St. Ann Parish · 2015. 12. 1. · 2 St. Ann Parish November 8, 2015 ESTABLISHED 1913 3010 Ridge...


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November 8, 2015 St. Ann Parish ESTABLISHED 1913

3010 Ridge Road, Lansing, IL 60438 708-895-6700

Reverend William McFarlane, Pastor

St. Ann Parish Mission Statement We are called by a loving God

to make St. Ann of Lansing a Catholic community of faith. We are a family of diverse people with various ministries: healing the body and spirit, teaching of God and His love,

united in sacraments and prayer, reaching out to the extended community. With God’s revelation of Himself in Scripture as our guide,

we strive to grow in His Spirit and to fulfill the promise of Christ’s Kingdom.

Finance Committee Robert Dabrowski, Chairperson

Masses Monday-Thursday: 7:45 a.m. Friday Communion Service: 7:45 a.m. First Friday Mass: 7:45 a.m. Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Confessions: 3:00 p.m. Saturday

Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:30-Noon & 1:00-5:00 p.m. Office closes at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays Closed Saturday & Sunday

Contact Information Parish Office: 708-895-6700 Parish Office Fax: 708-895-6877 School Office: 708-895-1661 Religious Ed. Office: 708-895-5970 St. Vincent DePaul: 708-745-4760 Fr. Bill’s email: Parish email: Bulletin email: Prayer Tree: School Website: Parish Website:

Liturgy Committee Barb Antoskiewicz, Religious Education, RCIA/RCIY Debbie Bona, Lectors Brian Kozlowski, Music Ministry & Liturgy Cindy Hope, Altar Servers Kim Jacobson, Art & Environment Don Schiller, Ushers Ed Sochacki, Eucharistic Ministers Gerrie Szewczyk, Sacristans

Pastoral Staff Barb Antoskiewicz, Pastoral Associate/DRE Debbie Bona, Ministry Coordinator Sue Dawson, Parish Office Secretary Sandy Farmer, Parish Business Manager Jennifer Gray, Development/Bulletin Editor Bonnie Hall, Principal Chris Hutter, School Secretary Brian Kozlowski, Director of Music & Liturgy Pam Lepczynski, Parish Office Receptionist Georgette Olson, Religious Education Secretary Janice Summerrise, School Administrative Assistant

Pastoral Council Barb Antoskiewicz Wade Cooper Brian Farlow Jane Farlow Ken Kot Dominic Podsiadlik Erin Meegan Polanski

For Ministry of Care to the homebound or hospitalized, please call the Parish Office.

Bulletin articles are due 10 days in advance of the Sunday you would like them to run. During holidays, deadlines are accelerated. To add items to the calendar or to sched-ule the Narthex or other meeting spaces, forms must be filled out in the Parish Office.


Monday, November 9

Mass TRIP Religious Education Classes SPRED Catechists HSA Meeting Venturing Crew 257

7:45am 9:00am 4:00 - 5:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00 - 9:00pm

Chapel Parish Office School Narthex/Chapel Ext. Day (C3) Parish Hall

Tuesday, November 10 VIRTUS TRAINING

Mass DRE Meeting Cub Scouts Den Meetings Virtus Training Throne of Grace Prayer Group

7:45am 10:00am - Noon 7:00pm 7:00 - 10:00pm 7:00pm

Chapel Parish Office Classrooms Parish Hall Parish Office

Wednesday, November 11 VETERANS DAY

Mass No School - Staff Development Day School & Parish Offices Closed Rosary A.A. Meeting

7:45am 7:00pm 8:00pm

Chapel Chapel Parish Hall

Thursday, November 12

Mass Baptism Parent Gathering Choir

7:45am 6:30pm 7:00pm

Chapel Chapel/Church Church


Communion Service Holiday Painting Party

7:45am 7:00pm

Chapel Parish Hall

Saturday, November 14 BAKE SALE

Women’s Club Bake Sale Drop Off Mass Women’s Club Bake Sale Giving Tree Tag Distribution

1:00 - 4:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm

Narthex Church Narthex Narthex

Masses (6th Grade Fam. Mass @10:30) Religious Education Women’s Club Bake Sale Giving Tree Tag Distribution Baptisms

8:30 & 10:30am 8:45 - 10:15am 11:30am 11:30am 11:30am

Church Classrooms Narthex Narthex Church

Sunday, November 15 BAKE SALE

This Week’s Activities

New Members Welcome!

