Pragmatism - Johrei · Pragmatism I enjoyed studying philosophy when I was a young man. Of the many...


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I enjoyed studying philosophy when I was a young man. Of

the many theories and doctrines I learned about, I found myself

drawn to “Pragmatism”, as advocated by William James, a

famous American philosopher. Pragmatism can be interpreted as

the principle of “philosophy in action”. According to James, if we

merely delineate its theories, philosophy is simply a mental

exercise. To be of real value it must be put into daily practice in

our lives.

This theory seemed interesting to me because it was very

practical and expressed characteristic American spirit. It was a

philosophy I resonated with at that time and I tried to apply it to

my work and my daily life. As a result, I found “pragmatism” to be

very beneficial.

Later In my life, when I started the Johrei movement, I began

to think that we should apply this philosophy to it as well. In other

words, every day we should live according to the principle of

“faith in action”. Imagine the benefit we would receive by adapting

it to every aspect of our lives!

Politicians would be more inclined to work in an honest and

just manner. Selflessly, they would run the government in the

best interest of people. As a result, they would gain the trust of

the public and everything would function smoothly.

Likewise, by incorporating the principles of honesty and

integrity in dealing with customers, businessmen would become

more trusted. The love and consideration shown to employees

would in turn

result in

more faithful

w o r k e r s .

N a t u r a l l y ,


w o u l d

p r o s p e r .

Educators would show great fortitude in teaching their students,

and so would be respected by and have a profound influence

upon them.

Government staff and company employees would be guided

by moral and ethical principles in their work, and as a result

would greatly improve their efficiency and deservedly earn


Artists and entertainers would draw their creative inspiration

from the highest sources, thereby producing works that emanate

strong spiritual vibrations and giving performances with dignity

and grace. All who viewed them would be uplifted by their beauty

and nobility. Of course, entertainment should not be as structured

and formal as education.

Johrei Association of Australia News Letter 2016 Issue 1 January–March 2016

“Know that the happiness

We feel when we bring

Joy and happiness to people

Is the greatest happiness in the world”

This edition:

Page 1 ,2 Meishu-Sama’s Teachings

Page 2, 3 Kyoshu-Sama’s Guidance

Page 3 Johrei Gatherings Calendar

Page 4, 5 Faith in Action

Page 6 , 7 President’s Report

Page 8 What’s on, Schedule and updates


Johrei Association of Australia News Letter 2016 Issue 1 January–March 2016


It can be of greatest value when it is engaging and light-hearted,

causing audiences to laugh and feel happy.

Regardless of profession or circumstance, a person`s fortune

and fate can change for the better – and he or she can therefore be

of greater service to society - by living in accord with the principle

of “faith in action”.

As you begin to practice spiritual pragmatism, always remember

not to be to fanatical in expounding your belief or your will be re-

garded with disfavor. This often occurs to overzealous believers.

Some people express their religious convictions too strongly, una-

ware others may find their attitude unpleasant.

Ideally, people who believe in God should exhibit no religious

fanaticism, acting as normal people do, and be virtuous and re-

spectable, letting their words and deeds show love and considera-

tion for all. In this way, the impression they leave with those they

meet will be favourable. The way one expresses and practices faith

should show refinement and balance, absent of a dogmatic de-

meanor. Avoid being overbearing or disrespectful.

We sometimes notice followers of certain religions whose ac-

tions are so extreme that people wonder if they might be mentally

unbalanced. Such people have a tendency to be so caught up in

their own points of view that they fail to consider if they might be

annoying others or causing them trouble, and their homes are rarely

cheerful. As a result, society begins to question the value of their

religious convictions. In such cases, responsibility for their for their

attitudes should go to those in position of leadership in the group.

Spiritual leaders should be very careful in this regard.

( From the book Teachings of Meishu-Sama - Vol. 3)

New Year Message By


(Message by Kyoshu-sama - January 2016,)

In deep awe and fear of

God, I say that God is the

Creator of each one of us.

In the beginning, before the

Creation of the whole

universe, in heaven, God

divided His very own being

and bore us as divine

spirits in order to confer the

status of “Messiah” or “child

of God” on us – humanity.

Bearing God’s own spirit,

each one of us was then

sent to earth according to

the right time and place

de te r m in ed b y ou r

heavenly Father.

God also sent Meishu-sama to earth. Being led by divine will

and with his devotion to God, Meishu-sama was able to be born

anew as a Messiah during his lifetime on earth and acquired the

status as a child of God. God fulfilled His whole purpose of

Creation by giving birth to a Son, Meishu-sama, and became his

Father. To become a Father is the inexplicable joy and glory of


On this day of the New Year, I, together with all of you followers

both in Japan and abroad, would like to receive and give back

this glory to God and humbly offer our most sincere

congratulations to God and Meishu-sama for their joy.

