The Archive Newsletter Jan - Mar 2015



The Archive Newsletter is a non-denominational publication designed to expose the Body of Christ to all the occurrences that are taking place both on a spiritual and secular level as it relates to the end times. We host a number of contributors who all share common perspectives on common themes as it impacts the lives of believers. Our authors come from experienced backgrounds that enable them to be effective as they disseminate life changing truths.

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who desires all of our lives. This

is further proven by the lack of

concern towards the times we

are living in as many mentally

acknowledge the time but there

is no life adjustment in their

convictions towards the choices

and decisions concerning their


In Ephesians 5:14-16 there is a

call to the church today that

provides the answer to our dire

problem :

“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (KJV).

So therefore the time is now to change, to challenge yourselves to redeem the time for the days are truly evil.


Adullam Fellowship

While sitting here asking the

Lord how should I start this

newsletter, many ideas and

thoughts perused my mind only

to be interrupted by that still

small voice that would pro-

nounce to my spirit the words

“Spiritual Apathy”. I then pro-

ceeded to find the definition for

such a phrase only to be con-

fronted with words that is evi-

denced by a present condition

looming over many in the pre-

sent day church.

It was then I had to seek the

Lord for the best way to chal-

lenge and uplift many who have

fallen victim to such a disease.

It was only the natural thing

then to explain what the mean-

ing of this phrase is . The word

“Apathy” stood out and I was

then made to understand the

full depth of such a word. It re-

ferred to (1) the lack of feeling

and emotion and (2) lack of inter-

est and concern with synonyms

such as numbness and insensibil-

ity, words that strike at the heart

and so I was forced to agree, as I

look at the state of God’s union

(the church) today, I see over-

whelming evidences of this.

Spiritual Apathy in light of the

above definition therefore relates

to a body of people who refuse

to express the gift of God’s love

and compassion toward each

other particularly to the less

fortunate within the body . It also

relates to a majority of believers

today who show no interest in

daily living in the ways of Christ

but limit Him to a Sunday morn-

ing or church event , treating the

life of Christianity as just actions

of appeasement to a Holy God

There is no doubt that we the

body of Christ are upon a sea-

son of increased grace. You

may ask what evidences of

this exist. It is simple, just look

at the world. The Word of God

says in Romans 5:20

“Moreover the law entered,

that the offence might abound.

But where sin abounded,

grace did much more abound”,

of course in correct context

this referenced the need for

Christ entering the world to

deal with the sin and so it is no

different today .

Who can argue with the plain

fact of abounding sin existing

around us on all fronts. This

just sets the platform for the

exceeding riches of His grace

being made available and dis-

pensed by the Holy Spirit to

and for us. The purpose of this

grace goes just beyond the

future salvation that has been

set forth for all who believe

and confess Him but it also is

for the enabling of His people

to survive the times ahead.

There is a present salvation

that God wants to bring His

people into, this is to protect

us from the deception that is

corroding many souls from

the love of God in the world.

Grace is made available to us

to rescue us from wiles of the

wicked one. It is to activate

our faith in the God we once

believed. The Word warns that

we do not receive the grace of

God in vain and so we urge

that you receive of the true

riches of His grace. When we

do this ,all that he has prom-

ised will be made available to

us according to His will. CARLOS GONZALES


I S S U E :

The Time is Now 1

The Exceeding

Riches of His



Conversations on



The Real World



Inequality: Fact

or Fiction


Let’s Preach the



Gospel Bulletin 4

The Exceeding Riches of His Grace

W W W . 7 T C N . C O . N R 7th Trumpet Communications Network

J A N - M A R C H 2 0 1 5 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

The Archive “Declaring the End from the Beginning”

The Time is NoW !!

