Michigan Slate News -...


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t h e s t a t e n e w sPhon« is

Extension 104

. . 1928 — k v

Michigan Slate NewsV( il.UME 18

THE STATE NEW S I Phone Is I Extension 104 1 - _______________________


Ace of Mid-West Sculptors Here Tomorrow Ni htSTUDENTS ARE




MANY C0-EPS MENT10NH)|About Eqsal Nnaber of Men and

Women Make High Rating.

Radio to Have H&C. GRADUATE COMMITS Big Year in '26 S0K3DEJfT DROWNNG

W. F. Baser, Claw 13, Take. LifeWhile Snffering From Ner­

vosi Breakdown.

* H 'R < . I > X T

London«!-« dammit in I-,;’ !» t0 mu- *n «n 11*26 —fox-

in 11*26 to ttint's played In in 11*25— and then listening **wb music coming bark

ork via the ether— these me o f the unparalleled thrills r o f the ossible by radio to open the ' head of tr. not to speak o f the tran-s

A m erica to their from N> W. Bauer, a graduate o f M. 8 | class o f ’13 and well known * plumbing and heating firm '

o f Wyandotte. Mich., drowned himntmental reception of the golden »*** 1" the Detroit river in that city'll **d III VI . I n r l i . - i . I. . . . J I , ||MA ■ O - I

hteen students are on the hon-• of undergraduates receiving . in their scholastic work tiur-> fall term, accordign to an n .in en t made by Klida Yak- ollege registrar,

students are as follows:• w.Tsirts, Georgia Lightfoot. i

Marian Sachs, Lewiston; Fern!• r Hattie ( ’ reek; Jeannette!

Kast Lansing; Lois W ood- st Johns; Benita W oodbury. * iter; Jeannette Stmts. Fasti

neering. William Knnia. Lao- j

.■ economics. Margaret Shad Lansing; Sylvia Schimmel. De-1 Margaret Shoesmith, Kast

Katherine Scott. Hart - j

ed science. Rttth M. Kraft. Mary A. Serrine Lansing

iIt ure. Theodore lloyt, Hlch-

I students receiving .Vs in • ts studied are: Liberal»rence f'osgray. Katon Hap-

tr Mabel Norton. Kast I,an Htime economic*. l«enora N an

Kast Lansing 'intents who received A in

'Objects except one are as

f McCormack and Hori.Probably several million Ameri­

can* heard the rebroadcaating of Kurope even far out on the Pacific (Kean, due to the successful eo-opera- llon o f American comes along a who! national <24-21 has i responsible A’eek At Krams will .< a and vie

»n Dec. 16 Mr. Hauer w

Phylean society old

Por « yc;ir or inoro he Inni bean

a member o f the I He was 38 years!

nions N o* n'llTorlng fromk o f in te r - i" " '1 h" d "IM'm

is ini

nervous breakdown I ___ . nsiderable o f that!

lertainmnent. January mp ,n Battle ('reek and Detroiton. by tboae| JJ“ Bariums, returning on Monday.!

Dec. 14 Wednesday afternoon .1while walking near the city park Iwith his father Itev. F. <\ Hauer, he! managed to get away and ran to the south end of the dock and jumped off wlti,out warning. When the body

i d

rnational Itadioj ie Kuropean p ro - ' ladt-jst m Amer-

Those very few »upr. me thrill o f 1 » London. Paris.il be replaced by I ram<* to the surface the pastor, ul-l

• nine in directly!'**0“ *®1 iin over ly man o f 63. plung*


Anim i i firn» Left Vacasi By DeaO af Mr. Gaasrtt.

selling staff iti the par-

Kelly, who 1 nrship |ef dr Gami|M err depart­

iste o f th*




ILLUSTRATES LECTURETo Show Development of Exprtt-

»»on*, and Distinctive Features.

F o r m i o T u f f




n ment s.’»ni the stand o audience, wc ■»us year o f ea­

rn through 'zian waves, h*» principal ing appura­ti* «»n which very field of » justify su-

L»d in after him into the icy water, but the body did not rise a second' time and most likely by that averted a double tragedy. There was 30 to 4« feet o f water at that point. The pastor's cry for help brought people

i I here, but he managed to get out o f toe river on his own effort.

Mr. Itauer was a graduate o f M 8 ( ’ class o f 1013, also a member o f ! the Phylean society and a nephew o f] A (\ Hauer and etnploved by him during his college term at the C n l-1 lege drug store. He was married' and leaves a wife and two children, as well as his parents and brothers and sisters


Semkm N e Orfy AstWtty o. PROF. L C. EMMONS MADeI

PEOPLE’S CHURCH HOLD CONCLAVE MARCH 5 ,6 AND 7Dr. Frank Padelford, Sutrutnry

Bapti.t Board of Education la Principle Speaker.


Camkmtian Be Aim Head of Large Cant Co STATISTICAL ADVISOR

Instructor Granted Leare af Ab-

! arts. Km tu.» D LelandKloise* Lyman, («anaína. j “ ***•

'•.wers, Hartford; Stan ley in* atnslng; M arjorie Kennedy j ‘ ‘ *r' »sing; Marian A. ham m on .1 " "

Mary I «add. Old Mi salon : i Marshall, Hear Lake, A lice ' fo *' stng.crtng. PJoyd Holme*. Lan jl lllake. i'heboygan; liar foot, (land Ledge; George J pre rinsing; Howard Hauser, j op*

• * conomics, Imogen»1 i'ar !*nrdaburg; Rhea Ycdd»*r. »«ant; Grace Carr ut her*

Dorothea Hdmnnd*. Has* •i I'artlow. Lansinr. Mildred

Kast Lansing Margaret old orato? ; Mada Kerridge Gladys Morse. 8helby,

Wheeler. Lansing : science. John o»t. Lan­ino r Itobh, C’ roswell; Mary

Hear l«ak*>; Paul llickle George Hprunk. HLesfleld

ill ure. Lowell K Teeter. '»«I Kay L. (*ook. DeWitt; j

II. Sherwood. W aterford ., 'in K. Gllleaby, Decatur tl students wftn all .Vs but

Liberal arts. Thelma K*- ansing; Alfred T. Ilagerman ,

Margaret Hlmehauah Low-1 . I'reacott, Latngaburg. economica, Mrs. Grace L j

Lansing.‘ ring, ( 'la ir A. Gugal. Kast I

William S llartnnn pi ? W s Ifarman c'onl CoS. Ohió. Will addr.-s .,t o f th e \m è rié a n Sm i unica! Kngtii»*ers *>f M


of Me and

Pi Liu

ho held at S o'clock

irtirulf ural building Mr Karman n addirmi

dent of a ■rn tiiat own h andRie

slam iblandC reek ,


in i >hio, is con*V <»n • "III bU' ionMr Marmar1 in isf t p e i ríen«** ¡<s anand saJesniim in

vd <* Kmmoi.s was elect •ficai advisor o f the college J Gallagher of the depart

merit of agricultural eng neering wits granted a leave of absence according

j o the report of the !>»•« «‘ intier meet . Ine o f the e o lT d o f a grcu if ¿rp- 4 *

Mr Gallagher will eanv fairs in middle western -fates .Ho

Difinniore. retnrv

id umbel ent r«

• il n t V\V;

Pade Hap! is

leaders to is well as a

'•fences. Il dd

<*f the Itlg Fu outlet. I'r .sbvt.i a ! d»'ti(»m in a i ion


>mHnpi ami Ciamfa Dipirfmiat Dant|



!io has been called Istlc educati vc per- «•ntral west." will

• on Sculptural Art i' at H o 'clock in

Not only will the f fascinating inter o hold a great ed ti­

died with an uston- of experience and

¡»’«I through travel '!»•• and 36 years of ventent«. His lec­

iti tor mal ion and a ted either by the m o d e lin g or by Hie

Mr Taft gives a Ip to r's studio. Ile

materials and 'I H" luitids up a d sh o w s the proli p ro p o rt io n and ex-

I. the muscular ch a n g e s hi the

In building tIt 1m ill .dsn give attention to ropui i ions, expression ill tig a statue and finally.