The joy of God is within us. God has already filled this joy of

becoming the Father of Meishu-sama within everyone and

everything. God is now guiding us and training us so that we, as

ones who are connected to Messiah Meishu-sama, can also

acquire the status as a child of God – a Messiah. Full of gratitude

to God for His guidance and training, I, together with all of you,

would like to offer our New Year’s greetings to God our Father.

Happy New Year!

I believe every one of us, without exception, seek happiness in

this life and we think that the well-being of mind and body or

being healthy in general is essential to attaining happiness. I live

my life in this way, too. Being healthy, of course, is so important

in our lives.

But as we pursue the well-being of our mind and body in this

world, we have become short-sighted; we have placed so much

significance on the limited and physical life that we have forgotten

the eternal and spiritual life within us.

I would like to introduce two tanka poems by Meishu-sama to


Always remember the following truth – That humans are created

by God; We humans play no part in the creation of humanity.

Know this my followers: God is the Lord and Master of your life,

not you. Your life is in the hands of God.

Who can question this truth that we humans are created by God

and that our life belongs to God? We know that all of God’s

creations and things that belong to Him last forever and are filled

with the life of God. If our life is filled with the life of God, it must

live through all time and eternity. But remember how we have

become short-sighted and placed greater value on the physical

world, on our physical life. Without realizing it, we have moved

apart from God and sinned. This has to be corrected. We now

need to confess this sin to God, ask for His forgiveness through

Meishu-sama and yearn to receive our life as the eternal life of


Johrei Gatherings March Calendary


Johrei Association of Australia News Letter 2016 Issue 1 January–March 2016

Together, let us ask for His forgiveness: Dear God, the Father of

us all, I stole the life You gave me and have been possessing it as

mine. In the name of Messiah Meishu-sama, forgive my sin and

welcome me into Your heaven.IIf it is Your wish, I would like to re-

turn my life to You and receive Your eternal life as my new life.

Meishu-sama taught us that we carry eternal life. Some of us may

think that our life is eternal through reincarnation. But this is wrong.

The only way that our life can be eternal is through acknowledging

that our life belongs to God. After all, there is only one entity that

possesses the quality of eternity: God. Accept our life as God’s,

become His children and be born anew as Messiahs – this is how

we can obtain eternal life. This is the only way. Meishu-sama also

confirmed this just a little less than a year before he passed away.

In June 1954, amidst suffering from great pain of the brain haemor-

rhage, Meishu-sama announced that he was born anew as a Messi-

ah and said plainly that acquiring the status of a Messiah was differ-

ent from reincarnation.

On this occasion, he also said, “On my part, I am getting a lot

younger.” He did not utter these words because he was recovering

from his stroke. He said this when he was still suffering from the

acute pain of the stroke, at the age of 71. What do you think this

means? I believe it means that we humans are not the ones whose

existence ends with physical death but the ones who can grow spirit-

ually and eternally if we accept our life as the life of the eternal God.

This mission of being born anew as a Messiah is not only for spe-

cial persons like Meishu-sama. It is the mission of each one of us,

too. Our mission as a human being is to become a child of God and

acquire the status as a Messiah. That is why, I believe, Meishu-

sama added the phrase “on my part” when he declared that he was

born as a Messiah.

He wanted us to realize that “on our part” we still have a mission to

accomplish – to receive God as our Father and obtain eternal life.

Meishu-sama is now asking us, “On your part, have you received the

life of God and become younger?” For those who would like to be

connected to Messiah Meishu-sama and receive the eternal life of

God, let us respond to his question together and shout out to him

either out loud or in our mind: Being connected to Messiah Meishu-

sama, I, on my part, have gotten much younger!

Out of His great love, God wants to make all humanity His children

and become our true Father. God is now advancing this work with-

out rest, within each one of us. In the name of Messiah Meishu-

sama, I, together with all the followers around the world, would like

to thank God for His love and would like to praise our heavenly Fa-

ther with all my heart and soul.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Johrei Centre

