ACT essay - finishing strong



ACT Essay, Conclusion

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The ACT EssayWriting an Effective Conclusion!

The Last Impression!

Even though you may be in a time crunch toward the end (once you hit your writing stride), be sure to leave a strong last impression!

Begin with a good TRANSITION Don’t just “restate” the thesis – sum up your

main points quickly Don’t use trite phrases like “in conclusion,”

“to sum up,” “as you can see” . . .

FINISH your thoughts

A good way to finish strong is to give the reader something to think about …

Be sure to answer the “so what” question – why is what you wrote about important or meaningful?

SYNTHESIZE your thoughts – don’t just your thesis or main points – tie them together

Make it bigger . . .

3-4 sentences – leave yourself a couple of

minutesTo complete your essay and leave the grader with a solid last impression!
