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No. 230 October 2010

Rev. Michioki Inafuku and Mrs. Michiyo Kakitani sprinkle the fragrance of the Teachings for the Annual All Tenrikyo Nioigake Day in Moili`ili, September 6, 2010

Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters of Hawai`i


September Monthly Service Sermon: “On the Way to the Final Goal” by Rev. Motoko Iwata, p. 4

All Tenrikyo Nioigake Day, p. 8 YMA & YWC Rainbow Hale Cleanup, p. 10

Autumn Memorial Service, p. 11

Bazaar Report p. 12 Judo News, p. 12

Hawaii Convention Information, p. 15

Hungry Reporter, p. 18

I shall go into the water in the mountains and make it clear,

Whatever kind of water it may be.

Ofudesaki II: 27


Message from the head of the

Overseas Department Tenrikyo 173, September 26

Thank you for all of your daily efforts in your various areas and positions.

The extreme summer heat has finally dissipated and it has suddenly become very au-

tumn-like in Oyasato. Today's Service, being on a beautiful Sunday, attracted many

followers from all over the world to return and worship single-heartedly in the Ser-

vice, with the Shinbashira as the core.

The Shinbashira, in his prayer, said "while looking closely at the confusion of this

world, beginning with myself, head ministers and yoboku, we should have an eye to-

wards the future. In order for God the Parent to show us the Joyous Life world, we

should continually put efforts into the overseas mission."

He also mentioned, "This month is the month of putting strong efforts in spreading

the fragrance. The last three days of the month will be the All Tenrikyo Nioigake

Days and the truth of the teachings will be spread all over the world."

Lastly, he prayed, "The path will widen as time passes. Please guide us so that we

may live in the Joyous Life even a day sooner. "

The monthly sermon was given by Honbu-in, Rev. Yoshimi Maegawa. The reve-

rend, talked about a doctor passing away for rebirth at age 32, and who wrote the book

titled, “To Asuka, & to my unborn children”. In the book, there's a section called "ob-

viously," and they talked about their illness and troubles. He talked about his own ill-

ness and about his role as a guardian, citing verses from the Ofudesaki and Osashizu.

He also wanted to point out how grateful we should be to feel "atarimae." It is due

to God the Parent's strong intention that we are here today. To respond to this paren-

tal heart, Rev. Maegawa said it is important to follow the path of repayment for bless-

ings and to exert one's sincerity to the utmost truth.

As was mentioned in the Prayer, from the basis of bearing in mind the overseas

mission of the path, let us do our best in repaying the intention of the Parent during

the three days of the All Tenrikyo Nioigake days starting from the day after tomorrow.

Moreover, many followers from overseas will return for the Autumn Grand Ser-

Continued on Page 7


September Monthly Service Prayer

Before You, God the Parent, Tenri-O-no-Mikoto, who resides in

his shrine, I, (Michihito Hamada, bishop of the Mission

Headquarters of Hawaii) pray with reverence.

God the Parent, as Your overflowing warmth, which grants us

daily the free use of our bodies, embraces us, we advance toward

spiritual maturity as we strive toward the realization of the Joyous

Life world receiving the guidance of the Ever-living Oyasama.

These boundless blessings are truly more than we can expect. As

we direct our constant focus toward the teachings, we proceed in

high spirits toward the path of sincerity applying our effort with a

mind focused on salvation. Today is the day we are granted to

conduct the September monthly service at this mission

headquarters. The service performers will unite their hearts to

perform the seated service and Teodori joyously in high spirits.

Today, as you view the brothers and sisters of the path who have

looked forward to this day singing the songs of the service in unison

with hearts filled with gratitude for Your parental love, we hope that

You can be spirited as well.

On August 20th, the 40th annual bazaar was held and we were

blessed with many attending. Also, on September 6th, 60 people

participated in the All Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day on the island of


Let us as Yoboku ponder on the many grievous events, which

we have been shown throughout the world, as the reflection of the

dust in our minds, and remembering not to misuse the mind we are

freely allowed, we vow to proceed spiritedly in accord with Your

intention toward the path of world salvation. May You, God the

Parent, accept our sincerity, and we ask that you guide us toward

reconstructing the world where we can spend our days living in

harmony by helping one another. Together with everyone present, I

pray for these blessings.


