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What a move, what a move....

Q1:  Why does it take 6 hours to drive 372 mi/600 km?Q2:  8 hours to fly 4,000 mi/6,450 km?Q3:  Does it really take dozens of years to travel to big stars? Even stars close by? Q4:  Why would it take years to get to them?

A1:  Speed limits imposed by authorities A2:  Fuel economics imposed by the market A3:  No A4:  It doesn't, not even if we use "time" as measured on earth.  Which doesn’t. Exist. Don’t. Tell. Rolex. 

     Six large wheels all rotate at the same speed, the smallest one is the starting point. Wheels 2 through 6 are really bands that fit precisely and snugly around the next smaller one turning inside. The gap between each one is exact, accurate and even all the way around. As each one turns, the outside of the wheel goes faster than the inside; a larger distance is covered the farther from the center. Once we reach the edge, we transfer onto the next one. And the next one. And the next one.    These rotating bands have two unique qualities; they can widen or become narrower and they can also shift angles from zero to 360 degrees; they can be even on the same plane or perpendicular to each other. Flat or vertical or any angle in between.    Pick your destination like a computer picks a file location on its hard drive. Start turning the wheels, all at the same speed, then the outer bands begin to turn faster than the center wheel. The speeds all adjust in exact logarithmic proportion to the proper speed required to arrive at the destination. Move to the outside edge of the wheel; as it turns you speed up and you move farther away from your starting point in the center. Leap the tiny, precise gap and then the next band shifts up or down as needed as you cross it to the outside edge and repeat. Cross wheel 3, then 4, 5 and then 6. The process reverses as you "descend" the largest wheel back to 5, then 4, 3, 2 and onto another center wheel.    The wheels or bands all rise and fall as needed and change widths; 6 outbound and 6 return steps. Each one gets as large as it has to be in logarithmic proportion.    This is how Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius or even Mars are reached. This is how Pleiadians, Arcturans and Sirians reached this solar system and visited Earth. Martians made a cameo in "War of the Worlds", then retired.    "Who visited Earth?” shouted the General Manager of the Round Earth Society as stellar chuckles rippled through the sky and another crop circle was drawn in celebration. Newspapers and websites reported the strange unexplained booming and buzzing.