

brochure 2012

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让 大 自 然 激 发 企 业 的 灵 感 let your company be inspired by nature

Occupying 60 acres of beautiful countryside in Moganshan, naked Stables Private Reserve is a sustainable luxury wellness resort and equestrian reserve. The resort features 121 rooms in Tree-Top Villas and Earth Huts, three restaurants and lounges including Kikaboni Restaurant and Bar and Indaba Conference Centre. Recreational facilities include naked Leaf Spa and Wellness Centre, three swimming pools, and a fully equipped Equestrian Centre. Cultural offerings span a hands-on Pottery Studio, Bamboo Gallery, Tea House, Project Museum and Amphitheatre hosting concerts and cultural performances.

The essence of the philosophy behind naked Retreats is the idea of stripping away a busy cosmopolitan lifestyle to restore balance through closeness to nature. As naked Retreats has grown it has become a leader in Asia for giving unique and rewarding experiences in stunning natural environments. The first naked Retreats resort, naked Home Village, opened in 2007 in Moganshan, two and a half hours from Shanghai, China. It is home to eight hillside homesteads in the village of Sanjiuwu dotted across the mountain. naked Home Village provides a rustic and unique experience in converted farmhouses that is unique to escape the stress of work. The opening of the second property, naked Stables Private Reserve, in 2011 has taken it to the next level. The resort features 121 beautifully appointed rooms set across 60 pristine acres in its own private valley surrounded by a reservoir, bamboo and tea plantations, and small farming villages. The ‘sustainable luxury’ resort features free-standing Tree Top Villas and Earth Huts; three dining options; the naked Leaf Spa & Wellness Centre; three outdoor swimming pools; a fully equipped Equestrian Centre and much more. Both resorts specialize in bespoke teambuilding and meeting packages tailored for the exact needs of companies. naked Stables Private Reserve’s 800 sqm Conference Centre, Indaba (an African word meaning ‘gathering of the chiefs’), offers seven multi-functional meeting rooms, while the dedicated on-site activity teams craft outings for each individual company’s requirements. With bamboo-rafting, orienteering, hiking, biking, horseriding and more, naked Retreats offers the ideal opportunity for companies to experience nature at its best.


裸心的本质是返璞归真,远离现代都市忙碌生活的困扰,回归大自然,恢复身心平衡。裸心|酒店管理集团利用全自然的环境,提供有益身心的独特体验。裸心 | 酒店管理集团在亚洲开创了利用全天然的环境,提供有益身心的独特体验。

首个裸心度假村“裸心 | 乡”于2007年开业,位于中国浙江省莫干山镇三九坞村,距离上海两个半小时车程,现拥有八栋位于半山腰的农家小屋。裸心 | 乡利用充满乡土气息农舍改建而成的居所,提供返璞归真、回归本源的体验,是释放工作压力的理想去处。

2011年,第二个项目“裸心 | 谷”的开业,将裸心理念提升至全新高度。这个强调可持续理念的豪华养生中心兼牧马自然保护区占地60英亩,坐落于一个私人山谷之中,四周环绕着大型水库、翠竹、茶林以及一些小村庄。



Nestled in the pristine hills and forests of Moganshan, both naked Home Village and naked Stables Private Reserve offer guests a sanctuary to unwind and reconnect to nature.

Located 60km north of Hangzhou and 200km southwest of Shanghai, naked Retreats is near enough for a weekend getaway yet far enough to leave the stress of the city behind. It is the perfect location for team building and off-site meetings.

Known for its crisp and cool temperatures in the scorching summers, Moganshan was a playground for the Shanghai elite in the past. Today, Moganshan remains an idyllic retreat to escape the rising temperatures as well as the increasing pace of the urban lifestyle.

For ease and convenience, we can arrange roundtrip transportation from:

Shanghai: 1) Bus/car at departure location and time of your choice 2) Train from Hongqiao to Hangzhou and bus/car from Hangzhou Central Train Station

Hangzhou: Roundtrip bus/car at departure location and time of your choice.

HK:- Fly to Hangzhou. Bus/car pickup from Hangzhou Airport.- Fly to Shanghai. Bus/car pickup from Shanghai Airport.

