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VOL. Tl. NO. 30?. r-tfcW.VOKto, FRIPAI TOK-l-s-, %G84IL %>, ???. WHill ? NO. ?«.«·..



^.¿-Vll·" MORNINO, 8G???? EXCEPTED.

M Tribune Hulltllne«, earner af *«i»»u,' l>aoenn »tren«, oi.poalle the I'll y Hull,

A-irered «·* *mW Bai»»crl!*n for i.| C««t» perai ¦*_ .,_ wb·** tFtey preFer. ?ney rio ?«? in advance «?

__0¿to' f<" *tz t*1013 ^*· o» * t**·' *? "»" Mme nie.

G.«???·?»? CiiTT». Mat! tyubaertber· Pive Do!·Zmtot eaaeai. In advance, aod the paper In no rate

___¿ed beyonsl tint tini« for winch Ii t» paid. But.-

*m\ogt\tnt Üben for »1« month». Throe Dolían tn ad-·*".*!- J_at-«1 tn all «»change« «lib «Country New»-¡Jtoa, Pally paper» received at thtt of) re whuee

?µµ« btgher iban tho·· of Thi Tiiavar.. ar« eoi

»__!,,« ent difJeronc«*"''rtt»\i or iü»».»T!»iai. ? In Amwamm »

? 1er«, or les» Firat inMrllon. ·«'.'«.tr* ^'.r*^'»»rh »tiluequenl tntertioo.Ul "

".MiytohtoM·'' .*> .."**_¦·_· |.|eraa."*irtt tne»,«t,....'.cents a linata___eeaMt toeerUon. which Buy bei

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»1«5_», MsBBiA«···. Fiant! Nouer», A' nt tn*M-.

e latri,» cenu,All«ydnrtl*enienis ln»ert<»d in tail· papei appear buih

Mcwahnc *** lhr Fvenin« edition.

THU ftVll-U I 4 hi ? TIIIHIVK

at*mwhwTa*mf1 WiomtoA-r and Batiioav morning«..ytr» 83 per en nom. Two copie« for 4...

Hvvjj>RK tribüñeTEight Days Later from Saltillo!


ARRI VA L OF DR. TURNER.Oi·,. if« Ii· » do.?? ? ?.·.;,, l'urli«.

From the N. O. Plctyune, March Turner, bearer of dispatches from Col. Curtis

griyf«· itt t? ti i i at morning at 3 o'clock. He f in·

)gsicd at thc Brizo· in the «chooner Bt. Paul, on

811 Uli intt. whi, h ve»sel he left fifty mile« belowto City last evening, and took paisa»e iti the tow-

hat Ve Hoto. We learn from him verbally that it

g«staentoo«! at Camargo that Santa Anna ha« re¬

gad from Agua Nueva, in the direction of Parras,dare it ia »uppcacd he would make a liait. Gen.

fiylor «til! maintain· hi* position nt Huena ViitiDr. Turner informs us that the nevr« heretofore

toWUbod of tho battle· of the tfi and Ud rrtay be-lied upon ; that it wtu brought from Gen. Tey-eldO-I' *° Monterey by Paymaster Collee, whoam heirer of diipatchea from Gen. Taylor, but«^ecoultl not get farther than that placo withjgggt, Tho diipatcho· were lent thence by a Mas·-0, who lint not got through by the last account»

The new· received at Camargo wa» the aub-

ß*»·« of the»c dispatches, and were brought by an

¦»pre« rider, who wa» nino day» in making thostot-rougli being compelled to make. rircutt ol five hundr«;tliiirlee,to e»«apo the Mexim forces and llanehei-os tint »warmed in thc val-

Nothing had been heard oi Col. Curtis aince hoiti Ctmsrgo. lt »U thought that Gen. l'rrca-oald fly before him as toon as he ascertained theafarahelmiog defeat of Banta Anna.Pririte ¡ettcn hid been received at Saltillo ai

a· u the '-th March, at which timo Gen. Taylor.u it Buena Vieta. The following letter wa« re

j f«y«d it Mtttnioro« by a Mexican merchant of_to place, trom a Mexican of staltilln. It wat

I Agai on the 6th March, and give« thc only account

I aiA· manner in which the battle wa« fought thatha yet been received.Al3o'clock on the *J*.'d uit. tho battle commenced ttImm Vista, five milet from Saltillo. The fr_bt openeds4B trtillery and a deitructivn cannonade wm keptmg·until «un»et. No decided advantage wm obtainedtyeither »idc.the Ion on both being very great"-Ob the .'id, tt 10 o'clock, the buttle wm again re-

»raed «nd kept up without intermiiilon until halt padanela lhe tlteiuoou. «Both ermi«* were «loselytiim«d during the whole time. (ien. Wool advancedrrth · «trong detachment against tbo Mcxi'-an at my butMt driven b«ek with immens«· loss.Th« Mexican cavalry charged upon him with drawn

Mords and did great execution. .!« Woolfeti bock Gen.Tooloe advanced wtili frith troopi an d rivelila the Mr ri· an*tligriot »laughter Thii «barge decided the battle,.ski) wi« not again renewed. The number ol killed«to wounded wm very great on both »idea. 1 can onlyto.ale tbe number by the cart toad· ot wounded thattiri entered the city from both battle held·.On the «Min butti aratlei hung oft without commi; to

?·»-enl engagement.each occupied in cariytng ofttke wounded and burying their dead.

Alter the '»'41b there wm no more fighting.the Mex-leti troops tarnishing with hunger became convinced-it they could not triumph or drive («en. Taylor 1'iomla politlón, tnd retired.

At yet "-»·»·«» Anna tiMon'«; retired a short distance,but 1 d.? nut entertain ibe belief that he will reata·«anther engagement.

* Mexico 1:m not tbe mean« to bear the bui den oi tbe»ir.Iti» opposing poverty to abundance -weakne»* to

.trength la my opinion it would be bed for the two

Gorernments to eutei into negotiation·. With the poar·a tbe Dotted Hute» ponen it would bo dishonorable intor to turco nt iiitu ticatie« adtantageou» alone to hert»lf, m it would be tor ui to make conceiiloni irom ne·

teuttyIt '« reported liai a train cai ytng proviiioni to the

Ao.riican army wm attacked and iiiptuicd Ht Marina byDai Jote Crree, and 1· yet In hit possession, wuh a

quintil)· ol prívete -leichiudiic, taken at the «amo

Bar.' i.e.Tlir.iu-.-h the |>i)Iiteiic«s ot Mr. Arnold, who came

»ith Dr. Turner, we have received the Matamore»·Fia·.- of the 13th, alao letter· from an esteemed.OTTesiioiiilctit. Our letter« confirm the lilt of the jkilled published in another column, ami also theMaonntof Iom on both «ide» heretofore reported.. |The Matamoroa Flag publi»hc« tho letter fromwhich the above extrait« were maile.Under thc head of "Late«t Intelligence,' the

Flag «tato« that Gen Taylor was expected atMonter···, ou the fth, with the Kentucky cavalry,tor the purptac of opening the communion!ion na·

tween that place and Carmago. "So it acema,".dd« tbe Flag, '¦ that ül.l Hough aiitl Beady not'

only ha» t<> whip their big General in the flBOBBUint, but ha· to corno down to scare tho littlo BBflfl

iwiy from the highway·, «o as lo relieve the low

toconutry* trom ¿»teal. Hen. ütanifde." Incase,be undertook tho chastisement of L rrea. ho wouldleareth,· main Ixxly of lus aiiiiv ht Buena Vista.Non ?. ?? G.--? Mexican physician rcsiiling in

Ctmargo, says tlie Flag, hat received a letter Inni)

iiurgton ¡tt'Saltiüo. dated tvvn «lays alter tin» batll·, »hu h states thtt Gea. Taylor "permitted fjatitaAno* to has e alt hit wounded conveyed intt> BtFaVtillo tnd lentie, eil him iur_ical aid from his own*·

.ray.It fa reported in Mataiiioro» lhat Gen. l.'rrea liad

retreited toward the Tula Pa»», a» »con ai he un

BBBtoed tint C ?. Curtí» waa marching againttbin?.

It wu also nani that .Santa Anna wa« fallingbich upon Ban Lui« Potoii. but, a« we betöremd l>r. Turner think« lie lit» onK* retreated to

PimiRttPORTKD IIFFI.AT OF <·?>. I Ititi: 1

The ?? ening Mirror ha« a letter from New Or-(lui dated on the 03d uit. in which it ii said.

ISeiido the victory of Gen. Taylor over BantaAnna, wc have new· of tlie defoat of l'rrca by Col.'"arti«. H«. waa routed, hone, loot, ErBfOflaa, atn!uutdro«yn» tto that tlie army of the ? io Grande i»now 1.1.niiphnntly victoriout, and tar from tlie timigvnihat threatened it

* Lut night, and early again thi* morning, our

» ..n.iìc.l with tlie firing nf cumon and rejo.·«»Id Za« h. having ? it the flower tl laere

he «u« h a grade ef tho Mexican army to flight.-tint wc have gamed a victor·., and nothing more.

Tho «newer n «till to be given in reply to the oil-

repeated Mattato·, What are we ti.hung for '

.tin H«tit«toii leti here be Texa« ye«terdayand well for him that he dt«l. lt will hardly !>«·

I that tin· man. while liei.·, had the baritiI.ood to lay liiat our glomm» oll Hough and Hctdywaa not tit to «-ommand a Corrtoral a Guarii !

W'e gite the above for what it ii worth, but theI'u ty une oi the 91th «ay« nothing »bout the defeat'ÍI rrefl.

t.ii hinge el Prleoaer».Tiie ?. n Delta ha« a letter dated Mvitcrcy,

Feb. vrtth in vshich it i« ««¡«I : "Capt. C M Clayind tho other men who were captured a ehoTt timolime have ail been ex. haiu-cd-

terrerted l.let «f Amcrtcan Uficera Killedand ?·, .itiiiileil In the Untile ol Hum« Vieln,.a the -at«! inni -I«! I cliiiini,.

Riti iA»i.-(lenenl «--l»«.. killed.c«pt (.er».·rola, AMtdant AdjutaoMimerai. Wvunoted. AaaiatautAdjutant (it ii. I'.litt, »lightly Hievet ?1 UeuL FiryauTopoyr*phical -iigiueerr. »l.gbtly.

lit Dragoon* .Wounded.Copi. F. ."»UHn severely.Company F.. Jd Artillery. Wounded !Jd Lieut VV. (,.

lr»ocb, »ev»-r«-ly.f dir.pan y Ft. 4tb Artillery.. MOuitdei- 1st l.ieut.

? »i.gbtlyVo_rvrafc»5..Mi«ss»iPriRirLiS-Xi»»..1st l.ieut.Fi ?, M ut I irtiicis McNulty. Wounded.,( ol JeeWaea Invìi, «everely Ctpt. J. M. -«htrp, te

vere.'y Lieut A. B. Corwine. tligtttly l.ieut CainttPom y »tightly. Lieut. J i', .--u.kitcm. tlightlyIBBItlCBI C*VA_»r..«Viyy«^<J.Adjutant L. M. V«ug·

i-an Wounded.On» Capidn and three Lieutenant·.AikAMAi CivatBT..? Archibald Yell and

«'»pt Andrew R. Porter. "fotiKtad.Lieut Thus. A.leeear.Bicojid KiifrTCflr Foot Hirt.*·»..Killed.Col. W.

