WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED Volume 52 April 17, 2016 No. 16...


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  • (USPS # 552680)Published weekly except Christmas by St. Luke UMC

    1104 Second Ave.; Columbus, GA 31901Postmaster: Send address changes to St. Luke UMC

    P.O. Box 867; Columbus, GA 31902Telephone (706) 327-4343 • Fax (706) 327-4345

    Ministry Center (706) 256-1017 Prayer Room (706) 327-4078E-mail: stluke@stlukeum.comWebsite: www.stlukeum.comwww.facebook.com/stlukeum

    Robert Beckumrbeckum@stlukeum.com



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    6 WE HAVE BEEN BLESSEDThe wedding of our son, Jonathan, and our new daughter-in-law, LeeAnn, this past weekend was a profound experience of blessing for Mary Pat and me. Before the service and out of sight of the congregation, I wept tears of joy as I listened to Karen Lewis play, “How Beautiful Is the Body of Christ.” As Karen played, I thought of the loving, celebrative spirit of the Ellaville Church that has surrounded our son and daughter-in-law. I thought of this St. Luke family and how you have shared in our joy, loved our son and offered so many expressions of love and care. Indeed, how beautiful is the body of Christ! I couldn’t help but weep.

    At the reception, Carson Hand sang so wonderfully from a play list which consisted primarily of country music (reflecting our son and daughter-in-law’s musical preferences). It all made me think of one of my favorite country music artists, Martina McBride. I especially like her song, “I Have Been Blessed.” The words of this song express well how I feel about my family, and this great church family:

    “I have been blessed, and I feel like I have found my way. I thank God for all that I have been given at the end of the day.

    I have been blessed, with so much more than I deserve, to be here with the ones

    that love me and to love them so much it hurts, I have been blessed!”

    When I think of St. Luke, the first word that comes to my mind is “bless-ing.” St. Luke is the blessing place! It is the place where God’s people gather to experience, to share and to give thanks for God’s blessing. In all our acts of worship, study, service and fellowship, we not only celebrate God’s blessing but we “become” God’s blessing in the world for others.

    I want you to know how filled with gratitude and joy our hearts are to be a part of this beautiful body of Christ with you.

  • SUNDAY ORDER OF WORSHIPThe 10:55 a.m. service is streamed at www.stlukeum.com and broadcast at WLTC 103.7 Lite FM

    Broadcast live on WXTX Channel 54 at 11:00 a.m.

    April 17, 2016 4th Sunday of Easter

    8:25 a.m. & 10:55 a.m. Color: White

    Chiming of the Hour

    Invitation to Worship

    The Prelude (Bessie Howard Ward Handbell Choir)........“Jubilance” ........................... A.L. Page

    Call to Worship (10:55 a.m.) .................... “Victory in Jesus”..............................St. Luke Kids

    *Hymn .................................... “Come, We That Love the Lord”....................... Number 732

    *The Affirmation of Faith I believe in God who made and owns the world, and in the Son he sent to redeem the world, and in the Holy Spirit who is his presence in the world today.I believe that everything I have is really his, given into my keeping for the good of the world.I believe that I am expected to live spiritually in the world, dealing justly with all persons and contributing to the care of the poor and needy.I believe that my own life and the lives of those I love will be blessed by my faithfulness in stewardship and my devotion to spiritual matters, for God rewards those who seek him with a greater sense of his presence. Amen.

    *The Gloria Patri (Glory be to the Father)Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

    As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen, Amen.

    BHW Handbell Choir ..................... “Wade in the Water” ................................arr. B. Tucker

    Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer............................(8:25 a.m.) The Rev. Cindy Cox Garrard(10:55 a.m.) The Rev. Brett Maddocks

    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into tempta-tion, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

    The Children’s Sermon ............................................ (8:25 a.m.) The Rev. Cindy Cox Garrard(10:55 a.m.) The Rev. Brett Maddocks

    After the Children’s Sermon at 10:55 a.m., children who are in Kindergarten-5th grade are invited to go to Corner Kids for a time of extended worship. Parents pick them up in Stockwell Hall when this service is completed.

    Please take time to register your attendance on the fellowship roll and pass it down your pew!