7公里路10分钟车程 7 km apart10 min driving

裸心|乡 naked Home Village

裸心|谷 naked Stables

裸心|乡和裸心|谷 ,地处莫干山上的一处历史悠久的山丘和树林中。他们为客人提供了一个放松并且贴近大自然的环境。


以避暑胜地闻名的莫干山,曾今是上海精英人士的运动场。 现如今,它更成为人们逃避酷暑,远离日益加快的城市步伐的理想之地。


从上海出发:1) 按照您要求的地点和时间可以选择乘坐巴士/汽车2) 乘坐火车从虹桥到杭州然后巴士/汽车从杭州火车站出发



地理位置 | location info

悠久历史 | rich history莫干山位于天目山脉,是浙江省德清县内一个高500米、有苍翠竹林覆盖的山峰,距离杭州以北60公里及上海200公里。在19世纪80年代,莫干山已成为上海不少外籍人士寻找专属的“夏季避暑胜地”的场所。他们利用当地的石料建设屋舍,还有教堂、泳池和网球场,如今山顶上仍然保留着不少这样的设施。到了20世纪30年代,已有超过200个以当地花岗岩和砂岩建设的欧式别墅,村庄里还有网球场、泳池、烘培店和教堂。

茶园 | tea莫干山四周茶园环绕,采茶季节从4月初开始一直持续至10月份。裸心|谷的茶园种植的是白茶。白茶的得名是由于它在叶子还没有盛开之前,这样的能呀仍然披满细白的芽毫。莫干山山区盛产白茶,且采用最少加工工序制造,天然脱除咖啡因,富含抗氧化因子。裸心利用白茶的此特点,把其完美结合到料理和脸部护理中。

自然环境 | environment莫干山植被覆盖率高,遍山竹海,松林挺拔,流泉飞瀑茶园随处可见。莫干山的自然环境是一个非常丰富而且多样化的生态系统,生长着覆盆子、黑莓、苦竹、金樱子等野生植物。鸟类爱好者可以在这里观察到横斑林、红嘴蓝鹊、棕背伯劳、崖沙燕及麻雀等。这里的生活与仅一两个小时车程的杭州和上海的生活却有着天壤之别

Moganshan is not only covered in Bamboo but also large waves of Pine forests, small waterfalls, streams and tea plantations. Among the trees and meandering waters that cut through the mists of the mountain you can find a rich and diverse ecosystem that is home to native species of raspberry, blackberry, bitter bamboo and cherokee rose. Bird-spotters can look out for Asian Barred Owls, Red-billed Blue Magpies, Long-tailed Shrikes, Sand Martins and Eurasian Tree Sparrows. It’s a stark contrast from the cities of Hangzhou and Shanghai just a short drive away.

Surrounded by tea plantations, Moganshan’s tea-picking season starts at the beginning of April and runs until the start of October. On top of green tea, found at naked Stables Private Reserve is rare white tea, so called because it is picked before the leaves are fully opened so the buds are still covered in fine white hairs. It is the most abundant in the area and undergoes the least amount of processing – it’s naturally decaffeinated and contains high amounts of antioxidant properties. Due to these properties, at naked Stables, we also use tea in our cuisine and spa treatments.

The mountain became popularised in the 1880s by Shanghai expatriates looking for an exclusive ‘summer heat retreat’. They built houses from local stone, plus churches, swimming pools and tennis courts – many of which still stand on the hilltop today. By the 1930’s there were over 200 European style villas built in local granite and sandstone, and the village had its own tennis courts, swimming pools, bakery and churches.

