TRMS T-TOWN ROCKHOUND Volume LXVII Issue 3€¦ · letters F through J. Please and thank you! TRMS...


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Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 2


2019 Officers are elected by club members each November-December

President Steve Ridgway 918-557-1107

1st VP/Programs Peter Grice 918-607-3445

2nd VP/Field Trips Holly Proctor 918-361-3081

Secretary Roberta Wagle 918-695-4291

Treasurer Jerry Nagel 918-640-1324

Shop Foreman Billy McBay 918-455-0602

Editor Kay Waterman 918-521-4386

Web/Library Martha Rongey 918-230-1094


Historian Larry Wagle 918-695-1527

Past-President Donna Loffer 918-407-1194; 918-371-5051

Directors Richard Jaeger, George Hill, Sharon Richards

2019 Committee Chairs are appointed by the incoming President

Chatpile Editor Wayne Mouser 918-582-8700

Rock Donations Larry Wagle 918-695-1527

Show Chair Eric Hamshar 918-284-3503

Club Scholarship Dianne Kirk & Richard Jaeger;

Fed Representative Liz Thomas 918-486-3788

Publicity Martha Rongey 918-230-1094

By-Laws Bob & Nancy Hicks, Scott Robb

Pebble Pups Julia Allande 918-834-3405

Hospitality Table Kimberly Perry 918-859-3053

Uniform Rules Leon Reeder 918-346-7299

Need VOLUNTEERs for Education and Hospitality. Contact TRMS President Steve Ridgway

The Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society, Inc. was organized in April 1958 to promote interest and provide

education in the earth sciences, in historical artifacts, in jewelry-making and all forms of the lapidary arts. Field trips, the

club workshop, monthly meetings and other activities provide opportunities for life-long learning. Meetings: The second

Monday of each month at the College Hill Presbyterian Church, 7th and Columbia Street, Tulsa, OK. Refreshments and

coffee begin at 6 p.m. Pebble Pups meet at 6:15 and the membership business meeting and program commence at 7


The T-Town Rockhound, official bulletin of the Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society, is issued every month preceding

the regular monthly meeting. Permission is granted to reprint items from the newsletter unless otherwise designated, provided

that full credit is given to the author and the T-Town Rockhound. Please send items for the newsletter by the monthly

deadline, the 20st of the month preceding publication, to Editor, T-Town Rockhound: Kay Waterman, or mail to 1334 N. McFarland Place, Claremore, OK 74017. E-Mail Exchange Publications to

TRMS Membership: Single $12 - Family, $15, due Jan. 1. Mail: PO Box 2292, Tulsa OK 74101.


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 3

T-TOWN ROCKHOUND March, 2019 Vol. LXVII No.3 Monthly newsletter of Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society


James Puls, pictured, has been

accepted to the United States Military Academy at West Point.

James has been a member of TRMS for several years, serving most recently

as field trip coordinator. James also was named TRMS Junior Rockhound of the Year in 2017.

Congratulations, James!


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 4

SHOW COMMITTEE MEETING—COME JOIN US! We had the first Show Committee Meeting of the year on Jan 21st, and had a good turnout. It looks like most of

the dealers from last year would like to come back.

The next Show Committee meeting will be on Monday, March 18th at 7pm College Hill Presbyterian. Planning is

coming along nicely, but we are still in need of an organized, friendly and energetic person to manage the Admissions and

Information area. This is a very important part of the show, as this is where we have the chance to tell visitors how best to

enjoy the show upon entry, as well as encouraging them to join TRMS as they leave. It can be very fast paced and

demanding at times, but also very rewarding. If you are interested in potentially taking on this role, please contact Eric

Hamshar at 918-284-3503 or, or simply come to the meeting.

All club members are encouraged to attend and participate at these meetings. Everyone's input is important and

appreciated. We have already had many volunteers willing to lead the different areas of the show, but we still need more

participation from club members. Please, lend a hand and a voice to help make the 2019 show a special one!

We are in need of specimens for both the grab bags and the spinning wheel. These should be small (under 2")

and relatively inexpensive, such as small tumbled stones, minerals such as Oklahoma rose rocks, quartz, or selenite, or

small fossils like shark's teeth, crinoid stems, etc. If you have something you can donate or know someone who does,

please let Donna Loffer or Eric Hamshar know.

GRAB BAG NOTE from Donna Loffer: I have fabric and yarn to make grab bags. If you would like to help sewing them

up, please call me at 918-407-1194. I will be bringing a good supply of them to the March general meeting. We need

them by the grab bag filling picnic, May 25th

at Steve & Donna’s home, 12604 N. 143rd E. Ave. south of Collinsville just

off Hwy. 169. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be furnished, please bring a food item to go along with them for the noon


The next Show Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, March 18 at 7 pm at College Hill Presbyterian Church

at 712 S Columbia Ave, Tulsa. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Show Chair, Eric

Hamshar at or call 918-284-3503.

Eric Hamshar, show chair

Treats for the March 11 general membership

meeting hospitality hour will be courtesy of the

members with last names beginning with the

letters F through J. Please and thank you!


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 5

TRMS Honors Rockhounds of the Year

Richard Jaeger and Junior Spencer Meadows

Annually, the AFMS and the seven Regional Federations ask for nominees from each club for Rockhound of the Year recognition. 2018 nominees

from TRMS are Richard Jaeger and Junior Rockhound nominee Spencer Meadows. Their biographies appear in both the RMFMS monthly

newsletter and the AFMS newsletter. The following was submitted by Julia Allande, TRMS, and appeared last month in the RMFMS bulletin.

Sometimes a member is so active, so contributive, so supportive, and so historical, it is difficult to write

a SMALL review of him!