    *Hymn .................................................“Close to Thee” .....................................Number 407

    The Offertory Prayer...................................................................................The Rev. Beckum

    Offertory (8:25 a.m., Matthew White, Solo)..........“Softly and Tenderly”...................arr. R. Brown**(10:55 a.m., Chancel Choir) ......... “Jesus Is Lord” .........................arr. H. Sorenson

    *The Dedication of Offerings ................“The Doxology”.......................................Number 95

    *The Written Word ............................................Revelation 7:9-17 (p. 235, NT) in pew Bible

    The Spoken Word ...............“LIVING THE DOXOLOGY”.............The Rev. Robert Beckum

    *Hymn ...............................“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” .........................Number 381

    *The Benediction

    Benediction Response ............. “God Be With You till We Meet Again” ................W.G. Tomer

    Postlude (Adleyn Scott, Organ) ......... “Alleluia, Alleluia!” ....................................A. Whitworth

    *Standing as able **See Music Box

  • OPPORTUNITIES OF THE WEEKSunday, April 17 8:25 a.m. Worship Service (Sanctuary, Main) 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Service (MIN) 9:45 a.m. Sunday School/Youth Sunday School Assembly (The Corner, MIN) 10:00 a.m. Youth Sunday School (The Corner, MIN) College Small Group (College House) 10:55 a.m. Worship Service (Sanctuary, Main)/Broadcast over WLTC 103.7 Lite FM and at www.stlukeum.com beginning at 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Hispanic Congregation leaves for joint service in Americus, GA (return at 6:00 p.m.) 5:00 p.m. Soul Keeping Bible Study (Stockwell Hall) 5-7:00 p.m. Student Youth Ministry (The Corner) 6:00 p.m. Orchestra Rehearsal (Room 110, Main)Monday, April 18 8:30 a.m. SLS 8th Grade Speeches (Sanctuary) 10:15 a.m. 5th Grade Signature Projects (LD, MIN) 10:30 a.m. UMW Executive Board (Conference Room, Main) 2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting (Room 110, Main) Free Spirits Meeting (Meeting Room, MIN) 3:30 p.m. Bricks for Kids (Stockwell Hall) 6:30 p.m. Fellowship of Christian Athletes (LD, MIN) 7:00 p.m. College Bible Study (College House)Tuesday, April 19 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study (SD, MIN) 8:30 a.m. SLS 8th Grade Speeches (Sanctuary) 9:30 a.m. Susan Graham’s Bible Study (SD, MIN) 10:00 a.m. On-Site Respite (1021 Third Ave.) 10:30 a.m. Circle 2 (Room 110, Main) 11:00 a.m. Civitan (SD, MIN) 12 Noon TRI-DVS Luncheon (LD, MIN) 3:30 p.m. Bricks for Kids (Library, Main) 5:30 p.m. 3rd Grade Girl Scouts (Meeting Room, MIN)Wednesday, April 20 8:35 a.m. SLS 4-8th Grade Chapel (Sanctuary) 9:10 a.m. SLS K-3rd Grade Chapel (Sanctuary) 9:35 a.m. Preschool/ELC Chapel (Sanctuary) 10:00 a.m. On-Site Respite (1021 Third Ave.) 10:30 a.m. Stay-at-home Moms’ Bible study (coley.mayne@googlemail.com for location) 11:30 a.m. Kiwanis (SD, MIN) 3:00 p.m. 2nd Grade Brownies (Aerobics Room, MIN) 3:15 p.m. Take the Lead (Library) 3:30 p.m. Middle School Girls/Guys Bible Studies (The Corner, MIN) Children’s Choir (Large Classroom, MIN) 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Supper (LD, MIN) 6:15 p.m. Children’s Choir (Large Classroom, MIN) 6:30 p.m. Boy Scouts Packs 35 (Commons Area)/Cub Scout Pack 35 (Stockwell Hall) 7:00 p.m. College Girls Bible Study (Lisa Williams’ Home) 7:15 p.m. Chancel Choir (Music Suite, Main) 8:10 p.m. Hispanic Praise Team Rehearsal (Chapel)Thursday, April 21 8:30 a.m. SLS 8th Grade Speeches (Sanctuary) 8:45 a.m. Women’s Bible Study (SD, MIN) 10:00 a.m. On-Site Respite (1021 Third Ave.) 11:30 a.m. Exchange Club (SD, MIN) 12 Noon Women’s Bible Study (Conf. Rm., Main)/Free College Luncheon (College House) 6:00 p.m. Justin Russell Senior Recital (Sanctuary)Friday, April 22 8:30 a.m. SLS SLAM (Campus Wide) 8:35 a.m. Moms in Prayer (Corner Café, MIN)9am-11am Peschool 3 yr. Large Group Activity (Shaw) 3:30 p.m. Lion King Rehearsal (LD, MIN) 4pm-9pm SLS Strategic Planning (Room 110, Main)Saturday, April 23 8:00 a.m. Civitan Sprint Meeting (LD, MIN) 8am-1pm SLS Strategic Planning (Room 110, Main) 12 Noon Columbus Blackhawks (Gym) Main (main building, where Sanctuary is)/MIN (Ministry Center). Contact the Ministry Center for information about renting or reserving rooms.

    WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP SUPPER April 20Program: The Music of Rodgers & Hammerstein, Copland, and Ravel

    By the St. Luke Wind OrchestraDoors open at 5:30 p.m. The serving line is open until 6:30 p.m. Please make or cancel reservations by using the form below, by e-mailing jwidener@stlukeum.com, or by calling 706-256-1017 before Monday noon.Menu: Fried Chicken, Herb Baked Chicken, Casserole, Rice, Salad, Rolls, Cakes and Pies.Name: ________________________________Adults ($7.00) _______ Children ($3.00) ________

    Daytime Phone: _____________________ Email: _______________________________________

    PermitST. LUKE (552680) is published weekly except Christmas by St. Luke United Methodist Church, 1104 Second Avenue, Columbus, Georgia 31901. Periodical Postage entered and paid at Columbus, GA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to St. Luke, P.O. Box 867, Columbus, GA 31902.

  • WORSHIP IN SPANISH: There will be a joint worship service in Americus. Depart St. Luke at 11:30 a.m. and return at 6:00 p.m.

    CONTEMPORARY SERVICE (THE NINE): 9:00 a.m., Ministry Center, The Rev. Robert Beckum, preaching. ALTAR FLOWERS: The beautiful flowers in the chancel area are given by the Discovery Class to the glory of God and in honor of the Security staff who keep our members, guests and students safe every day.

    OUR KNOWN SICK: St. Francis: Heidt Neal, PCS7. Midtown Medical Center: David Smart, 724. Piedmont Hospital: Bob Hydrick, 310. Magnolia Manor Rehab: Louise Martin, 108. CRADLE ROLL: Mr. and Mrs. David (Valerie) Ward announce the birth of a son, David Elijah Ward, on April 5, 2016. Grandparents: Mr. and Mrs. David (Debbie) Evermon and Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Amy) Ward, III. Great grandparents: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene (Joan) Dickson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Rosemarie) Ward, Jr. A rosebud has been placed in the chancel area in his honor.

    WEDDING BELLS: Congratulations to the Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan (LeeAnn) Beckum, who were united in marriage April 9, 2016 at Ellaville United Methodist Church.

    Music Box

    OUR CLERGY STAFFRev. Robert Beckum, Senior Minister

    rbeckum@stlukeum.comRev. Cindy Cox Garrard, Associate Pastor

    cindy@stlukeum.comRev. Brett Maddocks, Associate Pastor

    bmaddocks@stlukeum.comRev. Dr. Ivelisse Quiñones,

    Associate Pastor iquinones@stlukeum.com

    Rev. Dick Reese, Minister of Pastoral Care


    HOW DO I JOIN THE CHURCH?You may become a part of the St. Luke family of God in one of the following ways:1. If you have never joined a church before, you may become a member by profession of faith in Jesus Christ and by being baptized. If you have already been baptized (as a child or as an adult) in a Christian Church, your baptism is recognized by St. Luke United Methodist Church. You will be asked to uphold St. Luke church with your prayers, presence,gifts, service, and witness. 2. If you are a member of another United Methodist Church or another Christian denomination, indicate to one of the pastors that this is your desire. St. Luke will then transfer your membership.3. If you have any questions about faith in Christ, about United Methodism in general or St. Luke in particular, please ask one of the pastors!

    UNITED METHODIST WOMENCIRCLE 2: Tuesday, April 19, 10:30 a.m. (Room 110, MIN).