竹林 | bamboo莫干山种有超过400种的竹子,交错年间生长,每隔一年丰收竹一次。最突出的品种是高达21米的毛竹,在春天,每天生长将近一米,只需要5到6周时间就可以达到此高度。裸心度假村将竹子用于广泛用途,包括椅子、地板、竹筛、篱笆、煮食、窗帘、衣服和工具。

农家菜 | nong jia cai cuisine农家菜运用当地新鲜出产的蔬菜和肉类烹煮,是裸心度假村推崇的中式有机乡村菜式,由阿姨烹煮充满住家风味的佳肴。各式菜肴包括茄子、红烧肉、本地虾,当然少不了竹笋。食材尽可能采用“从农田到餐桌”的农产品烹煮。厨房最大限度控制用油量,绝对没有任何调味剂或味精,且所有食材都尽可能采用简单直接的烹煮工序。

人文 | people莫干山是当地村民的家园,他们从事竹树和茶叶的耕种买卖当地的农民非常的淳朴和友善。裸心度假村致力于为当地村民提供工作机会,包括建筑、烹饪、酒店职位,藉以推动当地社区的发展。

Bamboo is a group of perennial evergreen plant in the true grass family. In Moganshan bamboo shoots are harvested every other year alternating with growing years, with over 400 types of bamboo in the area. The most prominent is called Moso that grows upwards of 21m and with it growing up to nearly one metre a day in spring, it only takes 5-6 weeks to reach its height. naked Retreats uses bamboo in a number of ways including chairs, flooring, screening, fencing, cooking, blinds, clothing and tools.

Using the freshest vegetables and meat from the local area, ‘Nong Jia Cai’ is Chinese organic village cuisine that is embraced by naked Retreats and cooked by ayis home-style. Dishes include eggplant, braised pork, local shrimp and of course bamboo. naked Retreats menus are, as far as possible, made up from produce ‘from farm to fork’. The kitchens use minimal oil, absolutely no flavouring additives or MSG and all ingredients are cooked as lightly and simply as possible.

The mountain is now home to local villagers who ply their trades farming bamboo and tea. Full of kind character and generous personalities, the local community are not only incorporated into the resort life and provide authentic community interactions, but are an integral aspect of resort life. naked Retreats has been a driving force in the community with a commitment to giving work opportunities across its resorts including building, cooking and hotel work.

naked Home Village

Village of 395Authentic village experience in renovated farmhouses with modern amenities18 rooms in 7 units (studio, 2,3,4,6 bedroom bungalows)Boutique, intimate and charmingLocal ayis as housekeepers and cooksSuitable for small groups, intimate gatherings



naked Stables Private Reserve

Shangxiazhuang Village60-acre sustainable luxury wellness

resort and equestrian reserve121 rooms in 40 Earth Huts and

30 Tree Top Villas (2, 3, 4 bedrooms)Luxurious and picturesque

Private Hosts for personalized servicesState of the art conference facilities and

conference amenities





裸 心 | 谷 naked Stables Private Reserve 裸心|谷一瞥 | resort at a glance

占地面积: 266,800平米(60英亩)建筑面积: 12,600平米房型: 40间夯土小屋 30间树顶别墅(2、3、4卧别墅)房间总数: 121设施配置: 会所、私人马厩、活动中心、健身中心 , 儿童俱乐部、裸心小馆、池吧, Kikaboni餐厅、Indaba会议中心, 裸叶水疗中心和健身中心.户外娱乐设施: 大草坪、露天剧场、会所露天游泳池, 裸心|谷泳池(可加热)、隐池(可加热), 泳池平台、远足曲径和人行道、有机农场, 白茶园、竹林.各种活动: 骑马、远足、水疗、游泳、山地单骑、采茶与炒制、垂钓、射箭、书法服务项目: 客房服务、会议与宴会设施、客房送早餐、门房服务、直达班车服务互联网: 整个度假村实现无线免费上网服务。停车: 现场免费停车。度假村场地只通行高尔夫车。

Site area: 266,800sqm (60 acres)Building area: 12,600sqmAccommodation: 40 earth huts 30 tree top villas (2, 3, 4 bedroom villas)No. of rooms: 121Facilities: Clubhouse, Private Horse Stables, Activities Centre, Gym, Kids Club, naked Galleries, Pool Bar and Pizzeria, Kikaboni Restaurant and Bar, Indaba Conference Centre naked Leaf Spa and Wellness Centre, Outdoor amenities: The Big Lawn, Amphitheater, Clubhouse lap pool, Infinity pools (heated), Hideaway pool (heated), Pool decks, hiking trails and walking paths, Organic farms, White tea plantation, Bamboo ForestActivities: Horse riding, hiking, spa, swimming, mountain biking, tea picking and roasting, fishing, archery, calligraphyServices: Room service, meeting and banquet facilities, breakfast in the room, concierge service, shuttle serviceInternet: Wi-fi is available in the entire resort and is free of charge.Parking: Free parking available on site. Resort ground accessible by golf carts only.


