IndianaDepartmentof Education · 2018Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher...


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  • Indiana Department of Education Panorama Teacher Survey 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey

    Report created by Panorama Education

  • Indiana Department of Education 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher Survey


    TTooppiicc DDeessccrriippttiioonn RReessuullttss BBeenncchhmmaarrkk

    EEvvaalluuaattiioonn 4444%%Perceptions of the system that is used to evaluate faculty and


    FFeeeeddbbaacckk aanndd CCooaacchhiinngg 3355%%Perceptions of the amount and quality of feedback faculty and

    20th - 39th percentile compared to staff receive. others nationally

    PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall LLeeaarrnniinngg 3388%%Perceptions of the amount and quality of professional growth and

    learning opportunities available to faculty and staff.

    SScchhooooll CClliimmaattee 4411%%Perceptions of the overall social and learning climate of the


    TTeeaacchheerr LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp 3300%%Teacher Leadership is defined as the roles and additional

    professional responsibilities beyond the classroom that support the school's instructional goals.

    TTeeaacchheerr RReetteennttiioonn 2288%%

    26,438 responses

    Page 2 of 12 | This report was created on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

  • Indiana Department of Education 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher Survey


    YYoouurr aavveerraaggee

    4444%% 26,438 responses

    HHooww ddiidd ppeeooppllee rreessppoonndd??

    QQ..11:: AAtt yyoouurr sscchhooooll,, hhooww oobbjjeeccttiivveellyy iiss yyoouurr tteeaacchhiinngg QQ..22:: HHooww eeffffeeccttiivvee iiss yyoouurr sscchhooooll''ss eevvaalluuaattiioonn ssyysstteemm ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee aasssseesssseedd?? aatt hheellppiinngg yyoouu iimmpprroovvee??

    Extremely objectively 10% 2582 Extremely effective 5% 1362

    Quite objectively 45% 11737 Quite effective 27% 7019

    Somewhat objectively 29% 7540 Somewhat effective 33% 8615

    Slightly objectively 12% 3178 Slightly effective 21% 5387

    Not at all objectively 5% 1168 Not at all effective 15% 3870

    Favorable: 5555%% Favorable: 3322%%

    Page 3 of 12 | This report was created on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

  • Indiana Department of Education 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher Survey

    FFeeeeddbbaacckk aanndd CCooaacchhiinngg

    YYoouurr aavveerraaggee

    3355%% 26,438 responses

    HHooww ddiidd ppeeooppllee rreessppoonndd??

    QQ..11:: HHooww oofftteenn ddoo yyoouu rreecceeiivvee ffeeeeddbbaacckk oonn yyoouurr QQ..22:: AAtt yyoouurr sscchhooooll,, hhooww tthhoorroouugghh iiss tthhee ffeeeeddbbaacckk yyoouu tteeaacchhiinngg?? rreecceeiivvee iinn ccoovveerriinngg aallll aassppeeccttss ooff yyoouurr rroollee aass aa

    tteeaacchheerr?? Almost always 3% 879

    Extremely thorough 9% 2320Frequently 33% 8760 Quite thorough 33% 8634Sometimes 33% 8613

    Somewhat thorough 30% 7747Once in a while 23% 6093 Slightly thorough 19% 5032Almost never 8% 1995

    Not at all thorough 10% 2502 Favorable: 3377%%

    Favorable: 4422%%

    QQ..33:: HHooww mmuucchh ffeeeeddbbaacckk ddoo yyoouu rreecceeiivvee oonn yyoouurr QQ..44:: HHooww uusseeffuull ddoo yyoouu ffiinndd tthhee ffeeeeddbbaacckk yyoouu rreecceeiivvee tteeaacchhiinngg?? oonn yyoouurr tteeaacchhiinngg??

    A tremendous amount 5% 1197 Extremely useful 7% 1715 of feedback Quite useful 30% 7823

    Quite a bit of 30% 7972 Somewhat useful 32% 8481 feedback

    Slightly useful 21% 5482 Some feedback 37% 9772

    Not at all useful 10% 2740 A little bit of feedback 25% 6617

    No feedback at all 3% 711 Favorable: 3366%%

    Favorable: 3355%%

    QQ..55:: HHooww mmuucchh ddoo yyoouu lleeaarrnn ffrroomm tthhee tteeaacchheerr eevvaalluuaattiioonn pprroocceesssseess aatt yyoouurr sscchhooooll??

