Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT) & Crash Data Mark Vizecky (Va-Sis-Ski) State Aid...


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Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool(MnCMAT) & Crash Data

Mark Vizecky (Va-Sis-Ski)State Aid for Local Transportation

Program Support Engineer

March 2012

Sulmaan KhanState Aid for Local Transportation

Assistant Project Development Engineer

Agenda Welcome - Introductions Sources of Crash Data Crash Detail Levels Methods of Retrieval

Transportation Information System (TIS) (Gen 1) Excel Spreadsheet (Gen 2) MnCMAT (Gen 3)

Overview Case Studies Demonstration

Analyzing the Data Green Sheets Top 200 Intersection/Top 150 Sections Rates vs Density Traffic Engineering Fundamentals Handbook


Data Source and Criteria

Sources Police Accident Report

Paper Electronic

Citizen (public) Report Paper Electronic

Criteria (D-16 manual) Fatality, Injury or Property Damage >$1,000 Roadway open to the public Death must be within 30 days for fatality Intentional and medical caused NOT counted


Police Accident Report (PAR)

Overlay Report

Police Accident Report (PAR)

Overlay (Front)

Overlay (Back)

Citizen Accident Report



D-16 Manual“…promote uniformity and comparability of motor vehicle traffic statistics..”


D-16: Sample (53 pages)

Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC)

“…provide a minimum, standardized data set for describing crashes of motor vehicles..”


A Crash is NOT a simple event….




Importance of Data Elements (Top 3)

Education County/city location Seat belt usage Drinking

Enforcement Corridor location Time of day Day of week

Engineering Location Location Location

Crash Level data elements

Location Route System Route Number Reference point

(nnn+00.111 is wild guess) Interchange element Reliability

Numbers = DPS only, Alpha = MnDOT 1 or A – Confident (within feet) 2 or B – Less confident (within .25 mi) 3 or C - Best guess (within 1 mile) 4 or D - Wild guess (within county or city)

City County

Route Systems

State 01: Interstate 02: US Trunk Highway 03: Mn Trunk Highway

City 05: Municipal State Aid (MSAS) 10: Municipal (M)

County 04: County State Aid Highway

(CSAH) 07: County Road

Other 08/09: Township

(Organized/Unorganized) 14: State Forest road 23: Airport Roads 24:Private roads (no ref points) 30: Alleys (no ref points) Etc.

Crash Level data elements

Location Route System Route Number Reference point

(nnn+00.111 is wild guess) Interchange element Reliability

Numbers = DPS only, Alpha = MnDOT 1 or A – Confident (within feet) 2 or B – Less confident (within .25 mi) 3 or C - Best guess (within 1 mile) 4 or D - Wild guess (within county or city)

City County

Route Number (8 digits)

Trunk Highways (Systems 1 – 3) Leading zeroes not needed

ISTH 35W (stored as 0000035W) USTH 169 (stored at 00000169) MNTH 7 (stored as 00000007)

City Streets (MSAS and MUN) First 4 digits are city number (NOT state aid number, but

census number) MSAS 10400101 (Duluth) MUN 12500065 (Faribault)

ALL OTHERS First 2 digits are county number

CSAH 02000001 (Anoka county) CR 19000101 (Dakota county)

Crash Level data elements

Location Route System Route Number Reference point

(nnn+00.111 is wild guess) Interchange element Reliability

Numbers = DPS only, Alpha = MnDOT 1 or A – Confident (within feet) 2 or B – Less confident (within .25 mi) 3 or C - Best guess (within 1 mile) 4 or D - Wild guess (within county or city)

City County

Interchange Element Sketches

Crash Level Data Elements Non-Location

When Date Time Day of week Light conditions

What Type Weather conditions Road Conditions Speed limit Work Zone Etc.

Severity For CRASH, derived from most severe injury/fatality Number killed Number Injured

Person Level Data Elements

Who Non-Public (Name, Address) we do NOT get Age Gender

Condition Alcohol Drugs License restrictions/endorsements

Safety Equipment Seat Belts Air bags Helmet


Vehicle Level Data Elements

Vehicle info Type Make Body type

Actions Contributing factors (up to 2) Sequence of Events (up to 4) Pre-accident Action Most harmful event Direction of Travel

Transportation Information System (TIS)

Created in 1970’s Mainframe:

User ID SPF, JCL, TSO, ACF2 #?!#!!!! (not user friendly)

Huge users manual Reports fixed format

Generation 1 – 1970’s and 1980’sList Accidents by Ref Point (paper)

