Reservations Procedures


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  • 7/30/2019 Reservations Procedures



    How to start in Reservations

    Each day the following needs to be done:

    1. Follow up on No Show reservations from the day before2. Reservation traces and resolve3. Follow up on Waitlisted reservations4. Follow up on Non Guaranteed reservations5. Handle all incoming Enquiries/ reservations6. Complete and respond to emails7. Complete all CRO bookings received8. Input all vouchers received9. Send Confirmations for all private/individual and leisure bookings10. Complete Checking of Correspondence for required days

    1. Follow up on No Shows for the day before

    It is important to follow up on all No Show reservations from the previous day to determine thereason for GUEST not arriving. It may be possible that it is an error on the Hotels side and thereservation itself was incorrect. A reason for No show is required prior to determining whether theGUEST/ Company will be charged for that evening. Should the GUEST that No Showed not havea Valid Reason- and you have a guarantee for the booking- you need to confirm with HOD as towhether the agent/company will be charged for the No Show. This needs to be done on or before10am dailyin order to confirm availability for the day.

    How to Determine No Shows from the previous day.- Check with Night Audit if any No show

    - In the same vein go to the room in order to bring out the complimentary and place in the DGMsOffice

    You will also receive REG. Cards from the Night Audit with attached message why it was a Noshow and GUEST called or if it is been moved or cancelled for any reason this is important forfollow up.

    2. Reservation Traces and Resolve

    Traces are reminders that both the Reservations department as well as other departments putinto reservation in order to remind us of certain things.

    EGs: Follow up on PaymentSettle directBills to CompanyCompany to settle accommodation only and GUEST to settle all extrasReminders to send a Pro- FormaCar Hire follow up to be registered in Medallion with GUEST flight details and Name of the

    driver that you have contacted.Any special requests the Guest may have that needs to be done prior to arrival


  • 7/30/2019 Reservations Procedures


    3. Follow Up on Waitlisted Reservations

    Reservations may be waitlisted for the following reasons1. Yielding Purposes2. Hotel Overbooked

    Waitlisted reservations to be discussed in Daily Yield meetings

    4. Follow up on Non Guaranteed reservations


    When following up on all Non Guaranteed reservations you need to re confirm all relevant detailswith the Agent/ Contact as well as following up on the Voucher/ Payment/ credit card details etc.The following needs to be reconfirmed

    - Arrival and departure date- Rate- Method of Payment and Billing instructions

    NON Guaranteed Reservations

    Day To be followed up by

    Monday Thursday 1pm

    Tuesday Friday 1pm

    Wednesday Monday 1pm

    Thursday Tuesday 1pm

    Friday Follow up on all travel agent vouchers and pre-payments for the weekend- Sundays in Particular.

    Weekends to be discussed in Yield meetingsdependant on Occupancies.

    Day To Do

    Monday All new Mon/ Tues and WED by 1pm

    Tuesday All new Tues/ Wed and THURS by 1pm

    Wednesday All new Wed/ Thurs and follow up on reservations for the weekend- Courtesy calls to leisure GUESTS toconfirm- and start with MONDAY

    Thursday All new Thurs and MON by 1pm

    Friday All new Mon and TUES by 1pm

    5. Handle all incoming Enquiries/ reservations

    By using the Wexlers/ Widening the Hourglass Script at all times and using the following toassist- Unique Selling Points per Market Segment- The Hotel Fact Sheet


  • 7/30/2019 Reservations Procedures


    (Both Attached)

    6. Complete and respond to Emails

    All Emails need to be read and responded to on a daily basis. All emails are to responded totimorously. Late responses to emails may affect and loss of business and may also affect any

    decisions that may need to be made. For e.g.: Yielding Decisions.

    7. Complete all CRO/ E-Res bookings received

    How to enter a CRO/ E-Res Booking

    1. Search Reservation and GUEST Surname to ensure booking not previously made2. Enter the Arrival and Departure Date3. Enter All relevant Details ensuring all Profiles are 100% Correct

    (GUEST Profile/ Company Profile/ TA Profile)4. Ensure Correct Rate Code is linked and rate is correct5. Ensure Source of Reservation and all relevant booking numbers (E-Res and SXPR if

    applicable) are entered

    6. If Applicable- Enter Contact Person and their Contact number. This is important as theprofiles may be for the Head office whereas the Contact may be based in house forexample

    7. Ensure the Method of Payment is Correct as per Booking sheet or instruction by Agent/Company/ GUEST- if not stipulated- Place as settle direct until you re confirm with agent/contact.

    8. Depending on the billing instructions, ensure the message is written clearly and correctlyas per request.

    9. Write down the booking number on any written correspondence you may have.

    8. Input all Vouchers/ C/C Auth/ Correspondence/ Guarantee MethodsReceived

    When a Voucher is received please check the following:

    1. Arrival and Departure Date2. Rate3. Special Services

    (Smoking / Nonsmoking/ Cost Code Number / Double bed / Late arrival etc)4. Company Address and Agent Linking5. Billing Instructions6. Routing of the Reservation7. Guests Name and Spelling8. Number of Pax in room9. Check more Fields for Vat Registration number for Company10. If vouchers received for the Day or the next day they need to be entered onto Voucher

    Check List and the Vouchers need to be authorized

    9. Send Confirmations for all Private/ Individual and Leisure BookingsConfirmation Letters need to be sent to all Private reservations(Eg: Individual leisure bookings/ individual private company bookings etc)This ensures we have a form of correspondence with the GUESTS as well as, when sent back tous a Guarantee method for the bookings (Guarantee attached to Confirmation letter)


  • 7/30/2019 Reservations Procedures


    Prepare your confirmation letter using the Standard format in Microsoft Excel.

    10.Complete Checking of Correspondence for required days

    Checking of Correspondence is necessary in order to ensure that all reservations and information

    on the System is 100% Correct. It is very important to ensure it is done meticulously as allinformation needs to be correct before going to Front Office.

    The Following needs to be checked:

    1. Guests Name, Spelling, Title and his profile- should there not be any details on hispersonal profile and it is a leisure booking- ensure an alert is placed on the reservationfor reception to obtain Contact/ postal details on arrival. Check in the GUESTS profilesfor any memberships/ special services- go through all the options on the Individual profileto ensure you do not Miss anything.

    2. Arrival and Departure Date3. No of Pax in room4. Room Type allocated- If any room type has been specified

    5. Guarantee method6. Check the E- Res Number and SXPR Number if applicable7. Special Services

    (Smoking / Nonsmoking/ Cost Code Number / Double bed / Late arrival etc)8. Company Address and Agent Linking9. Billing Instructions10. Routing of the Reservation e.g. who to pay what and mode of payment11. Authorization of the reservation for DIR12. Check more Fields of agent/ company for Vat Registration number for Company13. Go through all options of the reservation- such as Traces/ History etc to ensure that

    everything has been checked and that all relevant info from GUEST history has beennoted on the current reservation.

    If at any times you may have any questions or queries, PLEASE ASKIN ORDER FOR US TO BRAIN STORM!


  • 7/30/2019 Reservations Procedures


    Ensure that these Procedures are adhered to at all times

    Please sign below as acknowledgement of understanding this.