The Stables马厩 小芽乐园

多功能厅eThe Clubhous会所


naked Galleries裸心小馆

骑马场The Paddocks

Hideaway Pool隐池

Pool Bar & Pizzeria




naked Leaf Spa and

Wellness 裸叶水疗中心

Kikaboni Restaurant and Bar

Kikaboni 餐厅

Indaba CentreIndaba 宴会中心


Bamboo Forest竹林

naked Farm裸心农场

住宿-树顶别墅accommodation - tree top villas


Expansive balcony with unobstructed viewsIndoor and outdoor dining areasFull kitchen with high-quality appliancesSignature beddingEn suite bedrooms (double bed or 2 x twin beds)Spa shower and all-natural bath productsOutdoor hot tubsOutdoor built-in barbecueHigh-speed wireless internet36-inch satellite TV with cable/satellite channelsCentralized heating and cooling with individual climate controlsOn-call personal host service and daily housekeeping

住宿-夯土小屋accommodation - earth huts


Earth Huts measure 54-64sqm, including terraceBalcony with terraceSignature beddingSpa shower and all-natural bath productsIn room and outdoor dining set upHigh-speed wireless internet32-inch satellite TV with cable/satellite channelsCentralised heating and cooling with individual climate controlsOn-call personal host service and daily housekeeping

会所 | clubhouse 池吧 | the pool bar kikaboni 餐厅酒吧 | kikaboni restaurant and bar

会议设施 | conference facilities

Conference facilitiesnaked Stables Private Reserve is an ideal venue for companies to host corporate meetings, incentives and teambuilding events set amid the rustic Zhejiang countryside. It is perfect for school trips, product launches, concerts and cultural events, weddings, wellness events, sporting events, company annual parties and more. 800 sqm high-tech Indaba Conference Centre 200 sqm multi-function space Accompanying outdoor event spaceMultiple room setups availableOverhead projectorAV/TV equipmentWireless internetFlip charts In-Villa meeting setup also available upon requestTea House and Terrace

Food & BeverageKikaboni Restaurant Seasonal mix of Western cuisine and nong jia caiIndoor seating: 70Terrace seating: 50VIP private dining room: 12Wine Cellar: 10

The Clubhouse Bistro Seasonal mix of Western cuisine and nong jia caiIndoor seating: 60Terrace seating: 24

Poolbar & PizzeriaWoodfire pizzas, snacks and salads Indoor seating: 30Rooftop seating: 50Amphitheatre free seating: 90

会议设施裸心|谷是在这浙江一带为企业举办企业会议,奖励旅游和团队建设活动的理想之地。活动包括:学校考察,产品推介会,音乐会,文化活动,婚礼,健康活动,体育赛事,年会等。800平方米Indaba会议中心 200平方米多功能空间 室外活动空间多功能厅投影仪音像和视频设备无线网络会议书写板 也可按照要求在别墅进行会议摆台茶艺馆和茶艺馆露台


会所餐厅 时令西餐和农家菜室内可容纳人数:60人室外露台可容纳人数:24人

池吧木烤披萨,零食,色拉 室内可容纳人数:30人屋顶可容纳人数:50人露天剧院可容纳人数:90人

曼德拉大厅和曼德拉茶园平台 | mandela hall and tea terrace 会议室 | meeting rooms 多功能茶室 | tea house

大草坪 | the big lawn 露天剧院 | amphitheater, infinity pool and pool decks

裸 心 | 乡 naked Home Village裸心|乡一瞥 | retreat at a glance


Accommodation: 7 units Number of rooms: 18Facilities: naked Home reception, naked restaurant and cafe, Tea House Function Room, Marquee rental can be arranged.Outdoor amenities: numerous hiking paths, biking trails, private terraces and gardens, reservoir for fishing, tea plantation, bamboo forest, private bonfires. Activities: Hiking, mountain biking, tea picking and roasting, fishing, cooking, painting, team building activities. All naked Stables activities also available for naked Home guests. Subject to availability.Services: Local ayis as housekeepers and cooks, meeting facilities, breakfast in studios and bungalows, shuttle services. Internet: Free wifi is available in each of the houses and naked Home. Parking: Free parking on site. Most houses accessible by foot only.