    Learn a tremendous 3% 850 amount

    Learn quite a bit 19% 5111

    Learn some 34% 8852

    Learn a little bit 24% 6377

    Learn almost nothing 19% 5052

    Favorable: 2233%%

    Page 4 of 12 | This report was created on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

  • Indiana Department of Education 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher Survey

    PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall LLeeaarrnniinngg

    YYoouurr aavveerraaggee

    3388%% 26,438 responses

    HHooww ddiidd ppeeooppllee rreessppoonndd??

    QQ..11:: AAtt yyoouurr sscchhooooll,, hhooww vvaalluuaabbllee aarree tthhee aavvaaiillaabbllee pprrooffeessssiioonnaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess??

    Extremely valuable 5% 1415

    Quite valuable 27% 7014

    Somewhat valuable 38% 9872

    Slightly valuable 24% 6257

    Not at all valuable 7% 1754

    Favorable: 3322%%

    QQ..33:: HHooww mmuucchh iinnppuutt ddoo yyoouu hhaavvee iinnttoo iinnddiivviidduuaalliizziinngg yyoouurr oowwnn pprrooffeessssiioonnaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess??

    A tremendous amount 6% 1573 of input

    Quite a bit of input 25% 6509

    Some input 32% 8291

    A little bit of input 20% 5353

    Almost no input 17% 4570

    Favorable: 3311%%

    QQ..55:: OOvveerraallll,, hhooww mmuucchh ddoo yyoouu lleeaarrnn aabboouutt tteeaacchhiinngg ffrroomm tthhee lleeaaddeerrss aatt yyoouurr sscchhooooll??

    Learn a tremendous 5% 1388 amount

    Learn quite a bit 25% 6561

    Learn some 33% 8630

    Learn a little bit 23% 6131

    Learn almost nothing 14% 3590

    Favorable: 3300%%

    QQ..22:: HHooww hheellppffuull aarree yyoouurr ccoolllleeaagguueess'' iiddeeaass ffoorr iimmpprroovviinngg yyoouurr tteeaacchhiinngg??

    Extremely helpful 14% 3796

    Quite helpful 42% 10964

    Somewhat helpful 27% 6992

    Slightly helpful 14% 3564

    Not at all helpful 4% 968

    Favorable: 5566%%

    QQ..44:: TThhrroouugghh tteeaacchhiinngg aatt yyoouurr sscchhooooll,, hhooww mmaannyy nneeww iinnssttrruuccttiioonnaall ssttrraatteeggiieess hhaavvee yyoouu lleeaarrnneedd??

    A great number of 12% 3263 strategies

    Many strategies 34% 9038

    Some strategies 31% 8079

    A few strategies 18% 4784

    Almost no strategies 4% 1142

    Favorable: 4477%%

    QQ..66:: HHooww oofftteenn ddoo yyoouurr pprrooffeessssiioonnaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess hheellpp yyoouu eexxpplloorree nneeww iiddeeaass??

    Almost all the time 5% 1189

    Frequently 28% 7248

    Sometimes 38% 9961

    Once in a while 23% 6067

    Almost never 7% 1834

    Favorable: 3322%%

    Page 5 of 12 | This report was created on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

  • Indiana Department of Education 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher Survey

    QQ..77:: HHooww rreelleevvaanntt hhaavvee yyoouurr pprrooffeessssiioonnaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess bbeeeenn ttoo tthhee ccoonntteenntt tthhaatt yyoouu tteeaacchh??

    Extremely relevant 5% 1361

    Quite relevant 26% 6764

    Somewhat relevant 33% 8540

    Slightly relevant 27% 7209

    Not at all relevant 9% 2397

    Favorable: 3311%%

    QQ..88:: OOvveerraallll,, hhooww ssuuppppoorrttiivvee hhaass tthhee sscchhooooll bbeeeenn ooff yyoouurr ggrroowwtthh aass aa tteeaacchheerr??

    Extremely supportive 13% 3458

    Quite supportive 35% 9100

    Somewhat supportive 29% 7526

    Slightly supportive 18% 4771

    Not at all supportive 6% 1441

    Favorable: 4488%%

    Page 6 of 12 | This report was created on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

  • Indiana Department of Education 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher Survey

    SScchhooooll CClliimmaattee

    YYoouurr aavveerraaggee

    4411%% 26,438 responses

    HHooww ddiidd ppeeooppllee rreessppoonndd??

    QQ..11:: FFoorr yyoouurr sscchhooooll,, hhooww iimmppoorrttaanntt iiss tteeaacchheerr QQ..22:: HHooww eeffffeeccttiivveellyy iiss sscchhooooll iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ssaattiissffaaccttiioonn?? ccoommmmuunniiccaatteedd ttoo tteeaacchheerrss??