P A G E 2

“Everyone that

keeps on asking

receives and keeps

on seeking finds and

keeps on knocking

has it opened to


The Real World War

CONVERSATIONS ON PRAYER I had a great-aunt by the

name of Gertrude, and boy

could that woman pray. Any-

time, anywhere as long as she

felt the Spirit leading she

would begin. It did not matter

if it was late at night or early in

the morning, as others tried to

squeeze the last vestige of

sleep from the night, she

would begin. Her prayers were

sometimes soft and pleading

and at other times quite loud

and boisterous, as a child I

thought she was crazy. Howev-

er as I came to know the Lord I

realized she had developed

something that most believers

lacked today, a prayer life. It

was alive, it was obedient and

it was full of faith. God

seemed to answer for her the

simplest to the most difficult

requests; for in prayer she was

healed from cancer and when

she wanted coconuts from my

grandmother’s backyard and

no one would get it for her,

she simply touched the tree,

prayed and it fell at her feet.

Today I long for that kind of

power in prayer...and yet it is

available to every believer.

Then why don’t we have it? Is

it because we are too incon-

sistent, fickle, complacent and

might I add just plain disobedi-

ent. Yet Jesus said in John 15:7,

‘If you abide in me, and my

words abide in you, ye shall ask

what you will, and it shall be

done unto you.’ So then there

remains an abiding, a dwelling,

a never leaving a not being

fickle and inconsistent that we

must come to as children of

God. Am I being harsh? Even

God’s word says let not the

double-minded man think that

he shall receive anything

(nothing, nada, zilch) from the

Lord, we must abide. Time

after time Jesus gave us clues

to prayer, he said in Matt.7:7

‘Ask’, ‘Seek’, ‘Knock’. This is

not for the spiritual giants or the

mighty but he goes on to say in

verse 8 everyone that keeps on

asking receives and keeps on

seeking finds and keeps on knock-

ing has it opened to them. There

is so much that could be said

from scripture about prayer but

what is most intriguing to me is

that Jesus prayed. He was the

word made flesh, Immanuel, the

fullness of the Godhead was in

him, demons cried out as they

recognized him, he healed the

sick and raised the dead yet scrip-

ture is full of instances when he

left his disciples, left the crowds

and found a quiet place to pray.

So I encourage all who would

seek to please the father to pray,

may your prayer life increase,

may you abide in him, and may

your requests be answered.


Roxen Gonzales 7th Trumpet Communications Network

in our situations. We must understand that there is a battle that is raging in this world both on a micro and mac-ro level that involves the flesh and the Spirit. When it comes to topics such as these many stu-dents of the bible would refer immediately to the Romans discourse of the flesh vs. the Spirit . But if we look a little clos-er we can see that this battle has manifested itself from the very beginning of time . From Genesis 3:15 the declaration of that war was evidenced and showed itself throughout the generations from Cain and Abel, Issac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, David and Saul even Jesus and Barab-bas . All Through scripture the conflict

between flesh and Spirit has abounded ,of course the desire and demand of God is that the Spirit (of God) will always tri-umph over the flesh and its deeds (characteristic of being enslaved to the sin nature inher-ited by Adam). I coin this “The Real World War” because of the fact that all of our challenges today as believers originate in onw form or another from this war . I encourage you, do not be igno-rant of this raging battle and always find yourselves walking in the Spirit so that you do not fulfil the deeds of the flesh. Victory comes and has already been decided if you live always by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Carlos Gonzales

Many of us today in our jour-

ney of faith often times have a limited view of how great and mighty a God we serve, for the most part a lot of us have iso-lated the power of God that is at work in this world down to our individualistic needs and don’t often see beyond this. One might say that there is nothing necessarily wrong with that view, however like the quote “ignorance is bliss” .we must come to an understanding that in anything we do, our progress or development goes as far as our knowledge, hence many times we leave a void that will either be filled with our pre-conceived ideas or with false information that will eventually become strongholds and we no longer see outside of ourselves

7 T H T R U M P E T C O M M U N I C A T I O N S N E T W O R K

“We must

understand that

there is a battle

that is raging in this

world both on a

micro and macro

level that involves

the flesh and the


Inequality: Fact or Fiction (part 1)

P A G E 3 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

The topic of gender, its role,

and influence in the modern

society has become a major

point of discussion. Spiraling

from the cry for equal rights for

women as that of men, in the

1960s and 1970s revolution of

existentialism according to in- (Pearson Educa-

tion, 2005).

