Leaders' Workshop



A pdf of Lyn Ross' PowerPoint from the Making Connection - Linking Digitally Leaders' Workshop held on 15 February 2012.

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Making  Connec,ons  –  Linking  Digitally  ICT  Cluster    

Leaders’  Workshop  

15  February  2012  

Our  day  Session  1  Having  a  Plan!    -­‐  Cluster  programme  -­‐  Job  descrip,on  2012  -­‐  School  ICT  ac,on  plan  

(Reference  to  eLearning)  planning  Framework  

-­‐  Cluster  Info  &  programme  -­‐  School  ini,a,ves    -­‐  Innova,on  and  future  


(Na,onal  Goal  2)      10.10:  Morning  Tea    


Session  2  Achieving  Success    -­‐  Teacher  ques,onnaire  -­‐  SMART  Goal  SeVng  -­‐  Planning  ICT  Integra,on  -­‐  Scaffolding  and  support  for  

teachers  (how?)  -­‐  Teaching  as  Inquiry  (Na,onal  Goal  3)        


 •  Session  3  

 •  eLearning  mission    

(working  in  a  small  group)    

 A,ernoon    Session  4  Round  table  sharing  and  discussion.  Hands-­‐on  ICT  


 12.00:  Lunch  

lynrossnz@gmail.com lynross.wikispaces.com



www.ebest.co.nz www.teapiti.co.nz


…  ICT  Leadership  

A  management  structure  

Leadership  Lesson  

Confident    Posi,ve  in  their  own  iden,ty  Mo,vated  and  reliable  Resourceful  Enterprising  and  entrepreneurial  Resilient    Connected    Able  to  relate  well  to  others  Effec,ve  users  of  communica,on  tools  Connected  to  the  land  and  environment  Members  of  communi,es  Interna,onal  ci,zens    

 Ac4vely  involved    Par,cipants  in  a  range  of  life  contexts  Contributors  to  the  well-­‐being  of  New  Zealand  –  social,  cultural,  economic,  and  environmental      Lifelong  learners    Literate  and  numerate  Cri,cal  and  crea,ve  thinkers  Ac,ve  seekers,  users,  and  creators  of  knowledge  Informed  decision  makers  

Steps  to  an  eLearning  Ac,on  Plan  

Reflect,  evaluate  and  feed-­‐forward    

2011                      2012                                            


eLearning  Ac,on  Plan  

PMI  Being  a  school  leader  last  year  

Plus   Minus    Ideas  I  wish  I  had  …  This  year  I  will    …  I’d  like  to  try  …  

How  do  you  know  that  you’re  making  a  difference?  Discuss  

What  s,ll  needs  to  happen?  Discuss  

How  will  it  happen?  Discuss  

ICT  Lead  Teachers’  Job  Descrip,on  Is  this  s,ll  ok?  

Skills and Strategies to be taught

Learning to Learn Thinking Tools Research Tools & Presenting

   Goal setting    Organisation

and time management

   Tracking and asking for assistance

   Collaboration and group work

   Self and peer evaluation

   Reflective practice

   Bloom’s Taxonomy

   De Bono Hats    PMI    Thinker’s Keys    Thinking Maps    Graphic


   Questioning skills    Key words

(Identifying and using)

   Internet searching    Using contents &

index    Using websites    Skimming,

scanning & reading for detail

   Taking notes & making notes

   Sorting, interpreting & organising

•  Use of ICT •  Use of

software •  Layout and

design •  Vocabulary

studies •  Listening •  Speaking •  Public

speaking •  Discussion •  Performance

A  school  is  either  improving    or  its  geVng  worse  

~  Stoll  and  Fink  

2012  Cluster  Informa,on    •  In  Wellington  weeks  3,  6  &  9  (Mon  –  Thurs)  

•  8  days  online  facilita,on,  planning,  repor,ng  

•  Lyn’s  strengths:  -­‐  Infusion  of  ICTs  &  use  of  eLearning  -­‐  Developing  Thinking  strategies  &  tools  (a  school  ‘Thinking  Toolbox’)  -­‐  info  Literacy  skills  (e.g  Ques,oning)  -­‐  Student  Inquiry  Learning  (seVng  it  up  school-­‐wide  and  in  the  classroom)  -­‐  Teaching  as  Inquiry    

2012  Cluster  Programme  

What?   How  many   Dates   Time  

Leaders’  Workshops   2  per  term   13  Feb,     8.30  –  12.00  

Principals’  Management  Mee,ngs     2  per  term   14  Feb,     1.30  –  3.30  

Staff  Mee,ng  Workshops  (by  Lyn)  Schools  can  combine  

1  per  term   As  booked   3.30  –  4.45  

In-­‐school  support  Schools  can  combine  

•  7  days  term  1  •  10  days  terms  

2,  3  &  4  

As  per  wiki  calendar  

All  day  

Students  conference   1  day   Term  4   9.30-­‐2.00  

Session  2  

-­‐ Teacher  ques,onnaire  -­‐  SMART  Goal  SeVng  -­‐  Planning  ICT  Integra,on    -­‐  Scaffolding  and  support  for  teachers  (how?)  -­‐ Teaching  as  Inquiry  (Na,onal  Goal  3)      

•  How  are  you  leading  e-­‐learning  with  your  students?  