Generation 2 – 1990’sExcel spreadsheets

Crash Level

Vehicle/Person Level

Pro’s – ALL Methods Important

TIS Mainframe Traffic/Rate capabilities Has intersection/section capabilities Has sophisticated multi file linkages The only practical option for some analysis

Excel Easy to use – well known software Sort and filter Updated easily

MnCMAT Mapping Charting Filtering

Generation 3 – 2000’sMnCMAT

Presentation Overview

Development of Program MnCMAT Features Case Studies Gaining Access Questions and Demonstration

Brief History of MnCMAT

Developed in Iowa late 1990’s – early 2000’s Iowa DOT & CTRE @ ISU Original named Crash Mapping Analysis Tool

(CMAT) Introduced to Minnesota in 2006

Via County Engineers Funded by

Local Road Research Board (LRRB) Project Research Implementation Committee (RIC) State Aid for Local Transportation (SALT)

Crash Analysis Tool Classification

Macroscopic Tool Large Area Coverage Trends and Statistics

Microscopic Tool Drill Down Capabilities

Filters Selection

Capabilities GIS Base Mapping Tool Visual Tool

Charts Maps Reports Data Files

Basics of MnCMAT Program

Transportation Information System (T.I.S.)

Location Crash


Road Condition

Driver Data


GIS Based Mapping System

MnDOT Mainframe Data


T.I.S. Data is Generated from Law Enforcement and Citizen Crash


Basic MnCMAT Crash Analysis Process

Step 1 Select Area to be Analyzed

Step 2 Apply Filtering Criteria

Step 3 Generate Output

Maps Charts Reports Data Files

Basic MnCMAT Crash Analysis Process

Step 1 Select Area to be Analyzed


Covers Entire State Primary Selection by County, District,

Tribal Government, or State Multiple Secondary Selection Methods

Rectangle Polygon Circle Roadway Segments

State Wide Selection


Covers Entire State Primary Selection by County, District,

Tribal Government, or State Multiple Secondary Selection Methods

Rectangle Polygon Circle Roadway Segments

Single County Selection

Multiple County Selection

County Selection


Covers Entire State Primary Selection by County, District,

Tribal Government, or State Multiple Secondary Selection Methods

Rectangle Polygon Circle Roadway Segments

MnCMAT Toolbars


Covers Entire State Primary Selection by County, District,

Tribal Government, or State Multiple Secondary Selection Methods

Rectangle Polygon Circle Roadway Segments

Selection by Rectangle


Covers Entire State Primary Selection by County, District,

Tribal Government, or State Multiple Secondary Selection Methods

Rectangle Polygon Circle Roadway Segments

Selection by Polygon


Covers Entire State Primary Selection by County, District,

Tribal Government, or State Multiple Secondary Selection Methods

Rectangle Polygon Circle Roadway Segments

Selection by Circle


Covers Entire State Primary Selection by County, District,

Tribal Government, or State Multiple Secondary Selection Methods

Rectangle Polygon Circle Roadway Segments

Selection by Road Segment

Select Location with Find Location Selection

County City Intersection Crash Number XY Coordinate

Crash Data Using Stacks

Interchange Element Sketches

Question: How many crashes occurred at this interchange?




Basic MnCMAT Crash Analysis Process

Step 1 Select Area to be Analyzed

Step 2 Apply Filtering Criteria

Filter Selection

Filter Categories City Contributing Factor 1 Contributing Factor 2 County Crash Diagram Crash Severity Day of Month Day of Week Driver Age Driver Condition Driver Gender First Harmful Event Investigating Officer Light Condition MnDOT District Month Number of Fatalities Number of Vehicles

Relation to Intersection Reliability of Information Road Design Roadway Character Speed Limit Surface Conditions System Class Time of Day Traffic Control Device Travel Direction Tribal Govt. Type of Crash Type of Work Zone Vehicle Action Vehicle Travel Direction Vehicle Type Weather Conditions Year

Filters Within MnCMAT

Select the data applicable to the situation of interest.

Single or multiple filters may be applied. Each filter provides “AND” logic between

filter categories and “OR” logic within each filter

Active Filter Selection Statistics

Filters Within MnCMAT

Select the data applicable to the situation of interest.

Single or multiple filters may be applied. Each filter provides “AND” logic between

filter categories and “OR” logic within each filter

Filters Within MnCMAT



Basic MnCMAT Crash Analysis Process

Step 1 Select Area to be Analyzed

Step 2 Apply Filtering Criteria

Step 3 Generate Output

Maps Charts Reports Data Files

Graphical Outputs

View of Crash Incidents in Larger Area

Wide Area Crash Locations with Stacks

Non-motorized Persons

Were in Douglas County did crash number 050870433 occur?

What can you tell me about the pedestrian?