Ä. MrKce «nd Liout Col. Henry Clay. Jr Cipt. JameiW. Mom Cipt Wm. T- Willie. F>«>ii««tad-Lleut. L.?. Berbour, ilightl»; Lieut. W. la Witben, »ererelyLieut ThomM W. MoMtar, Mveraiy.

Indiami B-ioaiu.. Wounded. Brig. (loo. JoeephLine, »itgbt.y.mi »tagiaaitot-Äiltati-Ctpt T. U.iUnder, Cept Wm.

Walter, and lient 'lhoe. C. Iterr Wounded.Copt WI.. 8aeder»on, »lightly, and (tept. Juhn Oiborn. »lightlyl.ieut. S. W Ceyr.- .li^hlly tiem 11 l'rnuing-r'»lightly. l.ieuL I>»vid B. 1-iwl». »lightly l.,eut. Jrehuí'Moore, »lightly Lieut Juetin Item», »liçlitly. »od l.ieutJ A. Kpperraon, »lightly.

»1 Regiment.Killed-»· apt Jaaae« Faggart. Blandtd.MaJ. W. A (.ormen, .slightly, and rapt John MBlrap. «lightly.

Illinoi« BairiADC. i«t Re riment.Killed.(?? JohnJ Itardin, and 0»pt J W. Z» briskta and Lieut BryanH Itaughtun. Wounded. l.ieut J L. McC-»nnell.»lightly,and l.ieut. Ilczekiah Evan«.Vd Ke.i'i.eiit Ai."a«i.Capi. W r.-odwerd Lleta. A II.

Bruntree. Lieut Hetcher. l.ieut Fergufaon LientRobbin«; Lieut T. Kelly l.ieut. liar'JMon Lieut Athr r.ton, Lieut Trice. JTiaadid ('apt. CofT.·», Cept Ila-ker; Lieut Jno. A. I'irk«*tt l.ieut. Engclman l.ieut..-»Irei Li» ut. We»t AdjuUnt Whit -»ideTbxas ('ourant Killed,-l»t I.i. *uL ('«rr.pbell ''d

Lieut. I.eonhtrd. Wounded.Opt. Ci _3cr.

M-tTAMnaos. .Vf»rch 9, The foregoing I« a ropy of handed to

me by burgeon Turner. V. fi- Army, just Arrived at thitplace trom ( "»margo, which ia corroborât . by a letterIre«- Lieut I'.ntton, Auiitant Coinmlreery at Camago.

Very reipectfully, your ob't »serv't,I. 1*. TAILOR, Lt. Col. and A. C. 0, P.

In··· -Ion- of (.en Ti.vltir- I'illln« np Of theTen R«.(iiiif'iii»-Ruiiior«.

From our own Correapondciit.Washington. T*ue»d»y, March 3 ·. *-,7.

It it »aid that fìcn. Santa Anna, on appioaehingtho American Force» at Agua. Nueva, dispatchedone of hit Aidt to (3en. Taj lor with the Pa» Mr.Pretident Polk had aupplied him with, and demanded permission to proceed toward Monterey,or wherever else he thought proper to go, "to

conquer a Peace,'' according to the »tipulation·catered* into between the "High Coritractini*Power·,'' Hi· Fx< ellenoy .Santa Anna, Presidentof the Mexi« an Republic, and Commander-Genera!of tho Army of Defen« c on the one eidc, and Hisother Excellency, Jamet K. Polk. Presidcut of the1 altad Statut, and Commander in Chief of theArmy of Occupation, on the other.

! 'Old Hough and Ready looked lint at the' pat· and then at the officer that brought it'Thi· is all very well for aailori and marinee,"«aid he, ·' but it won't do lur »oldiera. Tell your(renerai the only paie that will ever serve hi· pur-po»e, ·(> fer ae 1 am concerned, must be over my«lead body! "

Now if thi« «tory i« not true, it might be. withoutany violent outrage upon character or ? ireumttanccA· the Italian proverb haa it: "ft none 'ero, «

.· if not true, it ia truth like.'

The Union of thit morning «ays; "01 the ten

regiment· to be railed under the lnst Ten Regi¬ment law of February, and which are sent ofl hysixtio» and seventies aa fast a· they arc remito!it ii expected that at least coald b« atBrazo», or near that destination, by the ci.rl ofliait., and MM by the middle of April

1 pon what data it it expected ? How many ??¬

? mit« have been obtained thu» far under the Ton

Regiment bill f How many patriotic Loco Foco·have been obtained at ill pec month and lixin·lor tho War? In New York, where one or two

thouaand wcru confidently expected by tho Dopartment, le·· than une hundred and fifty had been obtained a week sìdco If any paucity of Loco Fo¬cos he auti ipated at the polls, during our politicalcativa·· in the City, tbcre ia but little difficulty ii

beating up for " recruit· Why are not the samtmeasure· retorted to now, for the purpote of fillingthe army rcquieition ? Why are not the FivePointa ri.ited ? and why are not requisition» madeupon Blackwell ß Island I» it because the pecuniary inducement held out ia not ao potent?What has become ol the ar.ny oi orator· at the

i'ark meeting.' Thoy, who are »o eager toahedtl»cir "laitiirop" in dala.a af rara ferrite^ .wa*

their pati .ottani but vocal Did it ceatc with theinflation <f their lung» ' or were they then, all and

everyone of them, atipcudiarie· of the Qorarunient, atauming " for that «lay only" tbe part oí

rccruitiiig officer«.1« it upon the mouth sci vie«) of su« h men that the

War Department relus for its compie.ont olsoldier» ' «u equally tratrile foundation. upon the

patriotism ! of it· political friends ' The* Administratiou has «lone its best, or its worst, to cive thisWar a party character Doe» it expect to carry itt»n exclusively by party «upp«>rt '

The Ten Regiment· will not be filled the current

¦oaion, and if the war continue after the 1st of.lune. Con¡*re»· mult reaesomblo to extricate the

country from tho eniharrassment and disgraco intowhi» li this Adniinistratii'ii will havo plunged itIn six weeks the ai t of Cone-re·» which authorizedthe enlistment ol volunteers lor twelve months'sen-ice will ccaso to operate by that timo, allvolunteer· ? onlieted will bo ponnitted by law to

return t«) their home«, ami tho Ton Regiments not

being tilled up. nur General· in Mexico will ivd

linvi* sufficient force to keep tho tidd." In a word," say« the I nion. '· no exertion· arc

s;»nrcd hy th«* War Department to tend reinforcenient« b» (¡en. Tu«lor. Orders have gone onto

(Jen. Hrooke at Now Orleans, to organize, aecord-????? to tho law«, at many a· troop« from Loui»tana.


" 11,ure notr no assurance," eeye Gen. Taylor ina recent letter to tho Department, '' that any rent*

forcciiienis or si Bfnomt *viü nach me throui:1 »

Orleans. The advice of Oen. Brooke or -Ii

Johnson' may dtrer t recruits, and the most impor¬tant objects of fiij'p'y tt Tampico, under tat WU

principle of war, thai the enemy, after ???'?/????? in»/«.'«TV ¡fttiu, uill attacha fnmtt trhtch lie dared noi

riefend''Tho War Department may bo »incere in it· re¬

pentance, and honcatly intend to reinforce Taylor;hut whether it· lulvrdinatc« politicalGenerals and Colonel·.will mattai to ita direc¬

tion* aud allow the transmis»ion of troop«. Ac. it is

ha the Future to solve·.Wo have oach day more rumor» ironi

the Stoat oi War. .'e«tcrday. ? era Cruz wa»

taken by the A meilana forco· anil the Caitlo blown

up.To day, Tampico is recaptured hy the M>mcans, and every ?BM.CAD put to tho «word. Wgahall be d.Appointa, ii wo do not hear to morrowthat Taylor lnu been taken primmer, and cent toMexico in an iron cago a la Baiazot." We «e

tupped full of honvrt.

litui Mr. McClay arrived thi« morninc from New-York. Mr. Vico Prciident Dalla· ;· here on pri¬vate buaincif. Mr. Senator Alien is also here, andGen. Dix.


CITY 1TK.Ì1.-1.TurasDAv, April 1.

Filvl**..A tiro wm diieovered about d ? clcckyeitcrday afternoon m tho premise» of Jacob hircbi :!,

In r-ixUracnthit. between .-»ixthand tSeventh avenue·, and

before it could bo extinguuhed, part of chair factory.boret» «table, and brewery were deatroyed-? ?·? I wm

du« overed ye»tardey in tho rear ol JOti Water st

Throu-h the exertion» of the pob'.-emen the fire wm

.oon extinguí.led. Vexn*ge triHin-*.

(feto ???' ?« in Tkade.Tbo latett ittvcntiou oi

fraudulent ingenuity Is · counlerle.t of ¡?t Croix »ug»rIt ?? bota the appearance (tnd peculiar touch of brown

tuga, but it U in lact little but common »alt The pro¬cera by which it u made i» m eety m lying. Take a

«lukiitity of common aalt, and mix with il·

enough to give It the proper color. Mix it thoroughly,and a counterfeit of »ugar will be prtjduced whichnothing bm the tenie ol t.rte c»n <. toct The cn*dit i

thi» um lu! invention muât be giv. ? to » joun.* Irianinsn.k cluikina reUll grocery »tore iu thi» City. Ill»M honor-able to bim M ii he h»d discovered a ocw wayot picking pochote.DisoRoiRLT Co.*»DUCT..»lfe-." King wa· ar¬

rested ye»terd»y afieruoon by officer Corey of thettarond Wad. charged with kicking over a poor m«n«candy »tand, aid d.utmying hi« artici*· I) the value at

|.'.. lie wa» held t») bail.

Kobbkry..The premiar» No. 18 Wall at wereentered lwt night aud robbed of a ulver watch, with.liver guard chain and gold curb chain and «eal »ttached.valued a too. In« t.ei be» aet jet bow tit rated.

Flnnnrea of the New-Y»r_ «.rate (anaia.The Annuii Report of toe Commi*»k,DCn of ..e

\ Ctnfll Fund, which wag preiented to the 1. «

ture at the prêtent teuton, «.eeerve· partitice, ahowin·? a» it doe« the «itaatioa of the State

! Finanee» retaüve to thoio important public work«.the State f'ana.!«.

Thi» Ileport beside, tho uiual »tatittii.·, give·the viewi of the prêtent Sute officerà,, Loothe Contrri'iler. Becretary of Sttte, Ieral, Lieut Governor, Attorney-General and Tre«anrer, who are the Commiitioners ef the Ctnt!Fand, on tbetmbjVt fll th.» management.faunce» of the Canal».The Canal debt of tho Sttte it a« pair» ha« beca

reduced to -. .a» follow«I'ue in 1-37, IMS and UM, and paying no int-t"T*t.".";.410.481 MDaela ?<-.7percent.

