Tonya Clouse Williams- Autism



Tonya Clouse Williams- Autism

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Tonya Clouse Williams This is a MUST read if you have a child with autism or just want to understand one:O)

"If anyone wanted to ever know what it is like to be an Autism parent this is us to the tee."


You can spot another Autism parent within seconds of seeing them or their children.You have radar from a mile away for anything pertaining to your child's current obsession.

You can instantly tell the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown in another child.You deal on a daily basis with judgemental stares when your child has a meltdown.Haircuts are the end of the world for your child.Your kids strip off their clothes in winter and want to wear multiple layers in summer...Youre constantly running after your child through the shops or trying to stop them from running towards the road.You don't judge other parents and their children even if they seem to be misbehaving as you just never know the real story with that family.You were lucky enough to be chosen by the universe to be a guide and loving light to the most amazing person you will ever meet.Your child can just look at you and you know what he/she wants without even a word spoken.You can smile and understand each and every one of these commentsYou the same routine day in and out because they are your world.You watch the same episode of a children's TV program multiple times in a row!!The phone rings and you just KNOW its the school.You drive to 6 stores, for 3 hours trying desperately to find a very specific item. And only other Autism parents understand why.You're happy with every little progress your child makes.The entire family spins in the grocery store so that your autistic child does not stand out and get embarrassed.You have to explain to children at the bus stop, the grocery store and pretty much anywhere in public why your child is ignoring everyone and eating the trees, rocks, grass and their shirt. True story.You function on 3 hours of sleep every day!!!Your anxiety is worse than your childs!The whole family has to watch SpongeBob or Thomas the tank all day!!!!No one understands what a tragedy it is when the supermarkets has ran out of a particular type of item your child loves.Your house has over 100 hot wheels and a few thousand Legos in it.Meltdowns become the norm - and the whole family has a drill, much like you would if there's a fire!You are thrilled to have a routine in place that works, but when you tell your friends, they are horrified you "have to live like that," and you explain "no no... this is actually GOOD..."Haircuts, matching outfits, PTA and a clean house do not make the top 10 list of must dos.Your "things you never thought you'd have to say" grows less outrageous in your mind every time you talk to your child and seems to be all you say. You feel you belong to the best secret society on earth and catch yourself sending secret smiles to other parents in public, just knowing. ;)You ignore ALL the unhelpful advice from well-meaning people that think they know best, but don't have a clue about Autism.You make the same lunch every day because that's all he/she will eat.You go to do a math problem on a calculator but your child will tell you the answer before you can even finish typing in the problem.Every small achievement is appreciated and makes your heart break and swell with pride in equal measure.Your neurotypical children have more compassion for anyone with special needs than most adults you have ever met.You feel a stronger connection with total strangers who have children with ASD than with your own family.You NEVER run out of chicken nuggets!!!!You remember the first time he called you mommy and you would walk across hot coals to hear him say it again.
