National Reconnaissance Office: A History of Satellite


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Description of document: National Reconnaissance Office: A History of Satellite Reconnaissance, Vol. IIIA, Robert Perry, January 1974

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Chantilly, VA 20151-1715

11 January 2008

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Per your of 1 January 2008, you have withdrawn your appealto the ISCAP for the Perry History Volumes III a and b. TheNational Reconnaissance Office (NRO) has reviewed the encloseddocument under the provisions of Executive Order 12958. Thedeleted portions of the text remain classified per ExecutiveOrder 12958, section 1.5 (c).

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Enclosure:Perry History Volumes III 3 A&B








.Robel't PeI'l'y

Jaauary 1974


o-t.slll'll'fEMMo 1£ -.,.....~" £ o.r11182£-.-c.It9D'," 111(2)1

~""f"'"..."" f TO DE1C!!M

eow¥-of 5 cople!


Date •••••••• Initials •••• _•••

m 11011.'4 .


.-... cODeei.e. while Dw1&ht David .a.eiahoWer ....

Pre.idellt of the UDlted State•• Thi.rte_ year•.later, __ thi.

preface .... writte.,

.~ fl'OlD tbatfiritt propo.ecl.bortly .fter Gary Power.' U-~ rill

afoul of a Soviet UItlaircraft mlI'ue Ua May 1960. At the time of

that iDci.deat, the Ual~State. bacl DO operati.OD&lrecoDDaial&Dce

••teUite. aDd of th.two deYelopmeatal .yatema with appal'e. DeC-

time poteDtial, Suno. £-1 we. coaceptu.a11y flawed a.acl tbe other,

CoroD&, had expel'ieaced a fruauatm. IUCC•• lion of oper~t1OD&1

.failur... 1'0111'. adcUtloD&lpboto-.ate1lite•.(Samol E-l,E-3, E-".

and E-5) were at .ome 8t..e betweeJl Uw.z.uon and firet lawach. IIOIIe

wa. ever to return a 'iDlle photolrapa of Soviet territory to .AftaeriC&ll

photo iAterpreterl. altboqh that prepoeteroue outcome could DOt

then have been 10re••el1 by.aDy ratlOJl&1. participam.

u-z pelleuadollS had provided 80me uee.ful iuilht. bao the.

re••arch aDddeve10pmeJlt .tatue of Soriet mi••Ue and aircraft

prolraml by 19bO. but the Ullited Statel delperately needed iDformation

about the character-illicl, numbere. aDd placemeilt of operatioD&l

8D ttot,-,.Handle~ Byemanl Talent . Key".C~nrrDII Only



of that ...&I, Preaideat E18eDbolNlr cuae to diaappron p1aD8 for

further U-2 GperadOll8 over "uaata ratherthaa chaDce a Duc1ear. .

aU too aPJt&rUlt. LacJrq crediWe bIformatioa about Soviet capabili­

tie., the Uldted Statea Jaad la. 1958 ....I"tak.. all UlOI'DlOU expauiOD

be a aublt:aDtial Bonet uYaIltale la. Duclear weapou delivery capa.bllity.

No Corolla ••tel1lte bad. yet fwlctiODed correctly; in ml4-1960 that

pay10acll to a relamptioD of-..erlaa telt fllahu, ...... cameru.

1D the Dear paDic that followed tlse 4iacowry that U-2 aircraft

could DO 10D1er lafely over4y the SoYiet UalOIa, ime1li.eace apecial-

iata cleviaed three major DeW pboto-recozmaiu&Ace pl'0Faml: Oxcart

aircraft that became better kDOWD

al the A-ll "Blackbird" &lUi later fathered the SR-71 and F-ll prolraml).

Samoa E-6 (de.iallecl oripDal1y to replace the laDpiahiDI CorODa

.atellite). Political CODlUaiDU fiDally kept Oxcart from

{nIOIBDI its co~iderablepromile &Ad Samol E-6 .... technically

iii BU 17011-'4

Handle ~ B"!Talent· Ke~"cle':;r'lrc'~ Oniy

Dotwith.taD,u"l the p8rioclic appearaDCe of prolrama IUUI propoaal.

other volume. in t1lia .erie., 1t La de.i,ned to .taDd &loDe iD beiDa.'I1





Thia'volume .cODtaiu tbehietOry of tile

for prolr&1D8 to eupplemeDt 01' .upplaDt

mo.dy laollow blu.ter.

cleficiQt. like ita 8... $&l1li0' preclece..or.. Stu,bbom CIA ... Ail'

Force, prOlraJD maD&aer. workUla with IWk, Lockheed, aDd Oe_ral

Electric ealiDeera re.cud CorODa aDd 'by late 1960 had collected

the evidence Deeded to demoutrate that Sone' mlaene rattliDl ..., , '

fully comprehe.ible without refereDce to other .0urCe., but becauae

the .everal eli.crete elemeDtI of the NatioDalRecODD&1a'&Dce Prolram'

are inextricably interre1ated., the reader may find it to

CORliult ODe or another of tlao.e vo111Dl•• for detailed iDformatioD

about evelltl that impacted o~withoutbeiDa iDte.ral. of the


BD 1m,·,.HIndle '111 Byeman!Telenl o Ke~hoIe

Con:rois Only


Thi. hb~wu prepareel UDder tenD8 of • contract between

the Director, Special Projecta, Natlollllllecomaai••UU:. Office

(Director, Propam A), uad

emplo,.eel fU.t by the UD1teel State. Ail' Force I.Dcllater by The RUId

Corporation. Se 1IIlCIertocak reriaioD ad expansion of thoae aectiou

At varloua time., part. of the manU8cript have been

re"jeweel by member. of the .tall of 'the Natiow llecoDDaiaauac:e '

Office aDd of PrOiram A. The aacl .uppUer. of both data

aDd clocumenta are.o namerou that ~t ta DOt practical to llat them

here. Moet are mentioneelin .ource Dote. foUowiDl the bu:lividual

chapter•• To ac:bo.ledaetbe~rlDvaluable .aeietaDce in thi....y ia

. plaiDl"I aD inadequate reepoue, ~ there ie no fe••ible alternative.

In any, for errore I.Dcl over.ilhta a. may have .urviveel

the ecrudAy of cQlltributore and. reviewere, the author ia eDth-e1y

r eepon.ible.

'V 8ft 1'011-14

Handi& ~8 B'fItrUln/Ta'~",:·. ~y-~.;C:-!r:;s C- .

lllu.traticma ha.... beell .eparate1y bouacl ill an AppeDdix volume.



320 .





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Note. Oil Source. • • •.•

Note. Oil Source.