If you’ve been attending St. Ann, please consider joining us formally.

We are a welcoming community, and we would love to have you with us!

Please fill out the information below, and place in the Offertory Collection, or send to

the Parish Office. You may also call us at 708-895-6700 and request that a registration form be mailed to you.

Name Address Phone email

For calendar updates, please visit and click on the Calendar tab.

Monday, November 9 (The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica) 7:45 a.m. Mass † Glen Kremer (Lida Kremer) Tuesday, November 10 (St. Leo the Great) 7:45 a.m. Mass † People of the Parish Wednesday, November 11 (St. Martin of Tours; Veterans Day) 7:45 a.m. Mass † Mary Paryl (Paryl Family) Thursday, November 12 (St. Josaphat) 7:45 a.m. Mass † Gregorio Tapia, Sr. (Dolores Avila) Friday, November 13 (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini) 7:45 a.m. Communion Service † People of the Parish Saturday, November 14 (Blessed Virgin Mary) 4:00 p.m. Mass † Henry & Lucille Danielewicz (Wysocki Family) † Grace Perek (Bernadette Hanacek) † Gloria Kozlowski (Rita Kaczynski) Sunday, November 15 (33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time) 8:30 a.m. Mass † Virginia George Laverick (Balash Family) † Elsie & Joseph Necastro (Mary & Tom Golden) 10:30 a.m. Mass † Ronald Trafton (Patricia Trafton) † Alberto Cappello (Michelina Cappello) † Darlene Rosenberg (Columbian Ladies) † Gloria Kozlowski (Deb & Stan Bona) † George Phillips (Pat Phillips)

Only two more weeks until Our next mother’s day Ultimate Payday Early Bird Drawing, Sunday, Nov. 22 aka “Thanksgiving Bonanza” $1,000!

(Have you turned in your tickets?)


Miss Me—But Let Me Go

In Loving Memory of Carol Kehle

Nickolas Alderfer

Readings for the Week Monday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Tuesday: Wis 2:23 — 3:9; Ps 34:2-3, 16-19; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Wis 6:1-11; Ps 82:3-4, 6-7; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Wis 7:22b — 8:1; Ps 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19:2-5ab; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Ps 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Dn 12:1-3; Ps 16:5, 8-11; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32

Today’s Readings

First Reading — The widow of Zarephath had only a handful of flour and a little oil, but made a little cake for Elijah (1 Kings 17:10-16). Psalm — Praise the Lord, my soul! (Psalm 146). Second Reading — Christ will appear a second time to bring salvation to those who eagerly await him (Hebrews 9:24-28). Gospel — Beware of those who like to go around in long robes and accept greetings in the marketplaces and places of honor at banquets (Mark 12:38-44 [41-44]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

Today is the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Responsorial Psalm is, “Praise the Lord, my soul!” (Psalm 146:7,8-9,9-10). The Gospel from St. Mark 12:38-44 talks about the poor widow and what she gave to the temple―her two small coins were worth more than a few coins because they came from the heart.

This could be a Gospel about “people watching.” It is a great sport and is sometimes something I like to do. Is-n’t it so interesting to try and guess what people do? How did they become a couple? Aren't their children so cute? We come in all shapes and sizes. Some people are quiet, some are talkers, and thankfully, some are great listeners. Some love to participate in sports, while others like to read or talk on the phone or thru e-mails or Face-book. Some love to take quiet walks and enjoy nature. Some love music, and some love to write.