    Extremely important 12% 3160 Extremely effectively 8% 2132

    Quite important 28% 7399 Quite effectively 32% 8324

    Somewhat important 27% 7187 Somewhat effectively 30% 7920

    Slightly important 20% 5376 Slightly effectively 20% 5340

    Not important at all 12% 3192 Not at all effectively 10% 2592

    Favorable: 4400%% Favorable: 4400%%

    QQ..33:: HHooww eeffffeeccttiivvee iiss yyoouurr sscchhooooll aatt ddeevveellooppiinngg rruulleess QQ..44:: HHooww cclleeaarrllyy aarree sscchhooooll ggooaallss ccoommmmuunniiccaatteedd ttoo tthhaatt ffaacciilliittaattee ssttuuddeenntt lleeaarrnniinngg?? tteeaacchheerrss??

    Extremely effective 6% 1684 Extremely clearly 12% 3227

    Quite effective 30% 7988 Quite clearly 39% 10297

    Somewhat effective 34% 8910 Somewhat clearly 28% 7496

    Slightly effective 21% 5407 Slightly clearly 15% 3850

    Not at all effective 9% 2295 Not at all clearly 6% 1446

    Favorable: 3377%% Favorable: 5511%%

    QQ..55:: WWhheenn tthhee sscchhooooll mmaakkeess iimmppoorrttaanntt ddeecciissiioonnss,, QQ..66:: TToo wwhhaatt eexxtteenntt aarree tteeaacchheerrss ttrruusstteedd ttoo tteeaacchh iinn hhooww mmuucchh iinnppuutt ddoo tteeaacchheerrss hhaavvee?? tthhee wwaayy tthheeyy tthhiinnkk iiss bbeesstt??

    A tremendous amount 3% of input

    Quite a bit of input 18%

    Some input 34%

    A little bit of input 25%

    Almost no input 20%






    Trusted a tremendous 17% amount

    Trusted quite a bit 39%

    Trusted somewhat 22%

    Trusted a little bit 16%

    Not at all trusted 7%






    Favorable: 2211%% Favorable: 5555%%

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  • Indiana Department of Education 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher Survey

    QQ..77:: HHooww ppoossiittiivvee aarree tthhee aattttiittuuddeess ooff yyoouurr ccoolllleeaagguueess??

    Extremely positive 5% 1275

    Quite positive 26% 6903

    Somewhat positive 35% 9160

    Slightly positive 24% 6297

    Not at all positive 10% 2691

    Favorable: 3311%%

    QQ..99:: WWhheenn nneeww iinniittiiaattiivveess ttoo iimmpprroovvee tteeaacchhiinngg aarree pprreesseenntteedd aatt yyoouurr sscchhooooll,, hhooww ssuuppppoorrttiivvee aarree yyoouurr ccoolllleeaagguueess??

    Extremely supportive 4% 912

    Quite supportive 26% 6956

    Somewhat supportive 43% 11267

    Slightly supportive 23% 5971

    Not at all supportive 4% 1153

    Favorable: 3300%%

    QQ..1111:: HHooww pprreeppaarreedd aarree yyoouu rreeggaarrddiinngg yyoouurr sscchhooooll''ss ssaaffeettyy pprroottooccoollss??

    Extremely prepared 15% 3993

    Quite prepared 48% 12734

    Somewhat prepared 24% 6274

    Slightly prepared 10% 2632

    Not at all prepared 3% 681

    Favorable: 6644%%

    QQ..88:: HHooww ooppttiimmiissttiicc aarree yyoouu tthhaatt yyoouurr sscchhooooll wwiillll ccoonnttiinnuuee iimmpprroovviinngg iinn tthhee ffuuttuurree??

    Extremely optimistic 14% 3630

    Quite optimistic 34% 8940

    Somewhat optimistic 28% 7242

    Slightly optimistic 17% 4376

    Not at all optimistic 8% 2114

    Favorable: 4488%%

    QQ..1100:: OOvveerraallll,, hhooww ppoossiittiivvee iiss tthhee wwoorrkkiinngg eennvviirroonnmmeenntt aatt yyoouurr sscchhooooll??

    Extremely positive 8% 2115

    Quite positive 31% 8062

    Somewhat positive 31% 8205

    Slightly positive 21% 5409

    Not at all positive 10% 2495

    Favorable: 3399%%

    Page 8 of 12 | This report was created on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

  • Indiana Department of Education 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher Survey

    TTeeaacchheerr LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp

    YYoouurr aavveerraaggee

    3300%% 26,438 responses

    HHooww ddiidd ppeeooppllee rreessppoonndd??

