Kaiserslautern American, Mar. 07, 2014



The Kaiserslautern American is the local newspaper for the Kaiserslautern Military Community (KMC), including Headquarters, U.S. Air Forces in Europe. The KMC is the largest American military community outside the continental United States and includes the areas of Kaiserslautern, Ramstein, Landstuhl, Sembach and Baumholder. The Kaiserslautern American is owned by the 86th Airlift Wing and under exclusive contract with AdvantiPro.

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March 7, 2014 Volume 38, number 9HAVE YOU READ YOUR KA TODAY?

Service members should take part in the annual Overseas Housing Allowance survey at

www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/oha-util-mar.cfm until March 31 to ensure they receive the right amount of

money for their living quarters.

Service members should take part in the

Tip of the Week



AF midwives serve families abroad, Page 8




Family, friends � nd Fasching fun, Pages 22 & 23




Bad Dürkheim o� ers shopping night, Page 27

Training certifi es Airmen

Sta� Sgt. Samuel Walker, 435th Contingency Response Group spe-cialist, ties a copper wire around a metal post to provide electricity to a tent during indoctrination training Feb. 24 on Ramstein.

Story and photos by Airman Dymekre Allen86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The 435th Con-tingency Response Group conducted a group-level indoctri-nation training event Feb. 24 to 28. Managed by the 435th Air Mobility Squadron, the event was held to prepare service mem-bers to provide mission support to U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa areas of responsibility.

The fi ve-day train-ing allowed all 435th CRG and AMS Airmen to become certifi ed to handle any situation in the fi eld.

The training includ-ed multiple deploy-ment responsibilities, including driving vehi-cles, giving adequate radio communications

information and build-ing forward operating bases.

“We are a very ver-satile group,” said Staff Sgt. Alexis Effi nger-Morris, 435th CRG specialist. “We have to be able to do every-thing and anything that’s asked of us or it could potentially hin-der the mission.”

The group is com-posed of specialists from different squad-rons who give their expertise as well as learn the skills from other members. This provides them with a wide range of knowl-edge and allows them to be an effective fi ght-ing force.

“There’s so much we can learn from each other,” Effi nger-Morris said. “The more we communicate and train together the more we are prepared for the

operations we conduct downrange.”

According to CRG and AMS Airmen, the hands-on aspect of the training seemed to be the most effec-tive.

“Being able to learn in a hands-on environ-ment helps not only myself, but the whole team,” said Senior Airman Matthew Agres, 435th CRG special-ist. “The easiest way to learn is having the

instructors right there with you guiding you in the right direc-tion.”

At the end of the training, members take a course review to test the knowledge they’ve gained throughout the week.

With this train-ing, members of the 435th CRG and AMS gain insight on their deployed capabilities and build adaptable Airmen.

Senior Airman Brian Purcell, 435th Contingency Response Group specialist, adjusts the cords on a light � xture to pro-vide light for a tent during indoctrination training Feb. 24.

Soldier re-enlists while recuperating from war injuryby Chuck RobertsLandstuhl Regional Medical Center Public Affairs

In the aftermath of being shot during a firefight in Afghanistan, several thoughts came to Staff Sgt.

Tyronne Jones’ mind — among them was re-enlistment. Sadly, the date and location were not the only things that changed that day.

Chief Warrant Offi cer 2 Edward

Balli was supposed to conduct Jones’ re-enlistment ceremony at their forward operating base in Afghanistan. Balli died beside Jones in that same fi refi ght Jan. 20 against enemy insurgents who pen-etrated their compound through a hole from a massive explosion.

Instead, Jones was re-enlisted by Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr., commanding general of U.S. Army Europe, in a Feb. 19 ceremony at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center

before his wife and two children and fellow Soldiers from his home station in Vilseck, Germany.

Although Jones is a career Soldier who planned to re-enlist, the deadly attack only fi rmed his resolve.

“I don’t want to let somebody else dictate when my career is going to be over,” said Jones, a 30-year-old unmanned aircraft technician who was deployed with the 2nd Cavalry

Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr., command-ing general of U.S. Army Europe, re-enlists Sta� Sgt. Tyronne Jones in a Feb. 19 ceremony at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.Photo by Phil A. JonesSee RE-ENLIST, Page 3

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 2 March 7, 2014

The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclu-sive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing.

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by Lt. Col. Jobie S. Turner37th Airlift Squadron commander

Albert Einstein, the greatest scientific mind of the 20th century said, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t, pays it.”

In other words, compound interest is free money. For example, if you are an E-1 and save 5 percent of your base pay each month, $74 ($37 every two weeks), your savings will grow to $40,000 at the end of 20 years. The most amazing part is you will only have saved $20,000 during that time, but through the magic of compound interest it will have doubled in value. This is $20,000 in free money. Even better, the current example assumes you are an E-1 your entire service (highly unlikely). Therefore, the potential exists for all mili-tary members to retire with at least six figures

($100,000 or more) without much sacrifice. Now this approach sounds easy, but only

if you plan ahead and make it easy on your-self. First, you have to actually save. In other words, setup an automatic withdrawal from your accounts into a savings fund or into a program like the Thrift Savings Program. Pay yourself first, and then pay your other bills.

The TSP is great because we have easy access to it from work, and it even lowers your tax rate. For every dollar you save, you pay less in taxes, allowing you to save even more. Free money once again.

Second, you have to be patient. Your money saved will move painfully slow over the first few years, but before you know it, you’ll have a good amount put away.

Third, you have to be consistent. If you get discouraged or decide not to save each month, you’ll only slow the process. It is better to con-

sistently invest small amounts than to try and catch-up with larger amounts later. The key to compound interest is time.

With all this talk of E-1 pay and 20 years time, many of us are well beyond this age and may or may not have saved enough for ourselves. However, the same magic of compound interest applies — it’s never too late to start. Even five years of dedicated savings with a modest return (say 6 percent) can produce healthy sums. Free money abounds.

These examples are only a few simple thoughts on saving and investing. The Department of Defense has set up a great website called www.militarysaves.org. This site contains infor-mation on getting savings started and includes hundreds of links to financial institutions and calculators for you to plan your future. I encour-age you to go to the website and find your free money.

Compound interest is free money

AFAF helps in time of needby 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Senior leaders and key personnel from Ramstein attended this year’s Air Force Assistance Fund “Sharing four Caring” campaign kickoff Monday.

The goal of the kickoff was to raise support for four charitable affiliates that provide assistance to Air Force families in need.

The event allowed one Airman to speak about her experience with the fund and how it helped her throughout her life.

“One of my first experiences with the Air Force Aid Society was before I even joined the military,” said Tech. Sgt. Tabatha Bennett, 1st Combat Communications Squadron wing communication security man-ager. “I was living with my husband in Turkey where he was stationed, and

we received a call that his father was diagnosed with brain cancer. We knew we had to fly to California but at the time we didn’t have enough money so we looked into the AFAS and through them we received an interest-free loan to pay for the plane tickets.”

Years later Bennett and her husband would undergo another tragic time in their life where they would need financial assistance.

“After I just joined the Air Force we received news that I was preg-nant,” Bennett said. “Of course it was a joyous time in our life but during the pregnancy we had lost the baby. Still having to deliver, we were emotion-ally drained and with no money for a burial service we didn’t know what to do.

“Then we got a call from my first sergeant at the time saying he had

talked with the AFAS and they were going to give us $5,000 to pay for everything,” Bennett continued. “It’s impossible to express how thankful we are for everything they have done for us throughout our lives.”

All the organizations of AFAF focus on different ways to assist Air Force members and their families. Whether helping widows during times of financial crisis or paying for a plane ticket home during emotional turmoil, AFAF is there to help lighten the bur-den for those in need.

“It’s as simple as taking care of our own,” said Capt. Lyka Olsen, 86th Comptroller Squadron financial ana-lyst and AFAF installation campaign project officer. “It is a great opportu-nity to be a part of something big that could affect every Airman in the Air Force.”

The four charitable affiliates that Airmen can donate to are:• Air Force Aid Society, which pro-

vides emergency assistance to Airmen and their families, and sponsors edu-cation and quality of life programs in communities.• Air Force Enlisted Village, which

provides homes for surviving spouses of retired enlisted Airmen.• Air Force Villages, a retirement

community that cares for retired Air Force officer widows who need finan-cial assistance.• The Gen. and Mrs. Curtis LeMay

Foundation, which awards grants to retired Airmen and their spouses in financial need.

The campaign runs until April. 11.For information, contact your unit’s

AFAF representative or visit www.afassistancefund.org.

Looking for something to do we with your family? One of the biggest complaints of the military families is that there are not many fun events or places to go for families. To make your family experience in Germany more enjoyable check out militaryingermany.com to � nd fun activities and events for families in the Kaiserslautern region.

Kaiserslautern American Page 3March 7, 2014

Story and photos by Senior Airman Jose L. Leon86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

As the military hub of European operations, it is imperative the airfield on Ramstein is managed with the attention to detail provided by the 86th Operations Support Squadron airfield management flight.

The flight’s office is manned 24/7 to maintain operational readiness and ensure flightline opera-tions are safe.

Airfield managers are responsible for filing flight plans, inspecting the airfield for damage, emergency response, issuing flightline driver’s licenses and coordinating between aircrew in the air and on the ground.

The flight works with approximately 15 other organizations on base to maintain airfield operations.

“Our role is primarily to be managers,” said Senior Airman John Kalilikane, 86th OSS airfield manage-ment shift lead. “We have to know the ins and outs of everything about the airfield. Being knowledgeable in every aspect of the airfield makes us proficient in keeping it safe and operational.”

Airmen from the airfield management flight have to be able to recognize discrepancies, such as breakage and deterioration of the concrete to mal-functioning or blurred signs. Once discovered, dis-crepancies must then be reported to the appropriate organization in order for them to be corrected.

“Going outside of our office and getting hands-on work with the airfield is my favorite part of the job,” said Airman 1st Class Taylor Starr, 86th OSS airfield management operations coordinator. “It’s a good job, and it definitely keeps us busy.”

Airfield inspections are completed several times a shift and are key to ensuring agencies are able to perform their duty in a safe environment.

“Construction is a huge thing here in the summer-time,” Kalilikane said. “We might have anywhere around 20 different construction activities.”

Airfield management is responsible for overcoming the obstacle of directing operations

around sites under construction. Starr said if the checks are not performed as often

as they are, the chances for something to go wrong would greatly increase.

The airfield management flight’s ability to dis-seminate the information that passes through their hands is crucial in the everyday operation of the Air Force. Every aircraft needs an airfield to land, and airfield managers are there to ensure it is clear of any hazards.

Aircraft do not move on the Ramstein airfield without the airfield management flight’s approval. Ramstein’s capability to maintain operations at the pace it is at can be attributed in part to the flight’s ability to sustain a safe airfield.

Regiment. “What makes them a ter-rorist is the fact that they put terror into somebody, change their life and scare you into doing whatever. I’m not going to let them bully me into anything. I’m going to stay in the Army, and I’m going to do what I do and not let them terrorize me.”

After his injury, Jones was medevaced to Kandahar and Bagram before arriving at LRMC. His next level of care will be at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio where he will unite with his family from Nevada and eventually with his wife, Carrie, and their two sons.

Jones said well-meaning people have used the word “hero” for his actions; however, he is very matter- of-fact and straightforward in say-

ing that his actions were not heroic, but performed only as any Soldier should have done in the same situation. His main thoughts now are on healing and returning to duty in whatever capac-ity he can.

Jones said he hopes he has acted as a good Soldier and proper-ly trained others who are now filling his

void in Afghanistan, just as he now considers becoming a warrant officer to fill the huge void left by Balli’s death.

re-enlist, from Page 1

“What makes them a terrorist is the fact

that they put ter-ror into somebody, change their life

and scare you into doing whatever. I’m not going to let them

bully me into any-thing.”

— Staff Sgt. Tyronne Jones

Airfield managers oversee operations

Senior Airman Quinn Carli, 86th Operations Support Squadron airfield management operations coordinator, reports a discrepancy in the aircraft arresting system Feb. 18 on Ramstein. Any and all discrepancies that haven’t already been documented are reported to the appropriate agencies during routine airfield inspections.

Senior Airman John Kalilikane, 86th Operations Support Squadron airfield management shift lead, communicates with the air traffic controllers Feb. 18 in order to get permission to drive on and inspect the runway.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 4 March 7, 2014

FEB. 275:30 a.m.: A major traffi c accident and fl eeing the

scene of an accident were reported in Neunkirchen.5:10 p.m.: A major traffi c accident with injuries

was reported in Weilerbach.

FEB. 28 3:17 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in


MARCH 110:30 a.m.: Domestic assault and possible child

abuse were reported in Vogelweh.

MARCH 210:18 a.m.: Drunken driving, a major traffi c

accident and fl eeing the scene of an accident were reported in Kaiserslautern.

11:55 a.m.: A medical emergency with assault was reported on Kapaun.

MARCH 39:30 a.m.: A minor traffi c accident and fl eeing the

scene of an accident were reported on the autobahn.

4:57 p.m.: Fraud was reported in Kaisers-lautern.

5:32 p.m.: Vandalism was reported on Vogelweh.


e N


Page 4


FEB. 27» Einsiedlerhof: Three laptops, one Xbox 360, one Sony Blu-ray player, Sony speakers, one guitar, one double-bladed sword, one jew-elry box, an assortment of jewelry, electrical cords, two external hard drives, one metal cash box, one binder with an assortment of movies and one house key.

MARCH 2» Pulaski Barracks: Gasoline totaling $62.78.» Ramstein: 40.84 liters of fuel valued at $45.90.

Construction noticeA road construction project is affecting traffi c

entering and leaving Ramstein Air Base through the West Gate. The project site for construc-tion is the bridge over state road L363 leading from the base to the 435th Construction and Training Squadron site. The ramp coming from Ramstein-Miesenbach will be closed to traf-fi c. The contractor will start cutting trees and then progress in phases to repair the bridge that crosses L363. Expect multiple lanes to be closed in various phases.

ClosureThe KMC Housing offi ces will close at 11:30

a.m. Wednesday for training. Offi ces will also be closed March 17 and 18 for computer training.

Noise alertThe shooting association of Nanstein Castle

will conduct a seminar on gun salute shooting from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday on its com-pound at Fleischackerloch in Landstuhl. There will be increased background noise from about 100 gun salutes.

Women’s History MonthMarch is Women’s History Month under the

motto, “Celebrating women of character, cour-age and commitment.” Weekly library displays and story time will be held from 10 to 10:30 a.m. Thursday and March 20 and 27 at the Ramstein Library, and 11 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday and March 19 and 26 at the Vogelweh Library. A Professional Development Seminar will be held from 8 to 11 a.m. March 19 at the USAFE Conference Center. A Women’s History Month Luncheon will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 25 at the Ramstein Offi cers’ Club. For details, call 480-9472 or 06371-47-9472.

Vet clinic reduces schedulesDue to implementation of new veterinary soft-

ware and training, the Kaiserslautern Vet Clinic on Pulaski Barracks will operate on reduced schedules with limited appointments effective through April. Additionally, the clinic will be closed March 19 and 21 for training, and March 28 for inventory.

Emcee auditionsThe 86th Airlift Wing Holocaust Remem-

brance Committee is looking for a master of ceremonies for the Holocaust Remembrance April 25. Auditions will be held at 3:30 p.m. today at the Ramstein South Chapel Annex. For more information, contact Senior Airman Brian Mafnas at 480-5828 or brian.mafnas@us.af.mil.

German case workers at KleberThe Kaiserslautern Youth Welfare Offi ce will

be at Kleber Kaserne from 1:30 to 4 p.m. April 3 to answer questions about paternity and child support, as well as custody and visitation rights. Case workers will be in the Legal Service Center, Bldg. 3210, Room 117. To schedule an appointment, contact Stefanie Huettenberger at 0631-365-2709 or stefanie.huettenberger@kaiserslatuern.de; Kerstin Siegler at 0631-365-2671 or Kerstin.siegler@kaiserslautern.de; Reiner Schirra at 0631-365-2645 or reiner.schirra@kaiserslauten.de; or Amanda Martins Goncalves at 0631-411-8859 or Amanda.martinsgoncalves.LN@mail.mil. Walk-ins are welcome, but scheduled appointments take pri-ority.

Estate claimsAnyone having claims for or against the

estate of Spc. Andrew Dwayne Kilpatrick, 181st Signal Company, should contact the summary court offi cer Capt. Joseph Raymond Schultz at 01622-97-4737.

AFA scholarshipThe Air Force Association has re-named their

spouse scholarship, The Mike and Gail Donley Spouse Scholarship, as a lasting tribute to the former secretary of the Air Force and his wife. The scholarship is designed to encourage Air Force spouses worldwide to pursue associate, bachelor or graduate/postgraduate degrees. The AFA would like to award one scholarship to each of the Air Force Major Commands and possi-bly to spouses of Airmen who are not currently assigned to a MAJCOM depending on the quality and number of applications received. Recipients of this scholarship will be awarded $2,500, which may be used for any reasonable cost related

to pursuing a degree, including tuition, books, transportation or child care costs. Applications can be found on the AFA website at www.afa.org/SpouseScholarship. Complete packages are due to Lynette Cross, lcross@afa.org, no later than April 30.

86th CPTS info• The Financial Services Flight offers cus-

tomer service walk-in hours from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday to Friday. Airmen with pay or travel questions are encouraged to stop by for in-person customer service. • First sergeants received information on the

new process of inputting emergency leave in DTS. Members will now fi le their emergency leave vouchers through DTS after they return from leave. The 86th Comptroller Squadron will still accept manual vouchers; however, submit-ting through DTS will result in a much faster voucher payment, since those vouchers do not have to route through CPTS or the Air Force Financial Services Center.• Every year, the Department of Defense

conducts a survey to identify how much service members spent the previous year for utilities and move-in expenses. The data from this survey is used to determine utility and move-in allowances for our location. This survey will be available for all active-duty service members until March 31 at www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/oha-util-mar.cfm. Maximum participation and good data are the keys to ensuring Airmen are compensated appropriately for their utilities costs.

In-service recruiterAnybody who would like to transfer from active duty to the Air Force Reserve should con-tact Ramstein’s in-service recruiter, Master Sgt. Dominique Hogan, at 480-3940. Hogan will have information on the Palace Chase program for volunteers and explain the Reservist’s benefi ts, such as low cost health insurance and tuition assistance.

Europe-wide emergency numberThe emergency number 112 is valid through-

out Europe. It can be dialed free of cost and without a prefi x in each European country.

Kaiserslautern American Page 5March 7, 2014


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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 6 March 7, 2014

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Christina Turnipseed 18th Military Police Public Affairs, 21st Theater Sustainment Command

A former Ultimate Fighting Championship featherweight spent time training with 18th Military Police Brigade Soldiers at the Sembach Fitness Center Feb. 21.

Din Thomas, a native of Wilmington, Del., has a 15-year UFC record of 26 wins and nine losses. He holds a black-belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Ricardo Liborio and currently runs two success-ful Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and mixed martial arts academies in Port St. Lucie, Fla.

According to UFC.com, Thomas is known for his versatility, patience and killer instinct, which secured him a major role on the reality television show “The Ultimate Fighter 4: The Comeback.”

During his career, Thomas met Sgt. 1st Class Ronnell Foster, 18th MP Bde. military working dog operations Soldier, who is also a fighter.

“The first time I met Din was when I tried out for ‘The Ultimate Fighter 7’ back in 2007,” Foster

said. “We ran into each other again in 2010 while I was promoting an MMA event, and we remained in contact off and on over the years.”

Foster and Thomas recently reconnected, which

resulted in Thomas’s visit to Sembach.“I just happened to catch up with

Sergeant Foster on the Internet,” Thomas said.

Thomas was in Frankfurt training German fighters, three of whom trav-eled to Sembach with him.

“When I found out he was in Germany, we linked up and here I am,” Thomas added.

Foster managed to spark his friend’s interest in modern Army combatives and arranged for him to train with some of the “Ever Vigilant” Soldiers.

“I came down to this station today to meet some of the guys and hang out,” Thomas said. “I wanted to see what was going on and just have fun with the guys.”

Foster said he was grateful for the opportunity to bring Thomas out to meet the Soldiers.

“Din has fought some of the best guys in the world at the highest level, and the fact that he would take time

away from his training to spend time with the troops says a lot about his character,” Foster said. “Din is someone I consider a true friend, and I really appre-ciate his time.”

CLEP-a-thon tester wins the raceby Sara Pavich86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Education takes time. Students put years and money toward

attaining the course credits necessary to earn a degree. In just four days, one Airman became 36 credits closer to earning his Community College of the Air Force degree.

A College-Level Exam-ination Program testing marathon, called CLEP-a-thon, was facilitated by the Ramstein National Test Center Feb. 10 through 14 on Ramstein. From 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., service members were able to take unlimited CLEP and DSST tests in a variety of

course subjects. Testers were also able to sign up on a walk-in basis, without the usual need for an appointment. A passing grade allows stu-dents to earn a specific num-ber of credits toward their degree.

Airman 1st Class Arius Gray, 83rd Network Operating Squadron Det 4 server techni-cian, was the most success-ful tester to take part in the CLEP-a-thon. Out of the 12 exams he completed, Gray passed nine. The credits he earned enabled him to sat-isfy almost all his remaining degree requirements in the span of a few days. If Gray passes his final CLEP test, a speech exam taken at a separate time from the CLEP-a-thon, he will have success-

fully earned a degree in com-puter sciences.

Though the outcome justi-fied the stress, Gray said the CLEP-a-thon was mentally exhausting. Gray completed all his exams by Feb. 13, but stayed at the testing center all day every day in order to make himself available for the exams he needed to take.

“It was a little draining,” he said. “At the end of the week it was just a giant sigh of relief. I thought, ‘I’m done with tests for now.’”

Gray chose to participate in the Ramstein CLEP-a-thon in order to complete the remain-ing credits in his CCAF degree. He said his desire to pursue an education is fueled by his interest in learning more about computers.

“Since my job is to man-age servers, pretty much all I do is work with computers all day. The job experience, combined with whatever edu-cation I get or any classes I take, goes hand-in-hand, and it helps me do my job that much better.”

Though he did not enter the Air Force with the plan to work in a computer-based field, Gray found the work appeals to his goals to fur-ther his education. He said working with computers pro-vides him with a challenging and interesting work environ-ment that requires a constant update of knowledge in the field.

“There’s always something new to learn,” Gray said. “There’s no way to know

everything, because technol-ogy is constantly advancing, so you have to constantly advance with it. You have to keep current on your creden-tials.”

Gray’s success stems from his motivation to pursue high-er education throughout his life.

“My plan is to keep my education going,” Gray said. “I don’t really want to stop at any point or let myself grow stagnant. From finishing up my CCAF, I’ve given myself an earlier start to a higher education.”

Gray plans on immediately pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer sciences and eventually hopes to obtain a doctorate, possibly in com-puter programming.

