INL Hakerek Tetun Ofisiál


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Hakerek Tetun Ho Ortografia Padronizada No Ofisiál

Lian ofisiál ida-idak presiza sistema-hakerek ka ortografia ofisiál atu sidadaun sira, liuliu labarik sira iha eskola, hatene oinsá mak sira tenke hakerek sira-nia lian. Iha rai-Austrália, rai-Portugal, rai-Indonézia no seluseluk tan ema hotu-hotu aprende hakerek sira-nia lian ho ortografia ofisiál - sira la bele hakerek ho ortografia individuál tuir sira-nia hakarak. Ohin loron iha Timór-Leste ema barak tenke hakerek surat, dokumentu, relatóriu nst. iha sira-nia servisu-fatin ho lia-tetun, maibé infelizmente ema barakliu la hatene katak lia-tetun mós iha sistema-hakerek ofisiál ida ne’ebé Governu mak aprova hodi dekretu ida iha fulan-Abríl iha tinan 2004. Linguista timoroan no raiseluk sira hosi Institutu Nasionál Linguístika nian mak dezenvolve tiha ortografia ofisiál ida-ne’e. Ortografia ida-ne’e bazeia ba sistema-hakerek ne’ebé amlulik oioin uza hori uluk atu hakerek iha lia-tetun. Linguista sira haka’as an atu hamoris sistema-hakerek ida ne’ebé lójiku (letra ida ba son ida) no mós inkluzivu, katak konsidera diferensa entre Tetun-Dili no variedade Tetun sira seluk, porezemplu Tetun-Terik. Linguista sira dezenvolve tiha ortografia padronizada ne’e tuir prinsípiu sientífiku. Tanba ne’e labarik no adultu sira bele aprende lailais lee no hakerek ho ortografia ne’e. Uluknanain ema balu hakfodak bainhira sira haree liafuan ne’ebé lia-tetun lori-empresta hosi lia-portugés, porezemplu: sabaun (la’ós ‘sabão’), ospitál (la’ós ‘hospital’), komesa (la’ós ‘começar’). Maibé liafuan-empresta sira-ne’e agora mós liafuan tetun. Ema indonéziu uza mós liafuan-empresta hosi lian seluk, maibé baibain sira hakerek liafuan sira-ne’e tuir regra lia-indonéziu nian. Entaun, sira hakerek ‘handuk’, la’ós ‘handdoek’ hanesan iha lia-balanda, sira hakerek ‘sabun’, la’ós ‘sabão’ hanesan iha lia-portugés, sira hakerek ‘kudeta’, la’ós ‘coup d’état’ hanesan iha lia fransés, no seluseluk tan. Ema balu hanoin katak labarik hetan konfuzaun bainhira sira aprende lee no hakerek lia-tetun no lia-portugés iha dala ida

de’it iha eskola. Maibé peskiza barak kona-ba asuntu ne’e hatudu katak iha konfuzaun uitoan de’it, no labarik sira aprende lailais haketak sira-nia lian bainhira sira ko’alia no mós bainhira sira lee no hakerek. Sira aprende lailais porezemplu katak ‘sabão’ pertense ba lia-portugés, no ‘sabaun’ ne’e liafuan tetun ida. Ema balu mós hakfodak uitoan bainhira sira haree iha liafuan barak iha ortografia ofisiál sinál ida ne’ebé hanesan apóstrofu, porezemplu: sa’e, ne’e, ki’ik, ko’a, ku’u. Sira husu ‘Tansá hanesan ne’e?’ Linguista sira hanaran sinál ne’e oklusiva glotál ka kapa-tatolan iha lia-tetun. Son ne’e falante Tetun-Dili barakliu la uza, maibé falante balun fali uza duni, porezemplu ema ne’ebé ko’alia Tetun-Terik. Ne’eduni ortografia ofisiál ne’e sistema-hakerek inkluzivu. Importante tebetebes katak labarik no mós adultu timoroan hotu-hotu aprende hakerek liafuan tetun hotu-hotu ho oin ida de’it, la’ós oioin ka arbiru de’it, katak halo tuir ortografia ofisiál. Ohin loron iha jornál, livru no sinál sira iha Timór-Leste ita haree hakerek ne’ebé sabraut tebetebes. Ita bele lee porezemplu ‘bot’, ‘bót’, ‘bo’ot’, ‘boot’, dala ruma iha artigu ida de’it, maibé tuir ortografia ofisiál ‘boot’ de’it maka loos.Timoroan sira ne’ebé hatene lia-indonéziu hakfodak lahalimar no la simu se ema ida hakerek karik ‘besaar’, ka ‘b’sar’, ka ‘bsar’ envezde ‘besar’. Sira hatene katak lia-indonéziu iha ortografia ofisiál ka ‘ejaan baku’ ida ne’ebé ema hotu-hotu tenke aprende iha eskola, no ema barak la kontente ka hirus se hetan sala-ortografia iha jornál ka livru-eskola. Uza ortografia ofisiál iha área hotu-hotu ne’e importante tebetebes ba lia-tetun nia dezenvolvimentu nu’udar lian ofisiál modernu ida. ________________________________________________ Iha livru rua hosi Institutu Nasionál Linguístika nian ne’ebé esplika ortografia padronizada ho detallu no ezemplu barak: 1. Matadalan Ortográfiku ba Tetun-Prasa; 2. Hakerek Tetun tuir Banati. Kursu Ortografia Padronizada nian ________________________________________________