The plea then was for equality in

educational and occupational

opportunities as well as political

and economic freedom. One of

the overwhelming plea is for

equality in the work place; but

there is also a quest for legaliza-

tion of abortion, gender desensi-

tization, sex change liberalization

and gender eradication which

are now before us. Argued by

postmodern feminist, “it is nec-

essary to eliminate gender as the

way in which people are

grouped.” Smigliori (2007), “The

Eradication of Gender: A Neces-

sary Road to Equality”.

Gender differences, it seems,

have become the mother of all

social impropriety, discrimination

and imbalance in livability and

equality between men and wom-

en as well as a rationale for ex-

plaining “injustice” against wom-

en and children. According to

‘Overseas Development Insti-

tute’ (2008), “Gender inequality

causes and perpetuates poverty

and vulnerability” for women.

Aiming to “End Poverty,” the

United Nations seeks to

“Eliminate gender disparity…” In

its “Millennium Development

Goals and Beyond 2015”, The

UN has listed eight primary

goals most of which are geared

to empowering women, bridg-

ing the gap of gender disparity

primarily within the world of

work as well as to protect and

educate children.

If “gender inequality” is a social

and cultural problem; why then

is the primary focus placed on

empowering women and pro-

tecting children, as a means of

arresting gender inequality?.

Following Aristotle, “The whole

is greater than the sum of its

parts.” It is agreeable, to be-

lieve that a more holistic ap-

proach is needed in addressing

issues of poverty, injustice and

gender disparity, thus attention

must be given to the root


We too, as saints of the

most High God, the church,

are charged with the same

responsibility today by Al-

mighty God to do the same

in this crooked and per-

verse generation. At a time

when the evil and wicked-

ness of men’s hearts are

more and more prominent.

We cannot afford to devel-

op a slack attitude as some

believers have. It cannot be

business as usual!

Jesus said “Go ye into all

the world and preach the

Gospel to every creature

(Mark 16:15). He also said

Go ye therefore and teach

all nations” (Matthew

28:19) . The command from

the chief commander is still

to GO !

It is therefore high time for

us to GO ! So let’s go and

preach the word ! Let’s go

and declare the word!, Lets

go and proclaim the word!,

Let’s go and herald the

word !, Let’s go and publish

the good news of the Gospel

of Jesus Christ, the power of

God unto salvation to every-

one that believe!, LET’S


Evangelist Elton Pompey El-Lyn For Souls Ministries International

The Apostle Paul charges

Timothy, his son in the Gos-

pel to, ”Preach the word: be

instant in season , out of

season, reprove, rebuke,

exhort with all long suffer-

ing and doctrine. For the

time will come( which I be-

lieve is already here) when

they will not endure sound

doctrine,” etc… (2Timothy

4:2,3). This was after his

release from Roman impris-

onment and having been

arrested again and taken

back to Rome, knowing that

his martyrdom was immi-

nent. (2Tim 4:17). It was

also a time when men’s

desire was for religious nov-



The command from the chief

commander is still to GO !

Looking at the differences

between gender inequality and

gender equality as defined,

how can one affirm

“measurable equal representa-

tion” without achieving same-

ness? Terms such as ‘equal

pay’, ‘equal representation’,

‘equal rights’, ‘equal oppor-

tunity’ speaks to one thing,


True equality between men

and women begins when each

individual and society can cele-

brate the differences that

make men and women equal.

Men are not from mars neither

are women from venus. In

fact, without one there cannot

be the other (1 Corinthians 11:

11 -12). Men and women were

designed to complement each


(to be continued next issue)

Pastor Kemar Rhoomes

San Fernando Church of God

The Editor

7th Trumpet Communications Network

19 Turton Street

Les Efforts East

San Fernando


West Indies

Phone: 868-778-5995



The Archive Newsletter is a non-denominational publication

designed to expose the Body of Christ to all the occurrences

that are taking place both on a spiritual and secular level as it

relates to the end times. We host a number of contributors who

all share common perspectives on common themes as it im-

pacts the lives of believers. Our authors come from experi-

enced backgrounds that enable them to be effective as they

disseminate life changing truths.