    “Jesus Is Lord” arr. Heather Sorenson “Jesus is Lord,” the cry that echoes through creation; resplendent pow’r, eternal Word, our Rock. The Son of God, the King whose glory fills the heavens, yet bids us come to taste this Living Bread. “Jesus is Lord,” whose voice sustains the stars and planets, yet in His wisdom laid aside His crown. Jesus the Man, who washed our feet, who bore our suff’ring, became a curse to bring salvation’s plan. “Jesus is Lord,” the tomb is gloriously empty! Not even death could crush this King of love! The price is paid, the chains are loosed, and we’re forgiven, and we can run into the arms of God. He is Lord, He is Lord! He is risen from the dead and He is Lord! Ev’ry knee shall bow, ev’ry tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! “Jesus is Lord,” a shout of joy, a cry of anguish, as He returns and every knee bows low. Then every eye and every heart will see His glory; the Judge of all will take His children home! His children home! Jesus is Lord!

    JUSTIN RUSSELL Senior Recital

    Thursday, April 21, 20166:30 p.m. (Sanctuary)

    Admission is free and open to the public. Wheelchair accessible.

    No Nursery provided.

    IN MEMORIAMMr. Robert Douglas Duncan, Jr.

    April 13, 2016

  • Children’s MinistryNickie Tillery, Director of Children’s Ministries, ntillery@stlukeum.com

    www.cornerkidz.comCorner Kids@The Nine in Stockwell Hall, K-5th grade. Corner Kids@11 in Stockwell Hall, K-5th grade. The children will sing at The Nine and at the 10:55 a.m. service.Choir: Wednesdays in the Ministry Center at 3:15-4:30 and 6:15-7p.m.ST. LUKE SUMMER CAMP 2016: We are only accepting waiting list applications for CIT program. We still need campers and counselors to apply.BABY RECOGNITION SUNDAY: On May 8, 2016, we will be celebrating all the babies born into the St. Luke family between May 4, 2015 and May 3, 2016. Email twilliams@stlukeum.com to register. Please meet us with your child on the front steps of the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. for a group picture, and you will be recognized during the 10:55 a.m. service. Please check below and make sure your child is listed. Grady Baker Aghevli, William Arthur Brannan, Rebekah Elizabeth Bryant, Elliot Edward DeAurora, Auden Rayburn Dewberry, Laine Elizabeth and Lillian Hollis Dickson, Jack Harold Ernest, Annabelle Godwin Fay, Blake Weston Gordy, Virginia Eloise Griffin, Landry Wayne Isom, Joshua Mark Lowry, Oliver Kyle Maley, Gilbert Benjamin Miller Jr, Jocelyn Gabriel Morales, James Burkhart and Andrew Mills Morrill, Chandler Williams Riley Jr, Sawyer Thomas Scott, James Michael Smith, James Michael Thomas, Harris David Truman, Williams Rivers Watkins and Bella Amelia Watts.

    APRIL IS MAC & CHEESE MONTH!Please bring your donations of Mac and Cheese to the donation tubs in Stockwell Hall and the Ministry Center.

    -Respite Care-“Caring for loved ones and caregivers.”

    Diane Hett, Director of Respite Ministry, 706-256-3117 or



    Pine Mountain, GATuesday, April 26,

    Meet at church @ 9:00 a.m.Cost: $40 (includes lunch, transportation, garden entrance, tour guide and all activities)Reservations required, by April 18th

    Contact Kym at 706-327-4343 orkym@stlukeum.com

    Join the St. Luke Lions for this campus-wide event as St. Luke Church, School*, Preschool, ELC, Corner, Older Adult, CornerKids, Respite, and College Ministries are all invited to participate! We’re not Lion, this is going to be a GRRRRRReat event!Go to this link to sign up for our team, the St. Luke Lions. www.relay.acsevents.org/site/TR?frid=70838&pg=team&team id=1989238 Team captain is Jennifer Oliver, joliver@stlukeum.com.This event this year will be at Memorial Stadium, which offers easy, safe parking.

    Hakuna Matata: cancer-free is our Philosophy!*St. Luke School’s presentation of “Disney’s, The Lion King, Jr.” begins Friday, April 29 as well. Parents, actors, and supporters are invited to come to the Relay for Life after the performance!


