VOL. LXIX - No. 16 SEPTEMBER 28, 2008 ENGLISH VERSION SSMI ... · The Holy Father arrived in Paris...


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In this Issue in ENGLISH:Page 6 -

Protection of the Mother of God

Page 8, 9, 10 -

News and Events

Page 2 -

News from the Vatican and UGCC

Official Publication of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia


Archbishop Stefan Soroka distributesCommunion to the Faithful.

The Grotto

Venerating the Shroudof the Dormition.

Stations of the Cross

Immaculate Conception CathedralChoir and combined choir directedby Bohdan Henhalo. (Philadelphia,PA)

Procession Blessing of Flowers and Herbs The Faithful

See more pictures from Sloatsburg at www.thewayukrainian.blogspot.com

Bishop Paul Chomnycky, OSBM,Eparch of Stamford, was theHomilist. He spoke of how thepilgrimage was similar to theOlympics taking place in China.In the Olympics, all nations gathertogether as one for an athletic

competition. In Sloatsburg, pilgrims gather together as one,not for an athletic competition, but rather for a spiritualgathering. Bishop Chomnycky also spoke of the BlessedMother and how she is a gentle, kind and loving mother.He sited examples like how the Blessed Mother reacted tofinding Jesus in the Temple. Most other mothers wouldn'treact in the same loving nature as the Blessed Mother.She is an example to us all.

A family that prays together staystogether.

2September 28, 2008

12.09.2008, [15:32] // Church-state relations //

Kyiv—Ukrainian President VictorYuschchenko met with theUkrainian Catholic ChurchPatriarch Lubomyr Husar onSeptember 9th in Kyiv. Duringthe meeting, Yushchenko andPatriarch Lubomyr discussedthe results of the celebrationof the 1020th anniversary ofthe baptism of the Kyivan Rus.According to press release fromthe president’s office, thepresident personally thankedthe cardinal and all the faithfulof the UGCC for theparticipation in the celebratoryevents. He expressed hisspecial grat i tude for thecelebratory events held byUGCC in its parishes andcommunities.Victor Yushchenko noted thatthe joint celebration of the1020th anniversary of Baptismof the Kyivan Rus became animportant event in the contextof unification of UkrainianChurches and bel ievers.

News from the Vatican and Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church


”Everything regarding reachingunderstanding between theChurches in Ukraine is anurgent matter both for theChurch and the authorities.Thank you for the position heldby you in this dialogue. It isvery important and is a goodexample for everyone,” saidYushchenko. .

Yushchenko and PatriarchLubomyr discussed urgentquestions regarding UGCCactivity and touched on thequestion of provision by theChurch of spiritual care for theUkrainians, who are nowabroad.


Ukraine’s President Held MeetingWith UGCC Head

Pope Thanks France For "Warm Welcome"

Sends Telegram to Nation's President


SEPT. 15, 2008 (Zenit.org).-

Benedict XVI sent a messageto the president of Francethanking him for the country’swarm welcome this weekend.

The Pope returned to CastelGandolfo today, after a four-day trip to Paris and Lourdes.The Holy Father arrived in Parison Friday, and met withpolitical, religious and culturalleaders before meeting withFrance’s youth in front of theNotre-Dame cathedral. OnSaturday the Holy Fathercelebrated a Mass at theEsplanade des Invalides,which was attended by260,000 people. .

He traveled to Lourdes in theafternoon to participate in thecelebrations surrounding the150th anniversary of theapparitions of Our Lady to St.Bernadette Soubirous. .

In Lourdes the Pope visited allthe stages of the Jubilee Way:the parish church whereBernadette was baptized, theabandoned prison known asthe “Cachot” where theSoubirous family lived, thegrotto of the apparitions andhospi tal oratory whereBernadette made her firstCommunion. .

The Pontiff celebrated twoMasses in Lourdes. Some190,000 pilgrims attended theSunday Mass in the prairie thatmarked the 150th anniversaryof the Marian apparitions, andsome 70,000 people

participated in today’s Mass forthe sick at Rosary Square.

During the flight the Pope senttelegrams to French PresidentNicolas Sarkozy and ItalianPresident Giorgio Napolitano.“At the moment I leave theterritory of the French Republicfollowing my pastoral visit toParis and Lourdes,” he wroteto the French president, “I wishto assure you again Mr.President as wel l as theauthorities and all the Frenchpeople of my gratitude for thewarm welcome you gave me.

