Taiwanese in New York


Citation preview

  • I

    Encyclopedia Taiw

    anese Am

    erican Our Journeys


  • II

    Encyclopedia Taiwanese American

    Our Journeys

  • III

    Preface In April 2013, a small group of Taiwanese Americans embarked on a historic project: The History of Taiwanese Americans in the Last Six (6) Decades when it started a website called, www.taiwaneseamericanhistory.org. Within a year, in February 2014, spearheaded by this same dedicated group of Taiwanese American volunteers as well as friends from Taiwan, the Taiwanese American (T.A.) Archives Center officially opened its operations in a 4,000 square foot office complex in Irvine, California. The objective of the Center is to be the first of its kind repository of Taiwanese American history and, with the support of the Taiwanese American community, use that information to publish the first set of the Encyclopedia of Taiwanese Americans. In addition to continuing to update the website, the Center displays publications, including books, magazines and documents by Taiwanese Americans and related organizations, and collects artifacts central to the Taiwanese American experience. The Centers operations all start with dedicated Taiwanese Americans--most with no formal background training in history--who research and validate thousands of pieces information pertinent to the history of Taiwanese Americans. Since the Centers opening, the Articles Committee and the Art Committee have formed to research, evaluate and to approve items in their respective disciplines to post or to display that have contributed to the history of Taiwanese Americans. The Center and its core group are committed to this historically important task to record the Taiwanese American history as complete and accurate as possible and to gain the continuous support from the Taiwanese American community. 60 www.taiwaneseamericanhistory.org

    4000 2014

    Editor board

  • IV

    Contents (History) : : .................................................................................................................... 1

    ........................................ 1

    : ........................................................................................................................................ 3 ........................................ 3

    T.H.S.H. ........................................................................................................................... 4 ........ 4

    ........................................................................................................................................... 5 ........................................ 5

    ............................................................................................................................... 7 ........................................ 7

    ................................................................................................................. 10 ......................................................................................................................................... 11

    ...................................... 11

    ................................................................................................................................................. 14 ...................................... 14

    ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 ...................................... 15

    ................................................................................................................................................. 17 ...................................... 17

    ............................................................................................................................................................. 19 .......................................... 19

    ......................................................................................................................................... 21 ...................................... 21

    ................................................................................................................. 23 ...................................... 23

    -3F .............................................................................................................................. 24 ...................................... 24

    (19601970 ) ........................................................ 31 ................. 31

    ......................................................................................................................................................... 37 .................. 37

    ..................................................................................................................................... 40 ...................................... 40

    ..................................................................................................................................................... 42 ............................................................................................................................................................. 43

  • V

    ...................................... 43

    The Formosan Club of America ............................................................................................. 48 ...................................... 48

    ......................................................................................................................................................... 50 ...................................... 50

    ................................................................................................................................................. 52 ...................................... 52

    ..................................................................................................................................................... 54 ...................................... 54

    ......................................................................................................................................................................... 59 ...................................... 59

    ................................................................................................................................................. 60 ...................................... 60

    ......................................................................................................................... 61 Austin ............................................................................................................................................ 63

    ...................................... 63

    ................................................................................................................................................. 65 ...................................... 65

    ..................................................................................................................................... 66 .............................. 66

    ................................................................................................................................................ 67 ...................................... 67

    ................................................................................. 69 ...................................... 69

    ............................................................................................................................................. 71 ...................................... 71

    NATWA ............................................................................................................................................................ 73 ...................... 73

    ................................................................................................................................................. 75 ...................................... 75

    1983 1990 ...................................................................................................................... 77 ..................... 77

    FAPA ................................................................................................................................................................. 81 ...................................... 81

    ............................................................................................................................................. 83 ...................................... 83

    ......................................................................................................................................................... 86

  • VI

    ...... 86

    ............................................................................................................................. 88 ...................................... 88

    ..................................................................................................................................................... 93 ...................................... 93

    ..................................................................................................................................................... 94 .............................. 94

    ..................................................................................................................................... 96 ...................................... 96

    -- .................................................................................................................................. 98 ...................................... 98

    - TASS .................................................................................................... 99 ...................................... 99

    sponsored by Irvine (ITPC) ............................................................................................... 101 ............................................................................................................................................... 104

    .................................... 104

    ................................................................................................................................................... 107 .................... 107

    ....................................................................................................................................... 110 / ............... 110

    ........................................................................................................................................... 112 .................................... 112

    ............................................................................................................................................................... 115 .................................... 115

    ............................................................................................................................................... 116 .................................... 116

    ........................................................................................................................................... 118 .................................... 118

    ........................................................................................................................................... 120 .................................... 120

    ................................................................................................................................................... 123 ........................ 123

    ............................................................................. 125 ................................ 125

    ........................................................................................................................................... 127 ................................ 127

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 129

  • VII

    .................... 129

    ....................................................................................................................................... 131 .................................... 131

    ................................................................................................................................... 133 .................................... 133

    ............................................................................................................................................... 135 .................................... 135

    - ......................................................................................... 137 .................................... 137

    ....................................................................................................................... 139 .................................... 139

    ................................................................................................................... 140 .................................... 140

    ................................................................................................................................................... 143 : , : ,

    ......................................................... 143

    ............................................................................................................................................... 146 .................................... 146

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 148 ............................................................................................................................................... 149

    .................................... 149

    ....................................................................................................................................................................... 150 .................................... 150

    ................................................................................................................................................................... 152 .................................... 152

    ........................................................................................... 153 .................................... 153

    ....................................................................................................................................................................... 157 .................................... 157

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 160 .................................... 160

    NATWA .............................................................................................................................................................. 161 ................................................................................................................................................................... 163

    .................................... 163

    ....................................................................................................................................................... 164 .................................... 164

    ....................................................................................................................................... 165 .................................... 165

  • VIII

    Taiwanese Care, Inc. ...................................................................................................................... 166 ........ 166

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 171 .................... 171

    ........................................................................................................................... 172 .................................... 172

    ................................................................................................................................................................... 175 .................................... 175

    ....................................................................................................................................... 177 ........................................ 177

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 180 .................................... 180

    Westchester Taiwanese Women's Association .................................................................... 182 .................... 182

    ................................................................................................................................................................... 183 .................................... 183

    The Greater New York Region Overseas Taiwanese Pen Club ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 185

    .................................... 185

    ............................................................................................................................... 188 .................................... 188

    ........................................................................................................................................... 190 .................................... 190

    ........................................................................................................ 195 .................................... 195

    ....................................................................................................................................................... 199 .................................... 199

    ............................................................................................................................................... 201 .................................... 201

    (Activities) : ................................................................................................................................................... 204

    .................................... 204

    2016 ......................................................................................................... 208 .................................... 208

    (Albany/NY) ..................................................................................................................... 210 .................................... 210

    ............................................................................................................................................... 211

  • IX

    .................................... 211

    2003 ......................................................... 214 ................................... 214

    ....................................................................................................................................................... 215 .................................... 215

    2016 ......................................................................................................... 217 .................................... 217

    ................................................................................................................................... 219 ............................ 219

    ................................................................................................................... 220 .................................... 220

    ........................................................................................................................................................................... 221 ........................ 221

    ................................................................................................................................... 223 .................................... 223

    1974 ..................................................................................................... 227 .................................... 227

    ............................................................................................................................................... 230 .................................... 230

    2015 .................................................................................................................................................. 232 .................................... 232

    & ...................................................................................................................... 234 .................................... 234

    1986 ............................................................................................................................. 237 .................................... 237