The portrait of the I.allibai! wt|| be shown

»ted upon.*'ill be a luncheon guest

' K L Hiittertieb! at the Hiding Wednesday noon me o f Him faculty will be so a public recepitoli willLie aftisP iiiTne\ir«w ing

Wednesday afternoon


I itflu* lie As <>r An trie support

Will ba. presesnd


"• admitted to the upons in their a lb ­um admission will

V s h o u l d I .a* meer at the • a 1 e r * f r o m

i* *hi* meet


GraaJ Rapi4t Tr*at Caapaay luan $175.888 la Baa4a.

A J H o g . rs. an « 1g r o w e r o f Ht -u lu li. Mi,id. was m udiiivHistânt .n !» nrt i> ult u l"• fo r the w in1 e r fe rm II« ‘ w ill g j X" his i.*r* b e­lo fhe w o rk •f c o m p ii ing im p o rta ndata ..m i uro ■I u cfio n • oats (o rc h e rry u n b a r •ij i ; 11 Nil baroli 0’ !...... .. rUTvicc 1in fh»* d ep a rtm ent of econ« « g r in to d ¡1leave Of {ibleo;i< «• f.»r n*•xf H u m m e r i.a rt ns -«!«••* 1naoager >f the 1 i«>rVGrow eri* «»ri' oration 0f Muakegon

The taiard areapted fpHowships for

»•e and i hurch

m l p s I r e l i g i o i M

S a r e requeuedts. bill their at npulsorv All d resented



M illn'i Orckntra u f R»y«| Canadian! Will Fnraiak Bnlk

of Ihr Muiic.


Prof ForiW f Cm* Naw Coarta to II mg st

ansacftona for the r • m h<>nds by the | t i ompany for the Kast Lans;ng. the D' • d un mediately < <»n •-instructton jnlty < hurch. has •«1 by < hurch off! church will ro«t

»oplea «hurch »» ? h e l a r g e s t ;n*erdenomination intf«t)<in« m the lountry. and ■ much o f ¡is energie« • * * serv- ideoi« o f Michigan State col­

l i : : . " » dd* Tru

The lb

nvettigatlonal work / r o m (ha t.lwle* n Nitrate Kduratn»pal bureau and

r <»m t h e National F e r t i l i z e r a s s o c i a - i»»n

Vf. H McPherson o f I «o we I) »as i ppoinf**(f -delegate from tha board to I »‘ present it at the Great lathe* st wtwrenre Tidewater conference to

I.»e held in St Paul Jan and *•


Al M ilitine In Pnküak I in a i Faatnrisf Diffam i Finan

of M. S. C.

Til.- Ml ginning tl feature i*

,1 pbas,

bigan Slat»« i'««« i i s m o n t h , w i l l

m e ( ( i n t a i n i n K -

o f u (| Ui i tl I s t r a » IVTh»

Iti 11 r*.

Fort barg, who rame to Mlrh- ; ---------------- —— - —

r&un , r « » physics dett. entertains* «iepartment. h '.’ .T n n o 'u ? : TELEPHONE CO. MEMBERS

"w our*e for thl« term la*- --------ddemt and rnovement will b»‘ L m (¡ÍW98¡n local plants He ha* «r wwm*for studantn to spend a half V l C M I IMM TtNRhfRO

'•♦•h in local plant« studying •ns The studenta will collert ben make recommendation i reati ve changas.

problem a b av e becom e soimparta Mi «laca tha war

•*‘re 1« an t aerean! a g demand • "»udy o f th M i. P ro f. Fort*

'U u b tlm t It nomi to be bnrd students In *n d *onr«e.

' » 'h e larger collegna end uni- ' * are not nble ta moat the de- for in ch cosm ea, the claaaee V aa high aa ?•• In tem e uni- -

MOVIE o f po r t m l e t

Thirty-eight cnembers and »raffi* departments sing exchange f the Mi Telephone

C i— «tn Wnrki an Prakninary A m nia— S a ; Inpraamanti Fin— 4 a* Radntid Pricn.

Feb IV is the date »hat haa been set for the J-Hop. The announce­ment has been looked forward to m ilk a great deal o f in»**re«t by all those »h o are eligible »o attend the biggest and best J-Hop in the hie- - »ory of Michigan State college

Preliminary plana have bean prac- rt> ally «ompleted by the general nr- •

» Th. p laa t r« n « .m » n t. -nm m ilti-« « h lrh 1« u r l i ’ bjr T T l i n a 'pktlU |M

O b

pending a great deal of time and ffort 10 make tha Mg event o f tha

year a complet«» auree««.

n innovation m 'h •rd and should b

reived by old grads and •toden*» who are lnlcr*-sted in »he work tha' th*» Iterord *s taking up

On Jlfi. IM ? he issue will deal with hnrfirulture. giving eit«*n*ive data concerning the new horticultural building-and greenhouses Charle« Il f lo re o f the riñas o f ’ t*f» porno In gist of the Cnlted States department of agrirulture. will contribute an ar­ticle on What lliirticiilt’ire Aiumn* of Michigan State Are Doing n the Cnlted State« Department ».f Agri« il tu re ' Don Francisco It Parifl* coa«t manager o f laird a Thomas hna written an article on Seinng Agricultural Produce.'* vhhh wttl ai so appear in the Kecord Secretary Hnllnday haa wrlten an interesting account on landscape work An .«r-

will i


Mil furnlnh the »I J Hop of the (a-i» - The t wo • Miller'« or- >»k «if y and the " are («iayiug at ieveland, Ohio

■i has 13 pi••««••«

I«««- now ha« iimmusic arranged beatm. 011*1 to

"rg an iM tlo n mili 'iiiNigited, «I-

» li«« southern lb« country ur*

Kali t><! thi

appear, entitled "Campus Plana for tha Future "

f tha Lan i. hitan Hell ata of Prof.

C W fhaptnan and Prof O. L.Sno* of the m i «ege ppyaic« depart-

gathering held in never before boen used at Michiganof I I » p»r*ic» <1e- « a u . « »a * p «rt«:t baaqaet u r r a d ■ ■ - ____________ _______

. . a l i a pcrfM-llr. *1 • laU U B tlal r.ductlna i DATS OF VED0CE HOUSE ENDin prtrw aa compared with torwoor J

Prof 8now gave a nom oar 01 in-t .m i i m d»m oq.trition« » I r l r r t r i - ............................... .........« 1 »»d * li«-u«<oo a t r n M r | n ¡ m H W R U I I Thow th» , or no n tab» t»u»hooa rw- W » * * * * * * " ' *p«ht»r works. A it» r th« d «B oa*tn -

HOKSBMftM TO R i O g MWIl»'” - <•''»« *“J * • "T » , t r o ia »«• thk»» ta t ja traBhintttlaa room h«d «tadlo at^th« brnadrutlac «u tioa W KAK -

ment at a *»*c»ai the lecture room o f * part ment laat Pridav

a nambor. o f ll-

On Peb 16 another specfnl num The committee prom tea« the bant t»*r will appear which will facture

of muaic. decoration« such aa ha ta ’ f^dgp.

as a Girls’ DoanrrogY


Bnnfcnf inn ( — • Al IA O » M. t C M .