”I will greatly cherish thememory of these days and thegenerosity and kindness of theFrench people. Entrusting thenation to the intercession ofOur Lady of Lourdes I ask Godto shed on all the abundanceof his blessings.”To the Italian president the Popewrote: “On my return fromFrance, where I was able toundertake a solemn pilgrimageto the shrine of Lourdes, alsomeeting patients of severalcountries among whom was asignificant representation of thebeloved Italian people, Iexpress to you Mr. Presidentmy cordial greeting and whilerecalling with intense gratitudeto the Lord this significantspiritual experience, I also thinkwith gratitude of all those inI taly who with theirprofessionalism and dedicationrender a precious service tothe sick and suffering.”


First University Chapel toAppear in Lviv

16.09.2008, [17:24] // UGCC //

The first university chapel willappear in Lviv soon. I tsconstruction was begun by theUkrainian Catholic Universityon the site of the futureuniversity campus on Stryis’kaStreet. This will be a smallwooden church according tothe design of Lviv architectRoman Sulyk, which is plannedto be done by the end of 2008.

The church will become Lviv’sfirst “student” parish; in fact,Lviv, which is considered oneof the biggest student cities of

Ukraine, does not yet have acenter of university chaplaincy.Also, the faithful who live inthis neighborhood will belongto it, as, in fact, there are nochurches in this area. As therector of the Ukrainian CatholicUniversity, Fr. Borys Gudziak,Ph.D., noted, in theconstruction of this chapel, forwhich 850 000 hryvnias isnecessary, the University hopesfor Ukrainian benefactors...


3September 28, 2008

From 3-7 August, overtwo thousand Knights ofColumbus, along with theirfamilies, converged in themagnificent city of Quebec,Canada. The reason for thistremendous turnout was the126th Annual SupremeConvention. Many Knightsand families arrived severaldays earlier in order to enjoythe many unique sight-seeingattractions which this quainthistoric city has to offer.

This writer, along withD.C. State Deputy LawrenceSosnowich and his wife Mary,Parishioners of the UkrainianCatholic National Shrine of theHoly Family, attended aSunday Mass, which wascelebrated totally in French, atthe breath-takingly beautifulCathedral Notre Dame duQuebec. Later on, we enjoyedan afternoon sight-seeing cruiseon the St. Lawrence River wherethe Quebec City shores, theMontmorency falls, the OrleanIsland and many other historicalsights were observed.

The next day beganwith a tour of the Citadel(“Citadelle” in French), whichis the home base of the Royal22nd Regiment, present lydeployed in Afghanistan. TheCitadel is the first fortificationsthat surround Old Quebec andwas declared a historicalmonument in 1959. This is ahistoric fort which was built todefend Canada from the UnitedStates. In fact, when war brokeout between the U.S. andCanada, Quebec City wasunder control of the British forone hour when i t wasreclaimed by the French. Thisis probably the shortest war inhistory. We were treated toan overwhelmingly amount ofmuch pomp and circumstancewhen we had the opportunityto witness the “changing of the

guards.” This is truly a sight tobehold.

Another interestingexperience was the ritual of the“pin exchange.” During thisevent, the delegates and otherKnights exchange theirjurisdiction pin with Knightsfrom other jurisdictions. This wasa great way to see each State’sinterpretation of their State’sjurisdiction. This proved to bea very interesting social andcultural interaction.

The day concludedwith a welcoming programsponsored by the QuebecState Council. We wereentertained by the “PainchaudFamily Quartet” consisting ofthree brothers and one sister.By the way, “Painchaud”translated from French intoEnglish means “Hot Bread”.They play the traditionalQuebec repertoire in a veryoriginal and entertaining wayby playing various instrumentssuch as the violin (fiddle), bassfiddle and drums. Each familymember played var iousinstruments. This was anoutstanding performance.

The SupremeConvention officially began onTuesday, 5 August with aPontifical Mass celebrated andconcelebrated by an impressive

Knights of Columbus Hold126th Annual Supreme Convention

amount of prelates, clergy andreligious. Included in thisassembly was our ownMetropolitan, the Most Rev.Stefan Soroka, five otherUkrainian Catholic Bishops andthree Ukrainian Catholic Priests.This is the first time that theUkrainian clergy attended theMass and Supreme Conventionen masse.

On Tuesday after themass and during the firstbusiness meeting, the SupremeKnight, Carl A. Anderson,

presented his annual reportwhich was received well by themembership.

Later that evening, theofficial States Dinner was held.Entertainment was provided bymembers of each StateJurisdict ion singing theirrespective state song. A seaof the various state and countryflags could be seen wavingthroughout the banquet hall.

