KS4 Parent Revision Evening How can I help my child to reach their full potential in exams?


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KS4 Parent Revision Evening

How can I help my child to reach their full potential in exams?

Aims of the sessions

To give you some advice on how you can best support your child in:

EnglishMathsScience And some general tips for all subjects

Outstanding Results!

Excellent teaching, motivated pupils linked with good parental support.

Parental support is vitally important in determining a child’s academic success. The Campaign for Learning found that parental involvement in a child’s education can mean the difference between an A* and a D at GCSE.

(Times Educational Supplement)

You do not need to be an expert in any of the subjects that your child is taking!

“The aggregation of marginal gains”

Dave Brailsford British Cycling & Team Sky’s Cycling Manager.

Simple Methods of Support

“It is about making sure the riders get a good night’s sleep by transporting their own bed and pillow to each hotel. It is about using the most effective massage gel. Each improvement may seem trivial, but the cumulative effect can be huge.”

How you can make a difference

• Reminding them to revise + 1% • Creating a suitable revision work space + 1%• Removal of distractions (mobile phone, iPad, Xbox etc…) + 1%• Buying subject specific revision guides + 1%• Encouraging them to read + 1%• School / parent contact + 1% • Helping them create a revision timetable + 1%• Showing an interest + 1%• Being flexible (to some extent!) + 1%Potential cumulative effe

ct +9%

Good Attendance(much more than a 1% gain!!)

The biggest single factor in a child underachieving is poor attendance at school.

What is happening in school to support your child’s revision?

• Exam paper / Exam question practice

• After school revision classes

• Exam warm ups

• Revision Days


Effective parental support and involvement is one of the most important things you can do and is the one thing that will make the most difference between success and failure.


The following workshops will now be taking place. Each are approximately

15 mins long.• History 2 – Mr Roe - General Revision Tips• History 3 - Miss Taylor/Miss Stock – English

Revision Tips• History 4 –Mr Gregory/Mr Stoker – Maths Revision

Tips• History 5 -Miss Woollams - Science

The session finishes after the last workshop is delivered at 7.15pm approx.

Thank You for your continued support