Richard Jaeger has been a member of TRMS since soon after its inception in 1958, and continues to this day to

be a most involved and contributing member. Richard is a geologist (BS,MS) and “fossilologist,” and always willing to

assist with education of developing rockhounds. He has served many officer positions, many more than once, including

President, Field Trip chair, Historian/Librarian (when it was one position), Director, Finance Committee, Scholarship

Committee, Show Chair (for many years), Competitive Displays Chair, as well as past president of each RMFMS (x2) and


He is cognizant of the importance of mentoring new presidents and keeping important items in focus for action,

and takes it upon himself to provide that mentoring. He is a font of information for the newbies.

Richard keeps TRMS members updated and aware of RMFMS and AFMS activities and concerns, and for years

has sent out reminders of luncheon and other activities. He always puts in a display or more for

the show and for other public displays, and encourages, guides, and leads in competitive displays; as

well, is a frequent contributor to the TRMS, RMFMS, and AFMS newsletters.

He generously provides specimens for the Pebble Pups monthly give‐away and for the Grab Bags. In all these

years he has never been recognized as Rockhound of the Year because it was always he who wrote up the candidates,

and he is way too modest to nominate himself!

Display Case March 2019 Again, a hearty thank you to Tony and Martha for sharing, visually, at least, some of their finds from Pakistan during the month of

December. Ian Kirk, a Pebble Pup, is currently showing off his quartzes in a fine display of color variation. Ian’s display was delayed a

bit by our being offsite for the January meeting, and then further by the absence of the Keepers of the Key. Our considerable

appreciation for Ian and his mom coming in during a busy weekend to set up the new display is time for the February meeting.

President Steve Ridgway has graciously volunteered to put in the display for April. Nobody has nothing-- by which I mean

EVERYBODY HAS SOMETHING to show off. You will find that, once you put your stuff out for display, you will feel a pride and delight

in your pieces that you did not realize before. Our club is about sharing. Hunt me down and prepare to SHARE!

--Julia Allande


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Eager, interested, hardworking, productive, involved,

and enthusiastic are all adjectives to describe 11 – year‐old

Spencer Meadows, TRMS’s Junior Rockhound of the Year

for 2018.

He is pictured on a western family vacation visiting a

dinosaur footprint site. His already- avid interest in rocks and

fossils brought him to the Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society,

where he found willing mentors and intriguing activities.

Since coming on board in August of 2017, Spencer has completed 10 badges, written three reports

for the newsletter, put a display in Gem Faire, competitively displayed at the TRMS annual show

(trophy!), and done an oral presentation for his FRA Coordinator, besides field tripping at every

opportunity (nine, so far, not counting museum visits).

Spencer has manned the spinning wheel and grab bag stations, worked break‐down, fielded questions

during the Gem Faire, and assisted set‐up and breakdown for the TRMS annual show where he was constantly

busy fetching, carrying, crawling under things, and connecting things.

At monthly TRMS meetings he frequently assists the Door Prize Chair and sticks around as long as he

can to help clean up. At home his collection has begun to threaten space for other objects in the house, as he

continues to gather specimens!

Field Trip News The February Gilcrease Museum tour was very informative. The guide

was a rockhound herself and really knew her subject, reports Holly Proctor,

Field Trip Coordinator. Plans for the March field trip will be announced at the club meeting on March 11. Ideas for field trips are always welcome.


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 7


By Julia Allande

Paulino and I dropped the $ and ran

like a couple of scared rabbits for the

warmth and escape of Panama. My

sister was able to come from Georgia

and stay with Mother here in Tulsa, so

we bolted. We had some reasonably

urgent business to tend to, Becky was

available, and I needed the

vacation! It just so happens the

second week of our visit corresponded

to the visit by the Pope, so everything

was closed except for Pope and Youth activities. Modern Panama City across the Canal waters.

Traffic was lighter than usual – the parking lots on the roadways were no worse

than Highway 169 during Rush Hour -- as many people took advantage of the

Pope's visit and left town for the week.

We spent most of the first 6 business days attending to our official needs with

some visiting and agate hunting mixed in. The rest of the time we just

thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, visiting the pool, the beach, family (my brother’s

crew and Pauli's cousin's crew), friends, shopping, exploring, a little work, and a

lot of just goofing off. The weather was WONDERFUL,suntans all around.

On the trip down, on the plane, the young lady in the aisle seat going down was

going to Panama to volunteer with the Pope's visit. She is from Poland and her

Spanish rudimentary at best. She said she would be working an information

booth during the visit and lodging at a local school. Our flight landed us in

Panama at 2:15 am (yes, a.m.) so I asked her where she would spend the night.

Paulino on the beach When she said she would just stay the night in the airport I told her no, that would

not work, she would have to go with us and spend the rest of the night at my brother's. After leaving

customs area she found out she could Bridge of the Americas. Sunken ship, foreground, visible at low tide.

not go back into the airport, so she

gave up and came with us.

From the airport to my brother's was a

30-minute drive (no traffic!). Beata had

to wonder to where she was being

taken, we drove so far into the jungle!


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 8

Allande’s adventure, continued:

In the morning after bed, shower, and breakfast, we took her to her lodgings at the school and turned her

loose on Panama! She reported to me periodically that she was having a great time and got to visit quite a

bit of the country!

For our part, I booked flight on Spirit Airlines because the fare was so good. Well. Been there, done that,

don’t have to do it again. Spirit is a cargo airlines, and if you don’t mind being human cargo it may be a

good deal. But bus station seats on a 3 1/2 hour flight were less than pleasing, our luggage allowance was

less than other airlines, and we had to pay for EVERYTHING except using the loo, and I am surprised they

did not charge f or that, too! Due to their scheduling we missed our connection coming home (next flight

out 12 hours later) and our choices were wait the 12 hours and miss our last flight home from Dallas (next

flight out would be Sunday am) or go with a different airlines. We flew to Dallas on Southwest, took a cab

from Love Field to DFW, and caught a standby flight home. Final cost just about what the tickets would

have cost me in the first place if I had bought on a different carrier!!!

