in the member’s area for an explanation on interval training).

Mon: Big 5 Wed: R8X Friday: Big 5 Sat: FREE: Sun: HIIT

Week #4 // Goal: 4 Workout Sessions + 1 “FREE” Workout* This is the EXACT same setup as Week #3. Follow along with the workout guidelines above! That’s it! That’s your entire 30-Day Workout schedule overview. Again, make sure you hop into the FF30X member’s area to watch the demonstration videos for R8X, Big 5, and download the HIIT guide. This workout structure is designed to be very detailed and structured to keep you on track. If you’d like the workout program to continue for months 2, 3, & Beyond ensure your continued progress with the FF30X system, then you’ll want to upgrade to the FF30X Final Phase VIP Program for a one-time payment of $147, which gives you the following benefits:

The 60 and 90 expansion programs for the FF30X that shows you exactly what to do with your eating and exercise AFTER FF30X once we’ve built all this incredible momentum.

When you upgrade to Final Phase, I’ll also give you access to a private group where you can ask ANY questions about your nutrition or exercise - and get personal, custom feedback throughout FF30X and beyond.

You’ll have lifetime access to the private FF30X online mastermind group where you can check out more exclusive content we’re posting for you daily AND network with other high-level course members.

If you would like to upgrade to FF30X Final Phase VIP status, email me at anthony@fitfatherproject.com, and we’ll talk if it’s a good fit for you. ========================================================== !

Print this sheet and reference it during your workouts.

The 5 Exercises in the R8X Workout Flow: •! Kettlebell (KB)/Dumbbell (DB) Swing •! KB/DB Front Squat (Goblet Squat) •! Overhead KB/DB Shoulder Press

•! Pushup (On The Floor) •! 1 Arm DB/KB Row (On The Floor)

Perform these exercises in a flow. Swing→Squat→Press→Pushup→Row for the allotted number of reps in each “cycle” –starting at 1 rep of each.

After you complete a full circuit of the 5 exercises at the given rep range, rest 30-60 sec before beginning the 5-exercise circuit flow with the next

number or reps.

I.e. Circuit #1 = 1 rep of each. Rest 30 sec. Circuit #2 = 2 reps of each. Work your way UP TO the peak set (10 reps of each) – then BACK DOWN in 1 rep

increments (9,8,7,6, down to 1).

1-Page R8X Workout Summary

I recommend you begin this workout using a 20lb KB/DB. The

first few circuits are easy by design. The higher rep sets will be

challenging. Your first workout should take under 1 hour.

You will progress do heavier DB/KB

as you get stronger.

Print this sheet and reference it during your workouts.

The 5 Exercises in the Big 5 Strength Workout

•! Exercise #1: Barbell Squats 3 sets of 12-15 reps •! Exercise #2: Barbell or Trap Bar Deadlift 3 sets of 6-8 reps •! Exercise #3: Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 10-12 reps •! Exercise #4: Pullups or Lat Pulldown 3 sets of 8-10 reps •! Exercise #5a: Barbell Curls 3 sets of 8-10 reps •! Exercise #5b: French Press aka “Skull Crushers” 3 sets of 8-10-reps

*5a & 5b denotes a “superset.” You will proceed from one set of barbell curls immediately to French presses without rest. After completing one pairing, you will rest for 60 seconds before beginning your next superset.

With the exception of the final 5a/5b superset, you will perform these exercises in a linear fashion – completing all of your sets of Exercise

#1 before proceeding to the 3 sets of Exercise #2.

If you cannot perform any of these optimal exercises due to previous injuries see the list of suitable substitutions below. Remember: the key is to always exercise virtually PAIN FREE. Pushing through nagging joint pains is a recipe for long-term disaster. There are tons of different great compound exercises we can use. We simply need to pick the ones that work best for your body.

That said, a big component of exercise pain is due to the following:

1)! Lack or range of motion from a combination of poor posture, weak

muscles, and tight muscles.