Data Exports

Crash Data Exports as a CSV or Shape File

Crash Data Exported as a CSV or Shape File


Crash Severity

Day of Week


Summary Report

Detail Report

Crash Type Summary Report

Driver and Time Summary

Top 100 Intersections Report

Top 100 Segments Report

Case Study No. 1

Crash Severity for Lane Departures Crashes

Q. “What is the crash severity for lane departure crashes in the city of Faribault between 2003-2007?”

1. Select Crash Data (circle with red, blue and yellow graphic), then select Crash Filters.

2. Highlight City under Location Filters, then check Faribault.

3. Highlight Crash Year, then check years 2003-2007.

4. Highlight Crash Diagram and select crash codes pertaining to Run off Road crashes. (sideswipe passing/opposing, Ran off Road-Left/Right and head on)

5. Click OK.

6. Select Charts, then select Crash Severity under the dropdown menu, then select Add Chart

Steps Needed for Case 1

Lane Departure Crashes by Severity

Lane Departure Crashes by Severity

• The previous slide illustrates that most crashes between 2003-2007 involved property damage followed by possible injury crashes.

• There was a total of 264 crashes during this time frame.

Case Study No. 2

Q. “What are the most dominant crash types resulting from chemical impairment in the city of Faribault?”

1.Select Crash Data, then select Crash Filters.

2.Highlight City under Location Filters and then check Faribault.

3.Highlight Vehicle Contrib. Factor 1 and then check Chemical Impairment.

4.Click OK.

5.Select Charts, then select Diagram under the dropdown menu, then select Add Chart

Steps Needed for Case 2

Crash Diagram (Type) resulting from Chemical Impairment in Faribault

Crash Diagram (Type) resulting from Chemical Impairment in


The pie chart on the previous slide illustrates that the three most occurring crashes as a result of chemical impairment are rear end, ran off the road (right side) and sideswipe (passing)

There was a total of 56 crashes.

Case Study No. 3

Q. “What number of reported crashes involve younger (under 21) distracted drivers (cell phone) that ran off the road in Faribault?”

1. Select Crash Data, then select Crash Filters.

2. Highlight City, and then check Faribault.

3. Highlight Driver Age, then check appropriate boxes for Drivers under 21.

4. Highlight Vehicle Contrib. Factor 1, then select Car Phone/Two-Way Radio, then click OK.

5. Select Charts, then select Diagram under the dropdown menu, then select Add Chart.

Steps Needed for Case 3

Distracted Young DriversMnCMAT Version 3.4.0

Online MnCMAT Tool

Distracted Young Drivers

Reports generated using both MnCMAT programs confirm the details of the two crashes

The crash reports indicate that there was one right angle and one rear end crash

Case Study No. 4

Q. “How many young drivers (<21) were involved in K & A crashes that was a result of disregarding a traffic device within Metro District ?”

1. Select Create New Project, then select the Metro District and click OK.

2. Select Crash Data, then select Crash Filters, then select Crash Severity and select the appropriate codes for K & A crashes.

3. Select Driver Age and select the appropriate ages for drivers under 21.

4. Select Vehicle Contrib. Factor 1 and select Disregard Traffic Device, and click OK.

5. Select Charts, then select Crash Severity under the dropdown menu, and then select Add Chart.

Steps Needed for Case 4

Young (<21) Drivers involved in K & A crashes by Disregarding Traffic

Devices in Metro District

Young (<21) Drivers involved in K & A crashes by Disregarding Traffic

Devices in Metro District

The graphs on the previous slide show that there were a total of 140 K & A crashes involving young drivers

Of the 140 crashes, 114 crashes (over 80%) were incapacitating accidents


The proceeding case studies are very basic examples of use of MnCMAT.

More complicated reports may be run. Even more complicated reports that require information on data not contained in MnCMAT (for example, seat belt use of non-drivers) would require special reports.

MnCMAT Distribution

Being Supplied by MnDOT – State Aid No additional software required No Cost to City or County Agencies or

Other Entities Approved by a City or County

Approval Form for Use

MnCMAT’s Website


DISCLAIMER The State, County and Municipal Transportation Authorities of Minnesota

make no representation or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the reuse of the data provided herewith, regardless of its format or means of its

transmission. There is no guarantee or representation to the user

as to the accuracy, currentness, suitability, or reliability of this data for any purpose. The user accepts that data “as is”, and assumes all risks associated with its use. The State, County and Municipal Transportation Authorities of Minnesota assume no responsibility, actual or consequential damage, as a result of any user’s reliance of this data.