Writing Tetum Using the Standard and Official Orthography

Every official language needs an official writing system or orthography so that citizens, especially schoolchildren, know how to write their language. In Australia, Portugal, Indonesia, etc., everyone learns to write their language with an official orthography – they cannot just write as they like using an individual orthography. Today in Timor-Leste many people have to write letters, documents, reports, etc. in Tetum in their place of work, but unfortunatelly most people do not know that Tetum also has an official writing system which the Government approved in a decree in April 2004. Timorese and overseas linguists from the National Institute of Linguistics developed this official orthography. The orthography is based on the writing system which various priests have been using for a long time to write Tetum. The linguists endeavoured to produce a writing system which is logical (one letter for one sound) and also inclusive, that is, which considers differences between Dili Tetum and other varieties of Tetum, for example Tetum Terik. The linguists developed the standard orthography according to scientific principles. Because of this, children and adults can quickly learn to read and write with this orthography. Initially, some people are surprised when they see words which Tetum has borrowed from Portuguese, e.g. sabaun (not ‘sabão’), ospitál (not ‘hospital’), komesa (not ‘começar’). However, these loanwords are now also Tetum words. Indonesians also use loanwords from other languages, but usually they write them according to the rules of Indonesian. Thus they write ‘handuk’, not ‘handdoek’ as in Dutch, they write ‘sabun’, not ‘sabão’ as in Portuguese, they write ‘kudeta’, not ‘coup d’état’ as in French, etc. Some people think that children will be confused if they learn to read and write Tetum and Portuguese at the same time at school. But there is much research which shows that there is very little confusion, and children quickly learn to

separate their two languages when speaking and also when reading and writing. They quickly learn, for example, that ‘sabão’ (soap) belongs to Portuguese, whereas‘sabaun’ is a Tetum word. Some people are also a little surprised when in the official spelling they see in many words a symbol which looks like an apostrophe, e.g. sa’e, ne’e, ki’ik, ko’a, ku’u. ‘Why is this?’ they ask. Linguists call this symbol a glottal stop. This sound is not used by most people in Dili, but there are speakers of Tetum who do use it, for example, speakers of Tetum Terik. The official orthography is thus an inclusive writing system. It is extremely important that all Timorese children and adults learn to write all Tetum words the same way, not in a variety of forms or at random, that is, to use the official orthography. Nowadays in newspapers, in books and on signs in Timor Leste we see Tetum spelt in an extremely chaotic way. We can, for example, see the word for ‘big’ written as ‘bot’, ‘bót’, ‘bo’ot’ or ‘boot’, sometimes in the same article, but according to the offical orthography only ‘boot’ is correct. Timorese who know Indonesian are shocked and do not accept it if someone writes the Indonesian word for ‘big’ as ‘besaar’, ‘b’sar’, or ‘bsar’ instead of ‘besar’. They know that Indonesian has an official orthography or ‘ejaan baku’ which everyone must learn at school, and many people would be unhappy or annoyed if they found spelling mistakes in newspapers or schoolbooks. Using the official orthography in all areas is extremely important for the development of Tetum as a modern official language. ________________________________________________ There are two books published by the National Institute of Linguistics which explain the standard orthography in detail and give many examples: 1. Matadalan Ortográfiku ba Tetun-Prasa; 2. Hakerek Tetun tuir Banati. Kursu Ortografia Padronizada nian ________________________________________________