On Wednesday, 6August, several more meetingswere held, including an awardsceremony after which the DCState Council hosted a Statedinner at the “Le Beffroi”(Steakhouse) restaurant locatedin the Palace Royal hotel. Funwas had by all. The 126th

Annual Supreme Conventionconcluded at noon onThursday, 7 August, with a finalmeeting.

— Rev. Nestor IwasiwD.C. State Chaplain

States Dinner Photo: (l - r) Rev. Nestor Iwasiw, D.C.State Chaplain, Most Rev. William E. Lori, SupremeChaplain; Mary Sosnowich, wife of the State Deputy;Lawrence Sosnowich, D.C. State Deputy; Most Rev.Stefan Soroka.

Delegation Photo: (l - r): Peter A. Gabauer, Jr.; LawrenceSosnowich; Rev. Nestor Iwasiw; Peter D. Gervais.

4September 28, 2008

Jersey City, NJ

S.S. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church in Jersey City, New Jersey - May Crowningand Procession on Mother's Day, May 11, 2008. Rev. Vasyl Putera, Pastor


The staff of"The Way"wishes to


who donatedtheir

subscriptionrefund checks

towardsevangelizationefforts here

at theUkrainianCatholic



Yourgenerosity is


May Godbless you!

5September 28, 2008

Children of Gold Crosscamp pray for the victimson the 75th anniversaryof holodomor in Ukraine.Ukrainian Homestead ofODWU, Lehighton, PA,Sunday, August 3, 2008.

Lehighton, PA

St. VladimirUkrainian GreekCatholic Church



Sunday,October 19,2008 at 2:00

430 N. 7th Ave.Scranton, PA18503-2104

Rev. PaulWolensky,


Gospel for the Feast of theProtection of the Mother of God 10/1/08

Luke 10:38-42 , 11:27-28

6September 28, 2008

As they continued their

journey he entered a village

where a woman whose

name was Martha welcomed

him. She had a sister named

Mary (who) sat beside the

Lord at his feet listening to

him speak. Martha, burdened

The Church celebrates the

Feast of the Protection of the

Mother of God on October

1st. Through this feast we

celebrate the appearance

of the Mother of God in

Constantinople in the tenth

century. The account of this

appearance is found in the

life of St. Andrew, known as

the Fool for Christ. During

services in the Church of

Blachernes, St. Andrew and

his disciple, St. Epiphanius,

saw the Mother of God ap-

proach the ambo. She was

supported by St. John the

Baptist and St. John the Evan-

gelist, and accompanied by

many Saints. Here she knelt

in prayer, her face bathed in

tears. After praying again at

with much serving, came

to him and said, “Lord,

do you not care that my

sister has left me by myself

to do the serving? Tell

her to help me.” The Lord

said to her in reply,

“Martha, Martha, you

are anxious and worried

about many things. There

is need of only one thing.

Mary has chosen the bet-

ter part and it will not be

taken from her.”

While he was speaking,

a woman from the crowd

called out and said to him,

“Blessed is the womb that

carried you and the breasts

at which you nursed.” He

replied, “Rather, blessed are

those who hear the word of

God and observe it.”

the altar, she took her veil

and extended it over the

people as a sign of her


On the Icon, the Mother

of God is seen standing

above the faithful. Her

arms outstretched in

prayer are draped with

a veil. Angels are pic-

tured on both sides. St.

Andrew and St. Epiphanius

are shown on the lower right

of our Icon. St. Andrew,

dressed only in a cloak, ges-

tures toward the Mother of

God. St. Epiphanius, wearing

a tunic under his cloak, ges-

tures in astonishment at the

miraculous appearance.

In the center of the Church, a

young man with a halo, clothed

in a deacon's sticharion, is

holding in his left hand an

open scroll with the text of the

Christmas Kontakion in honor

of the Mother of God. He is

St. Romanos the Melodist, the

famous hymnographer whose

feast is also celebrated on

October 1st.

"Come Bless the Lord" Icon Packet

Ask Fr. Yaroslav

7September 28, 2008

Q. I have read thatsome Ukrain ianCatholic Traditionsare paganistic, likeworshiping the VirginMary as the “Motherof God.”