The Big 5 Workout Summary

The warmup flow video for R8X will help you fix some of these imbalances. Make sure to watch that and perform the warm-up before this Big 5 Workout. 2)!Degenerative joints issue from years of overuse or old traumas. This is generally termed “osteoarthritis,” and is extremely common arthritic condition for guys us as we age – especially in the shoulders and knees of guys over 40. The good news is that many of these degenerative joint pains are FIXABLE with natural therapies – NOT SURGERY or joint replacement. There are natural treatment options like prolotherapy and platelet rich plasma injections that are very effective for healing joints at any age. If you would like help and advise on fixing your joint pains and becoming PAIN FREE forever, make sure to subscribe to the Fit Father Health Action Guides Library and get access to the “Heal Chronic Pains & Joints” guide. That guide will show you exactly what to do – step-by-step – proven by the medical research.

Flip to the next page for some additional key workout points to be aware of…

Training Truism #1: Correct Form Is Your Main Priority

The biggest mistake that holds most lifters back in the weight room is trying to handle too heavy weights with sloppy form. In the sub-section, we are going to discuss what it means to lift “heavy” and what constitutes “proper form.” What “Heavy” Does & Doesn’t Mean… It’s important to lift challenging weights to properly stimulate the greatest number of muscle motor units (yielding the best results with these Big 5 Workouts). That said, this is the critical moment when we take a small step back, and really define what “heavy” means as it applies to your lifting success. If you’ve been to a commercial gym before, you have seen guys trying to lift way too much weight with extremely sloppy form. Bar none, this is one of the fastest ways to: 1) make minimal progress on your lifts and 2) get seriously injured – the LAST thing we want. As stated previously, we obviously want to maximally stimulate our muscles in the most efficient way possible, so how do we pick a weight that challenges us without looking like the gym bro with sloppy form? There are a few key principles to answering that question. First, please understand heavy is relative. What is heavy for you may be a warm-up for somebody else. Accept that fact now. This lifting

program and all the exercises you will perform for the rest of your life is a personal journey. The only person you are trying to beat is yourself. The only limits you are trying to push are your limits. Second, “heavy” is not a factor that is dictated by the number of plates on the bar—but by the tension, firing rate, and motor unit recruitment that happens inside your muscles in response to lifting a particular weight. Put more simply, when you are bench pressing, your chest, shoulders, and triceps do not know that there are 200 pounds on the bar. What your muscles do know is how much intramuscular tension is created from lifting a weight through a given range of motion. Which do you think will create more tension and recruit more muscle fibers: sloppily bouncing a 200-pound barbell off your chest, or taking 165 and executing powerful, deliberate repetitions? Option two. Hands down. Every single time. Yes, heavy weights, by their nature, create more tension and more muscle unit recruitment when executed in a controlled, powerful, and deliberate motion. The big message here is that you will start this program with weights that you can handle safely with confidence. From there, you will push yourself within the integrity of performing honest, clean repetitions. If you haven’t done so already, this program will teach you how to master the best compound lifts. In the resources with this program, you have access to step-by-step video training where I outline the exact performance of all the exercises. If, after watching the exercise demonstrations, you are still a bit unsure about form, you can hire a good personal trainer for 1 hour to show you the proper form on all of the prescribed exercises.

Training Truism #3: Constant Progression = A Stronger More Muscular You

The formula for building strength AT ANY AGE is insanely simple: consistently stretch your limits, and you will grow. This simple fact is sewn into the fabric of our human DNA. Our bodies are hardwired to respond to small, constant progressions. You need to continually lift HEAVIER WEIGHTS on the Big 5 Compound movement to see the results you want from exercise. Here’s the quick science… When our ancestors experienced a physical stress—perhaps during an intense conflict with a wild animal—and barely managed to survive, their muscles, joints, and tendons were left trashed and bruised. At that point, a truly remarkable recovery processes began, in which the human body began to heal and remodel tissues to become slightly stronger than before. The nervous system became a bit more efficient, the muscles became a bit bigger, and legs a bit more powerful. This process is called super-compensation, and is responsible for all progress that you have and will ever make while exercising. When we experience a physical stress and survive, our bodies adapt to become slightly stronger than that specific magnitude of stress. If we wish to continue our progression, we must consistently challenge our bodies with slightly greater levels of physical stress. By pushing beyond previous limits, if even by a tiny fraction, our bodies remodel and we move forward. When it comes to lifting weights, this can be as simple as adding 2.5 pounds on each side of a squat bar, or performing one more rep than

you did last week. The key is that you are constantly progressing. By making even the smallest gains on your lifts, your body will progress and improve. No amount of forward progress is insignificant. Everything compounds over time. Very few people know that when I started exercising ten years ago, I could barely lift the 15-pound weights I inherited from my father. But that didn't matter, because I was incredibly consistent in my progression. Today, after a decade of adding 5 tiny pounds to the bar every month, I am able to deadlift 600 pounds. I don’t say this to brag. I’m telling you this, because seemingly insignificant progress in the short terms almost always leads to extraordinary results in the long term. What would happen if you began applying this principle to your exercise on the Big 5 Workout? What kind of progress could you make by pushing your body ever so slightly for the next 30 days? 60 days? 90 days? Year? I know the answer to that question will absolutely shock you.