No•• On SOurce••••••



Prefa.c. . • • • • • • • . . • •



BD 1701'.'4

Hanclle 'Ill Byeman/ra.."t· Key"oIeCor.!roIS Only



Like much of the NatioD-.l ~ec:oDDaia"nce proaram._

wa. the procluct of tecbDlcalaDdpolitlcal ferm8llt aacI iaterDatioD&1. . . . .

teuiou tbat peaked claariIta the SPriDI aad Slimmer of 1960. The

. had become cridc:al in the aftel'lDlltla of the U-1 affair' aDd with the

elllorced .uapeuloD 01 U-2 operatloD. 0".1' the Soriet UIIioD. Geaer­

ally, polley-maId". official. ill the Departme.·ofthe Air Force aDd

what they bad· .eell of the u1etlDa Samo. prOiram. CODtlDuecl

emphael. on "coDCurreDeY" .. a pro,ram mode aDd a etubborn Air

prejUdiced the Air Force ca••, .lDce both approache. w.reUDaccept-

able to mo.t official. abo"e the level of the Air Staff. The pre..urel

of iAterutlooaJ politic. had made it qalte difficult for the £i.enhower

adminiltration to openly ',o..or a DeW or .ccel~rated late11ite

recoDD&ie.&Dce deve1opmeDt. FbuIlly, attractive ·pro,oI. for new

orbital recmmab.aDCe .ystema had appeared duriD& the eummer of

•Tbe relUDie that follo.. ia lar,elyaD eDCapilulatioll of Cbapter VI

of Volume UA. For that realOIl, lource citation1 have been .edonly when new material ..1 employed.

1 8ft 1'01'-7.

t1IfICIIe VII~n/T_r:t . tWyhQc,.

Cc":~o·s 0rI..

1960. Addiaa body to tbe m1xcve ...~e 1M facta. tbat 1IIdU mld-Auauat

-tlaeCoroaa bad DOt retunae4 _, phololraplla what....~. while the

oaly oth.r cap.a1e~recoverya,.t'.em then ....r d..ft1opmeDt. Samoa

£-5. wu relucled. With .ouietJUaa le.. thaD UIldi1uted ellt1luawm 'by

much of th. tec:hJd,cal commUDlty.

the ~y iDGuab"y autborid.e. ill the recoDDai.auce prOirUDe. penoDally

'brouPt~opo.alto the atteatiOll of Ail' Force UII4er-

.ecr.tary J. V. Charyk. who was rapidlybecomiD& the elaminant

fiaure in the P.Dtalon strualle for CODtrol of the Ail' Force .atellite

recoDDai"&IlCe effort. Charyk opezaecl mect contact

BYE 1101'·'4

HIndle Via Bftmen/.ler.t. KeyhcleCcr.~rQ:S Oniy




IJ'OP '.Cllft

_Ihortly thereafter. He wal ~rticulU'lyiDteresteel in the

Eastman approach because it emboclied two major elemeutl towarel

In the meantime. reconnaiu&nce specialist. of The Rand

Corporation had renewed their effortl to ineluce the Balllatic MislUe

Division (BMD). immediate IpoMor of the Samol program. to

elevelop a lpin-ltabilized reconnaillance Iyltem along the linel of

a 1957 Rand. proposal. In relponee to a reque.t from B1I4O. Rand in

June 1960 belan workina with Space Technology Laboratorie. (STL)

on a plan to develop a system which by taking maximum advantale

of available technology could be made operational in the near term.

BMD interelt .temmed largely from Charykl.earlier ,poMor.hip

of such an approach.

On 7 July 1960, a group of Rand and STL specialists quietly

assembleel at the invitation of Colonel Paul Worthman of BMD, the

sub-ro.a Air Force manager of the Corona activity. to elisCUIs

detail. of a newly conceived variant of the original spin-stabUized

.satellite. Rand had concluded that it would be perfectly fealible to

orbit a reconnaU.ance .ateWte



BYE li017-14

Handlt v:. Byemar:/ T'.I''!'" ....e·I.. ~;o!

::~··:;s O"if


covered a lSOO-poaaclaate1lite c&l'rybaa a'36-iDch (focalleqth)




1l&Dd'. recommeJuladoD to STL

the .premi.e of operatioaa

bIt:o a aemi-formal pl'opoaal. It differed fl'OID the earlier acheme

in beina baaed on a camera with a 24-iDch 10callelJlth aDd ill certaia

other -miDor detalla.Apart fr'om' re~iat:r04lQCtloD of the apia atabW­

..doD mode after a'lapae of two "&I'a, lb chief attraction lay 1D

cover..e at a Ir01md reaolutioa of &boat 17 feet. If the .atel,Ute

were OI'leated ao ".a to haft ita leu poIndal d1I'ectly clOWDWard

whUe onl'1a~ 55 North it: woulcl ~ovide uaeful cover..e of

aU of the aortMrD bemlapbel'e lylDl between 40 uul 70 _Ireea. 1

By early Aupat 1960, STL badahaped the earUel' achem.'

. . .':1, • , • I • •• ;.. •


BYE 1'1OJ'.14

He,. llI~man/Talent·KeyheleCtflt'olsOftly


'I'D' •••...--By as Aqut 1960. wIl.. tile Pre.Wat approvecl tIM ••tabll.ll-

meAt of a tilhtly ••cretarlat-leye1 aateUite recoDDala.ance

5 BYE 1101'.'"

111_ VII Byeman/T"llt· t\eyhOltc",·" \1 1/1, Qroty

• On 10 September 1960, vea-y.hol"tly after the Seca-etary of

the Au Foa-ce Samoa Project Office (SAI'SP) .haclle.a1ly come into

beiDa at BMD, Charyk met 1IIrith Bri.adier General R.obert E. Greer

(the proaram'. new mlllta;ry director), Colonel Paul E. Beran

(cha.irmaD of the £-6 .ource .election board), and LieuteDADt

Colaw Jame. Sea, (Greer'a procurement aaviaor). After coulderq

"'of'.. --.Ii.



BU t'fOt'J.,.

....... ...a BlI8men/ TMnI· KeyNlleCcr:r......s Only

all the optto..... tbey ..reed tbat thebe.tcour.e wa


BYE 1'1Ol'·'4I'1aIldl! VIa ~fNU\/ TaIe"t· l'l;tyl'Ole

C:":ro.s ONy .••aeIii

Iulde Ge-Jru Gr••r'. or.__tIo.......1'.

r.tlftly few people iDlt'al1y kaew~ DOrmAllwm .. pr...

occapatloD with the tub of the mOmellt pro..d.. hi""" .ucc••dul

lDaulator ••aWl r.ndom curio.itj. Mon of the Air Force ebu.d

mod.ate effective laterw .ecrecy" that becauaeFocuremuat aDd

.ort of club to wJlic:h mo.t cl.areel All' Forc. pez:.0111181 were

without qvauflcatioa--DO lar••••cal. .ffort coalcl

po••1bl,. be cont°ea1ed.



BYE 1'01'.'"

HaNle 'J118yeman/Talent· Keyl\OleCr,r.:r~IS Onl1



him for .e..r&1 mo... Amoq a1l1he .pace Fop-una be1ll&

coaclucted by NASA UMl tIM All' "oree. cmly tboae coat,I_d. wlthiD

the recomaai••aDCe effort were .ilJdficutly cOIICealecL lloutiDe

.ecudty ,cre..d ••vera! of the ......ll.tary .ateUite•• " but aped.DCe

had demcmatl'ated that fora recOllDaiaA.DCe ·prOlram· "l'oudDe .ecurlty"

WU DOt eeouaJa. The apparent luceptlbUity of aa.y acJmowle.ed.

••telllte recoDDai.luac. pr0p'am to cuceUatiOD Oil paliticallroUll"

wu particularly acute bll960-l961

.... - .... ell.. ..

