Talking Points at the launch of Pradhan Mantri KIsan


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Talking Points at the launch of

Pradhan Mantri KIsan SAmman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)

The present government, which has been continuously working on the motto of

“Sabka Saath - Sabka Vikas”, has once again, with Budget 2019, reaffirmed its

commitment to the all-round development of agriculture and allied sectors and

enhancing the income of farmers. The budgetary allocation of the Agriculture and

Farmers’ Welfare Ministry has been raised by around 2.5 times from Rs 58,080 crore

in 2018-19 to Rs 1,41,174.37 crore in 2019-20. In fact, the budgetary allocation of

Rs 1,41,174.37 crore in 2019-20 is 16.6% more than Rs 1,21,082 crore during UPA

(2009-14). That is why, the government in accordance with its philosophy of

increasing both agriculture production and farmers’ income, has created history in

Budget 2019 by making provisions of income support and other schemes with focus

on rural India.

I am happy to state that to provide an assured income support to the small and

marginal farmers, the government has launched a historic programme “Pradhan

Mantri KIsan SAmman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)” entailing an annual expenditure of Rs

75,000 crore. Under this programme, vulnerable landholding farmer families,

having cultivable land upto 2 hectares, will be provided direct income support at the

rate of Rs 6,000 per year to ensure their investment and other needs. This income

support will be transferred directly into the bank accounts of beneficiary farmers,

in three equal installments of Rs 2,000 each. This programme will be fully funded by

the Government of India. It will also protect farmers from the clutches of

moneylenders and ensure continuity in their farm activities. This scheme will also

enable them to modernize their agricultural practices, and this income support

along with other schemes will help them live a life of dignity.

This programme will be made effective from 1st December 2018 and the first

installment for the period upto 31st March 2019 would be paid during this year itself

after identifying eligible farmers. A sum of Rs 20,000 crore has been proposed for

2018-19 for this. From 2019-20, the benefit will be transferred into bank accounts

through Aadhar-based database.

Pm-KISAN portal has been started for implementation of the scheme. State/UTs are

responsible for identifying the beneficiaries under this scheme and will upload the

same on the portal. Based on this list, the Government of India will make direct

payment into the account.


The Rashtriya Gokul Mission has been started for the first time in the country by

Modi Government to promote the country's cattle and buffaloes, to preserve their

genetic resources in scientific and holistic form and for continuous growth in the

productivity of Indian bovine. Considering its importance, the allocation of Rs 250

crore in Budget 2018-19 has been raised to Rs 750 crore. Continuing its effort in this

direction, the "Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog" has been proposed to be established

to upscale sustainable genetic upgradation of cow resources and to enhance

production and productivity of cows. The Aayog will also look after effective

implementation of laws and welfare schemes for cows. Besides advising Gaushala

and gausadan involved in protecting cows, the body will also help in coordination

between livestock farmers and cooperatives, FPOs, dairy entrepreneurs etc.

India is the second largest fish producing nation in the world accounting for 6.3% of

global production. The fisheries sector contributes 1% to GDP and provides

livelihood to about 1.5 crore people at the primary level. To provide sustained and

focused attention towards development of this sector, Government has decided to

create a separate Department of Fisheries.

Through the Kisan Credit Card, the government provides institutional credit at

cheap rates to farmers. This not only helps in increasing agricultural production but

also productivity. In the last Budget, Government announced the facility of extension

of Kisan Credit Card scheme (KCC) to Animal Husbandry and Fisheries farmers and

in this budget the benefit of interest subvention scheme where farmers are given

short-term loan up to Rs 3 lakh per annum by banks on timely payment of loan at

the rate of 4%, will be given to Animal Husbandry and Fisheries.

2% interest subvention to the farmers pursuing the activities of animal husbandry

and fisheries, who avail loan through Kisan Credit Card will also be provided.

Further, in case of timely repayment of loan, they will also get an additional 3%

interest subvention. Now, livestock farmers and fishermen will be able to avail loans

at concessional rate of 4%.

Presently, the crop loans are rescheduled for such affected farmers and they get

benefit of interest subvention of 2% only for the first year of the rescheduled loan.

It is worth noting that now all farmers affected by severe natural calamities will not

only be provided the benefit of interest subvention of 2% but also prompt

repayment incentive of 3% for the reschedulement of 3-5 year agricultural loans.