    QQ..11:: HHooww kknnoowwlleeddggeeaabbllee ddoo yyoouu ffeeeell aabboouutt tthhee nneeeeddss ooff tthhee wwoorrkkffoorrccee iinn yyoouurr ccoommmmuunniittyy??

    Extremely 6% 1484 knowledgeable

    Quite knowledgeable 29% 7725

    Somewhat 40% 10488 knowledgeable

    Slightly 18% 4862 knowledgeable

    Not knowledgeable at 7% 1736 all

    Favorable: 3355%%

    QQ..33:: HHooww aavvaaiillaabbllee aarree tteeaacchheerr lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess ttoo yyoouu??

    Extremely available 5% 1389

    Quite available 24% 6394

    Somewhat available 36% 9562

    Slightly available 26% 6856

    Not available at all 8% 2037

    Favorable: 3300%%

    QQ..22:: HHooww iimmppoorrttaanntt aarree tteeaacchheerr lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess ttoo yyoouu??

    Extremely important 16% 4095

    Quite important 37% 9833

    Somewhat important 30% 7787

    Slightly important 13% 3312

    Not important at all 5% 1229

    Favorable: 5533%%

    QQ..44:: WWhhaatt tteeaacchheerr lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess eexxiisstt ffoorr tteeaacchheerrss iinn yyoouurr sscchhooooll?? PPlleeaassee sseelleecctt aallll tthhaatt aappppllyy..

    Leading professional 25% 17344 development

    Department Chair 16% 10844

    Mentor roles 17% 11701

    Instructional coaching 10% 7136

    Grade-Level Lead 13% 9124

    Committee Chair 15% 10445

    None available 2% 1557

    Other 3% 1721

    Page 9 of 12 | This report was created on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

  • Indiana Department of Education 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher Survey

    QQ..55:: HHooww ssttrroonnggllyy ddooeess sscchhooooll lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp eennccoouurraaggee tteeaacchheerrss ttoo ppuurrssuuee tteeaacchheerr lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess wwiitthhiinn tthhee sscchhooooll??

    Extremely strongly 4% 1046

    Quite strongly 19% 4992

    Somewhat strongly 31% 8048

    Slightly strongly 28% 7305

    Not strongly at all 18% 4771

    Favorable: 2233%%

    QQ..77:: HHooww ffaaiirrllyy aarree tteeaacchheerr lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess iinn yyoouurr sscchhooooll ddiissttrriicctt ccoommppeennssaatteedd??

    Extremely fairly 3% 898

    Quite fairly 12% 3236

    Somewhat fairly 25% 6444

    Slightly fairly 23% 6019

    Not fairly at all 22% 5829

    Not applicable 14% 3687

    Favorable: 1188%%

    QQ..66:: HHooww iimmppaaccttffuull aarree tteeaacchheerr lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess oonn tthhee sscchhooooll''ss iinnssttrruuccttiioonnaall ggooaallss??

    Extremely impactful 3% 680

    Quite impactful 20% 5113

    Somewhat impactful 38% 9887

    Slightly impactful 28% 7267

    Not impactful at all 12% 3128

    Favorable: 2222%%

    Page 10 of 12 | This report was created on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

  • Indiana Department of Education 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher Survey

    TTeeaacchheerr RReetteennttiioonn

    YYoouurr aavveerraaggee

    2288%% 26,438 responses

    HHooww ddiidd ppeeooppllee rreessppoonndd??

    QQ..11:: HHooww ssaattiissffiieedd aarree yyoouu wwiitthh yyoouurr ssaallaarryy aass aa tteeaacchheerr??

    Extremely satisfied 1%

    Quite satisfied 11%

    Somewhat satisfied 33%




    Slightly satisfied 26%

    Not satisfied at all 29%



    Favorable: 1122%%

    QQ..33:: HHooww iimmppoorrttaanntt aarree mmeennttoorriinngg aanndd iinndduuccttiioonn pprrooggrraammss ttoo yyoouurr sscchhooooll??

    Extremely important 10% 2525

    Quite important 28% 7337

    Somewhat important 28% 7374

    Slightly important 22% 5707

    Not at all important 13% 3340

    Favorable: 3388%%

    QQ..55:: HHooww iimmppoorrttaanntt iiss tteeaacchheerr rreeccooggnniittiioonn ttoo yyoouurr sscchhooooll??

    Extremely important 8%

    Quite important 25%

    Somewhat important 32%

    Slightly important 24%

    Not at all important 12%






    Favorable: 3333%%

    QQ..22:: HHooww ssaattiissffiieedd aarree yyoouu wwiitthh yyoouurr hheeaalltthh bbeenneeffiittss aanndd ppeennssiioonn??

