Influenta Irigatiilor Si a Obturatiilor La Niveleul Canalelor Laterale




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    Acta Odontol. Latinoam. 2013 ISSN 0326-4815 Vol. 26 N 2 / 2013 / 112-115

    RESUMOO objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a influncia de doisdiferentes protocolos de irrigao na capacidade de penetraode canais artificiais, utilizando diferente tcnicas de obturao.Sessenta dentes humanos unirradiculares foram utilizados. Doiscanais laterais artificiais foram confeccionados no tero apicaldo dente. Os canais foram instrumentados at uma lima K 45 nocomprimento de trabalho. Antes do uso de cada lima, os canaisradiculares foram irrigados com 2 mL de NaOCl 2.5% ou comClorexidina gel 2% seguido de soluo salina. Ambos os gruposreceberam no final da instrumentao 3 mL de EDTA 17%. Osespecimes foram randomicamente separados em 3 subgrupos deacordo com a tcnica de obturao utilizada: (1) tcnica de com-pactao lateral; (2) tcnica hbrida de Tagger; e (3) tcnicatermoplstica utilizando o BeeFill 2 em 1. Em todos os grupos ocimento utilizado foi o AH Plus. Depois, os elementos foramdiafanizados utilizando metil salicilato. As extenses de pe -

    netrao dos cimentos nos canais laterais foram realizadas uti-lizando estereomicroscpio (X30). Os dados de cada grupoforam analizados utilizando ANOVA e o teste de Tukey (p

  • Several authors5-7 have reported that localized peri-odontal problems might be associated with necroticand infected root canal ramifications, highlightingthe importance of the capacity of the root canal seal-ers to flow into these irregularities.Many techniques and materials have been used tofill anatomically complex root canal spaces, suchas isthmuses and lateral canals. Gutta-percha is themost widely used and accepted root canal fillingmaterial. It seems to be the least toxic, least tissue-irritating, and least allergenic filling material avail-able8. A variety of thermoplasticized gutta-perchatechniques have been introduced recently and anumber of investigations have evaluated the apicalseal obtained by using them9-11.To achieve the best adaptation of filling material, itis necessary to clean the dentin wall of smear layerand debris. Root canal irrigants are used duringchemomechanical procedures not only as antimi-crobial agents but also to lubricate the dentinalwalls, flush out debris and dissolve organic andinorganic components of the smear layer to cleandentine surface12,13. However, little information isavailable regarding the effect of different irrigantsassociated to different obturation techniques on lat-eral canal fillings. Therefore, the goal of this studywas to evaluate the influence of two different irri-gation protocols on artificial lateral root canal fill-ing capacity using different obturation techniques.The null hypothesis was that there is no influenceof 2.5% sodium hypochlorite or 2% chlorhexidinegel on artificial root canal filling capacity.


    Sixty recently extracted human maxillary anterior teethwere used for this study. The crowns of the teeth wereremoved using a low-speed diamond disc under run-ning water and a standard length of 15 mm wasachieved for every root. The coronal and middle thirdsof the root canals were shaped with size 3 and 2 Gates-Glidden burs (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzer-land). The working length was established bysubtracting 1 mm from the measurement determinedby placing a size 10 K-file (Dentsply Maillefer) intothe root canal until the tip could be seen at the foramen.The apical third was prepared up to a size 45 K-file. Two artificial lateral canals were prepared in the api-cal third, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of theteeth, using 0.15 mm cylindrical drills, which creat-ed the perforations. Before each file, root canals were

    filled with 2 mL of either 2.5% NaOCl or 2%chlorhexidine gel; after each file, root canals wereirrigated with saline solution. Then 3 mL of 17%EDTA were used for 3 min to remove the smear layer.Finally the root canals received irrigation with 3 mLof saline solution. The root canals were dried withpaper points. The 60 teeth were randomly dividedinto six equal groups of 10. AH Plus (Dentsply) wasused as the root canal sealer in all groups. The sealerwas mixed according to the manufacturers instruc-tions and applied with a size 40 spiral Lentulo(Dentsply Maillefer), and the root canals were obtu-rated according to the following techniques. Group 1 (Lateral Compaction Technique): A mediumgutta-percha cone (Sure-Endo, Sure Products, Seoul,Korea) was standardized with a #45 point and fittedas a master cone. Lateral compaction was performedusing a #30 finger spreader (Dentsply Maillefer) andfine accessory gutta-percha cones. The excess gutta-percha was removed with a heated ball burnisher. Group 2 (Tagger Hybrid Technique): This procedurewas similar to that of Group 1. The difference was thatafter lateral compaction, the mass of gutta-percha wasthermomechanically compacted in the coronal andmiddle thirds of the root canal using a #45 gutta-con-densor (Dentsply Maillefer) rotated at 10.000 rpm in aslow-speed handpiece. Finally, the gutta-percha wascompacted vertically using heat-carrier pluggers.Group 3 (Thermoplasticized technique using BeeFill2 in 1): A medium gutta-percha cone (Dentsply) wasstandardized with a #45 point and was fitted as a mas-ter cone. The BeeFill heat source (VDW, Munich, Ger-many) was activated and a small preheated pluggerwas inserted into the root canal to perform the down-pack. Vertical compaction was performed using heat-carrier pluggers. The middle and coronal thirds of theroot canal were backfilled using BeeFill 2 in 1 device.After filling, all groups of teeth were maintained for48 h at high humidity and 37oC to allow the sealersto set. The teeth were decalcified in 5% hydrochloricacid for 72 h and cleared in methyl salycilate14. Thetotal length of lateral canals was observed under X30magnification with a stereomicroscope (Leica MZ75, Leica, Wetzlar, Germany) and measured on thebuccal and lingual root surfaces using Leica IM50software. These measurements were converted topercentages. The results were recorded, and a multi-ple-comparison analysis of variance test followed bya Tukey post hoc test were used to compare fillingmaterial flow into lateral canals (p


    Mean values (mm) of gutta-percha penetration intolateral canals are presented in Table 1. Among the obturation techniques, the thermoplasticized technique using BeeFill 2 in 1 showed deeper pene-tration into all lateral canals than the lateral com-paction or Tagger hybrid techniques (p

  • interesting finding with high-temperature thermoplasti-cized gutta-percha obturation was its apical control. Itwas noted that during use of thermoplastic techniques itis necessary to take into account the accuracy and expe-rience of the operator, since they are capable of promot-ing great leakage in apical region if not properly used. The null hypothesis of this study that there is no influ-ence of 2.5% NaOCl or 2% chlorhexidine gel on later-al canal filling capacity was accepted. In conclusion,

    regardless of the irrigant used during endodontic pro-cedures, the thermoplasticized techniques showed bet-ter results for filling artificial lateral canals than thelateral compaction technique. Although NaOCl iswidely used as an irrigant in endodontics, 2% chlorhex-idine gel also has been used successfully duringendodontic procedures. Based on the results obtainedin this study, we can state that artificial root canal fill-ing capacity is not affected by the irrigant selected.

    Lateral Root Canal Filling 115

    Vol. 26 N 2 / 2013 / 112-115 ISSN 0326-4815 Acta Odontol. Latinoam. 2013


    Dr.Emmanuel JNL Silva Rua Herotides de Oliveira 61/902, Icara, Niteri, RJ - Brazil e-mail:

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