Projecte recerca 29 10


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  • 1. Projecte de recerca 4t ESO Charles Dickens 15/11/2012

2. Objectius1. Millorar el nivell de llengua anglesa2. Participar de la vida i les costums del poble angls3. Descobrir com Charles Dickens va ser influenciat per la Revoluci Industrial4. Conixer lentorn on Dickens va escriure part de la seva obra (Broadstairs)5. 3. Broadstairs in KENT Per qu Broadstairs? Entorn Dickens (museus, casa, Festival Dickens) Caracterstiques fsiques i climtiques Escoles i famlies Estada en famlies Classes a diari Activitats de lleure Activitats vinculades amb Charles Dickens Visites a Canterbury i Londres 4. Broadstairs 5. DAILY PLANNINGJune, 16th(Sunday) Arrival in Broadstairs Meeting the host family 6. DAILY PLANNINGJune 17th(Monday) 9.00 12.30 Lessons at Broadstairs English Centre ( ( 12.30 Lunch in the town 14.00 17.00 Dickens quiz and visit to Dickens House Museum 17.00 19.30 Return to host families to change, eat and relax 19.45 22.00 Drama: Workshop with confidence building skills 7. DAILY PLANNINGJune 18th(Tuesday) 9.00 12.30 Lessons 12.30 Lunch in the town 14.00 17.00 Afternoon class: (Dickens orientated lesson) 17.00 19.30 Return to host families to change, eat and relax 19.45 22.00 Karaoke 8. DAILY PLANNINGJune 19th(Wednesday) 9.00 12.30 Lessons 12.30 Lunch in the town 14.00 17.00 Trip to Canterbury: Guided tour of the city and interesting sights 17.00 19.30 Return to host families to change, eat and relax 19.45 . 22.00 Film: A choice of Dickens adaptations 9. DAILY PLANNINGJune 20th(Thursday) 9.00 12.30 Lessons 12.30 Lunch in the town 14.00 17.00 Afternoon class: (Dickens orientated lesson) 17.00 19.30 Return to host families to change, eat and relax 19.45 22.00 Street dance 10. DAILY PLANNINGJune 21st(Friday) 9.00 12.30 Lessons 12.30 Lunch in the town 14.00 17.00 Bleak House visit (tour including mini-project work) 17.00 19.30 Return to host families to change, eat and relax 19.45 22.00 Disco party 11. DAILY PLANNINGJune 22nd(Saturday) Trip to LondonStudents will be given a guided walk around the famous sights Big Ben,Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, The Shard 12. DAILY PLANNINGJune 23rd(Sunday) DepartureThe students will depart from Broadstairs traincoach park