•It may be araued. that the CIA bad. done all thol. thiDI. in CoroDa

without arouq luapicioltt· but in fact Corou ...1 Ulhtly cOIICealeclwader "Di.coverer" for itl flrlt four yearl, aDd ill aDy ca.e CIAexpelldi record. ..... the ca.efor



8D I'1D17-'I4

Hencr.e till B,lemen/Ta.nt· "'''Yl'1Clle:~~!I'(I': Oniy


Ia ew:h cucametaac•• th. academic CODeerD C••ral had.

YOlced. .iz mcmtbe e&l'ller became. a real problem. Not 0111' .... &bere




BU 1101'·1.4

He,. VII B,eman/Talt"t· Key<loleCcr.trQIS ()Ily .


MP ••••"-

to uayddDa thataillt iIlYitAi doe. ecntiny of Dlacoyerer uui tlau

.threatea compromiae of CorODa)

pQadbilltiee, Gellerd Greer coaceived All approach baaed in part

oa hia earller ual.,.1e 01 the problem of covert procuremeat. In

November 1960 he bad be.Un ''black'' cODtl'actiDa wuler the pbiloaopDy

that aiDce uev.r~dy" kDew it ... impoaalble for the Air Force to

approval cbazmeb, one mipt do qUite a lot of uuupectecl buyiDg

aAd cOlltractiDa by merely obtaintn•• direct authorisation. It

occurred to him that the ao1moll t

fomul in the aame theaia. Se thereby ilweDted the concept of the

"null pro,ram, " a deve10pmeat with DO kDoWll oriain aDd 110 apecifiecl

,oal. U auch a pro.ram were collCiucted UDder the ae.ia of a bi.hly

ciaaamed payload. it ahould be elltirely pouible to purcha.e boCMtera,

"everybody" blew that the entire reconnabaance aatallite proaram


.lOP IICift

811: 1'01'.'4

Handle '''I B".me"/Tele"~· Kt,-: ..CCr",rois C-,


a.l'V. toc~.moat oba.rvera tbat it bad to haft aome obJectlve'

PatdDa .acb a coy.r iDto .s.ct r d deYiou ac:bembaa

aDd a IUp '.11'•• of iA.eDUity. br 1 1961 the plaa Iwl been

redUCM toa,.d&.ca~ 1~..ra11y approved by UDUraecretary Charyk. 3

au I'll'."t1efldIe ".~n/Taient· Ke.,hdeCCl'ltrots Only


o . ' • ~

occurred th. phI'... a~t '!DOt ....aecl to a particul~ .pace project. "

Ap.-reatl.y the mattar •••m.d .0 mqpdane to the Air Staff that

the autborbbla teletype maD&led to let lo.t .omewhere in the Peiltalon-

AI'SC headqu.rten ma... Nearl., two we.b -'1'•. Deeded to atzoailhtell

out the l'e.a1tb1a co••loll. &JIll ne. tbaD. it pl'oyed Mca••U'y to applyo 5

cODaiderable pre"1Il'e be1ol'e ol'.am..Uoaal iD.ertia coa1el be overcome.

Ina further uehara,. of teletype., all written ..u ill aclvallce

in General Greer'. eomplellt t the .pecial project. office ••taWbhed

15 8D: 17017.'4

Handle M 8yemanl TelBnlo Keyner':

CorlHOIS QrI. 0'

•• • •A Corona capaulf! dieS aurvive an UDPlarmed reentry. in Venezuela.aever&! yeara later--and nobody noticecl.

BYE 1'01'·'4 Z6He,. VII B.,.man/lallnt· Kayrlllll

C~trOl$ Only .JOllieR.!


A aet of four rocket .Dp., each capable of procluciDl SO

pOUDds of thruat, would provicle lor orbit maiDteDPce. Six more

such rockets were located in the aft aection of the reeDtry vehicle.

After reorieDtation of the a.teWte by 180 delrees ud a 60-delree

pitchdown had been completed. the reeDtry vehicle would be separated

from the vehicle miclsectiOll aDd the eDliDe. fired. A velocity meter

sipaled,shutdOWD. 14


~t'1andkr VII B'I'8rr.n/Ta~p·· Ke~"o~

':,' :'(11$ :On.!

CorGaa wa. ill ODe 01 it. periodic apaama of operatioaal difficulty.

and the propo.alfor a Lanyard development waa receivilla .enerally

friendly attention. (Lanyard wu a re-e.ilUterec!. einlle-camera

E-S .y.tem ill Corona vehicle•• )

Z9 au 11011-14l"'t.~ 'I-e Byemln/Taie-t . K.l'"o; ..

C:~:'Q'S C.. !

rneeliDa acheelule. aDd periOI'lDUlC. l'8quizoernellt••bowel the pl'imary

d.v.1QpmeDt aY8tem. eDcOUDter ful'tber difficulty. There waa leDera!

He DOted that the performaDCe requa-emeDu of the a ,.tem

pubecl the .tate of the .atellite art. in three I pacific area.:

13 aD 1101'.'4

Handle '1:1 Byernan/ T8I!'" . ~ey"'~::~:.~ : Or:i i"


Charykl. I'epoz't wa. relatl.el., optimiatic. altho." he refrained.

trOlD uy predlcUQU of complete auec"a la meetiDI either echeGule.

01' l'e.o1atioD re,uh-eme.ta. Helol'eeaat a m.htda~



BYE 1'1017-'4Handle VI! 6~men/T!""~, Key"Ole

l:e~~·')IS Only

MOTU ON .one.

1. Notea br A.H. Kata, .ud.Cozp. 7.Tal 60.· OIl •••dq withsT~ r.p•••••ti.... Ja .... (Sam) m.a •.








-.... lit.IEY

an lT01'.'4Halldle "IA B,eman/ TeIent •KeyIlOle

CO,"roas QrlI,



ered intere.tiDa

d.epartur~. from the ttaormal" cycle of r ••••rch. cl.velopa. ntud

oper.tioll. ob••rved by moat DoD developnll Ilt It owed

much in th.t re.ped to the preced•• of the Corcmaprolr.m. the

oDJ.y e.rlier ••temte nco.ab.ece .ctivity that could ."ea ca8UaUy

BU lT01'r·Tt

HI,. vt& 8yeman/ relent· KeyhQle

COf'Itr'Dil ONy

WkUe tecbDical developmeatl iJlc:ludiDa the refblemeat of

bardware aDd the iIltroductloa 01 ilew IllAlNfactvml tecbDlqu•• were

~roj.c:tbad ,reater poteatialloaa-term val~. They

were monly 01 a pro,ram maaa,emeat eort.

apace ucoaaaieeuce pro,ram hacl faUn almoat eatlrely from the of overly ambitious early fli,ht objectivea. The result. with

uncommon re,warity, bad beea cataatrophic fallure anel cOllaequent



au 1'101'1-'14

Hanelle VIa B,emllr.! T...~:. Ko!""~1Ij

.: :-: ..:', C;~ !

abaaclcmmeDt of the pro,ram. Wlaatever b-.! beeDlDv..ted ... loat.