    ...................................................................................................................................... 238 .................................... 238

    ....................................................................................................................................... 240 .................................... 240

    2011 .......................................................................................................................................... 242 .................................... 242

    ............................................................................................................................... 245 .................................... 245

    1994 TAF ...................................................................................................... 247 .................................... 247

    TAF .................................................................................................................................. 249 .................................... 249

  • X

    ................................................................................................................................................... 250 .................................... 250

    ................................................................................................................................... 256 .................................... 256

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 259 .................................... 259

    Taiwanese in New York ..................................................................................................................... 265 Taiwanese in New York ..................................................................................................................... 265

    .................................... 265

    UCLA ..................................................................................................................................... 268 / ................................................. 268

    ........................................................................................................................................... 271 .................................... 271

    ........................................................................................................................... 272 .................................... 272

    ................................................................................................................................................... 273 .................................... 273

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 275 .................................... 275

    ....................................................................................................................................... 277 .................................... 277

    ....................................................................................................................... 279 .................................... 279

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 281 .................................... 281

    ............................................................................................................................................................... 283 .................................... 283

    -(Flushing, NY) .................................................................................................................... 286 ........................................ 286

    -(Monterey Park, CA) ......................................................................................................... 287 ............................ 287

    - Laguna Woods Village, CA ...................................................................... 290 .................................... 290

    ............................................................................................................................................... 292 ................................ 292

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 294 .................................... 294

  • XI

    - ..................................................................................................... 297 .................................... 297

    ....................................................................................................................................................... 299 by L.A Times .................................. 299

    - ................................................................................................................................. 300 .................................... 300

    - ............................................................................................................................................. 302 .................................... 302

    .............................................................................................................................. 303 .................................... 303

    ................................................................................................................................... 304 .................................... 304

    ................................................................................................................................... 305 .................................... 305

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 306 .................................... 306

    ....................................................................................................................... 308 .................................... 308

    TARSA ........................................................................................................................................... 309 .................................... 309

    ................................................................................................................................................................... 312 .................................... 312

    ................................................................................................. 314 ........................................ 314

    in Houston, Texas ............................................................................................................... 316 .................................... 316

    ....................................................................................................................... 318 .................................... 318

    ............................................................................................................................................................... 320 .................................... 320

    ................................................................................... 328 .................................... 328

    .......................................................................................................... 329 .................................... 329

    Kansas ......................................................................................................................... 330 .................................... 330

    Care for Soldiers and Veterans by NAWTA / Kansas Chapter ........................................................ 331

  • XII

    .................................... 331

    ........................................................................................................................... 332 International Medical Mission Team of NATMA .................................................................................................... 332

    .................................... 332

    - ......................................................................................................................... 333 .................................... 333

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 335 .................................... 335

    ................................................................................................................................................... 337 -1969 1973 ........................................................................................... 338

    .................................... 338

    .................................................................................................................................. 341 .................................... 341

    ........................................................................................................................................... 343 .................................... 343

    ................................................................................................................... 345 ................................ 345

    ....................................................................................................................................................... 348 .................................... 348

    ............................................................................................................................................................... 349 .................................... 349

    ................................................................................................................................................... 351 .................................... 351

    228 ........................................................................................................................................................... 354 .................................... 354

    .......................................................................................................... 356 .................................... 356

    () ................................................................................................................... 360 .................................... 360

    .................................... 360

    (Care For Taiwanese Americans) : ............................................................................................................................................................... 363

    .................................... 363

    (Black List of Republic of China in Taiwan) ............................................................................ 366 .................................... 366

    ....................................................................................................................................................................... 367 .................................... 367

  • XIII

    -1984 ............................................................................................................... 369 .................................... 369

    Brazil Tour Accident ..................................................................................................................... 371 ............................ 371

    1990 -TACL ......................................................................................................................... 372 ........................................ 372

    - ............................................................................................................................. 375 .................................... 375

    ....................................................................................................................................... 376 .................................... 376

    ............................................................................................................................... 379 ............................ 379

    (Care For Taiwan) : ........................................................................................................................................... 380

    .................................... 380

    ................................................................................................................................... 382 .................................... 382

    WHO for Taiwan by NATMA WHO .................................................................. 385 .................................... 385

    ............................................................................................................................................................... 388 .................................... 388

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 391 .................................... 391

    NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial AwardNATPA ......................................... 392 NATPA ............................................. 392

    : .......................................................................................... 393 .................................... 393

    NATWA Book project : Turn Trash into Treasure--Recycling Childrens Books ............................................... 395 Ms. Carol Yeh ....................... 395

    ........................................................................................................................................................... 397 .................................... 397

    ........................................................................................................................... 398 .................................... 398

    ............................................................................................................................................... 399 .................................... 399

  • XIV

    ....................................................................................................................................... 401 .................................... 401

    ........................................................................................................................... 403 ........................ 403

    ............................................................................................................... 404 ........................................................................................................................................... 405

    .................................... 405

    FAPA .................................................................................. 406 .................................... 406

    2004 .......................................................... 409 .................................... 409

    Team Taiwan .............................................................................................................................. 414 .................................... 414

    FORMOSA BETRAYED() ....................................................................... 415 .................................... 415

    ....................................................................................................................................................................... 416 .................................... 416

    ....................................................................................................................................................... 417 .................................... 417

    ............................................................................................................................................... 419 .................................... 419

    ........................................................................................................................................... 420 .................................... 420

    ........................................................................................................................................... 422 .................................... 422

    ............................................................................................................................................... 424 .................................... 424

    20 ................................................................................................................................................ 426 .................................... 426

  • 1


    Taiwanese Community Council)

    : (

  • 2

    : (

    , !



  • 3



  • 4


    1. 2.



  • 5

    2015) 6

    (1988/9 -1989/4) 1987

    1988 9 1988 12 3 1989 2 12

    4 8 1985 1990 (1990/9 -1991/3) 1990 9 1990 9 1991 3 1991 2

    (1991/3 1991/6) 3 5885 Point West Foreclosure)25 1 1 1.12 3/23 4/06 5/28

    3 4/27 : 5/23 : 3 6/27 : 3 1991 6 1 10 1991

    Earnest Money Contract 6/11 $145,000 6/24 $170,000

  • 6

    7/12 $195,000 7/17 Deed Restriction 29 12 Sara International Inc. 55 Hines Interest- 10 17 10 28 1991 10 17 The contract for 5885 Point West was approved. The dosing date is set on Oct. 28.

    (1991/10) 3 4 13 13 5 10 28 -10 28 - (1991/8-1992-1) 30 8

    1992 1 258

    24 8 4 3 (1992/7/11) 6 7 11


    Source from 07/2016

  • 7

    Location! Location! Location!



  • 8


  • 9



  • 10

    Marcella Lee ( KFMB TVChannel8 ) Walter Chung () Steven HadleySteven Hadley Donna Frye Chief of StaffSteven Steven Hadley


    ( 765!((() () YAM

  • 11


  • 12

  • 13


  • 14

    2000 5 20



    2003 5 1


  • 15

    1988 Oklahoma

    2003 Fremont 2800 2003 2006 2007 Formosa 250 2008 Jubilee Christian Church 2004 2007 Fremont,Milpitas,San Jose

    Thanks God2009 San Jose 8400 400 Jason Wu

    Bible Study

    Happy Senior Day


  • 16



    The front view of the first Center with the board members and office volunteers.


