Service System Structural Proposals



Service System Structural Proposals. Swedish Service Assembly. Desired Outcomes for this Workshop. Provide a simple overview of the structural proposals Discuss the most likely relevance to Sweden Answer as many questions as possible. Project Background. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Service System Structural ProposalsSwedish

Service Assembly

Desired Outcomes for this Workshop

• Provide a simple overview of the structural proposals• Discuss the most likely relevance to

Sweden• Answer as many questions as possible

Project Background• NAWS restructured in the late 90s, but we

haven’t holistically examined local services – until now

• Current structure designed before the Twelve Concepts were adopted in 1992

• Our hope is for a system that more closely embodies the principles of the Twelve Concepts

Foundational Principles



Geographically Defined



Elements of an Effective System

Sweden & the Proposed Structural Changes

State/National Service Bodies

Relevance in Sweden

• More relevant to the US where regional boundaries are often not state boundaries now.

• No structural change on a national level though possibly process changes

• Recent draft of proposals outlines beginning process ideas

Intermediate BodiesRelevance in Sweden

• Not likely to be relevant initially

• Occupies space between service bodies like an accordion, when needed due to density, distance or language.

• Based upon need: large number of LSUs in a country, or geographical/language barriers

Focused Local Services

Our current ASCs are tasked with group support and local service delivery. In these proposals, local efforts would be divided:• Group Support Unit (GSU): devoted

entirely to providing support to groups• Local Service Unit (LSU): devoted entirely

to providing local services. Where possible, geographically defined (e.g., city, town).

Local ServicesRelevance in Sweden

• This level may be most relevant to Sweden: Both structure and process changes at what is now the area level

• Group Support Units: discussion and support forums for group issues

• Usually multiple GSUs for a single Local Service Unit. Neighborhood based.

GSU/LSU Options

Local ServicesRelevance in Sweden

• Local Service Unit: Quarterly Planning Sessions with everyone present: group delegates, project teams, workgroup leaders, LSU administrative team, delegates to the next level

• LSU Administration: May be a “Local Service Board” which meets monthly and oversees projects and workgroups

Processes:The Most Significant


Process ExamplesCommunication

Sharing information & ideas with each other. Better using tools & tying communication to planning

LeadershipIdentifying leadership potential, training, mentoring, making effective use of veteran leaders

PlanningDetermining actual needs, setting specific goals, assessing and assigning resources, monitoring and making adjustments

Decision MakingWorking together to make decisions through consensus where possible, exercise delegation and accountability.

Information ManagementCapturing, preserving, and delivering information as needed.

Timeline of Work• Current 4-year project to end at WSC


• At WSC 2012, we are planning to offer a set of “agreements in principle” on the direction we’ve discussed

• We will propose a project for the 2012-2014 cycle to continue this work

Service System Project

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