At present, there are about 7 crore active KCC, which means that almost 50% of the

farmers are still out of the institutional credit system. To ensure provision of easy

and concessional credit and to bring all farmers under KCC fold, Government has


decided to initiate a comprehensive drive with a simplified application form. Under

this campaign, all interested farmers who are engaged in agriculture, animal

husbandry or fisheries business, can submit application of Kisan Credit Card to the

banks by filling a simple application form. In addition to the photograph, they will

have to give only three documents- land ownership record, identity card and

residence certificate. In this context, the financial services department has issued

orders separately to all financial institutions. The State Governments have also been

requested to organize village wise or bank branch camps under a strategy in which

field level staff will assist in filling up the application form and providing necessary


So far, farmers had to pay various types of fees related to process, documents,

inspection etc for applying for Kisan Credit Card. In the interest of the farmers,

Indian Banks’ Association has also decided that the above charges will not be levied

for loan upto Rs 3 lakh. It is clear from these provisions and Budget 2019 that the

government has taken all steps to ensure the development and income of our

farmers. The fixing of minimum support price and providing income support will be

helpful in doubling the income of farmers by 2022.






Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare

Committed to the welfare of farmers

Under the leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the sustained

efforts for the betterment of agriculture and farmers during the last few years have

shown encouraging and positive results. The farmers are witnessing qualitative

improvement in their lives. The Modi government has set new standards for

transparency in the country. Under the guidance of Hon’ble Prime Minister, the

government has transformed the targets related to implementation of the schemes for

farmers’ welfare in a mission mode in a time bound manner. Our government has laid

the foundation of a modern India with good governance, innovations and reformist

approach. Modi government has been successful in creating awareness among the

farmers about the new initiatives taken for the development of agriculture in the

country and has made continuous effort to bring qualitative changes in the lives of

farmers and rural India.

During the last few years, several steps have been taken by the Ministry of Agriculture

and Farmers’ Welfare in the interest of farmers. "Farmers’ Welfare" is the primary goal

of this government's agricultural policy. For its implementation, increasing

employment in agricultural sector and enhancing the income of farmers are the

important factors. To achieve this, the government is trying to increase productivity,

reduce cost, and prioritize crops with high value, reduce risks and make agriculture


In order to achieve this, the budgetary allocation to the agriculture sector has been

raised by 74% and the SDRF allocation has been almost doubled. Corpus funds have

been created like Rs 5000 crore micro irrigation fund, Rs 10,081 crore for Dairy

Processing and

Infrastructure Development Fund, Rs 7550 Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure

Development Fund (FIDF), Rs 2,450 crore for development of animal husbandry

infrastructure and Rs 2,000 crore for the development of Rural Agricultural Market


Many policy reforms have been carried out with the above financial provisions. For the

first time, Soil Health Card is being provided to farmers on the basis of a national

standard, eNAM has been started to help farmers receive fair value of their produce

and Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna to cover the maximum risk of farmers' crops

based on the Scale of Finance by removing capping on minimum premium. Soil Health

Card and Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana for organic farming, Har Medh Par Ped for

sustainable agriculture, 'Per Drop More Crop' with special emphasis on micro

irrigation and restructured National Bamboo Mission.


In the last 4 years, agricultural credit flow has increased by 57% to Rs 11 lakh crore

and interest subsidy has also been increased by one and half times to Rs 15,000 crore.

To increase the income of the farmers, 546 FPOs have been constituted by the SFAC

besides State Governments and FPOs of NABARD during the tenure of Modi

Government. For landless farmers, the Joint Liability Group has been increased from

6.72 lakh to 27.49 lakh.

In its efforts to double the income of the farmers by 2022, MSPs of 24 crops have been

raised by 1.5 times of the production cost, thereby fulfilling the government’s promise.

There has been an unprecedented increase of upto 15 times in purchase by the

government through PSS, PSF and MIS schemes.

In order to make Indian agriculture competitive a new export policy been formulated

and with various efforts of the Modi government, there has been 95% increase in

export value of marine products, 84% rice, 77% fresh fruits, 43% fresh vegetables and

38% spices.

Farmers' interests have also been protected by imposing import duty on oilseeds and

pulses through quantitative restrictions.