In this Gospel, nothing unusual happened until the wid-ow came along. Widows back then dressed in black and were easily recognizable. Each had a story to share, young or old, rich or poor, and some had children to raise, while others did not. Some had been married a long time and some short. Jesus sees what the widow gave, and that gave Him courage for all He would have to give, His very life. He knew that he too would have to give all that He had to save the world.

I hope we all draw courage and strength from one anoth-er to face the challenges and the stresses of everyday life. To say “yes” when God challenges us to be more and give more. That's what it means to be a parish and a community of the faithful. Actions speak louder than words. The widow was praised not for what she gave but for who she was, a woman of faith, full of trust and reliant on God.

Be the example of who you want to be. Learn to think before you act, but once you decide, then act. Have a great week and pray often, as that's a great way to get guidance in your life.

Serving Him Together, Barb A

Together Let Us Cause God Joy

is Coming! When? Saturday & Sunday, November 14 & 15

Where? The Church Narthex

Why? To help fund the Church Carpet Project

Who Can Help? All of us can bake and buy!

Please drop off your contributions in the Narthex from 1-4:00 p.m. Saturday or before Masses Sunday.

The St. Ann Women’s Club


The LORD keeps faith forever, secures justice for the oppressed, gives food to the hungry.

— Psalm 146:7



SUNDAY: $9,107.94 SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP: $659 ST. ANN 50-50 CLUB: $1,360.25

Thank you for your continued support of our parish.


Are you a parent, grandparent, relative or friend of St. Ann’s who is interested in helping our children ages 18 and under in any way? In order to be a volunteer, coach, Religious Ed. instructor, Scout leader, field trip chaperone, lunch room helper or serve in any other ca-pacity with children present, you need to be Virtus trained and complete a background check with the Archdiocese. You only need to take the training once, but you must be present for the full three hours to be certified.


Tuesday, November 10, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. In the Parish Hall

To register, please visit >Protecting Children >Office for the Protection of Chil-dren and Youth>Virtus>Start Registration. Follow the

prompts to set up your accounts and register. FMI, please contact Debbie Bona in the

Parish Office at 895-6700, x43.

St. Ann’s 50-50 Club

Our October 25 winning number was 0431. 0431 WOULD HAVE WON $4,745.03.


To be eligible, both your 50-50 ($5.00) and weekly collection envelopes (no limit, but at least $5) with separate payments must be in the parish office by 9:00 a.m. Monday. If you donate by check, you need to write two separate checks.

Look for the winners in each bulletin, on our facebook page, or on the parish website:

Finding My Way Finding My Way, a bereavement group, helps participants cope with the loss of loved ones. We will have a special holi-day group series for adults on the following Thursdays from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Parish Office: November 19, December 3 & 10, and January 7

The holidays can be an especially difficult time for those experiencing loss. Group members will share their grief and find ways to help them through the holi-days. The group setting offers participants comfort, courage, and support from others who are also grieving.

Finding My Way groups are facilitated by Debbie Bo-na, a licensed and nationally certified counselor. There are no fees or registration, and all sessions take place at the Parish Office. FMI, please call Debbie Bona at 708-895-6700, ext. 43.

Did you know that, although we purchase most of our gift cards through Great Lakes Scrip, we also have a personal relationship with several of our local busi-nesses? Strack & VanTil, Gus Bock Ace Hardware, Beggars, J.J. Kelley’s, Mancino’s, Sub-

way, and Stephano’s Pizza are all locals who donate back a percentage of every gift card you purchase! We don’t have all of them available all the time in the Office, but you can always come in and place an order. Choose your Cash and Carry gift cards at the Parish Office for face value and a credit will go to Parish Maintenance, Tui-tion Assistance, or the School or Religious Ed. Family of your choice. Pay by cash or check (please register in the Parish Office to pay by check). The office is open M-Th 8:30-5:00, closed for lunch from Noon-1:00 p.m. and for the day at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays. Sometimes we run out, so call ahead for availability, 895-6700. AMC Theaters