  • 17

    (Taiwan Culture Center)


    2003 Shady Grove (7509 Needwood Road, Derwood, MD 20855)1.5

    1999 Bylaws 11 3

    19961998 2000 ,2006 2005 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award(TACSA) (US$500 and a plaque)(seniors) tacsa@taiwanculturectr.org 2009 Janet Chang Memorial Scholarship Award (JCMSA) (US$1000 and a plaque) (first year and second year in medical school) http://www.taiwanculturectr.org/scholarship/JCMSA/

    (301-983-1861) TCC, P. O. BOX 1838, West Bethesda, MD 20817 http://www.taiwanculturectr.org

    1994 () 1995 ()

    1999/11/12 (Taiwan Culture Center) (2000) (03/09/2000) by-law 2003

    (1st Open House)

  • 18

    3-5 , , 2004 -, .2004 .

    Audio/Video 2006

    2008 public service zoning 2009


    (Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award)

    Taiwanese American Heritage Week

    Taiwan Culture Center


  • 19


    OK 94 10 2003 4


    2003 4 30

    80 UW UW 1 2004

    501(C)(3) 33 ()()()www.seataiwancenter.org



  • 20



  • 21


    1979 1988 EL Monte City

    () 1979 1983 1984

    1986 El Monte 12 1987 3 17 1988 2 26 (1988 3 5 500 (19841988)

    1988 7 $18,632.04$50,000.00

    1997 1997



  • 22

    (- 1999



  • 23

    Monterey Park

    EL Monte Flamingo Garden

  • 24


    Formosans' Free Formosa 3F 3F (Tom Yang)(John Lin)(Edward Chen)(Echo Lin) John Echo John Edward(University of Pennsylvania Graduate School)Echo (Tom) 1947 1953 Tom1954 University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of MedicineTom John Lin Edward ChenTom John John Lin 1949 John Edward Chen Edward John (Grace Lin) John Edward John Echo Lin Echo University of New Mexico 1955 Dolores New Mexico (Minato)

    1951 12 Minnesota St. Paul Macalester College(Rev. James Dickson)(George Lu) Macalester College (George) George Macalester college George Fred Riggs Formosa Under Chinese Nationalist Rule, Macmillan, 1952

    George Kerr 1947 Far Eastern Survey

    Kerr 1955 Temple

    JohnEdward Echo

    Market Street John John John


    John Edward

  • 25

    1956 2 Tom TomTomJohn Edward Tom 3F 1955 12 (New York Times)John Edward

    (Formosans' Free Formosa)3F

    1.2.3. TomEdward 3F 1956 3F 3F Edward Maxine( Edward)

    Echo Dolores 3F 1956 3F 1945 1 1956 1957 3F 11 We are not aloneEdward John 1956 3F 3F (Formosa Democratic Independence Party FDIP) 3F FDIP 3F (Dag Hammarskjold) 1956 Montana

    Minneapolis, Minnesota 1957 12 (Bachelor of Arts summa cum laude) 1957 (Quarter) 18 21 15 16 20 3F

    3F Peter Ong () 11 24 (FBI) 3F 1957 1 31 FBI Mr. Wastson Macalester College (George)Watson 3F 3F 3F George 3F George Minneapolis FBI Watson Watson FBI 3F Watson 3F FBI 3F Department of Justice 1958 2 3F (Agent)

  • 26

    (Foreign Agents Registration Act) 3F 3F FBI : F ---/


    ---- 1947 3 --

    Formosans' Free Formosa 1956.1


    (1999 10 147-149)

  • 27

    UFI United Formosans for Independence

    UFI 1957 12 Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson of Public and International Affairs Fellowship 9 3F George LuKenny Yang Larry Kuo 3F 3F FBI FBI 3F 3F United Formosans for Independence UFI 3F UFI 1958 1 15 UFI UFI UFI UFI Ilha Formosa 1958 4 1961 6 13 UFI Ilha Formosa UFI Appeal for Justice Edward Congressional Record

    1960 John F. Kennedy Connecticut Chester Bowles Bowles Edward Bowles Bobby KennedyBowles Edward UFI Adlai Stevenson1952 1956 Quincy Wright Wayne Morse Hoover Institution George Kerr I960 4 1 6 23 UFIIlha Formosa 5 ------8 20 1961 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

  • 28

    Foreign Affairs 1958 4 (Li Thian-hok Foreign Affairs----The China Impasse-A Formosan View 1999 10 2001 8 490 1958 4 2 1964 9

    New Jersey 2000 12 Minnesota 1957 Charles McLaughlin 1957 1957 12 Li Thian-hok 1958 1 4 Nikita Khrushchev 1 4 Dean Acheson Peter Thomeycroft Amintore Fanfani Mohammad HattaHenry Kissinger 3F UFI 1. 1895 in perpetuity 1945 1951 2. 1624-1662 1662- 1683 1683-1895 1895-1945

    1947 3 3.

    700 4. 60 5.

  • 29

    Ernest Renan "The sense of nationality , as distinct from race, is not biological but spiritual."

    1958."New Republic" Lord Michael Lindsay Australian John Fairbank Denis Healy Denis Warner Harvard Nieman Fellow. Li Thian-hok Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs 10 6 "Formosa's Future"

    Denis Healy"Formosa and the Western Alliance" 10 13 "Formosa Through China's Eyes"( Self determination 11 3 Denis Warner "What are the Prospects for an Independent Formosa?"

    11 24 "The Formosans do Know What They Want"2000 12

    12 22 45 2004 1950 3F UFI 3F/UFI 3F UFI

  • 30


    The United Formosans for Independence 1958.3.26 1999 10 167-170 -1950~1990 , 06/2005

  • 31

    (19601970 )

    1956 1966

    I960 10 20 4 30% 15% 12% 10% 6% 5% 4%3%1950-60 Identity Crisis)


    1958 1959 1959

    UWFC1963 10 19

    1963 UW Formosan Student Club

    Student Senate


    1963 10 2 1 10 19 The Formosan Club of the University of Wisconsin Manhattan, Kansas (

    1964 2 29 20 17 1963 6 1968 1 10 FASG1964 4

  • 32

    Milwaukee ( Douglas Mendel Mendel The Politics of Formosan NationalismMendel 19571961-621964 1000

    10 1965 6 19 Formosan Forum Mendel, Carlish, Tan

    3 1965 5 2 1965 20 Robben Fleming

    FORMOSA 7 1965 5 1 China Taiwan

    5 2 Bascom(5) ParkStreet 50 ( 7) Bascom Formosa Robben Fleming

    Formosa Mendel Formosa

    Fleming( 8) Fleming Robben Fleming University of Michigan at Ann Arbor () 12 1988 FLUC1965 10 29 30


    1965 10 29 30

  • 33

    Douglas Mendel Jr.


