THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. Story, not history Meaning


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Story, not history


Emmanuel : God among usGod in human form

Not “Jesusmas”

But CHRISTmas. Thru’ the Holy Spirit, Christ is present in the

Church, in whoever who loves and in the cosmos.

Not just baby Jesus

but adult Christ

Not just recalling the past event

but, like the Mass, a memorial, anamnesis,reliving the past event


Meister Eckhart, O.P. ,a mystic: (c. 1260–c. 1328)

“What good is it to me if Mary gave birth to the Son of God 1300 years ago, and I do not also give birth to the Son of God in my time and in my culture? We are all meant to be mothers of God. God is always needing to be born.”

“Christmas is not simply about remembering that once upon a time Jesus was born somewhere else. It is about remembering that Jesus only lives on if he lives on in us. A Christmas crib is a reminder that we are all sent by God to be a gift to the world.

It is not enough to claim to beChristian; it is imperative that we act like Christians too….

Everywhere we look people are in need. But we often leave the birth of Jesus up to Mary and forget to rebirth him ourselves in every age.

Christmas is the call to each of us to take responsibility for being another Christ in the world. Until that happens the world will not change much….

Christmas is celebrated on one day of the year in order to remind us to live itevery other day of the year.”

The inner journey to find God, not up in the sky, but in us, with us and through


Eyes and ears of wonder, faith and love

How do we experience Christmas and Epiphany?

From the Desk of Terrence Malick….We trace the evolution of an eleven-year-old boy in the Midwest, JACK, one of three brothers. At first all seems marvelous to the child. He sees as his mother does with the eyes of his soul. She represents the way of love and mercy, where the father tries to teach his son the world’s way of putting oneself first. Each parent contends for his allegiance, and Jack must reconcile their claims. The picture darkens as he has his first glimpses of sickness, suffering and death. The world, once a thing of glory, becomes a labyrinth.From this story is that of adult Jack, a lost soul in a modern world, seeking to discover amid the changing scenes of time that which does not change: the eternal scheme of which we are a part. When he sees all that has gone into our world’s preparation, each thing appears a miracle—precious, incomparable. Jack, with his new understanding, is able to forgive his father and take his first steps on the path of life.The story ends in hope, acknowledging the beauty and joy in all things, in the everyday and above all in the family—our first school—the only place that most of

us learn the truth about the world and ourselves, or discover life’s single most important lesson, of unselfish love. at Magis Hall2:00 Jan. 15th 4:30

How do we continue the birth and Epiphany of Christ?

Whenever we go beyond the small ego and reach out, there is Epiphany.Whenever we live according to our conscience, there is Epiphany.Whenever we live according to love, there is Epiphany! Personal examples?

May we live a life filled the PRESENCE and manifestation

of Christ