A. First of all, UkrainianCatholics do not worshipMary. Worship is reservedfor God alone. However,Mary is greatly esteemedand honored as the onechosen by God to bringforth His Only BegottenSon into the world.Because of this, she is themost exalted of al lcreatures. She herselfprophesied “Al lgenerations shall call meblessed” (Luke 1:48).Jesus Christ is an eternal,divine Person who took ona complete human naturethrough the Virgin Mary(John 1:1-14). He isexpressly called “God” inthe Scriptures (John20:28). As Mary gavebirth to and nurtured adivine Person, she is rightlycalled the “Mother ofGod.” This is really heronly proper title. This, ofcourse, does not imply thatshe is the mother of Godthe Father. Many of thosewho question the title“Mother of God” are thosewho also doubt the fulldivinity of Jesus Christ.There is nothing paganisticin our Church’s veneration

of the Mother of OurSavior.

Q. But UkrainianCatholics and otherEastern Christianspray to Mary andother saints. Isn’t thisworship?

A. Ukrainian Catholics askMary and other saints tointercede for us beforeGod in prayer. OurChurch believes that thereality of the Churchencompasses both theliving and those who havedied and are now “withChrist” (Phil. 1:23). Thosewho have died in Christdo not care for us any less,nor do they cease to prayfor us because they havepased into eternal life. Weapproach the saints withveneration as we ask theirprayers. In no way canthis be compared to theworship we offer the TriuneGod.

Q. I recently took atour of our UkrainianCatholic Cathedral inPhiladelphia. Whatis a Cathedral?

A. The Greek term fromwhich the word “cathedral”derives means the “throne”or the official seat of thebishop of the diocese. Andsince the throne hassignified from the very

beginning episcopalauthority, the churchwhere the throne is erectedis considered to be the“mother church” in thediocese. And though thischurch may not be thelargest or most elaborate,it is the one in which thebishop celebrates theEucharist and other officialservices of theecclesiast ical year.Cathedrals, as large andhighly elaborate buildings,as characteristic rather ofthe Western ecclesiasticalarchitecture. And thoughin the East as well, eventhe smallest diocese thebishop has a cathedral inwhich he was enthronedafter his election andordination, cathedrals arenot by necessity the largest

of the most elaboratelyornamented of churches.Size and ornamentationseem to rather befit thelocal importance of thesaint to whom the churchis dedicated. Needless tosay, no bishop can havetwo cathedrals, and thisno church can be called acathedral unless it is thedesignated episcopal seatat the capital city of thediocese. Actually, it is thecathedral thatecclesiastically constitutesthe headquarters of thebishop, not his diocesanoffice (i.e. Chancery). Thelatter is only for thepurpose of carrying out thesecular administration inwhich the bishop, by virtueof contemporaryconditions, is involved.

Protection of the Mother of GodIcon by Dmytro Blazejovskyj

8September 28, 2008

YOUTH FOR CHRIST MOVEMENTRedemptorists Raise Leaders

In the summer of 2010, Lviv willhost the international gathering foractivists in the youth movement ofthe fathers of the Congregationof the Most Holy Redeemer(Redemptorists). Lviv will once moreprove its status as a city wherethe West and East meet, with manydifferent people and cultures.Over 500 part ic ipants areexpected at the gathering fromdifferent countries around theworld, in particular Europe, theUnited States of America andCanada.

Ukrainian Redemptorists earnedthe r ight to organize th isinternational youth gathering dueto their long-lasting and dedicatedwork with the youth in Ukraine.Since the time of their emergencefrom the catacombs in 1990-91,Redemptorists have renewed orfounded 11 parishes, not only inWestern, but also in EasternUkraine, and also a missionarypost in Prokopivsk, Kemerovskaregion, Russia. In every parishthere is a youth group, which isextraordinarily active in the life ofthe church community. The youthmeet weekly . Dur ing thesemeetings, they pray together,reflect on the Holy Bible, discusslife’s problems. Youth groups alsotake part in charity work. Theytake care of orphans, the elderlyand organize a St. Nicholas eventfor the children of low-incomefamilies. In addition to this, theyorganize summer camps for thechildren from the parish Sundayschools in the CarpathianMountains and at the Black Sea.In this way, they test theirleadership abilities and gainvaluable experience for futurework.