We collected about 50 lbs of agates, but left about 20 there, to be transported up when my brother comes

up for our Mother's birthday, in April.


Many and numerous thankyous to Holly Proctor for stepping up and handling the Future Rockhounds of America

meeting in January while I was off exploring Panamanian bureaucracy and beaches! We had a Need and an Opportunity

to visit Panama suddenly so off we went and Holly did a magnificent job of taking over here at home. I hear tell there

were eleven Pups in attendance – awesome!

Spencer Meadows did a great job on his presentation on Sand for the general meeting. It took a lot of preparation and

nerve to make this presentation, and it was really well done. Thank you!

This last meeting in February we had ten Pups attending, with one at home sick. We hope Adam is well recovered and

rocking around by now! We studied Rules for Working With Tools, aka Workshop Safety Rules, as part of the Lapidary

Arts badge. This is one of the required activities for this badge, so as of now ten Pebble Pups have a head start for this

badge. As part of our lesson we were visited by Careless Carrie, who was wearing loose, long hair and loose, long sleeves

while messing with the All-You-Need. I think everyone got the Point. I hope so. Next month we will discuss some of the

lapidary materials – rocks – we use to make our projects. Anyone is welcome to bring samples of rocks and especially

any finished pieces to go with the raw samples. You are also welcome to bring any rocks you want to consider working

with. We will be looking at the factors that make any sample a “good” choice.

Pups will meet in the study room just down the hall from the big room. Children of ALL ages are welcome. Feel free to

come in and teach, assist, kibitz, or just observe.

--Julia Allande, JRoA Coordinator


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 9

Compiled by Wayne Mouser from T-Town Rockhound archives

5 YEARS AGO MARCH, 2014: Sharon Richards, Treasurer reported 52 families and individual members have paid

their 2014 dues. Six TRMS members attended the gem show in Kansas City. Finis Riggs has received the 2015 and 2016

TRMS show contracts from the Tulsa Fairgrounds. Fairgrounds personnel will sell tickets. It was brought to motion the

club needs 20 new display cases. The motion passed. Volunteers will need to help stain and assembly. The April field trip

will be the OSCMS spring swap held in Stillwater. 60 people attended the Bob & Nancy Hicks swap, auction & potluck

luncheon, which brought in $311. The money will go to the TRMS Scholarship Fund.

15 YEARS AGO MARCH, 2004: Thirty-seven members and six guests were in attendance. Harvey Shell gave out door

prizes to Fred White, Bill Stevens, Jean Siler, Marjorie Spees and Steve Herr. President Richard Jaeger made several

announcements. He reported the rock sale at the Bob & Nancy Hicks home generated more than $800. The money will go

to the TRMS Scholarship Fund. 83 people attended the sale. The RMFMS show will be held in Wichita in April. Virgil

Richards, Mary Watts, Ken & Jean Siler will represent TRMS as delegates and alternates. Clyde Nichols sent a thank you

card from Australia thanking TRMS members who donated rocks to his friend’s museum. Ken Siler led the field trip to the

Dodrill Museum in Cushing. Virgil Richards presented the program with a video of the Carlsbad Caverns. Linda Jaeger

wrote an article “DON’T TELL ANYONE, but Mrs. J really rocks” for the newsletter.

25 YEARS AGO MARCH, 1994: Sixty members and eleven guests were in attendance. Wayne read a letter from the

Utah Federation asking our club to become an associate member to help generate funds to keep several collecting claims

open to all collectors. TRMS approved the motion and will become an associate member to the Utah Federation. The

audit committee The committee members were: Larry & Pat Gregory, Peggy Stewart and Gene Cockrell, members of the

auditing committee, found the Treasurers records are in good order for 1993. Members were encouraged to bring items

to the April auction. Jack Hill setup 50 rock and mineral specimens for members to identify. Pat Gregory was able to

identify all of them and many members were able to identify 40 or more. Everyone seemed to enjoy the activity. Bob

Letters and Wayne Mouser wrote In Memory of W. A. “Bill” Van Atten, who died 1/21/94. Richard Dodrill wrote a thank you

to TRMS members for their sympathy and friendship following the death of his daughter who died 1/23/94. Leon Reeder

wrote an article titled “How to Cut a Cabochon, Part 3".

45 YEARS AGO MARCH, 1974: There were 170 members and visitors in attendance. Door prizes awarded came from

Dub-Lee Rock Shop and the Meeks Rock Shop. Taking place of a field trip Mark Kent announced members would review

collection of members in the homes of Moore, Deering and Bridgewater. President Cockrell announced the theme for the

show & tell table for April would be mineral specimens. He asked for a volunteer to sponsor junior gems for grades 4

through 8. The present and previous TRMS editors Deering, Jaeger, Thomas, Billau, Christensen, Gibbons, Wood,

Buchanan, and Lee went up to the speakers stand as Laverne Billau presented Dudley Murphy a plaque as a token of

thanks for illustrating the TRMS bulletin with Smokey & Bun. Richard Jaeger, program chairman, introduced Bill Proctor

who showed part II of his color film “Icebergs, Garnets and Blueberries”. Ken Buchanan wrote an article titled “So Long

but Not Goodbye.” Dudley & Gladys Murphy were being transferred to Houston, Texas. Mark Kent wrote an article titled

“After Apollo - Geology of the Moon”. Francine Valant wrote an article titled “Horse Racing and Rock Hounding in Hot

Springs or How to Lose Your Money Painlessly”.