•  How  do  you  know  the  ICT  &  eLearning  needs  of  your  teachers?  

•  How  you  are  suppor,ng,  or  leading,  e-­‐learning  with  your  peers?  

•  How  you  are  engaging  with  your  parent  community  about  e-­‐learning?    

Innova4ons???    Discuss  

Find  ways  to  engage,  mo,vate  &  inspire  your  learners  

•  Compe,,ons  •  Prizes  •  Assemblies  •  New  ini,a,ves  


Teacher  ques,onnaire  

What  do  we  need  to  know?  (School?    Cluster?)    •  Access  to  computers  •  ICT  Confidence  &  skills  •  ICTs  having  greatest  impact  in  learning  •  Integra,on  of  eLearning  •  The  development  of  students'  key  competencies  through  the  use  of  ICTs  

•  Successful  digital  ci,zenship  •  Pedagogy  (understandings  about  learning.  Use  of,  thinking  tools,  forma,ve  


•  Common  learning  language  and  thinking  toolkit  •  Reflec,ve  prac,ces  for  students  •  Reflec,ve  prac,ces  for  teachers  •  Developing  a  professional  learning  community  •  Teaching  as  Inquiry    


12.00  –  12.45  

Although  all  change  is  not  improvement,    all  improvement  involves  change    


SMART  Goal  SeVng                  

Goal  seVng  &  scaffolding  

•  Having  fun  with  Skype  

•  NZ  Na,ve  Birds  

Checking  things  out  in  the  classroom  

Resource  by  Judi  Buckley  

Resource  by  Judi  Buckley  

Professional  Learning  

If  a  teacher  has  no  meaningful  professional  development  within  5  years,  they  revert  to  teaching  the  way  they  were  taught  when  they  were  at  school  

Research  shows  that    

Your  2012  professional  learning  

•  What?  

•  How?  

•  Changes  to  the  way  you  teach?  

•  Twiper  

•  Youtube  (  e.g.  Tedtalks)    •  Educators’  blogs  

Derek’s  Blog  

•  Your  own  reflec,ve  blog    •  Reading  and  commen,ng  on  others’  reflec,ve  blogs        •  The  VLN  e.g.  School  iPad/iPod  User  Group  

Professional    learning  using  online  environments  

Discuss  how  you  use  online  environments  as  part  of  your  

professional  learning  


Teaching  as  Inquiry        

Turning  classroom  experience  into  classroom  exper,se  

Workshop  aims  

•  To  develop  an  understanding  of  the  ‘teaching  as  inquiry’  framework    

 •  To  discuss  and  plan  a  teacher  inquiry  into:  ‘How  can  my  students  and  I  successfully  develop  our  understandings  and  prac,ce  of  the  ‘Thinking  Competency’?  

Inquiry  into  the  ‘teaching  –  learning’  rela,onship  is  the  basis  of  effec,ve  pedagogy.  

Effec,ve  pedagogy  requires  that  teachers  inquire  into  the  impact  of  their  teaching  on  their  students.  NZC  page  35  

Teaching  as  Inquiry  

   Pages  34  &  35  

Discuss  our  understandings  

‘Teaching  as  Inquiry’  will  s,mulate  teachers  to  look  closely  at  their  prac,ce  with  a  view  to  improving  teaching  and  learning.    

‘Teaching  as  Inquiry’  challenges  teachers  to    

•  Ar,culate  their  beliefs  •  Adopt  an  inquiry  stance  •  Par,cipate  in  professional  conversa,ons  based  on  teaching  and  learning  

•  Ask  the  real  ques,ons  -­‐        "What  are  the  next  steps  for  learning?"      "Is  there  something  I  need  to  change?”  