The most important activity of theRedemptorist youth groups ismissions, since this coincides withthe congregation’s vision. Animportant fact is that average laypeople take part in the missionsas equals with the fathers. “Themotto of the Redemptorists isworking with the most neglectedand poor. However, in the latestdocuments the GeneralGovernment calls particularattention to pastoral care of youth,

in this way, pastoral care of youthbecomes part of our visionalongside our missionary activity,”notes the provincial of theCongregation of the Most HolyRedeemer Father Basil Ivaniv. Withhis in i t iat ive, UkrainianRedemptorists are trying to unitethe two parts of their charisma:Youth, which has long been activein the parishes, lead ‘Vacation withGod’ missions for children andyouth in different regions ofUkraine. For example, with theblessing of Bishop Steven Menok,of the Donetsk-Kharkiv Exarches,‘Vacation with God’ took part inEastern Ukraine, which is still underthe influence of its communist,atheistic past. Also worth noting,villages in which the youth holdmissions are often divided betweenGreek Cathol ics and theOrthodox. However, children ofboth denominations come to theyouth gatherings and in this waythey are, to a certain extent,working towards good relationsbetween Christian denominations.

Following the congregation’sguidelines, the youth try to focustheir efforts towards the mostneglected and forgotten children.In relation to the economicconditions in Ukraine, many of ourfellow citizens search for a brighterfuture, and possibilities of ensuringa decent existence for themselvesand their chi ldren abroad.Expatriates have become anextraordinary social problem forthe country, especially sincethousands of children are left athome unattended and uncaredfor. It is in this category that theyouth tries to work with mostduring these missions, since suchchildren need particular care andspiritual guidance. It is veryimportant for the children that thepeople working with them areclose in age to them, youth whoare a bit older than them, ages14 to 30, who understand themand whom they trust.

In this way, the Redemptoristfathers are rais ing a newgeneration of leaders, who in thefuture will have the necessaryknowledge and spiritual potentialto lead the lay people’s movement

in our church. FatherAndrew Oliynyk, of theCongregation of theMost Holy Redeemer,underlines the particulardedication of youngpeople, as all the workat the par ish isabsolutely voluntary. “Ifind extreme satisfactionin the fact that the“older” group of youths,which once started theRedemptor is t youthmovement in Ukraine, iss t i l l act ive in ourparishes. They can nolonger attend all theweekly meet ings,because they haveresponsibilities at workor in their famil ies.However during theirvacations, which theycould spend inrelaxation, they dedicateto the missions,” saysFather Andrew.

Taking part in the work of theRedemptorist youth communities isa valuable experience for theyouth. Many of them associate lifein the community with personalspiritual growth and overcomingdifficulties in life. Halyna Onishkohas belonged to the youth groupat St. Josaphat’s church in Lvivsince its founding in 1999. “Ijoined the community in the firstyear of my student life. I washaving trouble fitting in with my newsurroundings but the communityhelped me overcome themonotony of my days of classes,”shares Halyna. “Life in theRedemptorist youth communitytaught me that life is not only forreceiving, but also for giving. Youfeel this most at the camps,missions and different events justbecause we wanted to dosomething good. Our reward isthe people’s gratitude and thechange which takes place in theirlives.”

Every three years the Redemptoristyouth has an opportunity to tallythe results of all the work done,and consider future plans duringthe all-Ukrainian youth gathering.Ukrainians also take part in the

international gatherings, the lastof which occurred in 2007 inLimerick, Ireland. Thanks to thisactive position, the youth, alongwith the fathers and sisters of theCongregation of the Most HolyRedeemer will take equal part inthe preparation and organizationof the international gathering,during which representatives ofyouth communities from manycountries and continents will attend.

To make this worthy gatheringsuccessful we need financialsupport so that the youth ofUkraine can continue theirmission to make a better worldfor those less fortunate.Donat ions for the youthmovement – 2010 would begreat ly appreciated.Contributions should be madepayable to the “RedemptoristFathers”, noted that it is for theyouth movement and mailedto St. John’s Ukrainian CatholicChurch, 719 Sanford Ave.,Newark, NJ 07106.

Rev. Roman Lahisz, C.Ss.R.Lviv

Photo: Youth meetingwith the Pope in Poland,Fr. Mykhaylo Bubnijleader

9September 28, 2008


10:00 AM Mystery of Reconciliation (Confession)

Monastery Grounds

10:30 AM Gather for Procession Basilian Spirituality Center

11:00 AM Hierarchical Divine Liturgy (Ukrainian)

Auditorium Celebrant and Homilist: Archbishop Stefan Soroka Concelebrants: Bishop Basil Losten Bishop John Bura Choir:

Seminarians of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary, Washington, D.C. Hymns: Children from St. Josaphat School

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Food Service

Parking Lot

1:45 PM Children's Program Basilian Spirituality Center Sister Lydia Anna Sawka, OSBM

2:45 PM Procession / Moleben (Ukrainian) Shrine of Our Lady of Pochayiv

Celebrant: Bishop John Bura Homilist: Rev. Wasyl Kharuk Choir: St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Catholic Church (Elizabeth, NJ) Mystery of Holy Anointing (Healing) (Bilingual)

Blessing of Cars and Buses

Introduction of the

Mother Helena Langevych, OSBM Legacy Society.