Applebee’s Bath & Body Works Bed, Bath & Beyond

Beggar’s Pizza Best Buy

Buffalo Wild Wings Carson’s

Chili’s Chipotle

CVS Dunkin’ Donuts

GFS Gus Bock Hardware

Home Depot iTunes

J. J. Kelley’s Jewel Kmart Kohl’s Meijer

Menards Mobil/Exxon

Olive Garden/ Red Lobster

Panera Speedway Starbuck’s


Subway Target

Walgreen’s Walmart/

Sam’s Club

Specials: American Girl

Carson’s Fannie May

Hallmark Jo-Ann Fabrics

Macy’s Old Navy/Gap

Toys R Us

Lector Meeting Wednesday, November 18, 7:00 p.m.

in the School Library

Our guest speaker will be Deacon Brad, who will present on the topic of Liturgy.


St. A

nn Supper Club Monday, Nov. 9

St. Ann Supper Club is a monthly fundraiser in which

local establishments return to us a percentage of all food

purchases made by St. Ann community members and friends.

Bakers Square 3545 Ridge Road, Lansing, 708-474-9050

Treat yourself to a nice breakfast, lunch, or dinner out, and take a well-deserved break from cooking. Come in any time all day, turn in the St. Ann Supper Club vouch-er when you order, and our friends at Bakers Square will donate back 20% of all St. Ann supporters’ dine-in and carryout purchases! Look for your voucher in this weekend’s bulletin or on our websites and Facebook pages, and please share with your friends.

Christmas Giving Tree

Christmas is the season of giving, and what better way to give to those less fortunate than to be a part of our Giving Tree Minis-try event! Giving Trees will be on display in the Narthex after the November 14 & 15 Masses. Gift recipients will be available on a first come, first served basis. Minis-try heads Amy Hollifield and Nancy Hammer ask that all parishioners who take a card from one of the trees please give their name, phone number and card number to them on the provided labels. Purchase your $20-25 gift (no gift cards please), and return it to the Chapel on December 5 or 6. Please note: We can only accept your gift AT CHURCH the weekend of December 5 and 6, and not before. If you cannot get to the Chapel that weekend, please bring your gift to the Parish Office anytime dur-ing the week of November 30. If you would like to help sort presents and ready them for delivery, please come to the Chapel after the 10:30 Mass on December 6. Thank

The holiday season is nearly upon us, so let’s kick it off right! Gather your friends and join us for a fun evening of creativity and Christmas cheer.

Paint a pair of wine glasses for $20 or a glass treat jar for $27. All supplies are included, and Nancy O’Neill of the Art Studio will be on hand to display samples and provide ideas and expert

instruction. Guests are invited to bring along their favorite wines and other beverages, cheese, desserts, and other snacks to enjoy

throughout the evening. Additional glasses will be available for $5 each and jars for $11, but they must be ordered in advance.

Friday, November 13Friday, November 13Friday, November 13 7:00 p.m.7:00 p.m.7:00 p.m.

St. Ann Parish HallSt. Ann Parish HallSt. Ann Parish Hall

A Holiday A Holiday A Holiday

Painting Painting Painting



TICKETS LAST!TICKETS LAST!TICKETS LAST! WWWe only have space for 80 e only have space for 80 e only have space for 80 painters, so reserve your painters, so reserve your painters, so reserve your spot now. Last year we spot now. Last year we spot now. Last year we

sold out completely! sold out completely! sold out completely! Guests must be 21 or older.Guests must be 21 or older.Guests must be 21 or older.

Family Event

ORNAMENT DECORATING DAY Sunday, November 22 in the Narthex after

10:30 a.m. Mass.

All are invited to join us for our free Christmas Tree Ornament event! There is no registration required.

The St. Ann Liturgy Committee will provide bulbs, glue, glitter, ribbons, and family name tags. Participants may

also bring in additional supplies to create their ornaments, which will decorate our 12-foot Christmas tree in the Narthex. Christmas music, games, prizes and refresh-

ments will help provide a festive atmosphere for creating your ornament masterpieces.