Training Truism #4: Your Inputs = Your Outputs

Let’s look at the final principle to wrap up this section before I give you your Big 5 Workout Tracking Templates. When it comes to having an awesome body, there are a lot of factors that are out of your control – genetics being one of those. You didn't pick your parents, and you do not have the muscle building genetics of Arnold Schwarzenegger. It’s ok. I don’t either. The best part is that the factors that are outside of your and my control only account for a tiny fraction of our ultimate physique success. Even better: when it comes down to how you execute your workouts, you have complete control over your effort you put into these sessions. This sole fact is one of the reasons I gravitated to weight lifting from a young age. It is one of the few things in this world that produces tangible results directly proportional to the effort you or I put in. Throughout this F30X workout program, one of the biggest factors that will differentiate those men who are successful from those who are not is the amount of intensity brought to the workouts. Quite plainly, like most things in life, if you approach this program with half-assed focus and half-assed intensity, you will get half-assed results. I can, however, make you a serious promise. If you do choose to be brave enough to bust your ass with these short but highly effective workouts…

…and if you do choose to give your heart to the lifting and eating program, you will grow as a person. You will get a lean midsection. Your chest and arms will grow and tone up, and, most importantly, your life will change forever. It really is that simple. This program puts the control back in your hands—if you choose to wield it. Now that we’ve done the basic overview of the Big 5 Workout, you’ll find two more resources on the coming pages:

1)!The Definitive Guide To Warming Up Before The Big 5 2)!Your Printable 1-Page Big 5 Workout Logs To Track Progress

The Definitive Guide To Warming Up To be blunt: getting hurt is one of the WORST things that can happen to your muscle building progress. It is equivalent to taking 1-step forward and 2-steps back. Ironically, most injuries are a result of improper warm-ups, and therefore were completely avoidable. Save yourself weeks of rehab and frustration, and warm up properly the first time. To begin our warm-up discussion, let’s look at a few preliminary definitions: Warm-up sets: All exercises you perform before the prescribed working sets that you will be performing. The purposes of warm-up sets are as follows: • Drive blood flow and nutrients into your muscles. • Prime your central nervous system for heavy lifting. • Lubricate your joints and connective tissue with Hyaluronic Acid. Working sets: These are the prescribed sets of your “workout.” You want to be maximally fresh and focused for these. Now, let’s apply these definitions into an example to show you the 3 biggest warm-up mistakes that almost all lifters make. Meet Ricky Johnson, He just started the FF30X program, and is about to perform his first Big 5 Workout. Ricky knows that he can Barbell Squat 135 lbs for around 12 good repetitions. Here are the 3 warm-up biggest mistakes that Ricky might make:

Mistake #1: The “No Warm-Up” Warm-up Ricky jumps right into his first working set of 135x12-15 without any warm-up sets. The big problem here: At rest, Ricky’s body is not primed to meet the exercise demands of his maximum working set. His muscles lack proper blood flow, his joints haven’t begun producing lubrication, and his Central Nervous System is not primed for recruiting a maximum number of muscular motor units. Mistake #2: The “Half Ass” Warm-up Ricky puts the 45-pound barbell on his back, and bangs out 15 quick barbell squat repetitions. He then tosses one 45-pound plates on each side of the bar (135lbs total) on for his working set of 135x12-15. The big problem here: Similar to Mistake #1, Ricky’s body is not primed to handle the heavy weight, with the added detriment of Ricky wasting time. Mistake #3: The “High Volume” Warm-up This is the most common warm-up mistake of well-intentioned beginners. Here’s the rough sequence of events: • Ricky grabs the 45-pound bar, and performs 15 squat repetitions. • Ricky puts 20 pounds on each side (85 pounds total) and performs 5 reps. • Ricky then puts another 10 pounds on each side (105 pounds) and performs 5 more repetitions.

