The Classical Period: Directions, Diversities, and Declines by 500 C.E. By S.F. and A.B. A.P. World...


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The Classical Period: Directions, Diversities, and Declines by 500 C.E.

By S.F. and A.B.

A.P. World History


Expansion and Integration Territorial expansion and efforts to integrate.

Were the basic themes of the three great classical civilizations

Basic issues evolved: Territorial and Social

• Emphasized greater centralization, particularly in politics.

China India and Mediterranean

• Remained more localized and diverse

China: India: Rome:

Beyond the Classical Civilizations

Outside the classical civilizations important developments occurred in other parts of the world

Agriculture spread to Northern Europe and Northern Asia

By 1000 B.C.E. the kingdom of Kush (In Africa) was flourishing

Kush= defeated by Axum

Axum= defeated by Ethiopia

Axum and Ethiopia had contact with the eastern Mediterranean world until after Rome’s fall

Olmec Civilization

Known for their pyramids

Accurate calendar

Influenced their successors

Expansion of the Maya and Olmec

Beyond the Classical Civilizations

Political organization in Japan arose around 400 C.E.

Polynesian people reached islands (Fiji and Samoa) by 1000 B.C.E.

Further explorations led to the first settlement of island complexes (Hawaii) by 400 C.E.

Caste System

Under powerful local kings

Fiji Islands, Samoa, and Hawaii

Decline in China and India


Internal weaknesses and invasions

Suffered chaos and collapse of Han Empire


Internal weakness and invasions

Suffered invasions from nomads

Islamic Arab traders gained control of Indian Ocean from India’s Tamil Merchants

Decline and Fall in Rome

Many factors such as…

Weak emperors

Army in Politics


Hedonist nobles

Farmers ignored

Weak military

Invasions of the Roman Empire


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