Mission HQ September Monthly Service Sermon

Rev. Motoko Iwata Head Minister of Wahiawa Church

“On the Way to the Final Goal”

At this time, together with all of you,

we have joyously completed the Septem-

ber Monthly Service and I would like to

express my heartfelt gratitude for this. To-

day, I have been assigned to deliver the

monthly sermon and although there may be

places that may be difficult to understand,

please bear with me for a short while.

Today’s topic is Chapter Eight of the

Doctrine titled, “On the Way to the Final

Goal.” Today’s translation is being done

by Colin Saito.

Chapter Eight, “On the Way to the Final

Goal,” teaches about receiving guidance

through illness and troubles and while lis-

tening to the teachings of God the Parent,

we begin to put into practice the Divine

Model of Oyasama and show our spiritual


First of all, allow me to read the first

part of Chapter Eight. “ (page 58, para-

gragh 3)

“Our minds, however, are ever change-

able. Our minds in the morning are not al-

ways the same in the evening. We are af-

fected by events that occur around us, and

our minds, bright in the morning, may be-

come darkened by evening. Though once

deeply moved by the teachings and deter-

mined to be devoted, in time our joyful and

bright spirits may wane. There may also be

times when, despite having been saved by

divine grace, we falter because of some

new illness or other troubles. In such cir-

cumstances, however, our path of faith is

always to reflect on our minds, to under-

stand that all occurrences are from the will

of God the Parent, and to live with joy and

brightness without allowing our spirits to

fall. This way of settling the mind is taught

as tanno.”

Upon receiving an illness or trouble and


when our hearts become unsettled, at such

times, to always reflect on our minds and

come to regard the knot as the intent of God

the Parent, without giving up, while nurtur-

ing a mind of joy and to live cheerfully, is

definitely not an easy thing to do.

Luckily, in Hawaii, there are many mi-

nisters who have faith in God the Parent

and have followed the Divine Model of

Oyasama. Upon being assigned the topic

“On the Way to the Final Goal,” the first

thing that crossed my mind was 69 years

ago, December 7th, 1941, the time right

after the attack on Pearl Harbor, when our

predecessors were detained and then

shipped out to the mainland internment

camps. It is impossible to talk about the

whole story of life at the internment camps

in such a short time, but focusing on just a

fragment of the suffering experienced by

our predecessors, I would like to share with

you some data along with my thoughts and


In the book, “The 50 Year History of

Tenrikyo Hawaii Dendocho (Mission

Headquarters),” allow me to read the part

where the names of the missionaries who

were detained on the mainland were writ-

ten. First of all, beginning with head minis-

ters; Sakujiro Ueno, Matagoro Mikuni, Hi-

dekichi Nakamoto, Kaneki Honda, Ma-

sayuki Iwata, Kinzaemon Odachi, Hikojuu

Takemoto, and Miyuki Kawasaki. Next,

successors to head ministers; Naoichi Seto.

Then, heads of missions, Manabu Yama,

and Shozaemon Masaki. Next, spouse of

head minister Ryosaku Kawasaki. And fi-

nally, church director Ichiro Genseki. These

were the people who were arrested. At the

churches, the authorities came and the pros-

ecution began by confiscating doctrinal ma-

terials and prohibiting missionary work.”

In addition, Kinzaemon Odachi of Hilo

Church, due to an illness, passed away at

the age of 56 while in detention at the Santa

Fe Camp in New Mexico.

Life in the detention camps must have

been very miserable & tragic but I wonder

how they managed to pass through it all.

We can get some insight from the second

Bishop of the Mission Headquarters of

America, Bishop Masaharu Hashimoto,

who wrote in his diary “Nankin Roku Nen”

(Six years of Confinement) and his autobi-

ography “Shogyo,” about the severe situa-

tion in the camp at that time. In the book,

“Hawaii no Akebono,” about Sakujiro &

Tsuji Ueno, on page 86, allow me to bor-

row and read one section that gives such a


(Unofficial translation) Life while in de-

tention, being provided with food, clothing

& shelter was supposed to be guaranteed

like a life in heaven but in actuality, it was

like being in hell. It was unavoidable that

both body as well as spirit of the people

was forced into a life of imprisonment.

