Nephrology Core Curriculum Hyperosmolar States. Osmotic pressure Osmotic forces are the prime...


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Nephrology Core CurriculumHyperosmolar States

Osmotic pressure

• Osmotic forces are the prime determinate of water distribution in the body– water can freely cross nearly all membranes in

the body– body fluids are in osmotic equilibrium

• the osmolalities of the intracellular and extracellular fluids are the same

Osmotic pressure

• Water molecules exhibit random motion and freely diffuse across the membrane

• The addition of solutes decreases the intramolecular cohesive forces, thereby decreasing that random motion

• Flow will occur from areas of high activity (or concentration) to low-- flowing into the glucose compartment

• Theoretically would occur indefinitely, because the activity of water is always less in the glucose compartment








Osmotic pressure

• However, since the compartment is rigid-- hydrostatic pressure builds

• This hydrostatic pressure tends to push water back into the solute-free compartment

• Equilibrium reached when the hydrostatic pressure (measured by column height) is equal to the forces pulling water across the membrane

• This pressure is the osmotic pressure








Osmotic pressure

• Osmotic pressure that is generated is proportional to the NUMBER OF PARTICLES per unit volume of solute, not the type, valence, or weight of the particles








Osmotic pressureIneffective osmoles

• The osmo must be unable to cross the membrane to be an effective osmo

• Example-- urea– moves down a concentration

gradient into the solute-free compartment

– new equilibrium state is characterized by equal urea concentrations in each compartment-- not water movement

– as a result, no osmotic pressure-- ineffective osmol








Osmotic pressure

• In vivo, osmotic pressure determines the distribution of water between the extracellular and intracellular spaces– your body doesn’t have water pumps-- it moves

osmoles and the water follows

• Each compartment has one solute that is primarily limited to the compartment– Na+ salts are the principle extracellular osmoles that act to hold

water in the extracellular space

– K+ salts account for all the intracellular osmoles

Osmotic pressure

• Although the cell membrane is permeable to both Na+ and K+, they act as effective osmoles because they are restricted to their respective compartments by the Na+-K+-ATPase pump in the cell membrane

• Net effect the volumes of extracellular and intracellular fluids are determined by the amount of water present and the RATIO of Na+ to K+.

Osmotic pressureExample #1 addition of NaCl without water

• Assume– osmolality of body fluids is 280mosmol/kg

• due entirely to 140meq/L of Na+salts extracellularly or 140meq/L of K+salts intracellularly

• avg 70kg man has a TBW of 42 liters (60%), of which 25 liters (60%) is intracellular and 17 liters (40%) is extracellular

– what will happen if 420meq of NaCl without water is added to the extracellular fluid?

Osmotic pressureExample #1 addition of NaCl without water

• Initial total body solute= 280mosmol/kg x 42 kg = 11760mosm

• Initial EC solute= 280 x 17 kg = 4760• New total body solute= 11760+420=

12180mosom/l• New total body osmo= 12180/42=

290msomol/kg• New EC solute= 4760 + 420 = 5180 mosmol• New EC volume= 5180/290=17.9kg• New IC volume= 42-17.9=24.1kg• New plasma Na= osmo/2= 145meq/l

• Pearl-- that’s why salt exacerbates hypertension

Intracellular Extracellular280mosmol/kg 280mosmol/kg

H20 H20

K+ = 140meq/l25 liters 17 liters

Na+ = 140

Intracellular Extracellular290mosmol/kg 290mosmol/kg


K+ = 145meq/l24.1 liters 17.9 liters

Na+ = 145



Osmotic pressureExample#1 Addition of NaCl without water

• Points– increasing the quantity of

extracellular solute results in the movement of 900mL of water from the cells into the extracellular fluid

• autotransfusion– osmolality of both compartments are

increased even though the added solute is restricted to the extracellular space

– that’s why use total body water in calculating the volume of distribution of changes in plasma osmolality

Intracellular Extracellular280mosmol/kg 280mosmol/kg

H20 H20

K+ = 140meq/l25 liters 17 liters

Na+ = 140

Intracellular Extracellular290mosmol/kg 290mosmol/kg


K+ = 145meq/l24.1 liters 17.9 liters

Na+ = 145



Osmotic pressureExample #2-- Add 1.5 liters of free water to

the EC space • Initial total body solute= 11,760 mosmol

• Initial EC solute= 4760 mosmol

• Initial IC solute= 280 x 25= 7000mosmol

• New total body water= 42 +1.5= 43.5kg

• New body osmo= 11760/43.5= 270mosmol/kg

• New EC volume= 4760/270= 17.6 kg

• New IC volume= 7000/270= 25.9 kg

• Ratio of IC volume to TBW= 25.9/43.5= 60%

• New EC Na= 270/2= 135 meq/L

• Pearl-- that’s why you don’t give D5W or free water to an intravascularly depleted patient