    RELAY FOR LIFEFriday, April 29th!

    Thank you St Luke Respite Care


    Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time,

    They just have the Heart!

  • Abiding giftsIf you wish to honor or remember someone, please attach to your check the name of that person and the address to which you wish the acknowledgement sent and mail or bring to the Church Office. Contact maggie@stlukeum.com.Memorial Maintenance Fund: In memory of Mrs. Jane Kendrick Blackmar by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brasse and Mrs. Carolyn Russell. In memory of Mrs. Memory Martin by Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harcourt. In memory of Mrs. Ruth Mathis by Mr. L. A. Binns, Jr. In memory of Mrs. Polly Miller by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tommey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Griffin, Mr. William D. Barrington, Dr. and Mrs. Tommy Lawhorne, Page, Scrantom, Sprouse, Tucker and Ford P.C., Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wagner, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Ramsay. In memory of Mrs. Memory Martin and Mrs. Polly Miller by Mrs. Virginia Norman. In memory of Mrs. Jane Blackmar, Mr. Skip Wilheit, and Mrs. Polly Miller by Mr. and Mrs. John McCamy. In memory of Mr. Roy Miskelley by Mrs. Doris Cruce, Mrs. Karen Smith, and Mrs. Kathy Youngblood.Altar Guild Fund: In memory of Mr. Joe Harrell by Mrs. Leita Coleman. In memory of Mrs. Polly Miller by Mrs. Carol Flournoy.Bereavement Ministry: In honor of Mrs. Gladys Pitts, Mrs. Kay Denes, and Mrs. Martha Ruth Whatley by Mrs. Leita Coleman.Meals on Wheels: In memory of Mrs. Polly Miller by the Pastoral Institute, Mr. and Mrs. Len Sexton, The Shelby and Wanda Amos Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harcourt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Carson Patrick, and Mr. William B. Turner. In memory of Mrs. Ruth Mathis by Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brandon. In memory of Mrs. Polly Miller, Mrs. Jane Blackmar, and Mrs. Ruth Mathis by Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cartledge.Building Fund: In memory of Mrs. Jane Blackmar and Mr. Joe Harrell by Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Norris.Respite Care Fund: In memory of Mrs. Mary Pierson by Mrs. Jean Amos. In memory of Mrs. Polly Miller by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Huff.Music Scholarship Fund: In memory of Mr. Joe Harrell, Rev. Emory Gilbert, and Mrs. Polly Miller by Mrs. Mary K. Reed. In honor of Mr. Wayne Bond by Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Register.Food Pantry: In memory of Mrs. Polly Miller by Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Biggers, Mrs. Norma Little, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gates.Children’s Ministry: In memory of Mr. Bill Tinkler by Judge and Mrs. Gil McBride. Naomi’s Village: In honor of Mrs. Mary Johnson by Mr. Patrick Robinson.Samaritan Fund: In honor of Mrs. Mary Bass by Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams.Virginia Jackson Room at Open Door: In memory of Mrs. Mary Pierson and Mrs. Rebecca Dalton by Mrs. Jeanne P. Robinson.

    Jonathan and Lisa Moore, Directors of Student Ministries, jmoore@stlukeum.comTHE CORNER


    Souled Out Summer is a 5 day 4 night Student Beach Retreat June 6-10! Our Magic Number is 150 so sign up today! Every year around 20 churches converge on the beach and WORSHIP, STUDY GOD'S WORD, Do organized rec. on the beach, Age and Gender Specific Small Groups, and St. Luke students grow Super Close in community at Souled Out! This year there is a twist too! ****If you are in 6th Grade as a "Welcome to the Youth Group" you are staying in your own 6th Grade Cabins together with your own chaperones! Also, we are taking the 6th and 7th graders to ShipWreck Island one afternoon! EVERYONE ELSE...SOULED OUT WILL BE AS AMAZING AS USUAL FOR ALL OF US!

    “Souled out has truly changed my life and strengthened me as a believer. It’s what I look forward to the most every summer!” Lindsey Giglio

    “Soul Keeping” by John OrtbergTaught by

    Robert & Mary Pat BeckumSunday nights

    beginning April 10 from 5-7:00 p.m. (Stockwell Hall)