UFC athlete brings fight to 18th MP Brigade

Retired Ultimate Fighting Championship fighter Din Thomas trains with Soldiers from the 18th Military Police Brigade Feb. 21 at the Sembach Fitness Center.

Kaiserslautern American Page 7March 7, 2014

Kaiserslautern night bus gets passengers home safelyby Petra Lessoing86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

SWK, the City Works of Kaiserslautern, offers the “Lautrer Nachtbus,” or Kaiserslautern night bus, as a service to help get people home at night and on weekends.

SWK night buses run Friday and Saturday nights and on German holidays (except Good Friday). The nine night lines take passengers into all parts of the city and most surrounding communities, starting at 12:15 a.m. for three hours.

“We made sure to have bus stops next to locations people like to visit at night, such as the Nachtschicht discotheque and the Kammgarn Culture Center,” said Andrea Oliver, SWK director of U.S. business.

The night buses stop at each regular bus stop throughout Kaiserslautern. They also stop on demand.

When on the night bus, passengers can also get off the bus outside of regular bus stops.

“Just let the driver know ahead of time,” Oliver said. “If there are no safety issues, (the driver) will let passengers get off at the front door.”

This rule also applies daily on all SWK bus lines starting at 8 p.m.

The night bus routes are as follows:• Linie (line) N1: Siegelbach — Rodenbach —

Weilerbach (+ call taxi or Ruftaxi )• Linie (line) N2: — Hauptbahnhof (main train

station) — Casimirring — Betzenberg• Linie (line) N3: Dansenberg — Schopp —

Krickenbach — Linden• Linie (line) N4: Bännjerrück — Hohenecken

— Queidersbach — Bann• Linie (line) N6: Uni-Wohngebiet — Mölschbach

— Stelzenberg — Trippstadt• Linie (line) N7: Fischerrück — Erzhütten —

Kreuzhof — Erfenbach — Otterbach — Katzweiler• Linie (line) N10: Hochspeyer — Fischbach —

Enkenbach-Alsenborn — Mehlingen (+ call taxi)• Linie (line) N12: Sonnenberg — Morlautern —

Erlenbach — Otterberg — Baalborn — Sembach• Linie (line) N40: Grübentälchen — PRE-Park

— Messeplatz

“On some routes, SWK offers a special ser-vice: the ‘Ruftaxi,’ or call taxi,” Oliver said. “When boarding a bus that does not go to the passengers’ fi nal destination, they should inform the driver right away. He will arrange a taxi for the connecting trip.”

The tickets purchased for the night bus service are accepted for the taxi ride. For control purposes, passengers must present their night bus tickets to the taxi driver.

Call taxis are available …• From the bus stop “Am Belzappel” (stop near

Vogelweh) to take passengers to Einsiedlerhof and Kindsbach. • In Weilerbach, near the Spar bus stop, to take

passengers of the night line N1 to Erzenhausen, Eulenbis, Kollweiler, Mackenbach, Schwedelbach and Reichenbach-Steegen.• In Alsenborn center to take passengers from

night line N10 to Neuhemsbach.

Night buses start at 12:15 a.m. at the “Rathaus,” or city hall. Busses transport passengers for the next three hours; the last bus departs at 3:15 a.m.

“We hope our American friends will accept this service as well. We try to help decrease the numbers of DUIs with our night bus,” Oliver said.

Bus tickets within Kaiserslautern cost €2.20, tick-ets for Otterberg, Otterbach, Katzweiler, Rodenbach, Stelzenberg, Hochspeyer, Fischbach, Mehlingen, Baalborn and Kindsbach are €3.40, and tickets to Trippstadt, Weilerbach, Enkenbach-Alsenborn, Sembach, Bann, Queidersbach, Krickenbach, Linden and Schopp are €4. Passengers who own season tick-ets only have to pay an additional €1 for all locations.

For more information and to see the bus schedule, visit www.swk-kl.de/en/transportation/the-lautrer-night-bus.html.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 8 March 7, 2014

Story and photo by Sara Pavich86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

At only 17 years old, Capt. Syrah Nicaisse, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center certified nurse midwife, understood what she was meant to do with her life. As a volunteer at a hospital where her mother worked in the labor and delivery unit, she was always intrigued by the birth process.

“I got to see women in labor, and I was able to see a midwife do a delivery, and that’s when a light-bulb went off,” she said. “I just knew that’s what I needed to do.”

Nicaisse has dedicated her life to promoting healthy relationships between women and their bodies. As a certified nurse midwife, her job is to provide medical care and advice to women during their child-bearing years.

Currently, there are 20 midwives serving in the Air Force. Three, Nicaisse, Capt. Lisa Murchison and Capt. Shenika Zebreski, provide their exper-tise in women’s health to service members and their families at LRMC. Service members and their families seek the help of midwives often because they desire to experience a more natural childbirth. Midwives work with physicians to help ensure the healthy delivery of a baby in a way that is most comfortable to the mother.

Though a primary aspect of the work is to sup-port women during pregnancy, delivery and post-partum stages, midwives are also trained to provide advice on general women’s health. Midwives work with patients and physicians to determine healthy options that do not conflict with the personal desires a woman may have in terms of her own health.

“We take care of a woman as a whole,” Nicaisse said. “The main goal is to make her a part of the health care team. We encourage women to educate

themselves and empower them to make their own decisions about health care.”

The passion for engaging with her patients on a personal level is one reason Nicaisse was drawn to the field. As an intern for a midwife during college, she witnessed the connections her mentor built with her patients during labor and delivery.

Nicaisse said the creation of these bonds is what

makes her job so rewarding.“Being part of their (medical) team, we really

become part of their family,” she said. “We’re there during the most intimate, vulnerable times of their lives, and they invite us in for that. It’s a privilege and an honor.”

AF midwives serve families abroad

Capt. Syrah Nicaisse, 86th Medical Squadron certified nurse midwife, assists Laurenne LoVullo before she goes into labor Feb. 28 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. As a certified nurse midwife, Nicaisse is medically trained to provide health care to women throughout their pregnancies and after delivery.

See midwife, Page 14

21st TSC recognizes new Sergeant Morales Club membersby Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr.21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs

The 21st Theater Sustainment Command welcomed six new members into the

Sergeant Morales Club during a cer-emony Feb. 26 at the Kaiserslautern Community Activity Center on Daenner Kaserne.

The inductees were Sgt. 1st Class Andray D. Gibson, 18th Engineer Brigade; Staff Sgt. Sean D. Graham, 18th Eng. Bde.; Staff Sgt. Fitho Simplice, 16th Sustainment Brigade; Staff Sgt. Jordan B. Stipp, 18th Military Police Brigade; Staff Sgt. Amber J. DeArmond, 21st TSC; and Sgt. Jasmen E. Williams, 16th Sust. Bde.

The Sergeant Morales Club, which was established in 1973 by Lt. Gen. George S. Blanchard, consists of members who exemplify a special kind of leadership characterized by a

personal concern for the needs, train-ing, development and welfare of their Soldiers.

Maj. Gen. John R. O’Connor and Command Sgt. Maj. Rodney Rhoades, commanding general and command sergeant major of the 21st TSC, pre-sided over the ceremony and pre-sented the awardees with a Sergeant Morales Club certificate of mem-bership along with the Army Commendation Medal.

“It feels great to be inducted,” said Gibson, a sexual assault response coordinator with the 18th Eng. Bde. “I’ve been working on getting induct-ed into this club for the past year. It’s something that I’ve wanted to do, and I wanted to set the example for my Soldiers.”

Some of the newly inducted NCOs credit their leadership for giving them the tools necessary to become suc-cessful NCOs.

“I have had some great leaders in my career,” Gibson said. “This is

the kind of thing that they’ve pushed me to do, and for me to be a part of this has been a great accomplish-ment.”

Stipp, a military policeman with the 18th MP Bde. said leadership and his Soldiers helped motivate him to go above and beyond and push him-self.

“Hopefully one day I can men-tor somebody and they can come up here and do the same thing,” he said.

Becoming a member of the Sergeant Morales Club is no easy task. NCOs have to commit countless hours of their free time in order to pre-pare for the long road to becoming a member.

“The sergeants being inducted have gone through a rigorous process of studying long hours, countless uni-forms inspections, multiple review boards and physical fitness tests all in pursuit to join this prestigious orga-nization,” said Command Sgt. Maj.

Sean J. Rice, command sergeant major of Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, U.S. Army Europe and the ceremony’s guest speaker. “The club promotes the highest ideas of integ-rity, professionalism and leadership for the enlisted force here in Europe. These individuals here today have done that and then some.

“They decided to step up to the challenge to begin another call of duty,” he continued.

Inductees believe hard work and a passion for helping Soldiers are the key traits of any potential future member.

“Take care of your Soldiers, do your job, place your Soldiers first and live by the Army values,” Gibson said of NCOs wishing to become mem-bers. “If you live and follow the NCO Creed, you can’t go wrong, because it gives us everything we need. If you do that and you take care of your Soldiers, you can accomplish any-thing.”

Kaiserslautern American Page 9March 7, 2014

LIGHTS:• Check that all lights function cor-rectly.• Wrong bulbs in taillights make them too bright. Check license plate lights, park lights and head-light alignment. • Accessory lights are not author-ized. If there are off-road lights on the vehicle, they must have the correct cover from the manufac-turer, and the on/off switch must be separate from the factory light switches. • Lenses for lights cannot be cracked or broken. • Brake lights and headlights must be fully operable.

TIRES: • Unless the manufacturer specifi -cations say otherwise (staggered tires, ex: Corvette), all four tires on the vehicle must be the same size. • Seasonal tires cannot be mixed. • Summer tires should not be worn in the winter and vice versa.• Minimum tread depth for the en-tire tread surface cannot be less than 1.6 mm. Poor tire infl ation or wheel alignment will wear your tires unevenly and lessen the life expectancy of the tire. • Tires that have the side walls cut or gouged or are bald and showing cords will render the vehicle “un-safe.”

WINDOW TINT:• Tint on the front door glass is not authorized (and illegal in Germany) and needs to be removed to pass. Tint on the windshield can be no more than 4 inches, or below the AS1 line (which is not on all wind-shields.) DECALS: • Decals with any US city, state or military/DOD affi liation must be removed (dealership tag, AF wife, base stickers, fl ags, etc.).

WINDSHIELDS:• Any crack or star chip in the driv-er’s viewing area will require the windshield to be replaced. • Outside the driver’s viewing area, any crack over 1 inch or any star chip over ½ inch will require the windshield to be replaced. Any such damage less than this (in the passenger area) may be repaired.

For more information, visit www.ramstein.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=17109.

Vehicle inspection: Pass or fail

Tech. Sgt. Michael Gannot, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintenance craftsman, checks a vehicle undercarriage. If there is evidence of a slow leak, the undercarriage must be cleaned and re-inspected. Excessive leaks are immediate failures.

Tech. Sgt. Michael Gannot, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintenance craftsman, checks the headlights. Headlights must be aimed correctly, and the lamp color, position and intensity must be in accordance with regulations.

Photos by Senior Airman Chris Willis

Senior Airman Je� rey Greenwell, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintenance journeyman, receives a registration form to begin a vehicle inspection Feb. 26 on Kapaun Air Station. The 86th VRS privately owned vehicle inspection center provides a free POV mechanical inspection to the KMC.

ABOVE: A rejected vehicle registration form, provided by the 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron, is seen here. With more than 30,000 vehicles inspected each year, the 86th VRS makes it a goal to ensure privately owned vehicles are maintained and operated in accordance with regulations. LEFT: Sta� Sgt. Simon He� nger, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintenance journeyman, begins a vehicle undercarriage inspection. The vehicle will be rejected if there is evidence of an exces-sive leak or an ongoing slow leak of oil, antifreeze or saturation of the underbody of the vehicle.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 10 March 7, 2014

Story and photo by Capt. Royal Reff10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command Public Affairs

If someone took a look around the expansive warehouse on Rhine Ordnance Barracks they’d see a lot of equipment and activity, from com-puters with massive displays to simulated-live radar feeds. But to look at the host of shoulder-sleeve insignias, representing Soldiers’ military organizations, someone may think they were in a military clothing sales shop. The so-called unit patches darting between makeshift rooms and battle spaces (designed to give the facility a real-world deployed atmosphere) are countless.

Soldiers from units across U.S. Army Europe came together Feb. 28 at Rhine Ordnance Barracks in support of the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command’s semiannual com-mand post exercise.

The automated missile defense exercise trains Soldiers and supporting civilians on deploy-ment operations for executing missile defense sup-port and civil-military operations should global developments require them. From the tactical opera-tion of identifying and destroying ballistic missile threats, to the strategic planning and execution of moving troops and establishing a joint and multina-tional headquarters, the AAMDC-CPX covers it all.

The event is scheduled to last three weeks. “We get the opportunity to exercise nearly

every facet of how we’ll deploy members of the USAREUR team and the 10th AAMDC to conduct ballistic missile defense when the call comes,” said Maj. Liam Kingdon, chief of operations with the 10th AAMDC. “It really is a great chance to bring folks together from all over and rehearse what we’ll

be asked to do when the time comes.” The gathered participants come from a host

of USAREUR units across Germany, includ-ing Headquarters-USAREUR, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, 16th Sustainment Brigade, 30th Medical Brigade, 66th Military Intelligence Brigade and 60th Geospatial Planning Cell, among others. In addition to their equipment, the Soldiers arrived with a wide array of expertise and military occupational specialties.

“Our job on the intelligence team is to provide predictive analysis in our area of operations based on trends in missile activ-ity,” said Pfc. Andrew Hernandez, intelligence analyst with B Co., 24th Military Intelligence Battalion, 66th Military Intelligence Brigade, located in Wiesbaden. “I like this exercise because there are Soldiers here from all over with different skills to exchange.”

The assembled team could potentially come together again for future Juniper Cobra bilat-

eral missile defense exercises in Israel, as well as in the event a deployment is required.

“I’m excited about the possibility of conducting an exercise like this in another location and work-ing with Soldiers from another country,” said Spc. Justin Levesque, geospatial engineer with the 60th Engineer Geospatial Planning Cell. “If there’s a chance to deploy and do this mission, I’m ready.”

Story and photo by Airman Dymekre Allen86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Like a jigsaw puzzle, an investigation can’t be com-pleted without all the pieces in their precise position, so Air Force Office of Special Investigations Airmen work tirelessly searching through jumbled pieces of information, using their skills of detection to fit the puzzle together and help catch criminals.

They are the crime scene investigators of the KMC.

“Sometimes it’s a dan-gerous and time consuming career,” said Special Agent Sara Moe, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa criminal investigator. “We are always on call, and we always have to be ready for anything that comes our way.”

These crime scene investi-gators undergo an extensive 11-week training program where they conduct physical training several times a week and learn an array of skills, including defensive tactics, emergency driving, evidence processing, firearms, search

and seizure, and arrest tech-niques, all of which they use to hunt criminals.

“Every investigation is different,” said Special Agent Joshua Tree, USAFE-AFAFRICA criminal investi-gator. “Even if the same crime is committed, none of the cases are predictable, so we have to be prepared to face anything.”

Unlike other U.S. federal agencies, the OSI is not only specialized in a single area. OSI is one of the most diverse law enforcement entities in the United States. Their crime pre-venting responsibilities range from protective service and counterfeiting to homicide and illegal substance distribution.

They deal with almost all felony level crimes committed by Air Force members, such as murder, sexual assault, drug and human trafficking, as well as cyber crimes.

These crime scene inves-tigators also have a coun-ter intelligence mission and a counter espionage mis-sion, allowing them to stop and prevent any and all criminal activities without including outside sources.

According to investigators,

nothing can be left to chance; overlooking the smallest bit of evidence or disrupting a scene of a crime could be the pivotal point in any case.

“A lot goes into process-ing a crime scene, and all of it is important,” Tree said. “Missing one little detail or not paying enough attention to all the clues could put some-one innocent behind bars or allow the guilty to walk free, so we have to gather all the information and use it effec-tively to crack the code.”

The agents collect evi-dence by using many differ-ent methods, including DNA, digital images, fingerprints, impressions, video, audio and documents, all of which lead to directly solving cases.

“There’s always something left behind and there’s always a way to find it,” Moe said. “Whether it’s hair follicles, fingerprints or an eye witness, with enough time and motiva-tion we can piece together the puzzle.”

To ensure each scene is documented properly they measure, sketch and photo-graph the entire area before evidence is identified and col-

lected. During this process, agents must be careful and cognizant of their movements as well as wear protective gear so they don’t contami-nate the crime scene by mov-ing items around or destroy DNA evidence.

After evidence is gathered and processed the investigators have to stay resilient for each case, because depending on the severity, they could potentially be working on a single case from anywhere between a few days to a few years.

“It’s a long and stressful process, but there’s nothing like looking the victims in the face and telling them I found the person responsible

for their pain,” Moe said.The work of these crimi-

nal investigators may not be as flashy as a TV drama, but it’s still a dangerous game of cat and mouse, truth and lie, mystery and conspiracy, and with every piece added to the puzzle, it grows more confus-ing and more difficult to find the right fits.

With that on their minds, these crime fighters must never grow weary, because for every waking moment there’s another link leading closer to the completion of the puzzle.

Staff sergeants or senior airmen interested in becom-ing OSI agents should call 480-5779.

A footprint in mud is measured and photographed similar to the way an Air Force Office of Special Investigations criminal investigator would collect evidence. The U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa OSI criminal investigators use many different detailed methods to collect evidence and intelligence to solve crimes.

AFOSI cracks codes on crimes

Soldiers come together for 10th AAMDC missile defense exercise

Pfc. Andrew Hernandez (right), intelligence analyst with B Co., 24th Military Intelligence Battalion, 66th Military Intelligence Brigade, and Spc. Andrea Willette (left), intelligence analyst with Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, chart missile launches during a simulated missile volley. The Soldiers are training with others from across U.S. Army Europe in a 10th AAMDC missile defense exercise.

Kaiserslautern American Page 11March 7, 2014

AMXS Airman keeps C-130Js flyingStory and photo by Airman 1st Class Holly Mansfield86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Editor’s note: This is the third story in a three part series about first-term Airmen working different jobs at Ramstein.

Many things can discour-age young Airmen arriv-ing at a new base, let alone a new country.

Fortunately for one Airman, she was able to overcome any concerns by using her core values to come up with solutions and make those worries fly away.

Being away from family, especial-ly around the holidays, and having to acquire an entirely new set of skills in a short amount of time can be tough. Airman 1st Class Caitlin Schaefer, 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron crew chief, leaned on her fellow Airmen to help her get through in-processing.

“I got here the Sunday before Thanksgiving,” Schaefer said. “I start-ed RIP (Ramstein in-processing) line on Monday, and the next week I began

FTAC (First Term Airman Center). The whole cycle was really fast.”

The stress of learning a vast amount in a short time while being a female in a male-dominated career field has brought Schaefer closer to her core values.

“Being in a male dominated career field doesn’t really matter to me at the end of the day, because we have one mission: send our birds up,” she said. “If we are doing an inspection and skip something, it could be life threatening, and that is something we need to take seriously. It could mean people’s lives.”

To Schaefer, “Excellence in all we do” is one of the more important core values and uses it every day with even the smallest of tasks like picking up trash off the ground.

“She is an excellent and motivated worker out on the flightline,” said Master Sgt. Shannon Smith, 86th AMXS section chief. “She is a team player, and the other Airmen here really like working with her.”

Having the integrity to do what’s right, even when others around might not do the same thing, can be hard for some first-term Airmen. However, for

Schaefer, being a role model for oth-ers who are younger than her is some-thing that comes naturally.

“I’m a little older in age than some new Airmen, so I have had a little more life experience than them by going through college,” Schaefer said. “Being able to live in Germany is such an awesome experience the Air Force has given me, and I am very grateful

for my job and this opportunity.”Core values, strong bonds with

peers and supervisors, and a strong work ethic have proven to be three key factors in Schaefer’s success. Showing others that first-term Airmen can accomplish the same goals as more experienced Airmen has brought her to the forefront of her squadron to keep Ramstein flying.

Airman 1st Class Caitlin Schaefer, 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron crew chief, checks her tools before a preflight inspection on a C-130J Super Hercules Feb. 25. Each Airman inspects their tools before use to check for damage to ensure proper maintenance is being utilized.

KHS, 21st TSC honor African-American History Month with observanceStory and photo by Staff Sgt. Alexander A. Burnett 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs

Soldiers, Airmen and other KMC members enjoyed an African-American History

observance Feb. 28 at the Galaxy Theater on Vogelweh Military Complex.

The observance featured presentations by students from Kaiserslautern High School with support from 21st Theater Sustainment Command Soldiers. The “First in Support” command provided audio visual sup-port with Soldiers and equip-ment from the communica-tion section. They also pro-vided two members of the Sergeant Morales Club as ushers.

“I volunteered to be an usher at this ceremony because I like to give back to the community in any way that I can,” said Sgt. Jasmen E. Williams, customer service NCOIC of the 106th Finance Company, 16th Special Troops Battalion, 16th

Sustainment Brigade. “I think cultural observances like this one are very important because it is a valu-able experience for the children and members of the audience to see where we (African-Americans) came from.”

The audience experienced a wide range of

cultural displays, includ-ing videos covering the civil rights movement, poetry readings from African-American authors, tribal dances, spiritual songs and a recitation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech by Sgt. 1st Class Andre Johnson, U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Equal Employment Opportunity representative. The ceremo-ny closed with the singing of James Waldon Johnson’s 1899 song “Lift Every Voice and Sing.”

As the observance con-cluded, members of the audi-ence expressed how much they enjoyed the observance and appreciated the efforts of KHS students.

“Today’s observance was absolutely fantastic. From

the videos to songs, these students did an excel-lent job,” said Chief Warrant Officer 4 Harold C. Mitchell, 21st Special Troops Battalion, 21st TSC Master Resiliency Training officer. “My favorite part was probably seeing the African dances. These young people really (were) amazing.”

The Kaiserslautern High School dance team performs the African DeGomba dance Feb. 28 during an African-American History Month observance at the Galaxy Theater on Vogelweh Military Complex.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 12 March 7, 2014

Kaiserslautern American Page 13March 7, 2014

Unscramble these Air Force uniform


trspisentipoaalccuo dgaeb

amne ptaeulboesosbto

iulgosbn sratsp pac

fi gtlh isut reicvse ketcja


WORD Scramble

Here’s how it works:

Write an imaginative, humorous, printable caption related to the photo and the Air Force and email it with the subject line “KA Photo Caption Contest” to 86AW.PA@ramstein.af.mil. Include your name, address and phone number. Crude, obscene or inappropriate comments will be dismissed.

The contestant whose entry picks up the most laughs, or in some cases groans, from our selection panel will receive a free value meal card, courtesy of the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Contest winners will be published in the next edition of the Kaiserslautern American and online at www.ramstein.af.mil.

Photo Caption Contest

The winner of last week’s photo caption contest is Sta� Sgt. Gregory Dodds, 86th Maintenance Group, with the caption: “I never liked the Red Power Ranger!”