(ireer l • forte bael be. that of a mlclwifeto the De. project--cweneeiDl

and. IU&ruteeq a .uce...ful birth a1ld infancy. Hi••uce•••or. CieDeral Joim L. Wartia.. Jr~•• proved to be particularly

adept at rahbal Ibe chileS to maturity. MartlD l • budliD. of a mid-

re-or1ea=1 contractual iDeezadv•••erftd a.

a model for fatuI'. cODuacUq practlc.. a. wall a••olvin, the problem

of the momeDto The elemeDu of the iDcentive pr08ram .ere probably

of le.. iiDportaDce tbaniu conceptual ba.i.. It repre.eDted aD

acknowleci,.meDt tbat the ,oall of a project cbaftled a. it out,rew

iu developmental cGD.traUlt•• uad that inceDtive••ultable for one




an 1'01.,-,.Handle VII e..m.n/'WInt· Keptde

ConuOla OnIt


..... IAlfi-

·.....a'dama•••• pro,r.ea:- jut.1 lIIucb .... QIlftCe.e.t.l fll'at flipt.

PUadoxleall,•.'the ~.r, e~c... of tile fll'lt IUaht rai.ed apeetatlODI

for eubeequeat mpte &ad could be _peeted to malt. later fall.,.••

•~_ mora aa••tt1lD. to tIao•• who altimatal, CCllltI'oUad pl'oJect

fuadlq. If aDOQlh .uce••e cowd b. tucked .wa, 1D .a1l1,lat ldetory

of the ba.le bar....n •. tJa_ ~tI'.amfaUar.. coalcl be treated .e

local proW... ralll.1' t:hu iDdieatlou 01. flawed emsc:eptlOll. WIdle

no ona bew laow man, eucc...fu1 m.~tI or laow IDIIQ ,ood output

w.e 1'..... to eraate tlall aurae_craar ..~a bolla quite

po.Uba 1Iaat at til•••cOlMl 8ipt would Uft to 'be • prollcnmceable



..%0' ••C.i~He,... vIa Bwem.n/~~-~. K."I";"t

c:!'" ~ ·ois Cr.:.'


IIYK 1'01'.'.Hindle VII ~n/Taaent· Keytlclle

Cantrols Only


..JM saciii"'" may han .eD th. lH.t bDportaDt of ••Yer&1

1Dl1u.8DC~ •• Ia dae .uly .ta••• of tile propalll. It. maDa.ere were

j ...t1Aably worried tbat it mlPt be caDCellecl.· The r.cord of earUezo

ten. to abaac. lb. probablll&J of pr~amnee••• eYeA at 6. co.t

of.cudal••Uppa•••• S. hY ..... & 1.. way toward hedalDl hi. bet

_ WIt.lle lack of adequate teat data contillued to trOllble the pro.ram

for .GIIl. 1Il0lldL8. it wa. clear lD retro.ped that Creer made the

rlpt tradeoff.. 'they were clearly zoe.paD.lble for the r.par .uee...

aDd .1I100tb pro,re.. wblc:la aaark.d the pro,ram for aU but the micld1e

portion of Ita lU.~

111 BYE 1'017-14

I-!,!"~.IO6,emol'l/ Taltr.t· Key-: ~Ce"~~:Iis C' .

_ ....r-

Aaother c1a•• 01. problem.

iDc1uded oDe-time faUue., -tllch ODe. corrected c1id DOt reappear.

The tbircl ct... or problem wU lDteUectually lIle mo.t blten.tiD..

.Dd operuioDally the Dl08t frutr.dD..Throuahout the prOp.1Il iD.t.ance.

of .e..inaly rUidom failure occurrecl ia compoaeDta ftich had faDe.

tioDed correctly for m.&Dy 4ipu. n.e proWe......eI ptll'8i.t throuP

three 01' four DotwithituldlD, .&r_aou. correctioD effort.,

before .1ICc:umbiDa. While ~.r..... DOtI:Ii"Ilfty8teriO... about the

recurrence of • pven f.Uure. the 8WIcleD .ppe.raDce of ODe _ere

DOlle bad exbtecl.earUel'''. waueuallor .pace vehicle., ueel only

once &Del Dormally immune to ""1'0111 •••ch. No Wly N&hfactory

explaDatlon of the phenomeDOD ever, altho. uuaeieDt

quality control and t..t pro,ram I.ulu ••re .uually blamed.


BYE 1'01'·'4

Handle VII B,.rnan/Tallnt· KeyhOle

ecfttrols 0nI,




_ Firat. COI'OD& had I'.tuna_ coyera.e of ar.a moat U-2'a

CoWd Dot reach 01' could !lot aafely cwedly,


.%np'E~Ht"llle VIII 6"",,1"I Te-t- ~. Ke I"':"

::- ~":'I$ Vr'o,


Neuly two moDth. earlier,prolram officers bad. advi8ed

Lockheed W ..U•• 8d Space Company of their iIlcreuiD, dbtute

for the hiah pric... "reflected in Lockheed bid. OIl new AleDa vehicles.



au1'o1'-UHendIe VIa &renn/ Telent· KeyhOleCOl'Itrots Only




C~ta ..~••ada JdI1a.~ thaa fo~ .U"11e~ uu..rl.a of appraDmately

the .... equlpmal. ProcUl'..~t ome.ra coDClwleclthat Lockheed

waa "'lotlat:lDi to p1'Oteet a poaltlcm ~athe1' tIaaD ilia 1004 faith. II

-£"'.lDO%e·tbu waa ueaally til. eaa.

for a aol.-aoarce aapplier to tile I-.nament. Lockh••d ..a - a .

".~ fa'\'OraW. altuatlon for ulo1tatiDa follow-on pl'OCUeIIl.t.

'Alema production had eaatiDued at a I'eplar rate for yeara Uul bid

fall' to ecmdDue lor aev.~almore. DQ people had loal aiDe. ezplored

aDd diaearded u w-a.ible t:be po••lb1llty of ••tabUa~ aD a1ta"uti",.

p~oductkm aourc:e. Il promia.d to be u estremely, alld

. ODe mvolviD& couiderable teellllieal rialt. Nor, in I ..eral, caald

'luaUty ccmtrol problem. had ocea.icmally appeared, the AleDa ...

~ly reaarded, at the time. aa a reliable vebide-

161 BYE 1101'1·'4

HatlC~ l1116yeman!1IJer.l· K.y"";':

.taff bad b.elllDvolved ill ba.tlmdOlial bickerlD. betw,eD the PeDtaIOD

&lid. the CIA wIalch ill September ·1'65 lecl· to the departure of Brockway

WcMWua. for more thaD two ,.au the.Dil'ect9r of the DO. Although

tile po..lbl1ity that the NRc) IIlilht be eDtirely abaDdoDed a. Ul baatru­

meat of utloaal 1'ecoDDai••ue:e poUcy WU eIi.peUed by tile appolDtD1ent

of a .uce...o1' to MeMUlaD (Dr • .AlexaDde1' nul and by tile i ..uance

of a DeW no chaner, the whole of the r.cODDai••aDCe pr~am wa.

ia .DIIle eIi.order. CorODa operatlCllDa bad beell rea.oaably aacce.aM

during that .ummer, OIl1y ODe major miaaion failure baYiDg occurred

ill three fliPta, but CoroDa did DOt retu1'll the detaU that iIlte111le1lce

16) BYll'OlT.'"Haroc$. 1'8 B.lemar/';'-'~'l!' t':1!"-: '=

.: :": ...: : ~ ...