Are you up for the


You  will  

•  Iden,fy  the  needs  of  your  students  (how?)  •  Collect  and  synthesise  data  •  Plan  your  inquiry  •  Seek  and  analyse  data  and  evidence  to  inform  of  change  

•  Accept  feedback  (colleagues  &  students)  and  act  on  it  

•  Share  your  findings  and  the  outcomes  

It’s  about  improving  competence  …  not  proving  competence  

Iden,fying  possibili,es  for  strengthening  or  developing    


•  the  experiences  of  other  teachers  (crav  knowledge)  

•  researcher  knowledge      



evidence  of  impact  on  student  learning  

Posing  ques4ons  about  

•  outcomes  •  alignment    •  engagement  •  success  

Collec4on  of  high  quality  evidence  

•  student  achievement  data  •  teacher  documenta,on  •  classroom  observa,on  •  Student  voice  

3  Parts  

•  Discovering  ‘Focusing  Inquiry’  Establishing  baseline  and  direc,on  

 •  Designing  ‘Teaching  Inquiry’  The  teacher  uses  evidence  from  research  and  from  their  own  past  prac,ce  and  that  of  colleagues  to  plan  teaching  and  learning  opportuni,es  aimed  at  achieving  the  outcomes  priori,sed  in  the  focusing  inquiry.    

 •  Delivering  ‘Learning  Inquiry’  Takes  place  both  during  and  aver  teaching    

Inquiry  into  the  teaching–learning  rela,onship  can  be  visualised  as  a  cyclical  process  that  goes  on  moment  by  moment  (as  teaching  takes  place),  day  by  day,  and  over  the  longer  term.        In  this  process,  the  teacher  asks:  

Discover:  What  is  important  (and  therefore  worth  spending  4me  on),  given  where  my  students  are  at?      This  focusing  inquiry  establishes  

a  baseline  and  a  direc,on.  The  teacher  uses  all  available  informa,on  to  determine  what  their  students  have  already  learned  and  what  they  need  to  learn  next.  (NZC,  p.35)  

Design:  What  strategies  (evidence-­‐based)  are  most  likely  to  help  my  students  learn  this?    In  this  teaching  inquiry,  the  teacher  uses  evidence  from  research  and  from  their  own  past  prac,ce  and  that  of  colleagues  to  plan  teaching  and  learning  opportuni,es  aimed  at  achieving  the  outcomes  priori,sed  in  the  focusing  inquiry.  

Deliver:  What  happened  as  a  result  of  the  teaching,  and  what  are  the  implica4ons  for  future  teaching?    In  this  learning  inquiry,  the  teacher:  •  Puts  ideas  into  prac,ce  (embedded  in  authen,c  learning  experiences)  

•  Monitors  and  reflects  -­‐  Inves,gates  the  success  of  the  teaching  in  terms  of  the  priori,sed  outcomes  

•  Uses  a  range  of  assessment  approaches  (short  term  and  long  term)    

•  Analyses  and  interpret  the  informa,on  to    consider  what  they  should  do  next.  


•  Summarise  -­‐reflect  on  progress,  observa,ons,  current  vs  ini,al  data.  How  did  it  go?  What  strategies  have  made  a  difference  to  my  students'  learning?    

•   Provide  evidence  •  What  will  you  do  now?  Present  findings  to  colleagues,  principal,  BOT    

Planning  Sheet  

‘How  can  my  students  and  I  successfully  develop  our  understandings  and  prac,ce  of  the  ‘Thinking  Competency’?  

   ‘How  can  my  student  and  I  use  our  class  blog  as  part  of  teaching  and  learning?’    

‘How  can  I  use  thinking  tools  and  eLearning  to  engage  students  in  learning?’    

References  &  acknowledgements    

   New  Zealand  Curriculum  Online:  Teaching  as  Inquiry    Alton-­‐Lee  (2003)  Quality  Teaching  for  Diverse  Students  in  Schooling:  Best  Evidence  Synthesis  Itera,on  [BES]      Ministry  of  Educa,on  (2007)  The  New  Zealand  Curriculum.  Wellington:  Learning  Media  

     Graeme  Aitken,    Dean  of  Educa,on,    University  of  Auckland    David  Reardon  –  Russell  Street  School        Rochelle  Jenson  


ICT  Mission  To  use  environmental  materials  to  explain  a  subtrac,on  concept  Timeframe:  30  minutes    •  Work  in  groups  of  3  with  leaders  from  other  schools  

 •  Take  either  s,ll  photos  or  movie  clips.      

•  Import  into  movie  sovware  

•  Share  with  the  group  


Network,  collaborate,  explore,  discuss,    share  your  exper,se,  learn,  lead,  follow  

 Round  table  sharing  of  ideas  &  discussion  

Be  ac,vely  involved  in  teaching  and  learning  in  the  digital  21st  Century    

 Lyn  Ross  

ICT  and  Learning  Facilitator        