Dodds won a free value meal card, courtesy of AAFES.

Answers: stripes | occupational badge | name tape | blouse | boots | blousing straps | cap | fl ight suit | service jacket | ribbons |


Rindfl eisch


Schweinefl eisch





SERVINGS: 16INGREDIENTS:8 medium eggs, separated200 grams sugar400 grams carrots, fi nely shredded400 grams ground almonds1 tablespoon cinnamon1 tablespoon Kirschwasser, cherry schnapps50 grams Speisestärke (corn starch)1/2 each lemon peel, grated1 package Haselnuss Fett Glasur (hazel nut fl avored glaze) or powdered sugar

DIRECTIONS:• Heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius/350 degrees Fahrenheit.• Grease or spray a 26-centimeter springform pan.

• Separate the eggs. Beat the egg whites until stiff and then fold in the sugar.• Fold in the shredded carrots, ground almonds, cinnamon, Kirschwasser, Speisestärke (corn starch) and the lemon peel.• Bake for 50 to 55 minutes. Immediately remove the cake from the pan while it is still warm.• Let the cake stand for one day before serving (cover it with a clean kitchen towel).• Melt the package of Glasur

in a warm water bath. Brush Glasur over the entire cake or just use powdered sugar.• If you wish, you can decorate the carrot cake with Marzipan carrots.

Recipe of the week: German carrot cake

Courtesy of USO

Ground meat

Hackfl eisch



Words you might need at the meat counter

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 14 March 7, 2014

Due to the nature of work-ing with service members, midwives on military instal-lations must cope with unique delivery situations. Partners of deployed service members must occasionally deliver their babies without nearby support of the father. In such cases, midwives suggest sup-plementary support to ensure an easier experience.

Nicaisse encourages fami-lies separated due to deploy-ment to have Skype accounts set up, so partners can be present for routine appoint-ments. Small updates, such as the recording of a baby’s heartbeat on a smartphone, for the absent parent can bring the families together despite distance. Nicaisse said appro-priate support is an important part of the process of delivery.

“In the military commu-nity we tend to be so far removed from our family and friends we grew up with, so we no longer have the sup-port system we would have if we were delivering our baby at home,” Nicaisse said. “We can’t replace those people, but

I try to fill in those gaps and make them as comfortable as possible.”

Staff Sgt. Heather Darlow experienced the deliver-ies of both her children with Nicaisse by her side. Nicaisse came recommended to Darlow when she was preg-nant with her first child. Upon meeting her, Darlow said she knew she wanted Nicaisse to deliver her baby.

“Within minutes I was put at ease, and we were soon talking like we had known each other for years,” Darlow said.

The connection between the women lasted beyond Darlow’s first pregnancy, and she approached Nicaisse again when she discovered she was pregnant with her second child. The delivery of her second son proved to be a difficult one, with her baby’s heart rate dropping danger-ously low. But Darlow said Nicaisse stayed by her side throughout labor and suc-ceeded in delivering a healthy baby boy.

“I am very fortunate that I was able to have Captain Nicaisse as my midwife,”

Darlow said. “She helped me in so many ways while I was pregnant and after. She has forever changed my life.”

Although there is excite-ment and joy in delivering chil-dren, there are also moments of heartbreak. Pregnancy and delivery are sometimes com-plicated by medical issues, and small lives may be lost. In such cases, midwives provide emotional support to grieving families.

“That’s the part of my job I don’t like,” Nicaisse said. “I like being there for the fami-lies and supporting them, but I wish it wasn’t part of life in general.”

Despite the encompass-ing difficulties, Nicaisse said being a midwife is a fulfilling work of passion. The desire to care for women and build per-sonal relationships that pro-mote healthy living fuels her and other midwives through the demanding hours and emotional strain.

“Being a midwife is not a job. It’s a calling,” she said. “I am just really happy. I feel like this is where I belong and what I’m supposed to be doing with my life.”

midwife, from Page 8

Photo by Brandon Beach

21st TSC Soldiers receive German marksmanship awards First Lt. Thomas Gohritz (left), German liaison and company commander with the 263rd Airborne Infantry Battalion, presents a gold Schützenschnur (German Armed Forces Marksmanship Badge) to Sgt. Maj. Michael Clauss, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, during an awards ceremony Feb. 21 on Panzer Kaserne in Kaiserslautern. Clauss and 21 other 21st TSC Soldiers earned either gold (highest), silver or bronze decorations for German weapons proficiency. The 21st TSC is U.S. Army in Europe’s leading organization for all sustainment activities, including logistics support, transportation, combat sustain-ment, human resources, finance, contracting and other areas in the field of sustainment. The 21st TSC also serves as the responsible headquarters for USAREUR’s military police and engineer brigades, providing combat engi-neers and military police during partnership training and other operations in support of USAREUR, U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Central Command. The 21st TSC is headquartered in Kaiserslautern.

Air Force and Army Chapel ScheduleProtestant ServicesPOC for Miesau, Landstuhl and Daenner is the USAG R-P Chaplains Office in Bldg. 2919 on Pulaski Barracks. DSN 493-4098, civ. 0631-3406-4098Miesau Chapel (Bldg. 3175) Seventh-Day Adventist Worship Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Spanish Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Worship: 11 a.m. Saturdays Small Group: 6-7 p.m. TuesdaysLandstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773)Worship: 11 a.m. Sundays Children’s Youth Church: 11 a.m. SundaysDaenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150)Chapel Next Worship Worship: 10 a.m. SundaysChildren’s Church: 10:30 a.m. Sundays Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148)Contemporary Service: 11 a.m. SundaysRamstein South Chapel (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753)Liturgical Services: 9 a.m. Sundays Liturgical Sunday School: 11 a.m. Sundays Traditional Service: 11 a.m. SundaysVogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859)Gospel Service: 11 a.m. Sundays. Protestant education classes are available for all ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner. For information, call DSN 480-2499/489-6743 or civ. 06371-47-2499/0631-536-6743.

Catholic Services Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150)Religious Education (grades K-8): 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Sundays Confession: 11:45 a.m. SundaysSunday Mass: 12:30 p.m.Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773)Religious Education (following Mass)Confession: 8:15-8:45 a.m. Sundays Sunday Mass 9 a.m. Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148)Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday

Sunday Mass: 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Confession 4-4:45 p.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859)Confession: 4-4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass: 5 p.m.

Jewish Religious Services Ramstein South Chapel Synagogue (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Shabbat Evening Service: 7 p.m. Fridays

Islamic ServicesRamstein South Chapel Mosque (480-5753)Jumu’ah Prayer, 1:30 p.m. For religious education and daily prayers, check the prayer schedule

Orthodox ChristianKapaun Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859)Divine Liturgy: 9 a.m. SundaysConfessions by appointment

Youth GroupKaiserslautern Youth of the Chapel (Religious Youth Center, Pulaski Bks., Bldg. 2869)“Plugged In” Middle School Youth Group:2-4 p.m. Sundays Café Dinner (for students and their families): 4:15-5:15 p.m. Sundays “The Rock” High School Youth Group: 5:30-7:30 p.m. SundaysMore information: www.kmcyouth.com

Episcopal (St. Albans)10:30 a.m. Sundays, Kapaun Chapel

Korean Service 1 p.m. Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel

Unitarian Universalist Service, 1:30 p.m. second and fourth Sundays (Sept.-May), Kapaun Chapel

Wiccan7 p.m. first and third Saturdays, Kapaun Annex

Confessional Lutheran (WELS) 4 p.m. second and fourth Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel

Lutheran ChurchKaiserslautern Evangelical

Meeting in Ev.-Luth. St. Michaelis Church, Karpfenstr. 7, 67655 KaiserslauternE-mail: kaiserslautern@selk.de or call 0631-64327 for directions.

Scott Morrison, Pastor www.KELC.eu

8:30 am Worship & Holy CommunionChildren’s Church available

Kaiserslautern American Page 15March 7, 2014

Photo by Sara Pavich

Instructors visit JMPCKisling NCO Academy instructors put together their chemical gear bags during a tour of Ramstein’s Joint Mobility Processing Center Feb. 24. The JMPC is Ramstein’s power projection platform to support commanders across three combatant commands by rapidly deploying personnel and cargo. NCO Academy instructors have the chance to disseminate information about the JMPC processes to their students.

Community volunteers honored at town hallby Ignacio “Iggy” RubalcavaU.S. Army Garrison Baumholder Public Affairs

The open forum at the Baumholder Community Town Hall Feb. 26 saw only a few concerns or issues raised — a break from tradition at this normally

lively event. The town hall was streamed live on

Facebook, and viewers posted questions such as, “What’s the word on more troops com-ing?” “Any word on special forces?” “Would it be possible to install a speed bump by Bldg. 8017?”

Those in the audience also asked about getting a dog park at Smith Barracks, how

the consolidation of command at the clinic will impact Baumholder, and why the pedes-trian gate does not work and how it can be fixed. For the answers to these questions, visit the Baumholder Facebook page at USAG Baumholder.

Baumholder’s Community Town Hall is more than an open forum between Lt. Col. Mike Sullivan, U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder commander, and the com-munity. Sullivan takes this opportunity to recognize those who make Baumholder a bet-ter place to live, work and play, and at this town hall, Sullivan and the garrison staff honored more than 30 individuals for their

See TOWN HALL, Page 27Worship Service: Sun 11:00 amSunday School: Sun 9:30 amBible Study: Wed 7:30 pm

Come grow with us as we serve the LORD!

Stiftswald Str. 60, 67657 KaiserslauternTel: 01 76 - 66 07 43 32Email: nbicc-wiesloch@hotmail.com



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Heritage Baptist ChurchDon Drake, Pastor

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Keeping it real, relational and relevant

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Sunday Worship Gatherings at 9 & 11 a.m.

KMC Assembly of God Church

Reverend Chuck KackleyPhone: 06333-9931838Cell: 0171-6574322

WORSHIP HOURS: Sunday 10 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Family NightServices are held at Kaiserstrasse 16 A, Einsiedlerhof

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Mühlstrasse 34 67659 KaiserslauternTel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92Tel. 06 371 - 46 75 16

Episcopal ServicesHOLY EUCHARIST

Sundays 10:30Kapaun Chapel

For more information pleasecall 480-6148 or 06372-3163

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OF CHRISTSunday Bible Class 11 a.m.Sunday Worship 10 a.m.

Wednesday Bible Class 7 p.m.

Tel: 0176-85693468 or 0151-57727850www.ramst-churchofchrist.com

Pfennig BazaarGerman-American & International Women‘s Club

Veranstaltungshalle (Event Hall) of the Kaiserslautern Gartenschau

For further information please visit the www.kaiserslauternamerican.com/bulletin-board/

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 16 March 7, 2014

by Holly FreemanRamstein High School

Ramstein High School senior Kat Rosewitz is a nor-mal, busy student, entering into talent shows and prepar-ing for graduation. But this student also keeps busy with a much more unusual activ-ity — she has a passion for historical re-enactments.

Rosewitz admits her hobby is not the typical teenage pas-time, but said she was born into it. Rosewitz’s parents actually met at a re-enact-ment and later had a Civil War wedding. With that kind of passion, it was hard for Rosewitz and her two sisters not to become involved in

historical re-enactments, too.“In Europe, the events

are typically attended by American and British mili-tary units with the purpose of re-enacting, as accurately as possible, various historical events and battles,” Rosewitz said.

Though many of the partici-pants in the re-enactments have a military background, anyone can become a re-enactor.

The Rosewitz family has enough combined knowledge and costumes to participate in re-enactments extending from the French and Indian War all the way to World War II. Rosewitz and her fam-ily’s favorite time era and the period for which they

have the most costumes is the Napoleonic War.

The Rosewitz family makes all their costumes by hand. Rosewitz said her dad is the main tailor in the fam-ily followed by her older sis-ter, Emily, and then Rosewitz herself.

A typical historical re-enactment usually occurs over a three-day period and is open to the public.

“You really need to know what you are talking about, because people come up to you during the re-enactments and ask you questions that you need to be able to answer in an accurate way,” Rosewitz said.

On Fridays, the opening ceremony takes place, and

there is usually a parade, speeches or possibly one single battle re-enactment. Many school groups come on Fridays. Each morning and evening, the military units summon their call to colors for the public. Throughout the day, there are bands playing, vendors selling products and speeches being made while the battle re-enactments are taking place.

For large events that have excellent historical documen-tation, such as Bicentennial of Leipzig’s Battle of Nations, the entire historical experi-ence is choreographed down to the minute. In one battle re-enacted, Rosewitz said she had to lay on the ground and pretend to be dead for more than an hour.

Rosewitz said her passion for history has grown from her participation in historical re-enactments.

“There is a big difference between seeing or hearing about history and actually act-ing out a character in time,” she said. “By participating in the experience, you appreci-ate all the details much more.”

Rosewitz said she enjoys getting dressed up in the fancy clothes for the balls the most. Rosewitz and her family are members of the Regency Society of Virginia, which has taught her differ-ent period dances, such as the Yellow Stocking, the Virginia Reel and the Polka.

At times, Rosewitz tries to drag her friends to the events,

and she has managed to get some of her friends hooked on historical re-enactments. Rosewitz even organized a youth workshop on women’s clothing during the Civil War.

During the workshop, Rosewitz taught teens about the difference between cor-sets and stays and work and tea dresses. Students in the workshop also learned his-torical trivia, such as the term “dressing to the nines,” which dates back to the Civil War era when women normal-ly dressed in nine layers of clothing.

This year, Rosewitz is graduating and heading off to college, but she said she’s still planning on being involved in historical re-enactments after high school.

In fact, as a graduation gift, her father is taking her to the Italian island of Elba in the Mediterranean Sea to the Napoleonic Bicentennial weekend.

Kat Rosewitz

RHS teen turns family passion into hobby

AVID brightens students’ futures

The Ramstein Middle School AVID tutoring class asks another student questions to help guide her to the answer Feb. 25.

Story and photo by Airman Larissa Greatwood86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Twenty of the 34 years of its existence, the Advancement Via

Individual Determination pro-gram has helped students at Ramstein Middle School pre-pare for college.

RMS adopted the AVID pro-gram in 1994 to better students’ education, raise grade point averages and give students opti-mal opportunities in the future.

Fifty-two students are

enrolled in the program from grades six to eight at RMS alone.

RMS student Zoe Harrigan, daughter of Maj. Michael Harrigan, 603rd Air Operations Center, said the AVID program has made a positive impact on her education.

“I’ve been in AVID for two years, and it’s really helped me with my classes,” Harrigan said. “I’ve gotten more A’s, and I’ve always been an A and B student.”

The AVID program does not only aim to enhance stu-dents’ grades, it also helps

them maintain the good grades they already have.

Dedication is a must for stu-dents wanting to be a part of the program. Once AVID is chosen as an elective class, students have a one year commitment to the course.

“Students are considered eli-gible after meeting basic criteria for the program,” said Jonathan Petrick, RMS AVID coordina-tor. “Prospective students partic-ipate in the filtering process and the best students are selected for the AVID program.”

See AVID, next page

Kaiserslautern American Page 17March 7, 2014

KHS musicalThe Kaiserslautern High School drama department

presents the musical “Guys and Dolls,” at 7 p.m. today and Saturday, and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are available at the door. Cost is $8 for ages 12 and up, $5 for ages 5 to 11, and free for children under 5.

RHS performanceCome see Ramstein High School students perform

the musical comedy “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” at 7 p.m. Thursday and March 14 and 15. Doors to the great hall open at 6:30 p.m. Admission is $5 in advance and $8 at the door. The production depicts six students vying for the spelling champion-ship of a lifetime. This hilarious cast of misfi t contes-tants discovers that a spelling bee is full of life lessons. Recommended for ages 10 and up. For more informa-tion, visit www.facebook.com/RHSBee.

Academy DayAn Academy Day for students in seventh to 12th

grade will take place from 9 a.m. to noon March 29 at Ramstein High School. Representatives from the U.S. Service Academies will be available to give informa-tion. Registration will be held from 9 to 10 a.m., group presentation will be held from 10 to 10:50 a.m., and a question and answer session will take place from 11 a.m. to noon. For more information, email academyday@hotmail.com.

Teen Advisory Group meetingThe Teen Advisory Group meeting is your opportu-

nity to make your voices heard about library programs and materials you want to see. This is your library; help make it the best it can be. The next meeting takes place from 3 to 5 p.m. April 3 at the Rheinland-Pfalz Library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl. The group is for

teens, ages 13 to 17. Snacks will be provided, and no sign-up is required. For more information, call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.

RIS PTA board electionsThe Ramstein Intermediate School PTA has fi ve

open executive board positions for the 2014-2015 school year: president, fi rst vice president, second vice president, secretary and treasurer. Email ramstein.pta@gmail.com for more information. Deadline is April 21. There will be a free training trip to Garmisch at the end of May for several new board members.

After school learning programGet your child involved in a fun theater program

through KMC Onstage. Classes will take place from 4:30 to 6 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday until May 8. Youth will put on performances of “Sleeping Beauty” on May 9 and 10. Cost is $200, and $100 per additional child. Open to ages 7 and up. For details, con-tact KMC Onstage, Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne, at 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626, or email nathan.d.records.naf@mail.mil.

Dance lessonsSKIESUnlimited offers a variety of dance classes,

including ballet, hip hop, tap, lyrical, combo and jazz, at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Classes are open to ages 3 to 18, varying by class. Classes are offered at Landstuhl and Pulaski locations. To fi nd out more about dance opportunities for your child or youth, contact Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122; or the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.

Basic criteria for consideration are:• Teacher recommendations • Good attendance • A score of fi ve to nine on the Terra

Nova Exam in reading, language arts and math • Individual determination to succeed• Great behavior and citizenship • GPA between 2.0 and 3.5The AVID program is not geared toward a

particular class subject, but covers all topics in which students may be struggling.

“AVID is an elective course,” said Ryan Harris, RMS AVID tutor. “We cover every course the students take. Some may need help with Spanish homework, and students taking German can still ask questions. It gives the students a wider range of knowl-edge.”

The AVID program is unique because stu-dents don’t just sit down with a tutor who guides them through a problem. Instead, stu-dents stand in front of their peers and try to work out the problem as a group.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the RMS AVID class does what are known as tutorials.

“A tutorial starts with a (tutorial request form),” Harrigan said. “We have to make a TRF from a problem we didn’t understand from homework or even an upcoming test. The tutor may choose you to do your tutorial on the board depending on what your (point of confusion) sounds like. The other students are only allowed to ask questions to help the presenter solve the problem.”

Tutorials allow the students a different method of learning through questioning.

“Note taking really helps, and tutori-als help answer questions we might have,” Harrigan said. “It’s fun to have other stu-dents ask me questions when I’m doing a tutorial because it’s good to know I’m not the only one with questions.”

Even if they know the answer to the ques-tion, the tutors use a technique with the students to get them thinking. Students will ask the student presenter questions about the problem they’re doing to help them fi nd the solution.

“We guide them with the inquiry process of questioning and don’t give the presenter the answer, but assist them in discovering the answer themselves,” Harris said.

Not only do the tutors help the students through tutorials and other resources, but they are also active in watching the students’ grades.

“Every Thursday we have the students print out their grades,” said Harris, who has been an AVID tutor since September. “We go through each class and work on things they’re struggling with. It’s always nice to see when the students are getting better.”

Harris says he fi nds his job fulfi lling and feels good knowing he is sending college-ready students into the world.

“I feel like I make a difference in the lives of our students,” Harris said. “Our job is to mentor and guide students to be better in their studies. We teach them skills to prepare them for college and become productive members of society.”

AVID, from Page 16

Education Notes

Photo by Senior Airman Damon Kasberg

Ramstein Airmen show students career possibilities Airman 1st Class Tyler Terrell, 786th Civil Engineer Squadron pest management specialist, talks to students about his career � eld in the Air Force during career day Feb. 26 at Ramstein Hight School. Students had the opportunity to interact and ask question to service members from a wide variety of careers, including � re� ghters, weather forecasters and entomologists.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 18 March 7, 2014

militaryIN GERMANY


Palatinate antique daysSat, Mar 8 – Sun, Mar 9Ludwigshafen, Friedrich-Ebert-HallePalatinate antique days will be hosted on the 8th and 9th of March in the Friedrich-Ebert-Halle, for those who like to collect antiques and want a bit more informa-tion on how to restore or keep antiques. You will be receiving information from experts. The event starts at 10 a.m. and will run until 18:00. Price is €4. For more information visit www.ludwigshafen-eberthalle.de/veran-staltungen

CeBIT - IT fairMon, Mar 10 – Fri, Mar 14Hannover, MessegländeVisit the world’s biggest fair for informa-tion technology from March 10 to 14 at the Messegelände Hannover. Since 1986 exhibitors from all over the world have been presenting the latest trends from the IT industry on an annual basis. This year, about 3,500 exhibitors are expected. Opening hours are everyday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tickets in advance are €55, at the box offi ce €60. For more info see www.cebit.de.

Vineyard nightFri, Mar 14 – Sat, Mar 15Bad Dürkheim, WurstmarktplatzDon’t miss Palatinate’s biggest open-air wine tasting, the “Weinbergnacht” (vine-yard night) in Bad Dürkheim on March 14 and 15. On a 6 km trail, leading through the wonderful illuminated vineyards, 24 local wineries will be presenting their best wines. Tickets in advance are €15. For more info and pictures from last year, see www.bad-duerkheim.com

Almond blossom festivalSat, Mar 15 – Sun Mar 16Bad Dürkheim & WeinstrasseThis is the season for cherry blossoms. Enjoy a nice glass of wine while taking a romantic tour through the vineyards. For more information contact the Tourist-Information in Bad Dürkheim at 06322-935140 or see www.bad-duerkheim.com

World of Pipe Rock and Irish DanceFri, Mar 14Kaiserslautern, Fruchthalle

The World of Pipe Rock and Irish Dance will be performing in the Fruchthalle in Kaiserslautern on the14th of March. This event starts at 8:00 p.m. If you are a fan of Celtic music don’t miss the show. Ticket prices start at €28.65. For more information see www.kaiser-slautern.de.

Fritz-Walter-Stadium Tour Sat, Mar 15Kaiserlautern, Fritz-Walter-StadiumTake a tour through the Fritz-Walter-Stadium on the 15th of March at 14:00 in Kaiserslautern. If you have ever wondered where the professionals prep before a game or wanted to see the VIP section or even where interviews hap-pen, come and join this tour. You will feel like an insider. Price for the tour is €5. For more ticket information or general information see www.kaiserslautern.de or call 0631-3652316.

English guided tourSat, Mar 15Kaiserslautern, Theodor-Zink-MuseumTake part in an interesting tour through the Theodor-ZinkMuseum on March 15 at 11 a.m. During the one hour tour the English tour guide Bruni Künne (Associ-ate Professor UMUC, ret.) will discuss the history of Kaiserslautern and the sur-rounding area from the earliest traces of settlement until today. The tour is free! For more info in German see www.foerderkreis-theodor-zink-muse-um.de or contact the tour guide at Bruni.Kuenne@web.de. 

