Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Product: … sinap... · 2010. 11. 25. · U.S....


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  • Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control

    Product: OCNCC 4.3 Component: SLEE_TC SINAP

    Alarms Guide S’ware version: Release 1.0.0 Guide version: 01.00

    Release date: December 2010

    Status: Approved

  • Commercial In Confidence

    Copyright SLEE_TC SINAP Alarms Guide, Release 1.0.0


    Copyright © 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

    This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.

    The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.

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    This software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use of this software. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software in dangerous applications.

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    Copyright ............................................................................................................................. ii Alarm Topic Description ...................................................................................................... 1 SINAP Alarms ...................................................................................................................... 3 

    SLEE_TC SINAP Page iii Alarms Guide

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    Alarm Topic Description Alarms on each configured node are written to the syslog and are then captured by the smsAlarmDaemon for entry in the SMF database.

    Alarm generation

    For management of these alarms, refer to the SMS Technical Guide.

    This table describes the alarms severity levels. Severity levels

    Level Abbr Description Critical C These alarms are raised when the application has encountered

    an error which indicates that the system is unable to function. Error E These alarms indicate the application has encountered a

    serious problem completing a necessary task and could not complete the task.

    Warning W Warnings are raised to indicate the application encountered a problem completing a non-mission critical task.

    Notice N Notices are raised to indicate that the application has completed a task successfully.

    Alarms usually follow this format: Alarm format Mon DD 24:MM:SS : [ID user.] (PID) :


    Variable Description Mon DD Month and date the alarm was logged. 24:MM:SS Time the alarm was logged in 24 hour format. hostname Name of the machine on which the alarm was generated. process name Name of the process which logged the alarm. Continued on next pagealarmID

    ID number of the alarm.

    severity Alarm severity. process Name of the process which logged the alarm. PID Process ID of the process which logged the alarm. SEVERITY Alarm severity. Alarm text Alarm text. This may include variables such as node number.

    Note: In some cases the entire alarm text is generated from variables.

    Note: Some alarms from some subsystems may have a different format. Example: This text shows an smsMaster alarm about pending update queues. Mar 30 13:34:54 prodsmp1 smsMaster: [ID 953149 user.warning] smsMaster(17833) WARNING: Pending queue now above 15 (Worst Node 317)

    The %d and %s symbols represent variables within the alarm text. These values are generated by the subsystem and added to the message when the alarm is raised.

    Alarm text and variables

    Usually the %d is a number and the %s is text in the context of the message to complete the alarm message. Occasionally other % symbols are also used (e.g. %u) for different variables.

    SLEE_TC SINAP Page 1 Alarms Guide

  • Page 2 SLEE_TC SINAP

    For more information about the SMS Alarms subsystem, see the SMS Technical Guide.

    Further information

    For more information about creating and maintaining the SMS Alarm Relay rule set, see the SMS User's Guide.

    Alarms Guide

  • Commercial In Confidence

    SINAP Alarms Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240000 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ucomm %d: Link

    in service Informational message to indicate link is restored to service.

    No action required. SINAP

    240001 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: link_set %d available

    Link set is restored to service.

    No action required. SINAP

    240002 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: link_set %d, link with SLC %d available

    Link in link set is restored to service.

    No action required. SINAP

    240003 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: link set %d, link %d link uninhibited

    Link in linkset set to UNINHIBIT.

    No action required. SINAP

    240004 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: link set %d, link %d link remotely uninhibited

    Link in linkset set to UNINHIBIT by remote.

    No action required. SINAP

    240005 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: L2 MTP Loaded and Running on UCOMM (%d)

    L2 MTP loaded as UCOMM firmware for %d=ucomm device number. GIC event GIC_STATUS_PHY_UP received.

    No action required. SINAP


    Sinap has restarted No action required SINAP

    240007 CRITICAL SINAP %d [%d]: NMCM: send I_NMCM_ALIVE failed

    Failed to send an alive message to parent process.

    The IPC message queue may be full. Check the queue for the Node Management parent process (nmcm).


    240008 CRITICAL SINAP %d [%d]: NMCM: get NP key failed

    Failed to get IPC key of NM parent

    The IPCTBL_load variable may not be current. Verify it to make sure it is current.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240009 CRITICAL SINAP %d [%d]: NMCM: get CM

    key failed Failed to get the Communication Management key of NM parent

    The key for Node Management command management process (NMCM) may be missing, causing possible registration problems. Verify the IPC table to make sure it contains the CM key.


    240010 CRITICAL SINAP %d [%d]: NMCM: shmat() K_MTP_DISPLAY failed

    Failed to attach shared memory segment MTP_DISPLAY.

    Contact the CAC. SINAP

    240011 CRITICAL SINAP %d [%d]: NMCM: registration failed

    Failed to register client process with SINAP/MultiStack.

    Contact the CAC. SINAP

    240012 CRITICAL SINAP %d [%d]: NMCM: unexpected cm_init return code

    Failure occurred during CM initialization.

    nmcm program fault. Contact the CAC.


    240013 CRITICAL SINAP %d [%d]: Critical error: Driver Load Control inconsistdncy

    Call the CAC. Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


    240014 CRITICAL SINAP %d [%d]: FILE=%s %d, LINE=%d, ERR: %s %d, errno=%d (%z )

    Fatal error reported from source file at line number. Error message that can be expected:

    Please check if SINAP/MultiStack is running or needs to be started! Error with SINAP_NODE or SINAP_MODULE indicates a problem with the SINAP/MultiStack user profiles.


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    SLEE_TC SINAP Page 5 Alarms Guide

    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240015 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]:

    ca_get_msg(I_MTP_CHANGE_ACK) failed

    Getting message from client processs IPC queue for I_SCCP_CHANGE_ACK failed

    Check the IPC queue for nmcm. Verify that the nmcm is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240016 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: ca_get_msg(I_SCCP_CHANGE_ACK) failed

    IPC key of nmcm could not be identified.