mu*b «I group i« th« iu un»*»« a recordlug or-

having worked m tbat ca- mor»- iban six year« It • hop '«-«-m reclini mended

¡ i» • - ! i '«e » outit ry, mem 'm inuit«« state, uiusic

iiiiiktii'd by them for - *sf*>rn «oileg« soctal s f

• - u iiim i for »lie I*«-Ji*«w .ii*«I .ir«- now playing

•» ,n potei ni I let roll In i i»tire a broadcasting *ta-. i .e » r e r ted af that hotel

• • («ruad» »st H im music of ’ besira Kay Miller him- ir»*l ine group at tha Hop• i- • anadian« «an b« heard• t ISeduesdays and Frl- « tbey arm broadcaatlng atItox in Cleveland

The **r*«(ry make i m t «! « its ittHial t,T îswIüf *»»m wg Jmx ;4 * ; 1 »ral HstDogMi < 1 jr ’ A

T h e « i w * - s* -■>«•'>— n-g <j Tooa. flrat •-•e--«* : w>-4tr«vc*-*M»d tenor

I! W llr L a n * it »* • -e t «m

’ kalyD M erw

CAMPUS CALENDARin Paculty meet-

n Films on high- *>ida ball.

P i r u U M t t k i M i M f t l B l L O .•«airy — ka traulaU to a , . _ . .

L ; e e t w .a w w y a p 't y t f w ^J « » ->f tk« — uuhanl S M — • Kanaan. In m tU m o . m a t t t a f a - i

"•> J iir tt at 7 : !• a'alaafe. ------ ---- ---------Th. «a rta Win kn a t o m la » to | a ta lk that waa | H a a W M

'»Mar» rana, o<“ ^tiding.J " ^ itk B ttn

«»r.ir !r**» lra M « n t o w n * t t o M 4 * la w a M . l e th a t analnn anakanna

■har» th r la trraa tlo aa l apa«* rhaaiplsa- th« atatioa «hipa, wbirh tr ill ka bald at tka.Ma-

. . . . to u a t ia t watw-kaatb M ale ro a a t r y e lak cnaraa toealad onX X , tk . atr. U t o « , « f t t o k . - U . k . L W .

T W a n a t o » « j a « « o a k to la n t praaant tha K M a ll! ¡ m ' V T o T M i M aw ia t.o « oMatiaa a roaad «paad a— M ctoa»plan. W - ' r o a paar a o m t la a io« eappad th« k a n a n laat w la to hp

a to M ^ r t th tha «Sarta o t Ooa eUppta« tm o a t o aM a « S I S I t o — ¿ t o r t o l a a d ta to l * n t . r a a a W » H m « . I t

. u a b —laam ant clerk . m inntaa aad N

Vadder boma waa doead , __ „ , _ . . t ir i» ' do ran to rr at th« «ad o i ran “ * “ V Am,r4* 2 ‘

M. 1 C AT H B T |M * “ * •• » " « « la batan »~S ^ ,j h r th * a to to ra o f th« . Ir la « h a a n - T h v ‘ “ " W f«^ • nw M to». »

. . 1111 »Sk typkald Im , in tha hoa-Mleklaaa Stata a rapraaaauttln al | ,n .iTto kaaaa kan I H __________

a Milana d a m . aa pnaaraManä am ' or<î«r I , har- a» anta M a s M ada U aaavart K lat« a th« , , , , n ,

• Otll 111.I 1 11 , m. 1 on vocation.

o f nnofbf■'It h» ( im r«tt>w«>a -war > m «

............. ana« ia t aatoa Th . « « art»» haai? ? * * a o t b e a n a r a a J o u »g rnaa y o n t t a

- Ar* lat«' con na ,

7W aWtoay Ka— ad ( t o

CMaa fcaM Sh« m T m i l a » 4 * 0 »

SütoST* —WtoaaWaPL S to . U L a s T à — S

Jan 1 3 4 3» 5 |5 p m Keaep-*«»« for Lorado Taft, room 416, O ld l

boilJan 13. * p

ytnnnolum.Ja n 20. I I a m DIvlalomü COM-

vocation». Coi. Howie w ill apeak ba> fare the engiuneerlg dlvlalon, nod Dr Katharine Blunt, preatdaat a f t k l Am anean liorna Economic«Goa. w ill apeak to tha H. I L 1 and faculty. Gghor

Jam. 27 . t l a. m.— Olaaa 1_________e » . » « r a iM t o - W aak)— Na aaar-

Michigan State NewsPublished tw ice weekly during the college yenr by the students o f the

Michigan Htate College. Entered mi second clang mutter at the • (NMitoirice, Bast Lansing, Michigan. Advertising rates fur­

nished upon application to the HuaineMN .Manager

K IH T O K IA I ST A C K ItO B EItT II P O W B R f l, *2*11. Ilerm inn House FRED W. MARK. ‘•Jils, l lem iisn House . .MABEL A. O BTTB L.........................lidTtm Horton. *281...........John Kelly ...... ......................Krvs I'rescott. '2 7 b ..............Horothy Iturrell ......

Assistant Kditera P sul 11. Bngle, C. W. K letsm an. 1). It. Olanti, George Woodbury

Citi. fMf lß.. . Editor Business Manager . . Co-ed Editor

................ Sports Ed itorFeatures

Society Editor Literary

T. L. Christie. K. Hirochniigh. Harold Marsh.

John Itrlsldn Nate H.-illhnek \V A. Call

*Al Clark M Pence J Kenton

George II. Moore J. D. Medili C Kolkoski ti. E. Itamseyer It. N lemeyer Ituth Orusaltiger. Hteno

R E P O R T E R * c. 1». Illtl Marian Rennett Vrl Anderson K. Mclnnls Win Muller Cleo Cole MN IKTV REPORTER*

Georg le l.ightfiHit. Waiin«‘ ia Simon, Ituth llurd. Edith Simoiiton, Phyllis Troutman. Alice Hunter. Agnes Trumbull

IH NINESN STAFF Advertising—(I. T. Whitburn, '27; I. Hyudor, *2H; Vic Anderson. *28:

Itciirtnnn. ¿7 . Tekln Spark*. '28; IcwIn Snider. '211. Olson. '211 circulation Max Goodwin, '211.

OFFICB- BASEMENT NEW LIBRARY BUILDING Printed st the t'aminis Pres«—-Phone

Editorials iip|s<nring in tbo Ml' lilt ; N\ STATE NEWS are written by Iho editor In • liief end bis nsslstnnts. who are students. They can In no way le Interpreted a« reptcwnting the ofTlclal viewpoint o f the college, or o f eolb'ge officials

H I 'R H C | t l lT : i iN $2 M i T H E SC H O O L Y E A It


ANOTHKH V IEW PO IN TThose of use who have an iiiicontrollalilc prejudice of Woodrow

Wilson, his conduct and his attempts at scttinK the world at riifht must give him his due as a great intellectual force in our times. Should we disparage all else o f his work, the fact that he has created worldwide discussion and action on the league o f nation idea and has made that topic the !>ig p o lit ica l question of the day alone allies him with the great minds o f the world. This much is rommon information.

The answer to the question "Who started all this talk and cri­ticism of the American college?" is again Wtsidrow W i l s o n . His declaration that "the sideshow has swallowed up the circus” is considered the lirehraml that set otf the endless turmoil of cri- tieism. It has made ex-l'resident Kind of Harvard ask the ques­tion "llow can some mental work lie got out of boys who come to college for athletic sports, to have a goisl time, or to get a good social start, and |>ass four of the most precious years of adolescense without any intellectual intercourse to s|icuk off?" This and volumes of other questions have thrown the American College on the defensive. Ways to bridge the gap between the

i amid 9f »Hwloiil actiriiiw ikmy ttf facto-of the intellectual campus come from all directions and from all kinds of sources.