. *__*>_ .*¿/*y¿400 00·· l.ílí'Í .- "'.000 00izri'i .i,r..'),ooo oo

·" *2?·_ . "»?.000 00"· *_*"'"- . 50.000 CO·· îfS·* .·" hí*'I'. MO.tiOQtn·· ;_»»_ .4,o(jo,ijim co·· ]*£.'* .3.054·· \?·2 .·· IS" . 9??.(??? too·· 1S04.6. 300,000 00

Totul.|17^?40_],Hebt. Annual ¡ntcreit.

Ptying 7 per cent, interest..|3.647.13d 00 82£·· 6 .. .. .. l,7öi,792 00 ?·- 3 ·· ·- ..llJI5.e>7 57 575,7l"-4 f6

TnUl debt p»jing intere«.|lfj,344,êl5 57 t'So- 001 MDiibt p»jring no intore»t- 83.424 H

|i:.(JÍ».?40 1.1The principal arid intere»t actually payable in

each yoar. to extinguiih thc debt on thc let of Jan·'¦ a» i» follow»

fnterut. Total Pr and hi."47.iLfTJe.OOI 38 »!»:ie,00l 4J

H___.010,2»5ß« 2.40,004 44?__.7-'".»90 30 | .¡?.«90 30I*».674,71- 46 «,11,,.

1Ö51.624401 f-0 1.4 .4H_2.r'l'»- 618.»laWI.»?·.···.-.! an 612..lM'·.«Í04.601 00 J.l.'l.Hui -1

1655.¿Uli,851 ÔO 6täJ}_3¡.131 1,431

11*7..'I-Ir.-·! ? -«?.»_¦.?4:1,(1G'2? 3.4I-.224 :.7

IBM.98B-!'.""?.214775 03 1.157

1661.'.¦"..'ttt M .\27?..,?» ilUM.4ê,0t>0 00 91« 000 00-__l.lf.OOO 00 !-.«·- cti

1864. 13.500 00 _3JA500 00Total.$e. l'»O,'."-0 78 ·?<t»a1??µ

Add balance ot interc»t on deiictencta*... %*0l)S»Ô ?0Total debt, principal and interest, liqui ) ·_·._··¦_·_IditedJtn. 1,1*65. ¡tWAM.W 66

Tho new Constitution appropriate· to thc Ca¬nal Sinkim; Fund «51,300,000 aunually for nino

year«, commencing on the tint day of Jaafland ending June 1,155»·, and from that time the.urn of 81,700,000 in each fierai year, to redeemtlie Canal «lebt a· it existed on the lit of June, le46,and incl'idim* 1300,000 then to be,borrowedThe sum ol ll.lWO.iXK» for nine yean is.|1?,700,0<>)The sum of 11,700,1 »00 lor nine year, there

after,.!. 15.3W,«"*»00Total tor 1 - years.$.7.

The new Conititution also provide» that the «uni

of ê.l.'O.OOO, ont of the lurplu» Canal revenuei

¦hall be appropriated aod nt apart ai a 1flllld to pay the iuteroet and redeem the pro, Ipalul that part oi the State debt called tho GeneitlFund Debt. IJOO.OOO are al«o annually to be appropriated from the «urplu« Canal revenue« towarddefraying the expente« of the State Government.Thc following i« an citimelo of the revenue and

expenditure· for the current year, made out by theCnniinisiioneri, iu conformity to lection 1. article 7,ol the Conititution, viz 1

¦(IltNl...From Can»1 toll», including those paid byRailroad!.??,d?,???

From rent» ol lurplui water. 1,500From intereit on depositi ol tout in btuikt- ??,???)

Total.85Expenses ol «ttpeilntendence. collection «ndordinary repair·. (ri-t"i,00tiRevenue, alter deductingcoit ol repair·. f-.'.'.'l 1,5??From which deduct.

1. For Canal t»ink.n.· F'uud.81.300.1)00'..'. For Treasury ï>iDking Fund.... 350,000I For lupport of Government.... 2Q!J,0.«I- |l,*r.V>.0"30

Flitimated »urplu». $3i¡l .'-00

Duriti», tiio iaat tie.-al year there ha« been eau

celed ot theKrieand Champlain Canal Stock.AMOn account of the Oswego Canal. 887,948 45On account of tho Cayuga tnd Senect Canal. 150.000 00On account of the Chenango Canal.»V

'Fotti.|2,961,7r*0 64

Tho balance of the Canal Fund in the hand» otthe Commiiiioncri, on the 3?? September. 1846.was M 18,3*8 BT, vizAmount depoaitcd In bank« available.IBM M

Do. do. In btinki unavailable. '21,'J.trii 91

Total depicted. «3,1114 10Inrcittd..Loaned to the City ol

Albany at I per ct. .|.')0,0OJ 75do In I'.ink Fund Stocks at

f p«r cent.314,44? (¦2.344,44- 77

Total »mount deposited end invented-1*·The total amount of Canal revenue deposited in

banks from IBJ-t to IH* inclusive is *4*«*??..The amount of intereet realized to the fund trom

tho»o deposit» in banks, inelading interest on in¬vestment« of a portion of the «urplu« in stocks, ia

10,376,1'·The «yitem adopt·«, by the new G?t-ttitution of

applying*the principal portion ol the Canal revenue«

to the payment of the debt connicitnl with thc fact

that the principal of tlie debt will full due eo as to

absorb the revenu·· a» last tu they accumulatewill deprive tho bank« tt an average deposit of

nearly two million» of dollar», which ihey have had

the uie oi ior the last twenty yean. At the cloee

of the yoar lSufl tho depoeiu belonging to the CanalFund in Bl lank« amounted to |l,.v>0,000.The amount of toll« received on thc Canal» from

their commciicement up to 30th September LB48,was eòi. 1.·; o-.-j For the la»t three fi«cal ye»r» the

amount ot toll» on til the Canal« wa» as follow»

imi .itaKBtTsi mi.iw>.i-i¡;..4-.'.:mí,i.»4 7".

The»«? amount» fully «ustlin the rilculitiou of the

Whig Canal Board in 11» 10. and the previou« RtofOtiof Mr 8. B. Huggle·. which tho preieit State otri

,??? and other Loco Foco« haveattenipteil «o often

to ridicule atid -leery.The present Canal Debt ha« ariien from uneoaa

plcted work·, vii The Erie Canil Enlargement,the Geneiee Valley and the Black River Canal».

Thu«. the amount paid for conatruction and in¬

tereit on the account of tlie Eric Canal Enlarge¬ment ha» been at follow»['aid tor contraction. ITnd for intereit.*___.*__.*tfÎL1Ï

Total.|ie.l:»4.7U< 5.1

Coti of Oeneitee Valley C«n«l. 3,747 «A3 »5

CMtol ? lack River Can«l.-_1.S16.1.-J 51

Total.I-'1Excluiive of intere·!, which would add about1*488 million· more to the cost of the«e two lateralCanili·To complete the Erie Enlargement and the Black

itiver and Geneice Valley Canal«, would probablyrequire an expenditure by the State oí ten or

twelve million« of dolían but on thii »ubject oí

courte wc are not favored with the opinion» of theCommissioner». Probably the people of the State

may it töe proper timo be diipoeeil to coneider the

quettion. ___^_

How in Woowwttn. HALL-Themeetuiccauledbythe Bo«ton Tota! Ab«tii>ence Society Issi evening, wm

interrupted by one ot the most disfraoaful row» thst

ever desecnted the 0!d Cradle of Ltaerty. The Ant»

Temperance party tumbled in gnat numbers, and by.houts groin» and hitte». etlecluaiiy put aa end to the

¦etoW Utrdly aay one wm »urteretl to »pea a wort!

and" ihe only person wbo managed to ram the attention ef

tlie «udieuce wm a min named McLure »

we." whohe»ped upon the devoted head ot Deacon

Grant . «ring ol vitupention» of the aao.1· »°«f*^»eanmator! ?? the only way to c tear the "^ *« «I*»were lowe.ed and the crowd^¿¿Çttf^

-(HM ?.I mi* Intere«' ,,· Iniellieeere.

ANet f ·,, !..,.lh »ide ..I Lkite .- · -

,Lhes" Hü nkmed Ctoea*,."__£Com, ia the last num'- , jtUrniJ ofS*1*00' -nd Art« Kribei thu »·.'·_«-ihe tpe-cim. ¿«ori pcsatiion »?« ukentrom the t_taced t!¡e «tin, and one portion «t ¡. ,,,

P***,' ,t0 ta «nurh wee-en .1 ii .»..¿.?I« »H direction» by minute ".»fure» tilled with c«rboraat.»

01 -.ß, ? ·,¦._-. 0f ,«.T|r' "î" ole an¬

uí they tuve been bl, ?. be Iperiture. For th.« reason, tbe i ro/era.r fc-bceolnuuced to d.-f-r any quantitativ« analycl» until purer»p.-t-men» »r, «d. It t_ been Mrertur»ed

j ..owever that the eo_pottI .· Iur¿'hat i" |h .iy knuwn »pec!. »..Beforet.· ., um! ta. rabie aít»-r exp**** mv »r.buton w th a lent st mit ippcar·ance ;,·"·.eta -he mass u penetr»»rax it m. iu ilowh lot·) » gita yellow while hot .id

:ne reducing rlame, the beadafford« md::·:

.'/.hat h»s caused «e ?

ration in the mind» ? the icientir.c. Mr. I.vxll «idrenes a communicaLuii to the I.on ¦

rat» of thi» ? -, to an artici«from an American paper recenUy copi« d into -,

¡ don the ditcovery m thi*country of (bail human bone attoeiated with the re-main» ol the Mcgatherliini and other exünct quadru-ped». Prof. LyeM fe«»:» »ure thet thi» «tory relate« to apart of a human p-.ine which he »«w at Natchez inMarch .,tiling thu country,.and, on ex·

«mining carefully into the evidence, be came to the! c«nclu»iun that th» proof» of the coixtetence of the hu-nun individual with the Begatherium «nd other extinctquadruped« found in the vicinity wm altogether untati»

faciory. holding to the doctrine ot accidental ra»oci»lion,.nd giving cogent reuoni for hi» ag

1"mm from the

¡ atmo»pber«» «.n the'urkney teland« on the ? »

ber lad Dr. i ».»ill roc.-ntly read an accountof I.· ptoaoa.non ita.ra the Kojai *-*r».ie*y ot l lia»burgh. Til»; duit wm übtened by a gentleman in theIiland of Kou«ay. U.ling tr· m the mr on the morning olthe 2d. It v»· y another et 81..,atom tborm ¦ m -:rig of»nd by ...» men in Kirkwail on the »eait*

day. It appear· alto to have fallen in eeveral otherparti ol Orkney, probably over all thr telenda, and w_obiervcd ateo to reach the northern coMU of C»ithnei·.with.? in ar· , : r. .» cannot be leti than30 or 40 mile·.

