How to lose weight and have fun doing it



How to lose weight and have fun doing it

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Anyone trying to lose weight has heard of a million different diets, but dieting and exercise are just not fun. Results are slow to see and there is little to keep most people from continuing their routine. Most end up losing their willpower and eventually lapse or quit entirely. This is what makes weight loss so difficult. Fortunately, there are several ways to have fun while dieting that will keep you looking forward to your weight loss program.

Do you like to read? Check out audio books from your local library and listen to them while

you work out. Unlike music which has minimal entertainment or draw, audio books take

you completely out of yourself and into another world. You will be amazed at how quickly

time flies by. If you only allow yourself to listen while exercising, you will really start to

look forward to your workouts. I listen to mine when I go for long walks with my dog and

when I am doing chores. I am so loathe to turn off my audio book at chore time that I will

often try to find something else to clean just so that I can keep listening.

If you are more of a television watcher than a book reader, that's okay. Check out videos

from your local library instead of audio books. Most people do not realize that many

libraries have movies and videos that you can check out for free. There's no need to go to a

movie rental place. Companies like Netflix will let you have several movies at a time and

charge you a low monthly fee rather than per video. Only allow yourself to watch your

videos while working out and you will look forward to exercising even more. If you prefer

short work-out periods, rent collections of your favorite shows and watch them one

episode at a time.

Hash runs are a great way to have fun, exercise, and meet people. Don't let the word "run"

fool you. Running is absolutely not necessary. Hashers choose a "rabbit" to mark out a

running (or walking) trail through a designated area - usually a park. The trail is often

marked in flour or chalk, sometimes toilet paper. The "hounds" then follow the trail after

giving the rabbit a head start. The point is to catch the rabbit before he can finish the

course, but the rabbit will leave false trails and try to trick the hounds, so it quickly

becomes a fun game. At the end of the trail is a celebration with songs, drinking games,

and general camaraderie. Don't worry, drinking, like running, is not required. Groups meet

up all over the world. Check out hash run websites for more information. It's also a great

way to meet people.

Start a weight loss group. Plenty of dieters do this, but if you put some fun flairs into it, you

will find yourself having a blast and losing weight in no time. It's easy enough to lose

control over yourself, so it's good to have a group to back you up and get you motivated. By

having a weight loss group, you can all meet up and really encourage each other.

One way your group can lose more weight is by starting a prize pot. You will have to select

one very honest person to be the treasurer. Each time you meet, have everyone add a small

amount - usually $5 or $10 - to the pot. At the end of the month, the person who has lost

the greatest number of pounds gets to take the money. Depending on how many people

you have in y our group, it can add up to several hundred dollars! What a great motivation

for sticking to your diet.

Another fun activity for weight loss groups is to schedule a fun weekly activity. There are

lots of fun ways for you as a group to get some exercise together and look forward to it as

well. Take a trip to a local zoo and spend the day walking around and seeing the animals.

You could all go to the beach together to swim. Check out your local public pool and see if

they offer time slots for pool volleyball games. Some sports, such as basketball, are fun and

can be played with only a few people. You could also take a group bicycle ride through a

pretty scenic area or a short comfortable hike at a local state wilderness park. Weekend

hiking and camping expeditions are fun as are spelunking trips to nearby caves. Cave tours

usually offer lots of interesting sights and long walks.

Does anyone in your group have a boat? Spend a day at the lake water skiing. Visit a local

amusement park (just be sure not to get any hot dogs or cotton candy while you are there).

You could all take dancing lessons together and learn salsa and swing dancing. If you like

to go to nightclubs together, make sure everyone gets up and dances. If your group is small,

hold fun get-togethers in your home and play exercise games like Dance Dance Revolution.

You will be so busy laughing and having fun that you will forget that you are supposed to

be losing weight.

I hope that these ideas have encouraged and motivated you to start having fun. Losing

weight was never meant to be work and there is no reason why you shouldn't have a blast

in your new healthy lifestyle. Get out there and find what intrigues you and what makes

you giggle. You may even meet some great people in the process.