Jerome Davis in the Dccemlicr CEN TURY says that it is only the exceptional teacher who has the power of magnetism anil in­spiration which can awaken and stir up enthusiasm for what seems so remote and unreal. It takes real teaching, he says, to turn discussion from athletics, fraternities, "petting parties” , dances, cards, jokes, etc. to interest in intellectual protdems or political events. His theoretical solution of the problem hascd up.>ii several small experiments is to require college students to work that they might get in touch with the realities of life as it exists. During the summer mouths, or during intervals in col­lege attendance the student should come in contact with the con­crete experiences of the laboring classes. In this way students could not help hut see at lirst hand, some of the complex problems of the working world.

O PPO RTUNITY TA PS TW IC E To ask students to attend convia'ation Wednesday morning and

the evening lecture comes more in way of emphasis than fear thut Michigan State will neglect to turn out en mass. Dorado Taft is among the greatest living sculptors. What more he is an American, and he is advancing rapidly in giviug America en­viable distinction a s having a distant type of svulptorcd art.

Those of us who have heard him, remeniuer him for his op­timism. for his lucidity of s|>ecvh. for his warm humor, ami for his information on a commonlv tottght of "high brow" art. lie is not a sensitive, temperamental artist, yet he is interesting, and is able to de|>art a rare lot of information in a thoroughly en­joyable fashion.

To miss hearing him is denying yourself several hours of real enjoyment and hours of future recollections.

OUTDOOR SI*ORTN W ith the coming of the tedious winter term, comes the problem

of utilizing the long evenings. After thoughts of study have given away to thoughts of recreation, the choice is not as wide as during the snow less mouths.

That great sport "campus" ttivvvrmg" has been packed away in the same shed with oanoeiug It would appear that the only' remaining diversions are darn ing and movies.

Why not borrow or buy a pair of skates and learn to do the Charleston on ice to the tune of the Northern winds? W ith the collage I aims filled with sturdy horses who need exervise, sleigh rida parties should offer a way “out".

Too bad collage lumber and caiqienjers couldn't be used to con­struct a good frame for a toiavggan slide. A big, king slide set up in the great open spaces across the Red Cedar would be better than 1,000 campus rules and three squads of campus policemen to keep students out of mischief, and overtaxing their resourcefulness in the effort to think of something to do.

w tik la ISM T— I 'a l r a t »— “ ----- r«h n n i e l herbey risk . M agre giesse

T k en eU j, M w , la M. g . M elees, A lgke Om s-


boar Editor:Since I have been In thl» Institu­

tion hr u student (the punt four year*>. there Iihh been a dense fog o f uncertainty hanging over the atu- dont body. Nearly every student I have talked with has the opinion that to voice IiIh convictions in da«» Mould mean a flunk or InHtant dla- iiiIkhuI if he were In opposition to til»» prof'H expressed view.

What is the trouble with the atu- dcnt body? W hyjloean't it wake up to the fact that lO ius graduated out of die abort pants o f education and now at and» upon the threahold of higher knowledge with, if not the ability, then the deaire o f intelligent expreaaion. Does the fault lie en­tirely with the atudent body? A tooiiHnnd tnnea No. Does the facul­ty ever consider itself aa partially fe- Mponaible lor thia uncertainty o f ita proteges? Possibly I can ahed a lit­tle light on the aituatlon.

There uro too many profa on the campua who lutiorioualy endeavor in «•very conceivable wuy to muke their *iintents feel iih if they were the quintessence of ignorance. After all what has u certain percentage of our profeaaora to bouat about m the way oi apokcii intelligence? in their lecture» they conatantly ding in the lacea o f the atudenta, ao far aa proper conatruction and proper uae o f verba are concerned, aouie o f the moat abominable aenteucea and phrases What can the language profeaaora, or any other decent apeaking profes­sor expect from a atudent body cotl- atautly harassed by ‘ thia here, that there, the thing don ’t,” " it don't, ' "he don't, ' ' alnt,” and countless oth- or abuses committed in the name of higher education at thia institution?

When a fellow haa the courage to sluiid on ins hind legs ,<nd cry out in opposition to (lie prof's views and 10 conatantly iiaeation WHY, he la beginning to think. Rut how many ol. Our profa will tolerate thia pro­cedure from iua so culled inferior m teller! ? Discussion makes us think and after all, isn't that why we ure here to tie stimulated to think ’ ll<i? still die very egotistical makeup • •I our mediocre profa demands that w think in hut two ways, their way nr the wrong way.

There are too many ' old fogies ‘ illy What the Institution

ariiy young bloodthe tu< d « is r

Ion men who have not taken their positions into mental retirement with thPhiselves, men who have the cour age of their convictiotia and are up and doing something to further high e r education, instead o f n o many profs who have settled down to u -Dug existence and are satisfied to trail along with the rutllns and the 11 regressive decent

NEW Zj CODE STATION 8 BWRMessages Seal Half Way Around

World by Collate Si at ion.

Pu M itk rd in ih » in te rn i o f F. I t r ­

in c a i Developm ent hy en In stitu tio n that m ill

he helped hp w hat­ever helps the

Ind ustry.

A fulcrum for every modem ArchimedesC A f V K *»«* a fu lcrum — «nil I w ill m ove th e m r th M

J aniii Archim edes. T o o ImuI tha t he lived twentv-two hundred years too soon.

F o r von m odem followers o f Archimedes» you men who app ly his well known p rinc ip les in the study o f mechanical enuineerum:, the fu lcrum is reodv. I f a part in lid p iiiif the ea rth to m ove appeal* to you , look for yo u r fu lcrum in the coinm iiiiientio ii art.

A world o f possibilities open* up here fo r the man w hose I n lit i* m echanical. D istances shrink lienitise m echanical enutneers have found how to draw well-iiiuh everv hit o f a ir out o f it i‘o|M’it tr r tulie. A m illion telephones an* made and the m illion th is like the Hrst tiecmise im-chunictl inire- im ity lias shown the wav. (Quantity p roduction ill vi if rent telephone plant ca lls fo r const An I ilil- pro\euient ill m echanical ieclu ilip ic.

F . 'e rv dav is a dav o f new facts, new th ings, new achiebeitieiilN liv m echanical and e lec trica l engineer*. N o th ing stands still. H e re the w orld dor* move.

Published for the ('nmmuuication Industry hy

'estern Electric CompanyMahers o f the Mutton's /< Irphones

Sumter .«5 »fa terietz s

•I p - I h<<d i v i d e d • >n«’ «Hiit. i'f

l io n U K M l t h e s o - r a i l e d h a m * o r a m a ' • r o p e r a t o r * , a iso o p e r a o r* ' r o m t h e . .A e T h e o i t f r a t e r n i t y T h e • h l e f o p e r a t o r o f t h e » r a t i o n i* K l v i n

I » l o i n . N g r a d u a t e a t u d e n t in th e e l e e i r ici» I e n g i n e e r i n g d e p a r t m e n t

Sin* •* th e o p e n i n g o f th e c o lle g e < ode « Ia t i.n i a ta* n t th e rn V dd t* *'f la s t ' t e r o i » « f e r a l h in d r* d c a r d » -h a v e b e e n r e c e iv e d t r o n i .« II p o in t s in th e I t u t e d S t a le s a n d < a n «d a a ls o sev e r s i c a r d s f r o m E n g l a n d a n d N e « / .c a la m i a n is la n d in th e P a c lr t r « » « c a n T h e » t a l i o n w i l l t r a n s m i t ii.* s -a * e s b v a n * » I t id c iit o r fa . u lt v n o o n lie r I n an* p o in t in I h e C n i t e d «tilt**** o r l a t i t i l a n i' ?o K n g l a n d if *n d ttftjre d f r e e «>( « H a t g e \ jif.o « g t t t r a n s m i t t e r la b e in g u s e d b y t h e s ta I Io n

! 'A T II« » * I/ .K NKMM ADI KKTIMtCMfl

m m

n n m u i o «w m im b »

Tie a tinto

troubleA TIDY nd tin of Prince Albert, to be —erf. There’s the greets« little tasubie-chaaer in the known world. Smoke P. A. and ptpe-groucbee choose the neare« nmk.