Dandenong VIC


02 03

Members House

Williamstown VIC -


04 05

Johrei Centre

Mitamamigaki Month-

ly Service

Preparation NSW


Johrei Centre

Lidcombe NSW

Monthly Service

11 AM

07 08

Johrei Centre

Dandenong VIC


09 10

Members House

St Kilda VIC


11 12

Johrei Centre

Mitamamigaki Month-

ly Service

Preparation VIC


Johrei Centre

Dandenong VIC

Monthly Service

11 AM

14 15

Johrei Centre

Dandenong VIC



Members House

Mascot - NSW

19 PM


Members House

Caulfield VIC


18 19

Johrei Centre

Mitamamigaki dedi-



Brisbane QLD

Monthly Service

11 AM

21 22

Johrei Centre

Dandenong VIC


23 24

Members House

Pascoe Vale


25 26


28 29

Johrei Centre

Dandenong VIC


30 31

Members House

St Kilda VIC



Johrei Association of Australia News Letter 2016 Issue 1 January–March 2016

Faith in Action

The teachings of Meishu-Sama and Nature Farming

A central aim of Meishu-Sama's philosophy can be summarized

by what he called the "creation of a true civilization" in which all the

world's people would participate. On a more abstract and

philosophical level, Meishu-Sama's vision is based on two

cosmological principles: (a) the spiritual realm predominates over

the physical, and (b) the spiritual and physical realms are

inherently indivisible. Meishu-Sama intended that his philosophy

should be more than mere rhetoric, and, consequently, he aimed to

implement it through specific means.

Above all, Meishu-Sama believed that human health, the

protection of all life on the planet, and the integrity of the natural

world are the roots of a true civilization. In addition, balancing the

duality of materialism and spirituality is a cornerstone of Meishu-

Sama's thought. Once this dualism has been brought into

harmony, a "world of beauty," as Meishu-Sama referred to it, would

result. In order to bring about true civilization, Meishu-Sama

advocated, as well as personally implemented, a variety of

practices. He accorded particular importance to Nature Farming.

The rise of materialism occurred rapidly in the West under the

philosophical assumption that nature exists for humans to

dominate--an outgrowth of Cartesian thought, which conceives of a

dualism between human beings and nature. The heirs of this

tradition have not only equated materialism with "progress," but

have also believed that humankind can achieve continuous and

unlimited material development by using scientific means to exploit

nature. These notions have helped to create a world in which

harmony with nature has been ignored and the environmental

conditions necessary to sustain the ecosystem, and all forms of life

within it, have been given short shrift.

These attitudes have influenced the sphere of agriculture as well.

From time immemorial, cultivated crops have been relying on the

natural benefits of sunlight, water, and the nutrients in the soil. But

with the appearance of technologies capable of increasing crop

yields, societies adopted agricultural practices aimed at producing

high yields. As a result of this shift, conventional agriculture

requires enormous inputs of petroleum-based energy and the use

of large volumes of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Agriculture

practiced in this way depletes the soil and contaminates water

resources, thereby severely damaging the natural environment and

threatening human health and all forms of life. This kind of

agriculture has come to dominate, while little attention has been

paid to the havoc that has followed.


Johrei Association of Australia News Letter 2016 Issue 1 January–March 2016

Meishu-Sama, in line with his aim of creating a true civilization,

issued a stern warning: if human beings continued to use modern

agricultural methods there would not only be a decline in

agricultural productivity--reversing whatever productivity gains had

been achieved--but human life itself would eventually be

destroyed. As an alternative to imminent crisis, Meishu-Sama

strongly advocated using age-old agriculture practices, which had

been carried out in accordance with a holistic view of nature.

These practices protect the natural environment, sustain human

health and security, and contribute to harmony between the

human and non-human worlds.

Nature Farming is derived from Meishu-Sama's philosophy.

From the perspective of the predominance of the spiritual over the

physical, occurrences in the physical realm are the result of

spiritual causes. The belief that the spiritual and physical realms

are indivisible rests on the axiom that the universe is composed of

three primary elements: fire, water, and earth. These elements

correspond to spirit, air, and matter, which are elicited by the Sun,

Moon, and Earth, respectively.

When these elements fuse, they produce the primordial energy

that animates all forms of life. In specific terms, these elements

occur as infinitesimally small particles that combine harmoniously

to create life. According to this view, all life forms exist in the

cosmos, but do not physically manifest until spirit animates them.

In short, life appears when the spiritual and physical realms join

through the fusion of these three primary elements. Meishu-

Sama's Nature Farming rests on this understanding of how life is


The theory of Nature Farming, as Meishu-Sama expounded it,

rests on a belief in the universal life-giving powers that the

elements of fire, water, and earth confer on the soil. According to

Meishu-Sama, the planet Earth, which sustains our existence, is

itself a living being. The planet's soil, created over a span of eons,

has acquired life-sustaining properties, in accordance with the

principle of the indivisibility of the spiritual and the physical

realms, which in turn provide the life-force that enables plants to

grow. To utilize the inherent power of the soil is the underlying

principle of Nature Farming.