Many fellow internees harbored immeasur-

able grudges inside their hearts and passed

away while being detained behind those

September Monthly Service Sermon


son came to the church and told the head

minister that he had to go to the Immigra-

tion Office and thus was taken away. After

that, the church was closed for four years

and leaving his wife and three children

back, the head minister was interned in the

camp on the mainland. At the church, six

family members lived and worked together

and took care of the church during his ab-

sence. They had to deal with being looked

down upon and despised as foreigners of an

enemy country and they had to tolerate be-

ing prejudiced against, but the followers

kept their spirits up and applied their efforts

sincerely. In 1945, the head minister was

released and returned home.”

Leaving Japan and going to Hawaii as

missionaries, they barely got started when

the war began suddenly and at the same

time, causing them to be arrested. It was

unavoidable that they were forced to live in

a detention camp on the mainland and they

probably did not even dream that such a

situation could ever happen. Again, the

wives, family, and followers who were left

back in Hawaii had to go through much suf-

fering. There was severe persecution by the

authorities and the church was forced to

close its doors, which caused the members

to suddenly stop coming. Even in such a

situation, everyone desperately protected

God and the church. When the ministers

returned back to Hawaii, they had to start

over again from nothing. When I think of

the suffering of these people, I become

barbed wire fences. Also, those that became

mentally ill were sent to a hospital in the

State of Kentucky. Those that were kept

within the confines of the camp for a long

time, though they did not realize it, were

definitely affected with psychological prob-

lems. Yet, within all these suffering, there

were those that persevered and endured by

diligently reading literature and doing re-

search and this was all possible due to their

strong faith. Surely, I believe that this was

due to the unlimited blessing of God the

Parent and Oyasama.”

Such an explanation was written in the

book. From this short excerpt alone, we can

get a glimpse of life while in detention and

grasp the harshness of such a life.

My husband’s father, the first head mi-

nister of Honolulu-ko Church, was one of

those who experienced life in detention. But

during his life he hardly talked about the

severe times of being in detention and only

to those in his own family circle, I heard

that he would say, “I was not treated too

badly.” But, just by the fact that he chose

not to speak about it, tells me how great the

suffering must have been. Next, I would

like to talk about the situation on December

7th and read an excerpt from the “50 Year

History of Tenrikyo Hawaii Dendocho.”

“On December 7, 1941, the Japanese

Navy attacked Pearl Harbor and that day

was full of confusion in the city. In the

evening around 10 p.m., a Caucasian person

and a second generation Japanese FBI per-

September Monthly Service Sermon


vice. The Overseas workshop (for church heads and mission station heads and spous-

es) and the Welcome Party for overseas followers will be held the day before the

Grand Service on 10/25.

We would like to have as many participants as possible so please spread the word

to let everyone in the congregation know what will take place.

Finally, I would like to report that on 9/26, Mr. Motomichi Uemura was assigned

to the Translation Section (Portuguese) of the Overseas Department.

Yoichiro Miyamori

Head of Tenrikyo Overseas Department

Message from the Head of the Overseas Dept.

Continued from Page 2

my daily life, I sometimes waver in my ef-

forts. But, when I think of the people who

passed through during the wartime and the

suffering they experienced, even though I

may be feeling down and depressed, I be-

come encouraged and change to a bright

and positive mind. It is the legacy of such

unseen and precious treasures, along with

the joy of faith of the predecessors of the

path, which I cherish and appreciate very


Thank you for your kind attention.

overwhelmed with emotion.

Yet, despite having to go through

such harsh conditions back in those days, I

believe that it is because the predecessors

diligently strove to lean on God the Parent

and focus on Oyasama’s protection, that we

have the path we have in Hawaii today! The

following excerpt from page 58 of the Doc-

trine teaches, “to understand that all occur-

rences are from the will of God the Parent,

and to live with joy and brightness without

allowing our spirits to fall,” gives us strong

support to our spirit and provides us with

much needed encouragement. Personally, in

September Monthly Service Sermon


All Tenrikyo Nioigake Day Conducted on Oahu!