Yea, Sir, P. A. is right there with the PoBy. anna Mud. Sunshine, giadnea the light haart,

bright smile. Because Prince Albert is dm cheeriest, chumtiwe« tobacco that evsr tuablad into a briar or corncob.

Smoke P. A.— end smite. Cool, comfortable P. A. Fragrant, friendly P. A. Not a tongue- bile or throat-parch in a ton of k. The Prince Albert process hung the "N o Admittance” rim, on Bite and Parch the day the factory opanad.

Gat a tidy rad tin of P. A . today and give pipe worries the gate.

Prince albert— no other lohucco is fihs kt

P. An k raté glmjaémt éa Uép rad mm. fammi amè gonnd »im mmmtéme», orném * ■ »»Fnomm-^omum aouuomai»A •|M|*-a#Mirarf dod « o n t o n t r*rrdod « M e i o n t (ÜtsLrats

rerff Adt


The Social WhirlIJ1Edited by

e r v a p r k h c o t tK *wm Della House

l*t week I Ik* ’

tiriill the only thing to mar the peaceful *lumher* ,.e .1 .„,1 except )>erhn|M informal initiations was the hr»* t!«« m ,h,M

rm heW Friday night and the anntttil hand , i l ,U° n par,y of I'nioti tlie following evening. which took pinco

1 oiid Annual Band Dante.two hundred couples wore

ally entertained at the dance ,I hy the Hand duh Snturdui :lie I'liion huilding. Patron*

flair wete Cnh and Mrs. T. I., in*. Prof. utid Mrs. A. J. Clark and Mrs. C. Kuhlman. Fca-

ii, ,-s were comprised o f n»u- : entitle and baloons, while the

Revellers were music mak-

a t t e n t io nSTUDENTS

The Lansing CafeI inning's Moot Up-to-date


.Mill South W aah kn tw i Avenue

Jiiion I'ur,»1..,'.1, ' " ' " V the term1 1 1 . , 1 , " '» » « '• ll ntr.-n.l-

h" ,,f the I’nlim.M ils » , ,* tn r iljn h u l liy t l„ ‘ M lrhiiiH II«rate i it 1 of 1 orchestra.

Ero Alphian I nit l,it i.,1, „„r tw l Munii,tv „-in

filli next Niiltmlnj with „ n.rtmtl Imn- quel.Milln, nf d a rk spent tlie week-end

in Detroit.Mittii Simili,,us W|„, has lieen out of

s| V! f,,r * lern» Ini* resumed herKtndie*.Kollege Kesideure

VVntilieto Simon atid Dorothy Wolfe

J. W. Edmonds SonsT H I N K S and K IN K I .K A T IIK K G O ,ll,s

1*7 Washington A ir nur South I .,111-ine. Mirli.

Kntahllshod 71 V.-nrs

NO MORE EXTRAS■ bargeCab» of this eonilNiny will no longer tnake thè ‘Ju<

• \tra pnssengers. riierefore. two, three. fotir or uve imssetigers mny now ride far thè

• t f of olle.IhN Khmild npiienl lo Ntudents un irroup* ..f ti\. utii.v now use

ixMiihs ut hut slightly mare ihnn Street ettr fare

THE MACKEY CAB COMPANYDiul 31*444 715 Kiier Street

C i-CU i i u t G rand R ive r Avenue



àrlrpbiinr 33137

W a l k - O v e r

Stadium, $7.00T H K l . l ( K t S K V K N ----

A "N A T ! R A L ” S T V I.K 1‘O IN T Seven bucks! That* the low prlee >>t Walk-over KohfJ ■ *h«M*s fi*r Younger Men Here* one *lyle

More sre here. SIiin»| ,i «»••ti. First pas* i* a natural.' style |M»lnt that take* the gamble "tit of *h<a* buy­ing Trend eaay. long and ha|tpi in a Walk-Over «even- liuilat K»*ltej ami *»«*• if it e»n I file gtvHii.*t. .«Juir 1 altie you ever Imliglit


fcWalk-Over Boot Shop31« ft. W A S H IN G T O N A IK .


Rouser’sMalted MilkFamous for its Excellence

c m DRUG CO.T h re e Rexall Stores

i who lived at Yedder house last term I , and Verniee Eckert o f U nalag have moved into the residence, w h ile1 Carolyn Mntiorjmd Mary White have left mid are living at the Alpha Phi hottae.

Iteiitriee MacNntight,•»» did not re -1 turn to State this term hut Is atteml- Ing Michigan State Normal at Ypsiliin- ti.

Strong House Helen Gilbert and Fern tJnrdncr

have move,t t,» the Woman's buihling.Wednesday evening the girls in the

house are to enjoy a |M»tltiek supper.Alpha Ph i

Mr*. Hugo Swanson (Jessie McKin­non» ,,f E*<'tin: bn v(sited at the house.

[ during the past week.Mis* Neva Mary Lovewell is acting

a* temporary hotim» , bat »cron.The following girl* have moved into

die house: Carolyn Manor. Mary White, M argil ret Mtdiiette. Dun »thy Robinson, Mary Marshall, and Klizn- beth Woodwartl.

IllllrrestFay and Itetb Gilli* have moved to

tin* Sesame h"U*o and Gladys Morse t* living at the Pythian house while Winifred Baker. Audrey Morgan, and l.oi* Hlankot'ship have moved into the house.

\ hbot Hall Esther. I.aeey In * not yet returned

to school but I* c\|icctod this week Sara Shader ha* lieen called liotue

lieeuusc of tht* death of her brother. Eleanor Smiili ami Itbhly Gihsttii are

I now living at the hall.I*lti Kappa Ph i

Tlie fttllowing inemlwr* have an- | tiouiieisl their engagement*: Waldo I Proctor. Harlow Hall. Frank Beeman. William Perry, Tom tlerman. II. I.. Hai'gfWoll. amt II. GntHltke.

PhyleanI The ofTlcer* for the term Include I Goodrich Tolies, pretddctit ; Gary I Ariiobl. vle«*-preshlent : ls*onard Fos- i ter. secretary : Kenneth Van Tassel,¡treasurer, ami It Utieli. liott*e manager.

SnrorianTin* date of the Sororian formal


Posters showing the hours during which W. A. A. major and m in or1 sports are given ore being placed in • the home economics oullding and the gvm. Kodak pictures o f the < charming managers of each sport are in the lower right hand corners.

June Kanney and Ituth Bowen are the managers of the major sporta o f basketball and swimming. The mi­nor sports managers are: Volleyball. Ituth Norton; howling. Marguerite Sprague; skating. Sylvia Schimmel; hiking. Donna Goodrich; rifle, Gene­vieve Johnston.