All parishioners and friends are also invited to our Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

Sunday, December 13, following the 10:30 a.m. Mass. St. Ann’s choir will begin our ceremony with sing-along

Christmas songs, followed by the tree lighting in the Narthex.

FMI, please contact Debbie Bona at 708/895-6700, x43.

Christmas Wreath Orders

If you ordered live Christmas greenery from our 8th Grade

fundraiser, your orders will arrive for pickup after Masses

November 28 & 29. Should you need to make alternate pickup

arrangements, please call the Parish Office at 895-6700. Thank you!


Upcoming Events

GRAND PRIZE $25,000 2ND PRIZE $5,000 3RD PRIZE $2,500 4TH PRIZE $1,000 5TH PRIZE $500 Seller of the Grand Prize Ticket will receive $500

THREE MORE EARLY BIRD DRAWINGS : • Thanksgiving Bonanza $1000

• Super Bowl Bonus $500 • Ball in the Hall Haul $500

Youth Group Can Collection: November 8

Bakers Square Supper Club: November 9

Virtus Training: November 10

Painting Party: November 13

Women’s Club Bake Sale: November 14-15

Giving Tree Tag Distribution: Nov. 14-15

Little Roughriders Playgroup: November 18

Ornament Decorating Party: November 22

TICKET TIP #5: Looking for a unique way to give back? You could pay for a tick-et, and then DONATE it back blank to St. Ann’s to be used as a prize for an upcoming event.


Have you turned in your tickets yet? We’re asking all parishioners to try to purchase or sell at least two tickets for

our 2nd Annual Mother’s Day raffle between now and next May. Last year we sold 918 tickets, paid out $37,200 in prizes, and netted $54,600 back to the Par-ish. Not bad for our first year, but wouldn’t it be awe-some if we could top that? Payments and filled-in stubs can be sealed in the return envelope and dropped in the collection basket at weekly Masses, or mailed or dropped off to the Parish Office, 3010 Ridge Road, Lansing, IL 60438. If you would like to request more to sell/buy, please call us at 895-6700. Don’t forget to fill out both sides of the stubs to be eligible for the seller prize!

The next Early Bird Drawing is Sunday, November 22, just in time to start your Christmas shopping!

GRADE 4 Tejumola Akinola

Micheal Bailey Austin George Jaidyn Guthrie

Cameron Nelson Andrea Njakara Jimi Ogunyoye

Connor Schuljak Max Sombong Leo Wieczorek

GRADE 5 Isabel Alvarez

Jonathan DeMay Makayla Gilbert Benjamin Haavig

Kailey Latham Leah Mondragon Anthony Nweke Nicholas Rincon

GRADE 6 Murphy Barnum

Maya Correa Samuel Cruz

Mia Dabrowski Jack Foster Louis Gray

Manuel Lopez

Kiernan McSwiggan

Shiloh Palmer Caden Podgorski

Madeline Sombong Alejandra Vasquez

Mia Zamudio

GRADE 7 Casey Benko

Vicente Hernandez Theodore Gray Robert Jurek Jack Kienzle Faith Moore

Nourhan Mseeh Chelcie Oparanozie James Wieczorek Alexis Zamudio

GRADE 8 Fernando Alvarez

Mikala Bryant Kyle Clark

Melina Duda Connor Gill

Sebastian Manrique Kathryn Ramirez

Jack Roe

GRADE 4 Janet Aleman Bianca Loera

Newman Upton

GRADE 5 Nicholas Mangano

Dylan Tonks

GRADE 6 Terimoluwa Akinola

Diego Lopez Angel Manrique Dami Ogunyoye Lucas Seymour

Patrick Wegrzyn Andrew Zamudio

GRADE 7 Naomi Gray

Anna Jaworowski Armando Lopez Julianna Toro Alexis Urbieta

GRADE 8 Tyler Fruehling

Michaela Jackson Samuel Scheppe Sean Schuljak

Ruben Zamudio


We’re very proud of ALL of our students at St. Ann School! The following each achieved honor roll status during the First Quarter of the 2015-2016 school year:

First Quarter Honor Roll

Congratulations to Kelly Packwood and Gino Tavernaro and their guests, who won the oppor-tunity to enjoy the Halloween Pancake Break-fast with Fr. Bill and Deacon Brad.