    Check the IPC queue for nmcm. Verify that the nmcm is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240017 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: new data is provisioned, but ca_get_key() failed

    Failed to get IPC key for a process.

    Check IPC key. SINAP

    240018 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: IPC get key failed

    Getting the IPC key for a process was failed.

    Verify that the process named is still running by using the ps command. Start the process named.


    240019 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: static data provisioned, but watchdog timer cant be

    nmdm sent a command to MTP and attempted to call ca_put_msg_def() to set the watchdog timer. The call to ca_put_msg_def() failed. Call the CAC.

    Call the CAC. SINAP

    240020 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: static data provisioned, but get PN_SCMG key failed

    nmdm tried to get IPC key of scmg but it failed.

    Verify that the scmg is still running by using the ps command. Call the CAC.


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    SINAP Alarms, Continued •

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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240021 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: Static link is

    provisioned, but IPC get key failed

    IPC key of nmcm could not be identified.

    Verify that the nmcm is still running by using the ps command. Call the CAC.


    240022 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: SCCP is not informed about the changes due to IPC

    Failed to send change message to SCCP via IPC queue.

    Verify that the scmg is still running by using the ps command. Call the CAC.


    240023 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: sccp response timeout

    Acknowledge signal from SCCP has timed out.

    Check scmg process (ps -ef) for CPU usage and call CAC.


    240024 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: cannot ca_get_key() for CM

    A process can not get IPC key.

    Verify that the nmcm is still running by using the ps command. If it is not, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240025 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: cannot ca_get_key() for DS

    A process can not get IPC key.

    Verify that the NMDS is still running by using the ps command. If it is not, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240026 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: ca_dfm_init() - Err in malloc

    malloc() for IBLK_MSG_T failed.

    Contact the CAC. SINAP

    240027 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: ca_dfm_main() - Err from ca_get_msg()

    An UNIX or CASL error returned at ca_get_msg().

    Check the UNIX or CASL errno and take appropriate action if possible. Otherwise contact the CAC.


    240028 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: auto node backup NODE-BKUP cannot register

    Automatic node backup is not working.

    Restart the automatic backup program again. If the condition persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack. Call the CAC.


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    SLEE_TC SINAP Page 7 Alarms Guide

    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240029 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: cannot obtain

    L3MT key Cannot get the IPC key for L3MT.

    Verify that the l3mt is still running by using the ps command. If it is not, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240030 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: Driver cannot allocate memory for Load Control

    Call the CAC. Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


    240031 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: Not enough space

    More memory is needed to execute the load control function.

    Kill unneeded processes and retry.


    240032 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: Mount device busy

    The application instances configured for load control are inconsistent with those registered with SINAP/MultiStack.

    Check load control configuration and SINAP/MultiStack application registration database.


    240033 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: Math arg out of domain of func

    The load control driver has encountered a critical error.

    Contact the CAC. SINAP

    240034 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: Driver Load Control error, errno = %d

    Unknown error returned from driver in response to load control MML command.

    Call the CAC. SINAP


    Indicates that a routing entry remained in the XUDT routing table for a length of time exceeding the reassembly time limit.

    Correct the user application and try again.


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    SINAP Alarms, Continued •

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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240036 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]:

    SC_RET_ERR_MSG_TRANS Indicates an error in message transport.

    Correct the user application and try again.


    240037 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: SC_RET_ERR_LOC_PROC

    Indicates an error in local processing.

    Correct the user application and try again.



    Indicates that the message reassembly cannot be performed.

    Correct the user application and try again.


    240039 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: SC_RET_SCCP_FAIL

    Indicates SCCP failure. Correct the user application and try again.


    240040 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: TC_ERR_INV_LEN_OF_CONTENTS [%d]

    Indicates that the set of components exceeds the limits of the XUDT data parameter.

    Correct the user application and try again.


    240041 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: TC_ERR_INV_EXTND_DATA_PTR [%d]

    Indicates that the tblock has an invalid pointer to the extended data buffer.

    Correct the user application and try again.


    240042 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: Insufficient Resources

    Allocation of SINAP/MultiStack Driver resource failed. Unable to allocate a block of kernel memory or initialize a basic lock.

    Check kernel memory usage. Verify MINARMEM and MINASMEM kernel tuning parameters. See the UNIX documentation for your site for more information.


    240043 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: MTP L3 Insufficient Resources

    Allocation of SINAP/MultiStack Driver resource failed. Unable to allocate a streams message block.

    Check kernel streams usage. Verify STRTHRESH kernel tuning parameter. See the UNIX documentation at your site for more information.


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    SLEE_TC SINAP Page 9 Alarms Guide

    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240044 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: add_child(%s

    %d): executable filename too long

    The child process name you are tying to use is longer than MAX_FILENAME. See the SINAP/MultiStack include file sinap.h for the current value for MAX_FILENAME for this release of SINAP/MultiStack.

    Rename the child process to a name that is less than the maximum length of MAX_FILENAME.


    240045 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: add_child(%s %d): Couldnt find table slot

    You can not add a child process because there is no slot available in the SINAP/MultiStack child slot table. All slots are in use.

    Decrease number of child processes. Currently the maximum number of child processes allowed in SINAP/MultiStack is 32 (NCHILD).


    240046 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: add_child(%s %d): no executable file specified

    Your application attempted to execute a non-executable file.

    Check the file for executable rights.


    240047 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: fork() failed: errno=%d

    An attempt to start a child process failed. An UNIX error returned at fork().

    Check the UNIX errno and take appropriate action.