The All Tenrikyo Nioigake Day was conducted on Labor Day, September 6, 2010 at

Moiliili Stadium Park with about 60 participants. About half of the people went on door

to door nioigake in the Moiliili neighborhood in groups of 2-3 persons and the other half

selected to do nioigake by cleaning the park. The sazuke was administered three times

during the door to door nioigake.


Right: Rev. Colin and Mrs

Kayo (partially blocked)

sprinkle the fragrance of the


Left: Rev. Takatoshi Mima of

Koshinokuni Hawaii Church greet a

Moiliili resident. Accompanying him

are his son Blayne and grandson Tyler




Mrs. Michiyo Kakitani administer the sazuke to a person with illness.

Group photo at Moiliili Stadium Park


On September 26th, the

Young Men's Association

and members of the Young

Women's Club held a joint

Rainbow Hale cleanup hi-

nokishin following Yohai-

shiki. About 15 YMA and

YWC members gathered to

take part in cleaning the

windows and screens, bath-

room, organizing the YMA

storage closet, and vacuum-

ing the carpet. After the hi-

nokishin, everyone enjoyed

the BBQ lunch and spent

time socializing in the fresh-

ly cleaned Rainbow

Hale. Thanks to all for

a job well done and we

hope to do this on an

annual basis to better

maintain the Rainbow

Hale for all to enjoy!


YMA and YWC Cleanup Rainbow Hale


In memory of and honoring the predecessors of

the Hawaii mission, the Autumn Memorial Ser-

Service was conducted at Mission HQ on

Monday, September 27th from 10:00 a.m. An-

niversaries were observed for the following:

5 years, Rev. Kenji Hongo, Myodo G.C. 1st

head minister of Alexander Mission Station;

10 years, Mr. Noboru Kimura, Honjima,

Spouse of the 4th head minister of Kakaako

Church; 20 years, Rev. Nobu Nakajima, Hon-

jima, 2nd head minister of Wailuku Church;

20 years, Mrs. Shizue Hasegawa, North Ameri-

ca, Wife of the 1st head minister of North Pa-

cific Church; 20 years, Rev. Masayoshi Nakamura, Koriyama, minister.

OCTOBER GRAND SERVICE Sunday, October 17, 2010

9:00 a.m. Sermon (in Japanese)

by Bishop Michihito Hamada

Bishop of the Mission Headquarters of Hawaii

English translation by Ms. Lisa Okamura


Autumn Memorial Service Held



Dear Friends,

Continuing to focus on doing nioigake (sprinkling the fragrance of the teach-

ings) to the community in unity, instead of working for the bottom line we were

blessed with a steady stream of bazaar patrons despite the morning rain and the

live broadcast of the Little League baseball Hawaii team competing for the

World Series Championship. For the most part, we kept prices the same as last

year. Booth heads continued to make strides in reaching out to friends, family

and church members, to help at the bazaar resulting in requests for the new ba-

zaar T-shirts totaling over 400!

Financial Report

Gross receipts: $48,389.78

Expenses: $27,563.34

Net Proceeds: $20,826.44

Proceeds from the bazaar will support the Mission HQ activities, affiliate organ-

izations, facilities maintenance and disaster relief fund.

Thank you to you all for you sincere contributions and hinokishin!


Owen O. Nakao

Bazaar Chair

40th Annual Bazaar Report

Congratulations to our Pan Am Medal winners: Cole Chandler, Gold 44kgs, Noah Pineda

Abaya, Silver 48kgs, and Cassidy Chandler, Bronze 53 kgs who competed at the Infantile

Pan Am championships held in Panama City, Panama on October 1 - 2, 2010.

The USA team won nine medals on Saturday, including four gold medals. Combined

with the 16 medals the team earned on Friday, the U.S. team had one of its best overall

finishes in the history of this annual event.

Judo News


Monthly Nioigake Day

The Mission HQ monthly nioigake day is held on the Monday after the

monthly service from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Meet at MHQ.

Monthly Community Hinokishin

The monthly community Hinokishin Day is held on the first Tuesday from

9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Meet at MHQ.