Saturday, Nov. 14, 2015 4:00 p.m. Mass


Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015 8:30 a.m. Mass


Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015 10:30 a.m. Mass



LECTORS Virginia Podgorski - L1 Elayne Tyderek - L2 Georgina Tyderek - Com

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Mary Jachim Georgette Olson Dan Owles Deacon Brad Frank Pollachek Mary Schurke Ed Sochacki Debbie Wright


Penny Rellis

ALTAR SERVERS Julianna Hilditch Emily Hollifield Peter Tyderek

CANTOR Clarita Morris

LECTORS Evelyn Rodgers - L1 Howard Morrison - L2 Gerrie Szewczyk - Com

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Judy Wohadlo Deacon Brad Susan Hartmann John Krull Cheryl McNamara Diane Miller-DeSoto


Toni DeLaurentis

ALTAR SERVERS Vincente Pascual Bianca Loera Anna Jaworowski

CANTOR John Sandrick


EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Tammy Ahern Deborah Bona Judy Rogala Deacon Brad Amir Abu Ghazaleh Ana Johnson Matt Martinez Joshua Martinez Ann Mossak-Johnson Bonnie Hall

LEADER Helen Torres

ALTAR SERVERS Joshua Breitenreiter Seamus Polanski Sam Scheppe

CANTOR Mary Beth Benson

4:00 p.m. Mass Archange Cadichon Bob Cole (Leader) Tom McDermott Frank Novak Frank Pollachek (Leader) Phill Stewart Carol Ann Surufka Wally Szulczewski John Truby

8:30 a.m. Mass Norm Abbott Joe Cardenas Anthony Cusimano Tony DeLaurentis (Leader) Tony Kaim Mary Louise MacKenzie Howard Morrison Art Sobczak (Leader) Gene Stein Al Torres

10:30 a.m. Mass Bernard Chukwulebe Nina Rose Duda Ron Fisher (Leader) Ana Johnson Larry Mueller Dom Ramirez Don Schiller Matthew Shapiro Wally Shatkowski (Leader)

Catholic High School 411

MOUNT CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL Open Houses: Sun. November 8, 11:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 3, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Convocation Center: 6410 S. Dante Ave., Chicago

FMI, 773-324-1020 x265 or

MARIST HIGH SCHOOL Open House: Sun. November 22, 11:00 - 2:00 p.m.

4200 W. 115th Street, Chicago 773-881-5300 or

ST. RITA OF CASCIA HIGH SCHOOL Open House: Weds., December 2, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

7740 S. Western Ave., Chicago FMI, 773-925-6600 or

MARIAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Open House: Sun. December 6, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00

p.m. Entrance Exam: Saturday, January 10, 2016

700 Ashland Avenue, Chicago Heights

SETON ACADEMY Open House: Sunday, December 6, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.

16100 Seton Road, South Holland FMI, 708-333-6300 or

Members of the St. Ann Prayer Group will be available monthly to pray with individuals or small groups. Come and share the gifts of the Holy Spirit! We will meet by the statue of the Holy Family after these Masses:

November 8, 8:30 and December 13, 10:30.

I believe I shall enjoy the Lord’s goodness in the land of the liv-ing. ―Psalm 27:13

Lansing Knights of Columbus All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast

Sunday, November 15, 8:00 a.m. - Noon 17800 Lorenz Avenue Lansing

Adults $6 Kids 4-12 $3 Under Age 3 Free!

On the Menu: Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage,

Milk & Coffee


St. Ann Catholic Church Bulletin #038050 Bulletin Editor Jennifer Gray 708-895-9972 Sunday, November 8, 2015 Microsoft Office Publisher 2010

St. Ann Parish 3010 Ridge Road Lansing, IL 60438