By submitting this form, you are stating that you understand that this

application is only a tool and that Engineering Judgment must be used when interpreting all data. You are also agreeing that you understand that the data set used by this program is subject to errors and changes, therefore not to be assumed as absolute. The Minnesota Department of Transportation, State Aid Division maintains all rights to this application and may revoke your privileges of use at any time.

MnCMAT Support Contact

Mark Vizecky



Sulmaan Khan


Intersection“Green sheets”


Top 200 Intersections – per location

Crash costs – Step 1 Get Minnesota Data

Crashes Fatalities Injury A Injury B Injury C Vehicles

Fatal 1,569


411 555 512 2,730

Severity A 5,674 -

6,636 1,735 1,494 9,991

Severity B 26,975

- -

33,928 6,824


Severity C 49,894

- - -




186,839 -

- - -


Total 270,950 1,724 7,047 36,218 74,585


Step 2 – get current year costs from FHWA

Severity Fatal CostsInjury A

CostsInjury B

CostsInjury C

Costs PDO Costs Sum Costs CrashesCost per


Fatal $5,598,840,847 $92,293,939 $24,956,461 $12,150,974 * $5,728,242,220 1,569 $3,650,887

Severity A $1,491,991,660 $77,994,561 $35,456,161 * $1,605,442,382 5,674 $282,947

Severity B $1,525,626,673 $161,937,828 * $1,687,564,501 26,975 $62,561

Severity C $1,560,522,001 * $1,560,522,001 49,894 $31,277

PDO $851,654,840 $851,654,840 186,839 $4,558

Step 3 – calculate cost for current year

Year GDP Deflator Fatal A injury B Injury C Injury PDO

2003 106.41 $3,065,246 $212,209 $42,442 $22,400 $2,358

2004 109.43 $3,152,240 $218,232 $43,646 $23,036 $2,425

2005 112.74 $3,247,587 $224,833 $44,967 $23,732 $2,498

*PDO costs are not shown due to incorporation into other crash severities.

Crash Costs

Crash Severity Existing Cost New (2008) Cost

Fatal $3,700,000 $6,800,000

Severity A $280,000 $390,000

Severity B $63,000 $121,000

Severity C $31,000 $75,000

PDO $4,600 $12,000

Top 150 Sections – per mile

Crash Rates

Determined by dividing observed crash frequency by measure of exposure

Crash Rate =Crash Frequency

Exposure/Unit of Time

Crash Rates




cy (





5,000 10,000 15,000





Rate = Y/X

Short Comings:

•Assumes a linear relationship

•Drives prioritization toward low volume routes

Crash Density

For Intersections Density = Crashes

For Sections Density = Crashes/Miles

Rates or Density ?

Severity Rates

For Intersections SR = ((F*5)+(A*4)+(B*3)+(C*2)+(PD))

(EV * Days) Where EV = Entering Vehicles.

For Sections SR = ((F*5)+(A*4)+(B*3)+(C*2)+(PD))

(ADT*Length * Days)

CRASH FACTS – annual report by DPS

•Provides a statistical summary Minnesota’s reported crashes


Fundamentals Book


Crash Modification Factors (CMFs)


Books Worth Reading

The Drunkard’s Walk Traffic









900 miles of Interstate 11k miles of Trunk Highway 45k miles of County Road 22k miles of City Streets 62k miles of Township/Other roads

2009 K & A Crashes 421 Fatalities 1,036 Severe Injury Crashes

141,000 miles of Roadway

HSIP Program Challenge to determine where to

focus safety funds Black spots are infrequent on local roads Fatal and Severe injury crashes are

random on local roads

County Roads 2,089 Severe Crashes 45,000 miles of road 0.05 severe crashes per mile

Trunk Highway 2,168 Severe Crashes 12,000 miles of road 0.18 severe crashes per mile


Heart Disease Smoking Obesity Cholesterol Blood pressure Physical activity Stress Age/sex/heredity

Surrogates Heart Disease

Smoking Obesity Cholesterol Blood pressure Physical activity Stress Age/sex/heredity

Surrogates for severe crashes? Segments, Intersection, Run off Road


Surrogates for Segments

Traffic Volume Density of Road Departure Crashes Curve (Critical Radius) Density Edge Risk Assessment Access Density

If surrogate applies to a segment of road

Surrogates for Curves

ADT Range Radius Range Visual Trap on Curve Intersection on Curve Severe Crash on Curve

If surrogate applies to a roadway Curve

Surrogates for Rural Thru STOP Intersections

Geometry Skewed minor leg approach Intersection on/near

horizontal curve Volume

Minor ADT/Major ADT ratio Proximity

Previous STOP sign Railroad crossing

Intersection Related Crashes

Commercial Development in quadrants