Conference Facilities Tea House Function Room50sqm (maximum 40 seats)Overhead projectorAV/TV equipmentHigh-speed wireless InternetFlip charts Various meeting sets-ups available upon request

Food & BeverageFull service catering and group diningFull service barNong jia cai - local village cuisineBBQ Selection of sandwiches on homemade breadSelection of Italian pastasSoup or salad of the dayPicnic basketsAssortment of homemade dessertsSpecial whole pig spit roasts available with advance booking

会议设施 | meeting facilities会议设施多功能茶室50平方米(最多40个位子)投影仪音像视频设备高速无线网络会议书写板按照要求,各种会议摆台餐饮全方位餐饮和团餐全方位酒吧农家菜-当地农村美食


7 renovated bungalows: 3 studios, 1x2 bedroom, 1x3 bedroom, 1x4 bedroom and 1x6 bedroom. 18 bedrooms.Wood fire ovensHigh-speed wireless InternetFull kitchens with gas stove, oven, refrigerator, microwave, blender, coffee maker, cooking utensils, etc are available in all bungalows. Studios offer small kitchenettes.Large dining and sitting areasLarge outdoor garden areasCD and DVD playersLarge lounge beds in bungalows Indoor and outdoor dining setups

住宿 | accommodation7栋别墅 3栋小筑,1栋2房,1栋3房, 1栋4房和1栋6房, 共18间客房火炉高速无线网络别墅包括完整的厨房用具:燃气灶,烤箱,冰箱,微波炉,搅拌机,咖啡壶,炊具等。小筑提供小厨房用具大空间用餐休憩区域大型室外花园区域CD,DVD机别墅内包括大沙发床室内室外用餐设备





团队建设活动 | team building activities

naked team challenge

The naked Team Challenge allows the group to participate in several activities taking a maximum of 4 hours time. The specific activities are pre-selected by the group organizer and details of the activities can be modified to achieve the intended purpose of the outing.


这个活动适合裸心|乡附近水库还很暖和的夏季。通常我们会分2- ‐3个组,每组需要使用当地的材料做 一个竹筏,并在湖面比赛看哪组的竹筏游的最快。这个活动会充分调动小组的团队合作, 创造力。竹筏完成后的速度,安全性和质量是考核的最终标准。

raft building

This event is suitable for the summer months when the water in the reservoir at naked Home Village is warmer. It involves 2-3 groups challenging each other to build a raft using local materials in order to cross a stretch of water. The event fosters teamwork and creativity. Teams will be judged according to their speed, safety and strength.



moganshan sword hunt

Teams will be given codes to “break” on a race to find a hidden legendary sword. They will need to find the hidden clues to break the code within a specified area in the resort. The first team to work together to solve the code and locate the hidden sword is the winner!

tea picking and roasting challenge

This is naked’s special challenge and requires the teams to call on a variety of skill sets. The activity begins with teams trying to pick the best quality tea leaves. Afterward, the teams will be able to hand roast their own tea leaves in our Tea House and take back with them in a naked tea canister. Available seasonally.


这个活动同时要消耗很多的体力因为每个人要根据他们有的线索找到竹林的特定景 点。阅读地图,GPS导航,合作,直觉,坚忍都是顺利完成任务的必要技巧。这是一个对于生理上的挑战。


This is the most physically demanding of the naked teambuilding activities. It requires the teams to navigate the forest to find clues leading them to the finish point. Map reading, GPS reading, cooperation, initiative and endurance are the necessary skills required to finish this challenge successfully.