.peet t1aM appeared to be no more tbaJl a IIUDoI' p0l8ibUity. it cODtri-

GeeaaloAM,by dbaareemeDt over tbe maD&.em_t of the Corou

' .



prOiram aDd. aame of the Cor.. project people Oil the We.t Co_t

were eOllviDcecl tbat a {allure 01. Cor.. operatiOol coUld

butecl to .....iIae•• OD both eoa.a. ADd filially, all extaeleel colltrover.y

about die Dature alUi timiDa of a replacement, ',Item IDI' CorOMI

al compUcaWlI plana for dae COl1­

tiauadoll AIld Jmproveaumt of both .,.~m..

I'lu had to turD. hiS attention to .evera! of the.e i'.uI alm~lt;

re.lIlt if tile uat1aority for teduw:al uul operatloaal cODtzool of that

bUurcatecl.actiYity Wu DOt promptly .orteel out. Altlaouab ill retro-

hacl became heavily dapeNleDt OIl u=rmatio

pbotoarap1l,. ,Some part of the lutltutlOD&l iDGIbtlDl of 1965 wa.

analyat. "Iuato expect .. laterpreta tUm,of Soviet force .tatu

8ft 1711'-'4

t1INlII ¥II e,.manlTalent ' tc.ayl'lOleContrOl$ Only




!JIII-HCiftBY! 17017·7.

I'1ancfIe lIlI8¥eman/ Ta"r.~!":ey"!tu:::r": ~ Vn"

eDoulh to be contiAueci thereUter. other. were exuaordinary mea.ure.

