Perfect your technique! How to do your best in exams…


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Perfect your technique!

How to do your best in exams…

Reasons why you lose marks:….. don’t read the question…..waffle, waffle, waffle…..lack of time…..don’t know the answer

1: Short questions

If asked “where” or “what” there is no need to put your answer into a sentence.

Don’t write too much: The space on the exam paper is suffice if you need more space ask yourself…”are you writing all you know about…” rather than answering the question.

Don’t “spot” words and jump to conclusions.

Don’t confuse explanations and descriptions:

Describe….what is it like?Explain….. why?

Spelling counts! You must get it right!Meiosis, MitosisGlucose,glycogen,glucagon

Sometimes rather than a fact a link is needed to be made.

In calculations give the full calculation and the units!!!!

Give both sides of the argument! If asked for a difference or comparison you must state “ x is “this” and y is “that””.

Cells, tissues, organs and molecules do not “want”, “think”, ”feel” or “try”. Avoid using these words in your answers!

2: Data handling

Don’t rush read the headings and axes labels!

Do mark lines on a graph to help you see clearly. Label what you have marked!

Quote the figures and tell the whole story: if asked to describe data do not be vague.

3: Longer questions

Be sure you know what is required: questions are often written in parts (ai), (aii) and a(iii).

Don’t tell fairy stories….. one mark one point.

4 or 6 marks is worth a plan!!! Do not repeat yourself or return to a point you

have made

Try to avoid using the word “it” What is “it”?

Don’t give more facts than asked for. Everything you write is considered. The examiner will not select the correct answer from the list!

4: Comprehension questions

Read the passages all the way through, to get an idea of the topic before you answer!

Re-read it and highlight the key points

Use the passage, when you can…Quote it!

Be aware of the types of passages that could be used: newspapers, journals

And finally… do not be thrown there will be application