In this regard, the essence of a particular crop is not a collection

of material substances, but the life-giving spiritual energy that the

crop has received from the soil. Similarly, it is this energy that

makes human beings healthy and enhances their vitality.

Meishu-Sama rejected agricultural practices that ignored these

principles. As a result, Nature Farming abandons the use of all

chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and uses neither human nor

unprocessed animal feces.Nature Farming uses organic

matteronly when doing so enhances the vitality of the soil and

facilitates its inherent power.

Because Nature Farming does not rely on commercial fertilizers, it

was initially called "fertilizer-free cultivation." The name was later

changed to "Nature Farming," in order to make clear that this

approach is based on a comprehensive theory of agriculture and

an underlying philosophy that views the life-sustaining powers of

the soil as integral to the workings of the universe.

( E x t r a c t e d f r o m t h e w e b s i t e http://

farming.html - Photos from Members dedication in



Johrei Association of Australia News Letter 2016 Issue 1 January–March 2016

President’s Report

( By Rev. Horacio

Godoy - AGM Service,

November 2015 )

I w o u l d l i k e t o

cong ra tu la te a l l t he

members for your sincere

and constant dedication on

behalf of Meishu-Sama's

work in Australia. Your

devotion to Meishu-Sama is

highly appreciated! I am

confident that Meishu-Sama

trusts us, as His true instruments, and He is always manifesting

his wishes inside of each one of us, to carry on the Divine work of

Salvation in Australia.

I want to acknowledge the effort from all members in

participating actively on our missionary work, devoting more time

for channelling Johrei for those people in need around us, and

offering more your dedication for Meishu-Sama.

Also, my sincere congratulations for those members who

opened their houses holding Johrei Gatherings at their places,

holding monthly services at their household altar, and dedicating

intensively to work for the salvation of new people and their own


Let us keep working and growing, to build a better future for the

establishment of Meishu-Sama’s dream of building a sacred

ground in Australasia. My sincere congratulations! I Believe

Meishu-Sama is very happy with our dedication.Diffusion

Expansion Plan

Implementing new goals to achieve better results for God

and Meishu-Sama's work

We have a new step to reach – 600 members in Australia,

having at least 300 very active members; with the aim to become

a “True Pioneer of Salvation”; reconfirming our commitment with

Meishu-Sama to save as many people as possible. Certainly, our

commitment to work for the spiritual elevation of Australia will aid

in the work to building peace in the world.

We elaborated this plan for all members to be able to participate

on Meishu-Sama’s work, understand and acknowledge that each

one of us have a very important mission, despite of our different

background or beliefs.

The aim of the expansion plan is to show some points we need to

develop on our future activities. We believe that this aim and

tasks will help our spiritual growth, and allow you to participate

more on the Johrei expansion work. By re-structuring the form of

acting on our daily dedication, giving you new mission and tasks

to achieve; will help immensely you to develop your faith to

understand deeply your mission, polishing our way to serve

Meishu-Sama. I want to count with your sincere dedication, and

devotion for Meishu-Sama!

Deepen our Faith through the Practice of Johrei:

Channel Johrei to family members in a daily basis, overcoming

your own purifications; Promptly give Johrei assistance to people

in need; Introduce new people every month to Meishu-Sama;

Having the desire to channel Johrei for non-members, having

confidence that raising our hands, Meishu-Sama will definitely

manifest His Love and Light of Salvation; polish our souls doing

Mitama-Migaki at the Johrei Centres, at the members and new

people homes; Write down each experience we had, creating our

own “Treasure of Faith”.

Born anew, following Meishu-Sama’s steps:

Figure out what Meishu-Sama would do in your place, when

facing day-a-day different situations; Strive to study Meishu-

Sama’s Teachings; Create the SONEN that: "Meishu-Sama’s

wishes manifests inside of me” before any activity; surrender

every day, everything to Meishu-Sama; let’s seek His guidance

more often; connecting ourselves strongly with Meishu-Sama;

Become a person that is constantly bringing happiness for others,

raising the number of people who can truly enjoy happiness; and

becoming individuals highly appreciated by others.

Living in a Daylight Age Culture:

Vivify (give life to) beauty around you & practicing appreciation of

Beauty; Live in harmony with the Nature, being grateful to

Supreme God for it; practice Nature Farming at home; In the

morning, ask God permission to accomplish your mission; in the

night, give thanks for the day.



Johrei Association of Australia News Letter 2016 Issue 1 January–March 2016

Training Family Assistants in different Areas:

New structure of diffusion, aiming a better assistance to the mem-

bers families. Divide the group of members in different sections;

each section with a Family Assistant, who can develop a way to

assist the families of that sector in a month basis, connecting the

members and their families to God and Meishu-Sama through the

practice of 3 columns of our faith.