RheinhesseN-WalkerSun, Mar 16Mommenheim, Weingut BeckerEnjoy a tour on the 16th of March with the RheinhesseN-Walkers in Mommen-heim. These Walkers are trained enthusiasts who will gladly pass on their knowledge to others. Explore beautiful areas in Rheinhessen and taste local wine along the way. This tour will be approx 2 hours. Price is €10 and will include water, wine and snacks. Be sure to wear proper clothing and good walk-ing shoes. For more information call 06136-44771 or see www.rheinhessen.de

Sunday Shopping Sun, Mar 16KaiserslauternIts that time again where we can shop on

Sunday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the 16th of March in Kaiserslautern. Find special offers in the various stores. For more information visit the city’s homepage at www.kaiserslautern.de.

Kaiserslautern in bloom Sat, Mar 15 – Sun, Mar 16Kaiserslautern, city centerSpring is around the corner. Thousands of fl owers will be colorfully displayed; various activities and craftsmen will be exhibiting throughout the city welcom-ing spring. Marching bands as well as classic cars will be parading through the streets. Don’t forget to check out the stores as on Sunday the shops will be open. For more information see www.kaiserslautern.de.

Tulips in KeukenhofThur, Mar 20 – Sun, May 18Holland, KeukenhofIt’s that time of year again when tulips are on display from the 20th of March til the 18th of May at Keukenhof. This place is the most beautiful spring garden with over 7 million tulips and daffodils that cover over 32 acres. You can walk around the park or rent a bike or even go on a boat trip. Prices for adult are €15 and children age (4-11) €7.50. For more information see www.keukenhof.nl/en/

Blue Man GroupSat, Mar 15Berlin, Stage Bluemax TheaterEnjoy a great show on the 15th of March, in the Stage Bluemax Theater. There will be theatrical shows, music and other various acts from these proformers. This group will celebrate 10 years in Ger-many.  For tickets and more information see www.eventim.de

ShadowlandSat, Mar 8Frankfurt, JahrhunderthalleBe fascinated by the American dance group Pilobolus showing their shadow theater in the Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt on March 8 at 8 p.m. With acrobatic tricks the dancers create the strangest fi gures with their bodies from elephants to castles behind movable canvases. The show tells the wonderful story about a teenage girl who wants to be treated as an adult but nobody understands her. In her dreams she experiences the hard life in Shadowland, haunted by scary creatures.

Hurry to get tickets at www.eventim.de.


SoccerFri, Mar 7Kaiserslautern, Fritz-Walter-StadiumThe Red Devils will be playing against SV Sandhausen on the 7th of March in the Fritz-Walter-Stadium in Kaiserslautern. Come support the Red Devils to win another game. Grab your red and white 1.FCK clothing and join the fun. For more information and tickets see www.fck.de

German-American castle run Sat, Mar 15Landstuhl, Sickingensporthalle on Kaiserstrasse 128The German American Castle Run will take place on the 15th of March in Landstuhl starting from the Sickingens-porthalle in the Kaiserstrasse 128. This event is hosted by the Landstuhl running club LLG. The trail will be approx. 7km long and will fi nish at Burg Nanstein. Get your running gear on and join the fun. For more information and registration see www.llg-landstuhl.de

IntermotoSat, Mar 15 – Sun, Mar 16Saarbrücken, SaarmesseYou do not want to miss out on this event, between the 15th and the 16th of March in the Saarmesse, all kinds of motorcycles and quads will be displayed. Different stands will offer items such as clothing, tires, motorcycle accessories, and much much more. You will be sure to fi nd plenty of new accessories and see the lates trends. Get in gear and ride on over. Prices for a day card are €9, children under the age of 12 are free. For more information see www.intermoto-saar.de


George EzraSun, Mar 16Frankfurt, Ponyhof Club You don’t want to miss out on this young new singer songwriter from Bristol who will be performing on the 16th of March in the Ponyhof Club. This event starts at 20:30. Ticket prices start at €9,50. For more information, see www.eventim.de.

More events on: www.militaryingermany.com

Have fun with the locals

Kaiserslautern American Page 19March 7, 2014


Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, fi rst and last names of those in the photo, and location. Make sure all photos are high resolution; only high resolution photos will be considered. Email your

submission to the editor at editor@kaiserslauternamerican.com. Write “Destinations” in the email subject line.


Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, fi rst and last names of those in the photo, and location. Make sure all photos are high resolution; only high resolution photos will be considered. Email your

submission to the editor at editor@kaiserslauternamerican.com. Write “Destinations” in the email subject line.

ABOVE: From left, Linnea Tani, Stephanie Hendley, Douglas Tani and Lilly Hendley pose for a photo outside the Colosseum Jan. 31 in Rome. LEFT: Breana Donnelly and Katelyn Donnelly pose for a photo atop the Zugspitze Jan. 4 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

Photo by Monika DonnellyPhoto by Jean Pierre Hahlbeck

KMC birth announcements

Eli Jayce MathiasBorn at 3:23 p.m. Jan. 10 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Eli was 9 pounds, 1 ounce and

20.75 inches long. Proud parents are Chief Master Sgt. Andrew and Sandra Mathias. Eli also joins big brother Joshua. The family is stationed at


Zoey Ann ThompsonBorn at 10:51 a.m. Jan. 9 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Zoey was 8 pounds, 3.6 ounces

and 20.5 inches long. Proud parents are Tech. Sgt. Angela Thompson from Greenville, S.C., and Mischa Thompson from Weilerbach, Germany. The family is stationed at Ramstein.

Brennon Sawyer AustinBorn at 8:15 p.m. Nov. 30 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Brennon was 7 pounds, 3 ounces

and 20.2 inches long. Proud parents are Tech. Sgt. John and Kendra Austin. Brennon also joins big brother Bobby and big sister Rhiannon.

The Austins are stationed at Ramstein.

Share your new bundle of joy with the community!

Please send the Kaiserslautern American your baby’s photo (good quality photos only, please) along with his/her name; date, time and place of birth; height and weight at birth; parents’ fi rst and last names, as well as where you’re from; the name(s) of any siblings; and where you’re stationed.

Send your submission to editor@kaiserslauternamerican.com with “birth announcement” in the subject line. Birth announcements are run the fi rst Friday of every month, when space is available.

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 20 March 7, 2014

Events» KMC Onstage presents “The Diary of Anne Frank.” The story follows the lives of

eight people hiding from the Nazis in a concealed storage attic, capturing the claustrophobic realities of their daily existence, their fear, their hope, their laughter and their grief. Show dates: 7:30 p.m. today, and 8:30 p.m. Sunday. Reservations can be made via Webtrac, by calling 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626, or by visiting KMC Onstage, Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne, from 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays.

» Put on your best country and western gear and come to the Kazabra Club for Cowboy and Cowgirl Appreciation Night March 15 in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Enjoy dancing, games, bull riding and a barbecue. This free event begins at 7 p.m. and is open to all ID cardholders and their guests, ages 18 and older. For details, call 489-7261 or 0631-536-7261.

» The Action Fraction Square Dance Club Kaiserslautern will hold an open house from 7 to 9 p.m. March 17 and 24 at Pizzeria Franco, Keltenweg 43, 67663 Kaiserslautern. For details, call Fran Hernandez at 0171-282-1605 or Eva Kaye at 0631-355-3306.

» KMC Onstage will hold open auditions for “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at 7 p.m. March 18 and 19 in Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne. Needed: a large mixed cast of up to 23 actors. Auditions are open to everyone and no previous experience is required. Material will be available at the audition for cold reading. Scripts will be available to check out in advance. For details, call 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626.

» Enjoy the independent and foreign fi lm “Three Worlds” March 20 at the Rheinland-Pfalz Library. A young woman witnesses a hit-and-run accident by a drunken driver. She befriends the victim’s wife, and then fi nds out who the reckless driver was. Things get com-plicated when, instead of turning him in, she begins to develop feelings for him. She becomes torn between her secret relationship with him and her friendship with the wife of the victim. The showing will begin at 5:30 p.m. Refreshments will be available. For more information, contact Rheinland-Pfalz Library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl, at 486-7322 06371-86-7322.

» Family and MWR offers free vehicle safety checks at the Vehicle Safety Day event from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. April 3 at the Landstuhl Automotive Skills Center, Bldg. 3800. There will prizes, food vendors and more.

» The Ramstein Aquatic Center has new opening hours: 6 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. Tuesdays

to Fridays, 9 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. Saturdays, and 11 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Sundays. Fee is $3. For details, call 478-7665.

» Thursdays at the Kazabra Club are Country Star Competition Thursdays from 8 to 10 p.m. in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Sing your heart out to a classic country favorite or a new country smash hit. Male and female categories will compete for a weekly $50 gift card. Free and open to all ID cardholders, ages 18 and up. To register, call 489-7261 or 0631-536-7261.

» Armstrong’s Club hosts Open Mic Night from 6 to 10:30 p.m. every Thursday in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. Calling all musicians, poets and creative types. If you think you have what it takes, bring your gear and be heard. For ages 18 and up. No sign-up re-quired, just show up. For more information, call 0631-354-9986.

Meetings» The Ramstein Offi cers’ Spouses Club hosts a monthly social March 18. Check-in

starts at 9:30 a.m. and the event begins at 10. Reservations must be made by Thursday. Visit www.ramsteinosc.org for more information.

» The German-American and International Women’s Club Kaiserslautern holds a playgroup meeting from 3:30 to 5 p.m. March 17 and 31. Join parents from other cultures and enjoy a coffee together while children play and hear other languages. The fee for each playdate is €2 to cover facility costs. For more information, contact Beatriz Jimenez at playgroup@gaiwc.com or 0172-7043585, or visit the GAIWC website at www.gaiwc.com.

Classes» Basic Training for New Parents class takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Monday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Learn what to expect as a new parent. Re-ceive information on infant safety, feeding your newborn, soothing methods, infant CPR and more. There will be hands-on practice with life size dolls. Contact the New Parent Support Program for more information. To sign up, call 493-4058/4066/4617 or 0631-3406-4058/4066/4177.

» Sponsorship training takes place from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday and March 25 in Bldg. 3718, Landstuhl Learning Center. This course will help you fulfi ll the role as a spon-sor for incoming personnel. Units can block a maximum of 15 slots per class. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

Chapel News» The Ramstein Contemporary Service is sponsoring a Christian concert at 6 p.m.

March 15 at the Ramstein North Chapel. Recording artist Luke Dowler will be performing in order to bring spiritual encouragement to the KMC. The event is free, open to the public and sponsored by the chapel.

Baumholder Events» Enjoy Hilltop Theater’s spin on the lovable classic “Annie.” Follow the tale of a

fi ery young orphan as she tries to escape a miserable orphanage with the help of a wealthy fellow. Show dates: 7 p.m., March 21 to 23 and 28 to 30. Tickets may be purchased in ad-vance through Hilltop Theater, Bldg. 8218 on Smith Barracks. Call 485-7244 or 06783-67244.

» In celebration of Easter, Month of the Military Child, Autism Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month, Baumholder CYSS presents the annual Easter Egg Hunt and County Fair April 19. The Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 11 a.m., with the fair following im-mediately after. The fair will include a chili cook-off, a pie bake-off, face painting, relay races, tug-of-war, bouncy castles, cake walks, carnival games, demonstrations and much more. A shuttle bus will be provided from Smith Barracks to Wetzel Kaserne throughout the day, and parking will be available in Upper Wetzel near the skate park and high school. There is no registration required for this free event. For more information, contact Parent Central Services at 485-7003 or 06783-6-7003.

» Do you want to get into walking for your physical health? Would you like to have someone to talk to for your mental health? Now, you can have both at the same time. Walk and Talk meets from 11 a.m. to noon every third Friday of the month at the Minick fi eld track (next to the Hall of Champions Fitness Center) in Baumholder. For more information, contact Baumholder ACS, Clinic Kaserne, Bldg. 8746, at 485-8188 or 06783-6-8188.

MARCHMark Your Calendar 2014

Photo by Tami Leith

Landstuhl Library celebrates Dr. Seuss Dozens of community members enjoy a day of activities during the U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation “Celebrating Dr. Seuss” event Saturday at the Rheinland-Pfalz Main Library on Wilson Barracks in Landstuhl. Several garrison employees dressed as popular characters from the beloved author’s best-known books, including Je� rey Clark, Child Youth and School Services assistant director, Sembach School-Age Center, who dressed as The Lorax; Michael Broccoli, who dressed as the Cat in the Hat; Danika Maher, CYSS Child Youth program assistant, who dressed as Thing One; and Kim Fleury, CYSS Child Youth program assistant, Parent and Outreach Services, who dressed as Thing Two.

Kaiserslautern American Page 21March 7, 2014

Airman & Family Readiness Center For details or to sign up for a class, call the Airman & Family Readiness Center at 480-5100.MONDAY» Ramstein Spouses Orientation: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., A&FRC» Pre-separation brief: 8 a.m. to noon, A&FRC» Key Spouse Social: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Woodlawn Golf Course» USA jobs workshop: 1 to 3 p.m., A&FRCTUESDAY» Reintegration brief: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., IDRC» Extreme Couponing Military Style: 10 a.m. to noon, A&FRC» Intro to German: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., A&FRC» Pre-deployment brief: 1 to 4 p.m., IDRC» CAUSE autism support group: 6 to 7:30 p.m.WEDNESDAY» Base INTRO: 7:30 to 11:45 a.m., E-Club» Key spouse mentor training: 3 to 4:30 p.m., A&FRC» Key spouse training: 5 to 9 p.m., A&FRCTHURSDAY » What is What: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., A&FRC» EFMP adaptive after school program: 5 to 6 p.m.MARCH 14 » MFLC Lunch & Learn, “Team Building”: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., A&FRC

Child/YouthRAMSTEIN YOUTH CENTER:» Just for Kids Ages 9 to 12: Clubs R Us! Make the most of your afternoons at the Ramstein Youth Center. Check out the game rooms, gym, tech lab and art studio. LOOKING FOR YOUNG SHUTTERBUGS » Ages 6 to 18 needed. Submit your best photos for the 2014 KMC photography exhibit. Photos are due to Ramstein or Vogelweh youth centers today. Categories are:1. Culture and Tradition: Depicting the events, activities, stories and social gatherings that make up our world. These photographs might show the daily life of a family or the traditions or emerging trends that defi ne a group. 2. Surroundings: These photographs depict our physical sur-roundings, whether it’s natural beauty or the streets outside.3. Portraits: Portraits are a representation of a person or people in which the facial expression is predominant, pro-viding insight into personality, mood and style.4. “One of a Kind” Photograph with Essay or Poem: Photo-

graphs should answer the question “What makes someone or something one of a kind?” and be submitted with an essay or poem written by the photographer. Length not to exceed one page. ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE, CARNIVAL, MARCH 15: » Join Ramstein Youth Programs for a festive parade, free carnival with performances, games and activities. The parade starts at 10 a.m. at the instructional facility, Bldg. 1023, and ends at the Ramstein Youth Center, Bldg. 428. Contest: Decorate a wagon, buggy, stroller or bike. Winner of the contest receives credit toward instructional classes. Call 06371-47-6444 for more information or to register for the parade.

Health and Wellness CenterMONDAY» Healthy eating class: 10 to 11:30 a.m. » BodPod walk-in hours: 2 to 3 p.m. TUESDAY» Deep water running: 10 to 11 a.m. » Running clinic: 2 to 3:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY» No classesTHURSDAY» Deep water running: 10 to 11 a.m. MARCH 14» BodPod walk-in hours: 9 to 10 a.m. For more information, call the Health and Wellness Center at 06371-47- 4292 or 480-4292 (HAWC).

Family Advocacy» EXPECTANT PARENT ORIENTATION (MONTHLY): Tuesdays, 8 to 11 a.m., LRMC Chapel. Orientation is the fi rst Tuesday of every month at the Learning Resource Cen-ter, Bldg. 3718, at LRMC. For more information, call the New Parent Support Program at 479-2098 or 06371-46-2098. » 1-2-3 MAGIC: Wednesday and March 19 and 26, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., HAWC. Learn to turn the challenges of raising children into opportunities for growth. Learn basic strategies to help guide children’s behavior and encourage success. To register, call 479-2370 or 06371-46-2370.

Medical Group» Self Initiated Care Kit, twice a month. Call 479-2273 (CARE) to sign up for a class.

» Attention: TRICARE online is available for your conve-nience. Schedule your own appointments, home care web-site, check labs, nurse advice line, medication refi lls and more. Register online today at www.tricareonline.com.

ASACS» Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling Service is a comprehensive program that provides prevention edu-cation and counseling services to 11- to 19 year-old ID cardholders in the military community. Their mission is to provide comprehensive counseling services to adolescents and military families stationed OCONUS while enhancing military readiness and quality of life. In addition, ASACS offers life skills classes that promote health and personal development in the Department of Defense schools. ASACS participates in supportive activities related to military life transitions as well as provides individual, group and family counseling services. ASACS counselors’ offi ces are located in Department of Defense schools for the convenience of military families. ASACS counseling services are completely confi dential. Hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday; however, fl exible appointment times are available to meet the needs of military families. Contact your school ASACS counselor for more information.

Military family life consultants » Military family life consultants are licensed clinical pro-viders who assist service members and their families with issues they may face throughout the cycle of deployment to reintegrating with their family and community. The MFLC Program provides short-term, non-medical counseling sup-port for a range of issues including: relationships, crisis inter-vention, stress management, grief, occupational and other individual and family issues. Psycho-educational presen-tations focused on issues common to the military family including: reunion/reintegration, stress/coping, grief/loss and deployment/reintegration. For more information, call 0152-24211233; 0152-02663352; 0176-69333243; or 0151-5674 8179.

SARC» Self defense seminars: April 3 and 19. Multiple sessions for males and females. Free to the public. Sponsored by AF SAPR, SHARP, and Fortis Vitae Sports & Wellness. To register, call the AF SAPR offi ce at 480-5597. For more information, email Ramstein.sarc@us.af.mil.

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Kaiserslautern American Kaiserslautern American Page 23Page 22 March 7, 2014

Family, friends fi nd Fasching funFamily, friends fi nd Fasching funFamily, friends fi nd Fasching funFamily, friends fi nd Fasching funFamily, friends fi nd Fasching funFamily, friends fi nd Fasching fun111111111111 222222222222222


1: A U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa band member plays a saxophone dur-ing the annual Fasching parade March 4 in Ramstein-Miesenbach. This annual event is a pre-Lenten carnival that is celebrated with the donning of wild and fancy costumes that chase away the evil spirits of winter in prepa-ration for spring.

2: A women plays the drums during the Fasching parade.

3: A dance team performs during the parade.

4: A dance team performs stunts during the Fasching parade March 4.

5: A child waits for parade participants to throw candy.

6: A Fasching parade member throws con-fetti at the crowd as he walks by.

7: Spiderman � exes his muscles for his mom during the Fasching parade March 4.

8: A Fasching parade reveler throws candy into the crowd.

9: Fire� ghters from Ramstein Air Base march in the annual Fasching parade March 4 in Ramstein-Miesenbach.

Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan Photo by Airman Dymekre Allen


Photo by Airman Dymekre Allen


Photo by Airman Dymekre Allen Photo by Sara Pavich


Photo by Senior Airman Hailey Haux


Photo by Senior Airman Hailey Haux


Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan


Photo by Senior Airman Jose L. Leon

Kaiserslautern American Kaiserslautern American Page 23Page 22 March 7, 2014

Family, friends fi nd Fasching funFamily, friends fi nd Fasching funFamily, friends fi nd Fasching funFamily, friends fi nd Fasching funFamily, friends fi nd Fasching funFamily, friends fi nd Fasching fun111111111111 222222222222222


1: A U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa band member plays a saxophone dur-ing the annual Fasching parade March 4 in Ramstein-Miesenbach. This annual event is a pre-Lenten carnival that is celebrated with the donning of wild and fancy costumes that chase away the evil spirits of winter in prepa-ration for spring.

2: A women plays the drums during the Fasching parade.

3: A dance team performs during the parade.

4: A dance team performs stunts during the Fasching parade March 4.

5: A child waits for parade participants to throw candy.

6: A Fasching parade member throws con-fetti at the crowd as he walks by.

7: Spiderman � exes his muscles for his mom during the Fasching parade March 4.

8: A Fasching parade reveler throws candy into the crowd.

9: Fire� ghters from Ramstein Air Base march in the annual Fasching parade March 4 in Ramstein-Miesenbach.

Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan Photo by Airman Dymekre Allen


Photo by Airman Dymekre Allen


Photo by Airman Dymekre Allen Photo by Sara Pavich


Photo by Senior Airman Hailey Haux


Photo by Senior Airman Hailey Haux


Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan


Photo by Senior Airman Jose L. Leon

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 24 March 7, 2014

by Petra Lessoing86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The following is a list of perfor-mances and events happening in the KMC and nearby. Dates are subject to change.

Performing artsPfalztheater Kaiserslautern:• “Der nackte Wahnsinn,” a com-

edy by Michael Frayn about a theater group on tour in England, in German, 7:30 p.m. Saturday.

• “Der Pagodenprinz,” a fairy tale dance with music by Benjamin Britten, 8 p.m. Saturday and April 17.

• “Die Orestie,” a tragedy trilogy by Aischylos, in German, 6 p.m. Sunday and 7:30 p.m. March 18 and April 5.

• “Der Vorname,” a play by Matthieu Delaporte and Alexandre de la Patellière, in German, 8 p.m. Thursday, March 19 and 23.

• “Die vier Jahreszeiten,” a ballet by Stefano Giannetti with music by Antonio Vivaldi and Astor Piazolla, 7:30 p.m. today, March 14 and 20, and 3 p.m. March 23.

• “Liebe und Information,” a play by Caryl Churchill, in German, 7:30 p.m. March 15 and 26.

• “Iphigenie in Aulis,” an opera by Christoph Willibald Gluck, in French with German subtitles, 7:30 p.m. March 19 and 29.

• “Viva la Mama,” a comical opera by Gaetano Donizetti, in German, 7:30 p.m. March 21.

• “Kassandra,” a play by Christa Wolf, in German, 8 p.m. March 22.

• Big Ancient World Night, March 29: “Iphigenie in Aulis,” 5 p.m.; “Die Orestie,” 8:15 p.m.; “Kassandra,” 11 p.m. Tickets for all three performances are €49.

For more information, call 0631-3675-209 or visit www.pfalztheater.de.

Kammgarn Kaiserslautern: • The band Ost+Front presents

German metal and rock, 8 p.m. today. Tickets cost €20.

• Thees Uhlmann & Band present pop rock, 8 p.m. Saturday. Tickets cost €26.

• Pauline Ngoc presents French chansons and pop of the 1970s,

8 p.m. March 14. Tickets cost €15.• The German band Phrasenmäher

presents electro, pop, rock, 8 p.m. March 15. Tickets cost € 15.