adopted temporarUy iD re.poD8e to what ... widely relarded u a

tran.ltory crlele. The Air Force lacked the re.ource. toalppon

.uch a complex prOc." of te.t ad checkout throUlh the life of an

operatioD&l prolr&Jn. aecolwiDl that circ.-U!D.tance. General Martin

bel.U to plan for the adoption of a novel contract inc::entive .cheme he

bad oZ'iIUlated earlier••hUe .ervma .. Cireer'. deputy. It ...

~~~ ~fu~


au 1""-It

...,.VII ~n/"nt·Keyhole

CentralS Only



Nuda-. pow.of attaok .... the iDe_dve f.e cOIltract. . . .

_ Hl••tady of the eziltat cOIltI'act mC8lld.e provl8lou led

him tID caec1ude tbat th.,. wen mo8t appropriate for the de.elopmellt .. . .

• tale. of eM pr0Il'&IIl uu1decUled1,. ~equate for the operatloaal


TIl. lac:eIltl•••tructure .ai-lier iD8tal1ed empha.bed. th.

1...t m part. pl'OIIlpted b,.lo8t cOIIb'ol problem. characterutic of



BYE 11011-14


th. coatractor., aa a matt.r of cour•••.

The p.erioftDuace unlike the co.t iDcealive. ....

r.tu.n to capital i. computed by clivl.d.1Da lee by ,ro.. coat. that .

arranaement m8&1lt that the rate of retarD on ,roil coata ... a variable

aharply for. unclernui••

pletely, aDd would proAt at a ZO-perc_t rate for UDcler1'Wl.. SiDce tile

A. ••ecmd Point ••ems to have beeD the apectatioJl that al the

COD.Werad_ .... iD fact a cli.iac8Dti.. for late cleli..ryaf th. vehicle.

The maximum peualty for late cleli"r~wi.tIla ceUiDl

OIl the other haM. a co.t overrun of ~3 percent carried

fee paaltlea of more~_bepeaalbedat a

ZO-percent-of-fee rate for overrau ..til the fee wa. wiped out com-

d •••• coat mcatl... aDd pedormuu:e lDceatl.... ne .che4ule

woalcl .bin to ••1'Il th. bulk of the perioftllADce iDcuti".' fee. The

oriaiBal coDtract mc_tt•• pro.ram pufectly reflected .'lcA caa.icler-

linear. beilla UD.I'elated to the lroa. outlay for _ livea vehicle. A ,I-.coriA& ay.tem ... cleviaed Oil a .cale from aero to 100. The critical

relion iDitia1ly fen betweliD 65 aDd 95. but the.e numbera iIlcreaaed ..

8U I'Dl'·'"Handle .. e,.man/Talent· KeyhOleControls Only


til. a~t.m beCUD8 11I01'. fWly operatioDal. A acoreof 80 waa til.

brealur9.. polat 1'. DO bu:eatlft f••• "'1'••ith.r p.lDed 01' 10at.

Fol' acon or belD. 80, tU fee c.....d bl pl'opol'tiCID to the

daaq. ba .. KOl'e. The ...xl'D1lll1 .. 01' loa. la. fee that ....

po.dbl.....1' .ucla a .,.tem ... OD the OI'del' of U1f the amoaat that

coal. be lame. or 10.t via the coat lDcatl... To any I'atlcmal cClDtractol',

about pel'fonDUlce.

OIl. I'~ault of theblu--'. motivat.d to delete

a • .-, cODtrol aDd t ••t pl'oce4U'.... po.albie m OI'Clel' to aave

mOD.y bl th. ~oclucttCIDof the ..lel.. If, 101' lutaDc., 6. del.dOD

of a livea te.t pl'ocedu. had til..... effect OIlr.ducllll coat aa Oil

deCI'........ ·th. Pl'obabWty of a faUv., it WClIU1d I'atiemauy be del.teel.

.mce half of the aaYbaJ. would be l'etunIeCl a. aD lac_be fee Oil co.t--

OftI' and abcw. oy pellalty fol' _.riOI' pel'fol'maDCe. Becaa..e that

accommod.adoll al.o reduced &be capttal. outlay of the colltl'actor. the

l'eau1t:bl1 fee mcreeae would be Pl'opol'tloaately lal'lel' than the fee

diff.rence. ad.iDa from atpt perfcmll&llC. boIlU••• or pezaaltie••

Taka toitll 10llcal eztI'em., .. formula could nault ill the

delivery of a _"'mum-coat v.blele (23 perc.Dt le•• than Deaotiat.d

pzoice) which failed cetaatl'opbically, but 118vel"thele.a earlled a pl'ellllium


~Ytier-co;, II B¥eman/Ta'e'l!' t\e:J"'Ol'O

:;"1ro'~ ()ft! ~

. badlt .t dlat relatively lat••ta,e ill til. pro,ram coalcl be ••tlmated

overl'UD of mor. thaD 2S percent. perfect penonDIDCe lIle_t a fee


Th. lIlajor

a much more rate tbaD. b.fore. FunherlDore, eyeD with aD

DO iDceDd..e tee, while ,..rfol'lllaace aortfall. would re4uce1b.e f.e at

r.ther prect.e1y. ne IIllxhllum peu1ty that cOulcl be iIlcurrecl for

COlt OYerrma. ·...iI .boat wbat It bact beeD-

CDit ad penOI'lllDCe lDc:eati.... Th. liew • .,..111 paid DO boDuI.for

chaD.. "I.m Gae puformuce iDceative. 1'I'0m a m8lm1llll. or mial­

mum~lUIderthe old .,.tem. it became a mabnum or

miDi~ It.DO loa,er made IlD8e to lacrlfice pel'­

form_ce for COlt laviDel bec.ale below De,odated price brouaht

• co., UIIIIlarraD. .a n!lectlcua 01 the beI1et tbat the COlt o1a vUlc1e

OIl iIl...tecl c.pI..... ill daat cu. woalct be p.ater tbaIl33 perceDt-­

about ~ce the llOnDally accepta1)1e retuna GIl faaly bare.tmata

by private AnD••

OeMral Martia'. an-,..lIlt left the ICMdale lac_tive

••••Ddally uaclaUCecl, _t radically alterect the re1atlouldp betwe_ .

beaulof dol1&l'l. MOlt m.iUta.ry procvelDeau of tile

period .er••uff_riJtI from 0¥erraD8 at l...t a. lar,_ u ZS percent,

10 DO ratloD&l contractor would quarr.l ,nth tile CODjuDCtlOD of • "

-au 1701'-'.HI,. VII ~n/1iaIInt.KeyhClle

Contrail Only



.·.e..~lar,. price iDcl'.... coupled wltb an .eDd•• fe••

Ia r.tI'08p8ct. aeaera! MaJ1ba'. iaceati•••y.t...'....tecI

pl'obabl,. the aaoat aipJflcaAt AOD-te.clmlcal ·accompliahm.~·-"'OFam. It recopabed tile lac' that cOAtracto~periormuace

could. ba .GIIle baa&aace.. be "fiD. maecltI to til. obJ.ctive. 01 the

.)lIt... fI'o....elOpID_t to opel'atloDihad pl'eci.aly It. lDteD!ded


- HbadalP' Waaabaa'•• wIaat OUeral "aniD .aw:the colltract

p.rformUlc'-l'6S .teadll,. det.riol'ated. whUe f.e. cUd

Bot. It ••em. cle&l'~eactlDatoaD baappl'opriate iDceDave

.tructul'e. Pel'hap. the chuae could haft been made earller. But

the upe tlaat a.emed to atallCl oa;t clearl,. after the fact.--workmaaahip

cletel'iol'ati-. faulty in.paction. lDadeqaate te.ttq. and cata.tI'ophic

faU1U'e. re.ultia,fzoOll1 .uch caue. rather t1laD frOll1 eDaineerm,

de.lan problem••-were not readUy detectable in the DOI'IDU evente of

th_proaram•_make the ideJatlflcation of the.e problem. uay ea.ieri whenSZ

a11,08. re..oaably well, propheu of doom baft .mall voicea.

171 BYE 1'101'J.""