    Mendel Formosan Nationalism


    10 30

    UFAI1966 7 4 UFI FASG 1966 1 1-2

    UFI FASG1966 6 18

    9 1966 7 4 (United Formosans in America for Independence) UFAI

    () () () () Formosagram

  • 34

    Foreign Agent Registration Act (

    Formosagram 4000

    9000 Formosagram


    1967 5

    6 1966 9 2 1964 1966 3

    Mendel 1967 3 4 1966 9 2 1967 5 2 5

    Fred Andrew Robben Fleming Harrington Dean RuskHarrington


    1967 5 17 7 7 8 26 11 1968 2 Mendel Mendel 96 98 Mendel Formosan Nationalism 166 167 Formosa For Formosans)New York Times )1966 11 20 1964 9 1966

  • 35

    4000 500 50 3 1000 350 Independent Formosa 1966 11 20 911 29 UFAI1966 7 1969 12 1966 6 18

    () Formosangram () () () 1967 6 16

    () Independent Formosa Formosagram () () 1969 7 4


    () 1970 1 1 World United Formosans for Independence) WUFI 1965 Mendel


  • 36

    1969 9 16

    World United Formosans for Independence) WUFI

    20 1970 1 1 Independent Formosa


    -1950~1990 , 06/2005

  • 37

    (1966-69) (The United Formosans in America for Independence) 1966 6 18 1964 1965 1965 10 2930

    (1966) 1966 2 6

    ()()()() 1966 11 20 11 16

    1966 1968 1968

    (Comm;tee foe Formosans1 Free Formosa, 3F) 1956 1 Philadelphia, PA (United Formosans for Independence, UFI) 1958 1 Philadelphia 1960 11 1966 6 (United Formosans in America for Independence, UFAI) 1966 6 Philadelphia UFI FASG(Formosan Affairs Study Group) UFAI

  • 38

    1967 Independence, Missouri 1969 7 Gary, Indiana (World United Formosans for Independence, USA Headquarters) 1970 1 WUFI 1971 7 Columbus, Ohio 1973 Indianapolis, Indiana 1975 8 30 Indianapolis, Indiana 1976 WUFI 1977 8 26 Wheeling, Illinois 1979 9 21 Zionsville, Pennsylvania 1981 12 4 Houston, Texas 1983 2 15 New York City Los Angeles, California 1984 1 San Jose, California 1986 1 8 San Jose, California (WUFI-USA) 1986 5 (WUFI) 1987 5 23 Dallas, Texas 1989 5 27 Dallas, Texas 1990 9 15 Upland, California 1991 9 1 12 1992 1 12 Upland, California 2 29 Upland, California 1992 9 5 New Orleans, Louisiana 1994 5 28 New Orleans, Louisiana 1995 10 13 10 13 1996 5 25 New Orleans, Louisiana 1998 6 24 Yosemite National Park, California 1999 9 3

  • 39

    1956 1999

    1974 :


    Source from 2000

  • 40

    1966 ()


    Formosan Gram Formosan Gram ;


    ( 50 )


    1980 : () (1981) 2001 20

    () 1979 2 1 Washington Star


  • 41

    : ? : (12/20/2005)


  • 42



  • 43

    1960 1970

    1970 Austin 1976 Bylaws Austin Austin 66 1969 20 the University of Texas 1969 the University of Texas Houston 50 3 20

    1969 the University of Texas 10 Austin

    Austin 1970

  • 44

    Kansas State University 3 Austin 40 60 Austin 40 the University of Texas the Formosan Club Advisor

    1971 196919701970 1 28

    the Formosan Club of America ) 7 1 1970 7 1 1972 6 30 28 Ann ArborAustinBaltimoreBinghamtonBostonGreater ChicagoCincinnatiClevelandCollege StationEast LansingHartfordHoustonIthacaLincolnLos Angeles MadisonManhattanNew HeavenGreater New York)NormanPhiladelphiaPortlandProvoSt. LouisRaleigh SeattleStorrsWashington D.C. 1971 8 13 The Formosan Club of America, Inc. Office of Recorder of Deeds, D.C. Washington D.C. 10 1970 7 1 1972 6 30 2 6 MinneapolisBaton RougeDallasLawrenceBuffalo Rochester 34 1972 7 1 1974 8 31 Pittsburgh 2 2 2 1969 Ft. Collins, Colorado Madison, Wisconsin ( 1971/7/1) ; Houston, Texas (1971/12/20)Los Angeles, California Los Angeles

  • 45

    1973 11 20 1980 AtlantaPittsburghPurdueSan FranciscoSyracuseUrbanaN.Y. CapitalNew Jersey Athens 9 34 43

    43 10 1. 2. 3. 1973 3 20 4. 1973 7 19 22 Albany Camp Taconic New York)New Jersey)Pittsburgh)Upstate New York) Syracuse 1974 5. 1970

    6. Williamsport 1969 1973 Pennsylvania Williamsport Williamsport Go Go Taiwan Go Go Taiwan

    1972 Connecticut

    Williamsport Connecticut 1973 8


  • 46

    12 0 1974


    1969 8 1 Ft. Collins. Co.

    1971 7 1 Ft. Collins. Madison. Wi.1971 12 20 Houston. Tx. 1973 7 20 Los Angeles. Ca.1973 11 20 1974 9 20 Washington D.C. ; 1976 9 20 Houston. Tx. 1978 Boston. Ma. Houston 1979 1 15 Boston 1980 1973 11 1980 7 2. The Greater New York Formosans in St. Louis ; St. Louis Columbus Chicago Ann ArborDetroitEast Lansing Purdue Los Angels New Jersey 1970 1990 1970 7 1 1972 6 30 1972 7 1 1974 8 30 1974 9 1 1976 8 31 /1976 9 1 1978 12 31 1979 1 1 1980 12 30 1981 1 1 1982 12 31 1983 1 1 1984 12 31 1985 1 1 1986 12 31 1987 1 1 1988 12 31 1989 1 1 1990 12 31

  • 47

    -1950~1990 , 06/2005

  • 48

    The Formosan Club of America

    () 1960 1970 28The Formosan Club of America New York(N.Y.):(L.A.)::$2.00 USD 28 (Local Chapters): Ann Arbor, MI; Austin, TX; Baltimore, MD; Binghamton, NY; Boston, MA; Cincinnati, OH; Collage Station, TX; Greater New York, NY; Greater Chicago, IL; Hartford, CT; Houston, TX; Ithaca, NY; Lincoln, NE; Los Angeles, CA; Madison, WI; Manhattan, KS; New Haven, CT; O.V. Norman, OK; Okemos, MI; Parma, OH; Philadelphia, PA; Provo, UT; Portland, OR; Raleigh, NC; Seattle, WA; St. Louis, MO; Storrs, CT; Minneapolis, MN; Washington D.C. :Taiwanese Association of America, XXX ChapterXXX :(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)()

    New York


    Williamsport, PA CBS Water Cranri NEWS 1995 Cornel University2001Texas Louisiana BUS Houston ()

    1991 1992

    Chicago Houston(TX)Ft. Collins(CO) Madison(WI) Kansas State UniversitySt. Louis Formosan in St. LouisChicago Wisconsin HoustonCalifornia Ditto Machine , ()

  • 49


    1988 15


    2015 5 Lafayette, LA

  • 50




    1990 60 70

  • 51


    Source from Taiwan Tribune Issues 1185, 08/25/1993

  • 52


    (2) (3) 248 (4)

    1. 6 5 . ( (1)) 2. . ( (2)) 3. 6 2 2 () 6 3 0 ( 9 3 0 ). 4. (1) . (2). (3) . (4) (a) (FAPA). (b) 248 (FAPA). . (c) (HAPA/NAFAPA). (d) (). (5) . (). 5. . .

  • 53

    1992 6 5 (FAPA) () (HAPA/NA) () () () () () () () () () () (). 1. 6 5 6 3 0 ( 9 3 0 ) 8 4 0 . 2. . 3. . ( . 4. . 5. (1) (FAPA) (2) 248 (FAPA) (3) 19 () (4) (FAPAHAPA/NA). 6. .