It covered, to the depth of fmra uno twelfth to one-sixth of au toeh, Inn-? laid out to dry. glru« frame· m

- ani the leave· of plant» of every kind, with atine brownish gray du»t, alm.>«t imp»»!pable t«> tbe touch,but meager md grind.i,. between tue teeth. It doe»not efferveece with and«, and omitted ch-.eiiy of ei!ev»lumin», oxide ol iron, with » tra .-uch «n

j occurrence Ik« happened »t lea»t lira («ne« beforn inthe Orkney and Shetland Wet. when there ha» be»»n »n

empiimi in Iceland-»the distance between Uec!» an.lthe Orkney I.und» i· «bout HO mil.'· Volli-y andatto r writers assure ut that the eslíe· ol Lina are oftencarried t.> tin- piai to double that dittance.

.»liât, h hat recentlybeen ramited at Lloyd«, London, trom the Eait Ind.»

-ing a copy oí a letter troni l.ieut. Baker.ot the Last Ilidia f'omptny'· »teem ve»»el Vietori», an-

'.g that on th·· i4ih of Au.-uit last (1-4(1,. «mokew»» observed t«j insuo from the »ummit of SaddloIsland. ,1 tiie Zebayer Islands; in

.-«.a. in laih11.·¦ weather at the time wiu «cry»qu»lly

withthuinl.: All this gr ap »'·:tr·· ul ralea there ia neither re»tradition ot their having been in active i.|-cration. Jit,

-· s irto, ani kacttatatrat, wn otaerred u. . ratektog ««heu vmtod by theo'· ol the Benares, during the "»urvey of the lied¦"»ea.but never aiti' ·» tradition »p:

Arab piluu ol its taftog been on fire fllty yeara ago.H.,.1 ? t..«rs atanag the n»m»> of Jibblc D«it 11.11 »t Snob· -and ha» the »ppcarance of havingbeen in .cur.· ,,p» ration at ? much liter period Uiaulhe Zebayer Island·PrxmmUi 8 .The »hip Helena,

on her puttire trom l'atavi· to Cant« n. when in latitud«!10- Nurlh and loagllaili 135 rus t. tell ir. wiih imineiu*field« ? ? ·.,.. «i ¡ areutly not havingbeen long erupted many of which wen- .«» large a

commou buck-t. ta nearest land to windward wnthe Ladrone«, about It"*) mile« ditunt. It »eem» ti..! tta.y ... . .r could

they h». -.card.L ». V ? ? n

about La Venter dace hi« «plendnl dtaeorar**. »ia ha»

bam niade «? ollera ol tta Legtoo o' taeaor tytii,-Kin.: ot Irani:. i.n»! bende», a Chair bas been «»»tab

r him at the I-acuity "I .-. i.-nce at Part·*, enti

Ibernati.I A«tronomyor lanUn.A bud oí bun ha» al- G»! authorityfor the « lint 1 ,ß uni M. Tradier 1» appoint»,i?? execute it. Irom the King ol Denmark, hu haa re

the tilla of -the Royal Order ol

the Daaehrog, »n I the Boyal Soctety afj London hnloi.lerred upon hnn the (.'»»pley Medal.M II¦¦¦'· lint bm icientifically examined

by M. Dei. i.oiSLAlx of rane.·. It ii a very reguter»th «lopes ot twenty tive lo tli.rty degree·.

raretedwttbracetaaad fragmento. Over the aurficethere aie n.imeruu» fumerole», «beut which no laluwere observed except ··! «mmonltc.Mon». I>. baa col¬lected conferva· trom the (ieyiaer». where the water«were at · tempcr»ture of -X** Kahrtnli. it.

l I l'I

A paper has been r· ud beb¦-»· th* Acedemy ol 8oi Bt Petortaw-gh by Pi « I Krrrr«·, in which,alter «peaking ot the temp« rature of the earth in Northcrn Ruiaia, he atates ti:at ?.« ur th>- mim·· ol Battei.ek,where the mean ten.; .nature ll about »Il lu!:»I! (he cereal grain» «re ultivatcd with mece·«, c«

peclklly t-'ummrr Kye and Barley, although there ar.»

only two analta «nd « kalt, at, at the noto, tirmmonths wieg «nd barrata In the »am«·

field· he found, by d «oil wa» con.,io hard that a crow

bar wn» I to l un it up ? bb emm » kneartin .':i ol Augmt "·

mnatta that a mper»turo in

the earth downward, and alio an external source ot

heat in Ihe ß in, Ita d'-pth it which ba man «nd th.*thifkn*»» of th· bed ol frozen c»rth. will vary With theteuton of the year Tta ."rummer he»t te prevent«.Ifrom m. Itine to much depth by the »low conduction ol

tho earth anil ; latent he»t taken up by theprocei«. la tho mine« of Tn kl iirn«tad¿470 leet abo«e the sea, it wn tound that to IT".depth penetrated tli-.-re w«· nut a to ? ot water.allwn frozen In the mine» of Vo»dvigec»k, about'.'.TOfeet above the »ea. ilowing water occur» a a depth of300 feet h»ving a temperature of ? - Itehrenheit

/land, bM been BOB.MB"·· !¦ Iba » toe Catane·! a ruvingplanted tbe rint trae on the Weit «ide. near the tpot in

tended tor the outrance on tbe Trumping.? road, i heProtestor of Botany »ubecquently followed hit example,by planting ono on the Lwt side ol the .-arden. Twentymt;n »re actively engaged upon a pl.t ot «even acre«, m

tended for the immediate receptiun ol group» ol thelager de-rcriution» of tree». The gent. undulaUoi.«over the whole twenty »ere« ot which the g»rden u to

be compoecd, _td the introduction of · largo »heet ol

water where the depreaaion it i*re»t«it, will lend greatlyto break whatever ol torraality it may be nece«i«ry toobfearve in the » .ring of lhe variou» object»thtt »re cu'.uvsled in a Botante Oafflan.

r. .- .Profeiior Hi: .; »

ver«ity det.«ny, h«« in prv»·· · «yttem»licrd'ai.bodie». Tbo vegetable· ».d zoophyte«¦beata cloní-ly printed, and tudud«· nearly rVAHJ »pe.iesTta -V- ri «t'ire belonging ? thii p*rthu al«o rone to pre·», aud it ?· expected Irom the

tenor ot » lato lattar, _»t the wh«.!·· w ttwill be finished »bout August or September 1-17.

j \ ? ? -. woiuierful.ion took almi "» J«.»i«r>· ¡a«t. in Kice Lake.IS n...··« Sortii ot C .burg. [ ('. Tne lake we« »een to

tre ta grea commotion, tbo ice, 1- inebe» thick, i.du

tating in every direction. Prvuently it tant with a

nolee like thunder, »nd a large pteee from tbe center ofthe l»kc wm. iu a bt» minutes thrown up in a pile to

the high! of ten leet in which ponti.« it tey lor Mverald«v·. Thi· i·. no doubt related to the .-arth'iuakc whichC8U·*. d the »wl a] commotion ln Lake Ontario »t t ir-ton.

? .Com»maider C. Slorton. K. N. bia pro-*ounied · new Cito¬

logie»! theory reipc-ctiug the be*a.t.c column· ui the

Guat» t.'a.»!w»y and d ï*t»*!» eor-tend-it thai tbeyare cot I %n<*tDe *Plt,n'

did relic» ot Itupcndou» ! -rboo» of « far di»tr»:.:In »upport ot thu hypothe»i» he »Uude« to tbe tat ol the

raparan jotnu. both in bamboo» »ad i».tluc culuxnn».

be.jg krticu'.ki« i ».ui MB. tenui.», and cor-

rMpoed 5__2bala«, in both production», »ometii*.» In tto upper »nd

.ornetune» ia lhe lower er. t ¡ »· perüetilar!y remerkable tn the column« of the Citent« Caara-

way In reference to the establuhed theory of bMa!t_

column· bring crystahzed from torrecu ol molten tev».

be »how» thu il u op¡**ae«i to the gen.·»·! taw» ol cry»Uilization «nd reiner»» upon the Uttrr imp.»itelity of

the Mpaett· joint«, blocks or crystal», oi which the

columns «p? com|saJ. selecting ¡t thu. form*r di«r_*ur. w¡*. iu«?»«paaamg

lockets or ni".-t..e» «nd -ranging thcmnlvc« to ctoralysndt-s,»«

·- u.umn»

? »ed many hundredthe ivt-u. «ud dma. u« colum.*, ex_bit-in· all the retobse rariety ot di_«e*-iA»n* which m_k ·

field of mra cene· or · forrat ol tamboo·. li» aim

mow« that bamboo«, even in the prêtant d«y, »ecr».te

¦ilex or flint, the chief component p«rt ot bt-audtic

column»; »nd th»t tue weil known material ekiied

vegetal-V ivory now «tttat-trted ! r «mm«! iroi-y in

mnay -t.-lc. oi rd.a»ry une. te the producuon of tn

exunng or«ler of pa.txee«. There ?* not «ay« C»ptBortón «uch disparity m «ue between the tno«t çolo««_ oi the column« of tha Üiail· C«uaew«y »ed tee

bantam of the prraeM day. - between the e«-^«·HUedÜB-ian htetd, the i|uam*doc «nd our .m_au»e

repnie· of «mila tribe·.

..I5-"!- * ...r·--The I «»«a Joa.»vl m » neeni article, an -- In the 8onth·western part rramlir. C, ur.'.y. Mi», then !» » p!ttlona or dour compoeed ot hewn »tune, netti y poluàcd.orne three feet under »-round. It u ibout ,-De hundr-d

to wide It entend·due North and South, ted lit »artici* ?« perfeetly levelTne BBMtmry i· «aid to be equal, it not »uperior to __·

« t modern üm«i The lind above it is cultiv«tedIrty yean seo it was covered with oak and pine

t-rre», rnoMur.n« tn-m twi · a diameter It-.mole utiquity. m the Indians wbo

naide ta the net¿hborhood had ao knowledge of it« ex-lit« no« pr. »loui to ito ret ¡ither-oiny tradìt,oi amon* tbem trom which wc miy tonn any

: the people wbewerelU builder». There it alto a canal and welt e» nnectrdwiih it, but they hare never been explored A »ablernoce« piMage may be underneath. Farther cuplor»ttyc* m.y t. , -"t upon it* origin.

:'re·· tent andoLmnn-sn.- there i» lot».