    240048 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: execv() failed: errno=%d

    An attempt to start a child process failed. An UNIX error returned at execv().

    Check the UNIX errno and take appropriate action.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240049 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: NMCM:

    generating bkupday file failed

    While generating the bkupday data file, failure occurred.

    The NM disk server returned an error while generating the backup file. Check the directory and file permissions of the backup file for read and write permission.


    240050 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: cannot open file to send report

    Unable to open temporary file for MML command reply data for display in response to user command.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the current directory file for read and write permission.


    240051 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: NMCM: ca_get_msg() for mml failed

    Failed to receive an MML reply message from IPC queue due to can UNIX or CASL error.

    Check the UNIX or CASL errno and take appropriate action if possible. Otherwise call the CAC.


    240052 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: NMCM: Unexpected IPC message recvd (type = %d)

    IPC message with illegal message type was received.

    Use the MML START_MON command to determine the message originator.


    240053 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: ack from mtp is FAILED

    A negative response to the MML command was received from MTP.

    Check status of SINAP/MultiStack. Restart SINAP/MultiStack if necessary.


    240054 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: unknown ack from mtp

    An unknown response to the MML command was received from MTP.

    If this persists, run gathersy and call CAC.


    240055 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: link set %d, link %d, inhibit request timeout

    Inhibit request for link in link set timed out.

    No action required. SINAP

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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240056 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: link set %d,

    link %d uninhibit timeout Unable to set link in link set to INHIBIT.

    No action required. SINAP

    240057 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: file header error

    Could not retrieve the measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240058 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Data buffer != sizeof(event_t),errno=size

    Alarm log record read is larger than the maximum size allowed for an IPC I_EVENT message block. Data in the alarm log file is invalid.

    Check that the correct file is being used. Check the contents of the file for correct data.


    240059 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Unknown iblk msg type=(%d)

    Alarm log record read is was not an IPC I_EVENT message block. Data in the alarm log file is invalid.

    Check that the correct file is being used. Check the contents of the file for correct data.


    240060 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: I_MON_DATA received in non-monitor mode

    SINAP/MultiStack received monitor data in non monitor mode.

    If you receive this message only once, you can ignore it. The monitor function was probably terminated before the last monitor message was received. However, if you receive this message more than once, contact the CAC.


    240061 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: periodic slt flag already in requested state

    Attempt to change link SLT flag to the current state.

    No action required. SINAP

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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240062 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: link set %d,

    link %d, inhibit denied Unable to set link in link set to INHIBIT.

    No action required. SINAP

    240063 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: link set %d, link %d uninhibit not possible

    Unable to set link in link set to UNINHIBIT.

    No action required. SINAP

    240064 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: BSNT retrieval timeout, ls %d, link %d

    BSNT retrieval timer expired on indicated link set and link.

    Ensure that indicated link set and link are available.


    240065 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: First CBA timer expired ls %d, link %d

    First CBA timer has expired on indicated link set and link at change

    Check link set and link status. SINAP

    240066 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Second CBA timer expired ls %d, link %d

    Second CBA timer has expired on indicated link set and link at change back.

    Check link set and link status. SINAP

    240067 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: MTP3 state event: sub: 0x%s %d(Wrong SLC), state : %d, code: 0xZZZ

    Default action taken for given state. This message displays when an MTP Level 3 SNM message with a wrong SLC is received.

    No action required unless otherwise determined in mtpevents.h.


    240068 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: unknown parameter from command parsing

    Invalid parameter found parsing an MML command.

    Check MML command. Correct MML command parameters.


    240069 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: ducpc is not yet provisioned

    Duplicate concerned point code not provisioned.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


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    SLEE_TC SINAP Page 13 Alarms Guide

    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240070 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: concerned pc

    has not been provisioned Concerned point code not provisioned.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240071 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: rpc is not a cpc

    Remote point code is not a concerned point code.

    Check the SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240072 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: pc has not been provisioned

    Point code has not been provisioned.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240073 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: maximum number of routes has been reached

    Maximum number of routes that can be configured in a route set (MAX_ROUTE_PER_RS) already has been configured. See the SINAP/MultiStack include file sinap.h for the current value of MAX_ROUTE_PER_RS for this release of SINAP/MultiStack.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240074 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: delroute is the last route in routeset

    The route being deleted is the last one in the route set.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240075 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: delroute is not a route

    Attempt to delete a route that is not a member of the named route set.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240076 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: priority too

    big Priority in the MML is greater than current maximum priority plus one. The allowed priorities are 0-15.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration or MML command parameters.


    240077 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: addroute is already a route

    Named link set was found already defined in the route.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240078 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: xroute1 is not a route

    Link set was not found in route set.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240079 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: xroute2 is not a route

    Link set was not found in route set.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240080 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: field name unknown

    Invalid parameter given in a change routes MML command.

    Check MML command parameters. SINAP

    240081 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: routeset to adjacent dpc is not yet provisioned

    Configuration problem. Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240082 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: requested state already exists

    Configuration problem. Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240083 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: PORTNUM already assigned to other link

    Attempted to configure a link to a PORTNUM that is already configured to another link.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


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    SLEE_TC SINAP Page 15 Alarms Guide

    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240084 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Linkset

    already has maximum links provisioned

    Attempt to provision more than maximum links allowed (MAX_LINK_PER_LS) for a link set. See the SINAP/MultiStack include file sinap.h for the current value of MAX_LINK_PER_LS for this release of SINAP/MultiStack.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240085 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Same SLC had been provisioned in the linkset

    Attempt to configure an SLC on a link set that already has the same SLC configured.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240086 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Other link in the linkset has same priority

    Attempt to configure a link to a priority already defined for another link.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240087 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: SPEED is not compatible within linkset

    The SPEED parameter is not compatible with the SPEED parameters already configured for other links.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240088 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: data in linkset table incompatible

    Link set parameters are incompatible with parameters configured for other link sets.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240089 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Discrimination

    table has not been provisioned

    Attempt to use a discrimination table that has not been provisioned.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240090 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: ADPC already assigned to other link set

    Attempt to assign a ADPC to a link set when the ADPC is already assigned to another link set.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240091 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Discrimination Table already provisioned

    CREATE-OSP was attempted on a SINAP/MultiStack node that was already defined.