Points to develop side by side with the diffusion plan to achieve

our aim

Learn from Meishu-Sama’s daily attitude, as a model for us to aim to

become a paradise-like person; Through practicing Meishu-Sama’s

examples, let’s expand to outside the paradise that exists inside of

us; Cultivate Love, Sincerity and polishing and elevating our Faith

through: - Listening the hearts of people around you, and learning

how to guide them accordingly with Meishu-Sama’s teachings - be-

fore channelling Johrei; Cultivate the feeling of bringing happiness

for others, having a strong commitment with the salvation of those in


Meishu-Sama taught us 5 points for the Expansion of Johrei:

Work on the salvation of people, up to the point to

forget to sleep and eat.

Gratitude – it is to have, and not to judge others

Everything we aim, we should always include our-

selves to materialise.

Do our best in serving God through our sincere mon-

etary donations – materialising our gratitude, on the same

level of the blessings we are daily receiving; offering to

God your best, contributing for the betterment and devel-

opment on the building of Sacred Grounds – Meishu-

Sama’s prototype of Paradise on Earth.

Serve God through dedication in building the sacred

grounds by our hands, and return to the Paradise that

exists inside of us, materialising our gratitude offering, with

the wish to return to heaven, with all ancestors and hu-

manity, surrendering everything in the name of Messiah


We need to grow up to the level of receiving the permission to build

our own Centres in a proper land authorised to open as a church.

These are our new goals and dreams for our missionary work in

Australia. Hope I can count on each one of you!

Thank You

This year achievements were possible, due to all members’ dedica-

tion and Love. I want to congratulate you once again for your sin-

cere dedication to Meishu-Sama, and different contributions to the

Johrei Association. I wish you all success on your mission, and may

Meishu-Sama’s wishes be materialised inside of you every day.

God bless you on your mission and thank you very much for your

participation on this year AGM!


Dear Readers

We are very glad to restart our Johrei Newspaper and keep

everyone updated with the news about our activities, Johrei

Gatherings and guidances from the spiritual leader Kyoshu-

Sama. It is also a great opportunity to share with more peo-

ple a little bit of our belief and Meishu-Sama’s Teachings,

helping to build Paradise on Earth. Enjoy your reading!

This journal is for you and we would appreciate your contri-

butions in making it happen. You can contribute by sending

articles and suggestions for improvement to:

In order to contribute to the environment and help us in

saving costs we would like to send the news by e-mail to

whoever has an e-mail address. We would appreciate it if

you can send your e-mail address to:

2016 Year Schedule

Monthly Service: Sydney: 1st Sunday at 11:00 am

Melbourne: 2nd Sunday at 11:00 am

Brisbane: 3rd Sunday at 11:00 am

April 25 (Mon) at 11:00 am: Anzac Day Service - Sydney and


June 12(Sun) at 11:00 am: Paradise on Earth Service – Melbourne

June 19(Sun) at 11:00 pm: Paradise on Earth Service – Sydney & Brisbane

September : Annual General Meeting and Members Conference - dates still

to be confirmed

December 23 – Meishu-Sama’s Birthday Service


Activities currently happening:


Study Class and New Members Class: By appointment with Rev. Horacio



Study Class and New Members Class: By appointment with Rev. Rubens

Ikebana arrangement— volunteer work on Sunday, by Karen Mieko, before

the Monthly Service

Any other event or more details of the events above will be updated on the

coming editions.

Official publication of Johrei Association

Director: Rev. Horacio Godoy

Art Works: Elza Ivasaki

Editorial Team: Rev. Rubens Buys, Luciana Brito

Contribution: Marcelo Brito, Jane Barbieri

New Reverend in Brisbane

We would like to wel-

come our new Rev.

Fernanda Correa.

Rev. Fernanda Gagli-

ano Correa and family

arrived in Brisbane last

December from Brazil

and are already dedicating with Queensland members!

Thank you Meishu-Sama and for all members dedication!

Our Johrei Australia family is growing and now we can bring

paradise and happiness for even more people around Aus-


Special Guests

Rev. Keizo Miura,

Director of the International De-

partment of the Johrei Headquar-

ters in Japan,

will visit the Australian Headquar-

ters once again and will attend the

Monthly Appreciation Service in

Sydney on the 6th of March 2016.

Also, we are going to receive Rev. Takamatsu, Rev. Miura’s assistant, in

Australia from 3rd to 16th of March.

He will attend both services in Sydney and Melbourne. Lets welcome them
