Oliver Pyatt


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                  December  2,  2014    To  Whom  It  May  Concern,    In   Brian   Cuban's   recent   talk   at   the   University   of   Miami,   students   and   community  professionals   discussed   the   topics   of   substance   abuse,   exercise   addiction,   and   eating  disorders.   The   discussion   included   Cuban's   personal   experience   in   dealing   with   such  issues  and  the  process  of  getting  professional  help  and  progressing  in  recovery.    It   was   wonderful   to   see   students   engaged   in   the   discussion,   asking   questions   and  sharing   about   their   personal   experience.   The   talk   itself   brought   awareness   to   the  university  campus  about  the  prevalence  of  such  issues  experienced  by  college  students,  male  and  female  alike.      Mr.  Cuban's  talk  will  continue  to  be  an  asset  in  all  environments  it  is  presented.  Oliver-­‐Pyatt  Centers  was  happy  to  have  sponsored  such  a  meaningful  event.    Terina  Lopez,  LMHC  Clinical  Outreach  Manager  Oliver-­‐Pyatt  Centers  