油画大师活动是为最少13 个人的团队设计的。一副大的图片将会平均切成等比例的小图。片,每个人都将分配到一块。一张大的帆布画板,油画刷和颜料将被给予每个参与者。活动的目标是在帆布画板上完成指定的图画。这个活动促进了整个团队的沟通,从始至终每个成员都要与其他成员紧密合作确保图画的线条和颜色会很好衔接,拼成完整的图片。迷你油画大师将是同样的活动但是适合更小的团队(12 人以下)

artjamming and mini artjamming

This is a great activity for a large group. Given smaller blocks of a large picture, team members paint individually to create a final image fitting together in graphics positioning, color and mood. This requires communication, patience and creativity and teams leave with a colorful mural depicting their accomplishment.



hiking and mountain biking

Nestled in the hills and valleys of the bamboo forest are numerous hiking and mountain biking trails. Clean mountain air and green towering bamboo will give you a chance to catch your breath and relax in nature’s tranquility.





team building activities

generalSword HuntMinesweeperCake OffLawn GamesDodgeballIndoor activitiesnaked Photo Challenge

hikingMorning hikeAfternoon hikeGuided Hikes

ice breakers2 Minute Speed DatingHuman Knot






The naked Team tailors every corporate getaway to the specific requirements of the group, finding the right balance between a relaxing, tranquil outing and an efficient, effective get-together.To give an impression of how a corporate outing could be organized, two sample itineraries are provided.

2晚团队建设之旅 | 2 night teambuilding outing at naked Stables Private Reserve

定做个性化行程 | tailored sample itineraries


09:00 从上海出发

12:00 到达裸心|谷并办理入住手续


14:00 在大草坪在户外活动,


18:30 在Kikaboni享受4道特色套餐

20:30 在池吧品尝美酒

Day 109:00 Depart Shanghai12:00 Arrive at naked Stables Private Reserve and check-in12:30 Buffet lunch at the Clubhouse14:00 Outdoor activities on the Big Lawn, followed by team sessions or outdoor painting class17:00 Check-in to the Accommodation18:30 Group 4-course set menu dinner at Kikaboni20:30 Drinks at the Pool Bar

第二天08:00 在Kikaboni享用西式或中式早餐09:00 在Indaba会议中心开会宴会中心进行团队会议,演讲和茶歇12:00 爬山12:30 在会所享用自助午餐13:30 裸心团队竞赛-我们会将参赛者分成几队,每个团队会需要完成智力和体力的不同挑战。17:00 自由活动18:00 会所篝火自助烧烤

Day 208:00 Western or local style breakfast at Kikaboni09:00 Workshop and team sessions at Indaba Conference Center with coffee and tea break12:00 Hike in the hidden trails around the resort 12:30 Buffet lunch at the Clubhouse 13:30 naked Team Challenge - The group will be divided into different teams, each team will complete several mental and physical challenges around the resort17:00 Free time to relax18:00 Buffet BBQ dinner with bonfire at the Clubhouse



09:00 采茶比赛(季节性)

11:30 总结

12:00 办理离店手续

12:30 在会所享用自助午餐

13:30 出发回上海

Day 308:00 Western or local style breakfast at Kikaboni09:00 Tea Picking Competition (seasonal) 11:30 Wrap up and conclusions12:00 Check out12:30 Buffet lunch at the Clubhouse13:30 Depart for Shanghai


10:00 从上海出发

13:00 到达裸心|乡

13:30 减压竹林漫步

13:50 在裸心之家午餐

15:00 多功能茶室会议

18:30 在别墅里用餐(室内或室外)

20:00 自由活动

Day 110:00 Depart Shanghai13:00 Arrive at naked Home Village13:30 Decompression Walk - short hike in the bamboo forest13:50 Lunch at naked Home15:00 Meeting at Tea House18:30 Dinner in your bungalow (indoor or outdoor)20:00 Free time for drinks, mingling and star gazing

第二天08:00 晨间冥想课程08:30 在别墅享用西式早餐09:00 多功能茶室开会10:30 茶歇12:00 别墅享用团体午餐13:00 多功能茶室会议15:00 茶歇17:00 回房休息18:30 在别墅享用烧烤篝火自助餐20:30 自由活动

