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About me

This is Elsie, I am from china and this is my

third year major in architecture, I did design

studios before so I understand a lot of design

process and approaches. I love travel, movies,

photography and design. Traveling always bring

me new inspirations and thoughts. I am also a

part-time lover of fashion design.

In my first studio Earth, I used RHINO to make

3d model to do the final presentation. RHINO is

good software but I found sometimes it’s a bit

hard to control the form.

Virtual environment is the first time I

engaged with digital design, I learned

RHINO ,INDESIGN etc in that course and

it is really helpful. I learned how to look

for precedents to develop my own ideas

and continue my design process. 2d and

3d fabrication techniques really teach

me a lot. The fabrication with paneling

tool use create 2d and 3d pattern for my

design work. However, the insufficient

knowledge of digital techniques and

software use limited the design process

but I enjoyed the whole course, Digital

design really attracted me because it

brings many possibilities when make a

form, the complex geometric form can

be easily realized and I believe it bring

me more inspiration. I am fascinated

by parametric design and I expected to

learn more in Studio air.


How to define architecture? Architecture design is

the way to combine multi-fields and creates spatial

experience for users.

Its open to everyone, its not for professional

fields but public. Its not an art work to represents

architect’s personal visual vision, is a design

inspirited from culture and urban context. Exploration

of the site is the basis of designing the building, then

develop the idea connect to concept and functional

design ,architecture acts as an essential role in social

life and impact the way how people understand

about the building.

Art is only an approach of architecture; architects

are expected to create both dramatic form and

space. The aesthetic feeling of architecture design

was represented by its spatial design, façade design,

form making and experience etc.as a discourse , the

trend of architecture influence the other designing

fields. Since the digital technologies and parametric

design became worldwide,3d design, geometrical

and complexity issue are generated in architectural

field, it also impact the evolution of fashion design.

Architecture design is logical and comprehensive.

it give people experience and visual impact. The

allocation of form and functional use achieves its

social status integrated with urban context. The

parametric world will bring more opportunities and

inspiration to architecture.



This project shows the Use of Structural innovation to create space. Creating aesthetic structure to represent the form in innotive way .

It rose up out of the ground l ike giant metall ic mushrooms. the organic curves and ballooning forms of these 'parasols' contrast with the more mundane rectangles surrounding this former parking lot in Seville.Visualised as a thriving commercial centre where contemporary urban commerce and tourism sit side-by-side with the town's ancient archaeological remains, the new development, Seville Parasol, is intended to revitalise an uninspiring area of the city


"The liquid-like curves of the design are very much in the tradition of avant-garde artists."

Metropol Parasol, Seville, Spain

This is a curved, f lowing i n s t a l l a t i o n o p e n t o exploration by visitors, it is indicates reflective qualities of the material. the panels of the parametric architecture pav i l i on themse lves are smooth on their exterior, while the inner surface follows a valley of dips and pockets, which is what causes the fascinating play of light on objects visualized through the panels from any angle.

The system permits the precise forming of any mathematically describable design, and indiv idual panels can showcase slightly ‘shifted’ versions of the model, creating the effect of an organically flowing pattern across a building or other large structure. the innovative method also lets designers or architects control the level of opacity of segments of glass, utilizable in creating spaces where certain features are highlighted and others blend off into a blurry play of colour and light. This architecture work use parametric techniques to express its materials and movement ,it creates special and moving experience for users. It concludes vision impact and both spatial design,to provides people a artistic feeling

‘lasvit liquidkristal (LLK) pavilion’