    Select DISPLAY-OSP to confirm that the OSP already exists.


    240092 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: DPC had been associated with other routeset

    Attempt to assign a DPC to a route set for a DPC that is already assigned to another route set.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240093 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: route (linkset) does not have link provisioned

    No link is provisioned for the route.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240094 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: no cpc provisioned for the lssn

    There is no concerned point code provisioned for the local SSN.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240095 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: ducpc still exists, command not allowed

    Attempt to delete a concerned point code when the duplicate concerned point code still exists. Command not allowed.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240096 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: ducpc does not exist

    The duplicate concerned point code does not exist.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240097 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: ducpc is

    already provisioned Attempt to add a concerned point code when the duplicate concerned point code already exists. Command not allowed.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240098 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: the linkset of this link is a route

    Attempt to delete the last link in the link set and the link set is a route of a route set. Command not allowed.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240099 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: linkset static state is ACTIVE

    Attempt to delete a link that is still active.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240100 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: link(s) still provisioned to this linkset

    Attempt to delete a link set that still has links provisioned in the link set.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240101 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: network element still provisioned to this node

    Attempt to delete an OSP network where there are still other elements configured to the OSP (for example, route set, link sets).

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240102 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: remote pc is not provisioned

    Attempt to delete a remote SSN that is not provisioned.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240103 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: pc is still a

    concerned pc to certain lssn Attempt to delete a route set and the point code is a concerned point code of another local SSN.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240104 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: the remssn for this pc still exists

    Attempt to delete a route set and the remote SSN for the point code still exists.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240105 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: SSN not provisioned

    Configuration display text that indicates SSN not provisioned for the concerned point code.

    No action required. SINAP

    240106 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: RSET not provisioned

    Configuration display text that indicates a route set is not provisioned for the remote SSN.

    No action required. SINAP

    240107 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: LINK not provisioned

    Configuration display text that indicates no link is provisioned.

    No action required. SINAP

    240108 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: LINK SET not provisioned

    Configuration display text that indicates no link set is provisioned.

    No action required. SINAP

    240109 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: ROUTE SET not provisioned

    Configuration display text that indicates no route set is provisioned.

    No action required. SINAP

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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240110 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: unknown system

    table Attempt to display a system table but the system table name and number are out of range.

    Check MML command parameters. SINAP

    240111 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Conflict in instance numbers - cannot setup Load Control

    Attempt to configure load control for an instance that is already configured for load control.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


    240112 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Setup abate delay not in range

    Attempt to configure invalid load control abate delay parameter.

    Check load control abate delay value.


    240113 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Setup count not in range

    Attempt to configure invalid load control count parameter.

    Check load control count value. SINAP

    240114 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Setup delay not in range

    Attempt to configure invalid load control delay parameter.

    Check load control delay value. SINAP

    240115 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Specified instance number not in range

    Attempt to configure invalid load control instance parameter.

    Check load control instance number value.


    240116 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Setup notify parameter invalid

    Attempt to configure invalid load control notify parameter.

    Check load control notify value.


    240117 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Specified subsystem not in range

    Attempt to configure load control for a subsystem that is out of range.

    Check load control subsystem value.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240118 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Setup

    threshold not in range Attempt to configure load control threshold that is out of range.

    Check load control threshold value.


    240119 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Setup type not group, individual, or delete

    Incompatible load control arguments specified.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


    240120 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Setup type individual but distribution LEAST_UTILIZED

    Incompatible load control arguments specified.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


    240121 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Specified instance is disabled

    Specified instance is disabled.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


    240122 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Forced Load Control not in effect for subsystem

    Forced load control not presently in use.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack status of load control.


    240123 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Instance specified when not individual Load Control

    Specified an instance for load control that is configured for a group.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


    240124 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Load Control not setup for this subsystem

    Load control not configured.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


    240125 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Load Control cannot be setup, this subsystem not TCAP

    Load control can only be utilized with TCAP.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


    240126 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Threshold value is greater than input queue length

    Load control threshold value larger than max_msu_input_que depth specified in ca_register().

    Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration and ca_register() parameters in application.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240127 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: input command

    is not recognized by the system

    Invalid MML command detected in parse routine.

    Check MML command and command parameters.


    240128 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: error field field_name - field_description where field_name and field_description can be any MML command field name and description

    MML parameter error detected.

    Check MML command and command parameters.


    240129 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Err in opening alarm log file

    Unable to open the alarm log for the requested date.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the alarm log file for read and write permission. Check that the alarm log file exists for the requested date.


    240130 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Err in reading alarm file

    Unable to read the alarm log for the requested date.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the alarm log file for read and write permission.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240131 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Data buffer

    invalid len=%d Alarm log record read is larger than the maximum size allowed for an IPC message block (MAX_IBLK_DATA_SZ). Data in the alarm log file is invalid. See the SINAP/MultiStack include file iblock.h for the value of MAX_IBLK_DATA_SZ for this release of SINAP/Mu

    Check that the correct file is being used. Check the contents of the file for correct data.


    240132 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Err in opening note book

    Unable to open the note book file for the requested date.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the note book file for read and write permission. Check that the note book log file exists for the requested date.