• The renowned duet Glasperlen-spiel performs electro pop, 8 p.m. March 21. Tickets cost €25.

• Maxim & Band present urban pop, 8 p.m. March 29. Tickets cost €17.

• Jack DeJohnette, Joe Lovano, Esperanza Spalding & Leo Genovese Quartett present jazz, 8 p.m. March 31. Tickets cost €30.

For more information, visit www.kammgarn.de.

Fruchthalle, Kaiserslautern: • The Pfalztheater Orchestra

presents its second symphony concert featuring works by Erich Wolfgang Korngold and Alexander Zemlinsky, 8 p.m. today. Tickets cost €17 to €25.

• Kuss Quartett presents works by Mozart, Lutoslawski and Schubert, 8 p.m. Thursday. Tickets cost €14 to €24.

For tickets, call Kaiserslautern Tourist-Info at 0631-365-2317.

JUZ (Youth Center), Steinstrasse 47, Kaiserslautern:

• The band Die Üblichen Ver-dächtigen presents acoustic rock, pop, folk, country, 8 p.m. today. Tickets cost €10.

• Ja!zzevau presents the Anne Czichowsky Trio performing bop, bossa nova and ballads, 8 p.m. March 20. Tickets cost €7.50.

For more information, visit www.juz-kl.de.

Kaiserslautern-Hohenecken, Burgherrenhalle:

• Forever Queen, the ultimate tribute by Queen Mania, 8 p.m. March 15. For tickets, visit www.ResetProduction.de or call 01805-288244.

Ramstein-Miesenbach, Haus des Bürgers:

• The Austrian brass band da Blechhauf’n presents a diversifi ed program with marches, pop, polka, jazz and classical music, 8 p.m. March 14. Tickets cost €22 to €28.

• “Habachtaler unplugged,” a con-cert with the musicians performing among the audience, not on stage, 8 p.m. March 15. Tickets cost €10. Visit www.hausdesbuergers.de or call 06371-592-220 for more.

Landstuhl Stadthalle:• “Rock Me Amadeus,” the big

Falco show, 8 p.m. March 14. Tickets cost €19.50 to €28. For details, visit www.stadthalle-landstuhl.de or call 06371-92340.

English Theatre, Gallusanlage 7, Frankfurt:

• “Saturday Night Fever,” a musi-cal by Bill Oaks, Robert Stigwood and the Bee Gees, runs through April 27. For details, visit www.english-theatre.org.

Saarbrücken, Saarländisches Staatstheater, Schillerplatz 1:

• “Werther,” an opera by Jules Massenent, in French, 7:30 p.m. March 14 and 6 p.m. March 16.

• “Liebe in schwarz-weiss,” a ballet by Marguerite Donlon, 7:30 p.m. March 22. For details, visit www.theater-saarbruecken.de or call 0681-3092-486.

Nationaltheater Mannheim, am Goetheplatz:

• “Tracing Isadora,” a ballet by

Dominique Dumais, 7:30 p.m. today and Sunday.

• “Elektra,” a opera by Richard Strauss,7:30 p.m. March 14, 20 and 23. For details, visit www.nationaltheater-mannheim.de or call 0621-1680-150.

Miscellaneous• Otterberg, Welcome to Spring

with Sunday shopping and open stores, 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday.

• Kaiserslautern, Theodor-Zink-Museum, Steinstrasse 47, new exhibition in memory of artist Arno Platzbecker, Thursday to June 15. The paintings feature portraits and landscape sceneries. For details, visit www.theodor-zink-museum.de.

Flea markets• Kaiserslautern, Pfalz-Center

(across from Daenner Kaserne), Saturdays.

• Kaiserslautern, near BMW dealer on Merkurstrasse, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and March 15.

• Kaiserslautern, Toom Baumarkt, Hohenecker Strasse 10, Fridays.

• Mehlingen, former Penny market (Tannenstrasse), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays.

• Ramstein, fl ea market hall, Flur-strasse 4, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays.

• Landstuhl, Kaufl and, Torfstrasse 10, Thursdays.

• Saarbrücken, Franz-Josef-Röder-Strasse, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

• Grünstadt, Kaufl and, 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday.

• Bad Dürkheim, Saline (salt-works), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and March 15.

• Heppenheim, Europaplatz, Lor-scherstrasse, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.

Was ist Los?KMC Cultural


Photo by Petra Lessoing

Pfennig BazaarThe German-American and International Women’s Club Kaiserslautern holds its annual Pfennig Bazaar, a fundraiser � ea market, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. today, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the event hall of the Kaiserslautern Gartenschau. For details and directions, visit www.gaiwc.com.

Courtesy photo

Chamber concertThe Kuss Quartett presents a chamber con-cert with works by Mozart, Lutoslawski and Zemlinski at 8 p.m. Thursday at the Fruchthalle in Kaiserslautern. Tickets cost €14 to 24. For details, call the Tourist Info at 0631-365-2317 or visit www.fruchthalle.de.

Kaiserslautern American Page 25March 7, 2014

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 26 March 7, 2014

Hilltop TheaterThe Musical Comedy Murders of 1940


Java Café Spring Drink Specials

Baumholder LibraryCriterion Club, Mar. 8, 1 p.m.

Rod & Gun ClubBlowout Sale, Mar. 15-16, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Sports and FitnessSt. Patrick’s Day 5K Run/WalkMar. 21, 9 a.m.

This weekend is your last chance to see this hilarious murder mystery comedy at Hilltop Theater. This show takes the audience through a series of dizzy conversations, multiple trips through secret doorways and hidden passageways, and total murderous mayhem until the Stage Door Slasher’s identity is revealed! Show dates: Mar. 7 & 8, 7 p.m. and Mar. 9, 3 p.m.

Enjoy Hilltop Theater’s spin on the lovable classic, Annie! Follow the tale of a fiery young orphan girl as she tries to escape from a miserable orphanage with the help of a wealthy fellow. Show dates: Mar. 21-23 & 28-30, 7 p.m. Show tickets may be purchased in advance through Hilltop Theater, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8218, 485-7244 or 06783-6-7244.

Irish Cream Latte: Irish Cream flavor with espresso and a touch of cinnamon.Creme Brulee Latte: Caramel, vanilla and a hint of almond with espresso.Iced Passion Tea Lemonade: Hibiscus and sweet passion fruit tea mixed with lemonade and coconut over ice. Visit the Java Café on Smith Bks., Bldg. 8661.

Come to Baumholder Library for monthly showings of classic films from the Criterion Collection. Enjoy snacks and good company! This event is for adults, 18 and older. For more information, contact Baumholder Library, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8332, 485-1740 or 06783-6-1740.

Don’t miss this opportunity to score unbelievable deals on top-notch equipment! This sale will feature ammo, guns, aim-point scopes, paintball guns and equipment, fishing and hunting gear and tackle, knives, outdoor clothing and more. The Skeet and Trap Range will be open for shooters and refreshments and finger food will be provided. Outdoor Recreation/ Rod & Gun Club, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8167, 485-7182 or 06783-6-7182.

The run begins at Hall of Champions Fitness Center. Categories are male, female and youth under 18. You may pre-register at Mountaineer Fitness Center or on the day of the event, 8-9 a.m.

Find out more online: baumholder.armymwr.com


HappeningsFamily and MWRSHARP 24/7 Hotline Number

Army Community ServiceWalk and Talk, Mar. 21, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Indoor Swimming PoolExtended Hours of Operation

Youth Learn-to-Swim Program

BOSS (Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers)

Spoken Word Night, Mar. 21, 7 p.m.

Child, Youth & School ServicesSpring Sports Registration

Effective Mar. 1, the SHARP 24/7 Hotline Number has changed to 484-7280 or 0631-413-7280. Please discontinue use of all previously advertised hotlines. For any questions, contact USAG-RP SARC Andrew McConnell,

Do you want to get into walking for your physical health? Would you like to have someone to talk to for your mental health? Now, you can have both at the same time! Walk and Talk meets every 3rd Friday of the month at Minick Field Track. For more information, contact Baumholder ACS on Clinic Kaserne, Bldg. 8746, 485-8188 or 06783-6-8188.

Effective Mar. 4, Baumholder Indoor Swimming Pool now has extended hours of operation. The new hours of operation are: Tue & Thu, 6:30-8:30 a.m. & 2:30-7 p.m.; Wed, 6:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Fri, 11:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Closed Sat-Mon and all Federal Holidays.

Do you have a child or youth interested in learning how to swim? Registration is now open for the Youth Learn-to-Swim program- March, April and May sessions. Various levels and times available. Cost: $45 per session. The deadline to register for the March session is Mar. 11. Open to ages 3 and up. Registration may be done online via Webtrac or at Parent Central Services, Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8876, 485-7003 or 06783-6-7003.

Come freely speak your mind at the Spoken Word Night at Baumholder Warrior Zone. Enjoy poetry reading and music with other adults. Let your feelings flow in a relaxed environment. This event is for adults, 18 and over. For more information or to sign up for this event, contact BOSS, 485-6228 or 06783-6-6228.

Spring Sports Registration for youth ages 5-15 is open until Mar. 14. Sports offered are baseball, T-ball, coach pitch and softball. Practices will begin the week of Mar. 31. Children must be at least 5 years old and have a valid sports physical with CYSS at the time of registration. Youth Sports and Fitness is also looking for adult volunteer coaches. For more information or to register, please contact Parent Central Services, Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8876, 485-7003 or 06783-6-7003.


Kaiserslautern American Page 27March 7, 2014

contributions to the community.The recent creation of the Java Cafe

Family Lounge, where Java Cafe customers can relax over a cup of coffee while their chil-dren enjoy numerous recreational activities, is one of these community projects deserving of recognition. Sullivan recognized the fol-lowing individuals for volunteering to create the lounge: Alyssa Aledia, Debbi Burgett, Amy Danzeiser, Cristle Ibanez, Jennifer Jusino, Kristi Kennel, Mikayla Kennel, Kathleen Lee, Kris Martinez, Taylor Moore, Gavino Schreiber, Christine Smith, Karin Steffen, Maddie Stevenson and Sylvia Valdez

Members of the Baumholder Bears commu-nity basketball team, winners of the Stuttgart Tournament of Champions Feb. 14 to 17, were also on the agenda for recognition.

The 15 players recognized were: Darreus Kemp, Kenneth Stewart, Warren Guidry, Ladavain Sanders, Jamal Johnson, Robert Jacques, Justin Jordan, Terrence Mathis, Woody Calloway, Justin Hollins, Ghe-Hori Echols, Justin First, Tracy Murray, Shawn Boyd and Thomas Hughes. Leading the team to victory was head coach Theodus Green.

Anais Mendietia, who does volunteer work at Army Community Service, was next up to be recognized for her contributions to the community.

Baumholder’s community chaplain, Lt. Col. Kevin Leideritz, then called Sgt. Wes Tucker, Ayla Tucker, Raeni Russell and Elijah Kimbrough to the stage and recognized them for their volunteer work with the community’s religious services program.

The medical clinic, Family and MWR, veterinarian, schools and commissary each provided updates before Sullivan outlined a “three months out” calendar of events and activities for Baumholder.

Harald Weber from the Directorate of Public Works detailed six ongoing and upcoming renovation projects that reflect an extensive makeover of Baumholder’s infra-structure. Voltage feeder cables, solar panels, waterlines and street repairs are some of the projects lined up to improve Baumholder from the ground up.

The next town hall is scheduled for May 8. It will be Sullivan’s last one before relinquishing command of the garrison May 22, when USAG Baumholder will cease to exist and start falling under U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz, headquartered in Kaiserslautern.

town hall, from Page 15

Bad Dürkheim offers special shopping nightThe wine growing city of Bad Dürkheim

will offer a special shopping night from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday when the center of town will be immersed in special lights.

Light cones, glowing snails and fantasy figures in changing colors will decorate the streets around Römerplatz and Stadtplatz.

About 70 stores will be open late, and about 20 local vintners will present their wines in some of the stores. Local caterers will serve food specialties on Stadt- and Römerplatz.

The fire artists group Inferno will have three shows, presenting their skills and fire effects on the stage on Stadtplatz. Fantasy figures from the group Lumianer will walk on stilts through the streets dressed in noble costumes.

Guided tours by historical characters in original costumes will take visitors on a journey through time. The tour guides will tell stories about rulers, murderers, intrigues, war, peace and wine. Meeting point for the free tours will be the stone circle between Stadt- and Römerplatz at 7:10 and 8:10 a.m.

The group Afro Tam Tam will present a percussion show at Obermarkt.

(Courtesy of Bad Dürkheim Tourist Information)

Courtesy photo

Glowing snails brighten the center of Bad Dürkheim on shopping night, which takes place from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday.


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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 28 March 7, 2014

‘Color Me Green’ 5KPut on your best green gear and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the “Color

Me Green” 5K Fun Run/Walk March 15 beginning at the Landstuhl Fitness Center. Registration takes place from 8 to 9:30 a.m., a safety briefing will be held at 9:45, and the run begins at 10. Runners must be in place no later than 9:30 a.m. Open to all ID cardholders. Pets are welcome on a leash. The course is stroller friendly, but not suitable for roller blades. Entry fee is $5. For details, call 493-2086 or 0631-3406-2086.

Push-up challengeA B-24 Memorial Push-Up challenge will take place from 3 to 5 p.m.

March 28 at the Ramstein Southside Fitness Center annex. The event is to raise funds to build a memorial commemorating the 70th anniversary of the B-24 crash of “Our Love” in Macedonia Aug. 26, 1944. To register and volunteer, contact Tech. Sgt. James Hodgman at 480-6558 or B24memorial@gmail.com.

Umpires neededThe Department of Defense Dependents Schools baseball and softball sea-

son is just around the corner and there is a shortage of experienced umpires in Europe. Umpires in Germany cover every DODDS school in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands and they have an unusually high number of turnover from

this past season due to umpires PCSing. There will be a high school baseball clinic starting at 9 a.m. Saturday at the Ramstein Southside Gym Annex. It will cover rules changes for 2014 and points of interest, then will transition to a field clinic at around noon. If interested, email Andy Benton at gabuldawg@yahoo.com or Sergio Jaquez at cardiac2u911@yahoo.com.

Softball tryoutsThe Ramstein Lady Rams varsity (slow pitch) softball tryouts will be held

from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 12 and 13 on the softball field behind Southside Fitness Center. To try out, you must be an ID card holder 18 years or older. For more information, call Linda Poe at 479-4221.

Soccer referees neededThe Kaiserslautern Officials Association, which provides sports officials for

Department of Defense Dependents Schools, is now looking for soccer officials. The only beginning qualifications include soccer experience at the high school or college level, a desire to give back to the sport and the ability to travel to schools throughout the DODDS area on game days. KOA referees receive good game pay, mileage and overnight lodging when needed. For more information about refereeing, contact the commissioner, Garrett Field, at 0151-464-1963 or garrett.d.field@gmail.com.

A discussion about heart disease awarenessLt. Col. (Dr.) Wesley Clarkson is a cardiolo-

gist and OIC of the Cardiology Clinic and Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

Clarkson conducted his postgraduate training in internal medicine and fellowship in cardiovascular diseases at Brooke Army Medical Center, Texas, and remained at there as an active faculty member involved in training Army and Air Force internal medicine residents and cardiology fellows from 2008 until PCSing to LRMC in 2012.

What do you want to discuss today?Awareness. It is our goal as cardiovascular dis-

ease specialists to continue to increase awareness regarding the concerns and devastating effects of heart disease as the No. 1 killer of Americans, as well as put to rest the myth that women are immune from heart disease.

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women still to this day.

What are the symptoms of heart disease? Symptoms representative of heart pain classically

are described as central, or “substernal,” chest pres-sure or pain, generally not sharp — an uneasy feel-ing that may be associated with shortness of breath (and/or) radiation of discomfort to the left upper chest or arm or even neck or jaw. In general, these symptoms are brought on by exertion (or stress) and relieved with rest. However, these are classic, text book symptoms.

Women may have very different signs. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, back pain, jaw pain, nausea, dizziness or light-headedness. Patients may simply notice a slight decrease in their ability to tolerate exercise or exertion compared to their normal activity.

What are risk factors for heart disease? High blood cholesterol, high blood pressure,

tobacco use, family history of heart disease, obesity, physical inactivity, male gender.

What are some of the modifiable risk factors?With the exception of family history and gender,

most of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease are modifiable with lifestyle modifications, such as adhering to a heart healthy diet, regular exer-cise habits, tobacco cessation and maintaining a healthy weight. As a matter of fact, focusing on the modifiable risk remains the cornerstone in prevention of coronary artery disease. Screening for people at risk should be considered for those 21 years of age or older if not already identified as at risk.

What can I do to lower my risk of getting heart disease?

First and foremost, understand your risk regard-less of your age, gender or other medical problems. Inquire with your primary care provider for a better understanding of this and possibly an initial screen-ing.

Do I need to see a cardiologist? That depends. It is important to understand heart

disease is not just screening for and preventing a heart attack. Heart disease comes in many different forms. Thus, symptoms of chest pain or discomfort (especially with activity), palpitations, shortness of breath or passing out could be representative of many different forms of heart disease suggestive of an arrhythmia (an abnormal heart beat), a valve problem or even an enlarged or hypertrophied heart. Hypertension is an extremely common problem in our society with longstanding hypertension leading to many symptoms of non-coronary artery heart disease.

How can I be seen at LRMC?We currently have five cardiologists and two reg-

istered nurses providing cardiovascular care within our service at LRMC. Currently, we are able to see all patients who are active duty, family mem-bers, DOD civilians and retirees. A simple referral from your primary care provider is all you need to see us, whether it is for a preventative cardiology evaluation/risk assessment or to address any poten-tial cardiovascular symptoms you may be experi-encing.

What cardiovascular services does LRMC pro-vide?

We provide a full range of cardiovascular servic-es, including a robust preventive cardiology clinic. The preventive cardiology clinic allows further risk stratification for patients who may be at risk for car-diovascular disease, with specific recommendations for modifying risk. We offer CT calcium scoring in appropriate patients for further risk stratification beyond the typical risk calculators established in general practice.

The cardiology service also provides trans-thoracic and transesophageal echocardiograms (ultrasounds), cardiac catheterizations, arrhyth-mia monitoring with Holters and Event recorders, pacemaker evaluations, Coumadin (anticoagula-tion) clinic as well as full inpatient consultative services.

We have a well-defined, collegial relationship with local cardiologists who assist with invasive corrective procedures, such as coronary angioplasty or stenting, electrophysiology testing and therapy, as well as cardiothoracic surgery care for bypass and valve surgery.

Additionally, we continue to refer many of our patients to our colleagues within the continental U.S. military training facilities, such as San Antonio Military Medical Center and Walter Reed National Military Medical Consortium.

(Courtesy of Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Public Affairs)

Kaiserslautern American Page 29March 7, 2014

ACROSS1 Have on5 Spherical bodies9 Florentine river13 Handel contemporary14 Country singer Bonnie16 Dire destiny17 Beatle with the beat19 Speechless20 Sham21 Gateway Arch designer23 German fi lm director Riefenstahl25 Norwegian inlets26 Boyfriends29 Kind of diver31 Art medium32 Skirt part33 Where Belgrade is36 Prefi x with athlete37 Lives39 Anomalous40 Listened to42 Legal thing43 Christmas44 Salad style46 Devoured47 Hooked claws48 Sunrise50 Devil worship52 Become fond of56 Newspaper notice57 Unique59 Seagoing ice60 Greek sorceress61 Right-angled extensions62 Care for63 “Carpe ___”64 Biological bristle

DOWN1 “Star Trek” speed2 Greek goddess of discord3 “Green Gables” girl4 Leo’s brightest star5 Actor-director Welles6 Cagney epithet

7 It’s not fair!8 Attack from the air9 Devotee10 Circuitous11 Written commentary12 Augury15 Tramps18 Works of Shelley22 Valentine’s Day gift24 A day in Rome26 Not just one27 Dublin’s land28 Estrangement30 Islamic chiefs32 Devotion to pleasure34 Aimless35 Yemen port37 Military mission, briefl y38 Feat41 Expanded43 New Englanders45 Gave out46 Actor McGregor47 Dining-room furniture49 Elite squad50 Gentle51 Skirt style53 Author ___ Stanley Gardner54 Pinball problem55 Greek peak58 “Gosh!”

Gateway Cineplex (Ramstein)TODAY - Non-Stop (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 10:15 p.m.

Son of God (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:45 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 9:30 p.m.

The Lego Movie 3D (PG) 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

The Monuments Men (PG-13) 2:30 p.m., 8:45 p.m.

RoboCop (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.

47 Ronin 3D (PG-13) 1:30 p.m., 10 p.m.

SATURDAY - Non-Stop (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 10:15 p.m.

Son of God (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:45 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 9:30 p.m.

The Lego Movie 3D (PG) 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

The Monuments Men (PG-13) 2:30 p.m., 8:45 p.m.

RoboCop (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.

47 Ronin 3D (PG-13) 1:30 p.m., 10 p.m.

Frozen (PG) 2 p.m.

SUNDAY - Non-Stop (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

Son of God (PG-13) noon, 3:30 p.m., 7 p.m.

The Lego Movie 3D (PG) 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m.

The Monuments Men (PG-13) 2 p.m., 7:45 p.m.

RoboCop (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m.

47 Ronin 3D (PG-13) 1:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

MONDAY - Non-Stop (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

Son of God (PG-13) noon, 3:30 p.m., 7 p.m.

The Lego Movie 3D (PG) 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m.

The Monuments Men (PG-13) 2 p.m., 7:45 p.m.

RoboCop (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m.

47 Ronin 3D (PG-13) 1:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

TUESDAY - Non-Stop (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

Son of God (PG-13) noon, 3:30 p.m., 7 p.m.

The Lego Movie (PG) 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m.

The Monuments Men (PG-13) 2 p.m., 7:45 p.m.

RoboCop (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m.

47 Ronin (PG-13) 1:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

WEDNESDAY - Non-Stop (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

Son of God (PG-13) noon, 3:30 p.m., 7 p.m.

The Lego Movie 3D (PG) 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m.

The Monuments Men (PG-13) 2 p.m., 7:45 p.m.

RoboCop (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m.

47 Ronin 3D (PG-13) 1:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

THURSDAY - Non-Stop (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

Son of God (PG-13) noon, 3:30 p.m., 7 p.m.

The Lego Movie 3D (PG) 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m.

The Monuments Men (PG-13) 2 p.m., 7:45 p.m.

RoboCop (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m.

47 Ronin 3D (PG-13) 1:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.



Puzzle courtesy of http://thinks.com/

Visit www.kaiserslauternamerican.com/movies.php for more information

Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please check with the theater to ensure accuracy.

47 Ronin (PG-13) — Outcast Kai joins Oishi, the leader of 47 outcast samurai, and together they seek vengeance upon the treacherous overlord who killed their master and banished their kind. To restore honor to their homeland, the warriors embark upon a quest that challenges them with a series of trials that would destroy ordinary warriors.