    COORDINATION COUNCIL, USA ( TACC) . . . 1. . 2. . . 1. . 2. 1 0. 3. . 4. . 5. . . 1. . 2. . . . 1992/06

  • 54

    ? 1960 32 1966

    1960 32 1966-67 Formosan American Club of Minnesota 114 8 4

    1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 Coffman Union 1978 1979 Washington DC 4 5 Festival of Nations Hamline Univ. Richard Kagan New Brighton Irondale High School 60 12 1980 Grand Rapids 1981 1982 FAPA 1983 Sunflower Club 1984 1985 1986 1987 Festival 1988 Tradition 1989 Costume 1990 Loaves and Fish 11 Capital for a Day Celebrating Minnesota's Asian-Pacific Community

  • 55

    11 Wedding 4 1991 5 6 Kansas State Univ. 7 Special Olympics 7 12 Univ. of Wisconsin Madison Loaves and Fish FAPA Fable, Fairy Tale and Folklore 1992 3 6 7 Univ. of Wisconsin River Falls 10 1993 6

    10 Macalester College

    1994 Tapestry 1995 10 Macalester College World of Children 1996 1 3 200 Nicollet Mall

    Ethnic Market 1997 4 10 FAPA Wayne State Univ.Michigan Ethnic Celebration 1998 2 Northrop Auditorium Folk's Art 1999 State Employee Diversity Expo 7

  • 56

    8 9 921 Wedding Tradition 2000 3 18 5 20 70 7 Saints 747 0.4 Celebration of Seasons 2001 3 921 7 9 911 Costume and Adornment 2002 www.taamn.org 2 TECO 5 University of St. Thomas 5 8 Sixth World Choral SymposiumMinnesota History Center 3M Auditorium 11 Global Homes and Gathering Places 2003 1 Minnesota Food Share, Second Harvest Heartland 1 FAPA Gutknecht 2 4 5 SARS N95 SARS 6 6 4 Star Tribune, KSTP TV5 11 Northrup Auditorium 11 Children of the World 2004 2 2 228 3 TECO TECO 3 Coffman Union Century College Multicultural Center 4 FAPA Michael Fonte 5

  • 57

    5 Coffman Union 11 National Digital Archives Program 12 Caroline Yang21 Days to ParisTour de France Ethnic Celebrations 2005 1 1 ALD

    2 228 5 9 9 Katrina 2003 McGraw Hill Co. Read On 3 10 1112 Walker Art Center James Shamus 12 Celebrating Ethnic Tradition 2006 1 10 100 Ethnic Markets 2007 2

    3 7 Lake Phalen 25 6 9 Shalom Minnesota 10 Northrop Auditorium Honeywell Toys, Games and Sports 2008 2

    2 5 7 Lake Phalen 26 5 9

  • 58

    Art and Architecture 2009 2 2 5 7 Lake Phalen 26 13 8 11 $30 $1000 9 DVD 11 FAPA FAPA YPG (Young Professional Group) 12 Transportation and Invention 16 23 21 2010 2 1999 2010 1

  • 59

    Email ()



    (http://web.utk.edu/~changhui/taaet2006) : 1995 11 5


  • 60

    Wake County Green Hope High School 2007


    Cloud Fairies



    Pot-luck E-Hiker, Ladies, Night LKK


    (2/17/2007) Source from 08/2016

  • 61

    1968-1969 1967 1 Kansas City KC 2 13 Kansas City HNT&B Lake Jacomo 1968 1969

    48 57.5

    11/28/68 Thanksgiving Dinner Northgate Apt. Clubhouse 2/5/69 Northgate Clubhouse 3/15/69 Party 4/12/69 Wyandotte County Lake 6/1/69 Swope Park Shelter 8 Kenneth Merica 7/5/69 Lake Jacomo Shelter 1 8/8/69 Swope Park Shelter 5 35.64 1994 1994 228FAPA food salebaby shower UMKC

    228 K.C.1947 2 28 1980 2 28

    K.C. K.C. Topeka 1500

  • 62

    24 : K.C.

    K.C. T-Shirt TAKC T-shirtK.C.

    K.C. 1994

  • 63


    Austin, Texas Austin University of Texas Austin )

    Austin (picnics)

    Austin, (: ()()()


  • 64

  • 65

    1960 Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins NIH College Park ( 30 45 Silver Spring ( 40

    () 1962 K-State FMC 1966 (Fumi)()Greater Baltimore/Washington 1967 Formosan Association

    TAA Chapter

    Mrs. William Crowley

    Chesapeake Bay Exchange Visa

    1968 1970 :

    Reno, Nevada 2008 10 25 Source from

  • 66


  • 67


    1988 9 10 20

    ...... 2001

    21 : / 1988 9 1989 9 1990 6 1991 7 1991 11

    1993 1

    1993 7

    1995 8

    1996 7 /

    1997 8 21 1998 8 /

    1999 8 /

  • 68

    2000 8 /

    2002 8 /

    2003 SARS 2005 2 /

    2006 7 /

    2007 7 /

    2007 11

    2009 8 /

    Together 2010/04

  • 69

    2010 (Taiwanese Hakka Associations of America) 2007 2008 2009 2009 (1) (2) (3) (4) Logo

    2016 2006 2009 2010 (1) 20122013 (2)

    20142015 (3) , / .






    2013 ()





    1990 1991 Taiwan Hakka Association For Public Affairs In North America HAPA-NA

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    (1993) (1994) (1999) (2001) (2003) (2003)

  • 70

    1991; 1992 1993; 1994 1995; 1996 1997; 1998 1999; 2000 2002; 2002 2004; 2005 2006; 2007 2008; 2009 2012; 2013 2016

    Source from 09/2016

  • 71


    X X X


    ? ()

  • 72

  • 73


    1988 3 NATWA FAPA NATWA 80 1987

    1988 3

    1988 3 13 NATWA

    7 1988 7 45 NATWA

    NATWA logo

    NATWA 501(c)



    NATWA 1990 11 1991 1996 1998 NATWA NATWA

  • 74

    NATWA NATWA 1991 3 25

    1993 6 2001 NATWA NATWA


    NATWA NATWA newsletter921 NATWA (FOTWA)NATWA NATWA Team TaiwanNATWA II NATWA web membership directory NATWA II NATWA II internship NATWA II 1.5 2 2005 Katrina New Orleans 1992 7 1994 2 2000 8 Costa Rica FOTWA FOTWA2003 9 2000 2004 2000 12 WTC(World Taiwanese Congress)NATWA NATWA




    NATWA 1988 8 NATWA 07/2006

  • 75

    North America Taiwanese Professors AssociationNATPANATPA 1980

    NATPA NATPA 1975 10

    1979 12 10 12 13

    12 14



    1980 2 16

    2 28

    1980 4 24 North America Taiwanese Professors Association NATPA)1983 6 7 NATPA Internal Revenue Service, IRS)

    1980 8 9 NATPA12341

  • 76



    B 1980

    Dr. Maurioe R. Hilleman 1981 7 2 5

    8 1 1234

  • 77

    1983 1990

    North America Taiwanese Medical Association NATMA 1983 1990 Cleveland NATMA Cleveland Clinic

    1959 Wisconsin 1968 12 1981 1 1

    1980 North America Taiwanese Professors Association NATPA1982Formosa Association of Public Affairs FAPA 1983 NATMA 1981 10 11

    Nileen FAPA Louis Stoke, Edward Feign, Sherrod Brown Asian Resources Center Don Luce Feigahn 1983 Oberlin College Cleveland Clinic Kaiser Permanente Foundation

    1983 10

    25 NATPA

    1950 1956 1960

  • 78

    1972 1973 7 1974 8 5 1976 1980 2

    1984 7 14 Ypsilent, Michigan NATMA FAPANATPA 40

    ITInformation Technology


    NATMA 1984 9 15 Pasadina 10 34 NATMA 1985 7 26 27 Dekalb, Illinois 1986 4 20 1984 1990 NATMA 1984 1990

    NATMA 1970


  • 79

    1986 1987 11 80


    80 1987 11 6 28

    ? NATMA 1988 11 2 81


    NATMA 1986 NATMA NATMA 1984 9 15 1985 (AMA) Dr. M. Todd 1992NATMA 1986 NATMA NATPA 1986 10 1 NATPA 15 5 1988 7 16 East Lansing NAT NATPA 8 Prostanoids

    1990 8NATPA 10 NATPA NATMA / 1980 1987 NATMA

  • 80

    -1950~1990 , 06/2005

  • 81


    Taiwanese Association on Public Affairs TAOPA Association on for TAFPA TAPA Formosan Association for Public Affairs FAPA






  • 82







    Marc J. CohenFAPA /1990/09

  • 83

    :Taiwanese Alliance for Interculture TAI (Si1icon Valley)

    . .