    Extremely satisfied 3% 826

    Quite satisfied 22% 5720

    Somewhat satisfied 35% 9177

    Slightly satisfied 24% 6369

    Not satisfied at all 16% 4181

    Favorable: 2255%%

    QQ..44:: IIff yyoouurr sscchhooooll hhaass aa mmeennttoorrsshhiipp pprrooggrraamm tthhaatt ssuuppppoorrttss tthhee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnaall ccaappaacciittyy ooff nneeww tteeaacchheerrss,, hhooww eeffffeeccttiivvee iiss iitt??

    Extremely effective 5% 1342

    Quite effective 18% 4585

    Somewhat effective 26% 6862

    Slightly effective 17% 4363

    Not effective at all 9% 2215

    Not applicable 26% 6790

    Favorable: 3311%%

    QQ..66:: IIff yyoouu aatttteenndd pprrooffeessssiioonnaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt oouuttssiiddee ooff ccoonnttrraacctt hhoouurrss,, aarree yyoouu ccoommppeennssaatteedd ffoorr yyoouurr ttiimmee??

    No 48% 12531

    Yes 33% 8586

    I'm not sure 17% 4519

    Not applicable 3% 693

    Page 11 of 12 | This report was created on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

  • Indiana Department of Education 2018 Statewide Teacher Survey Teacher Survey, Panorama Teacher Survey

    QQ..77:: FFoorr hhooww mmaannyy yyeeaarrss ddoo yyoouu ppllaann ttoo ssttaayy iinn tthhee tteeaacchhiinngg pprrooffeessssiioonn??

    1 year or less 4% 1117

    2-5 years 18% 4701

    6-10 years 19% 5020

    More than 10 years 59% 15415

    QQ..99:: IIff yyoouu ppllaann ttoo lleeaavvee tthhee tteeaacchhiinngg pprrooffeessssiioonn ssoooonn,, wwhhaatt aarree tthhee mmaaiinn rreeaassoonnss ffoorr tthhiiss?? PPlleeaassee sseelleecctt aallll tthhaatt aappppllyy..

    Pay 20% 9856

    Professional climate 13% 6217

    Work hours 7% 3649

    Retirement 12% 5716

    Lack of autonomy 6% 2909

    Lack of career 5% 2223 pathways

    Increased 9% 4266 accountability

    Lack of preparation 1% 603

    Other 8% 4021

    Not applicable 20% 9569

    QQ..1111:: IIff yyoouu ppllaann ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee wwoorrkkiinngg iinn eedduuccaattiioonn,, wwhhaatt aarree yyoouurr ccaarreeeerr aassppiirraattiioonnss??

    Continue teaching 61% 16009

    Instructional coaching 8% 2150

    Move into school 9% 2296 administration

    Move into district 4% 920 leadership

    Other 6% 1623

    Not applicable 12% 3091

    QQ..88:: FFoorr hhooww mmaannyy yyeeaarrss ddoo yyoouu ppllaann ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee tteeaacchhiinngg iinn yyoouurr ccuurrrreenntt ddiissttrriicctt??

    1 year or less 10% 2746

    2-5 years 28% 7322

    6-10 years 21% 5499

    More than 10 years 41% 10643

    QQ..1100:: IIff yyoouu ppllaann ttoo ssttaayy iinn tthhee tteeaacchhiinngg pprrooffeessssiioonn bbuutt lleeaavvee yyoouurr ddiissttrriicctt ssoooonn,, wwhhaatt aarree tthhee mmaaiinn rreeaassoonnss ffoorr tthhiiss?? PPlleeaassee sseelleecctt aallll tthhaatt aappppllyy..

    Pay 17% 5794

    Professional climate 14% 4862

    Work hours 4% 1539

    Lack of autonomy 5% 1716

    Lack of career 4% 1459 pathways

    Increased 4% 1555 accountability

    Other 9% 3161

    Not applicable 43% 14965

    Page 12 of 12 | This report was created on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

    SummaryTopic DescriptionResultsBenchmarkEvaluationFeedback and CoachingProfessional LearningSchool ClimateTeacher LeadershipTeacher Retention

    EvaluationYour averageHow did people respond?

    Feedback and CoachingYour averageHow did people respond?

    Professional LearningYour averageHow did people respond?

    School ClimateYour averageHow did people respond?

    Teacher LeadershipYour averageHow did people respond?

    Teacher RetentionYour averageHow did people respond?