My· an F.nglub paper, under 13 tte MrF.iiwtrd Ktidre ot AbbeyMinorh.'use. Flreth»··

a M^itrale tr.d J -

tax. a barqaetr innatii totoreet to be lud out in the pur

th· Ltanann Med.?. end to be »wird-by the Pre«Uent and ? aneli to the Fallow oi theiociety who «hill a «t comavinication ineach volume, »nd which »hill be he Soci-iy. m either ot the tour Department* ot Natural Hi*·

or.tur. co one· side a profilebuit of I.inr. freM. encircled by hi» nameand the duet t,t bit birth tnd .loath. Un the revene :»

: -iv«d the nam- _a I ··" w af the .--ociety to»horn luch medal ii »w»rdcd. encircled by » wn«th ot

I the Lineatati Boreali*.'¡? a late nani

ber of the London People ? Journal ii given » fullj »-"count ot the diieovcrv of a new proeen oi" Ita-eu-rreotyping, by Mr. Fox Til. bot, an Englishman.The Taibtffpe, a* the procen it called by tbe frieods ofthe inventor, only Met from lhat of the Daguerreotypein the material paper) oa which the tun picture ndrawn. In the tatter, m It well known, · copper ? litecovered with t pr-epantinn of stWer Is employed, in

I the former, simple paper washed with a chemical pre¬paration receive« the picture. Aj many of our readersmight like to make themielvei acqi'.tinted with this ait,we give thera the recipe for the preparation of the photOfñp.e paper m '-ouiraunicated lo the London Royal

ly. It ta m followsI ·, -Tale a iln-ei of the heelatuioolh lurficfl, tnd a close ami

even triiure.The v* iter-mark, if «¡iv tho-i'd he cut nf, lest it should

I3'.iire the appeanrice of th«· picture. 1» Motve lot» ip-ilntof cryitaliir-.i nitr»ie of itlvcr in iti otiBce» of«Aller. IVuii tn« piptr with ihn loluiion wllh · iofttiruih, on one si le, s I pete mark ou it-ai Udo whereby

? ( arato. Dry the paper eiutiouiiy it a diatantfire, or »lie ie! tt .irv ipoiuai'eo.ii.y in t dark

ry, or nearly «o, dip it into a iointion of Iodide ofrtotMf.iii'l contllrilnk: Ml liralr.i f ¡hat tail .!t**,lve,1 !noa« pint oi waier. and let It my iwo or three mlnniM Inihlttolad m ? ·?·!.? ¡? into a vene! ci waier, dry lilltthtly wllh bkHling-paper, »nd ftm»h drying it at a will noi Ul .¡? it, even ll held prelty near; ot «lieit may lie left to dry ipontan·· ·

All thu u lied don· tn the evening by ctiodle-ltghl. Thepiper io tar prepMed It cal heeaiii« ll bMaunifjnn pai« yeliow aaattof ai it>did· of illver. It tlscarcely senslth o to '.¡»-lit, bm, .everte·!«··, it. ncht to I·«

» Irawor, iin'.ll wanleti for uie. llmiy ?? kspt r a without ·;'.ill rirr ." mi

deivo oni the Ughi, Thi· I·the firti part o· ilio prepirati >u m Tilboiyp« paper, andmty I.o ..orijrnied it aay time. Tf·· re:tiilnin»t pin i«ben deferred unul ihortly bei tre lh« paper ?» watile«ifor ii*·.

VV hen lhat tlm»· ¡s arrived, take a »heet of ihe lodi/ed??«;?G. an I tvMh tt wuh a Ii'iuid prepired in ihe lillowlnrmannerDiMolve ?f«i rriin* ot' erytoeltsed nitrite of silver tn

twooir · « td water; a·! i m one·.iroQ't se »He acid, bet ibta mlxlun

»r.ion o** eryttallred rallie arid in

cold distilled water. Th« r-tiintity dlnolved ll very. ...a. Call iiit« iolJiion B.·

I a aheet of piper la wanted for ??, mix lojfeiher'.a A ·_i<l ? In e.¡iti v.¡ume·, but onlv mu ? «mall

¡ho niivt'ire doe* not».op ion»· without ipi-liing. I «hail call thii mixture lhe

Trien tike a iheel of Iodized paper, and »uh lt overwiih thii galle nitrite of «Ihrer, with a ioti bruii, taking

a?.ti u .-? the (id« yvtuch ba· t-eea previously.narked. Thl· operBlton «hould be perforiti.·«! bv canile.ÜltbL Let the papel real tall a minute. »,.<i timo .lip

r ? llfhtly with blouteg.peaer, aed,,ding it al a corulder

able thertrrcni. When dry, the paper U ll forUBO.

The image» produced upon the paper aro at fini invisible Ihey are brought out however, by WMblntt '.h··paper aitaiu with the gall r. ami thenwarming it betöre th») tiie. I tie artist should watchth>· picture as it develop« itself and when It hM obtainrd the r« quired degree ol «tien^th and cltiarnes». he

??,?_?·ß« will« «lie ?? «in« ll«-ut<l.

TB« writer Ithe ? « the leader· rule or (wo on the manner to which people go dettemi

for a lilting Avoid pure white m much m poiiible.tlie very belt kind» ot dren to wear on luch occMionsis a latin or «ilk, or any material, in !·»··(. upon whichthere n a play ol ItoM and ihade. 1'laids always lookwell.

/ ·· .I The Worktipliyed in lialllll IIOITfltloafl to) tb·' Caledonian

Railway In the Unito I ITie«i»V>in dlamnrod a tow tolto·Jy iiitere*tiiig r«l:c« of an

ti'iuity. The tir«t object which attracted attention wmthe r- rt'.iin« t.l what appeared to have been the found«deal l a home, ."»omo copper conn were nett turnedup about the else ot our hall pennies. on one tide thereI« a male head, probably ot one nf thc F'mperon. «nd on

the revciM, 'Criar Rom*.' A »word wm neat di»cinered. which appears to be formed ol bnss. lly firthe mmt interesting diicovery, however w»t that ot a

imall st ¡.verted aud placed upon a rtat blockofthe«BOM inali rial, which wm found to contain a bra/euur Lrun/e caie, round in it* torni, two Ii it in length «ud»ix indie» in diameter. Within this cale wa« a mann

script. Of rather boo'*, written mi vellum, in rolls, m wa«

the Roman custom, and each leu aeaBflfllfli with theother by t slip of the same material. It is altogetherubi.ut thirty I. rt .n let-i.tb and two in readth. 'Ibeartttofl i« beautifully ex-cut-·«! in the I »tin language,and at the top, the worda llittori» Re···» ' in Ian···character!, sie quite dittinct. A curmry ximimttun

to Mppoea thnt it part ofLlvy'« .tory and a« it i* expected thattiie whole ot the manuscript can be deciph···ehaaee lome of the lost h "'ian l.ntyrian

1 to the liu rtry world. A «malltninuicript wm a!»o found in the ci»e. also written «a

parchment, tnd «bout a tool lajeóte in tier, but th.:of thi· I* ·· 1-BI». it« the

word· Ad Agricolam.'/»-,. ßt - A Dantih mm m

wir. the (i-attica,' i» now «,.·? a tuyig..* round the world,Ühe it ? corrette, cut · TtMtmtoto ul herflratofl i» both aWatlnn snd diplomstic. t^he is comminded by Captain Chetohertoi? to lier

Royal IlighncM the I'rinceM Caroline of Denmark andshe bu on board a Scientific Corps, including /.oologists,?.itsniat». MinenlogllU. Fainter» for the Department ot

Natural History. Ac. with s crew ol 250 men.

Copenhagen in June. l-?·"·, and. touching at Madeira,Tranquebar and MadrM. reached Calcutta early tn No¬vember. In tata China p»pen, «orne account U givenof lhe re«»el'· progre·» »nd? of her visit to Chin». Ishe1· «aid to have been the tint «aaa of arar that ever vi»itedChina irom Denmark. The Dane» were among theearliest to open a tnde with Chin», but unlike the Por-tugue»· *»y ht) t '* (-'elettili F.mpin withmen of war and raerch»nt_ien together, they went onlym merchantmen. I'reviou»ly to 1715 lhe Dane» had»ent to Chin» thirty-two »bip« .nly tw. aty two of which

temed, »o difficult ind dangtrou» wm the nav.

-turn stti In thoM early tim«:». Dunn,'her stay kt Tranquebar »nd Calcutta, a firma.wm made to tho Britiih Authtirilie» ut the Danish pussessions on the nisin lend. At Cslcutta» the expedtuonwm kiined by a Comrn· rt'l-tl Aitent «ppointed by the

King of I-eituiark. ind whu hid arrived by weyA itesiner wm purchased on account ol thewovernment, »t Ciiculla, tnd seut to Pulo Pens-g to

carry a company of Chínete laboren to tht '¦

lilted«, where tor.ß ot the otiicen anJ the min.-ra«u-

.*uu dt»igii-d to remata fur purp«««?» of ·¡xptoration.The (iJathea reached the Nicobir* early in Jin'i»ry

l-i·., ind remain-d there several week», dunng weichtune irnat pam« were taken to espion tboee ltrngne.lected Uland·. The stearch for cjal is «aid to havebeen turcomIuI. Uaving Hopped at Penang Singapore.Bautta and Mamita, the Uitalhet reached iiong Kongin June, just t year from the tun« of her Bailing from

C'penhagen, eoe wm at Waampoa in July, and hermanne· went up to Canton to quell the riot which oc

curred there on ibe ME ot that month, ibe afterward. tilled Amoy «nd ebaoghai, and tubaorjuenüy tailed t e

tbe r«andwth Iiiendt. -ydney ind thc Wett < Ml.o intenditi, in ??·« round the Cape to Rt'-· and

thence I flflBOfto« «-nere the it evj.ecte.1 to

arttoe tboul t ;re»enty.-a.'.


Cariositles of.Uieraiar?,IV3 THE



Curi08iti-S9 of «-»merican bufos w. aaiswoLD.

t*r AnewediUunof i-iiiplenditl work li now readylor the trade. In «»ß »ery targe, royal ociav » o.ama. tie-oom\j rncefor tingle copte«. ». SO. A

f.ber»J discoiin ·· «· Ftir'ie an«»uai of readingmatter e«-il«_*"ed 'n this vo.utn-. and the eo*.

Kr and bi_dtog, 11· certainly ooe of the cheapest book» »I

50 that bM ever been i_ered ? the public No Librarymm u»completa-???????? a mpj «·! t.«work, nor will anyMBalaitaa or ich·»tar be wnhout it who ceo aBord m initiasG «oto a· thai which will now procure it. The very hi«·«

pne« at which tb», work bm heretofore been held hMJ»r*>Jrrtttsalk-y thin« .ta«· very «; eir«rulM! û-;¡Order·may be »out w ? >«·· J *-" the ? '.,*'^_'?»·,OBEXLET ?» ?· '--*-*t,?-_" This 1* » wor« too weL known to ntrjulr· ipoamt erti

CtKB. Petrbtp· taere ?» boi u» th· world «___*_*?""_wto_i «arehhîrâra«aieh aad aach ***^ ¡*?%^ r?£.tetehtgenthtxttm«!^Wi ff*»yBa7WB8BTllOF" The »bove workt_ th· prtacifîaTdi-ito·.


