strategy No. 1: Finding water, part 1


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water diviner

The water-diviner is capable of finding water under stones. everybody looks at him in amazement, completely confused and he, armed with a simple wooden mechanism, scours theterritory until he point out- with complete certainty - the place to dig the well. The people around him look at each other in disbelief, but after he has solved the task, everyone locks disbelief, but after he has solved the task, everyone locks at each other with admiring.The water-diviner is not a magician, he doesnt have supernatural talents. The water-diviner has a technique. He respect certain strategies when he walks around a piece of land. He follows clues and he isnt the one who digs the well, but the one who point out the place.....


Smaller streams in the area

examples of protections zones between the arable land and the stream/water

1. 2.