Practice House The following girls are living In the

I Imiise for the next six weeks: Ellen j Holsoti, Grace Hint/.. iMrotliy Collin*, i Florals'll** Lnntncr. Mary Kick Mac*| Kinnoti. Huth Parker. Martha Scott. Glndy* Wllford iiimI Margaret Zacha-

j Huh.Mrrgaret Wehb was


Foster waa a t h it home In B a tt le i The winter term form al w ill baCreek. | held early in March, •* haa beam do*

Roy Bergm an, an alum nus, waa » elded hy the committee,guest last wash. (Continued on page 4)

M.&C. CafeteriaLA N S IN G

STEP UP TO GOOD FOOD1I8 1/, South Washing,tin Avenue

dinner gu«*st

lui* Irt'oti set ; * March 12tli and will be held at III«* Kerns.

Alpha Gamma Rlio It"riveli Cumniing*. former State

|i-uhi* star, was a house guest over the week-end.

It Ot-hmcky and T Swart/ are at­tending s c h o o l tbi* term after liavlug l»een absent for sometime

The fraternity will stage an »qien house Snturd:1 > evening with the Aniphioii Revellers a* iiui*ic-tni»kcrs.

Kappa llella I.,,i* Switzer will not return (hi*

term "Wing to an Injury received «tur iug the liolidai*

Aunt-* Trumbull *|»eiit the week end in Detroit

The date for ihe winter term for­mal Iimn been set a* February L’ ttli and wll l*e bcbl at tin* I It »tel Itoivnev

llem tianT Miller and M Waring " f Dear

(»•in «in tit th** week-end at the bou*** The following re being initiated

•I. It Brown. K I Hunt. II l.aver. "|i it VigiiotV.' i •' u itu«M«*ii. S lim it1 and F Mall

riysslanThe society officers for the term are:

William i'um*t«M'k. president: Frank Willi*, vlce-prcsdicnt; Kenneth Fish- l»eek. secretary. and Claud Playter. hultse manager

Alpha Gamma Delta A formal pledge service for Miss

j Jeanette Kennedy was held at the I chapter house Saturday afternoon.

Pledge* who have moved Into the house this term are the Misses Itubv

I Newman Maxine Moon and Lnia (late* Each of these pledge* trans­ferred from Hilleresf. while Miss Evelyn Mill*, tormerly o f the Wom­an'* buihling. completes th»* roster.

PliyleanAdditional members returning to

itho house this term are Jack Erick- ' son of Escanahn. George Itavmnnd of * l.oraiti. Gitio, Chester F. Salisbury of ! Ann Arbor, and George Birkholtn '?f* | o f Kau Claire

Til*- informal initiation ceremonies started at the house last Wednesday evening. Fourteen pledges are In line to take the formal.

Jack Erl» kson spent the past week end in Ann Arbor, while l.eonnrd

We Are Now Established in Our New Home at 130 E. Allegan street. Ready to Be

o f Service to You

Towle Optical Co.K N T A H L IR H M I IN LANH IN 'G M O R K T H A N T W E N T Y Y K A R fl

H "ttier oitig al**»ei

II» returned vhlle It I

OlympicPlfllis !"i lilt* * ti-tiItiif tei hi wert

uiiide ut a h""*c nul ling h» night


lit .Mondai

The S"Cleti u ill l,"ld it* hr**» "(M'tifioiiMt* " f (be .ear nextnight


h,i<::»fl"ti ‘-lari* Friday nine pledge*

Tappun IlntiM*

night f«»r

The felb.wing viri*, arc ivinu withMr* TnppHi» Gii* torni. Ili da ( 'uriis.Marion Smith. Glttdv« »‘l»*t ieri*, \irin

,*ntM*r. Fri«'«In W, l*t*nM» ti mn st « lev

and Nor

Nina • "tifmr «pent the wit*r fi«.tilt*


eck end ><

initiation «tarts TTwlnw,*n initiate*

«1 a v with

i»*f \ ..ffinrr* for *b»' w in te r »erto I re F ft VanDeBogart. prealdout; T**l Tltomt»*»n v|»*e-pee*ldent J I*

m i re ta r % I . l(e v n o ld M rrenimrer - rid C I. Munti. Ifouw manager

Arrangements f**r »be f»»rmnl din m*r fiance ro t<e held at »he Kern* February 'Al sre le in f < «»ntfdefe*! The e"muti»tee n «barge *• «».mpnaed ><f V C Andoraon f* H. Engle »od C T ID' hl.lfersrv meeting« sre to t*e held ! regolarle **aeh Thoraday during the term under the d trertloo of J C En­nisIl G l.ing «pent the week-end at his home at WehhervIIleC arm i «'hast*, n former pledge, haa returned to college snd I* now en rolled In the «borf conm a dtvlalon


n w n a u r w f i n i s h i n g

24-Hour Sorviee





I » W . W u h lrn a w I .ANSINO

Drop in and See Us on your way

to and from classes

Service Our Motto



' m ’i n ' - "'.2

¿ h * '• * » * ? - » » • • ;

1 m - r a m I

l O t N l t l Y H U ( .1 N U I N I I V Y l u l ^ H ■ f T H T N A M ! O ' . T H Y M A P

Itnlph Blngel "2b *»f Haginaw i*a Ing at the house »his t»'rni The engagement " f Don llaaklns

ill <nd ituth \l*l»"t ’24. hs* la*en an mini **dTtie Ettnomlana »vere winners In the

n d u o r l< fl set*sH g n m e w i t h t h e F l v s - .,> « Sfiturdov with a se*»re ,*f is *"

Della 8igma Phi It Hfker. 1 Baker »nd II Mactil

i, h »re tieing initiated »hi* week Thamlan

tor inf i«,n «tHr»***! Sunday night f»*r ii 'tn girl* and will **nd Haturdm ■ th I formai i*an<pief .it the K*'fti*,

h : ; . t ' M - S \ v S i r e

Sm art Style at Harvard

Th e Vogue at Wellesley

GOOD TASTE U a part i*f w w y c u e riculum.

It exprcMM itself at fhe forrmoat cotlcgM in the »election of (ioodrkh Zipper* for cold, mowy, sluihv day*. Here boot* are a* fa»hionabie a* a victory over a traditional rival.

Trim, neat—a wide contra»* to the cumbenotne, wallowing gaiter. And a method of fastening unequalled.

Don’t flunk in style— add Zippersto your wardrobe.


C o o d tic tg fp p E I lS - M 11

■ I■ 1

1 1 ^ aaia mt

A PAGE OF SPORTS Ia w t a w t i

J I s l r M edili I*.Kllenor HuI.-IiIiik *> M arian B e n n e n

Henrietta leiivell



BOOK STIFF SCHEDULE.Tho wllds nf nort borii Michigan

ami tho upper »MiinlMiilH wlll pmh nhly fumilili Michigan Nlatp wlth tho moti who «HI com prli« tho varali y hockey tonili t li Ih wlnler. At prua oitt. nmotik tho moni likeìy rimili ilntoM who hnvo roportoil to Pondi John Kohn. thoro in hut one «xrep tion to thi» probnblllty. Thnt In bronchi out by tho cantlldary o f J li Kntiior of Lanalng

Hntilt Sto. Mnrlo ftimlahoa Avi- viiraity moti Troni tuat vo«r, Incititi inpc ilio 1929 ruiiiiiIn. ( 'u fi c Mooro

An mliiod Inrontlvo fop naplrltig lo boriti* on tho tonni to raproaent i . . im limiliutlon In tho Rront wlntor pani Imo in tho ponaiblo momhornhlp of Mh hlKiin Stato In tho now hockey annoriation for college» and uni ver »Rie» nf Hit» moi tlon o f tho rountry Tho orr.;ini7.ntimi wa» orlglnntod by tho Pnlveralty o f Mlnnoaota Ai rorillna to roront prona diapllt«'ht*a tho tlophor ofTit iiiIm aro contemplili Ina n«king Stato to bnromo ono of tho *chool* rotuprialng tho elrcutt

l'om h Kob« Ima bop»*» of thi* beiti* tho altnatioii. »ine# |t wlll monti tho advont of a now ora In horkry for tho tlroon and Whlto wkatera.