• Somewhat wtchy hi.torical accoama 01 the early Samo. pro,ramappeared ID. the All' Force hUtorie. prepared at Wrlaht Air DeYeJopmetC.-er (later tbe Ael'o-watical S,.tem. DiYiaiOll of the Ail' ForceS.,.t..a Commud) In the mid-19Sh 1Nt eYeD then acc..a to proaramdet&U.waa difficult to acquire. StW. "etcbier recorda appearecllD.early cbroDOlopcal .ummarle. of activity at the Balldtic MiaaileaDivbioll (later the Space aad Muane. Sratem. Or,aalaatioll of theAir Force Syatem. COauDUUI) hom about 1956 v.ndl early 1960. The


.~an 1.,017.'..

Ha~ VII 8yeman/ TIl..,,,, . K.Y"'='~'::"Iro:s cr·,.

"coDli_d) fk.t ••doa attempt to write a bbtory of aDJ' .w:h prolramwu .poMorecl by Major GeMr&! (dlea BrA,adler Ciueral) Robert ill 1962. He al'rUllecl to ba.. Robert P.rry. at that time lb. All'Fol'c. hlatoriaa for the Air Forc. Spac. Sy.tame Diu., •••iped to

.Iai. ol',am -&don. tb. Special Projec:te 0ff1c:.. OIl aD bafcmDa1. part-time••1.8. Greer'. apr••••d p\J.l"P08. wae to ia.ur.tlaat accoUllta of th.iDcr_.ially c:ompl_ Air I'orc. rec:0smai8.aac:••&telli. prop&m wereprepared before the vi'&! recora dieappeared. Hi8 .upport wae COD­tiDu.ed UMl.ular,ed by Id••uec:•••ora (0...1'&1. 1. L. ....rtUa. w. Ci.Ea.. Lew A11ea, aDd D. D. BraclbvD). The activity to be conred bytile W.tory a1a~ apandecl .ubetad.lly, !arlelyat the UI'IiDI of ColOllelPaul E. Worthman, aD early Coro_ prop... JD&D&I.r and aGbaequeDtlytil. lOllI-term c:bl., of pi... for a\ICc•••l.. 1M•. of lb. NatiOlla1RecoD­D&iaa_ce 0fflC. atalf lD th. Peatal-. Perry cDJltiDued to work towardacompr....l". _teUlte ,rec:OJmabaaac:. prolram h18tory after 1.aviDlW. Air Fol'c. poe1tloD to jolla tM r ••arch .ta1f of the Rand Cot'poratiOllIII 196«, &lid became a cDDtract hbtorlaD aft.1' tl'aD.f.rrq from Randto Tecm.alOlY Seme. Corporation in 1972. He wu br1e1lya..btedby W. D. P1atDam, aotber fOrlllel" All' I'o:rc. bl.toriaa employed byIlaad, in 1969-70. Bureaucratic cCID.ideratioa.(the "blue .u1t" AirForce wcu1d _t "1''' to the apeD4ltare of Proj.ct RUId contract funclaOJ! .uc:h work) latarraptecl the prepuatioD of the hi.tory betw.eD 1'69and 1973. ad re1aUnly littl.... the year. 1967-69 bec.u.e ofPerry'. primary commltmeDt to the Rand Corporation ".ipmell.t.. Thework ... takeD up ..ala. lat. la 197Z aDder CD Dtrac:t HtweeD the SpedalProjee:u Office aDd Corporatioa., at whic:h tim.Robert A. Butl.r. a COD.altant with that fil'lD, became a collaborator.Tbe procbactof that .pa.modlc work ov.r a period of ten year. '(to thedme of till. DOce) i. thb maaucript--_ic:h iDc:1ude. cover.le of theback,roUDd of Samo., tbe ••vera! E-..rl•• samo. prolr.... Corcmaand Ita de.c.DdaIIta'--"eY0111ti0ll of the NaUonalllec:OIlUi.­.anc. Offic.' &adit.~e•• aDd related L••lIe. and prolram••To the be.t bowl.d.. 01 the prHent author. aDd pre.ent aDd ,..tmember. of the NRO .taff. there ia nO formal h18tory of any otherr.collDai...ce propam "er c0D4acted 'by the, UDited State.. Ie CIA­.pollaored Iao.tory of CorOlla ... ,nominally ill. preparaUOD l.te in 1972..aDd apparentlY.DIIle effort witbiD CIA baa be.n d."oted to pr•••rviDIrecorcU of the ld••lbt (U-2.) uad Oxcart (A-l2.) airc:raft prOlram•• blltthat repres....ta the .tam of .ucb hi.tory. Th. aIlc:••tor of all .uch prolr&lld.the balloon-carried recOlUl&ie.ance camera .,.tem of the mld-1950•• u"e eIi.appeared from the recoru.' Cil"en the volume of documentationof rec:oDD&i..aa.c:e prolram ac:tivtty by 1970. that i. unUkely to happen alain--



8D 1'J01'-'4

Handle .,..'B~men/ Talent· Ke1hde

(:(.ntrOO5 Only




• (cOlitimaed.) but d.etail.d aOVee material of the k1ad ava11a1a1e illthe early year. ofIQUlilDt !D8I CorQD& had became a eaaua1tyof therecorda cleatruetiO.ll prac••• by 1970. '0 .er. ia JIG ..auraae. thatall of the importaat eYeDte can eYer be captured for bietoriula.(ap, March 1973) .

181 au 11011-14

Hendle VII e,.".n/Tallnt· Keyhol.

CmtrolS Onl)







6. For d.tail., ••• VolVtJda hlatDl'J' P m~ et •.,.



'.Mal- SAJV-F-13-'-936, MOe.a. E. 01'••1'. Dlz/ B.....n ..... DN1lO; 13 S.p 63. M... 'SAJ"SS-I-M­01'6. WeNt"_ mereu. 17 Sep 63: lUI. tBl:achJ M6Z,Creer to MeMiU... 18 Sep 63.

10. Mal- 0698, B. MeUm.... DNRO, to Moe.ll. E. Oreer,DirliP. z. Oct 63.



~~BU 1101'-'4

111.. "Ill 8ftmelll Teienr· K9y"D!tC!:"I'OlS Or-Il

NllP Status. 29 Jail 6., p 3.



~ pp 5-18 to 5-21.

Ma,_918. McMillan to Greer. II Feb 64.

Rpt. National aecOl1l1ainuce Program Status, 29 Jail 64.SP-3 filea pp 4.2.2 aDd 4-25.

M••_0918. B. YcMUlaa, DNRO. to MGen R. E.Gree~P. 12 reb 64.

Ibid; NRP Status. 2.9 Ju 64.- .

See Quarterly Prolram Review. December 31. 1965(hereafter cited.a QPR) for detailThe acoriD, ayatem had changed aand waa overhauled completely ill December.

M.~67. SAFSP to SAFSS. 18 Feb 64.

_4357. SAFSP to SAFSS. 3 Mar 64.















BY!: 11011·'1.

Handle lie Bveman/Talent· Keyhole

Cor.lrols Only


'I'OP ••ea....


"'''-'362, BOea R.I:. GS'HI', DIz/SP. to •• .ucMUI...DNi~6ti ,,'-1030, JIGea I. L. Maftba.DlI'/DO Staff, to GI'••I',· 17 Mal' 64•

.....-'562, MOe••• E. GI'••S', Db/BP, to 1ICieDJ. 1.. Mal'tia,DNllO Staff, ·25 Mal' W.

. .31. MaDlO, J. C). a.HI', .a-, COYOIt., toDDO, 26 ..... "'­

nbJ: ......t loS' Eplaebul'la Data 101' N..t 0-7 Ula.toa.baSS Ill•••

32.11.-0, BQeIa·l. 1.. Mutba. 31', DlZ'/~OS~, to CbmCOUOIl, 27 MaS' 64, .1lbJ: Tar••t PS'loriti.e., ill SAJ'SS fil•••









8U 11017.'4

~_!Mman/""'. KeY~eIE. Cc"trols Only

·~ I.... I

I41. aAnP, Quanerly Pr'l'am amew, 31 Dec 606. I·

.4,1•. II

43. lllteniew,· YOu a. E. Or..1' by Il. P.rI'Y. 20 Nov 64. I"'.45. 1W4l. I-46. I47• aP", 30 JUDe 65. I• 8.

• 9. cpa. 30 J1III65, PrOC1ll'emeAt SectioA• I50. OP" 30 Se, 65; 31 Dec 65i ••• ago ChV of Vol V, tid. IIll... aDd putieu1ul, pp Zil .t • .,.

Sl~ cpa. 31 Dec 65. 152.. Wemo, . Ba.D J. L. :War

.•ubJ: S1IIDIIl&I'y AD&lyai ",lD&en1ew, Martial by R. !:

au 1"01'-'.......... ~n/1aIInt·KtpnoIe

Centrals 0Ny




54. aPR, Sep 65.

55. aPa. 31 D.c 66.


57. gpll of 31 MV 67;30.7_ 67.




~rn: 1'017-'4

HIndle VII ~n/Ta~··~



A. DOted ei..where, the abortive Samos E-3, E-S, E-6, aDe1LaDyard.,..tem. were iateDdecl to perform .urvei1laDc:e fuactlona of one son oranother, but DODeeyer hec&IIle operaticmal aDd cmlY°LaDyard producedsatellite pboto.raphy.


