P 8 american multiculturalism


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Topic : American Multiculturalism

Name: Nikunj Bhatti

Roll no.:17

M.A. Semester: 2

Enrolment No.: 14101005

Year: 2014-16

Paper no.: 8 Cultural Studies

Submitted to: Department of English

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

Types of Cultural Studies

British Culture


Postcolonial Studies

Postmodernism and

Popular Culture

American Multiculturalism

New Historicism

What is Multicultural?

American Multiculturalism

American multiculturalism was came into

existence in 1964 with the passing Civil

Right Act.

As a philosophy, multiculturalism

began as part of the Pragmatism

movement at the end of the19th century

in Europe and the United States.

The Black Panther Party was founded by James Meredith.

“Every American should understand Mexico from the

point of view of the observer of the conquest and of

the history before the conquest……”

African American Writers

Latina/o Writers

American Indian Cultures

Asian American Writers

In “Shadow and Act” (1964) novelist Ralph Evison argues


“Any viable theory of Negro American Culture

obligates us to fashion a more adequate theory

of American culture as a whole”

African American Writers

African American writers

Harriet Wilson- “Our Nig”

Alice Walker-“The Color Purple”

Hunnah Craft- “The Bond Woman’s Narrative”

Latina/o Writers

Latina/o writers are also known as Mexican American.

This term indicates a broad sense of ethnicity among

Spanish-Speaking and most influential group of Latina/o

ethnicities in the United States.

Niggli-“Mexican Village” (1945)

Richard Rodriguez-“Hunger of Memory” (1981)

American Indian Literature

A term ‘Native American’ is preferred by most academics and

many tribal, members, who find the term ‘Indian’ a

misnomer and stereotype- as in “cowboys and Indians” or

“Indian giver” that helped whites wrest the sentiment away

from indigenous people.


Joy Harjo-“She Had some Horses”

Asian American Writers

Asian American literature can be said to have begun around

the turn of the twentieth century.

Asian American writing is quiet among Americans as well as

other countries.

R.L.Stevenson-“Treasure Island” (1883)

Jack London-“The House of Pride” (1912)