Mission HQ Announcements


Trick or Treat for UNICEF is observing its

60th Anniversary!

Join the effort in aiding children affected by war, natural

disasters, poverty, violence and disease by participating in this

worthy cause.

The orange collection boxes are available at your local church

or can be picked up at Mission HQ. Even 25 cents can make a

big difference in these children’s lives.

Thank you for your support!

Sponsored by the Hawaii Boy’s & Girl’s Association.



Hawaii Convention 2011!


When: Saturday-Monday, May 28, 29 30

Where: Hilton Hawaiian Village 2005 Kalia Road, Honolulu, Hawaii

Participation Fee: Early Bird Registration: $100 per person if registering before

January 31, 2011

$120 per person, if registering between February 1 through

March 31, 2011. Includes: Lunch on Saturday and Lunch and Lu`au dinner on Sunday.

Registration deadline is March 31, 2011

Program Overview Day 1: May 28

09:00-9:45 Part 1: Regional Updates

10:00-12:30 Part 2: Joy of Life Workshop

14:00-17:30 Part 3: The Study of the Service

Day 2: May 29

09:00-11:00 Part 4: Guest Lecturers

12:00-16:00 Part 5: Elective Courses

16:30-17:00 Part 6: Motivational Address

17:30-21:00 Lu'au Dinner

Day 3: May 30

09:00-10:20 Part 7: Nioigake & Hinokishin

10:40-11:15 Closing Ceremony

Check out official website: http://tenrikyohawaiiconvention2011.com

Download your application, watch cool videos, One World One Family

theme song.


Tid Bits Associations’ Reports






Last year over $1,200 were collected

to help children around the world in-

cluding disasters in Samoa, Philip-

pines and Indonesia. This year

UNICEF is racing against the clock

to stop a second emergency in Pakis-

tan. Malaria, diarrhea, and other wa-

ter-borne diseases are spreading. For

our Trick or Treat for UNICEF Fund

drive in October, please support

UNICEF in their work to relieve suf-

fering to the children in these areas.

Make “Halloween Count!” means

not only dress up in costumes and get

candy, but also to use this occasion to

help children in impoverished coun-

tries and to teach our children about

helping others. This is our sincerity,

our salvation work. Thank you!



Under the slogan, “Let’s connect

October 17th-Sunday

Monthly Meeting

Mission HQ Social Hall-1pm

October 31st-Sunday

Garage Sale

Mission HQ Social Hall-8am

children with our churches and nur-

ture their sense of gratitude to God

the Parent,” the BGA has set the fol-

lowing goals:

1. Have all chapters conduct slee-

povers at their churches

2. Promote hinokishin activities in

every district.

3. Increase the number of association

members participating in the Child-

ren’s Pilgrimage to Jiba.

Hawaii chapter chair Rev. Owen Na-

kao requested that these goals be met

at the church level where possible.







On October 16th, the workshop of "The

Divine Directions and the Women's As-

sociation" will be held in Japanese and

English at Mission Headquarters. "The

Divine Directions" is a correspondence

between God the Parent and humans.

Let us reveal the heart of God the Par-

ent. We are looking forward to seeing

many people.

Oct. 9(Sat) 9:30 a.m.

Nuuanu Hale Visitation

Oct. 11(Mon) 9:00 a.m.

Nov. 8(Mon)

Monthly Meeting

Study Anecdotes of Oyasama

Lecture by Bishop Hamada

Oct. 12(Tue) 9:00 a.m.

Nov. 16(Tue)9:00 a.m.

Women's Musical Instruments Practice

Oct. 16(Sat) 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

Workshop of "The Divine Directions

and the Women's Association"

Participation fee is $5 which you pay

T Garage Sale – October 31, 2010;

9:00am – 1:00pm. We will start col-

lecting items from Oct. 17th

(Monthly Service) so please drop

your items off at Dendocho or call to

have them picked up. Please let either

Louise of Lynn So know if you are

available to help. All proceeds will

go towards the Tenrikyo Hawaii

Convention 2011.

Follow Miss Kokan Seminar – No-

vember 13, 2010; 9:30a – 1:30p.