  • 84

    Solectron; Komag; Mayflower Partnership ; Moonbay Associates ; Pan Clair


    Alan Cranston S.I. Hayakawa Paul McCloskey Norman Mineta


  • 85

    Sunnyvale Community Center

    Syntek Hall Center


  • 86

    1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 A B 3 1 A B C 2 A B C " 3 A B


  • 87



  • 88

    1973 5

    1973 1973 8 17 1973 1973 9 22


    1975 1975 1976 1976 9 4 Sunnyvale

    1993 2000 1977 1977 2 19

    1978 Centennial Hall, Hayward Centennial Hall Hayward

    19751976 2 141977


  • 89

    1977 1978 1978 1980 Joint Committee of Taiwanese American for 1980 U.S. Census

    1978 1979 1979 9 29 Fremont

    1975 1975 12 27 1976 1 15

    1976 1 23 1977 1977 2 28

    1979 1979 4 1979 1979 12 13 12 1415

    Richard Kagan Kagan 1979 12 15 1979 12 28 1974

  • 90



    1980 1980 2 28 |3 1 [228][1976] 1980 3 29 1980 1980 4 18

    1980 San Jose 1980 9 22 1540 1975

    1980 1981 9 19 1981 1981 7 3 8 7

    1982 1984 8 4 Fremont 1981 FAFA 1981 6 19 FAPA FAPA 1983 7 1 UC Davis 1983 1983 4 8 ICD

    1984 1984 8 11 1985 4 7 1986 8 6

  • 91

    1987 8 14 1989 6 4 1989 9 16 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1994 1999

    1982 7 2 1982 12 10 1985 6 1 1986 11 30 1986 1986 9 28 1987 2 3 1988 6 23 1989 11 7 Berkeley 1989 1989 11 18 Norman Mineta

    1989 1989 8 12 1991 3 2


    1990 1990 1990 3 10 Santa Clara County(International Fair)2001 Alameda County Fair

    1991 1992 2 8 1992 7 12

    1993 1993 6 27 Palo Alto

    1994 1995 2000 27

  • 92

    1993 1993 1996 1996 3 8 3 9 16 23 1997 6 182001 9 8 1999 1999 9 21 2000 2000 1 30

    2003 2003 2 16 5 1 2003 1 25


  • 93

    A. B. DICK


  • 94


  • 95

    Source from / 01/1983

  • 96

    1978 1979 5 5 100 1980 1984 600 1985 4 1986 El Monte 6 1987 3 17 1000 1988 3 5 500 12 25 1989 1990 1400 1992 L.A. 1993 7 4 Edutherapy Center 500 1994 Day Care Center( 1995 1 31 6 3 5 7 15 1996

  • 97

    1997 1998 2000 2001 (1)(2)( (3) :() 2003 2004 25 2005 2006 2007 2008 2 4 2010 2011 (8/9/11 9/28/11) 2012 8/30 9/26 Pomona 2013 7 2015 2014

  • 98



    Brooklyn College


  • 99

    - TASS

    55 72 "TASS


    Life Enrichment TASS 200


    Our hardworking, committed and dedicated president and board members have made TASS a very special, warm, friendly and interesting place for us. We would like to say a heartfelt, Thank you . I want to congratulate the excellent activities and programs organized by the Societys leadership. After 30 years of teaching career at the university, I finally retired. When TASS started I joined but did not expect much. As time went by, I found and still do that TASS is the most interesting, most intellectual and most informative organization I have ever belonged to. I am totally attracted to TASS. I attended every activity whenever I could o

    Day Care Center for the Seniors

  • 100


    / 2012/05

  • 101

    sponsored by Irvine (ITPC) 12/30/2013 Irvine (ITPC), Laguna Woods Village , . . ITPC , Laguna Woods Village Geneva Church . , 10 12 . . , , , , , . , , , . 2009 9 200 . . , . youtube (www.irvinetpc.org). . . GENEVA CHURCH 24301 EL TORO RD, LAGUNA HILLS , CA 92637 ( Calle Sonora ) SADDLEBACK ROOM. : (Ken Ao) (Billy Chang) (H) 949-783-0570 (H) 949-559-3638 (C) 949-637-3400 (C) 949 338-7275 e-mail: aoms111@yahoo.com e-mail: itpc2000@yahoo.com Irvine (12/19/2012) : , : Geneva Church, Laguna Hill : , 10am - noon , , 2009 9 , 124 Irvine (32 ) L. Yang, M.D

  • 102

    , (23 ) iPOD I,II I, II I, II I,II Mr. Sean Yu (20 ) ,, Jorge Chen

  • 103

    (18 ) I,II,III,IV I,II , -- , (17 ) I, II (14 ) I,II I,II I,II ?

  • 104






  • 105


    Karl Barth


    1968 1971 1972 1980

    Faith and Order


    14. 19.24. 16 28

  • 106

    1. 2.

    5 10 22 3 3 21 6

    The Lutheran Church in America UMCUS 19 R.C.A




    Source from A History of The Development of Taiwanese Christian Churches in North America / /06/1986

  • 107

    First Evangelical Church


    El Sereno

    Highland Park

  • 108


    Costa Rica


    Taiwan Mission

    2015-100/10,000 100 10,000 1. Logos Evangelical Seminary

    The Association of Theological School I-20


  • 109




    5. 2015-100-10,000 /2010/09 http://efccc.org//ArticleDetail.aspx?DocID=3306

  • 110


    United Millstone Presbyterian Church, Perrineville Kendall Park

    Princeton Nassau Kingston 60-70 New Brunswick Kingston John Heinsohn New Brunswick

    New Brunswick

    Angela Ying Kenneth Liu Jimmy Huang Student Assistant Minister Erica/Mark Elsdon Erik Wiebe

    Samson Tso() Lawrenceville Slackwood New Brunswick New Brunswick

    * *

  • 111

    * * * * * * * *



  • 112

    Olympic Boulevard La Brea Avenue Olympic 2016

    Formosan Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles Formosan Taiwanese 19501960 Formosa

    Olympic 1973 5 20 (PCUSA)PCUSA

    (1970 8 ) PCUSA (1971 5 )(1971 9 )

    1970 Fresno 1970 8 9 Normandie Avenue 35th Street Centenary United Methodist Church() 1971 7 Wilshire Crest Presbyterian Church Wilshire Crest 1974 1982 4 19 8