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 10

The Conglomerate

News from the Chatpile

By Wayne Mouser,

From Jim and Ruth Williams: “Sometimes the best-laid plans of we rockhounds go astray. We left the cold confines of Charlie

Kukral’s in Quartzsite last Wednesday and went down to the warmth of Tucson. Now, two days later, we have four inches of snow

and it is still coming down. No rockhounding today.”

From Liz Thomas: On January 30th

Bennie and I, with Roberta and Larry Wagle, left for Albuquerque for a quick four-day get- away

before Roberta had to find a new job and go back to work. We rented a condo within walking distance of Old Albuquerque, such a

great place to shop and eat. One of the two wonderful Mexican restaurants we ate at was located in one of Albuquerque’s oldest

homes. On a field trip, I didn’t think I was going to fit through the opening to get into the mine. But I did. We gathered some of the

most beautiful fluorite from the walls and ceiling. Pinks, blues and clear cubes. Some so big you could not get out the opening. I

truly appreciate getting invited by the mine owner. We visited with Bob and Donna Regner. Bob is the vice president of RMFMS. The

best time I had was going to the pawn shops. We worked over the owner for a lower price on one really great turquoise. We also

went to some shops to purchase findings for jewelry. It was a great time and we can’t wait to go back again.

From Wayne: On my birthday this year I received 3 phone calls, 17 Facebook messages, 2-emails and 6 birthday cards wishing me a

Happy Birthday. . These messages came from family, TRMS members, other club members, people I play music with, former co-

workers and even my health insurance provider and doctor. Thank you, thank you. Really made my day knowing I have so many


Diana Hartzmann is thoroughly enjoying her recent retirement. She has spent the past month cleaning house, spinning and even

teaching an amber polishing class for a Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) event. She's looking forward to many outdoor

activities once the weather warms up.

Billy McBay, Shop Foreman reported that 2 adults and a young boy attended the workshop on the 3rd

Saturday. The boy was working

on his merit badge in lapidary. Billy is also displaying rocks from his collection at the South Library in Broken Arrow during March.

TRMS members attending the January luncheon were Finis & Lana Riggs, Roberta Wagle, Mark Peterson, Bennie & Liz Thomas,

Chester &Elaine Lee, Roxanna Chamberlin, Connie Cassity, Steve Robinson, Jerry Nagel, Richard Jaeger and Wayne Mouser.

TRMS lost another former member Janet Woods, 60. She passed away January 25, 2019. Her husband, George passed away some

time ago. Both she and her husband were good working members. After her husband passed away, Janet sort of drifted away from

the club. Former member, Sherry Kovnas wrote me about Janet Woods. They went to Janet’s viewing and met the family.

Sherry Kovnas also told us she and Jack are doing great. They still exhibit at the Tulsa State Fair. Their grandson Zak has graduated.

He now lives Sand Springs with his mother and is working in Tulsa.

Elizabeth Suzanne “Beth” Grayson, of Broken Arrow, passed away Friday, February 8, 2019 at the age of 44. She is the daughter of

TRMS members Jay & Judy Gourd. Condolences to her husband Mike and their children, Mickie, Austin & Shelby.


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 11

Date Treasurer's Report for March Newsletter Submitted by Jerry Nagel - Treasurer

Income Expense Deposit or

Expense total

Bank Balance

Balance as of December 31, 2018 $ 6,444.72


01/04/19 Dues & 2 Nametags - W & D Parrish-Ck#1195 $34.50 $ 34.50

01/04/19 Dues - C & D Bolze - Ck#2744 $15 $ 15.00

01/04/19 Dues - D & D Clow - Ck#3509 $15 $ 15.00

01/04/19 Dues - H & J Todd - Ck#1349 $15 $ 15.00

01/11/19 Dues - D & C Abbott $15 Ck#7024 $15 $ 15.00

01/11/19 Dues - R & B Avakian Ck997 $15 $ 15.00

01/11/19 Dues & $13 Donation - P Grimsley Ck#1352 $25 $ 25.00

01/11/19 Dues - L Nabb Ck#9682 $12 $ 12.00

01/11/19 Dues - P Porter Ck#3682 $12 $ 12.00

01/14/19 Dues - J Toops Ck#13728 $12 $ 12.00

01/14/19 Club rock sales $ 6.00

01/14/18 Club Rock Auction $ 644.00

01/14/19 Dues - R & S Babcock - Cash $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues - R Chamberlin - Ck#281 $12 $ 12.00

01/14/19 Dues - M Clary - Cash $12 $ 12.00

01/14/19 Dues - A & W Clary - Ck#11478 $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues & Nametag - L Coble - Cash $21.75 $ 21.75

01/14/19 Dues - D & H Crain - Ck#3170 $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues - D & J Fesler - Ck#3563 $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues - M & D Gallo - Cash $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues & Nametag - P Grice $21.75 $ 21.75

01/14/19 Dues - L Hakola Ck#2274 $12 $ 12.00

01/14/19 Dues - J Harl - Cash $12 $ 12.00

01/14/19 Dues & Nametag - G & J Hill Ck#8812 $24.75 $ 24.75

01/14/19 Dues - D & E Kirk - Ck#2955 $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues - H & R Kirsch - Cash $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues - C & E Lee - Ck4019 $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues - Bell/Meadows Family - Ck#1128 $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues - D & L Moreno - Cash $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues & Nametag - T & A Morris - Ck#1611 $22.50 $ 22.50

01/14/19 Dues - S Morris - Cash $12 $ 12.00

01/14/19 Dues - H & A Proctor - Ck#489 $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues - S & C Rader - Ck#2439 $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues - L Reeder Ck#146 $12 $ 12.00

01/14/19 Dues - S & S Richards $15 cash $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues - H Shell $12 Cash $ 12.00