Several amendments have been made in the APMC Act for the implementation of

electronic trading. In addition, the new APLM Act, Land Leasing Act and the Contract

Farming and Services Act have been issued to states for implementation.

Through advanced research in agriculture, 795 new crops with biofortification and

resilient to climate change properties have been released to the farmers thereby

enabling increase in productivity and enhancing the income of farmers. New colleges

have been established for agriculture and veterinary education, number of seats has

been raised, stipends for the students have also been increased. Besides, schemes like

"Farmer First", "Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav" and "ARYA" have been started for better

coordination and interaction between agricultural scientists and farmers.

Besides crops, special attention has been paid to horticulture crops and agricultural

related activities. For the promotion of indigenous breeds in the Indian climate, special

emphasis is being given to Rashtriya Gokul Mission, sex-sorted semen, and the

development of dairy infrastructure. Through the Blue Revolution, importance is

being given to various dimensions of inland and maritime fisheries and also on the

development of fisheries infrastructure. Simultaneously, beekeeping has been

developed as additional source of income of farmers through Integrated Beekeeping

Development Centers.

The success of the government’s plan and policies is reflected in the fact that in the

year 2017-18, there was record foodgrain production of 284.83 million tonnes, record

horticulture production of 306.82 million tonnes, pulses production increased by 40%


25.23 million tons.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare is implementing the 7-point strategy

developed under the leadership of the Hon'ble Prime Minister and also recommended


by Dr. Swaminathan ji, like Per Drop More Crop, provision of nutrients according to

the soil quality of each farm, large investments in warehouses and cold chains to

prevent postharvest losses, promotion of value addition through food processing, e-

NAM, introduction of crop insurance scheme at lower costs to mitigate the risk, and

promotion of allied activities such as dairy-animal husbandry, poultry, beekeeping,

Medh Per Ped, horticulture, and fisheries.

For agricultural processing, tomato, onion and potato clusters will be set up under the

TOP scheme. New agri start ups and agri entrepreneurs are being encouraged.

Necessary steps are being taken for creation of infrastructure of 22,000 rural haats.

Setting up of cold chains and warehouses will be expedited. Focus on price and

demand forecasting will enable farmers to choose which crop to sow in order to

maximize benefit.

It is important to bring farmers within the ambit of institutional credit for which the

Government of India with the support of State governments and banks have started a

campaign for Kisan Credit Card (KCC). KCC facility is being provided to Animal

Husbandry and Fisheries farmers and the benefit of interest subvention scheme where

farmers are given short-term loan up to Rs 3 lakh per annum by banks on timely

payment of loan at the rate of 4%, will be given to Animal Husbandry and Fisheries.

2% interest subvention to the farmers pursuing the activities of animal husbandry and

fisheries, who avail loan through Kisan Credit Card will also be provided. It is worth

noting that now all farmers affected by severe natural calamities will not only be

provided the benefit of interest subvention of 2% but also prompt repayment

incentive of 3% for the reschedulement of 3-5 year agricultural loans.

India accounts for 6.3% of global fish production and 1% to India’s GDP and provides

livelihood to about 1.5 crore people at the primary level. To provide sustained and

focused attention towards development of this sector, Government has decided to

create a separate Department of Fisheries.

The Rashtriya Gokul Mission has been started for the first time in the country by Modi

Government to promote the country's cattle and buffaloes, to preserve their genetic

resources in scientific and holistic form and for continuous growth in the productivity

of Indian bovine. Continuing its effort in this direction, the "Rashtriya Kamdhenu

Aayog" has been proposed to be established to upscale sustainable genetic up-

gradation of cow resources and to enhance production and productivity of cows.

To provide an assured income support to the small and marginal farmers, the

government has launched a historic programme “Pradhan Mantri KIsan SAmman

Nidhi (PM-KISAN)” entailing an annual expenditure of Rs 75,000 crore. Under this

programme, vulnerable landholding farmer families, having cultivable land upto 2

hectares, will be provided direct income support at the rate of Rs 6,000 per year to

ensure their investment and other needs. This income support will be transferred


directly into the bank accounts of beneficiary farmers, in three equal installments of

Rs 2,000 each. This programme will be fully funded by the Government of India. It will

also protect farmers from the clutches of moneylenders and ensure continuity in their

farm activities.

I am confident that with these efforts, the government will be successful in doubling

the income of farmers by 2022.