• Ricky then puts another 10 pounds on each side (125 total) and performs 5 more repetitions. The big problem here: Ricky wasted a lot of energy (and induced muscular fatigue) on the large succession of sub-maximal warm-up sets. His final “warm-up” of 125x5 was too close in weight and repetitions to his true working set. Quite simply, Ricky won’t be “fresh” for his first maximum working set. Now that we’ve covered the most common mistakes, let’s discuss the right way to warm-up for awesome injury-free workouts. The 3 Big Goals Of Your Proper Warm-up First, we want to increase systemic blood flow and circulation. This is best achieved through 5 minutes of light cardiovascular work. As stated previously, I begin every workout with 5 minutes of jumping rope. Second, we want to specifically activate injury prone muscles. Knees, shoulders, and the lower back are the common injury areas. We want to specifically drive blood flow to those areas. Third, we want to prepare the mind and body for the first working set. Quite simply, this is achieved by starting out with a strategic sequence of progressive warm-up sets on the first main compound exercise you will be performing.

Obviously, we want to avoid Warm-up Mistake #3: The High Volume Warm-up, while still achieving the three main goals. Here is the happy medium: The Perfect Warm-Up Sequence Example 1. Begin with 2-5 minutes of jumping rope or cardio on any sort of machine you prefer. I usually try to complete 300-400 jumps of various styles (regular, one legged, high knees, skipping, etc.). The goal, again, is to elevate your heart rate and blood flow. 2. Pay special attention to any injury prone areas that feel a bit tight. Most often, my shoulders feel a bit stiff, so I perform some arm circles with a 2.5-pound plate until they feel adequately warm and loose. You should also consider performing the R8X Warm-up Routine to further open your shoulders, knees, and hips if you have any old injuries. 3. Begin warming up the first exercise. For this example, let’s use the Barbell Squat with a Max Effort set of 135 for 12 repetitions. • Take the bar and perform 10-15 reps to “feel” the movement. • Add 25 pounds on each side (95 lb. total), and perform 5 reps. • Add another 10 pounds on each side (115 lb. total), and perform 2 reps. • You’re ready to go! At this point you are ready to perform your first Maximum Effort Set. Your Nervous System is primed, your muscles are warm, and you have practiced the motion for several warm-up sets. That’s it for our important warm-up discussion. Make sure to download & print your workout tracking sheets on the next page.

Max$Exercise$#1:$Big$Lower$Motion$$$$$$$$$$$$Weight$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Completed$Reps!Warm%up%sets%MANDATORY…%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Perform%as%prescribed%Set!1:!!12(15!reps! ! !Set!2:!!12(15!reps! ! !Set!3:!!12(15!reps! ! !



Max$Exercise$#2:$$Big$Pulling$Motion*$$$$$$$$$Weight$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Completed$Reps!Warm%up%sets%if%needed…%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Perform%as%prescribed%Set!1:!!6(8!reps! ! !Set!2:!!6(8!reps! ! !Set!3:!!6(8!reps! ! !



Max$Exercise$#3:$$$Upper$Pulling*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Weight$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Completed$Reps!Warm%up%sets%if%needed…%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Perform%as%prescribed%Set!1:!!10(12!reps! ! !Set!2:!!10(12!reps! ! !Set!3:!!10(12!reps! ! !



Max$Exercise$#4:$$Upper$Pulling*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Weight$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Completed$Reps!Set!1:!!8(10!reps! ! !Set!2:!!8(10!reps! ! !Set!3:!!8(10!reps! ! !



Max$Exercise$#5:$$Arm$Finisher$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Weight$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Completed$Reps!Set!1a!(Bis):!!8(10!reps! ! !Set!1b!(Tris):!!8(10!reps! ! !Set!2a!(Bis):!!8(10!reps! ! !Set!2b!(Tris):!!8(10!reps! ! !Set!3a!(Bis):!!8(10!reps! ! !Set!3b!(Tris):!!8(10!reps! ! !!*These!sets!are!performed!in!an!alternating!“superset”!fashion.!Pick!any!curl!for!biceps!with!any!triceps!exercise!**Rest!for!60!seconds!before!beginning!your!second!pairing.!!