01/14/19 Dues - K & M Siler $15 Cash $ 15.00


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 12

01/14/19 Dues & Nametags - M & S Skaggs Ck#2240 $30 $ 30.00

01/14/19 Dues - L & R Wagle - Cash $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues - D & K Wall - Ck#15741 $15 $ 15.00

01/14/19 Dues & Nametag - H Whiteman - CK#2240 $19.50 $ 19.50

01/14/19 Dues, Nametag & Donation - Gigi Zyla - Cash $20 $ 20.00

01/16/18 DEPOSIT $ 1,304.75

01/17/19 Dues - R & S Heim - Ck#9741 $15 $ 15.00

01/17/19 Dues - M & C Smith - Ck#6785 $15 $ 15.00

01/17/19 Dues - J Cross - Ck#5472 $12 $ 12.00

01/21/19 Dues - E Hamshar & K Hicks Cash $15 $ 15.00

01/21/19 Dues & Donation - B Letters $15 Ck#1151 $ 15.00

01/21/19 Dues - B & D Gower Ck#1151 $15 $ 15.00

01/25/19 Dues & Nametags - B & R Casteel Ck#1180 $30 $ 30.00

01/25/19 Dues - D & C Hogate Ck#7274 $15 $ 15.00

01/25/19 Dues - C Robinson Ck#5186 $12 $ 12.00

01/29/19 Dues - J & N Mealey Ck#6231 $15 $ 15.00

01/29/19 Dues - M & M Peterson $15 cash $ 15.00

01/29/19 Dues - C & M Cassity Ck#10574 $15 $ 15.00

01/30/19 DEPOSIT $ 189.00

Total income: $ 1,493.75 $ 1,493.75


01/01/19 #1734 Transfer to Savings per Club By-Laws $ (4,444.72)

01/14/19 #1735 W Mouser Jan NL Postage (101) $ (71.00)

01/15/19 #1736 - Lektron 5 nametags $ (37.98)

01/15/19 #1737 - B McBay Shop Supplies $ (81.74)

01/15/19 #1738 - S Richards Jan Mtg notice mailing $ (81.73)

01/15/19 Checks Unlimited (400 duplicate checks) $ (74.58)

01/29/19 #1739 - F Riggs Plastic bags for Grab Bags $ (150.00)

01/29/19 #1740 - W Mouser Postage for Feb NL (101) $ (71.71)

Total expenses: $(5,013.46)

Balance as of January 31, 2019 $ 2,925.01

DUES PAYABLE FOR 2019 until end of March It’s time to renew your TRMS membership! You can print fill out the below form and turn in at the

next club function or mail to me in care of the address at the top of the membership application form.

Jerry Nagel, TRMS Treasurer


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Nancy Hicks

Mark Bullard

Meagan Bullard

Keith Wall

Ed Taylor Magnolia Waldron

Claudia Emerson

Judy Talla Dyan Lewis

Eric Hamshar Silas Fowler

Sheryl McCarty Erica Smith

John Ravenscroft

Nicky Mealey Karen Jacobs

Margie Hartzmann

Lillie Moreno Ryan Jacobs

Pam Phenicie


Chuck & Sally Keller

Linda & Richard Jaeger

Chris & Rachel Spannagle

AFMS and RMFMS summaries prepared by Connie Cassity

American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Website: No new newsletters available yet

Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies Website: January 2019 Newsletter

Letter from the President – January 2019 By Liz Thomas, RMFMS President Highlights of the letter:

1. Greetings and best wishes 2. Discussion and suggestions for clubs in dealing with disagreements at meetings 3. The American Federation convention and show is Rapid City, Iowa in March 2019 4. The Rocky Mountain Federation convention and show in Prescott, AZ in August

Treasurer’s Report – January 2019 By Gene Maggard, RMFMS Treasurer Highlights of the report:

1. Receiving all the club reports in time to get club information into the RMFMS 2019 directory (16 clubs out of 80 clubs total for the RMFMS who have not turned in their reports)

2. Adding one new club in our federation for the Fossil Basin Mineralogical Society, in Kemmerer, Wyoming (a great area for fossils) 3. The big bill that I am getting ready to pay is the AFMS dues bill. Did you know that of the $1.50/dues paying member that your club pays to

RMFMS, $.75 goes to AFMS? 4. The 2018‐19 fiscal year budget has been approved by the Executive Committee. (If you want to see it, email Gene Maggard and he will email

you a copy of an Excel spreadsheet.)


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 15

January 2019 RMFMS Newsletter summary-continued:

AFMS Endowment Fund Reminder Don’t forget! The AFMS Endowment Fund needs your help with donations of prizes for the raffle in March. Items should be have a minimum value of $75

and weigh less than five pounds. Here are some of the items already sent in: [Go to the newsletter to see photos and descriptions of 3 of the prizes.]

Contact Richard Jaeger at (918) 481‐0249 or for more information.

On to Mexican Hat with Forrest Gump: I guess sometimes there aren’t enough rocks By Mike Nelson, Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society,

The journey through the Red Rock Country of southeastern Utah continues. At the last stop we were camping in Monument Valley and keeping a sharp

eye out for John Wayne or Jim Chee. But now it is on to Mexican Hat—a great moniker for a village and, we will be looking for Forest Gump chugging

down the road. [Mike Nelson describes geologic features such as Alhambra Rock, the area around Mexican Hat, various anticlines and synclines along

the San Juan River, and Goosenecks State Park, including maps and photos.]