lID 1'11'-'.Handle ¥It &fImIn/lilent·~CGIltroll 0nI,





Apart fl'OD1 Coro-.whicia 1wI .... operatioD&lfcw three yean,ODe LaDyud I11pt of May 1963 wIW:h produced a few J*Dkalraph.of DO peat IIltelli.eDC. wonh &lid t:b8 ~etm'... hom OM Samo. £ ..1mi••• (with re.o1utloll limited to Uoat 100 fe.t), repre••tecltheOJI1y prevlcn. .ucc••••• at a .atel1it. reccnmala.anc••ffDn tlIat hadbeell ill aiatnc. for 111M yeara &lid bad been heavily fuDde4 for fiYe.Coro....poDaGred by the CIA,· ... DOt coll.ider_ all e1eme1ltofthe "Air Force" .ate1l1te recODlla1aa~epro.ram, beiDa da••lIieda. an litaterimll capability .,.te. nell tbo. denloped, III8Il&lecl,and operated moatly by Air Force people. Both tbe Samoa E-5ADel Samoa E ..6 proarama bad falled &Ild had be_ caaceued by the elldof 19~·. after eipt cODaecattYe mi••loll faUue. (Dille. if the fUat1. «I were cOUlllted). An effo1't that .,ery proballly co.t more than

had yet to produce ua.fu1 photoara~.

an: tton·'4

Hencle we ev-n.n/"'nt· t<e,hclIeControl$ Only




m_tII. A maJDr cDIltri~tor ... a bureaucratic CDDlpetluOD for

cGIltrol ol tile .ate1llte reconnai 88aace prDpoam. But fDr the mo.t



8U 1101'.'4

Handle VII B~n/· KeyPld9 .

Cer:t"OIS Only

•Director of til. llecOIUlweuace Of1lce from February

1963 to October 1965.

195 BYllTDlT-lf

He,. "0 B,emen/Ttlfftt- ~y!l1Ji.e

:':r-~rOll Oo1Iy


Flu aer.ecl .. Actiaa Director at vviou tim•• between July Iiancl September 1965. clvq McMmaD'a temporary abaeace.. McMillan'.plana were mcnm to the DO.taff ill July.


aD: uo".,,,Handle 'Ill 8feman/Telent· I'f.eyhole

CCfltrOis Only







6. W..._3951. MOe. R.. E. Oreei-, DidSP to BOe. J. 10.Wim.lD, Dir/NRO Staff. 27 Dec 63. .


3. wnt, .wo. a. E. OI'Hr, Diz/SP,-15 AlII 63, ._j: Plaulor ~cra=1ftI1I•••atatt.sat8lltlli ••e·w.i*'wA&•• '



1. llpt. SAJ"SP QQutel'lyProp-am a.... 101111,19"­(bereafter cited u OPa. wlda date).

1. Memo, E. M. PU'ceu. Qma, lleCCWY'i8.ace Paae1e toDCl, 1u1 Mi8abJ: Paae1lo~ I'utve Sate1Jlte lleC'O'U'·'.'aDCeOpU'atioDe: m o. B. Ud..,I1·". »_0. to D1r CIA. 11 Sep63, .1I1tj: Jaapl tloa of Pvc.u P-.lllecom.-dat1aae.botIlla SAl'll me••


8U 1101'·14

Hancle __ a.eman/8Ient - t<eyllGleCentro;, Only




: 11.

12. 0Pa. 10 J1ID M.


It. 1.4.,."311, BCea 1. L. MudD. Dh-/NIlO Staff, toMQea~.01'.'1'. Dh SPt Z~aa 6.; .... _5002.Gz••1' to Dr. ·B. YcMUI... DIUtO. 3 1a64;~1319. WartID to (k••I'•• J- 64, Ia SP m•••

. 15.



QPll. )OS.p "'.

OPll. 31 Dee 6t; lIleDlO BOeIl W. G. 1tbaI. Piz/SP.. to DrJ. L. McLuca.. DBO, 28 AF 70, aubj:

18. ......-'158, MGe a. E. Or~I'/SP. to D1'. B."'e~Na9,22Oct "'; ....~209. MeNUJan to01'••1'. )0 Dec 64. .

DDO. to DepSecDef. t Je 65. .ubJ:lB DNRO m••• ·

~~!.'_.UQ. BCiea J. T. Stewart. Dil'/NIlO Staff. to_. Gre,r. Dir/SP. 8 Jaa 65;






BD 1'101'."

t1IllCIIe Wi Dyemen/~~'\~ .I\e~~';~

~~:- ~ rois Cr.. f

8YE 1701'1·'.

Handle VII a-m."/Talent . t\eytlaleeonlrols Only



36. QPI\, SI.Dec 65.


38. QPJl, SI Mu 66.


40. OPa,' SOI. 66.· 8_ opt.bDl~ a c••latat pnblamlo~ ....n1 yean, ...._~.U 1D1IC1l'u "..CeDioff &am .zo.... actuall, addeY.. S.. memo,


, ...~ : •. r . r.'l..... .• r .. . ..

daJllPt .a~. tba. 18 la e&c:t. ...~. are'eDC. be__• carr ... Paclfic TilDe; __.., til."'~eIIC. la etpt 1MIu••





M,,~591.Dr. A. H. nax. DNRO to lICe_ J. L.Mar~JSP, 10 Aq 66. .

Mba, DO ExCom Mta. 17 Aua 66.

B'D 1'1011.1e

HI_ VIa ~r./Tair.t~. Ke~C~~roil Onl,


.BU 1'11'-'4

Hardt VII BYemanl Talent· KeyndlCcntl'CllS 0ftI,



•'.... 1( r. ... .. r t. ."'

.... 'l,. ; T .



65. QPa. SOJ_ 61. tine c-aactDr appeua to ban atp.l­flcaatly IiDpow41da COIDpODlDt aDd nwmtaeturilll CJ1I8lityCOIa"ol, ..... tIM pI'OJect of8.ce eftI.aa!l_•

. 6'7. MFll. a.l'l. a3 Mal' 61.


70. an.' 30 J_ 61i

11. .M.,••9644. 3 J'm 67.



8ft 11011-14

Handle VlI Byemar./Tn!\~· Keyr:~

Centl'Oil ~;y


lIB l'rOl,-tt

HIndle YIl ~ft/Talent·KeyholeControlS Only .


a8. Memo. BOa B.. A. Bel'" DU f MaO Staff. to A. H. Flu.DNaO. llep 67. JIO'adJ. .

a,. QPa. 30 I. 67.

90, "'...0. A. H. naa. DlGO. to C. VUlee, Depteco.f,6 Jal 67, - a_J. .


91. ual.~913. l6 Oct 67.

'3. QPR, 31 Mar 67. aDd '3l Dec 61.

(\ '5.

96. Lv. Cilia, Sec:Def. 4'AF6I,.1da atell. NewCOftl"a,...eqalrem.... 11 Mar 61.


91. 10 Apr 68


100. Wa&~l", 16 A-.67.


3Z7 au 1'01'.'4Handle ¥la! . Ktyl'l/;;,.

c.=~t '=l-I \JrI .t

(IfOP ••C••" I

10l. IIII


I104. I105. I

(MS.~U1. II Oct 67~897. 15 Oct 67.



I108. Min. of NRP ExCom Mta. 11 Nov 67.

109. Memo. MOen:r. M. aeynolda. tJSAr ('. Office of the IDir. CIA. to BCien R. A. Berl. Dir. NRO etaff, IS Sep67; aubJ: Utilisation of the KH-7_Recoanaiuance ISyetema lor Mapping. CbartiDg aDd Oeodeey DNRO fUea.

110. Memo. BCieD R. A. Ber•• Dir/NR.O Staff. to A. H. Flax, !DNRO. Z6 Sep 67. DO eubj. (FLu's mu,uw DOte in :reply


ie quoted here ; memo. J. J. Schade


an .,0.,·'4Handle VII 8YemanlTalent· Keyl\oleCcntroll Only


I'OP ••C••.,

.- ...........-..



113. QPa. )1 Dec 67.


.1. SO.TUI 61;

M_'~Z', 18 Ju 68.

lib .M 2' "'u 61: .1 •




UI. U".U''''UMar 68.





121. M-a••IIOO,', Apr 68.


u.. M~I,_7756, 6 .1'-. 68.


329 11ft 1'01'.,.Hendlt VII B,emanjlll(,.rtt· Key-: ~

. C':"'trDoS C- ..


(' _,JP-..a;; IU6. I

I1~1. M.~U. 17 J~ 'I. I121.

Ill9. Lu. BCieI' a. A•••••• Dbt/IlRO stall. too~. A. H. J'lax.

DNIlO.- 14110y 'Ii -eabJ. I1JO~


I( 13l. -I



I134. I


B'D 1'101'.'4

.....". ~n/lIIent·Keyhclle

Contrcls Only


( ......n·

M... BOeaL. AU... Db, SAnP. to Dr. J. UcLacu.mulO. 7 OCt 70. .

M..o. 1. 1... Ucl.ucu.· D_O•. to SecDel, 18 Dec n ••ubJ: T~ Stock 01.. NadoDe1 aecGllllaleeuc:e Pr.l'am;....... Mc1.ucu to S.cDef, 21 Dec 12. eabj:T.JWtaStoc:k.both ill SAns me•.

'. aP&. SO.J. 70.

136. . .M-o, LCol r. L. aaim.-••MeL D_O~ alOc:tn••UJ_ B. C.... sAJ'8p tIP.) to •iIltanl_. H. C"il~ B.. ·Peny•. at Dec n.

0Pa. 30.J1a~.




. U9.



( 1.g.



• : _0 ..... '., ': = - • 1.1 I'

145. Memo, BOa D. D. Braclbu... Dtr/SP, to·Dr. J. KcLueu,D_o. ao Mar 1S, .

146. Memo, BO_ D.DlIRo. 23 lu1 73,


~Bft 1'101'-14

Handle vaa Byeman/tallftt· Kero: ~Ulnlrols V: -