Intracellular Extracellular280mosmol/kg 280mosmol/kg

H20 H20

K+ = 140meq/l25 liters 17 liters

Na+ = 140

Intracellular Extracellular270mosmol/kg 270mosmol/kg

K+ = 135meq/l25.9 liters 17.6 liters

Na+ = 135


Post-1.5 liters of water


Osmotic pressureExample #3-- Add 1.5 liters of NS to the EC

space • If NS given, no change in osmolality

and no water movement across the cell membrane-- fluid remains in the EC space

Intracellular Extracellular280mosmol/kg 280mosmol/kg

H20 H20

K+ = 140meq/l25 liters 17 liters

Na+ = 140

Intracellular Extracellular280mosmol/kg 280mosmol/kg

K+ = 140meq/l25 liters 18.5 liters

Na+ = 140


Post-1.5 liters of NS


Osmotic Pressure

• 3 examples illustrate an important, and often misunderstood concept, the plasma Na concentration is a measure of concentration and not of volume

• In all three examples the extracellular volume increased- yet the Na concentration increased (with addition of dry salt), decreased (with addition of free water), and was unchanged (with the addition of NS).

• This is because the plasma Na concentration reflects the ratio of solute and water present, not the absolute amounts- therefore there is no necessary correlation between the plasma Na concentration and the extracellular fluid volume

Osmotic Pressure• One final point-- notice that the intracellular

volume varies inversely with the plasma Na+ concentration– decreased in hypernatremia– increased in hyponatremia



Plasma Na EC volume IC volume Urine Na




Neurologic symptoms

are 2nd to these changes

Relation of Plasma Na Concentration to Osmolality

• Formula– 2xNa + glucose/18 + BUN/2.8

– multiple Na x 2 to account for the accompanying anions (NaCl etc)

– because osmo is determined by number of particles not size or charge, must convert glucose and urea (which are milligrams per deciliter to particles (or osmoles))

• mosmol/kg = (mg/dL x10) / molecular weight

• glucose- molecular weight = 180

– mg/dl of glucose x 180/10 or mg/dl glucose/18

• urea (two nitrogen molecules (mole weight 14 each)= 28

– mg/dl of urea x 28/10 or mg/dl urea/2.8

Normal Serum Osmolality

• Normal values for the formula parameters• plasma Na+ 137-145

• glucose 60-100mg/dL

• BUN 10-20mg/dL

– Posm = 275-290mosmol/kg

– Effective Posm -- drop urea = 270-285

– Since glucose usually only accounts for 5, simply equation to: Effective Posm= 2 x Na

– Thus, in most conditions, plasma Na+ concentration is a reflection of the Posm

Volume regulation versus Osmoregulation

• Plasma osmolality is determined by the ratio of solutes to water

• Extracellular volume is determined by the absolute amounts of Na+ and water present

• Examples– exercising on a hot day-- loss of dilute fluid as sweat-- net effect is a

rise in plasma osmolality and Na+ concentration, but a fall in EC volume

– infusion of NS, will increase EC volume, but not change osmo

– infusion of 1/2NS will lower plasma Na and raise EC fluid volume

Regulation of Plasma Osmolality

• Hypoosmolality and hyperosmolality can produce serious neurologic symptoms and death, primarily due to water movement into and out of the brain, respectively.

• To prevent this, plasma osmo (primarily determined by plasma Na) is normally maintained within very narrow limits by appropriate variations in water intake and water excretion

• This regulatory system is governed by osmoreceptors in the hypothalmus that influence both thirst and the secretion of ADH

Regulation of Plasma OsmolalityWater Balance

• Obligatory Water Output– Skin-- 500ml/day– Respiratory tract-- 400ml/day– Stool-- 200ml/day– Urine output

• volume adequate to match intake minus stool/skin/respiratory losses

Regulation of Plasma Osmolality

• Kidney can excrete up to 10-20 L/day of water, therefore persistent water retention resulting in hypoosmolality and hyponatremia occurs, with rare exceptions, only in patients with an impairment in renal water excretion