    240133 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Err in note book alarm file

    Unable to read the note book file for the requested date.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the note book file for read and write permission.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240134 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: NMCM:

    executing rclog failed Recent Change log (rclog) is not available.

    Check the contents of the Recent Change log. Each line should be an MML command that ends with a semicolon(;). Also check the directory and file permissions of the Recent Change log for read and write permission.


    240135 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: NMCM: generating purgeday file failed

    While generating purgeday data file, failure occurred.

    The NM disk server returned an error while generating the purgeday file. Check the directory and file permissions of the purgeday file for read and write permission.


    240136 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: cannot close report file

    Unable to close temp file for MML command reply data for display.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the current directory file for read and write permission.


    240137 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: MTP30 record read error

    Could not retrieve the 30-minute MTP measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240138 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: MTP5 measurement not available

    MTP measurement statistics is not available for the time specified.

    Retry when the measurements become available.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240139 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: MTP5 record

    read error Could not retrieve the 5-minute MTP measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240140 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: SCCP measurement not available

    Could not retrieve the SCCP measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240141 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: SCCP record read error

    Could not retrieve the SCCP measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240142 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: TCAP measurement not available

    Could not retrieve the TCAP measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240143 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: TCAP record read error

    Could not retrieve the TCAP measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240144 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: cannot read 30 minute file header

    Could not retrieve the 30-minute measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240145 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: cannot read 5

    minute file header Could not retrieve the 30-minute measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240146 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: cannot read 30 MIN file header

    Could not retrieve the 30-minute measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240147 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: no data to retrieve

    No measurements data collected to be retrieved.

    No action required. SINAP

    240148 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: record unavailable or retrieved

    Could not retrieve the measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240149 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: 5 minute file header read error

    Could not retrieve the measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240150 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: no record to retrieve

    Could not retrieve the measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240151 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: cannot open measurement file

    Could not open the measurement statistics file.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240152 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: File name too

    large Unable to delete named file because filename size is greater than MAX_FILENAME. See the SINAP/MultiStack include file sinap.h for the current value for MAX_FILENAME for this release of SINAP/MultiStack.

    Check the filename and correct the name to a size smaller than MAX_FILENAME.


    240153 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Err in opening report file

    Unable to open temporary file for MML command reply data for display in response to user command.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the application files for read and write permission.


    240154 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Err in opening rclog file

    Unable to open the rclog file.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the rclog file for read andwrite permission.


    240155 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Own SP restarting - H0H1=0x%s %d from ucomm %d

    During the MTP restart procedure only certain incoming SNM MSUs (SI=0000) (for CCITT/China: TFP, TFC, TFA, and TRA; for ANSI: TFP, TFC, TFA, TRA, TRW, CBD, and CBA) are allowed in compliance with the governing standards. All other SNM MSUs are rejected in

    No action required. SINAP

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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240156 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: %s %d Load

    Control %s %d for SSN %d Load control state and action for SSN group.

    No action required. SINAP

    240157 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: %s %d Load Control %s %d for SSN %d Instance %d

    Load control state and action for SSN instance.

    No action required. SINAP

    240158 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Backup Node command issued

    This message is informational and requires no action.

    No action required. SINAP

    240159 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: print format of the message text found in the alarm

    Short description of the error.

    Action to take to respond to the error message. This is just a short recommended action and in many cases action is totally dependent on the customers specific network environment.


    240160 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: command completed

    MML command successfully completed.

    No action required. SINAP

    240161 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: Load Control not enabled

    Load control not enabled. Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


    240162 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: MTP30 measurement not available

    Could not retrieve the 30-minute MTP measurement statistics.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240163 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: NM,MC exited NM,MC normally terminated. This message is informational and requires no action.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240164 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: MTP delayed

    response to I_MTP_MEAS_REQ MTP measurements response was delayed.

    Determine whether the L3MP is in heavy traffic. To do so, you can check MTP measurements, or CPU time for L3 processes.


    240165 MINOR SINAP %d [%d]: L3RC delayed response to I_MTP_MEAS_REQ

    MTP measurements response was not issued.

    Ensure that the L3MP is still running by using the ps command.


    240166 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Unexpected alarm clock went off

    UNIX system alarm (SIGALRM) expired.

    No action required. SINAP

    240167 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: mtp response timeout

    nmcm did not receive any response from MTP.

    Ensure that the l3mp is still running by using the ps command.


    240168 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: unexpected ack from sccp

    Unexpected ack received from SCCP.

    If this persists, run gathersy and call CAC.


    240169 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: cm_put_msg() to NMDS failed or timeout

    An error occurred receiving the IPC message reply.

    Verify that the NMDS is still running by using the ps command. Determine whether the NMDS is in heavy traffic. To do so, you can check MTP measurements, or CPU time for NM processes. If it is not, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240170 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: SCMG:Error sending SST to PC: %d errno: %d

    Unable to send SST to PC due to UNIX or CASL error during ca_put_msu().

    Check the UNIX or CASL errno and take appropriate action if possible. Otherwise call the CAC.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240171 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: **** Process

    %s %d,%s %d (pid=%d) issued exit(%d)

    SINAP/MultiStack process issued exit.

    If the process is a critical SINAP/MultiStack process, SINAP/MultiStack will be automatically restarted. No action required.


    240172 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Process %s %d,%s %d (pid=%d) died..., signal=%d (core dump)

    Process died as a result of receiving signal %d and created a core file.

    Determine why process received signal. See signal.h or SINAP/MultiStack s7signal.h for the text description of the signal reported. (Note: If the process IPC key is valid for the PID, the subcategory is reported as A_PROC_FAILED.)


    240173 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: NMDM catches unexpected signal - SIGHUP

    SINAP/MultiStack process NMDM received an unexpected signal.