Some “Hidden Publicity” Opportunities By DeLane Cox, RMFMS Public Relations Chair Highlights/some of the suggestions mentioned in this article include:

1. Photo and text to local newspapers for publicity for newly elected officers

2. Club calendars in newspapers and at TV and radio stations

3. Club Speaker/program information

4. Setting up rock or minerals displays at libraries, travel stations, schools, churches and other locations

When Rockhounding – Don’t Overlook Fenn’s Treasure! By Stan Strike, Wyoming State Director Somewhere in the Rockies, in the roughly 1,000 miles between Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the Canadian border, may be a treasure chest worth

millions. The man who claims to have hidden the fortune back in 2010 is Forrest Fenn, now 87, a former Vietnam fighter pilot and art dealer. "No one

knows where that treasure chest is but me," The main piece of guidance Fenn has offered is a cryptic 24‐line poem he wrote in his self‐published

memoir, "The Thrill of the Chase." [Read the poem and more information by going to the newsletter, if you’re interested in a treasure hunt.]

Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies Website: February 2019 Newsletter

Letter from the President – February 2019 By Liz Thomas, RMFMS President With the time coming closer for rock shows, President Liz Thomas discusses the many people and their duties in putting together a show. She appreciates all their work and encourages all rock club members to volunteer to help make these shows possible. There are reminders for the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies show and convention in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, March 21 – 24 and to purchase your endowment fund tickets .

Treasurer’s Report –February 2019 By Gene Maggard, RMFMS Treasurer Highlights of the report:

1. Need reports from 6 clubs (out of 80 clubs total) for the RMFMS 2. Added one new club to the RMFMS for the Northeast Wyoming Rockhounds, of Gillette, Wyoming. They are a nice sized small club with 32

members 3. Preparing the first quarterly report for fiscal 2018-19 4. Good wishes for those going to Quartzite and/or Tucson

Valley of the Gods, Comb Ridge, and Bluff with Hayduke and the Gang By Mike Nelson, Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society,

As noted in the previous Newsletter, Forest Gump was tuckered out and decided to return to Gumpville. So, we pushed off from Mexican Hat and

headed to Bluff, Utah, along U.S. 163—with a quick side trip to visit Valley of the Gods. Before starting this trip, I had reread (for about the 5th time) The

Monkey Wrench Gang by one of the West’s best‐known writers and environmentalists, Edward Abbey.

[The novel about the Monkey Wrench Gang is explained which includes a character named Hayduke (both referred to in the title of this article). It takes

place in the area Mike Nelson explores with his writings and photos and maps of the places also listed in the title. This article includes great geologic

descriptions as well as the history of the areas he visits. He also gives pointers on places to stay and roads.]


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 16

TRMS WORKSHOP—A GREAT RESOURCE FOR CLUB MEMBERS! TRMS members are welcome to use the club workshop during the scheduled sessions. You will be asked to sign a

waiver if you work at the shop. Young people must be accompanied by an adult. Material for cutting and polishing is available at the shop for $1 a slab. There is a charge for cutting a piece on the big saw. Please, contact the shop foreman or the charge person 24-hours in advance.

TRMS WORKSHOP HOURS First Saturday 1:00 to 5:00 PM

Third Saturday 1:00 to 5:00 PM Third Tuesday 5:30 to 9:00 PM Fourth Thursday 5:30 to 9:00PM Contact Billy McBay, supervisor, 918-407-6066

The workshop is located next to Elsing Museum in the lower level of the Learning Resource Center on the campus of Oral Roberts University, 81st and Lewis, Tulsa.

Minutes of TRMS Board Meeting Feb. 5, 2019

President Steve Ridgway called the meeting to order it 7:02 p.m. Those present: Steve Ridgway, Peter Grice, Holly Proctor, Roberta Wagle,

Jerry Nagel, Billy McBay, Martha Rongey, Donna Loffer, Richard Jaeger, Sharon Richards. Visitors: Scott Robb, Steve Richards and Rebecca


Sharon Richards made a motion to accept the secretary's report as printed 2nd by Martha Rongey motion approved.Roberta Wagle made

the motion to accept the treasurer's report as printed 2nd by Peter Grice; discussion held and motion approved.

Peter announced that the February program would be a DVD on the extinction of dinosaurs. At this time only the July program has been

scheduled. Richard made a few suggestions and discussion was held.

Billy announced that the shop was in good working order and that we had had some new people in attendance. Roberta gave a general

synopsis of the show committee meeting held in January.

Holly announced that the field trip for February would be a trip to Gilcrease Museum but that the date had not been scheduled yet.

Discussion was held of possible field trips with one of the Texas clubs.

Discussion was held on the status of the roof for the storage building, rolling racks for the cases for the storage building and also the

need of a complete inventory for 2019. Jerry passed information from Kay Waterman regarding the possibility of a new printing source for our

newsletters. News was passed on about all Oklahoma rock clubs should be checking out the OSCMS Facebook site. It is new and updated,

according to OSCMS President DeLane Cox. The OSCMS spring swap will be held in Perkins at Heritage Park on April 13th 2019.

Richard made a motion of no objection to the scholarship recipient for OSCMS 2nd by Peter motion approved.

Richard spoke to a former TRMS scholarship recipient, Lori Wood from about 10 years ago and she is currently working at Kaiser Francis

oil here in Tulsa. Lori said the scholarship has been greatly appreciated. There was discussion of Lori possibly coming to a meeting in the


Discussion was held on a possible donation to the Riverfield County Day School for allowing us to have our January meeting there on such

short notice. Martha made a motion to donate $50 in addition to a program to the school with a 2nd by Richard, motion approved.

Sharon suggested in the November auction that we have some items strictly for children, discussion was held and everybody felt that

would be a good idea.

Richard will follow up with Julia Allande to see if the information for the Rockhound of the Year and the Junior Rockhound of the Year had

been submitted to Rocky Mountain Federation and the American Federation.

Roberta reminded everybody of the discussion of the bylaws from the January meeting on Section 5 item 3. Peter made a motion to refer

this out to the bylaw committee; 2nd by Holly and the motion was approved.