Day 208:00 Morning meditation session08:30 Western breakfast in individual bungalows09:00 Meeting at Tea House10:30 Coffee break with snack12:00 Group lunch at the bungalow13:00 Training at Tea House15:00 Coffee break with snack17:00 Back to accommodation to refresh or self hike around the property18:30 Buffet BBQ dinner with bonfire at the bungalow20:30 Free time

第三天08:00 在别墅享用系是早餐09:30 多功能茶室会议11:00 总结12:30 裸心之家享用午餐13:30 出发回上海

Day 308:00 Western breakfast in individual bungalows09:30 Meeting at Tea House11:00 Wrap up and conclusions12:30 Lunch at naked Home13:30 Depart for Shanghai

2晚裸心|乡战略会议行程 | 2 night strategic meeting at naked Home Village

荣誉 | awards


China Best Design Hotels Awards:Best Vacation Hotel

Best Design of Environmental Protection

中国最成功设计大奖 - 钻石奖

China's Most Succesful Design Award:Succesful Design 2011

最佳酒店建筑设计Best Hotel Architecture

最佳新酒店建设与设计Best New Hotel Construction

and Design

最佳环保酒店Sustainable Hotel

媒体 | media

Conde Nast Traveler “Hot List 2012: Best New Hotels in the World”Travel and Leisure “Top Hotel Picks in Asia”Travel and Leisure “Best romantic getaways”New York Times “The 45 Places to Go in 2012”CNN Go “15 places to see in China that aren’t the Great Wall”

企业推荐 | corporate testimonials

Miele (July 2011)

The 4-day stay in Moganshan was a wonderful experience for the management group. We loved being so closed to nature and holding our meetings with so many natural sounds accompanying us. By getting intimate with nature, each of us became closer to each other. This is what we expect for team building. Furthermore, the staff at naked Home Village were so supportive and efficient in accommodating our needs and ad-hoc changes. We're so impressed and grateful for all the services from your staff. Since returning back to the office, we have recommended naked Retreats to many other people in our network!



裸心谷的服务相当周到。由于去的那晚正值下雨耽误了晚餐时间,厨师们仍都静心等候,私人管家更是在门口迎接,我们非常感动。两天的会议也非常顺利,会议设备和茶点都供应齐全,再加上私人管家的妥善安排和精通口语,环环相扣,度假办公两不误。由于这次主要倾注于会议,没能有机会参加裸心谷的内部游览和团队活动。我相信这才是最能体现裸心谷与众不同的地方所在。因此,将来有机会期待再一次的合作。Aquaspace (November 2011)

Let me thank you sincerely for organizing a simply perfect event. I arrived with high expectations, and these were exceeded.I have received nothing but praise from everyone at all levels in the company. Here is a typical comment from one of our after-service girls:"This does not seem like a boring company event. It feels like going on holiday with all my best friends. I don't want to leave"During the final dinner on saturday night, I felt that the team spirit in our company had never been higher. The way this event was organized played a clear part in bringing that about.I would be more than happy to recommend Naked Stables as the perfect venue for any other company team-building events.

Gilt Edge (in partnership with Amicorp, June 2012)

The group LOVED the resort and all raved individually about the serene setting, efficient and friendly staff and excellent facilities. I do believe they were all truly impressed - naked exceeded their expectations by miles!

Chanel (May 2011)

I am glad to share with you that after coming back from naked Home Village, the whole team is bathed in an extremely exciting and yet cheerful atmosphere. This has never happened in the office before! Our sincere appreciation to you and your wonderful team who provided exceptional service and attention to us during our stay. Without such seamless arrangement, our trip cannot be so fruitful!



联系我们 | contact us

获得更多信息,请访问: www.nakedretreats.cn电话: 021 6431 8901电邮: groups@nakedretreats.cn

For more information, please visit us at www.nakedretreats.cntel: 021 6431 8901email: groups@nakedretreats.cn

get naked! bare yourself to nature, live a simple sustainable life.

裸 心 |心 向 自 然 , 返 朴 归 真 。