Starring Keanu Reeves and Hiroyuki Sanada.

The Lego Movie (PG) — The story follows Emmet, an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly aver-age LEGO minifigure who is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary per-

son and the key to saving the world. He is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an

epic quest to stop an evil tyrant, a journey for which Emmet is hopelessly and hilariously underprepared.

Starring Will Ferrell and Morgan Freeman.

FRI MAR 07 - WED MAR 12In Digital 3D: The Lego Movie (PG)- Sat & Sun 13:30

In Digital 3D: 300: Rise of an Empire (R)- Fri 16:00, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sat 15:45, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sun 15:45, 18:00, 20:15, Mon - Wed 16:00, 18:00, 20:30

Mr. Peabody & Sherman (PG)- Fri 16:00, 18:00, Sat & Sun 13:30, 15:45, 18:00, Mon - Wed 16:00, 18:00

Non-Stop (PG13)- Fri 18:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sat 18:15, 20:15, 22:30, Sun 18:15, 20:15, Mon - Wed 18:00, 20:30

Robocop (PG13)- Fri & Sat 22:30

In 2D: The Lego Movie (PG)- Fri 16:00, Sat & Sun 14:30, 16:30, Mon - Wed 16:00

The Monuments Men (PG13)- Sat & Sun 15:45, Mon & Wed 16:00

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 30 March 7, 2014


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*100sqm Apt Hütschenhausenliv 2BR BIK bath laundry balc20sqm partly covered 0176-69564589

2BR, 2Bath Apt on golf course.1st floor. Rents for 850€. M. Pickat 017631535520.

Apartment Linden 130qm; 2 be-drooms; built in kitchen with dish-washer; living/diningroom; 1 3/4bathrooms; fireside; Sat-TV; DSLpossibe; balkony; 1 Garage; sepe-rate enter; no pets; available; call:06307/6475; 700€ + utilities

Apartment in Ramstein, 100 m²,2 BR, Walk-In-Closet, Studio,BIK, 1 Bath, Parking space, Petsneg., Avail: March 1, 2014, Rent:600 Euro +util.Reduced fee!Formore information please contactG.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate:06371-465407 or 0160-1065196or ramstein@gibillpay.com. Forfurther listings please view ourwebsite www.gibillpay.com/realestateApartment Linden 150qm; 3 be-drooms; built in kitchen with dish-washer; living/diningroom; 1 3/4bathrooms; Sat-TV; DSL possibe;balkony; 1 Garage; 1 parkingplace; seperate enter; no pets;available; call: 06307/6475; 900€+ utilitiesApartment, 140Sqm, 2 Be-drooms, 1 and a half Bathrooms,1 Living/Dining Room, BIK, Featu-res: Floor Heating, Attic, Garage,The appartment is locaded in Kott-weiler 10 min.from Base it has 2large balcony. It's on the first floor.The rent price is including heat.,€920, C-Zinsmeister@t-online.deApt 10 min RAB 80 sqm 2br1livrm 1bath + guest WC stor BIKbalc 1 cpks avail now €520 + util0170-7369018Apt 60sqm, Landstuhl city cen-ter, fully furnished, €290+util.06371-16281 or 0163-7116281

Apt in Glan-Münchweiler120sqm 3BR livrm BIK 2bathrm€750+utl also for civil - pets ok.06383-9288825 or 0157-85093719Apt in Mehlbach, Pferchstr. 9,2floors, bright, 160sqm liv space,1st floor:2br, new BIK, lrg bath,corner bathtub, closet, lg bal-cony;2nd floor: lrg liv rm 70sqm,fireplace, modern renovated,guest WC, storage, attic, garageor park spot €900 + €150 heat +€30 p. p. water + €15 trash (gara-ge €40) 0179-5049750 or 0173-6313-419Apt in Ramstein, Schulstr 8, 3min to RAB, liv/din rm, BR, bik w/dish washer, bath, storage w/washer & dryer, big balc, sunroom, park., no pets, for single,€600 heating incl. + water + elect,deposit 1month rent 06371-50252Apt in Ulmet, 10km to Autobahn,nice apt with recreational activi-ties and restaurants.2 BR, BIK, 2lrg livrm with din area, 2baths(one shower, one bathtub), stora-germ, park spot, SAT TV, oil hea-ting, smoke detector, fiberglass in-ternet, firplace and lrg panaramicwindows leading towards the ter-race(insulation glazing) lrg terrace,balc, pets welcome,€1170+util+€400deposit, email:WUP.Zimmermann@gmail.com or0171-7770411


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Academy Day

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Kaiserslautern American Page 31March 7, 2014


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Apt Ramstein 90sqm fully furn2BR liv/din, big bath w/ shower &tub, new BIK balc ideal for 1pers€500 +utl 06371-58142Available with GP Residences:Beautiful Studio Appartment inMiesau: 3 BR, nice bik, 1.5 bathr.liv/din rm, balcony, great view,very private, secured parking,€1,050. Largely reduced fees, call0162 4131 878 or email: gpresidences@gmx.netCozy furn Apartment w/ be-droom loft 15 min to Ramstein.Tel 06371-60351 or 0176 23404388Erzenhausen, fast Internet, nice2BR, 80sqm, liv/din, bath, BIK,cport, yard €655 + elec 06374-2695 / 0176-20684339Exclusive big new building,160sqm!20min from RAB, furn ornot furn, ground flr, 4BR, w/ 1 ½baths & BIK.2 outdr terraces w/BBQ., excellent view of Germancountryside.Kreimbach-Kaul-bach.Garden & side walk aremaintained by landlord.Pets arewelcome.0151-54607136 or 0151-43457009For rent 40sqm in KL, 1br, kit-chen, livrm. Bath, fully furn, €330+ util, single only, avail now, 0631-73485For rent, Ramstein, city centerapt, 3rm, 1.5bath, BIK, balc, stora-germ, approx 105sqm, €710+util,Tel:06383-921818 or 0151-62814089

Fully furnished apt, 100% equip,AFN, nice quiet, BR, liv, BIK, bath,carport €350+util.06308-1346Kaiserslautern City: 2 bedroomapartment., bath, built-in.kit., li-ving-diningrm., 600,-- € + utilwww.agra-immobilien.de 06371-57656Kaiserslautern downtown, luxuryPad: modern luxury comfortableapartment, in a quiet street rightin the middle of downtown, per-fect for singles or couples,80sqm, 2 bedrooms, big modernbathroom, designer BIK, hard-wood floors, private off-street par-king, €670+ut. Av. end Feb. CallMelinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobilien@icloud.comLandstuhl-Apt for rent, 141 Sqm,3 Bedr, 1 Bathr, 1 Livrm/Dinrm,BIK, Features: storagerm, Yard,balc, Prkg spot , €900 + util., nopets, phone 01602322110Miesau, 5min to army depot,15min to RAB, 128sqm, 3BR, BIK,1bath, liv/dinrm, storage rm€770+utl avail now, 0152-09515245New Apt in Rothselberg for rent,12 min RAB, 129 sqm, 2 Bdr, bigliv/dinrm, BIK, 1 1/2 bathrm, bigstorage, 2 balc., no pets, rent700€+200€ util 06304-416797 or06304-919272No commission, Util 240€, Co-vered car prk spot, Floor: Tiles/La-minate, Electrical shutters, Opendesigned liv/din area, BIK, on re-quest can be built in, Floor Levelshower, Guest Bathroom, Stg rm,Pntry, Barrier-free bsmnt rms, 10Min to RAB; 017623901806/inahamann@gmx.de

Queidersbach: apt. 3 bedr. liv/dinrm, Bik, 1 ½ bathr. basement,2 balcony, garage, floor heating,110 sqm. 690 € + util. Call. 06371-912591 no finders fee

Ramstein City apartment forrent, 5 min.to Air Base.4 be-drooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, li-ving room, balcony, parkingplace.825€rent plus utilitys, con-tact 015787158242 or06371770966

Ramstein City: 3 bedroom apart-ment., 1 ½ bath, built-in.kit., living-diningrm., garage, 745,-- € + utilwww.agra-immobilien.de 06371-57656

Ramstein close to RAB 4rms BIKbath approx 96sqm garden balcpark slot €600+€180utl monthly inadvance Call 0171-9388747

Ramstein, 3bedr, 1liv, 1 3/4bath,balc, BIK, basement, 105sqm,€660+ util + €30 garage, no pets,Tel. 06371-57871 or martina-fichtner@web.de

Rodenbach, cozy attic apt, 3.5rms, shower, new renovated, part-ly furn, balcony, SAT/Cable. Nopets and smokers. €410 +util.0171-3849371

Schönenberg - Kübelberg,140sqm apt, 5 rooms, 1 kitchen, 2bathrooms, 1 basement rm,€840+util avail now, 063739350 /01716018655

Steinwenden, modern 3 be-droom apt, 10min to RAB, niceview, 105sqm, 1.5 bath, kitchen,living-dinigrm, balcony 680€+utili-ty, call: 0163-1766628

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 32 March 7, 2014


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The basement apartment is freefor rent (03/07/14) €690+util., only€900 security deposit, 147sqm,3BR, 2baths, kitchen, large li-ving+dining room, dressing room,storeroom, terrace, large garden.Phone 06304/416481, e-mail: joachimmichel@arcor.de

!! 5 min to RAB, €1900. House265sqm, big yard, 7BR, 2.5baths,livrm, new bik, pets welcome,walk in closet. 1 month deposit.No realtor fee. 06381-4280293 or0175 2011139 0157-30883821

!!!5 min to RAB/LRMC. Bright andmodern home. Mediterranean sty-le. 390sqm. 8+BR w/ integratedbathrms BIK, lrg fenced yard +parking, winter garden, €2900. Nofinders fee. Call Gunther 0151-23555081

1 fam house 345sqm and town-house in Heltersberg Goethestr. 5+ 7. 06333-981126

10min Ramstein, FSH, 240sqm,6BDR, 3,75baths, yard.pets OK, 2garages, rent€1630,01726823232

320sqm, House in Mehlbachcompl new renov, 6BR, 2bath,2guest toilette, 2bik, 2liv/din rm,open fireplace, 3garage, base-ment, balconies, garden.€2000+util Call: 0170-8154200

66892 Bruchmühlbach, 6BR,3.5baths, garage, 220sqm, gasheating, yard and terrace.€1570+util. Avail now. 06363-5481 or 0171-7859082

66894 Langwieden, Hauptstras-se 5, 15 km to RAB, livrm/dinrm,7BR, bik, 2.5bath, attic, 2 gara-ges, utility room, 2 storragerm,300sqm, €2000 +security deposit€2000 + heating: oil, self bill, me-ter + Electricity: self bill, meter +garbage disposal: €20, other char-ges: est €20, chimney sweep andmaintenance. 06371-912879 or017632519280

67707 Schopp. 4rm, new BIK,bath, liv/dinrm, 100sqm house,terrace, parquet flrs, ground win-dows flr, shared garden, parkspot, Tel:0151-25831292 or06307-1508 call after18:00

Airbase: 5 miles gorgeous, brandnew, luxury house, 300 sqm, 5 br,firepl, walk i. closets, yard, E3010.- pict. avail.JR Realty - redu-ced fee - ph: 01703159692 or:jfr46@outlook.com

Airbase 9 mls: beautiful house: 6br, firepl, fenced yard, double garE 1980,-; Henschtal: very nice 5br, fenced yard E 1600,-;Herschberg: gorgeous 4 br hou-se, yard, 2 gar 1450,-; JR Realty,reduced fee - photos avail. ph:01703159692 or jfr46@outlook.comAvailable with GP Residences: Ni-ce House in Kindsbach and Mie-sau Houses, ea 3 Bedrooms, 1.5baths, bik, liv/din rm, yard, doublegarage, quiet location €760. Spa-cious, nice modern Reichenbach-Steegen House, 5 bedrooms, liv/din rm; bik, pantry, 2.5 bathr., sto-rage, double carport, yard,€1,620. Beautiful BruchmühlbachHouse, 5 BR, 3 bathr. nice bik, liv/din rm, family room, great stora-ge, private fenced in yard, bal-cony and patio, €1,840. Largelyreduced fees, call 0162-4131-878to set up for an appointment, oremail gpresidences@gmx.net.

Beautiful FSH w. In-Law-Suite inKusel-Region, built in 2011, 25km to RAB, 250 m², 5 BR, 2 Baths+ 2 WC, 2 BIK, 2 Liv/Din, Storage,Double-Garage, Yard, Pets neg.,Avail: March 1, 2014, Rent: 2015Euro + util.Reduced fee!For moreinformation please contact G.I.Bill Pay Service & Real Estate:06371-465407 or 0160-1065196or ramstein@gibillpay.com. Forfurther listings please view ourwebsite www.gibillpay.com/realestateBeautiful house in Weselberg ne-ar Landst./Ramstein, 196sqm, kit-chen, 2 living rooms, 1 diningroom, 2 bathr., 2 toilets, 5 bedr.,garage, basement, big garden1380 € + utilities Tel. 06333-980228Brand new Kaiserslautern. Dplxhouse. Very luxury. 6 Bedroom, 2balcony, bik, attic, trrace, smallyard, floor-heating (very economicheating system warm pump). Ga-rage, available Form March 1st.Please mail mbissinger@MSN.com. No Finders FeeComfortable house+studio apt,newly renovated, 220sqm livsp,4BR, 3bath, big livrm w/ firepl +dinrm, bik, balcony, 3 parkingspots. €1450+util+2month rent de-posit. 06372-8369Duplex 120sqm Mehlingen Fro-ehnerhof 3BR livrm dinrm BIK1.5bath cpks yard 10min RAB ide-al for single €840 +util 06303-9998405 or 0176-78483490Erfenbach: freest house,130sqm, BIK, 3xbed, 2xbath, livrm, sun rm, basement, offroadpark, high speed Internet possi-ble, 890€+util. Call 016093370402Otterbach house 3BR 1.5bathsBIK attic garage garden basemhigh standard 190sqm €1230+utlCall: 0152-51914840

Dream house!!! Brand new, mo-dern & luxurious FSH in Mehlin-gen, 5 km to Sembach, 7 km toK'Lautern, 300 m², 5 BR, 3 Baths,BIK, Liv/Din-Area, Fireplace, Gas-Floor-Heating, Sauna, Yard, Pa-tio, Double-Garage, Pets neg.,Avail: March 15, 2014. Rent: ap-prox. 2500 Euro + util.Reducedfee!For more information pleasecontact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Re-al Estate: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196 or ramstein@gibillpay.com. For further listings plea-se view our website www.gibillpay.com/realestate

Enjoy living in this spacious, verymodern and luxurious freestan-ding home. 291 m², 3 BR, 2.5Baths, Liv/Din-room, Studio,Fenced yard, Double garage,Floor-Heating, Pets neg., Avail:Feb. 15, 2014. Rent: 2212 Euro +100 Euro garage + util.Reducedfee!For more information pleasecontact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Re-al Estate: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196 or ramstein@gibillpay.com . For further listings plea-se view our website www.gibillpay.com/realestate

Eulenbis/Weilerbach approx360sqm House 5BR 2livrm, 3fullbaths 2BIK, lrg yard, garden w/fruit trees, fireplace, sun terrace,balconies, dbl garage, beautifview, avail now! 1800€ +util Tel:06371-51375 or 0173-6640836

Freestanding house in Her-schweiler-Pettersheim, near busstop, 162 Sqm, 4 Bedr., 2 Bathr.,2 Living/Dining Room, BIK, Base-ment, Yard, 2 Balconies, laundry,place to park ( ~ 4 cars), dogs wel-come, 1100€ + util, ph: +496384-329, mail: goeck1990@web.de

Freestanding house. RamsteinSchool. 10 minutes to RAB.255sqm, 6 bedroom, 2,5 bathroom,attic, fireplace, floor-heating, bik,balcony, terrace, fenced Yard. NoFinders Fee. rent 1,920 € .Pleasecontact : mbissinger@msn.com or016090727661

House in Hirschhorn, 161 sqm, 4Bedr., 2 Bathr., Liv-Din-Room, Ga-rage, Yard, Pets allowed, 1100,-Euro + util. call 06308/8499507 orherdt.irina@gmx.de

House in Schrollbach, Freestan-ding House, 180Sqm, 6 Be-drooms, 2 Bathrooms, 1 Living/Di-ning Room, Features: Basement,Yard, €1000, 01712360425

House in Waldmohr 10min toRAB 241sqm 5BR lrg 2baths liv/din rm modern BIK 3balc studio w/ nice view yard w/ garden houseand firepl. garage 2park-spots€1400+utl Tel. 0172-1808789 or06373-506180

Ramstein downtown, new FSH,240sqm, 6BDR, 2baths, garage/yard, rent€1740.01726823232

Kaiserslautern American Page 33March 7, 2014

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House, 220sqm, 1200sqm pro-perty, terrace, family rm, dinrm,BIK, laundry, 2full baths, 4BR, pri-vate patio area in the back. Veryquiet area, 6miles to RAB westga-te, €1600 +util. w/option to buy.Avail now. Call Owner 06364-175436Huge luxury FSH: 10mins fromRAB, LRMC, 260sqm, 5 bed, 3bath, studio loft, BIK, office, laun-dry, storage, open-plan living/di-ning area, sauna&fitness room,patio with outdoor grill, beautifulyard, garage+carport, radiantfloor heating, electric rolladens,high-speed internet, gas heating,housing approved, LST schooldistrict, av. now. 2060 euros+ut.Ph. Melinda 0172 6855976 kka.immobilien@icloud.comKaiserslatuern 140 m² living, 3bedr., 1 ½ bathr large living/di-ning, BiK, 2 Balconies availablenow€ 890,--RE/MAX Dreamho-mes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4,tel. 01704116990, Info-landstuhl@remax.deKaiserslautern-Siegelbach: largemodern home, 225sqm, 5 bed, 3bath, BIK, fireplace, radiant floorheating, garage, €1650+ut. Av.end Feb. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobilien@icloud.comKatzweiler, 280sqm, new duplex,garage, 4BR, €2100, Siegelbach,nice 4Br, 180sqm, freest, house,2 garage, open firplace, closet,partyrm, €1300, Otterberg, brandnew 300sqm house, 3 gar, 5br,€2500, Queidersbach, 3br apt,1.5baths, balc €550, Immo T.016096096498KL-Einsiedlerhof, new Duplex,201 sqm, 4 bed, studio, 2.5 bad,BIK, floor heating, garage 2 cars,yard.No pets.Available from01.04.2014.1580 Euro+util. 0176-60032617Near Landstuhl: 5 bedr., 2 ½bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit.,doublegarage, patio, yard, 1.700,-€ + util www.agra-immobilien.de06371-57656

KL-Siegelbach, new duplex,182m², open plan living, bik, 3 or4 bdr, walk-in closet, studio, 2ba,floor-heating, high-quality designand techn.equipment, gara-ge+park.lot, sunny s/w terrace,fenced garden, 5min to KL, 8minto RAB.Avail.May 14. 1450.-€+uti-lities. Without finders fee. Tel.0176-38563212

Kottweiler: 5 Bedr. House 2bathr., bik, large living w open fire-place, 2 Garages, 2.000,--RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Land-stuhl, Kaiserstr.4, tel01706850060 or 01704116990,email wolfgang.wiedmann@remax.de

K-Town Westside: newly renova-ted, 170sqm, 4 bed, 1.5 bath,BIK, studio loft, storage, smallyard, gas heating, rent 1225 eurosincl. garage, Av. early March, CallMelinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobilien@icloud.com

Mackenbach, Villa, 332Sqm,5Bedr.3Bathr.Liv-Dinr., BIK, laun-dry, attic, patio, fenced yard, gara-ge, avail.04.Febr., month rent2.690.-€ + util, RMImmobilien@t-online.de or 06374-915430

Martinshöhe: 3-4 bedr., large li-ving w openfire place 3 bathr,BiK, terrace, Sauna, Big garage,carport available now € 1790,--, €50,-- Garage RE/MAX Dreamho-mes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr.4,tel 01706850060 or01704116990, email wolfgang.wiedmann@remax.de

New House 5 Km to Ramstein66879 Kottweiler. Low energie270qu 7Beedr. big liv. 2,5 badnew desig.Kitchen every roomsTV-fast- Intern. many outside-space, pets ok.rent 1880.- Dispo-sit 1880.- no Realtor 063814280293 o. 0175 2011139

Nice Apt in Mehlbach close toVOG 15 min RAB 20 min SEM 20min, 110 sqm, 2 BR, livrm, dinrm,BIK w/dishw., 1,5 bath, balc., at-tic, basmnt., floor-heat, SAT-DSL-LTE2 park.lot, quiet, near forest,wonderful view AV now, Pls. call06301-795030, or 0151 16 56 7017

Nice Duplex-Half in Kusel, 180m², 3 BR, 1.5 Baths, BIK, Liv-Din-Room, Storage, In-Law-Suite, Ga-rage, Yard, 2 Balconies, Petsneg., Avail: March 1, 2014, Rent:1080 Euro incl. garage +util.Redu-ced fee!For more information plea-se contact G.I. Bill Pay Service &Real Estate: 06371-465407 or0160-1065196 or ramstein@gibillpay.com. For further listings plea-se view our website www.gibillpay.com/realestate

Nice FSH 16 km to RAB, 245 m²,6 BR, 3 Baths, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Yard, Garage, Pets neg.,Avail. now, Rent: 1940 Euro incl.garage + util.Reduced fee!For mo-re information please contact G.I.Bill Pay Service & Real Estate:06371-465407 or 0160-1065196or ramstein@gibillpay.com. Forfurther listings please view ourwebsite www.gibillpay.com/realestate

No finders fee! 230sqm duplex,Mackenbach, 4BR, sauna,1.5baths dinrm livrm, BIK. €1810+ util. 0176-32147351 or 0160-95132448

Obermohr house for rent 172m²,4br, 2ba, balconie, garage, fire-place €1140 For more informationemail: dieter.stein2@gmx.de call:0152-31726215

Olsbrücken, FST house, 168qm,liv/dinrm, BIK, office, 4BRw/balc,1bath, guest toil, laundryrm, 1 ga-rage, terr w/yard,€1400+€2500dep, avail 1 April,Tel:06308-7178

Otterbach: Brand new Duplex,196 qm², 3 bed, studioroom, 3bath, BIK, floor heat, Yard, gara-ge+2 driveway. Availnow.€1450+util. No pets. 0176-84361090

Pretty FSH 7 bedrm with over300sqm & granny flat in Tripp-stadt, located in a cul-de sac andit has 3 garages. Rent incl the ga-rages, before util is 2420 Eurosper month. Doris Drewlow Immo-bilien, Tel:06371-5940059

Queidersbach: 4 bedr., 2 ½ bath,living-diningrm., built-in-kit., patio,yard, garage, 1.350,-- € + tilwww.agra-immobilien.de 06371-57656

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Looking for a great place to eat out?Use the FREE Find-It Guide App to fi nd a great restaurant in your area. Don’t know how to get there? Use the “Route” option to get GPS direc-tions from your present position.