Discussion was held on the committee chairs that still need to be filled. Steve will follow up with members to see if they're willing to take

their previous positions or find somebody to fill the empty slots.

Donna made a motion to adjourn second by Martha motion approved. Respectfully submitted, Roberta Wagle


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 17

Minutes of Membership Meeting Feb. 11, 2019 Prior to the meeting Amy Puls made an announcement that James Puls, the TRMS 2017 Junior Rockhound of the Year,

has been accepted to West Point.

President Steve Ridge opened the February meeting at 7 p.m. at the Riverfield County Day School. We had 4 visitors

and 91 in attendance. 6 door prizes were given out. Rebecca Ridgway made a motion to accept the secretary's report

as printed 2nd by Elaine Lee motion approved. Roberta Wagle made a motion to accept the treasurer's report as

printed 2nd by Peter Grice motion approved one nay.

We had 10 Pebble Pups present and their program was lapidary equipment safety rules. Each was given a specimen of

an aragonite sixling provided by Virgil Richards. Steve Ridgeway asked for someone to provide specimens for the

pebble pups for March meetings, Ben and Liz Thomas offered to provide them. Social Hour for the March meeting

snacks will be provided by alphabet F-J.

Holly Proctor announced the field trip would be to the Gilcrease Museum Saturday the 23rd. Meeting time will be at

10:30 a.m. with a group rate of $6 per person children under 12 are free. This will be a guided tour of the Stone Age


Jerry Nagel reminded everyone membership dues are due by the end of March.

Martha Rongey announced that she is still taking t-shirt orders at $7 each. We need to have an order of 50 to receive

this price

See her after the meeting to place an order.

Richard Jaeger announced the raffle for the American Federation which will be drawn in March. Tickets are 5 for $20

and the gifts are valued from $75 to $200. Please see him after the meeting if you wish to purchase tickets.

Roberta Wagle noted changes to the on the road section of the February newsletter: Kansas City, San Antonio,

Albuquerque, Cedar Rapids and Ada should all be under a March header and Wichita is in April. Eric Hamshar

announced that there would be a show committee meeting the following Monday night at 7 p.m. at the church.

Peter Grice announced tonight's program was be a DVD on the extinction of dinosaurs. In May we would have a

program on how to enter a competitive case. In July the program would be an author on non-traditional gemstones.

Peter also asked for ideas for future programs. First, Peter introduced Pebble Pup Spencer Meadows, who gave a

presentation on sand. After Spencer's presentation Peter started the DVD regarding the extinction of dinosaurs.

Donna Loffer announced that she would have grab bags that would need to be sewn available at the next meeting

Julia Allande also said she had material that was cut and ready to be sewn into grab bags.

Liz Thomas announced that TRMS member Jay Gourd's daughter had died at the age of 40 and the funeral would be

the following Wednesday. Julia Allande announced that the OSCMS swap would be in Perkins Oklahoma on the 13th

of April.

Roberta Wagle made a motion to adjourn 2nd by Donna Loffer motion approved adjournment at 8:28 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Roberta Wagle


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 18

ON THE ROAD AGAIN Please submit items to the editor

MARCH 8-10—KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI: Annual show; Greater Kansas City Association of Earth Science Clubs; KCI Expo Center, 11730 NW Ambassador Dr., , Exit 112th St. off I-29 or KCI Exit (Cookingham Dr.) off I-435; Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-7, Sun. 10-5; adults $6, ages 5-12 $3, free for children 4 and under; 60 retail and wholesale dealers, special exhibits, lectures, demonstrations, scholarship benefit auction 7 p.m. Saturday ; contact Bruce Stinemetz, 2706 S. Cherokee St., Independence, MO 64057, (816) 795-5159; Email:; Website: or

9-10—SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS: Annual show; Southwest Gem and Mineral Society; San Antonio Event Center, 8111 Meadow

Leaf Dr. (N/E Corner of Marback and Loop 410); Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; adults $5, senior/military $3, students with ID $2, and children under 12 $1; 58th Annual Fiesta of Gems – Gem and Mineral Show, with dealers offering crystals, minerals, fossils, exhibits, jewelry, and demonstrations, with an opportunity to make your own cab with proceeds to support earth science scholarships; contact Robert Bowie, 1324 Kings Pt. Dr., Canyon Lake, TX 78133, (830) 387-1766; Email:; Website:

15-17—ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO: Annual show; Albuquerque Gem & Mineral Club; Expo NM State Fairgrounds,

Creative Arts. Bdg. 300 San Pedro NE, 87108; Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; $3, Kids under 13 are Free, Friday is DOLLAR DAY; Treasures of the Earth Gem, Mineral & Jewelry Expo, Mar. 15-17, 2019. $3 Admission and free admission for kids under 13. Door prizes, raffle, silent auctions, displays, junior table. 50 dealers offering gemstones, mineral specimens, slabs, jewelry, beads, cabochons, fossils, tools, and equipment-- contact Jay Penn, 2324 Alvarado Dr. NE, Albuquerque, CO 80440, (505) 883-4195; Email:

23-24—CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA: AFMS/MWF SHOW AND CONVENTION: Annual show; Cedar Valley Rocks and

Minerals Society; 4400 6th Street SW, Hawkeye Downs Expo Center; Sat. 8:30-6, Sun. 9:30-4; $3, students $1, free admission for children under 12; this year’s show theme is Celebrating Geodes — Iowa’s Mysterious State Rock, held in conjunction with AFMS and Midwest Federation annual shows, features vendors, educational programs, gem sluice, silent auction, and activities for children; contact Marv Houg, 1820 30th Street Drive, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403, (319) 364-2868; Email:; Website:

29-30—ADA, OKLAHOMA: Annual show; Ada Gem Mineral and Fossil Club; Pontotoc County Agriplex, 1710 N Broadway; Fri. 8-6, Sat. 9-5; free; vendors from surrounding states offer a variety of minerals, fossils, jewelry, beads, along with flint knapping demonstrations, displays, and activities for children ; contact Bobby Freeman, 1111 East Central Blvd, Ada, OK 74820, (580) 235-5946; Email:

APRIL 6—PONCA CITY, OK: Rough and Tumbled Rock & Gem Club’s Rock and Mineral Show; Saturday 9am‐5pm; Admission free; Connect Church Gymnasium, 1101 West Grand Avenue, Ponca City. Featuring minerals fluorescent minerals, fossils, rocks, rocks, crystals, kids’ activities, and door prizes. For more info: 13— PERKINS, OKLAHOMA: OSCMS Spring Swap, Heritage Park. 26-28—WICHITA, KANSAS: Annual show; Wichita Gem & Mineral Society; Cessna Activity Center, 2744 S. George Washington Blvd; Fri. 9-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; adults $5 ($4 with coupon), children 12 to 17 $1, and free admission for children 12 and under when accompanying a paying adult; dealers offering various rocks, minerals, fossils, and gems, club exhibits, demonstrations, silent auctions, and activities for children; contact Peggy Duggan Maggard, 8318 SE Highway 77, Leon, KS 67074, (316) 742-3746; Email:; Website:


Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 19


The club regularly meets at 7 p.m. the second Monday of the month at the College Hill

Presbyterian Church, 7th and Columbia near the TU tennis courts. A social hour precedes each

meeting, with coffee and snacks. Visitors are always welcome. Pebble Pups meet at 6:15

preceding the general membership meeting. For Workshop sessions contact foreman Billy McBay

at 918-407-6066 or the charge person 24 hours in advance.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

WORKSHOP 1 - 5:00 pm Billy McBay 918-407-6066 ORU Learning Center, downstairs



Meets, 7 pm College Hill

Mardi Gras





8 9



Savings Time



TRMS MEETS 6:15 Pebble Pups 7 pm Membership COLLEGE HILL Treats F - J


13 14

15 16

WORKSHOP 1 - 5:00 pm Billy McBay 918-407-6066 ORU Learning Center, downstairs



WORKSHOP 5:30 pm – 9 pm Billy McBay 918-407-6066 ORU Learning Center, downstairs

20 21

22 23

24 25 26

LUNCHEON – 11:30 at Golden Corral, 21

st just east of

Memorial. We have a room at the northeast corner of the restaurant. ALL WELCOME!

27 28

WORKSHOP 5:30 pm – 9 pm Billy McBay 918-407-6066 ORU Learning Center, downstairs

29 30




Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society March 2019 Page 20


RMFMS clubs observe the AFMS Code of Ethics I will respect both private and public property and will do no collecting on privately-owned land without the owner’s

permission. I will keep informed on all laws, regulations and rules governing collecting on public lands and observe them.

I will to the best of my ability, ascertain the boundary lines of property on which I plan to collect. I will use no firearms or

blasting material in collecting areas. I will cause no willful damage to property of any kind - fences, signs or buildings. I will

leave all gates as found.

I will build fires in designated or safe places only and will be certain they are completely extinguished before leaving the

area. I will discard burning material - matches, cigarettes, etc. I will fill all excavation holes which may be dangerous to


I will not contaminate wells, creeks or other water supply. I will cause no willful damage to collecting material and will

take home only what I can reasonably use. I will practice conservation and undertake to utilize fully and well the materials I

have collected and will recycle my surplus for the pleasure and benefit of others.

I will support the rockhound project H.E.L.P. (Help Eliminate Litter Please) and leave all collecting areas devoid of litter,

regardless of how found. I will cooperate with field trip leaders and those in designated authority in all collecting areas.

I will report to my club or Federation officers, Bureau of Land management or other authorities, any deposit of petrified

wood or other materials on public lands which should be protected for the enjoyment of future generations for public

educational and scientific purposes. I will appreciate and protect our heritage of natural resources. I will observe the

“Golden Rule”, use “Good Outdoor Manners” and at all times conduct myself in a manner which will add to the stature and

public image of rockhounds everywhere.

AFMS Land Use Policy

Adopted at the AFMS Annual Meeting July 17, 2002

1. Adherence to the AFMS Code of Ethics assures compliance with most statutes and regulations governing collecting on public

lands and encourages respect for private property rights and the environment. Clubs are urged to read the AFMS Code of Ethics in

at least one meeting every year, to publish the Code frequently in the club newsletter, and to compel compliance on club field


2. Individuals and clubs are urged to write their elected representatives and land use management agency supervisors regarding

issues of proposed legislation and enforcement affecting field collecting of minerals and fossils.

3. Individuals and clubs are urged to join and support activities of the American Lands Access Association (ALAA), a sister

organization with responsibility for advancing the interests of earth science amateurs with legislatures and land use management


4. The AFMS will receive a report from ALAA at its annual meeting.

5. The AFMS endorses the principle of multiple uses of public lands as a guarantee of continuing recreational opportunities.

6. Wilderness and monument designations are inconsistent with the principle of multiple uses. In view of the vast amount of public

land already designated as wilderness and monuments, future such designations should be minimal, taking into account the

increased demand for recreational opportunities, including rockhounding, created by a growing population.

7. In furtherance of the principle of multiple use, the AFMS believes that laws, regulations and rules established by relevant

governmental authorities should be designed to allow freest possible access to all public lands, coupled with minimal restrictions on

the recreational collection of minerals, fossils, gemstone materials and other naturally occurring materials.

8. A right to collect minerals and fossils on public lands should be protected by statute.

The AFMS urges its members to work with any or all government authorities to achieve a good working relationship in order to improve the

"Public Image" of recreational collector
