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2. The development of management philosophy part two

(based on learning outcome 2, contributing 4% of your final mark)

Select a second management theorist or practitioner from the textbook, moodle or from class discussions. Make sure that the focus is different to that of your first forum (task, people or efficiency and effectiveness).

Briefly outline the contribution of your subject to management theory or practice and state the main focus of his or her work (task, people or efficiency and effectiveness).

Identify how his or her thinking has contributed to contemporary management thinking and/or practice.

Provide an example of how an organisation that you are familiar with operates that could be attributed to his or her contribution.

Write a second post commenting on another student’s post the focus (task, people or efficiency and effectiveness) of their post should be different to yours.

Maximum words for first post – 300, for second post – 100.

Marking schedule:

You have briefly outlined the contribution of your subject accurately and identified the main focus (5 marks).

You have identified how your subject’s thinking has contributed to contemporary tinking and/or practice (5 marks).

Your example illustrates how your subject has influenced current practice (5 marks).

Your writing is clear, concise, courteous and mistake free (1 mark). You have included an appropriate in-text citation and reference, accurately

presented in the APA format (1 mark). Your second post responds to a different focus, offered by another student, and

adds value to the discussion (5 marks).
