Web viewRespond to the following quote by Stephen King: ... Before I write down one word, I have to...


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Monday August 24

Good morning! Have a seat wherever you like.

Starting tomorrow, you will begin every day by writing in your journal. There will be some sort of prompt up here (maybe a question, maybe a quote, maybe an image), and you will write for approximately ten minutes. I will ask for volunteers to read their entries, but you are certainly not required to. I will read these entries at the end of every week.

Tuesday August 25, 2015

Where is she going?

Wednesday August 26

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Thursday August 27

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Friday August 28

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Monday August 31

Respond to the following quote by Stephen King:

“Fiction is the truth inside the lie.”

What do you think he means? Do you agree? Why?

Tuesday Sept. 1

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Wednesday Sept. 2

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Thursday Sept. 3

Who left this message here? Why? What does it say?

Friday Sept. 4

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Monday Sept. 8

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Wednesday Sept. 9

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Thursday Sept. 10

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Monday Sept. 14

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Tuesday Sept. 22

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Wednesday Sept. 23Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Thursday Sept. 24

Write a scene that begins with this line:

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, “it said, grinning from ear to ear.

Friday Sept. 25

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Monday Sept. 28

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Thursday Oct. 1

Write a conversation for the people in the following image.

Monday Oct. 5

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Tuesday Oct. 6

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Wednesday Oct. 7

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Thursday Oct. 8

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Tuesday Oct. 13

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Friday Oct. 16

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Monday Oct. 19

Respond to the following quotes.

“Poetry is the universal language which the heart holds with nature and itself.”

-- William Hazlitt

“Poetry is like making a joke. If you get one word wrong at the end of a joke, you’ve lost the whole thing.”

-- W.S. Merwin

Tuesday Oct. 20

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Wednesday October 21

Write a description of (or poem about) one of these objects:

An egg A stick of gum A single shoe

Thursday Oct. 22

What is this tiger looking at?

Monday Oct. 27

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Tuesday Oct. 27

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Wednesday Oct. 28

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Friday Oct. 30

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Monday Nov. 2

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Tuesday Nov. 3

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Wednesday Nov. 4

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Thursday Nov. 5

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Friday Nov. 6

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Monday Nov. 9

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Tuesday Nov. 10

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.

Wednesday Nov. 11

Respond to the following quotes in whatever way you choose.

If I write a new play, my point of view may be profoundly modified. I may be obliged to contradict myself and I may no longer know whether I still think what I think.--EUGENE IONESCO

Before I write down one word, I have to have the character in my mind through and through. I must penetrate into the last wrinkle of his soul.--HENRIK IBSEN

Thursday Nov. 12

Write a scene where someone is apologizing to someone else. BUT they cannot use the words “sorry,” “apology,” “apologize,” or “forgive me.”

Friday Nov. 13When writing a play, every character must have a “need to speak.” Write a scene (or monologue) where the character needs to reveal something to the listener (can be another character or the audience). Some possibilities are:

1. The character needs to reveal a secret to the listener.

2. The character needs to prove something to the listener.3. The character needs to reveal they love the listener.4. The character needs to reveal they hate the listener.5. The character needs to stand up to the listener.

Monday Nov. 16

Tennessee Williams once said that every play should contain at least one “impossible” stage direction.

Write a scene that begins with an impossible stage direction.

Tuesday Nov. 17

Write a scene that begins with these stage directions:

(Darkness. Then slowly light. Figures emerge. One of them asks a question.)

Wednesday Nov. 18

Write a monologue from the perspective of someone who has a scar, or is looking at someone with a scar, or from the scar itself.

Monday Nov. 30

Write a scene (or monologue) where one character has been changed into

something else. An animal, an inanimate object, etc.

Thursday Dec. 3

Respond to the following picture in whatever way you choose.

Friday Dec. 4

Write a scene about a disastrous family picnic. Can be prose or play.

Monday Dec. 7

Explain Christmas to a young pine tree.

Tuesday Dec. 8

Respond to the following image in whatever way you choose.