    Check status of NMDM process. Call the CAC.


    240174 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: %s %d,errno=%d Err in sending msg to proc=%z

    An UNIX or CASL error occurred when attempting to send an IPC to another process.

    Check the UNIX or CASL errno and take appropriate action.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240175 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: IPC Failed: %s

    %d,%s %d->%s %d,%s %d - msg_type = 0x%s %d, errno = %d, #%d

    A process failed to send an IPC to trouble management. The error message displays the text value of the IPC key for the sending process and the receiving process. The IPC message type is also displayed.

    The IPC message queue may be full. Check the queue for the processes reported in the error message. Verify that the sending and receiving processes are still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240176 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: cannot get key for NM-CM

    A process can not get IPC key.

    Verify that the nmcm is still running by using the ps command. If it is not, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240177 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: cannot get key for NMCM

    A process can not get IPC key.

    Verify that the nmcm is still running by using the ps command. If it is not, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240178 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: cannot obtain display info. from L3MT

    No reply from L3MT (no IPC returned).

    Verify that the l3mt is still running by using the ps command. If it is not, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240179 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Specified instance is not running

    Instance is not running. Check that application is running.


    240180 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: This subsystem is not currently running

    Name subsystem is not currently running.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240181 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Err in getting

    TM key Unable to get the Trouble Management IPC key.

    Verify that the nmtm is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240182 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Err in waiting for I_TM_UPDATE_ACK

    A UNIX or CASL error was returned at ca_get_msg() for trouble management IPC I_TM_UPDATE_ACK used to tell nmtm to update the treatment table.

    Verify that the nmtm is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240183 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: No response from the TM

    No reply to IPC for nmtm to update treatment tables.

    Verify that the nmtm is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240184 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Err in sending IPC msg to TM

    Error in sending IPC for nmtm to update treatment tables.

    Verify that the nmtm is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240185 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Err in getting DS key

    Unable to get the disk server IPC key.

    Verify that the nmds is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240186 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Err in sending

    msg to DS Error in sending a message to Disk Server.

    Verify that the nmds is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240187 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: No response from DS

    No reply to a message sent to the Disk Server.

    Verify that the nmds is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240188 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Error from DS process and Error from DS

    Error in sending a message to Disk Server.

    Verify that the nmds is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240189 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Err in putting event

    Unable to send the notification to nmcm for backup node operation.

    If problem persists, call the CAC.


    240190 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: rclog not allowed if restoring from SECONDARY

    Can not restore when using secondary rclog.

    No action required. SINAP

    240191 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: *** err in getting MTP mgmt ipc key

    Unable to get L3MP IPC key.

    Verify that the l3mp is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240192 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: could not send

    MTP restart to MTP mgmt ca_put_msg() failed on IPC message to l3mp.

    Verify that the l3mp is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240193 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: err in getting SCCP mgmt ipc key

    Unable to get SCMG IPC key.

    Verify that the scmg is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240194 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: could not send SCCP restart to SCCP mgmt

    ca_put_msg() failed on IPC message to scmg.

    Verify that the scmg is still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240195 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: NM,MC exited due to signal %d

    Indicated signal terminated NM,MC.

    Determine why process received signal. See signal.h or SINAP/MultiStack s7signal.h for the text description of the signal reported.


    240196 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Cannot send I_MTP_MEAS_REQ to MTP mgmt

    A process can not send I_MTP_MEAS_REQ.

    Ensure that the L3MP is still running by using the ps command.


    240197 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Cannot find MTP management

    A process can not find MTP management.

    Ensure that the L3MP is still running by using the ps command.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240198 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: MTP not

    responding to I_MTP_MEAS_REQ MTP measurements response was not issued.

    Ensure that the L3MP is still running by using the ps command.


    240199 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: L3RC not responding to I_MTP_MEAS_REQ

    MTP measurements response was not issued.

    Ensure that the L3MP is still running by using the ps command.


    240200 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Link Down (%d, %d)

    Link is down for %d=device number. GIC event GIC_STATUS_PHY_DOWN received.

    Check link status. Check status of IOA hardware using UNIX hwmaint command.


    240201 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Lost MSU, Process Not Found (SSN %d)

    Driver attempted to deliver an MSU to a receiving application for SSN but application was not found.

    TCAP user application is no longer registered with SINAP/MultiStack. Determine why user application may have failed.


    240202 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Lost MSU, Process Not Found (SIO %d)

    Driver attempted to deliver an MSU to a receiving application for SIO but application was not found.

    MTP user application is not longer registered with SINAP/MultiStack. Determine why user application may have failed.


    240203 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: link has not been provisioned

    Link configuration problem.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240204 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]:

    NMCL_INVALID_BOUNDARY Indicates an attempt to register duplicate data processes at different boundaries. For example, one process registers at the SCCP boundary and another at the SCCPX boundary.

    Correct the user application and try again


    240205 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ucomm %d: Link failed, alignment failed

    The link failed because SINAP/MultiStack did not receive a response to the link test message.

    Network problems may be indicated. Determine cause of SLT message failure. Take appropriate network problem determination actions.


    240206 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ucomm %d: Link failure, delay of remote ack

    The link failed because SINAP/MultiStack did not receive any response from remote node within T7 timer time.

    Network problems may be indicated. Take appropriate network problem determination actions.


    240207 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ucomm %d: Link failure, excessive at the remote end

    The link failed because SINAP/MultiStack received SIB from remote end or T6 timer expired.

    Network problems may be indicated. Take appropriate network problem determination actions.


    240208 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: MSU discarded in Ucomm %d

    UCOMM driver failed to deliver an MSU to remote because UCOMM transmission buffers were full.