Please join us as we learn about the

origins of the Womens’ Association

and the importance of why it was

created. As always, there will be an

inspirational speech, delicious food

and great friendship. Hope to see you

all there!

when taking a textbook.

October Grand Service luncheon hinoki-

shin is assigned to GODO A group.


The Hungry Reporter

It’s almost Halloween and I was looking for an easy reci-pe you could make to bring to work, serve at a party or simply treat yourselves to. Kids of all ages will go for these chocolate-drizzled crisp cereal bars. Enjoy!

Bewitched Crispies Ingredients


Lightly butter 15x10x1-inch jelly-roll pan. Set aside.

Melt 1/2 cup butter in 6-quart saucepan over low heat (1 to 2 minutes).

Add marshmallows and food color; stir until melted (2 to 3minutes).

Add cereal; mix lightly until well coated.

Pat cereal mixture evenly into prepared pan.

Melt chocolate chips and shortening in 1-quart saucepan over low heat,

stirring occasionally, until smooth (2 to 4 minutes).

Drizzle chocolate over bars. Let stand until set (30 minutes).

Makes 48 bars.

*Substitute LAND O LAKES ® Soft Baking Butter with Canola Oil. You can

also not include the food coloring to make it a regular time treat.

1/2 cup LAND O LAKES ® Butter,


2 (10-ounce) packages regular-size


3 drops orange food color

10 cups crisp rice cereal

1/2 cup real semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 teaspoon vegetable shortening


October Calendar 2010

4th Mon TCC October Grand Service TCC

5th Tue Monthly Community Hinokishin Day Mission HQ 9:00 a.m.

9th Sat WA Nuuanu Hale Visitation Meet @Mission HQ 9:30 a.m

11th Mon WA Monthly Meeting Mission HQ 9:00 a.m.

12th Tue Women’s Instruments Practice Mission HQ 9:00 a.m.

14th Thu BGA Staff Meeting Rainbow Hale 7:30 p.m.

16th Sat WA Divine Directions Workshop Mission HQ 9:00 a.m.

17th Sun Monthly Service Mission HQ 9:00 a.m.

Head Ministers Meeting Mission HQ 12:45 p.m.

YMA Monthly Meeting Rainbow Hale 1:00 p.m.

18th Mon Monthly Nioigake Day Mission HQ 9:00 a.m.

26th Tue Yohaishiki (Service from afar) Mission HQ 9:00 a.m.

31th Sun YWC Garage Sale Mission HQ 9:00 a.m.

BGA Trick or Treat for UNICEF Waikiki DFS 7:30 pm

November Calendar 2010

5th Tue Monthly Community Hinokishin Day Mission HQ 9:00 a.m.

9th Sat WA Nuuanu Hale Visitation Meet @Mission HQ 9:30 a.m

11th Mon WA Monthly Meeting Mission HQ 9:00 a.m.

12th Tue Women’s Instruments Practice Mission HQ 9:00 a.m.

Abbreviation key: BGA = Boy’s & Girl’s Assn. WA = Women’s Association TCC = Tenri Cultural Center RH = Rainbow Hale YMA = Young Men’s Association YWC = Young Women’s Club TSA = Tenrikyo Students Association WSN = Women’s Support Network


Tenrikyo mission Headquarters of Hawaii

2920 Pali Highway

Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

Phone: (808) 595-6523, fax: (808) 595-7748

e-mail: origins@tenrikyo-hawaii.com

Tenrikyo homepage: http://www.tenrikyo.or.jp

Tenrikyo Online: http:/www.tenrikyo.or.jp/kaiden/newsletter/

Hawaii Mission HQ Online: http://www.tenrikyo-hawaii.com/news

Nonprofit Org.

U.S. Postage


Honolulu, HI

Permit No. 570

YWC Garage Sale! Sunday, October 31, 2010

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters of Hawaii

Proceeds will be donated to the Hawaii Convention 2010! Please bring donated items to Mission HQ from Sunday, October 17 through Friday, October 29th or call Louise

Inafuku at cell: 551-3158 or email her at: loubell333@yahoo.com to arrange for pick up.