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 34 March 7, 2014

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Ramstein 10 mins: modern free-standing house in Erzenhausen,spacious 270sqm, 4/5 bed, 3bath, walk-in closet, BIK+pantry,huge studio loft, storage, radiantfloor heating, large patio and lowmaintenance yard, big garage,€1600+ut. Av. now. Call Melinda0172/6855976 or kka.immobilien@icloud.com

Ramstein: 4 bedr., 3 bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., garage, pa-tio, yard, 1.349,--€ + utilwww.agra-Immobilien.de 06371-57656

Siegelbach, 230qm freest Hou-se, 4 bedrooms, built-in-kitchen,3 bathrooms, living and dinin-groom, terrace, garden, yard, sto-ragerooms, carport, very nice lo-cation, rent 1.750,00 Euro + utili-ties, available now, Please call:06308-7799 (AB) or 0173-3034862

Single fam. house, 130 sqm, eit-her fully furnished or without furni-ture, 3 bedr., 1 living and dining r.,kitchen, bathr., 2 rooms in the ba-sement, garden, double garage,16 km to Ramstein, 0163-1987059 / 06381- 6749

Spesbach: 6 bedr., 3 bath, living-diningm, built-in-kit., patio, yard,garage, 2.060,-- €+ util www.agra-immobilien.de 06371-57656

Steinwenden, 1FSH, big garden,garage, 160sqm, 5 min to RAB.€1250+util. 015221615388

Townhouse 5min Kaiserslautern5Rms BIK 1.5bath 170sqm300sqm-yard terr balc garage ni-ce area 15min RAM 0173-3683830Very sweet home in Weselbergnear Landst./Ramstein, 120sqm,kitchen, living/dining room, bath,3 bedr., garage, basement, smallgarden 870 € + utilities Tel. 06333-980228Villa w.in-house-chapel in Theis-bergstegen, 450sqm, Price inEuro2495+ut., call 01716455478Weilerbach: Free standing hou-se, 3 bedr., 1,5 bath, very nice kit-chen and bath room, € 850,-- +util., I.B.u.Immobilienservice Tho-mas Sourißeaux 06374 995 694Thomas.sx@t-online.deWonderful renovated single famhome close to Vogelweh and lessthan 15 min to RAB - About300sqm liv sp, 5 bedrms, 2.5 bathlarge, open liv/din, beautiful buil-in kit, huge studio, private patioand back yard and a garage. Therent is 2650E + garage.Pets on ap-proval.Doris Drewlow Immobilien,Tel: 06371-5940059

8 Km to Ramstein: almost 400sqm living, Built in kitchen, Li-vingr, Diningr, 3 Bathr, 5-6 bedr.,rather new home, 2 Garages 800sqm property, quiet living €388.000,--RE/MAX Dreamhomes4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr.4, tel01706850060 or 01704116990,email wolfgang.wiedmann@remax.de

Alsenborn near Sembach: 3bedr. Apptm on 2 floors, ca. 150m², Garage, Garden, Avail shortly€ 169.000,--RE/MAX Dreamho-mes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr.4,tel 01706850060 or01704116990, email wolfgang.wiedmann@remax.de

By Owner, Beautiful CountryLandhouse, Freestanding House,280Sqm, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Ba-throoms, 2 Living/Dining Room,BIK, Features: Fireplace, Yard,Floor Heating, Attic, Garage, Hasa separate apartment with Privateentrance. Beautiful view locatedin quite area. Dbl Grg, Patio/Bal-cony, AC, Screens, some Furnis-hings, 800 sqm prpty, Off Streetparking. Has Lots of Extras, PrvtOwnr No Realator Fee, 15 minLRMC, 20 min Rams, 0172-6623527 Evenings after 1800.,€375000, 0172-6623527

FSH in Würzweiler, between Ro-ckenhausen & Kirchheimbolan-den, quiet area, 5BR, liv/dinrm, 2bathrms, 2 guest WCs, 2 biks, ga-rage, approx 1400sqm garden,incl separate building suitable forexpansion w/ 3 garages.€130.000,00 obo. Call 06302-7556

Gorgeous House 209m² LivSpace, 1065m² lot, 5 bedrms, liv/diningroom, built-in kitchen, pan-try, fam rm, 2 bath, sauna, entran-ce video security system, laundryrm, cov balcony, cov patio, outsi-de BBQ, playground, garden hou-se, workshop, own water well, to-tally fenced, gas heating. Avail. im-mediately 295000 Euro. DorisDrewlow Immobilien, Tel: 06371-5940059

Kaiserslautern American Page 35March 7, 2014

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 36 March 7, 2014


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As usual we have plenty of food and drinks.The event starts at 10:30 and ends at 16:00.

Ramstein school district: comfor-table home in Obermohr, 5 minsto Ramstein, 180sqm, 4 bed, 2bath, studio loft, BIK, gas heating,garage, big balcony, no yard,€1180+ut. Av. now. Call Melinda0172/6855976 or kka.immobilien@icloud.comTrippstadt - very pretty homewith ca 300m² liv. space, 1209m²lot, built 1989. 7 bedrms, 3.5bathrms, 2 balc., patio, 3 garages,quiet location. 335000€ negot. Do-ris Drewlow Immobilien, Tel:06371-5940059 www.dorisd-immo.de

! ! ! ! 1 & 2 BDR Luxury TempApts TLA/TDY in Ramstein. 100%equipped including TV, DVD, freeInternet, washer/dryer, free callsto USA. reservation / questionscall: 0151-46501528 / mail:info@ramstein-tla.com / www.ramstein-tla.com / www.facebook.de/ram-steintla

!!!!!1-5 Bed luxury apts & housesfor TLA/TDY personnel in Ram-stein, Mackenbach & Bruckmuehl-bach. 2 minutes to RAB and shortwalk to shops & restaurants.100% equipped, TV, AFN, Englishsatalite, cable high speed inter-net. Free phone to USA and Euro-pe, good library and movie selecti-on. Pets welcome. Off street secu-red parking. Call Jennie, 0171-2679282. Email: luxuryapts09@yahoo.com

1-3Bed, 3MI RAB Furn EquippedInternet Phone TV Wash/Dry Petsok. nbm4rent.com. 01742430124

Beautiful TLA House, www.beautiful-tlf.jimdo.com, 5min to RAB,4bedr, fullyfurnished, 0176/39755130

Landstuhl: 5***** Apartment, AptNo. 2, perfectly located and furnis-hed Whirlpool, Steamshower, Dol-by Surround, Boxspring bedswww.ferienwohnungen-pechtel.de €90 info@ferienwohnungen-pechtel.de

Caution: Some Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

2006 AUDI A-8 Quattro! SuperClean!! Silver Color! Tan Leather!Great Service History! LongWheel Base! Loaded! Navigation!Super Nice Ride! For More Infor-mation Contact Lawrence AndMaria at (39) 3466494965 or Emailmtjfriulana@googlemail.com As-king Price 17,000 Euro

2010 Nissan Sentra, Very nicecar. 75000 miles, Automatic trans-mission. Excellent condition, Dri-ves great in all road conditions.Very dependable and great gasmileage. Ph:0152 389 741 86,$9200.00, jcambr@yahoo.com

2012 Mercedes-Benz M-Class4MATICcontact me by email:abdulrahat@hotmail.com

2012 Nissan Sentra in excellentcondition. Only 31K original milesand original owner. $13,000 OBO.Call Fred Pinnix at 015238737776or fredpinnix@hotmail.com

Audi 80, 1994, 2.0, 90PS, in goodcondition, silver, 4 doors, 163.600km, with sound system, 1100 Eu-ro koffertom@yahoo.de

Good Year Ultra Grip Winter Ti-res with steel rims, 175/65 R14.Excellent condition used one win-ter. Rims came off Mazda 323,4x100. $180; Call: 0175-449-8922

Looking for a car dealer, rental or tires?Use your FINDIT GUIDE APP to fi nd the nearest Auto Rental Service!

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Kaiserslautern American Page 37March 7, 2014

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MOTORCYCLESAll ads and pics on class-world.com

ANNOUNCEMENTSAll ads and pics on class-world.com

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Calibra V6, long distances andgarage car. 170 PS (2495 cm³).133.000km, no accidents, sportsuspension, 17? AZEV tires, sportexhaust, ABS, Traction Control,Airbags, power windows, air con-dition, power door locks, etc.(0)176 / 22843089

Clean Car in great condition,good gas mileage, elec windows,current inspection, German spec,winter/summer tires, central lockdoor, excellent A/C, kept in gara-ge, air filters recently changed,Non-smoker, no pets. Day- 0637147 1045 or 480-1045 or cell after5 PM-015 2244 86630

For sale is an Automatic Merce-des E200, 1999. Gorgeous blue-green color. German specs, in-spections passed. No problems!Good shape - inside and outside.It has 270,000 km. $3700 cashplease. We are in Wiesbaden. sergelana@gmail.com. Call 0176-69342-601 or 0176-69350-983.

For sale is an Automativ Merce-des E200, 1999. Gorgeous blue-green color. German specs, in-spections passed. No problems!Good shape - inside and outside.It has 270,000 km. $3700 cashplease. We are in Wiesbaden. sergelana@gmail.com. Call 0176-69342-601 or 0176-69350-983.

For sale is an Manuel MercedesE260 6 cylinder limousine,1988.Red color. German specs,inspections passed guarantee. Noproblems! Good condition with he-at seats, sunroof, CD, New Wintertires, New breaks and many newparts for the Engine, It has336,000 km.Call 015117610336.

Great Condition & Priced to SellMINI Cooper S 2010 Pepper Whi-te w/ Black Bonnet Stripes. Oneowner & in GREAT Condition.Dealer maintained! Check out theKA online or www.ramsteinyardsales.com for more details. Emailjoshnerin@me.com

Great running US Spec vehicle.No major issues. Is a very reliablevehicle. Please feel free to con-tact me to take it out for a testrun. gdelva7@yahoo.com

I am selling 4 bmw alloy oem 15"rims taken off my `93 318i.Therims are in fair condition.Good forany BMW owner who need rimsor spares. $100 ss2day@gmail.com

Manual Transmission. 22,000 Mi-les.Heated Seats.Fold in side mir-rors.Rear Back Up Sensors.BlueTooth Enabled.Connection cordfor mp3/ipod.CD Player.Conveni-ence keyless entry and start.Co-mes w/2 sets winter & summerrunflat tires kvrcosmos@gmail.com

Mercedes E 200, Model 2000 Au-tomatic, leather, power steering,breaks, windows, doors. Cruisecontrol, Xenon lights, ABS, Stero,fully loaded. new oil change & bat-terie.new winter tires. none smo-king car - Garage kept- good con-dition - only € 3.250 obo call0172-676 2717

Mercedes E320, '00, Automatic,144000 km, with alloy wheels, lea-ther interior, DVDs in headrests,extra-fully loaded, & perfect me-chanically!!!Super nice car! $8400(or 6200 Euros) Wiesbaden, 0176-69350-983.

Mercedes E-Class Rims and ti-res, 4x 215/55 R16 Conti Premi-um Contact summer tires OriginalMercedes Aluminium rims7.5Jx16H2 ET 41, 5/112 originalpart-Nr: 2104010402, €285, koffertom@yahoo.de 06301 3898080

Must Sell, Honda, CIVIC Coupe/Spoiler, 2002, Good condition, Au-to trans. power windows, new oilchange, Euro 4 good for 2 years,Cd/Mp3,4 extra tires with Alloywheels (almost new), priced tosell 2990/best offerContact Sulei-man at 015145913013 orsuleiman_haider@hotmail.com

Porsche Cayenne Turbo year:2009 KM: 150.000 Fully loaded,(leather seats, Panorama Roof,Rear Entertainment System, PriceNew: € 140.000,00 Sale Price:€31.500 Please call: 0172-6235076

Tires, KUMHO 225 60 R16 102 HXL M + S All Season $350Usedfor 2 months before Van had tobe scrapped. C:015121481670 H:063759946688Set of 4 on Ford 5lug 15" rims., $350.00,charlesthalmann3@gmail.com

Toyota reliability, great milage2.2 D4D turbo diesel engine, 6speed transmission, front wheeldrive, spacious interior.Rear seatsfold flat. 2 sets of tires/wheels On-ly 68000k.9,900Euro Call016091323360 email cdpklaus@gmail.com

Volkswagen Passat, 2.0L 4 Cylin-der Front Wheel Drive Turbo,Clean Car Fax Report, 86701 Mi-les, Color Gold W/Tan Leather,Automatic, Cruise Control, PowerWindows Locks And Mirrors, AMFM CD Stereo Get Back For MoreInfos Thru My Emailwalkergreen55@live.com

Caution: Some Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

Lookin for Sportster parts or a bi-ke which needs some work, bas-ket case or sittin longer time too.BT Ultra Classic perhaps too. Justmake me your offer what you ha-ve and we will see.2wheelmechanic@web.de

2014 RAMS Yearbook, Onlineyearbook ordering is open. The or-der deadline is May 2, 2014.Toplace the order please goto:www.internationalmemories.ususerid: 2014RAMSYBPW: 2014RAMSYBNOW Only $35 OrderNow!Price will increase March 15.

Check out the AUTO ADS with photos online


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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 38 March 7, 2014

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ADOPTIONAll ads and pics on class-world.com

ELECTRONICSAll ads and pics on class-world.com

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Andermatt Ski Trip with Tannen-baum Ski Club (TSC) €270 forTSC members; €290 for non-members Contact Amy Krush atakrush05@gmail.com March 21-23--34 lifts and 166 kilometers ofpistes. Cross-country skiers you’llfind 20 kilometers of well prepa-red runs.

Athletes Needed! Team ArmedForces Europe, Bodybuildingcompetition team seeking dedica-ted male and female athletes tocompete in Italy May 31-June 2ndfor Fitness Universe. See face-book.com/teamarmedforceseuro-pe for details about auditions andthe team.

Children's Clothing Bazaar, 8March 14 from 0800-1100 in theWeilerbach Burgerhaus (Schulstr.6, 67685 Weilerbach). Selling high-quality second-hand Spring/Sum-mer children's clothing, a varietyof toys, baby articles, bicycles,etc... Come and find a bargain!

Christian Sience Church in Kai-serslautern, Pariserstrasse 57.Opening hours: Sunday from 10a.m. to 11 a.m., Wednesday from7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Great Soccer College Recruit-ment Camp Here in Germnay! Noother Camp like this in Europethat is there for our kids to beseen by American College Coa-ches. Www.facebook.com/Colle-geSoccerShowcaseCamp oremail CollegeSoccerCamp@gmx.de for more info

Montana singer/songerwriter Lu-ke Dowler, on his first Europeantour. Free concerts on March 15,1800, at the Northside Chapel onRamstein, March 15, 2100, atGasthaus Beck in Mackenbach,March 16, 1100, Northside Cha-pel, Contemporary Service.

Overeater's Anonymous, If foodrules your life call Overeaters An-onymous. No weigh-ins, dues orfees. Meetings every Monday1800. Landstuhl hospital chapel,building 3773. ContactOA_ktown@yahoo.com for moreinfo.

Signups for the 2014 season willbe held March 15th from 1100-1300 at Ramstein Golf Course.Women 18 & up are invited tostop by for info. & sign-up. Chip-ping competition at noon withcash prizes! Go to http://ram-steinwwga.weebly.com or emailWWGAramstein@hotmail.com formore info.

Val Thorens Ski Trip 5-12 Apr,contact Jen Conejo atjenny_conejo@hotmail.com Pricedetermined on room type. Ski-in/ski-out apts equipped w/kitchen.328 slopes – 56 green, 120 blue,115 red, and 37 black & 124 kmof cross-country runs.

The Knights of Columbus Timo-thy J. Maude Council #10292 willhost a FREE Pancake Breakfaston 30 March 2014 at the ACS Ca-feteria on Hainerberg from 1000to 1400 hours. The PancakeBreakfast is FREE to everyone, socome on out and enjoy some gre-at food and fellowship!!!

Adopt while stationed overseas!www.adopt-abroad.com Adopti-on Intl & foster care, home stu-dies. Hague accredited. Casewor-kers in Germany. US 1-888-687-3644

12" Meade LX200 EMC Telesco-pe, 416XT cam and access.: Tri-pod, Goto control, 201XT autogui-der, Software, tele-extender, pol.filter, 3 eyepices, barlow lense, 2"diag-mirror, PC-23C cam, sunfil-ter, cases, car power, manuals,etc. Like new. Ask price €4999.Tel. 0157-89138494

2000 Watt transformer, 2000watts in good condition., $40.00,spvendor@gmail.com

Camerabag Crumpler "Messen-ger bag" for digital mirror reflexcamera and equipment. Onlyused once, original price EURO100, €50 OBO, pics on class-world.com, coemser@gmail.com

Dual Voltage 29" MultisystemAVOL TV & 220V Toshiba DVDPlayer w/remotes. TV not flatscreen, but not too big/bulky.DVD player works with both USand European DVDs. Everythingworks great - perfect for bedroomor kids room! Call 06374-9147978or e-mail cjaniszewski@yahoo.com.

Kaiserslautern American Page 39March 7, 2014

ELECTRONICSAll ads and pics on class-world.com



All ads and pics on class-world.com

The 22nd edition of the motorcycle show INTERMOTO o ers some-thing for every two-wheeler fan! On March 15 the 22nd INTERMOTO launches the motorcycle season within the Saar-Lor-Lux-region and the neighboring Rhineland-Palatine at the action fair for motorcycles, scoot-ers and quads, on the Saarbrücken exhibition grounds.

Focus of the numerous two-wheeler and quad fans will be the latest creations of famous motorcycle brands . You can admire the novelties of manufacturers such as Aprilia , BMW, Derbi , Ducati, Gilera , Harley -Da-vidson , Honda, Kawasaki, Motech , Piaggio , Peugeot , Triumph, Suzuki , Ural, Vespa and Yamaha. Whether scooter, enduros , cruiser, chopper , naked bikes , touring or super athletes. New factory bikes are by far not everything being o ered to two-wheel enthusiasts within the seven ex-hibition halls and the outdoor area . The usual perfect blend of classic two-wheeled show, action , show, fun and motorsports has been sup-plemented this year by more highlights. The spectacular Supermoto race will start at the outdoor area again.

In addition to the German aces numerous pilots from neighboring states are expected. The fans of customizing and spectacular conversions will also get their money’s worth . For many clubs with their Street� ghters and precious conversions the INTERMOTO is and remains a must . The same applies to the Saarland customizing specialists , who don’t want to miss this event in Saarbrücken. The best bikes are presented to the jury of the Saarland custom bike show which is known far beyond the borders of the Saarland. The show was clearly rejuvenated this year and slimmed down to a few categories. It also gained a partner by including the com-pany Scooter Attack and their premiering scooter custom show.

Another innovation is the “Wheelie Simulator” which was well received by fans at last year’s TuningExpo. German motorcycle stunt driver Michael Threin developed the simulator and will be supervising it during the fair. In addition, there will be an even larger selection of motorcycle acces-sories , tuning parts, tires , helmets and all types of clothing to try and of course to buy. Numerous travel specialists introduce their packages and o ers completely tailored to the needs of bikers. Whether it is in Germa-ny , Europe, Africa or the United States on Highway No. 1 or the famous Route 66. Another highlight will be the � rst held Miss Tattoo Expo Saar – Intermoto pageant!

www. intermoto-saar.de






Electric guitar amp for sale; Rock-tron Rampage, ideal for practicein your home and beyond.Fanta-stic gain characteristics, AGX noi-se reduction, 8`` speaker with lotsof volume asking $120.- call 017235 64442Gets over 90 UK Channels viayour Internet Conection. Still has12 month Subscription and fullwarranty.satserv@europe.comKeyboard from ASUS, black,with number pad, brand new, ne-ver used before! €5, coemser@gmail.com, pics on class-world.comKeyboard from Saitek, grey, Key-board from Saitek, grey, with num-ber pad, great condition! €5, coemser@gmail.com, €5, coemser@gmail.com, pics on class-world.comLaney speakers, for more infor-mation, isabell_1_98@yahoo.comMetal Slug Anthology, Wii game,played once, perfect condition - li-ke new!, €15, coemser@gmail.comOperating system Windows XPHard Drive 37GB spvendor@gmail.comRaven Max / Sirius Retro Synthe-sizers each 650€. The Raven is amaster keyboard (with Max exten-sion). Sirius is a techno workstati-on with vocoder and much more.Both devices are in nearly newcondition. Including original in-struction and operation manuals.0157-89138494

Rayman Raving Rabbits, Wii ga-me, perfect condition, like new!€10, coemser@gmail.com, €10,coemser@gmail.com

Sky+HD box with controller,Sky+HD box with controller usedin the UK for 2 years. Not used inGermany. 3 years old., €110,bbfromss@yahoo.com

SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, Wiigame, like new!, €12, coemser@gmail.com

Stearing wheel "Microsoft Side-winder Force Feedback" for yourPC! Love to play auto games?Wanna feel like yr r driving for re-al? Then dont miss this!, pics onclass-world.com, €45, coemser@gmail.com., pics on class-world.com

Super Mario Galaxy, Wii game,perfect condition, like new! €15,coemser@gmail.com, €20, coem-ser@gmail.com

Surround sound speaker system,HCT stereo surround sound spea-ker system, like new. Five spea-kers and subwoofer., $67,mkomara7@yahoo.com

The Bigs Baseball, Wii Game,perfect condition, like new!, €10,coemser@gmail.com

The Bigs2 Baseball, Wii game,perfect condition, like new!, €10,coemser@gmail.com

Zelda Twilight Princess, Wii ga-me, perfect condition, like new!,€15, coemser@gmail.com

Caution: Some Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

*Laney GH50L all valve top guitaramplifier and 4x12 Laney speakercabinet. Brand new, never left theliving room. Amazing sound possi-bilities. Serious offers and detailsat 01723564442

220 volt iron and ironing board.Contact Eric and Mia at063759949674. $30, eyates9761@aol.com

5 locomotives, 1 complete trainset, 15 cars, layout, tools, parts, &supplies for established Z gaugeenthusiast- great opportunity to in-vest in model railroading; especial-ly if space is a concern.016091323360

An adjustable full-size bassinetallows you to keep baby closerlonger. Diaper changing table withwipe clean fabrics that resistmess during changes. Easily con-verts to a portable playard. Signa-ture Graco® push-button fold ma-kes closing your playard quickand hassle-free. Airy mesh on allsides for maximum ventilation.Convenient carrying bag for no-fuss travel and storage. New pri-ce: 129.99, selling for $95, 06374-944368 or 0176-55247077 oremail Doris.Koenig@gmx.de

Antique Tin Pot - very old - pas-sed down from my grandfather.$40. See pictures at www.class-world.eu E-mail s.vogl75@web.de

Art Nouveau furniture over 100years old. A variety of items,grandfather clock (Harmonium),crystal glasses, Murano glasses,Meisner porcelain figurines, 200years old, coffee and Tea set.Call: 0177-5211480

Battle Royale, Magnetic Gamefor traveling. Ages 6 and up. Ga-mes board inside travel case., €2,isabell_1_98@yahoo.com

Beautiful hand-made felt shoul-der bag in purple with flower de-sign, medium size, jenniferwilking@hotmail.com

Beautiful hand-made purple/pinkfelt flower brooch, perfectstocking stuffer, can be pinned onjackets, scarves, bags and more.Absolutely wow! €12, jenniferwilking@hotmail.com

Big/tall red glass vase, perfect toput on the floor. Highlight nice flo-wers with this beautiful vase andgive your liv/din rm a nice touch!,€5, coemser@gmail.com, pics onclass-world.com

Blocks in a box, Try to fit all theblocks in the box again. Multico-lor shapes., €1, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com

Bracelet - Brown, handmade! Be-autiful accessory for any ocation,any outfit. Treat yourself to some-thing nice or bring a smile to yourbest girl friends. €10, coemser@gmail.com, pics on class-world.com

Bosch Tassimo Coffee maker,black. Fully automatic single-ser-ve coffee brewer uses T-Discswith bar-code technology. Nomeasuring, no fuss and virtuallyno cleanup; customizable sizeand strength 3.3 bars of pressure;LED user interface; height-adjust-able cup stand; water-level indica-tor. Automatically reverts to stand-by mode to save on energy; flow-through water heater, can bepicked up anytime, $30, s.vogl75@web.deBracelet - Gray/Black, handma-de. Beautiful accessory for any oc-cation, any outfit. Treat yourself tosomething nice or bring a smile toyour best girl friends. €10, coemser@gmail.com, pics on class-world.comCandleholder: Nice candle hol-der for 4 tea lights. Perfect foryour living room!, €8, pics onclass-world.com, coemser@gmail.com

Coffee Maker, White, can bepicked up anytime. $10, s.vogl75@web.deCollection of leather bound, si-gned by the author, 1st editionbooks, mint cond. Over 100 diffe-rent books. Authors include: Nor-man Mailer, William F. Buckley,Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, DonaldMc Dunne, John Updicke, TomWolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious in-quiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or0151-270-19822Complete set of Black LeatherBound 1987 Encyclopedia Britta-nica and a beautiful German whiteshrank with glass vitrine and ligh-ted bar. (€300) 01704019648

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 40 March 7, 2014



All ads and pics on class-world.com



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Comic Books for $1! Graphic No-vels for 1/2 cover price!@ Ram-stein Community Center Flea Mar-ket on 22 Feb:100s of comicbooks for $1! Tell me your fave @write66@yahoo.com & I willbring!Great deals on comics &graphic novels not found anywhe-re in KMC!