Big 5 Workout 1-Page Workout Template

Welcome to the HIIT guide, brother! To cut straight to the chase, there is a RIGHT and WRONG way to do cardio when your goal is maximum weight and fat loss. In this short guide, we have two main goals together. First, we will identify the #1 biggest weight loss mistake 99% guys make when performing cardio for weight loss. Second, I'm going to give you the exact high intensity interval training (HIIT) routine you will be performing during weeks #3 and #4 of the FF30X program. Ok, let’s dive straight into this guide… #1 Mistake: Chasing the “Fat Burn Zone” with low-Intensity cardio If you've stepped foot into a commercial gym over the past few years, you've probably seen a variation of a very common heart rate chart showing the body's different "training zones." See this devilish chart on the right. Over the past decade, this single chart has been largely responsible for promoting one of the biggest weight loss exercise in existence – namely the LIE that you should be performing low-intensity cardio in the “Fat Burning Zone” to optimize weight loss.

Here’s the science behind how this myth became so pervasive… During very low-intensity exercise (such as walking, jogging, or leisurely biking – basically any exercise where you and I could easily hold a conversation during the activity) your body is primarily burning stored fats energy. So, naturally, if burning fat is our goal, it would seem like a great idea to do all of our exercise in the “Fat Burning Zone” for maximum weight loss, right? Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work out that way. Here’s the problem: on average, these low-intensity exercises burn around 6-10 calories per minute. Putting that number in context, each pound of that stubborn belly fat you want to burn contains roughly 3,500 stored calories (some pounds contain more or less – but this is a useful estimate figure). The image on the right visually shows you what 1lb of fat actually looks like… Using some simple math: to lose 1 measly pound of fat, you’d need to spend 350 minutes (6 hours) walking on the treadmill or elliptical machine. Does that still seem like a great idea? Furthermore, this is assuming that you’re NOT eating unhealthy foods – which can EASILY total up to 3,500 calories over the span of 7 days. Click here to see a comparison chart of 500 calories from food vs 500 calories from exercise to drive this point home.

Look, the reality is that low-intensity exercise in the fat burning zone takes a very, very long time to produce results. Sure, you are burning fat, but at such a devastatingly slow rate that it is absolutely NOT worth the effort (or your sanity). Thankfully, recent research has shown that a form of exercise called High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can produce superior fat loss results in less than HALF the time. Proper HIIT sessions typically take around 20-30 minutes per session, and the BIG BENEFIT is that a single HIIT workout can actually boost your body’s metabolism for up to 48 hours—making it one of our highly effective ways to lose weight. PLEASE NOTE: although these HIIT sessions are brief, they require you put in HIGH EFFORT during these workouts. So, the tradeoff is that you are working more effectively and time-efficiently during your training sessions. Half-assing these sessions WILL NOT produce adequate results for you. I like to think about these HIIT sessions not in terms of working harder but working smarter. I can promise you that the physical and mental payoffs are completely worth your diligence. You can perform is with nearly any type of exercise you enjoy—swimming, biking, hiking, rowing, even playing basketball. With a bit of variability, boredom will never be an issue. We will simply modulate the INTENSITY of these activities by using minute “bust” intervals. So, on the next page, here’s the HIIT workout that you will be performing during the FF30X program.

FF30X HIIT Protocol

Remember: you will begin using these HIIT sessions during Weeks #3 & #4 on the FF30X program. Step #1: Pick a form of exercise you enjoy (using the elliptical trainer, spin bike, rowing machine, or incline walking/hiking are particularly useful exercises for HIIT). Step #2: Follow this workout structure for 30 minutes •! Warm up for 5 min to elevate your heart rate to ~130bpm

•! Your 21 min HIIT session will then “officially start.”

•! To begin, perform 1 minutes of exercise as HARD and FAST as you can; this is your first “burst interval.”

•! Perform the next 2 minutes of exercise at a comfortable pace – MUCH slower (to recover for your next burst interval).

•! Repeat this “1 min hard, 2 min easy” structure for the next 21 minutes (7 full cycles).

•! Cool down for 5 minutes at a comfortable pace after you have completed 21 minutes of HIIT.

Total Workout Time: 31 minutes Pretty simple, right? Start with 5-minute warm-up. Then, complete 7x complete "1 min hard/2 min easy cycles." Finally, finish with a 5 minute cool down. That’s it! This workout is challenging but incredibly effective for increasing your metabolism. If you have any questions, shoot me an email at Anthony@fitfatherproject.com.