Amona toanm whirh aro ntportod to romprlao thi» nsaoclation, u h tm doratood by t ’oarh Kob», aro tho l ’ nl varaity o f Mlnnoaota. Pnlveralty of Mlrhltan. Notro Dama, t'nrloton rol lege. tlamlln, and Ht n in fa college, o f Mlnnoaota


Five Engagements Are Scbednled For Home Teak.

iournr III nion


Shoe RepairingI Fono B y

Harratt Shoe Repair Shop

Baeemenl I nder PaaM an M a t

other school*. in addition to tho hopod for asking o f Michigan Stato to enter, will no doubt make up the loti K tie In ita ti n « I entirety

The roator o f the 192b varatty ho-key men. who responded to tho Initial rail t>v Poach Kob* laat work m l « i t i * «.jit through the prelitni- :tiitv workout, aro aa follow».

Captain F C. Moor«*. I Im ti pt II. Do-'I ls|»*. Koller and Taylor, all o f Sault sto Marl«*. I I» Kni»«*r o f Lnnsing.Van Motor of f ndtllae. unit thr«*o mon , from Calumet. Kllhooloy and W.li­tu o o f lltidyard. and Hancock

Antonif Ihla gr«*up. three ar«* ron • i>r». two ar«* aoal tender*, tit reo aro liefen»«* poalfion mon and two aro oofUpaiita of tho wma berth*


Willie lloppo. former American W A D I IIIT 6 l l l in r B p a a o t i title holder in IN.2 halkline billiard». lE A K L im s d U N IftR l U A l n haa romm«*nde«| tho effort» o f Jake

TA VI HD ADC U/H DC IM r S« It no for in trimming Kdmmrd IA T L U R A K L W UKAIHU Horemana o f Belgium for the world

OUT REGULARLY. titlo, hy .«• claiming their match toho the in-*«! brilliant ono In the hi» tory «*f the green rover event

Mi. hu*.«tm Stato » vearling ba«ket- tiall »«litad of aomo f>" <un«liditte* ia j nn mark» tho getaway date taking rapi«! atrille» toward the Brat f „ r Michigan State t rackster*. wr«**f « limitiatioii proioaa bv I ouch Tar and "froah" baaketballerà/.ni ‘ Taylor, under who«** guht.mc«*

r o f M defeated Northwestern tr 12 20 in iniHkotball laat Saturday a md thereby k«*pt Ita court record in

nine and botilo bnaia, it w.i* an fa« * The Wolvorinea have now w«in tur Voting five and loat none Th«*tr opponent»

II open the ■otogoa hero mirtm«-

rity andIIokom will• ka on ih»*


t diversity o f Michigan wlll bo mot <m the gridiron by Michigan Slat«* next year at Ann Arbor on Oct. 9.

Announcement» o f the whore- about» of thi* varioua dlatrlct, re­gional. >md »tat«* prep achool baaket hall tournament» next M^rch given Michigan State college the aponnor »hip o f th«< atato moot for cIhhmoh It an«f ( ' Now cla»»iflration c|tiali- nration» thin voar place* achool» having **n rol I men 1» o f over 700 In .■In«» A. tho*«* itaving from 300 to 7 00 in cIiihm II. from 100 to 290 in < la** ('. TIiomo achoola under the century mark are r«*legate«l to rlana D.

claMae» A and I) have boen award ■ «I to Ann Arbor. The regional

will h«> hold In Flint, Kala Ann Arbor. Detroit. Alpena

and Petoakey.

Five homo engagement* out « eight moo!* grace the Michigan Stat MW itti mitt g card for 19 2 A. includiti ih«* linai meet of the year aguinat Univoca!!y o f Michigan, which he the fo.iture event o f tho aeaoo the stato nutatorlum.

The aeafl tank thi« w nun I interfind »onto


Duplicate Comeback af Grid Taw» Agam* Ccatre Lart Fall B>

Handing a Veteran Kaalukee Team Its Secaud Defeat of Se*<nn.

•n will «ipon In rh** Sta eok Sat urda y with an a •la»» moot which «hou event» ami perhaps <1 p r o m i s i n g tuat«*riui f

the varsity Th

Jan • col lego here 'I »Hy Jan a practi

ire laboring dallv fr«*-h " w til moot f<

ollogo outfits on io ba*la. It w.i*

tiounr.'.l Frida » hy hi Mutile t roefc J i

o.i*on «itti tho Taylor i*»t Jan 23 Flint. H tiran<l Itnptd« Iunior fo llo » in au«*ro»»lve « lutino ftoor ntivl tho Svi .il t|u*n rollini out tho pre*wnt oh* •Itilo hy dashinc with Hattle t’ rèek. May Ftty Flint .md tirimi Rapiti» in that ordor. oti for«*lgn nurt»

• ok • ml wiil

Sommi only to thè deafh o f Wal Camp, tho font bull wnrld now

Mirt i « ito- p.iMHing of Andy Smith nfor at l.«l»n*t Stanford univer v Smith ha» be»*n eulogitod in

prò«» bv ominont grblm« n a» ring beoti thè contribuì or o f manv 'tiiall idea» and Ideal* dar mg hi» lliatit career in California

E a C f f è f éW e Nerve Mie IUCNT A l

FvcepHemiMy le w Frire*.


FOR PARTIESSm all ar l « l >

('hop SueyI 'm I p te Take I I — '

lime* nas

r r e e k Chea. Mpr.


\n iihun*lan* o «tf good material f» iiow avallatilo, and tlii» wook »lumi*! ere «ovoral mltlltiona to thè *quad Fin* out«tanding nu*n on thè «antll late roNtor at«- yet to he a»ccrtaIneit lue t<» Ih** largo tiumher who aro »«

- .. - Ad .'i* .Viìp4.l.n.,t ~ .1'.* .‘^-^ii1 ¿ r i*T Jackaon Saturday

T Dwitht Johnaon I* conflned to hospital. wht*r»* he un-

THF mm M I. WHIVtl

Continued from page 1

I? m inuit])'* Wlll off'ciallv oI»» when tirami Rapid* Jut o will moot Orcen und White!

The fro*h will moot t ho v.ir ■ . tin* meet being more of lit for the varsity than!

I anything el*«* Indiana universi'v j i will come here Jan 3« with »orno I real competition for. Coach Kiefaber’a I protege», and will ho followed by! three nu*«*t» In ftjreign tanks Woo»

'to r college ut Woo»ter, tthi«». F«*h ; o lii.i Wesleyan at I tela war**, ohm

Feb H. and Detroit City college at Detroit. Fob 12 Michigan will help State «-In««* the »«>a»on her«* Feb 17


Cuacb Taylor Shaping Recruits for Carnea.