    Check link status. Check MSU contents. Take appropriate network problem determination actions.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240209 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ucomm %d:

    Invalid MSU size on the transmission path.

    SINAP/MultiStack received an invalid MSU from the remote.

    If problem continues, connect a datascope and check incoming MSUs. Take appropriate network problem determination actions.


    240210 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: link_set %d unavailable

    Link set failure occurred for link set %d. All links for the link set are failed.

    Links associated with link set should be checked for failure and appropriate action taken.


    240211 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: link_set %d, link with SLC %d unavailable

    Link failure occurred in link set %d.

    Link should be checked for failure and appropriate action taken.


    240212 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: link set %d, link %d link inhibited

    Link in linkset set to INHIBIT.

    No action required. SINAP

    240213 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: link set %d, link %d link remotely inhibited

    Link in link set is set to INHIBIT by remote.

    No action required. SINAP

    240214 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: sls field non-zero, H0H1=0x%s %d from ucomm %d

    Illegal SLS field in M_BLOCK.

    Check switch side SLS field configuration. Determine why switch is sending illegal SLS.


    240215 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: spare field non-zero, H0H1=0x%s %d from ucomm %d

    Spare field must be zero. Check switch side configuration. Determine why switch is sending data in the spare field.


    240216 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: unsupported SNM msg, H0H1=0x%s %d from ucomm %d

    Unsupported SNM message was received.

    Check switch side configuration. Determine why switch is sending unsupported SNM message.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240217 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: MSU discarded

    at SS7 Driver Unable to route MSU therefore MSU was discarded. Routing failure reason is further explained by the alarm state field reported in alarm or by the L3_EVENT_T errno field. Possible errors: L3_DR_NO_ROUTING_FOR_DPC 0x01 L3_DR_INACCESSIBLE_DPC 0x02 L3_DR_NEWR

    Check link status. Additional actions may be taken depending on the L3_EVENT_T errno (alarm state) field.


    240218 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: no link for COx, ls %d, link %d, alt %d

    Failed to find link to send to Changeover or Changeover Acknowledgment.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240219 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: no link for ECx, ls %d, link %d, alt %d

    Failed to find link to send to Emergency Changeover or Emergency Changeover Acknowledgment.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240220 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: no link for INH for ls %d, link %d

    Failed to find link to send link Inhibit message.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240221 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: no link for RST to Route Set 0xZZZ

    No link available for route set to destination.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240222 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: congested dpc 0xZZZ

    The link to indicated DPC is congested. MSU was discarded.

    Check link status. Determine congestion cause.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240223 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: CASL discard

    MSU: inaccessible dpc=0xZZZ Unable to route MSU due to DPC inaccessible. MSU was discarded.

    Check status of route set, link set, and links in the link set. Take appropriate action to correct routing failure. Check configuration.


    240224 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: CASL discard MSU: no routing data for dpc=0xZZZ

    CASL received and discard MSU, because SINAP/MultiStack does not have routing data for indicated DPC. This is a SINAP/MultiStack configuration problem.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240225 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: msg_id=0x%s %d discarded when linkset=%d adjacent_sp_restarting

    When an adjacent signaling point is restarted and the MTP restart

    No action required. SINAP

    240226 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Lost MSUs (SIO %d PID %d)

    Incoming MSUs for SIO were discarded because inbound driver buffer for process PID is full.

    Check user application ca_register parameter max_msu_input_que. Increase input queue depth in registration parameters.


    240227 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Lost MSUs (SSN %d PID %d)

    Incoming MSUs for SSN were discarded because inbound driver buffer for process PID is full.

    Check user application ca_register parameter max_msu_input_que. Increase input queue depth in registration parameters.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240228 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: **** Process

    %s %d,%s %d (pid=%d) died..., signal=%d

    Process died as a result of receiving signal %d.

    Determine why process received signal. See signal.h or SINAP/MultiStack s7signal.h for the text description of the signal reported.


    240229 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: add_child(%s %d): Process Table full

    You can not add a child process because the child process table is full.

    This is an UNIX configuration problem. Verify NPROC and MAXUP kernel tuning parameters. See the UNIX documentation at your site for more information.


    240230 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: handle_msg(): Restart for unknown child (pid=%d)

    An unknown child process died.

    No action required. SINAP

    240231 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: delete_child(%d): entry inactive or child executing.

    Your application tried to delete an inactive process or the process is executing its child process.

    Check the status of the applications child process.


    240232 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: main(): No Child Process

    A SINAP/MultiStack parent process could not detect its children processes.

    Get a list of processes (ps -ef) and call CAC.


    240233 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: main(): unknown child (pid=%d) died

    A SINAP/MultiStack process was notified of the death of one of its children but could not determine which one.

    Get a list of processes (ps -ef) and call CAC


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240234 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]:

    delete_child(%d): number out of range

    Your application tried to delete a child process that does not exist.

    Check the status of the applications child process.


    240235 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: handle_msg(): Unexpected IPC msg recvd (type=0x%s %d)

    An unknown IPC message was received by a parent process.

    Check application code which issued the IPC message.


    240236 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ca_dfm_process_msgs() - could not insert an entry

    The nmcm process cannot process any more deferred message requests.

    Make sure a user application is not sending too many deferred message requests (ca_put_msg_def).


    240237 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ca_dfm_process_msgs() - unknown msg type

    A SINAP/MultiStack user application tried to send an invalid message type in ca_put_msg_def().

    Check ca_put_msg_def() call to make sure message types are valid as specified in iblock.h


    240238 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ca_dfm_restart() - could not insert entry

    SINAP/MultiStack could not handle all the ca_cancel_def() calls.