Jtlíbicinc0.¿BEAT AMEbIcTb BBMEDT.

aurei« Btw-Tt»«» cantim hbaith, .»·) aa-mai

Di.!?· .CA.VireH '¦-··*¦ LlTHOkSTllP-TIC ADVERTISEMENT roR I-.17 l Como, t

Som. ¡ Cougar-ed.· i* moi emphatl- .y the com With -?arttcia. Dteeue hat eeor yielded io tu meal m.arve.lotu

-aj »owe»». Wherever li tu· g-man. «od BouthAno¬rte»». Eng.aed. Cent-«, and _ß Ir.-ed Siate·«·re af-ovad-<'inni: 'f ibi· li.etceeu 0*» ahov· ra«rr4.loe. In · »_ongand pithy »eaieoce. ielle tbe who.« »wrv. Ie*-_td». ih«principia apon which yoa aie cared »ay noi be kaow« ?_ytsu» bui .· reeuit of ¦ trial of ih« arile.e te ara r.«orad »ael ih« eeerat of the cura reni·.· » ;.*,the proprietor, »ita· re-dieta· U a eoapouad of £! d'«linciTeg-teki.t ·**.!··, «erti indi«iiiik. rovi hn tu rara per-bcuter, exciukiv·. medicina, property, coutl.ciun witaaooib-r compound-each ro.vt n¡Ue«tu own cure.and manperte*·, ? wb*n taken int.« ihe «vaern tt d,*eelh* work wuicfinaiur«. when lu» uw» were hrM!*hed. intecdaed ll «hould do-purite·. tu-en«___r*i.. re. is* '»a'kendo'»»e.dei»«iiwmc»i>emtatao. ii.-,..y. in ·_ lu charra.lera, wl'i h» eoatp.eie.j *»adic»ie«i

« · era by lu u»e. r«ee paaipi.eie agem ».«rd». for free circulation.ihev lirai u-mu all dterne·ar. 1 «how ¡naiiinocv of cm ree. Grave.. a_u a.« ompiato»·

of the ¦·»·.*«« of greai aafbr-.tng. d:1 i, ·..·.· L:ih. »iai-t;·. ha· acvitiirad no «nail

···-»'·' .»,··......,

..»*_*'"ivTit* "?1 G?'· i·'-« ·.'-»*. .M .' R-.-.«.' 'M.·· ,'·;

viene*. in tn «riicl« upon ca!culoua ji»-

«a«e«,«nd '¦ «olven*«.*· the w- -.feciLui me Eog'.teh (Jovernmeni .-»ore purvh«»ed a -

remedy, a* I aleo noi . ««e in '.-ri, of · »ecreirerneiiv. bt ih* l.*k-i:a. -e rSew-Yurk. thu par* trib¬ale tu ? - Why do nui Uu.ter,ui.v,.» m Senatetid Aanrebly enewr_ddi««olvty-.h*»uJa»r;rg fnot«»cJ»nf thia country, byth· pure ia»* of Vkiighu« \- » ,·, man

"* ·· r>»*»e«*rdone h»!f ibe f_,_e '*' Reader, here It a periodical of high.landing, acknow.edged turónghoul a Itrge »ection of thi«eountrv to beone of the ben .»1» of ih* kindtn ihe tailed Sui··, exchanging wiih the e-ieaune w.' to our certain kuowledge. edited by AualiBFlint. M. D. and contributed u» by men of the htgheet pro.feiiionH »ludi», thu» eteppiog eeid* tn nouca a ..

crei remedy.-' You wtll ai once uui*reund no unknownanil werthl«·« n.uimra. couli ihu· ettort k eoinnieai from.o high a tfaar'.er.end conieqtietit.y. un.*»· it dlrecnycooflfcied with the pnu-iice of il-.e faculty. II muii h«vebera It» great "fame'' which ta»c»ueed u to receive thupeMlrg nuii.e. k.d-ey ?????·. weaknei» of lh* backand »pine, irtefuter, pailful and »upurefaeu. inendrua-II ) irklbu*, knd in·» enure counpllcned irkin of evil»Which fJllow «dteoriereti «yi-eni. aro ai

by lhe medicine. 8end for pamphlet» from »gent», andyuu wid find erldeace .»f ihe vaiue of U» LtihouirtpucIhere ptil for.ÌL ?? ß remedy Ike Irregu'.nrii**· nf thefemkle iy»tem. tt hae in the compound a " rovi

" ahita ha»been reiorretl to In lhe Nonh of£u: a·.M aeurer ir* fur ih.» complaint, and erettore» of ih*lh* er.i ?* lyti.uL Liver complaint, jaunJic«.'»i loue du»mi, he ate tn«mi.twillfind Ulli· only remedy In tht>«ecoinpteiiiU,M wtila»fe»*rand ague. There u no remedy .ike It knd no calomel orquinine form» my part oftal» inlxiur*. No ticury wiil re¬nd In l» lue, »r.J iu active ptnpertie· kre merit fe»ted Inlh* luaofkiingletSO t ¡n», .·· got bra k'ut «gue, Ml-tara J.·.»..!*r». take n.» other m-dlrlue». Rheuu.atuin.g«*ul,wiU rind relief. Th* acilun of ihu russitene upon it»bni.»!. will change ihe d .*»*» which «'riunii*· in lb·

and k tieaii.'iy natili wi.l follow. ?)?·?*?·?«, Indi

Íeil;,ir. Ve. yield in «few day·' uie of ibi· medicine. In·amaadoa »>f ih » long·, eoaga, ronwipipllon »leu, ha« ever

found relief. Scrofula, .rviipela», pli*«, Infteaied eye·.Mi c»ui«*d by Impure blood.will find ihu »rucie lb« rem¬

edy. Th* lyilein. cnttipl«»l*!y Bled upon by lhe twenty-iw.idilereni ptOPftlM of lhe Diliiur«, I· punted and ra-»lured-u ¦ partial cur* wtd nul follow. The train ofcommon complaint», palpitation of iho heart, tick heed-ach*. J.lii.ily, kc. are all t!*-»re»ull of » derangementof iheayitem. arni th;· great redorer atti du lu wur'a.The piorna.** e*i forth in ih· advttrlteeinenl. are hMedupon the prixifof «vhei iihw once In tne pan four year«.The «vrt'.ien teatlninny of t.i'.si «gent«, lu Canada, theUnii·. Suie». Kngland and Suin America, tn lb« po««tu-.lon oiih* proprietor «nd can lie »eeu by all Intere·««**!.II atuiti ?·»?? deinon.trat'tia thet It u ih* ).*«t medicineever ottered io id« wurlJ. (let th* pamphlet and »ludyth« pr-nclplei kl there lati down of lb* ineihud '

Put up In 3>) ot. bolli*», al ti: \l tu. d'» »t gl ea

larger h »-ß than two «tua., ¡.otile». Lootom rad noi gei mpeeta upon, g »v «uta bai" Vkjgtin'i Vegeta'. « titooatrlptlc Mteture" blownopon the glui, ine wrtlleuiignaiure f .1 ? le igl.u"on th« diradine» m I'd c. Vkiighn, Bul'al».,'* «u.- p-

th« cork. Nun* »ther n>, genuine. Preparedbv Or. O. C. Vaughn, and eold ai the pilncipal ei!Main si Buffalo, al wboleeale «n<i reull. No ·_anlioflgiven lo ¡etiare unie·· poel-petd.ordere from regularlyconeitiiiled «genu eirepted. P.ul-pai 1 ¡·*?>?·, or vernalc.imtuunicalliiniaoIlciiiQg adele·,, prompt.» atlruded to

gran».ütrn:e« devoted et'luively t.» th· «ale of tht· article.In NAMAI ST. BEWTOIK CITTi ?? klerax-ilBaleni, Ma·»., »nd bv the pr.ncip»! druggl.U Ihroughoullhe United Stele« and Canada, m» »dvertued tn lha paper«Agitnu tn ihl« City- Ch«». 11. Ring, lui Br.udwk/. cor

John »? . M. Onion. 1J7 Bowery, «or. (Iraudui., Wyalli. h·· hum. Ul fulion »t, I. I» I fodillngUin. I»«» (ludioa·»L. i« ui. B. lager,« Uu.l«..n and Leonard au.. li.II M 'fir.a*, eor, Btataon au ? imatte · «

»? ? Ag»il ga. L VVtUUin·, lus (irand-lt.(>o't A^p^HgJUeeahr·..mBamb._l h|a»a.llltf

I'll. EJ5HF. S TONIC rEBRIFOQE,A posili»*, eafh end periiune'il cure for

rar b a * «. ? ?.

'pilli iiie.l Ir Ine ha« obtained a wide «pread r*puutl<in MI « .-e fur Aeraead Fever, Calli »r Iatornillenaad la·mulini Kever. in every »tage »>f ?.?««.-? !»»·»«·¦· u* «u per inri.ty io uiber retnedie* lia* '»»»en fully leiled. By ll· tonic pro-

. .'.rrugih bglrra t·. ii¡« ?«?··???»? tu* na·artathai the dltemoe \t tipelled from hi» «yatem. R*»l.l»nu at

l * Hutith wi,! luid tt uf vast lervire, a« au ixcaaiotul »ue

of lb« Tonic K*brlfuge will g.urd «gain«! ihn det.iliiailngerte, :» »f ??,ß «U..a B« r.refnl u» a«k fur Hut/n't TentePebrifug·, e» lile celebrity of lhe article haï given ri·· to

attei pu at cuntcrfeiilng hnnainr !,.· nra lati«fill· yo'iulna ? lit« genuine all which belli or lh* wrapper then»rU(.»Igiutureof Ur. J.uue« A. P.r..·.·. U_i Hr-udwiyNaw-Voii._ )ll ltneo.1


For tke » emoval ef pain and rpetd'i curt efBik.N.·», ,- ti ,n>, en.«», votiaaa,

Brill·**, KryatpaiH·.RHKUMAT1SM. Broken Breruu, Kro«ie.l Limb», Oten-

lutar Swelling», pain tn lh« face, «ide or back, and allInflammation«, there Ie no remedy that equate lh*rado Pain Abstractor Numaro.u cerlihcsle«. proving «11wea*»»ert.»re open f,.»r examination. Psaphla» can behad grati« al the ?????. Thle Ointnient poe·.*»«*« greaterbaaltag, ano-lyn* and dtacretienl propeniM UikO any niberarli.-le, and ?» chaaper ihan »ny other. Dea:··, a »upplledon ?.ber·! tenu«.

;»al<><Bc* 41a* Btokdway. None genuine wntmattho rniiea «ignklure of the Proprielnr

ml'J Imooi_JAB-I t Bit (II

???? iii-ir-T PAMILB MBOIVIBJI ? orBuliei Vegetobla Ptlla.they ar« r-empomd of urn-

tutti· own remedie«, bam· «abarato rar·

ee, a¡. ofa eoabtaatloa to hippy in«, it.«** aeeui

her In her elfort« Ui exp*l dt»e*ue and rettore heelth..Th*y purify ihe blood. ..(.talli« lh« circul»Uun and re»u»r·

the fiver, kldi»- <e.-re'.,,rv oi gai.· 11 a healthy?»-.» ».?J acüoo. Krum their ton:·· propaitai they never

pruduce Itial delilliiy of lhe «lonuchai.«] inuxim-eaj »fienthe con»equ*!ice of ß ??« of otner purgntvee. lu dy»p«p-·:· and ail btlloui aflocilc-:· ihey bave proved «up«¡'-'r u»

any other ni»».li»-tn*. T'iev laeeee ih* no.«ch and Intra·Un*u from ail impurtlle«. and from their generai action

ri»« lenawed ea*rgy to ihe eoatatatton, rrtc«(wiih fulldirectional .'¦ ceute per box. Tota .'» «? wholeMl« or retail «I lb· principa ut.le, No. ili L » nn..,xi


MIDDLETOVVN.ONN ? e · ^?? ·µ·?»??? of twenty·two week* w U commence M ay !*. thkrge for beard,

hulructloo, Ac. |8(>, In «td 'anca. Oreai «rate laeet.iwed on lhehealth and hepptneee ii wed M itudl*· of pupil·. Refer·eoe* may be mad« lu T. BclHraib E*q. of th« New.YorkTribune. Circular· with minuta information and e ileoledreference·, mey beobulnejd of Rev H. Ch··« (4 M art et¬

ti where ihe principal uuy Ire a»« from May 11 to 16.ml7 liiie.KlklmSVV_U 11. CHASK.