Comics & Graphic Novels - Col-lector and Reader, Ramstein Com-munity Center March 15/16100sof comics and graphic novels!Vin-tage from the 60's and 70s andtoday's hottest!Contact me at corbinscoolcomics@gmail.com if youwould like me to bring you some-thing.

Custom-made children's kinder-garten bag with name. Send me amessage if you are interested in aunique bag for your child. Perfectpresent. All bags are made usingwet-felting technique with sheepwool, soap and water only! € neg,depending on design, jenniferwilking@hotmail.com

Disney pixar Cars puzzle, 24 pie-ces. Ages 3 to 7, €2,isabell_1_98@yahoo.com

Engleby from Sebastian Faulks!Great book., €2, pic on class-world.com, coemser@gmail.com

Felt bag, gorgeous hand-madefelt bag with blue design, mediumsize, €30, jenniferwilking@hotmail.com

Fender type Telecaster electricguitar. Masterbuilt, professional in-strument. Excellent sound spec-trum and tonal qualities. Must seeand try! Tom at 0172 35 64442

GAP Sweatshirt: Perfect conditi-on, like new. Size small., €8, coemser@gmail.com

Giant Antique Warehouse Sale,Sat 8 March, Sun 9 March 10am-3pm Schneeweiderhof 11, 67754Essweiler Map: www.schoolhouse-antiques.com

Handbag "Alexander": Brown,leather bag, hardly used, perfectcondition! €8, pics on class-world.com, coemser@gmail.com

Handbag "clutch style": Love togo out and dont want to use a bighandbag? Dont miss out on thissmall, black bag. Perfect for goingout at night!, €8, pics on class-world.com, coemser@gmail.com

Handbag "Esprit brand": Smallbad, black leather, ideal if you on-ly need to carry few things aroundwith you like purse, cell phoneetc., €10, pics on class-world.com, coemser@gmail.com

Handbag: Classy black leatherbag. Hardly used, perfect conditi-on!, pics on class-world.com,€20, coemser@gmail.com

Handbag: Classy black leatherbag. Hardly used, perfect conditi-on! €15, coemser@gmail.com

Jacket "Stones", perfect for mento wear in fall, 100% cotton, per-fect condition, size 54 (german),€40, pics on class-world.com,coemser@gmail.com

Large Gym bags, 2 large Gymbags $10.00 each, spvendor@gmail.com

Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choo-se from, all dressed. Price OboCall: 0176-90796039

I am selling a Sunbed from Dr.Kern Modell NGR 241. The lighttubes were exchanged and ranfor approx. 300 hours. Also haveavail 300 hours light tubes. (Thenew tubes run up tp 600 hours.) Iam selling the sunbed for someo-ne. The light tubes can be boughtat ebay or directly from Dr. Kern.One or two tubes are possibly de-fect and need to be replaced.Bought for 3500 to 4000 DM. Ifyou are interested please contactus, the sunbed is located in Kai-serslautern, Tel: 0176-55 24 70 7706374-944368 (Doris)Lego Pyramid, Ramses Lego py-ramid game. From ages 8 and up.2 to 4 players., €8, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com

Looking for Metal detecting part-ner, Looking for someone interes-ted in the hobby of metal detec-ting. Call Frank at 06145-5490684or email me at sgt.frankieboyjr@hotmail.com.Nice Siemens Washer and Dryerin excellent condition. Only 350Euros for both. I will also acceptU.S. Dollars. Both units are in verygood shape and work well. 220volt models. Instructions for usein English. Call Fred Pinnix at015238737776 or fredpinnix@hotmail.comOrg.Thomas Sabo Charm, pricenew was 49€, never used, was abday present, selling price €20,for pics please see class-world.com, s.vogl75@web.de

Pore Cleanser from Tchibo, onlyused once, perfect condition,works great to get a clear skin!,€8, pic on class-world.com, coemser@gmail.com

Prom dress or for weddings,green pastel color, size 36/38.Back of dress is open with twostraps held by a gem. , $, isabell@advantipro.dePumps "Easy Spirit": Black, per-fect condition, only used once! Si-ze 8.5 M, €8, coemser@gmail.comPumps "Life", black, hardlyworn, great condition, size 9M!,€8, coemser@gmail.com

Sandals "Life", black, alwaysloved to wear them. Great withclassy, fancy, trendy dresses orpants. Size 8.5M, €8, coemser@gmail.com, pics on class-world.comSelling my old Beanie Babie col-lection. Most of them are bears. Ifyou live in the K-Town area wecan meet so you can have a look.Prices negotiable. 0157-89138494Selling two Fender Stratocasterelectric guitars. Never left the hou-se, top condition. One is acollector's item. Serious offersand details at 01723564442Senseo Coffee maker, Black,brews up to 8 ounces in less thana minute. Works with pre-measu-red sealed coffee pods that comein a variety of flavors. Simplepush-button controls for size se-lection and power. No messy grin-ding or flavor cross-over; dishwas-her-safe parts. Can be picked upanytime. $30, s.vogl75@web.de

Shamballa Bracelet - Black/Gray,handmade, adjustable in size, fitsalmost every wrist. Beautiful ac-cessory for any ocation, any out-fit. Treat yourself to something ni-ce or bring a smile to your bestgirl friends. €10, coemser@gmail.com

Kaiserslautern American Page 41March 7, 2014



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FURNITUREAll ads and pics on class-world.com


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AdvantiPro is searching for a friendly telephone assistant to check and update the military listings in the Find-It Guide. This will be a temporary position for a duration of 3 to 6 months. Candidates must speak � uent English, a working knowledge of German is advantageous, but not essential. Experience as an administration assistant, MS O� ce competency and knowledge of military installations and unit acro-nyms will be highly regarded. If you have a friendly telephone manner, an outgoing personality and can ful� ll the abovementioned requirements, please send your resume to jobs@advantipro.de.



Shamballa Bracelet - Brown/Cre-me, handmade, adjustable in size,fits almost every wrist. Beautifulaccessory for any ocation, anyoutfit. Treat yourself to somethingnice or bring a smile to your bestgirl friends. €10, coemser@gmail.com, pics on class-world.com

Shamballa Bracelet - Lilac/white,handmade, adjustable in size, fitsalmost every wrist. Beautiful ac-cessory for any ocation, any out-fit. Treat yourself to something ni-ce or bring a smile to your bestgirl friends. €10, coemser@gmail.com

Shamballa Bracelet - Purple/whi-te, handmade, adjustable in size,fits almost every wrist. Beautifulaccessory for any ocation, anyoutfit. Treat yourself to somethingnice or bring a smile to your bestgirl friends. €10, coemser@gmail.com

Small grey felt shoulder bag withmushroom design, perfect gift,€20 jenniferwilking@hotmail.com

Spelling Bee Bingo, Ages 4 andup. 2 to 6 players. Fun game withspelling., €2.50, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com

Spongebob Squarepants Puzzle,Kid size puzzle. 30 pieces. Age3+., €4, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com

Striped hand-made felt shoulderbag, large, trend colors, perfectgift, €30, jenniferwilking@hotmail.comSwarovski Crystal - Attention col-lectors! All retired pieces reducedto half their value, All pieces over20years old! Prices greatly redu-ced! Great gift for any special oc-casion! Private collection!The lasttwo Retired pieces., whale, turtle.Call for info: 06332-41560 bet-ween 2pm to 9pm. Can deliver toRAB!Sweatshirt von GAP, perfect con-dition, like new. Size small., €7,pics on class-world.com, coemser@gmail.comThe Notebook from NicholasSparks - wonderful book!, €3, picon class-world.com, coemser@gmail.comTommy Hilfiger Jacket for men,great condition, 100% cotton, si-ze 54, €45 OBO, coemser@gmail.comTransformers, Multiple 220 volttransformers. 4 X 300 watt for $40each and 1 X 75 watt for $20.Contact Eric and Mia at063759949674. $40, eyates9761@aol.comT-Shirt "America", perfect condi-tion, like new, size small!, €8, picson class-world.com, coemser@gmail.comTwo brand new bikes in mint con-dition, 500 euro. Helmet, light,bell, rain cover, chain and lock,back carrying clasp, & detachablefront basket included. krgween@hotmail.com

Werther International, winterjacket for men, brown leather and100% lambskin. Perfect conditi-on, size 58 (german size)! €50OBO, pics on class-world.com,coemser@gmail.com

Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bott-les, attractive metal finish, fits per-fectly in a small, narrow space.$10; 0163-330-5535 or john@advantipro.de

Antique 100 y.o. German chinacabinet, matching dining tablewith 4 chairs. See photo on KAclassifieds web page. ContactEric and Mia at 063759949674.€950, eyates9761@aol.com

Antique Armoire, Nice antique Ar-miore. Bought 2000 for 1585 EURin a antique shop with certifcate.To be picked up in Kaiserslautern.Now only 850 EUR, drdos331@gmail.com

Antique Bench, Antique benchwith cushion seat, storage spaceand wheels. See photo on KAclassifieds web page. ContactEric and Mia at 063759949674.€600, eyates9761@aol.com

Antique cabinet, restored anti-que cabinet. 3 doors with mirror.140cm wide, 2m high. Solidwood. To be picked up in Kaisers-lautern. €350, drdos331@gmail.com

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 42 March 7, 2014

FURNITUREAll ads and pics on class-world.com

Practice Dr. Matthias Christ MD, DDSOral and Maxillofacial Surgery • Certifi ed in Oral Implantology and Aesthetic Facial Surgery

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Antique corner desk. See photoon KA classifieds web page. Con-tact Eric and Mia at063759949674. €150,eyates9761@aol.comAntique French armiore with mir-ror doors. Louis IV style. See pho-to on KA classifieds web page.Contact Eric and Mia at063759949674. €800,eyates9761@aol.comAntique French buffet. year 1890Henry II style. See photo on KAclassifeds web page. Contact Ericand Mia at 063759949674. €1000,eyates9761@aol.com

Antique French sofa. See photoon KA classifieds web page. Con-tact Eric and Mia at063759949674. €200,eyates9761@aol.com

Antique secretary desk. See pho-tos on KA classifieds web page.Contact Eric and Mia at063759949674. €120,eyates9761@aol.com

Bathroom mirror cabinet, beauti-ful bathroom mirror cabinet withbeautiful lamp, $, wagnersfitfire@yahoo.de

Bathroom shelf, birch wood ba-throom shelf with 3 glass inlays,$20, wagnersfitfire@yahoo.de

Beautiful birch wood bathroommirror cabinet including lamp.Mir-rors inside and outside of cabinetdoors. $50, wagnersfitfire@yahoo.de

Beautiful sideboard, cherrywoodveneer The sideboard is in verygood condition with normal signsof usage. Very decorative, beauti-ful eye-catcher for your home.97cm high, 193cm wide, 37cm de-ep, €350, drdos331@gmail.

Beautiful Solid French Oak Di-ning Table - This is a True pieceof craftsmanship! Hand-craftedwith wooden dowels and dove-tai-led drawer. L - 82" W - 39.6" H -31" €1000. Wood Chairs €135.Bench €250. Side Tables €320 &€375. Leather Chairs €150. 06371-802-2655

Couch With Recamiere, 2 & 1/2seats Couch with recamiere withstorage space under recamiere. si-ze 2.35cm X 0.53cm, recamiere1.60cm X 0.80cm, color: terracot-ta., €500, earnest.epps@t-online.de Tel. Cell 01737406216

Custom Made Wood Bar, Cu-stom made wood bar includingsix stools, sink, and tap, plus ligh-ting. Small refridgerator which ex-actly fits the bar available for se-parate purchase. $725,mkomara7@yahoo.com

For Sale - Art Noveau Wood Ta-ble (1900), Size: 45 x 30 inches,Good Condition; PH: 06301-793819, speak English

Foxy lady, small felt shoulder bagwith fox design. Discover yourwild side! All bags are completelyenvironmentally friendly madewith wool, soap and water on-ly!€25, jenniferwilking@hotmail.com

Free Dining TableRustic-style di-ning table, 62"x42"x30", 4 chairs.Will PCS in May. If interested, plscontact Ms. Sullivan at shus2@yahoo.com.

German Sideboard and High-board for Sale. Oak-rustic color,solid wood. Great condition! New€1200 each, now selling for €200each! Call: 0176-907-96039

I give away my couch for free!80cm x 1.74cm x 76cm. Cushionis slightly worn out but still verycomfortable and looks nice with acover. I also have a matching arm-chair. 0151-67603628. Seewww.class-world.com for pictures

Inlaid Wooden End Table. Sorren-to style. See photo on KA classi-fieds web page. Contact Eric andMia at 063759949674. €30,eyates9761@aol.com

Original oil painting by Paul Mor-roOil on canvas. The subject is acolorful bouquet of flowers in agray vase.The picture is framedwith a broad, elaborate woodenframe. 85 x 95cm. Purchased1978 – now only 590€, drdos331@gmail.com

Sleeper Sofa, Queen size sleepersofa, must pick up at Luxem-bourg American Cemetery.$50.00, cahilldd@yahoo.com or(00352)26361883

Target practice, eco warriorshoulder bag, hand-made felt, en-vironmentally friendly bag madeusing only wool, water and soap,€25, jenniferwilking@hotmail.com

This is a beautiful Italian mirror.The frame is gold leafed and thepicture is made out of marblecomposite. It is not an antique,but will add that exquisite feel toany room. Height: 58 inchesWidth: 32 inches 06371-802-2655

Wooden bookshelf. See photoon KA classifieds web page. Con-tact Eric and Mia at063759949674. $150,eyates9761@aol.com

Kaiserslautern American Page 43March 7, 2014

JOBSAll ads and pics on class-world.com

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PETSAll ads and pics on class-world.com


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RAYTHEON on Miesau now HIRING for a

MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Seeking U.S. citizen with valid US Military ID card to work as a Maintenance Technician to perform detailed maintenance, testing, repair, and cleaning on PATRIOT Ground Equipment. Mechanical aptitude along with experience in disassem-bly/reassembly, repair, and testing of electronic equipment desired.

To apply, please go to http://jobs.raytheon.com, click on “Job Search” on the left-hand side, enter 49823BR in the “Keyword or ID” fi eld, and click “Search”.  Should you run into issues, please send your questions to positionsatmiesau@gmail.com

Catholic 1700 Saturday Cantor:Will lead the choir and congregational singing for the Vogelweh Chapel 1700 Catholic Saturday Mass, special Holidays and Feasts, and other special ser-vices as needed. All music will conform to the liturgical norms of the Roman Catholic Church and the directives of the Ranking Catholic Chaplain. Bidder is subject to criminal history background checks and must complete a Child Care National Agency Check and Inquiries (CNACI) and Installation Records Check. The Chapel will be accepting bids from today (7 Mar) thru 21 March, 4 p.m. The Statement of Work and bid documents can be picked up from the Ramstein North Chapel, Monday through Friday. The position will be awarded on the best value to the government (see AFI52-105v4 Attch 4.) Bidders may have to participate in a qualifying interview/audition. Therefore, if you bid on this contract, you must be available for a possible interview/audition on: 26 March at 1400 at the Ramstein North Chapel, Bldg. 1201. Following that, quali� ed bidders are invited to attend the public bid opening.For more information call the Ramstein North Chapel at 480-2499 or 06371-47-2499.

The Ramstein Chapel is accepting bids for the following contract positions:


Overseas Network AdministratorOverseas HeadquartersFull-Time Position

Overseas Network Systems Manager Candidate will be responsible for operation, configuration and installation of Service Credit Union’s computer and network-related systems at Overseas Headquarters and Branch Offices. Individual responsibilities include, but are not limited to; computer systems, network devices, telecommunications and related equipment, Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs), software installation, help desk duties, installing, configuring, and administering computer software and hardware, both commercial and proprietary.

user and systematic issues

ATMs installations, and train branch staff

computer related ATM or mechanical problems (cell phone)

MCSE or CCNA certifications


CONTACT:Wes Loomis – Overseas Network Systems ManagerOverseas HeadquartersPulaski Barracks, Bldg. 293467661 Kaiserslautern, GermanyTel: +49 (0) 631-351-20160Email: wloomis@servicecu.org




**NEED HELP**, im looking for so-me help I need a side josb doingsomething to earn extra money. Ican do almost anything I have carI can drive an please feel free tocall me anytime at 015129148662god bless you

Occupational Therapists NeededIn Incirlik, Turkey. Excellent Com-pensation! - Bachelors DegreeReq. - 2 yry exp. req. - Any StateLicence. Contact Lynn at 513-984-1800 ext.156, fax 513-984-4909,or email LynnR@MagnumMedicalOverseas.com

Guy seeks gal, Single Americanguy seeks a nice fun girl, 30-45,for friendship, hanging out, fun,and possibly more if all goeswell.. Email: 1pablito2@gmail.com

Harley friends, Lookin for friends,female/male who likes harleys,works on them, who are into Rockmusic, good food, havin fun,BBQ, beeing outside and enjoyinga good time together. Just emailme and we will see when we canmeet.

I dare you, I dare you to go on 5dates with me – you think you canhandle a SWF in her 40?s, fun, at-tractive, spontaneous,romantic…and much more? Thenrespond if you are a SWM withsincere interest, my age and inthe greater Stuttgart areaMoonchld99@yahoo.com

There have been reports ofpets being sold from bree-ding facilities that are not ma-naged at the highest profes-sional standards. Pleasechoose your pet carefully.Make sure you check the cre-dentials of the people sellingthe pet, and get proper pa-perwork showing shots and/or other proof of healthy con-dition. For further advice,consult your Veterinarian.

Beautiful-Sweet-Gentle-Sound-Safe South German Cold Blood(Bavarian Oberlander) HorseTeam. Both Horses Drive a carria-ge & can be ridden. Mare-10 y/o& Gelding-15 y/o. Both come withPferdepass. Please call Ruth at01609-559-4445. More Info. &photos at: www.class-world.com

Dog kennel made of galvanizedmetal, comes apart for shipping,upgradable in size with parts frommanufacturer, metal gate, inclu-des dog house that fits inside,must pick up at Luxembourg Ame-rican Cemetery. $300.00. Contactcahilldd@yahoo.com or(00352)26361883

Excellent Starter Pet, ReverseOkeetee Albino Corn Snake - 1 y/o. Healthy & PERFECT pet! SuperEasy to care for! Includes comple-te tank set. Very Friendly - DoesNOT bite! Contact Ruth @ 01609-559-4445. Photos on www.class-world.com

Pair of Pretty Budgies (male & fe-male) are looking for a home. Ma-le is hand tame. Pair comes withXL cage & includes nesting box,bath, toys, food & more. ContactRuth @ 01609-559-4445 if youwould like to make them a part ofyour family. Photos are onwww.class-world.com

Pekingese Puppy, 3 month oldmale Pekingese. Home raised. Ra-re White colour. Registered withDeutche Pekingese club. Shotsand dewormed, pedigree. Will de-liver. 01717026171 or email kittyhuckestein@yahoo.com, $1000,

Super Cuddly Bunny, Perfectpet, easy care & super friendlymale Lion Head Bunny. This 1 y/owas a rescue & is looking for apermanent home. Cage, pet items& food included. He loves to beheld and cuddled! Call Ruth:01609-559-4445 to make him partof your family.

Professional Services are of-fered by registered busines-ses as well as private peo-ple. To ensure a satisfactoryservice experience, please al-ways ask for credentials anddeny payments up front. Forcleaning services, arrangefor payments after a finalwalk-through and inspectionof the clean house.

Clock repair & antique clock sa-les. Hermann Lieser, Ludwigstr.32, Landstuhl 06371-2637

Eva's cleaning service, let usclean your house, we guaranteeyou will be satisfied, 06371-976660

German all levels, Mr. Vollmer,Ramstein, call: 063719524381,www.deutschvollmer.de

Professional medical /legal, &ctranslations.Call 0631-37328201Franz.Thomann@kabelmail.de

Translator/Interpreter CertifiedKL., near Vogelweh. Reasonablerates. Call: 0631-54440

Voice lessons (experienced pro-fessional singer, BM) 06372-508747 or ellen@iocanto.com

Weekly - BI-weekly & PCS Clea-ning Cell: 0160-91948691 Insp-Guaranteed E-Mail cthompson@t-online.de www.cthompson-cleaning.com