    1982 4 25 Immanuel Presbyterian Church () 1985 2 3

    1991 5 1992 6 7

    2014 11 1971 9 1972 8

    (1973-1979)(1981-1987)(1988-1991)(1993-2003)(2009-2011)(2014-) 1980 1992 2013 7 2014 6

  • 113


    1976 1988 Orange County () South Bay()2000 2016

    2013 Rev. William Lew()

    1998 2002 40

    90 1998 7 Rev. William Lew

    2003 2008



    (FPM) Shalom Program

  • 114


    Source from Nami Yang 07/2016

  • 115

    $396,000 Del Mar Heights $1,930,000 4.9 Del Mar Heights

    Clairemont Pacific Beach Christ Lutheran Church University City Good Samaritan Episcopal Church Clairemont Clairemont Lutheran Church Christ Lutheran Church

    1986 Del Mar Heights 2,200

    Lutheran Church in America$396,000 $145,090


    $415,000$150,000$265,000$1,930,000 Del Mar Heights University City Good Samaritan Episcopal Church Kearny Mesa Rancho Penasquitos 56 Azuaga St. 3.78 $930,000


    8,000 96


    Source from / 04/2016

  • 116

    1995 1999 4 4 1995 10 1 12 o NJ Woodside Presbyterian Church

    Kelly LanJerry LanEdward Chiang

    1996 2000 20 1998 11 ,,

    1999 4 4 Lawrenceville 30 1998 12 1999 1 10 Rev. Van Brugan 10 1999 1 23 Rev. Joyce EmeryHamilton Square Bob Woodman Slackwood Carol Ward Lawrenceville Road Emery Slackwood 1999 2 28 Slackwood Slackwood Floyd Fletcher Mark ThomasArlene FilsonBeth ClarkFred MitchellBill Mansmann Frank DuMontCarol Ward Mark Thomas 1999 3 13 Slackwood

    1999 4 4 Slackwood

    (Dexter Lai )Slackwood Floyd Fletcher

    36 30 6 100

  • 117

    Slackwood 1999 1999 Fletcher , David Luck (Kingston Church)Ray Olson(Ewing)

    PCSA 2005 12 Joyce Emery

    1999 11 3 90 12 19 70 2000 2000

    (Grace Taiwanese Presbyterian Church, 2020 Brunswick Avenue, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 www.gtapc.org)

    15 /2014/04

  • 118

    1661( 1-10-08) 1960 1970 (Friendship Corner) Miss Margaret Sells Eileen 1973-76 1977-82

    1998 --""

    921 98

    2005 (2006)5 1 ()75% 75% 2006 2007

    3% 35% 10% 4% 2006 ( mentor)2007 1 24

    2 28 Dr. Douglas W. Fombelle

    One Thousand One TeamOne Thousand One Tea

  • 119

    30 30 5% 30 30 200 20 ( Forest Hills 30-40

    30 4 15 Goldman Sachs

    Karen Perl man & Perl man Karen 4 24 4 25 2007 4 25 10 10 11 17 2007

    2-17-2008 (www.taiwanmissionfoundation.org)

  • 120

    1996 8 WPC

    I270 Wheaton 1998 1999

    1999 WPC WPC TPC

    I270 Exit 4 Ex I110 10 River Road 400

    80% 15% 5% 392001 2001 12 1/22/3

    3/4 17 35

    500 120 500 2 300 250 1.5 75 3 4 4 30 3 90 4 120 250

    1.5 1.1 4:5


  • 121

    15 25 25 250 25

    Bethesda Rockville




    220 2/3

    100 240


    520 17 537

  • 122


    Source from / -/2012

  • 123

    Alhambra El Sereno Highland Park()()

    Harvest San Gabriel Valley El Monte() 3.8 185 150 70

    One Church (Focus on the Family) WE EFC()






    Support 27 22% 45% 25% (ministries): 350 Harvest LA 150 250 40 110

  • 124

    Source from 12/2000

  • 125

    Houston Taiwanese School of Lanquaqe & Culture


  • 126

  • 127

    Kate Bell

    AI berta Basic Taiwanese

    (Carol Huang)Carol Huang Scholarship



  • 128

    Source from Taiwan Tribune Issues No. 1425, 02/07/1996

  • 129


    2 6000 3000 2 1 (Michael Krauss) 1 1 (Ken Hale) 1 1895-1945 1945 1 3

    2003 1

    50,000 25%

    5 915 (Sejong 1418 1450 )1443 1000 16 19 2 2 2

    4 1983 2 6 1989 2 25 2

    5 (1) 27 a i v (2) (word)thotau angkhi seakie (3) d, f, q, r, x kud , zud baq, kaq d, qhoef , koaf f kix , bixsox x bor , korsu r

  • 130


  • 131

  • 132

    Source from / -/1997

  • 133

    1 1.2.3.





  • 134




    Source from / -/1997

  • 135

    inferior minority 10-15% 40

    Very chauvinistic

    $500 Feeling of belonging by law 1015% CME Sponsor CME question

    CME social occasion

    Speech therapist Accent reduction course

    social club CME CME Prototype Viiginia CME Credit CME credit course CME

    AMA chauvinistic

    Honor support organization Excuse Argue function gatheringrespect Dont be surprised

  • 136

    superiority or priority endangerous spcies make sense cousin Italian American Club Italian Club Italian 10% Ethnic Group

    Source from / -/1997

  • 137


    2014 8 30 9 1

    , , : :

    Happy Club ()-1932 1940 1932 1940 1941

    : 1932 1933 1938 -1938 1940


    Dan Don

    Ka Thia Pien Ka Thia Pien

  • 138

  • 139



    ,, AP 5

    Source form 07/2016

  • 140

    (Taiwan Tribune)1981 7 (Long Island City)

    1981 6 28 112 1981 7 31 1981 6 30

    7 3 7 24 0 80


    7 18 200


    ()() UPI( AP )() 2

    60 12 (For Overseas Taiwanese Communities)

  • 141

    () () 30 ()

    1984 () 1984 10 17 415( 1 7 )

    1984 6 19 (73) 4309 1984

    (Taiwanese animals with four legs)

    () (Ramsey Clark)


    (gime de Vichy) ()

  • 142

    () (Oral Deposition)


    You are the star of this trial

    xxx()()()() 30 2013 9 63

    1981 7 31 2011 9 30 2357 30 2014.11.9

  • 143

    : , : ,

    1981 34 7 31

    Taiwan Tribune 7 15

    7 31

  • 144


    12 DC

    424 424

    1982 FAPAFormosan Associationl or Public Affairs FAPA

  • 145




  • 146

    1981 7 15 7 31

    1981 5 10 4


    For Overseas Taiwanese Communities 1999 22 9 1989 1991 1992 1992 19941994 1995 1997 3 1999 1999 2002 2003

    1981 1989

    6 250

    1989 1995 1990

    1995 2000

  • 147

    1999 2000

    Overseas CHINESE Affair Commission)


    20 The Fourth Branch of the Government 2003 10 28 1996 33 1991 -1950~1990

  • 148

    hand made

    1985 435 Ramsey Clarkcivil liberty 1981 7 31

    2357 (30 ) /09/30/2011

  • 149

    Source from 1993 11 15

  • 150

    Ilha Formosa Ilha Formosa, Formosan Quarterly, Independent Formosa, Independent Formosa,, Formosagram, Independent Formosa,

    The Letter on Taiwan, Formosa Digest, TAI The international Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Taiwan. The Letter on Taiwan,The international Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Taiwan - - - - - - - Formosans in St. Louis-St. Louis - - - -Ann Arbor, Detroit, East Lansing - -New Jersey, -


