Term 1: Week 4 - Year 12 VCE Australian...


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Term 1: Week 4 1

BST: Post World War 1Learning Foci:

To demonstrate historical knowledge, understanding and skills through completion of a test of pre and post WW1.

To get my knowledge ready about the Roaring Twenties.

Success Criteria:I can review my knowledge and understanding of my homework.I can explain the purpose of the peace treaties post WW1.I can complete revision and a test of pre and post WW1.I can get my knowledge ready about the ‘Roaring Twenties’.

Task 1: Reviewing your knowledge of WW1

2 Term 1: Week 4

Task 2: The Peace Treaties

a) Match the following people to their country:

David Lloyd George Italy

Woodrow Wilson Great Britain

Georges Clemenceau USA

Vittorio Orlando France

b) At the Versailles Palace in 1919, what was wanted and decided for Germany now WW1 had ceased?


c) Imagine that you are a school student in 1934. Your school has been awarded the certificate (below) for forming a junior branch of the League of Nations Union. You have been asked to give a short speech explaining why you and your fellow students are proud to be members and why your generation supports the work of the League of Nations for world peace. Write the speech you would give. 50 -100 words.

Term 1: Week 4 3



Task 3: Define the following three key terms




4 Term 1: Week 4

Task 4: Revising for a Test!

Next lesson you will have a test that will assess your Historical Knowledge and Understanding and Historical Skills on the topic of the causes and consequences of World War I. In order for you to be fully prepared you need to make sure that you can complete the following:

Europe before World War 1Q1. Who were the major powers before WW1?

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q2. Label the following map of Europe before WW1.

Alliance SystemQ3. Draw, label and explain 2 diagrams representing the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente.

Term 1: Week 4 5

Pre World War 1Q4. The event that started World War 1 took place in which country? Explain what was happening

in this country at this point in time.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____

Q5. Explain the following cartoon titled ‘A Chain of Friendship’ which appeared

in the American newspaper

the Brooklyn Eagle in

July in 1914.

6 Term 1: Week 4

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Treaty of Versailles Q6. Who were referred to as ‘The Big Three’?

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q7. What League was created and what was its intention?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q8. Write a summary about the Treaty of Versailles.

Term 1: Week 4 7

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q7. Was Germany responsible for starting the war? Discuss, with reference to the reasons each country had for going to war.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q.8 DEFINITIONS

Choose 10 key terms related to this topic and write a sentence using each term.

Key term Definition

8 Term 1: Week 4

Task 5: Review

i) I did/did not enjoy learning about this topic because …

ii) The learning activities I enjoyed completing the most were …

iii) The learning activities I found most challenging were …