K*»S1(NÌ UIBBS ài (I.AUK ? h«/e -???t»!melr K-bool lo lh* corner of Pouch «nd Mcllnngkl·

··_*. on Wuhington-raqukrn. Th* school r»«jm« firnltuieaodluilriiciion provided bave been de·: .-..·¦J ?». * t:gh orderot education In a!! the department» of .ivrr,.ie end y

learning The :»c»i:»ja u c-nu»! and pl*a»ant, end ea«yul ae,·*»· from a.i paru ? Iba cuy. The, u now

.»?»·:! for in* vtettatliin of IU fri*iid·, »»?? U.».·* wi.

a p:*c^ f,,r'h* eaiucai m?.tu iMyl*


14« 41H .A.?, ( o'.innMt. -si man¬

ner, aud Boat approved pi uçlpte. »y Roger·, KeichumA Oro.venor. and Charlea Uaii.'ur'.h, of PaieiaoQ, New-Ja·a-y. One wil.u'av, n-.e piotar tad up ma.

cud», two 3 heaied drawing freme·, »ne !»> atrand «ndUireae ll »trand *p»eeder·. three Dtuf jrm »ptnitog frune«of lï each, end eve Danfoith (pinning frane· aI U ·?:?1>· each, two Balm of t li «ptcd:*· » all,ÌPVS «ptndlee One ipoollog marbinewlib o4 «pindte«,iwo warping mill«, hve reel·, with can«, «pool«, leobblo·,.nd «very other «ruelu kppertalnlng to «pinning of collónwith th· above cumber f »pindle« Th* D«r.f.j.rih frkei*·tuve been ?a onarati«. but a few month· -*jbs of them??? moaiiu. Tha aiale· ar« a«w. «od bave b*aa m

i'parailon ten than two month«, and Hmo»t every «nicinnee·«··! y to operate ihe machinery, i* new.Tha machinery, kc. I» well arruged, geared taa bated.

In k !.r »·¦ !«*l »ung, > »v. -ie. Ingh, in Treou.o,

New-Jersey, iiuny mile« from F*, s.:.,,/ilk «od «Uly??:>· nom N«w»York rule*. T' ere :· auipte rooa for¡o».u neeetnary U) weave »Il tbe s ara t.u can be ap-in bythe number of spinile« mecUoaed.

actir.ery may rt»m»_ where 111», or be tumore»to any other place, »ted may ba purchased fa below ue

-tutu tor term», a**, inquire ofTI10MA.S 1. BTRYKER, Trento·.*·-»·R. k D M BTEBBINS New- tort.ABRAHAM OOUWIN, Penrrae.N J

t.* ¡.-».SAC C. PIKLD. Pr,!teraf__'»__»_^_' (I It a AI. I , ,'. »rutnfjñ, *¦'**»* Mor*'

t*t »old very ehrap tor cneñ. tr *PP··. VJ' TTpgJT 7.Ífua.1 be i-eraoved *froa ta· tornita· hnki - »« Mar. Cm

be ran in ih. .tor* ·. E ¿^^ii-iJ-^'SSSSiÄftarente-Ui« Apply »''*-*-» '>"*¦*·*¦ ' «Vi^.-.ry. _,_" 'Gt^-TTi».mteÄTS-tac'iad-tinaciCutiü*ert, taehee, tara·

d u,r. «?».»··, Ac pet up «t Mort «oice, by

?.? í¿ i IrOCtr.. Kül'1»e. il Araot

reTfj tJonEtyriv Commtmutoft ? ? ii mi.i -aI tuureae well aqaatai»- aite mai.'.facturer· of c>iu»n

¿/wool and who caa procure a te««-reh.· inlfodJCüoo

toaray othort. In tb· Buie« ot Utonehura.?. RhodeUtelid. Coocecllr'.l. New-York, New-Jere·». rean-iva-

¿ » Delaware, Merjlani, Virginia, North CaroltaB ata». ?* dMirou« uf conneciing klaaeM iu btutaece

.eiliaynW'.iiW. A'.:.?'»eftatlhu«..ce wUI ie* »At-«.ed u>. if mdreru». to J. P. 0.

-ati _

Ci ?Uto'?? ?*-*·*« likf-TKB, Arrarirao C«.««a a <?-/. noa, raraau nd ht» triando aad eorrearKtadaota lo

frrward tinIr coarrao.Bltam W .m ihr »ugh Hart.aa k

Co.'»l_p«e««,w»_et prtfttmi.ot ihey wul notbolm·waded. to '-ß

Sitsatioiu, «¿rr. {DanUfr.b^rw__S^^^*^ï^«Sabio ihu ha _*.0_-.-*.t*y.ft*w ***** *** -« Ramata,Tbi. te » good îeÏÏrèinAtoiET^tt-TiL1" ** *"···

WA.siTKIÎe-atowajc»toa^^ __3_ -

W e« ¡a» tct M Agwou for·_%!,"£ nnâ^SmtmlPAbii<_tío«t*-8ari»j «SETaad aboben? ¡_I^^**:_G

»TmV afe-? "¦.«.».w «-«ki^r^rtll··

»- .-, fl. ». --r rrar olear of .·?___omo art- bav· hit litxrieL 11 will b· .?*1 ¦»¦».--- --. .,..¦ ?.? *·»» «;»··. «j» «4

? w-1 bave hi· diarie.. Il will ba... *!·'·. it .east frjtal-V io «?»·*» lo «r-UntoeoB-il Y,

x ?». PK._Ni.IIfl Pahl-hiug Haû. !· ?-??.G'.y.ap«t«alr.. ij-oeofib^rsacaf o¿T-n'.o«k Alt tonara

tiiuíi r»e ??·! paid. tar tfVt' 4>Th_.A rara cbaac·*!* o*T«red lo e P««-ra«ri«t».» ? iyp« ame« ot a perene wlaatog io go nu», ta« s? A

» -«s* »¦...,« t.. gag . toa »·??· of ?\?.».abra·· ear medum F'tetrcb Flua, aad «»ill Mil toma

' ?»·?_ i***m· «"· SJ «-**» gW*-r-*_e ir·« c««»l of lb·vs. » · -,; raie Ctroert for bed" prlc*-Thev cm be ie«a by ca«.!Bgoa

! _A. J. BEAU». 15*1 Broadway. 3d flotwVY'i^ThD S':.i«t:on« by two ntperab* youae* wo-t ? men; oa« e« eoo*, washer «od trôner.ib· otas« aachao»bwuraic- They caa brtoa-d»e bMt iirratai·· ilin iet

fr°"«AMr *** P'·*·· '¦ w·« Thlrteeae,·«. betwM« bMllhir \\¥*}? *'*****· *"*"? iBtT «ae he «eoa ·« «ay time.

· al a*\V \>TKD -A~»:tu«i«m by a natMcaVbie yoe»g~mar? r rtod man »· porter tn a dry-rood* »ton ur m trotta-

«-» re.poctabto pia«, -m rut·«) knowledge ofy «er » «.reacierktaawholeealelup.roigr,»CMr

a, good knowledge of either. Tbe b«*l of cK*r. Züi* '1rw' Addrtjo· f p. at thin office, aia*

WtNT-U-A «ogle lady wtehM «o bin a tower. r ¡ in a «Melihy part of tb« city, a

place .liable for keepiBff · tow Mtirlee to Mil woald beKent alisi tte uioderaie. A not« addr*«e«d to

C ?« ? · ¡kper. wU. b« promptly »needed a>.«¦*> latti

\\ ANTBill ? . ition by 11 rspeciâb'e yvwag wûmen.** a «.hembenaeld, ta aprivate fatali ?, lo im: ti a ih«

ani trocin-r or tote· to ehlldrea'tf require»! Cane «evo f.ifi»o dava Cali al «T Moti ti. 1 d«Mre trom Bay.

»' _*_'_? ? Bei', of reference can ttx» «Iven. al II*? ». INTKJb.A »liuithin by « PrviMiar! fune,' woataet t _ .-tait, waster aad trotter ; hti ao «toMcoua m iba

Th· be«t of reiereor«. ríe··· appiytoe Bow«-«"·'___" ^."."«.eu'h-««. Caa be aaea tor two «laye, al tt"

WV>TKÎI»-Byaa Ammc-Tady wbo cao will· ß<··.>«? hand, a -·"**".¦ *«r-pT'" KaittiMij will go

t.) 'he erne« or ».on, but would much rather do «be wr ting.ihotne. Addre·« a a»te lo Julia. Tribune ofrlc·. »?»

WANT):I» FAiiftlioe ,*aa alway» haw faiit-Vil end?)»G''???? I'Uieiltci well recommended, fer CUy «»r

couutiy. at lb« othce tM Orand-et. near th« Bowerynt.ll *«*_J. WATTS.

WANTI.U-l.adiM to railu HILLS othce, if» W·»-erly I'lice, for rood tad well recouiotetjjed (Irli ft«

eiry or couou-y. No charge._ Bk» It*

\\ V >TB|>.A iiinnerauu» wttehS_fit\~SB| at? J. h W. I1«>1AS, M Htid»oB*l

'IM) TKAt ?EKM. -For «ata a flounihlnc ramilefl !«cho«-l wuh furntiure.biturate end rood wtlt ta tu pn.«ui leacliar PosseMloa glvea lb· «ia ol* May. Tb·t «tttutiot li tn one of lb« moil deilrahle locetloaain ihe citv. end to a lady qualified lo teach the hitherbrauche«, tnd conduct a achooi, ibis Is a rar· opporuiBiiyIt nqultes two female leachen eontnnilv tn trUoot, bo-.lii« i»tiiiti',ii Term· cMh on .tally ory of ihe School .

Adire·· ?. ? Tribune (Mice, BlaliDK where au interviewmay l-e fiait. m3l 41*

?? TF???I îtKiri^ThV plÖM^rl«Miritbia| '..'ardii.· and Dav Seh.«»! 1er voua« ledi·«

(!. valed .?? oneitfihe prluslpal eitle« of Ni w Jeneji beingabout lo relln-i itili the charité, tl would be illepo*·«! «3upon reeecma). o irrmi The «¡.union l* dee'.nbt· and Iherent of ih« bulli!)"«« moderate, lor particular« ettdrt*·"AugUIIU·" Bl Ihr ottico of ihtl piper in Ul hi"

AF'K.llAI.Fl TbAllIKU, couipeleot to «Ire le,.tr'ii lion m the varloua Flosileh branch·« at» in «ra

.ic, i« wanted In tab« rtisrr» µ a amali arbool ta ooe ofiho aoM pleManl portion· of TenniM·». Por par «leu lat·ca.! up'tt A. B. KalM, 118 Pesrl-il fl«ll*f«cU'ry refer·««··

Bl tf

Al.hNT« UA>TKU--r«tr toa «to saeñeS an«um fui »nicle irtiican b« sold lo «very family la the

t'nnto. Muti of «nterprlte and buttaeM bablti can makef.»«> ?.?· |n>ai *yeai. C ALDEN, ID rulu»n-*i. N.B.All letter· must b« po»l paid. MB tm*

WANT ?II «»? ?>.·?.| ami mor««··* »a pro¬perty worth |AI«0. for wile h ? per cea Inlet501)'_V>,

«ll will be given'but no comtatMioa. Apply lo!_l if? J COLKMAN. nd\\ «|| «i

d'Ai tUU\ OU ANV M'.rla of Trewury Sole·0.y»",tfUar»anied, for which ¦ premium wtll be paid,by ll'tfl J. THOMPSON, til W_U»L

Uoaròing.litOHIIfcity p?«, ?.