  • 151

    Ilha Formosa,Formosan Quarteriy, Independent Formosa, , Formosangram, , , ,

    1972 (over the hill)


    (Information Is Power)

    xxx xxx

    80 80 90

    Meryl Streepy Sophias Choice : Source from 1990 3 26 29

  • 152


    Source form / 09/1991

  • 153

    1960 1966 7 1 Manhattan, Kansas K-State University Kansas Formosan GroupUnited Formosans for Independence, UFI) Wisconsin KFG 6 United Formosans in America for Independence, UFAI) KFG 1966 Manhattan 1967 6 UFAI Ron Chen Ron Chen Manhattan, Kansas UFAI 1967 6 9 Manhattan UFAI Formosan Gram Formosan Clubs) 9 1967 9 14 9

    10 20 Manhattan 853 120 10 20 (* K-State University Alabama: Arkansas: California: Connecticut: Colorado: Georgia: Idaho: Illinois: **Robert HsuIndiana: *Iowa: *Kansas : Kentucky:Maryland: *Massachusetts: *Michigan: Minnesota: Mississippi: Missouri: **New Jersey: *New Mexico : New York: North Carolina: North Dakota: Nebraska: Ohio : *Oklahoma: *Oregon: Pennsylvania: *South Carolina: Tennessee : *Texas: **West Virginia: *Utah: Y.C. WuVirginia: *Virgin Island:Washington: *Wisconsin: 1967 11 1 11 Manhattan, Kansas

  • 154

    A. G. Press (Box 1009, Manhattan, Kansas 66503)Finish Size 5.5 x 8.5 inch60 65 120 1000 650

    18.5 xl4 inch 3,095 192

    DIRECTORY of FORMOSANS in the U. S. A. Washington D. C.Puerto Rico, Virgin Island Manhattan, Kansas 1967 12 9 151 A. G. Press 1,500 5 40 1,455 1,388 12 29 468 1968 2 1 5003 4 420 12 22 300 23 Kansas City 2 1,200 1968 1 3 1967 3,095 2,107 988 357 2,171 137 99 M.D. 127 1960

    2,171 38 672 226 58 626 180 156 135 79 13 383 10 Medical Doctor 92 69 25 3 83 32 18 Pennsylvania) 294 (California) 241 New York) 216 (Washington) 178Illinois) 177(Maryland) 150 New Jersey) 146 Missouri) 136 Massachusetts) 131 Kansas) 126Oklahoma)108 Minnesota) 108 (Wisconsin) 106 North Carolina) 99 Texas) 92 Indiana) 87 Utah) 78Ohio) 75 (Iowa) 66 Connecticut) 65(Michigan) 62Colorado) 50 (George) 48 Tennessee) 47 West Virginia) 35 Nebraska) 24 Mississippi) 22 Virginia)19Florida) 11 Oregon) 11 Idaho) 10 Alabama) 8 Delaware) 8 Rhode Island) 7 New Hampshire) 5 Arkansas)4 Kentucky) 4 South Carolina) 2 Arizona) 2 (North Dakota) 2South Dakota) 1 New Mexico) 1 Maine) 1 Nevada)Wyoming) 0 (Virgin Island) 3 Puerto Rico) 1

  • 155

    74 4 UFI 1 19 171 UFAI5 5 20 2 ManhattanKansas 18 1968 3 8 1,158 1,128 UFAI 460 171 2,069 1,609 460

    100% 1,500

    50% max 50% KMT

    Index card Directory of Formosans in North America1969 K-State U.University of Pennsylvania)

    1969 5,331 4,848 483 Zip Code 1970

    TaiwanTaiwaneseFormosaFormosans 2006 3 3 66 6 1967 Directory of Formosans in the U.S.A.

  • 156



    The Committee of Directory of Formosans in the U. S. A. Either 1 ) The East Coast Formosan Club 310 W. 97th St., 31 New York, New York 10025 or 2 ) P. O. Box 853 Manhattan, Kansas 66502 or 3 ) 151 North Wilson, 7, Pasadena, California 91106 1969 ( 1968


    Zip Code)15,000 1969

    The Committee of Directory Of Formosans in North America Post Office Box 149 Madison, Wisconsin 53701

    -1950~1990 , 06/2005

  • 157



    RN : MBA

  • 158

    NATWA P.O.BOX 257 HOPEDALE, MA 01747 (1991. 3. 18)


    !(1991. 7. 22) - (NATWA)

    - Lisa

  • 159


    ()(by Dr. Tsan)






  • 160

    1991 3 25

    1991~1992 1992~1993 1993~1994 1994~1995 1995~1996 1996~1997 1997~1998 1998~1999 1999~2000 2000~2001 1994 12 1996 1993 6 2000 2001 5

  • 161


    1990 Dallas NATWA

    1991 1000

    1992 NATWA

    19911992 1994 NATWA 1992 1994 CommercialMuseum NATWA 19941995NATWA


  • 162

    NATWA 1998 3,000 97 NATWA NATWA 1994 130


    NATWA started printing yearly calendar m 1991 to introduce to our international friends Taiwanese people, land, folklore, art. culture, and heritage.. Following is the list of themes of our calendars:

    1991 The beauty of traditional Taiwanese architectural decorations 1992 Taiwanese folklore and culture 1993 Our homeland 1994 The art of embroidery in early Taiwan 1995 For Taiwan with love 1996 Women artists in Taiwan 1997 Ilha, Formosa 1998 Unfinished dream 1999 Flower of Taiwan 2000 Celebrate new millennium 2001 Enchanting Taiwan 2002 Portraits of Taiwanese women 2003 Taiwan Natives 2004 Taiwanese hand puppet 2005 The endemic bird species of Taiwan 2006 The beautiful mountains of Taiwan 2007 The Butterfly Kingdom Taiwan 2008 2009 2010 Insects of Taiwan 2011 2012 Envision Taiwan 2013 Lover from Taiwan 2014 2015 Taiwan Childrens Drawing Tainan -


  • 163

    1981 2011 9 30 2357 1999 5 1999-2000 2001 2002 20032004-2005 2006-2007 2008 2009-2011 1999 2001

    2009 11

    Logo of NATWA


  • 164

    1986 )


    Source from http://www.tcccna.org/


  • 165



    Formosan Association For Human Rights 1960

    1976 Committee For Taiwan Human Rights)(James Symour) Formosan Association For Human RightsFormosan Association For Human Rights) () j (Taiwan Human Rights & Culture Association)(Formosan Association For Human Rights) 2014


  • 166

    Taiwanese Care, Inc.

    New Brunswick



    Taiwanese Care, Inc.


    -- --' --

  • 167

    -- --

    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    -- --

  • 168

    -- -- -- -- --

    -- -- -- -- ..--

    -- -- -- ITASA -- -- --

  • 169

    -- -- -- --

    (ITASA) -- -- -- -- -- -- ITASA Dr. Gerritvander Wees Taiwan Communique --

    -- -- -- -- ITASA --

  • 170

    -- -- -- Taiwan Communique Rutgers University-- ITASA /1996/06

  • 171

    Taiwanese-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Los AngelesTACCLA 1980 2000




  • 172

    HISTORY OF TFFCU 1. Houston Formosan Club In 1965, there were about twenty Taiwanese students pursuing advanced degrees at the Rice University and the University of Houston. Few years latersixty Taiwanese families had settled down in Houston. Subsequentlythe Houston Formosan Club was established in July 1970, mainly for the purpose of social gather and mutual assistan