710 Fox Chase Road Phone: 215.379.3998 Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046 Fax: 215.780.1743

www.stbasils.com Email: development@stbasils.com


oneself in the

image of the

Mother of God”

Join the

Sisters of the Order of

Saint Basil the Great

for the Seventy-Seventh

Annual Pilgrimage,

Under the Protection of

the Mother of God.


5:00 PM Young Adults Gather

Basilian Spirituality Center

6:00 PM Mystery of Reconciliation (Confession)

Holy Trinity Chapel Grounds

7:00 PM Candlelight Procession

7:15 PM Akathist to the Mother of God (Bilingual)

Shrine of Our Lady of Pochaiv

Celebrant and Homilist:

Rev. Nestor Iwasiw


Young Adult Group

Blessing of Water

8:00 PM Young Adult Dialogue

Basilian Spirituality Center

Refreshments Provided

Rev. Michael Polosky Sister Markella Venher, OSBM

8:00 PM Refreshments after Akathist

Basilian Spirituality Center Dining Room

Faculty House

Blessing of Cars and Buses

Visit our exhibit of Mother Helena Langevych, OSBM

Saturday 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Sunday 1:00 to 5:00 PM

Feel free to walk to the cemetary to reflect and pray

at Mother Helena’s gravesite.

Blessing of Religious Articles

Basilian Spirituality Center, Side Lawn

Editorial and Business Office:827 N. Franklin St.

Philadelphia, PA 19123Tel.: (215) 627-0143

Online: www.ukrarcheparchy.usE-MAIL: theway@ukrarcheparchy.us

Established 1939The Way Staff

Msgr. Peter Waslo, Teresa Siwak, Fr. Ihor Royik

The Way is published bi-weekly by the Apostolate, Inc.,827 N. Franklin St., Philadelphia, PA.

Articles and photos proposed for publication MUST BE SIGNEDBY THE WRITER and should be in the Editor's office at leastfifteen days before requested date of publication. For advance

notice of the upcoming events, kindly send one month inadvance. All articles must be submitted in both English and

Ukrainian languages, THE WAY will not translate proposed articles.All materials submitted to THE WAY become the property ofTHE WAY. Photos should be identified on the reverse and be

accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.

1 0September 28, 2008

CALENDAR OF EVENTSNovember 23, 2008: Cathedral Christmas Bazaar(Philadelphia, PA)

July 3 - 14, 2010: 12 Day Danube River Cruise &Passion Play - "escorted by Rev. Dr. Ivan Kaszczak"(deadline to register is 11/15/08; call 732-928-3792)

July 12 - 25, 2010: 13 Day Lemkivshchyna EasternEurope & Passion Play - "escorted by MetropolitanStefan" (deadline to register is 11/15/08; call732-928-3792)

October 4 & 5, 2008: 77th Annual Pilgrimage of theSisters of the Order of Saint Basil the Great (FoxChase, PA) www.stbasils.com

October 12, 2008: Archeparchial WeddingAnniversary Celebration at the Cathedral, 11:00 a.m.(Philadelphia, PA) (see above for details)

October 19, 2008: St. Vladimir Ukrainian GreekCatholic Church, 100th Anniversary, 2:00pm(Scranton, PA)

October 24 & 25, 2008: 50th Anniversary of theCanonical Creation of the Metropolitan Province ofPhiladelphia for Ukrainians at the Cathedral(Philadelphia, PA)

Mark your calendar for October 12th and celebrate your specialday with other Jubilarian couples from the Archeparchy, at the

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia.

For more information and registrationplease call Fr. Ivan Demkiv at 215-922-2845.

Deadline for registration is October 1, 2008.

Archeparchial Wedding Anniversary CelebrationScheduled for October 12, 2008

Are you celebrating your 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th or 50+wedding anniversary?

The Church … is called toproclaim the gift of life, toserve life, and to promotea culture of life. … This isthe message of hope weare called to proclaim andembody in a world whereself-centeredness, greed,violence, and cynicism sooften seem to choke thefragile growth of grace inpeople’s hearts.

Pope Benedict XVI, homily,Mass at St . Patr ick’sCathedral (April 19, 2008)

Respect Life Sunday isOctober 5, 2008