    Make sure an application is not sending too many ca_cancel_def() requests.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240239 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]:

    CA_ERR_XMAX_SIZE [2108] Indicates that the size of the XUDT data parameter exceeds the maximum of 2048, or the number of segments exceeds 16. The number of segments is determined by dividing the data size by the segment size, which is specified in the SINAP_XUDT_SEGMENT_SIZE env

    Correct the user application and try again.



    Indicates that zero was specified for the value in the reassembly_count field of the registration parameter structure, register_reg_t.

    Correct the user application and try again.


    240241 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ducpc still exists

    Duplicate concerned point code still exists.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240242 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: no remssn provisioned

    No remote SSN provisioned. Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240243 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: not enough free entry in static_sccptab_pool

    Unable to create the concerned point code.

    Call CAC. SINAP

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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240244 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Static link

    set table overflow No available entries in the static load link set table. Maximum number of link sets have been configured.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration. If the problem persists, call the CAC.


    240245 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: static_sccptab_pool overflow

    Unable to add a remote SSN. No available entries in the static load SCCP table. Maximum number of remote SSNs have been configured.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration. Call the CAC.


    240246 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: routeset table overflow

    No available entries in the static load route set table. Maximum number of route sets have been configured.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration. Call the CAC.


    240247 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: link is active, cannot be deleted

    Attempt to delete a link that is still configured to be active.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240248 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: the linkset is still a route of a routeset

    Attempt to delete a last link set that is the last route of a route set. Command not allowed.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240249 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: routeset static state is ACTIVE

    Attempt to delete a route set that is still configured active.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240250 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: direct linkset

    still active Attempt to delete a route set and the link set is still configured to be active.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack configuration.


    240251 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Forced Load Control not in effect for instance

    Forced load control not presently in use.

    Check SINAP/MultiStack load control configuration.


    240252 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: cannot write file to send report

    Unable to write temp file for MML command reply data for display in response to user command.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the current directory file for read and write permission.


    240253 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: cannot write MTP30 report

    Could not write 30-minute MTP measurement statistics report to a file.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240254 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: cannot write MTP5 report

    Could not write 5-minute MTP measurement statistics report to a file.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240255 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: cannot write SCCP report

    Could not write SCCP measurement statistics report to a file.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240256 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: cannot write TCAP report

    Could not write TCAP measurement statistics report to a file.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240257 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: cannot

    regenerate purgeday ascii file

    Unable to regenerate purgeday ASCII file.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the measurements file for read and write permission.


    240258 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: cant open file to send report

    Unable to open the report file.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the report file for read and write permission. Check that the report log file exists for the requested date.


    240259 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Err in writing to report file

    Unable to write the report book file.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the note book file for read and write permission.


    240260 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Err in copying files

    Error backing up application files.

    Check the directory and file permissions of the application files for read and write permission.


    240261 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ucomm %d: Link failure, abnormal BSNR and BIBR

    The link failed because SINAP/MultiStack received abnormal BSNR or BIBR.

    Network problems may be indicated. Determine cause of abnormal BSNR or BIBR. Take appropriate network problem determination actions.


    240262 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ucomm %d: Link failure, SUERM error

    The link failed because the Signaling Unit Error Rate Monitor count has exceeded the threshold.

    Link should be checked for errors possibly with datascope. Take appropriate network problem determination actions.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240263 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: ucomm %d: Link

    failure, cable disconnect Link failure occurred for ucomm %d.

    Check cable connection. If problem continues, connect a datascope and check data set lead status. Take appropriate network problem determination actions.



    Information only. No action required. SINAP


    Information only. No action required. SINAP


    Information only. No action required. SINAP


    Information only. No action required. SINAP

    240268 INFO SINAP %d [%d]: SINAP INFO ALARM

    Information only. No action required. SINAP

    240269 MAJOR SINAP %d [%d]: SINAP ALARM - >>REASON: IPC Failed: NM,CL->VSSP,VSSP - msg_type = %s %d, errno = %d, #%d

    Internal communications error.

    No resolution. If problem persists contact support.


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    Alarm Severity Text Cause Resolution Service 240270 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: >>REASON: IPC

    Failed: SC,MG->Q123,RECV - msg_type = %s %d, errno = %d, #%d

    A process failed to send an IPC to trouble management. The error message displays the text value of the IPC key for the sending process and the receiving process. The IPC message type is also displayed.

    The IPC message queue may be full. Check the queue for the processes reported in the error message. Verify that the sending and receiving processes are still running by using the ps command. If the problem persists, restart SINAP/MultiStack.


    240271 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Warning: %d day left before SINAP lincense expires.

    SINAP license about to expire.

    Contact support. SINAP

    240272 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Warning: %d days left before SINAP lincense expires.

    SINAP license about to expire.

    Contact support. SINAP

    240273 WARNING SINAP %d [%d]: Warning: SINAP feature has been stopped due to licensing problem.

    SINAP license expired. Contact support. SINAP

    240274 ERROR SINAP %d [%d]: SINAP ALARM - >>REASON: IPC Failed: L123,RC->VSSP,VSSP - msg_type = 123x123, errno = %d, #%d

    Internal communications error.

    No resolution. If problem persists contact support.


    240275 ERROR SINAP %d [%d]: SINAP ALARM - >>REASON: IPC Failed: SC,MG->Q123,RECV - msg_type = 123x123, errno = %d, #%d

    Internal communications error.

    No resolution. If problem persists contact support.


    240276 ERROR Outgoing TR-BEGIN has no destination address

    An outgoing TCAP message had no SCCP destination address.

    Most likely a configured address has not been specified. Check and correct configuration.


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    SLEE_TC SINAP Page 47 Alarms Guide

    CopyrightAlarm Topic DescriptionAlarm generationSeverity levelsAlarm formatAlarm text and variablesFurther information