? I VIM) \V IM'KI) '"-flltltie. l..«|.ll.yefail.i:vofnree porcon* tn a rMpeclahle bouM In lh« upper part

of th« «Uy Irom tbe 1*1 ·>( May cesi Ther Will t equi?»itvo go yd bedrooms, which Ihey will iirnlsh. Tbe vicinity

¦i »H'itro preferred. Bea of city refereac· «Iveaand reonmd. At'

of ibi» pape

BOARD WANtKlF Por · gtettomee wi'iVi-yyTSir.vani An auñirmihed froat p???? oo eaeomt ttoer la the

«¡culiy or H.oayttv.y and «leer»«, .i_ or pel ol a hiAl*·kt a mixtorate real would be reeled. Addreee, *teun_in ms, wlilrh itiiiti lie .««derate no ottiet» will b« ta-

¦wer.-d) m »"atTiiiy si the office of The Trtbaoa. a.' .M*

Bll tKI>. ? few geo'lletiien, or~k fmiiiy of «r.iwnñer·.tos, can hav« board (wiih nparale (able) and iwo

puliti ·???·I tie«!room· commutdcaliag lu t huuM uni'icep-I'.itiabv livttfl, (outh of Canal-·«-and weit of BroadwayT.-rtn« and en tttlerview can b« had by aaldreaaia« L II. 0wtU, nain« end eddreM tl thUothce._mfll SX'

1» t» 1 toll in e »nivale faiiiily, a gentleman and wife orllliir.t.« personal an l.o »ory i.»«e«««»ly ?., tieimodeled Inarooleol |.rivale family In Ine vicinity of lUsthavenu« endVVaverly place, ".»ar «bree mego roules« ApplyM ta Ain·,·

___________^____^__BMI fltoud*

Botiti». V ?.??'?,???? parlor and bedoaiiii* with pan¬ino! ?.?;,??ß??< to let, wllh or without board, to a «en-

tl.-tnan and wlft, or to two «Ingle gentlemen. Apply mKi.i«dw»y. B"il Si*

Bit tit DIM«. P.'"?·?.( apailmenU to I.« lai wllhboard, to gentlemen and their wives-Imtuedlamiy or

fruiti the rim of May next, at l«k*> Orchard si. Uood ntor.encee «aclianaual. ggg t,ttr*

BO A 11 DI NO «*ÏÏh «MiriùiAailly. Apply ai M McÔmTfi»t taa»tf

AliKNTLkMÂJÎind ht* wife or two singla geatl·--?????? may obtain a pleasant room, with howd, on lb·

«oc.itid rt .ji, by «pplyt-f II to Wblto-tl. N.B. Nor«,motil on the tat of May. i_0 Iw*

HO(M|**»,'rt..h~! . .irjlurñlíhixírwliribrMktast ludtoa If r«.¡ilr«d, In a beautiful loealtoa Bear Ml. John'·

Ptrt. lo let, Ity · privile fintlly which done not remove

on ibe lai of Mty Befareoce· eichaa«;ed. Addi«·· P.lower PMl-Offie·._el 4t*

'I V V 11 I. I NT I. H )| ?? w t ih lièi r~wttn or two tin « «

1 genilemea can be accommodated, altar IttofMiy wllh¡.»mil I'.ierdlng is · private family by tpplVagu

IB] Könnt!-»·. The room» are rery plwaiat and wellsvlth rlo«»t«. Krforon. o» otclian<«·! tui ileaal

I) I.KT WITH HOAttl) to a Keeiiemaii and wifein a tmall Sarrrato family, a pleMant front ra m, bed·

room and cioset.-sttutiion pi«Me-l-»'tges p*·· tha fluor,A pply tt UH 3t)venih iu_tl 11*

r|l(l liKT r'.!eÄ»ni f.'rftiihe-Twiû'ri, wlib bed-r«!1 io .in-t!itr«iiii«meo,In*privile fan

·'· . -·-!

Tn bTK LBT.Oaeoriworooeu tl ttt ??µ?p?-ß«, ?

WMhingloB · .»(«, wllh or without board, nillï JUtod-



rt*_ri '¦r

! ! 111

SPKIM« lASAlllDNa.-Hals.ilau. Pariamo!«lutili batí a« 9¡, «'¡"«i lo ibot· ao'.d by «tlhaw« M B4

^^aU). «lettili dreM bale al li "*' aod |«* ib,suirMlo'In liyle *nd ñnnh io li"»·« lo many pIbcm et fa, neal baial li (t. () Murrb will be plea·«««, to m· bla fi* «odi itlitis » a tao. ist.iodi»

ÜEOBOKP H BBOWN.ItoCaaalsl.tlPUKTANT to «arrhaeM» «? Pianti¦'orles-- The suJrsrribers h»vtog purebaaetl

, if Mr. John flerü-er Ib· «sclaslv· rtcbi la

» . - J-.f« ..lied «tat«· «..hit rei«';i Mtrp Prara«lmpru»t)me_l lo Plano Porte, tie new roa_ti(s_-mrÍ3_a»«_·»ery »plendld B^»MWt>t>rJ and Maboganany Pttoo Torto·,which are warre-Md »aaerlor ta tone ko say aow la OM,t'i to keep In tono much longer. Tbe lmpruvtmeai eva-

.Ut« in · mo·» i»««vitifui Htrt Brani·, peenltar to c«>«saaree·

.?.. iMtn_ t.! ibe «iraB of the »»ring· frota lhacm· t ato·? general ai«.jr!_i«iil of lha ?««µ· ^_^«_·*?*_?»_ ?»_»?1 »a

tntab-d tsktan-aaa-. ???G????, KOOBM k CO.Ill fatai«»«, teat «Id« of Broadway.

eÏANO KÖMTBH m rirr Itrw ptmea.-Person· a> «il purebMltig Ptaaos will 4ad

III io «Fielr aydraoïag« lu rail M B- wmmn h? JCo.iHonutacxoiy. 184 talioart*. (mm* et

tromiw»yJ A /onerai saatoruaenl of Mehoguy Md Kma-Wood piai.iy« «ont.oily on hand, which will be io4fl low tor9MB or (ppruved paper. Deatars »upplJed <rn liberal totmumyft t, eLeHNACO lia th» lion««

__ß?____?· ?? HALB M lb* old siarid No. ? Btr8_?___G_?'. iy tt- ippootxe it.« Aii-ur IFu-m,b variety.?t??^???of »l, ' ». and i oriate Piano Porle», of

J j I J I -rt ?ß/leiy ot pallorn, wllh all lb«n,..;. m lnprovenieoM, to roMwood and aahogany rt*»·,.varreauMl in every rMpecl to gtv« «a-atoetso« or ao sita.Pianos wo hire. JAM-fl .HOMPflON.

., ha _etoTa_maakBaa^«»a,,^-,t^«.,.«,,,,,,·:_K_3_B_BVVILL1AM 11. iitllB «-J Maids·-laa·,!«·ÌT^^ma^tTn· 'Uiinutoly on hand » tarr/e ?µ?pµµ? of

. I · I I imrlero Klano PorlM.ta ?»^^__^^r.iMwoc«! caa«··, which he tato «alato -PJ» BBB» a

ouuttier or «v-coodband Plano, which to«? <*%,****low prie··._ _""A "?

* TUiiilr-taoN-a '."·"·2_·_À· -.. ,_«?..? « flotvaotift UBnfla«a«tatVa^M._^^«'5_^^_,«d'-1 f*t*i·

»rr. ÌV _»* s-wbo me ihtM». m Dm» p.eeeure .?.

. ,, _«tae io attr Buondì oo th« nptare miti,be Vadnalad^»^*£ oìmach ta'ory oith» apto·oui ? baca VaKna1»Wtwtm\ títe leack e¿d ala, «ad urto."?'??G* 'Ìoot^o^tmoT t*dt day. inai »jT*«e and tt a* ?

lZ,^^tt!»^nr.n..amrtmn,n*m mg,1^-^ "^·??? ONLVEXIlTINi; WUNDKKoftoa

.*g^.r"fl" I)F1V>ITT C KKLLINOBB-BlfflhUlhto?«|_??1 Tbi* irely Mtoetrtatog medteto· lt ih*

y Mllr.· in ·*«·***»·« - »**". -I ¦«_ eri a ir.». (??G.a* » Utm .:¦*.* mm*-r**o*r*mommm, *~-e

? market tbal the affile lad caa gM a trialausar- ta pata, tal· it tlwtyi duna by «be tro·

»;,. - ...rei. ni·· -"-ear «tT-tlful aid irtntpat..Diluid, rughiy fragnnt »nil perfeei-y dellghiful In lu la.»or ari «««.por-tativ deaimad to b· preernbed InumaiMaanaraaily and l* «vr-iai Uicun aa tow toy*, after

ai o jn»r reuied'«· bare faled. All i-tr>.Mile and w.roiu-· »??p.?? raarworm, letter, barber"« lieh, old «ore· of

every aat ,r» froal btiM, bur··, paia« in th· barb and af-

toetloo» of the »pin«, dialoeationa, enlarresBeot of ¦filate,. ,r · ud rt.y,'.ir« oí every diweripiioo, uxnh

aio) oervoui Headache; oe·or iwo do·»· laben eeemtdteg·. · lecersaa« m -re M toa· ?r.ollt, (ilarvb.a.

be ss -? is talea, end ail a.ea-iVi·» of the throat to

pat-? of «v«ry nator« yield to u* i*8a«or· tn_Mdiape^at »ad a«"is broten ta two «toe·· aiwaya ?·»·»

y*»·.« aod r«ia_ ? ß. I»tii»«t.L k Cf·

*»!**?*? _ '? «5k*gy tontalMd gteot oe eifvv-oa free ijfchtrg«. »"** «*·** *

mM j,.aeaailflfla,«,?«?4???G«???G?-? *·« -faaefl"*" .».^iiso«. «*-"«) tfivstor-w-l saato »

KJu*Zomm*T Ta«» ww\ma nearly new, lea_a-

^^£_ «taeliooo^AJM h-irneM, .lelgb. bell* buffa«^·3??_?-?.?-^-?<???-??- Applyj

V;;;·,." rawr a Wtmaar-st _·& '

~",,??//* foTMUaae· ot* a»u»· l· rear door,t\v\txïâ'.:eedm\tn *r«en bludl»tad»¡?__. tlVoaloTcheap, µ ?« will be "»«»»*· dowa l-afdltnl.