Tuesday night sa w t le- fr***hmoti basket bail season «fart off with a bang Forty eight aspirants for po­sit ions on « «>aeIt Taylor « yeachng **l<i»d reported and vv r»> *• atthrough a rapid Hr*’ ¡o a t . •««;..!>which tailed to r."*eu: ble lllttiul workout o f the year on t Much «t re»» wav placoil on goti mg flu* lari:.* bunch *»t recrut»» u shape for the . ti« iing !".* « îu dai.n«»w hoi ne formulât**.!

of ea tho*'


¡II <llrlii e in g tim si

r*,v:tmp«*d 'i

11 nui h .iccinimed ?Ij* j K.ml.;. !{*>.<, Ill . he

orDm i-oun

Slut«» started tln«l took .in

‘M ! , n I in* first half thi

ho ba*- but Saturday »bowed tha Stat**'» moot »truck hia stride

»k the Drew waa up to hl» i >d and m ard . and in addition

” v> °* .nc tuto» good defenaivo v ev**n- H*-«l six pointa to hi» to

Th** lineup and aumrnSTATE Colvin . !la< ketf • t'C«»nno


ST.RFLF Da**lyt

. C. .

. RO .IA3. . i

adv*-nplain• •pet It I'


Id e«

urine the seco tu I half »rove htmaelf the l»o*t m. 'tailing five Huckett •* ante nnmls'r o f goals I not h ami also dropped It row

Th** morale of the »*’ \*h;te toan» against the « h '•bañiles seemed vast ! •. ml much nutre than *a - !>e now combination re»»i:r

>,| th.- 1**2 I!» S h o w e d VISI

^*.it*stitution*; llevhort f. r \», u »ter. M' Altiafor for Hevh*

Pie for Mcdrnth; Ross fnr Ilea ley for Roa»: Rowe for v Fr.-derlek* for Colvin. Co|\ <»'«V»nnor: Smith for Huokott ».•ft f«»r Colvin. Field goal« eft 4 Darlymaple 4, Rowe t fir * 2. Frederick» 2. Colvin *-v Free throw »: Hovhert Row*». | in 2; Darlymaple Dr«-» 2 in 3. Fredericks lla 'kett. I in 1; Colo. 3 in ' . o

;n 2 ltefer«*e. Roper i W


Swimumug Pram Subject.

T ier.' are about 30 girl«• to.ring In phyaleal edttcnt ••»■rn c our mm in baaket bn I

M -« Supple; dancing. Mi»« It mmtnr Ml*» tlrlme*. and

t! .« alth edu< ution. Ml»» (Irin W. r* >i tiiF advance work jninr« than .senior» are fa

■* interSwimming «ectn» to be th «j! «r In«* m required *?'• girl» have sign»*«! up

.**n> mg rifle. liuHkernall. \ m.I orroctlve gymnaatlc* c«o

n l i n e Captuin Hinw«»«ul tr .i *.»r m rifle Thla aubjo« v. «nd may t»e taken once

» week


T T Sn Tpirlnglm*t voar Coat It Tavlor * I. am

wont through the »ouaoti undefeated, taking it« vlrtorle» overwhelmingly

The 192Ä *c bed ule i» •» f«*ll«*w»Jan ‘ t Ituttle Crook .1 C h«*r>Jan 2*» Klint I t hero Feb ó May City J C here Feb. 12 Grand Rapida J ( '

heroF- t» I H a t t i e t•rook, there Fob 17 May City, thereFd» 2»* Flint, thereMari ti I tirami Rapidi. th«’rc

We Are Not Satisfied ITntaw You Are


M* M M Uaa*


derwont an <»p. ration last week THemliM

The Themlan formal will be h* «1 »• the Kerna hotel March •*» Alice Parr Heads the committee m charge

rt.e new *m i• ■ tv officers for the t«-rm ar.« Margaret Webb prcatdent. Alice Parr vi* o president. Maida Korridf»’ »«•«•rotafv. Klbttor Hutch ;n* treawurer. and M irv F.lla Fahr n»*v tie i o manage

In f..*r «o a I in ij in lion i.f/m s Sunday F lorin -.• Pangborn .« attotuling

Merrill Pajmcr at Introït «h » *erm M» »corlen

lion«»* officer* ?«»r the t«*rni are Ruth Featherly pro*id**nt Margaret Foote, vice pr '«»dont I telen Ritchie, «••roiarv olga HI rd treasurerFrancia Hafvev. house manager and .Marj.orie Davic». »towardium

Informal initlatlotl start* San-lay Margaret ShaddlU k t* attending

M.*rrtll Palmer this term1 .t ina Thomas ha« returned to

«chool after a term « abac nee Ncaam c

'ampbell has left Michigan

nunib. r of «•ont»*n«|ers. who lesir,. i,, get In Ime for var*ity n.*vt v»*ar

McHlcr. a f t a » h y prep «« hooi guard frotn Aipena < entrai. DatiAiiiger <>: Detr-dt Western, (naitt of Midtmd t i a v t U N o f . l i t i k « o n R e iO . r •»;, ! A r r i

old of May City Central Marron o ' Flint i entrai. M«tel|er of (letrmt M'oetern. llopk<n* of lack*on »nd Kart of Mollanti are auumg thè fr> »h moti candidate* wuh .« ah «< b- •• record


1* C»—prtt

State N«»r

and Fltxa Into the

Make the Downey Your Headquarter» When Downtown



llriState and has entered th« mat college at Ypsilanti

Ailady* Dephert. Fa» hcth »HIIt* have movedhouse

Five I ni«»« Da»»«.« Thè» Term Th**re are t«* be five Pttion partir»

thitwterm with the t)r*t taking place Frtdny evening The remaining four will be held Jan 22. Feb 2 i. March 12 and March IN

Fan Hellenic Mi»* Dorothv M< NViunt L» acting

as pre*tdent of the Pau Hellenic th is term in th»- absence of Mnrton l'rnn- by who t* attend s* he M errill Palmer achool In lmtr«»lt

%l|*hw ti«MNM Kh**The fm te rn tty will »t.tge an opon

hou»e S atu rday eveningMeaar* IbM iu or* and Coe. alum

nt. a rc house guests th is week

tt»*n«l*«l t.im|w*t.* with t»*U*grn |»h tr­


Invttatu»n* h>i\e u» m m«»re than In *rh«a»l* t«* • the co «ni rifle team m mat« ima thi* year, a«*« •>!•« iMm W I I ID iiw .nm I wiit. o f the girt* team

R le ven memt»*r* from *«iun<l hi ve re|Niit«'«t f.»r p ra it ic e ii add it loll t«t h la ig e tium lm r of new .i>m «T* *^Inclw«le«| iti the lt*»t of . 't (ti-rieiKe«| *h«*oter« » r e > a pt.iin fieli •»«leve Jo h n so n . Mett* l|.'nd«*r*oii l la r r h 't t VnnW eetiten . F I•*•*!»• Pang l*»rn. RI«4m ‘ I . im a n . Mr-t iwi S u in K a th a r lim rru u ito iU . mi«| Y n n a tw il M itten

PrwcHce I* held regulurly under *h. iliitHtk'ti of •‘apt a in illnwiHal and i la ex|*t ted that a tenui of high • sill** will be developed

Every Term Since We Began Business W e Have Served a Large Number of

the Student Bodyymu will find it In y«nr ad ­vantage la n» «war a icv ire regnlnrfy.

SCHRAMU N 'S o w n T O U » »V * M H a t Pot* SfcOT


WANTEDJan ltar at Kappa Della.

PkaM 21-423

T h e C a m p u s G rillThe I .radine CONFECTION ER Y aad RESTAU RA N T

ia Eaat t >an i f

Inv Me* Men « O L k f . i l Mdn I M i 8 t t n Their


The Wolverine LunchU M I M . MK NIUAN


Thn winter term formal will be held F**b 27

f a » rk 1 t .

Get Your

“ S ”


W a sh b u rn 's« * "-..'¿.j

!>» >n

r » A U

/ - V

\ ’ ' w J

/" *: . ____ .. -

' * M

W'e Sharpen Your Skates, Hollow Ground.

If you are looking fur a Goad Tubler Shoe Skate, drop in.

